Âfl osdsrstteslded * dsIpet for bost M a goni19 et, Whitky. c ýo viols puneteaUt>'as& sauplee TOMU Pape?. vile I m C Io 'Wbitbl Brasesud strtng Bauds, sdaptedfor Boire"., pie nies, Exursions.> Quadrille ~pat#o, &e., &o., wiI supply th. buti sud, latesa Huilé, on reasouabis Appilistions must be mautillier ponseulty « t Isler, (poot, psd,> 1té $o0MayIsp 110. >Wisitbl, sT. NIOROULAS HOTEL DUNDÂS STREET, WHITBY. Thse Subeeriber he4 te interné tIé public, Sisatlile has newir fler!up snd rs'novatid tise shoire isetel, whillétravellieawili iés! excefllent eousmodotion. Lîqiiors, Winoë sud Cligare of snperiiir qunllty. Ioe Aitogr Béer. lous! stabling au4 extensive shed! soom. -, A. B. TSIAN Wislthy,'May l2s!, 1810 1 SOÇUVENT fflf F1604-'o. lu tu Hafr of JOXAS TM? BUSH, an Insolvent. - ' Under and! hy virtne cf thse powi'r vesîtes! ln neésa 'Assiguee of tihe Fitate spd rfiet. cf h shcve uisicd litslvetit, 1I mli.ofler or cause te hé od-sred fur Sai@, on BATURDAY, JULY l6th, 1870, AI12 'cloclc, u"on, et thé Auction Booms cf tiee lssderolignid, on tise PMasrket placé. lu tisé 'Toewn of Brnie-eu tise iglt, ltté, equlty cf redeusptienseus! Itterest cf tise Iitîlveéut eus! reyseilita i*Assigunélu tise foilowing Pro- prrt slithlie Cousuîy cf tuéie, vil : Tise Sentis émst q!lrter cf Loi numiéer J5tsi tihe IStli coitteessi'ii of tisé 'rewsslidp cr Itesséil, inthlutis sstity cof (lîisrlo, 5i0 screx moseréor lésa. Terus wti lié smode kn et tthé limé et For parttculéra as te ceelittoussud- torins., applicationu uaylise moe- ,(if isy lutter pjitî pais!) toe msro.lcilariuhy & bi'cCrtisy. or thé Z Pwsî cf arrie, tîéîiciters, sus! te tise nudr- Dates! ut Bers le, liii.1h May, 1970. 10,-Olu TEpRRÂPIN 1RESTAURANT À Y D BILI M (nraAigt Rt oono) THOMAS CARLISLE,. -Pnierotîxc Tito mcml it - Mant 1-- Candide. Méats suppliés!oit LtIunorsansd Cigareofrtheé fiteit brandgl. Sol aud Can <lysterminlu veny stylé. W Parties siiiting Teronsto for sndat y ill Sud every accommusodtion- et thé Térralpin. A prit 5,1870, 14 Tue, nudérnen!liss - acccpted tlIséMarins Agency or thé WESTERN ASSURANCE CO., Or TORlONTO, And mill hé el tôcfreet Iisngrancci ter ail iiavlug propaut>' te sîsip from ttisert. C. Duà pER. .tlitby, Aprl 85, 1870, ' 14 EÀXTUk MACHIINE BILO ,o- 'Tilla 011exuls a1l olier Oit, beth ani mal andI vcgiOtabIsl. -I dw. ère lprecd te citei tisé upriity cf tlisi1Oite s il other. 1t stands, 'tie testit nce.iiary te precurs a llrât-olsui r tio, lis adaptés! te eltijér light or lcsvy ing. gt ery,rot a s lrick oriêewing-macllié te tise * veut oetiitt&. Tiso folliiwti rets psostint nwilistIL xcèesothsr Vils:IT IVILL NOT (itXliaesemtclsissry eaus Se iccpt cdean mis tbut littIé trouble, asi b mil O>'othér <l. ts. ii nt OuMgalor titien lu lisee oidhst of wcétflsr. Ttl la aqulusty est tisetlgxlset importansce, fresust te fsit u Oit nsot lsmvissg thAsqussît>'mli nst)srlonte s ce l luait, such '»Y l as'.Po uîtei luns fissted l te, but tisé montenstt It #,ue nise culs! islaft Iis cuta cssssgaid ti ll net lébincaa unu. M ithé jeuriai by fiction dsiquires' thét tempéir- aturse scosistyte neulucé b tusa. isqulsmote lW acqttlrlisg a Iigisor température by fiction, tisé jesirulexpatide sii tîhsO l i 5 jurési, It-i. ès i npossLlste teun9e4ciiititont will claili on a ol slt itéfiluut tiuis reuul, loqit 1lsemiii.. tré01 itt waté<. J. . G. teck'su toit wililu - brias #uecodemit scîinery tsiete md.uot it siaîsusles!. '£111i.01tiltDo Item tIn s!l cer tue Isundroil citssiiulstssétttg, ausd Id giviiisultt of sslstioctiots n i éi.uiun wisliig tli-y vrrefr It te ruse! ied péri cr pu ritOlive. IL se% rree froue Lise el'jsctinsusurges! îgirinst ail bthr (011%,, ast10dusse rut uiosul or frétzs. Nom athé Public cro Aare ht i t susuy morthie% lin o réufest ito éiutsrtty, lis orlon te prove t t iio0léJ t uubug, andi b susoré lou$oa i és, (9111111Y of wirus ili i ît 11s01i talete lm insff tfeI-lti n éuu55 of st il relerea as' belng iilteot witis éiteek't. extra mliteii 0111) we préposete tseeé riseare lisserenîes.l Issltrou rth 0cf oxesitesuteuetstss, te -si-to ltées, on ppllcstils, is>'1111111ior Otoermtee, irm@*et shatue li san>' W?, sdisjle f tise elI, tSIsal ilme>' peuit for tilbt. LAssi wll id#) #end !wtls Il ab féi simple tt,etaeffective as th ls.le» tutb>' mnielsels! la. kssesrssfroséstlte baoer matais, assd wh e loi ilensipaprtieor. derings oeur0sien het uaegaîliat lmimpa leno,by enalulrlitent te deteiase a$ once mbtber tihe O11 fcrwardéd tIoas gosa fi' lr" edaluglu Maciin. Oi13 miii do Weil teé outmuutcate iîti GE0. B. STOCK, irongisaus, Ont. Sole Agent for thse Domionlc. B roughsa, Maréh 15, 1070. - I TBriTIMXONIAL. TXssJessm u%& nMeusg Woxxs, - Ois$arspro 6,,1870. . B.Ssoo, rea., BucuésvA2x DateSm Oe baon béem usiuuyotér labrléating 011 for tise peut t our umontis0, andi ému bar wllou hs ssitattot Uss isiit1boutlOUiore lhm everuses. 1îît alo eisap, sud lmsto longer "Obu sy otiser cil, W. bave ruts our Itrsi1 4 fautt roisplisuor, II' ays iet@ oling. Il ketis tlie botsâ biat, do Dot ment snythluj y5 . W. GLEN> PreduiuLl o! Tinu THE ,OLD S' [EST AB LIS :1E D purpolé ~~w.m..aA.ssaw, ted, Oheap Bouse. .ND!1 Early 1833.1. The underaigned in retutrning tbanks for the liberal patronag .e bittbrto extendes! te théeols! îtabltshment, for-étéarly a perles! cf fort>' peurs, désiré. te ïsay tisa héolias flow D baud s large assortmtno f tise meut modern sud clegant Stylos cf w IT EL . bZI xrMW 3M1. 4Z And trusts by proper attention and moderate prices to secure a centinuance ef publie patronage. Practical_ uphoiatcring. Furnuture re-tufliet sud ocvreti% Undertaking and Fîunerals Fully Supplied as _heretofore, gWSome splenidid specimens of Pictuire Frimes, and Gilding. Remem7jer the Old Stand. __ 1Wljiftby, bMa.roh 9, 1868. NAT]YJE. 9EEJEJLaLa. 10-1>' I.. irich Pc U-Apsil13, 187.L3* FANOIS. GEûNTLEMEN, ATTENTION GENTLEMAN'8 OLOTHING MADE TO- ORDER, THE FINEST C-AN'A DlUA N TWEEDS Can be sielected from, suitable for the Season. S Ail kinde of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods kept constantly on hand. ALEX. PRING L E. Whitby, April 13, 1870. R66T ANt ~KfdI1SIWEW Suons Te- RAID.a WIIOLESALE & RETAIL. -NAr--o l i- -- Keeps constantly on band, and in course of mnanu- facture, the largest stock- of Ladies' CGents' and Misses' MC>>,às IOmmc>lom E xamine for yourselves the excellent material and fine work- manship.WMBULBro . 15-April 13, 1970. MBUNerokm THOS BAVES &SON, MANUFACTURERS 0F X X X REAM ALE. ff--% 7> Gem Rings, Ear DopeEnglieh Plated Erooche%' *Colored Setta, very hanidzome. Spectacles,. #&c.-, &on JAMES 'JOPINST7ONt Mardis 23, 1870. Watchmaker &t Jewller, Brook et. Whitby.1 INSURA NCE 1 The undersigned continues to represent the foilowing reliable INSURANCE COMPANLES : T1RlE RO"ÎÂL. - Capital, $2,000,000.1 «BJAD OFFICE, 0 TORONTO, FRANCIS HEWARDe En-., TNY-M- -V-; -l --- A- Y-T 3MANAGE.S. re4 PALE ALE AND PORTER. Il EAD OFFICE, 0 t RPENTOUL BROTH'S,I .Don Brewery,.Toronto, Ont. iS. As the proprietor attends personally to the l3rewing, a regular NOR HOFFTIICE,Ci stock of Ales and Porter ean aiwae deperidcd ipon. HA FIE Parties desirona of I-aviug.Aies ofesuporlor qntsiky and Por-ter equal te any McDOUGALTs & DAYIDSON, j irtiporteti, aro reopectfully soicited te sQnd their orders for a qnantity large or AGESI emal, aud try for Ilemecîves. 1 1E, - a -With thse aid of our inecasee facilities, we arce beribd te produce an srti. cle (util tise yesr round) second te nneoin tise Dominions.. Il BAD OVFCE, m NE 1N. B--Orders loft with Mr. JAS. R. 8AMO, nt the Furniture Wrarerooms,Joi Brock Street, Whitby will receive pompt attention. >ChT1fJ - a Dec. 1, 1869. 4s PRO.VINC~.-IA1L, C ______________________________________ liAI)OFFICE, JAS. SIDNEY CROCRKER, j - SCOTTISH PROVINCIAL, (LiPE,,) ROYAL OTEL.A. DAVIDSON PARKER, QA .so the Colonial Securities - - - ... -Money, at reasonaible rates. E (J2 Wliby, Jsury 4, 1870. Cuu oC GENERA. AGENY ý OFIw IT"' undrsined avig roiredtbeappontmntofOgie&lAlg n fr Not , nt r oi p s Ar d té g io ýpr m t tt nio o l m t er n ao - p cy o on;1ec.,ËF rmuqNiian cuts'edl-olce n rmtac, prompty sud Osgodfrmmrtytsertitees.'spcà "niowilbg O OFFLOUAL ASICNEE.- hsvug éclvei hé pponténtetOfficiaiA4sudé for erî e,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~2- lapéaesang. pop ttnint almter i a1kutyo JouN &GNEW, AGIE; NTmsary. ýapital, 62,001,000. JIONTREÂL. JOHN AGNEW, AGEnT, WurrBr. apital, $2,000,000, JIONTISEAL. JOl-IN AGNEW, SAGENT, WHrTE-. pital, $1,500,000. EW1IAVEN, CON., IN AGNEW, AGENT, Wur. pital, $ .,400,000. TORLONTO, JOIHN AGNEWV, AGENT, WmTiur. -capital, $1OO0Qooo. SIONTREAL. JOHN AGNEW, AGENT, WaHîîBF, iComipany, for the Loan of JOHN FIRE ASSURANCE COU, LOMBARD STREET & CHAELING CZOSS, RSIABLSRED IN 1782; GILliESPiE, MOFFATT & Co., Agents for AMSCanada. JAE3DAVIbtpli, Manager. ISRACE 1088 OB by PIRE arc efeces!ou h on t raléterme s ad LOSSES PAID wlthoutréfcreuc-et t .1beUra lu London. YEOMAN GIBBSON April Srd,1866. g T IIE LIVERP'OOL& LONDON & GLOBE INSURANCE C0Mi'AIOY te of thé' init prosperous ci Englliéh Insursinco Ces. Ita INVESTED FUNDS $. 1,005,036 Is DAILY INCOME emcedo.$ 20,000, Iis LIFE POLICIES aree Sue Protection for the future. lIà FIRE POLUCI ES, iasncd ét CORiNlT BÂTE0 1 allers ample pi ctection Oc t4e Mérchant sud Honselissder. L Ail fair cdaims Pixcr TPAit, and the nt- mo liberality shown in thée djustmout cf Head Office, Cauada Dra ncbMon treal. G. F. C. SMITII, Clîlef Agend, for Deminior- L PUBA4$ Jsti ér et Si itby, Ont, Whitby, Jury 28th, 1269. 80. MANUFACTURED AT TRE C> L amle,:0 a x Agricultural Works ]LE]FJFELSý CELEDUATED. Double TUJRBINE. WATER -WEEeL rTE XoST ZOONOMIcà L VIL 00»<V ri: --Om rrlUFE Whéleiré are noir snufaétutring ..L Ciesper tistntiny etiér aliop lu tue conu- try. ans! ie milS rive a gusinante itisécit Wélsuel wmerrontitsg tteritu hé os iroil umode, aud te gir. ns good bsuttefactil s nuy menu-i factsrécinlutîséDominion. Parties sieiring rurtiien informsatiou canobo- tain 1. by ulrcssisig 1!AXTON, TATE & CO., Mac !10 Perty-St., Port Pérry, Ont. t 18sot,169 i AGNEW H I1IG11ETMýKreC Aget. ontb Co -ý-e . F-3 seket BPRLEY, WHEAT& FRENOtJMAN>9 SAY. :wx. WIIITEiIDE, Froc1mauns, Bsy, Sept. 22, 1869. 8. BRITISHI AMERICAN ASSURANCE COMPANY Capital, - $460O,000. fIE usoderslgee! hviug been appointes! rLAgent. for Ohé, aboyé- Company, is' now preirs!te1uuiyeprpet>'AgaisilLOSSET FIl, ntp ly favorble tens ApI' L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-12w - . Agenti, Wltby. x OTUilE:EN1q {OT EL 1 R. P CLAK, -Propri.tore- sun a mavng ltst Wibéant once apparent 10 Savé e né>' ytissuans! use thé Movéablé WTomusbipRZ!elstafor s!o ROBBS& rpseo. .Appi>' te- -- -anda JAS. TE] Whitl>., Jais. 5.,1870.- - LlmnaWs. I PHOTOGRAPH S DOMIINION ,GMJLERIYO F'osr rchuess of Toue,.fuilneie'of- Détail, and! exquîite Pinisb, cunu.ot bu surpasses! 1, Having miide gzrcat improvéméuta lu thé iigluting cf tIitégallery, hé in noir tuk;sgpi- turcs btter tItan cvrrThé ne*:'* temhradti piéturé takeus at Wiil-4en's: .aIse tise i Tiuted Vignette, ie néw ansi very beantifel style. Aisythitg iuéw lu l'liotograîlshy isnit lu wterh haviug, cuhé hés! et Wililen'& Gallery. Chittetis, iu ftuinol esvry leir. Olsi Farttinon nétl v coiied. lPoitraits ésils.rgéd te 111e sitize, aud tclorés ed noil-iater golusra or india ink. Mr. Wileon lin very esucesafui las tukitig childrcn's pi turca. April 12, 1870. a.7 nWI.SO.Ns,s B f. JAIMES WALKER, of Amihuru, Ont. iV. Putasstec of thé Twin PIough- AêND A[490 TU~ uténdus mouniaeting on A large maeléts Ful1leand Winur, hie TWIN & DOMINION PLO U CHR'8 W They mill hé g-saraniteed. wéll onde, snd thé werlçin.- part grouns!. W -t irns! lddoelcil te énd le théir orders vititout sday.'. C:OuntyRiglits fer salé. Ashhuris, Nevembér I0, 188O. 4&Ut LIVERY1 T IIE UNDEESIGNED DESIR E8 'lO Ml fartu hi* -fs4,sde. ani patrons, tisat hé Shii egtin resumed busiunesat theé olul WHITBY IVER'YISTABLES - aHuviugencraas!théenimber anud qnmlit o e tOuci, staao.es!de!te and inis- lîneves!tishe ssvcyénccs sud voiilesi en tise p-émiétes',tee pés S>' Seing in a position te oucet thé onlaoet cstoméra toeret asae of putblic patronage. W- CHARGES MODEMAE N. B.-Cvéreul couveyasuces fer familias, sudlatisa. Prompt teuec5ashrtfoe te aIl ordérs. . . N. RAIr, I'ireprietor. Wbitby, April 9, 1868. 14 To lets Ossstra Simi., C'on- teasy P. <2,'Oaunfy ' il Lue, Ont. Canada. t MAnoo.C Cunty of Ilttiugs, IPrevinci o! Untarto, Peb tItis, 1869p rlls l e lisytat dilrlng rtise mutere o X 1866 1 À oeu uitSa ireakuéex fthtie aukca?, micis gradussll>'durlug thé spring o! 1867,éexteuded teu, >'. kuées, sud ounptu> ltipss, ans! I -becutuse c e msi akt tcn e malt, but ires conitei t yu>cir. Fer about tiuyenrm,W hgl tlse nemk à s"irs onnou meo, ans!» trirard, Isught nesiiaal daSco,, ensploying, rt -ilifênt tises' tbree doctess Îadmdioissot eifrestit , preusenlbe b>' (niésuda. bult ino neéIotinées!ta gae- moe.sta 'iro nie sj ise 0nmnsjr of18u8, wmîsi s l.Iducos! t O>'tiségreastShéelsoti.. 490 liémeuy hy reain,% tisé curen éerfcs-tléf, li s pamptlet. At tlIo ta OlsusI Issubeaou te fiel tise iakru.. it i>' h and&; ilu <set 1iras gtîiîug almes t eésa. I have ltin Smo -otlé. ct.Flie lssionees Resues!>'asd Smo boxé. oftîsillaIad eus!Imtentirél>' retoreil te heulS. -I nmer éxpée#tus!te gt bottes-, but ssmpIy trIeul thé mses!ine- as a asrt 3( forlossu hppe.- Titis ce ofetmine masxssiio à privat. oebtkout i n>'seigisberm andi fnds; sundIto an>'oee afflicled s!a s as,I ilove elI>' #0 us>try theé Sbsesisumae4al; Sbelleé It mlii'cure yen. - brates!COLORIO E1N iJ'E" Ibis mssufaé- tor+, hé b'-gm ta gay tthnt-IIPW ueir en-ables to exeuto ail orulérs mith wiil;lénay be St-v. oreul chespér, alis! mith reatcr expedtion1 tissu bi:liérto. ans! te guarusstîe e vMa tlsfaé tien te cimtemore lu thé qnality of thé wïorke muuaîsiip aMsi mateiiul. W Cmeausndsce the néir Caloirie Eniglue nt mork î CORDWCPOD & UMIER Taken ine eicisauge, ans! CeélsPries mlowes!. - JAMES CLAYTON. Wisitby, April Q7, 1889. 17 ANT A MaUNT OP»jj0E T-L OAN - Thé StibacriherlIoir wprépares! te Losi t e a mouno f Moue>', (pnivâte randsl) on go - FAJBI-PROPERT 1-. Iu sums tb suit herroeérs, et ver>' loi r raes -)f isstenesut, repayabie iLs One"aus, or by yeariy 1 able résuru-stnt titres, ofthé largéeî onétar>' Isustilntosit i é he miss4e, -mîticiletts uunyoos thse Most M vit tage0ns teiiss. A LARGE I'UMBE.P0OF IVELL CULTIVATE» FABMS, Anida quantit>' ef Wlld Laud!, for sale clséap. For, parti<snlana appi>' te JAMES JiOLDEN, OfficiaiAcguégne, Mùney Broker, &c. OFFie.-Séceud SuerUO31ijlals ot' ick, Broac Stre t, Wluihy. Wisitby, Octoer 4lils,1969.- N. B- anui prépas! te inveat lu ail kinds of i>éhssurcs, âMortgages, ans! cuber sec tities Greebacks ausd Silver bonghtast' sels!. n.Knoiriiug and Mi.s Clark, beg te ais- nouncé te thse Lauliés ef W hitb>. sudv c iity, thét thcy havé opoued hnieas; i l oeé st., (n ext doerm of e thé Granomar Seiseol, misère tisé utlISbé Vrmuatircev me eoalforsiers forepres! t rcingsuem fa»]ionB, .41 odersattede t ihpuna, tuélit>' sus!thé atficteùt attention. Mlii. KNOWLIIiG, MISS CLAEK, Whitst),. Npy. 17, Isle. - 4 TEETU ~EXTRAc# £WIU0UT PAIN, -ffl BY THE USE OP &ITRolJB oxm LATJQiINQ GiS, OR VISE NEW ILOOCAI.AN.ýESTHETIO5n AT 1 ETL100MBs, DUNDAS STRREET- - WifilTBY,C. W. - EOOMSX.mOvé, M. IL CoerelosaStore. WIittyi Zuuég, 1867. GEORGE GURLRY, MERgIIANT TAILtJR! CIOTItER AN» .D)I,&PER, GENlTLEMENs Gà iimEyrSsrusdé-up i thse béat .>s tylmolaest tuaissioi. -A finuasthck of Clotls renswhichite malke s melectiou fer Géutfiens inummes nuits. Os'bawa5 Mm>' 12,1869. - 1 flair Pressi g tand Shavlng BRIOCK ST., WIlITV.k w' Serrao u OFTEBEUXOszo oessa Whitb>', Jan. 22, '8., -JOHN 0CARTER. LICENSED AUCT : ONEEB1, Trtigr seseter ONTARFO, YORKI & PFEL, Lauterni, CORI Omu il MW a a ý a-1b av a du'% Am ÂVIM