ine k~ai.of ,oeeuorINSO t of fndaht. George OArpanter4l David Ti'tmmr».. - ÂrchIsld McDonad,.0 John ViGnet-h... John ffarrirgton. 1 Humgh Chlsholm..- ChefCen sb 0~....1 Thoma Uadn. Oblat Costabl... Otephen al . John DneU. J. W. Ker. . î Jobt Proudgoot.... Rpér& Stewart....I H. gtarr & W. Dolby'1 Joseph Iulign.., Maotria fflDcnell, John Ttempoa..,. M4rx. George J,ries. E, Swartz, n npector c r f stcp. Broc% Jaimes Porter..,, George 1B. Stock 'WVilliatn Brignal.. Win, >Mc)tiill...j Chua.. Scott Stiokes.. -Jo0n W Bramble.. JohntsFsher.,,. D tanil 0.11,L)ueer.., I Muiy Annri lnîour BernardTI n..- Owen Morris ... William Morris.... Alox. Kennedy.., AILe Keà nndy.'..7 George Carpeûte .. James Bukty .. Alexander Kennedy Egdwerd Kly Nl'tI Meths. IL, Phalea .... Artbtr Meek,.. TF. Cunntngham.... 0. Frian & ô oisons. Thomms Cndn.... John Prcedfoot. . . i John Plkington..-- John Poudfoot.... Michael Condy.. R.- Hopper k 12 ot'ns George Brown. 4dWardWla . Fnederick Bint.... ThoînuaCrtautgh.., Hugh-Wilson. , Jerry McCroai. John tlobinsoni .. Mfark Andrews.. Elton Mc)oatod. té. Robsert Kelly. John 'f,)onnell.., George B. Snii.:. Jaese Dein. .. James lirothour.. Nature of Charge. -D otf O0inl Pet-t-yTrespasa ... lo. 71870. Assat ntasd Battery........... Mà rçh 56 Amuitanît d Batltery............. 4emch 5, Noà -&y;entof ages.......... .... marcis 17, Neipsyment cf Wages................as4 a .muit......... Amsuit . . . . ... ... .. . Nonpsyment et Wsges. .. , ~. o Auanit and Bat-ty............ April 8, Bnaeucofeth~e Peace..............- May 18, Vgay............-6,a , ............, ' Drunk snd-Dlacm deri>'......... .....é April l7, Damaglng Propert-y ........ .. April 9, AmIttuhiti............ April 9.i ett-eApril 18, I 5lbbath Deecration .......... ..> 66i 66 Asuault........... ..... Asiacît-............April 14, i infraction ot Town By-law ............ Apnil 16, Digturlit he Peace ....... ....... ... d i Dlsturblag the Peuce...................." s Diturbing t-ho ees - - Is Visgrancy................... . . t #)sI...ry odt..................... à m«u 26 issuat..................... 7,25' Vertc........................Mua1'27,t Ctvgacy........... ....... ......apr302, I Artsse - ...................... tulse 9, es irespaes ............ f..........J ie69,16 .ià itastlt an«D'Bttery, with atnt,. ...May 19, John Soreabenge... Sellis pirituni ,LIqinwrgwithîtît lîcense.. Prnencs %Wtters.... $eun uîo nStr'y, ait-or p. in... Willlîain 'sogan; ,,o.. Non-îsaymeant of Wagesu....... Smiitim <0aspel ... . illrcelsy..Il............. ..... siniel B. ,,.b.... Srling liqisor afior 7 p. ni. on Setrday .... lIesjari Blrignul... .5ilçeilt ............. . ..... Ilugh Ieliehrson... Aassaslt ............ .............. George Doigo..Profînity and Threateniîsg ..... ........ Willittin Gordon.... Aw4aît.............................. James ilretiour.... Abusive andd tisulttmt-gLitnguage .. Williamn Milîman... Ags4~t....... .............. Arciibali iiîlews, Sîu-alittg Cerdwood......... Vraticisl owlial. ...Lueiviig estpînymont. ........ 1...... ... Jamnes Drethour., .. %s..;ault ansd Battery .............. ,....i %lay 16, ' Dec. 23,u149. Apnil 20,1870.. April 22,- %LI;y 30,s Jann 10," .-'pril 10, Niîîy 1 " 'Aîrill15 Pcb. 13, *Mrch 30, 0 Robinson ka MJi'o Jamesil. Qerre. si si si 64 i6 6i 4' di si di 665 J K Vernon andGesl R. J. Gisn..... fi. J. Olii, ...... G Leaskad J. K. Vernon- J Il Thîorn pqo & Miocwan W. Llertrick & B. Buattssg. JonaS. M.wiucex .. Johin Ilaighît ..... D. Calder & 0. Rebinson. -nin ilaîctlîff. . ........ Edward Switzor, J. P....,- S. B.Fairbanstik. %V la ik &B. Runtitig 11. Gillespie ..... n 21 day.. 200 3 00 20 5 o0 50ceacis 1 00 8 00) 1 00 1 00) 10 00) 2 00) 2 00) 10 100 2 00 25 815 10 00) Fortbwith Fort-hwit-h. la four day.. lan four days. Aîsgust- 0, 1670. Wittiin tion Jeys. Withia 21 <laya. Ia ton days. IForLbwIthl. Julie oth. 'sur? SunTW. Treasarer. -- Treesurer. -- Goamplainant. Town Trsurw., Hal(to te Ceplainasit k -te liber7 deplient Towne Treasurer. ont-y Treasurer. Damage t-o prosecentor, fiait to pret-or *te Clark et municipality Prosecutor. lIaIft o t-p. Treunraru Conatar Treauren. County Treasurer. ver.teo kesp thé r pikd'e o n*,y«?w. cedfor80 daysi Commit-ted for liCI dayg. Wo m ste o 80dà as. Commit-ted for 80 duys. Commît-ted for 80 days.. Commit-ted- for 20 days, and bonnd over., 1Commiited.t- gul for trial, cmo nn.1Committed t-o gail Twolve daya, andl paid. Richard EdWurd. t-ownsip Tresurer. Fnrthwitli, and paid. Connt-y Treasurer. Rleceived. Comînty T'reasuren. Pets. 22, 1870, Ceunty Treasuirer. Pertiwith, - Net paid. -FerhwilmTownmship Treesur er. 1Dismisse. Sent oae mont-h to Whitby Gaci. 1 certify that the above is a trup. copy.of the fleturns of Convictions made <o-0, ne to date. 011k.. 'of the Clerk of the Peace, June 16, 1870. 19. J. MACDONELL, Clerk of the Peice, . O 'l'bu ttasua ,à dJournca oa il1150currant worai la devastil ng gouaoberry and cuorrans9 hosties In choc pari t t-bhucountmy. Thm remodlepreseribed are, as fur as t me, O1(Pqevening tir the l71 h mic,,a Yong lady, descaugber of Mr. J. 1) Dio, Qeoho.c, bâti berrlgbt e yi strock complu'iely oni by a atone ibrown by -a yeng ruffian out ci pore wailorsojibochif -l'ise perpelrator of the dead bas net yet beon arrested., Boiîinalux Cà i . lh,.Britlsb iron. clad'D'avy comprii..i 47 vesacrla, varying in aime (roma the Apioetocf f6 621 tons and 28 gens oute Viper of 737 cet; s nd sonst. GRANDIIP CRE Osr.MTU£ rui; zxe-Tbe ýCrùwîI Princess e of rasis hautiea bâirîs touai4dtlo a uvgber- whbb malesO Quen Victoria'& elgbteeatbl grandcbild. I.)ltAD or Fà y4ixc-Tbe leading agri- icultrlos s i France are preparing furritei famine expected lu that cousntry on accooftt of the drought, and bave held a meeting te o0nslder thébe bailmeaisno-eu te edopt. The oiviews efthUe meeting, espeecially on %be udvlsabilty cf, rcmcvIng the douies on' Impertecl grain, are te be laid before !the Corps Leglelatîlif. 'rie s alway have been condened tb kýir 20.000 danmagea te D. Lyonnu for iou,'sW Ifiloîed at araîlway smsh op in April, l1868. An acrobst rit Iaveneôrt, Éngland, who 'Wau 1h the habit er allowirsg a scolie te bu brokeh n h léieuet wlth a hnmnisr, trled one mrtne tôôie iuluy. Vie stouîe broke wl thqust belng ilotlccd, "and the sucund bl owfnded* on bis choit. L1e died. l'leraeIlu<a negro wetîit, 17 )ytler cf âge, living on lic plantation of Mrn. W. IL. flattie cf Baker Cournts, GI., we iglms $00 pouied, and lias twenty.ivoclmdren, 411 living. Tho Engliah mail wlich reachcd Bouton Prlday leist bnoufht a loti'r froinCharles Dickens te Mr. lE etclmer. The lion. Mr. Langevin leactoing as ]Posimuater Genseral iir.hiboabaence ef thse Bion.* -Mr' Campbsell, wbo bas gene on a tbar ibroogis Europe. e7elson, when a young girl sang in a ventrillquist's botdi in Swedens fer twonty froncs ir an qiglit days' engagaietit. * New, s) a s eind iiî es, - own turtus frein the loadltig upcratic imanagrs of tuie wcs'ld. M A URLI ED . HILLARIY -.;MoGILLIVIIAY. -01 Woýdnesduy, ilbe 15tb insut., ut I l uterlyrs,"9 the residence ef the brido'é taier, by ise Riave.Keoetb Maclennan, M. A., 3Mi'iatI Hil1Ieny, Esq , M. D-.ef Meunt Albert, lu Elizabeth FetheeRgili, sideat danh'bier-cf ,Gg eMeGillivray, Edq. D 1 E D. BENIIY- At Wbitby. on tbe l8îb Juns, Ja gHenry, sonaof Mr. Chattes Henry, Whltby XMorketsi. FUWoo..............S.O~15 iprîiWee............I.U (a $1Sl bonl'y.............15 (4 11 Vous................ 0 17 ttya................. * 0 b jol ...... ........ ......80 l'utt-'o .................. .2o 80e llaî. .. ................ *7 10 ...................... 'o........... i.........88*9 Dr. ioega bi if erî.)' aulstalicte iowh Thot sverfaouid, tor tlimi a grissl,, Aie! anmse cuniipssarît. f au#Il l oas Ill ia OIutirivaiea curative.- '7h. peuople aa suit awas liind A cure for ever) aur* orwteuîof rTISCY bave usut IW.and! arc wt--leand soumise, ..udaiihe i cr jpaie& lias latitemn. Aflled ii itsconai. intl'es, or bruise, Ttmoouoila of sulisrersa iretlo.neWa, 1.rse ciiig ;wx u ien la t stholr view; The$. ioueti mni ad thea Care. une acenewatt thselereaparttilreased, - Tus pasi Wu aed lht is i lît iir rasilj ~Wî,luseg-ailu bbe 1 i se ornelw made s Crtives. ilietlyr Vhflle t te, mas fii, or eye, .velat~ilrer utlhswiue iry, » hî0alaret Curtive.1 Voie wllt si»»yanld siive nansaed fleoedyasi ait l>regglatoand isatnly lercbmo tseiiuOlfilrirUloPiu w ita vewty, sudfy"awilii a tie lairicga Allitaior the ggrraeaaitremdy of siteeg for tisa apeedi' curae o Cavtari, iiaada6isa, felnsfgia, and ait atueuenang am pain tr Infsantmsm. Or. J., Benrea&kCe.lPro- Mg ojah oo . 8l5Bradwy.N. 1Y., suld WNo 14LW ALVERTISEMENTB, TuIE 'JOIONf0 sPR'NG RACES 1 WILL 001F. OFF ON F'fli)DAY, J UN E' 04th. W, Foi.h'erticulmrnclîs-grbue ilx -PA,~ u0r'a il '5N .î-iire'. tu. w l viiî ti ois- elligilii.t srir-ligfor teo noteé, uvie for six , *lli'r, 'jiiîîsel, lroiitzliaiusi, 28rd $el tesîshr, Ilo i, lîo 1.iîit lt teî. >i,74), M inelus fia vit ut ljiiii rrýtbis, or hstsirir, sst1bave îlot r&civeil asy velue fîîn tise saune. T1108S. tIEDDAUGII. Blristliai, Ont..,Jane 2list, 1870. 8111-25 C lT l~ lltlSlIitVA ION OF TIIE J. H. GERRIE, Druggist, &c, Dnndci; Si., Wlitluby-, sole Ageati tor tise sale et Our CELLs'oATZD Prr.sTEDcr. The LIE*N'SE t ,3 wliîclsiare gronssd b>' ns, trosîs ninisisfii<îureiu especiall>' fîr iiiîl lusiewr Aciiriniaisr usrsmm ho yrndueed. 'fic lii:culiir tf.lil lunît sitil ic cîmrscy lit- filiiei ib1.7tueo vidof ciussj.iicued and coatiy rlhsliry, wîîrrîîtil isufilI iiaoriisne ihirm o t'ei ilie sit ll4t ert Suret dia n er ini.siisfie iiirtil, tiîey ii.eaU Uilie igliît nost firiiIiatitly, Lîîsîftr Emaamiîîtîho sifuri tiste Weiiror, couac a otieî ibii< iiilig NEWV Ai)VERTJSEMENTS &Co@ HAVE IN STOCK A FINE ASSOMTMENT 0F FANCY DRESS GOODS, rCOLOREF» LUSTRE, BLPACK LUSTRE, BUL.WK SILK, SIIIIIT'INGS, CLOTH AND TWEEDS, FRENC Il FLO WERS, SII.K JACKETS, ~iiiii COTONS, GJiEY Jr,. STRAW IIATS & BONNETS, Si IA W LB, RIBlIONS, LA CES, PRItNTS. AN'D FELTI IATS, IIEAIW-LUADE CLOTING. illiIROVE5tFý4T OPlTIIE EYEII,I ~ IU1L. l11'l -ILl.çJ 1~Ll1i'Y'Lk. (ND> 5AST À O5SAT NANT YmiAIZ@ witlîosst re'i]liiiil-g to bcebcatiged go tlise> are tue lie ij'esliseowell . lise bl t. L'AZARUS, MfORRIS & Ce., 2D5. Notre Daie$e rt, (sii Stairo). SI'E EMPLOY' NO PJfDLLRS. . The iiidersigiied ywill pny the HIGHEST MAREET PRIE, . i O..Sir For aay quoîmitr f amOtt. JOhilN K E 1 l,1. Wliîlby. Jâmesu22, 1870. i5 AG ENTS WANTED. TO 8ELL TITE CABINET LAXYYER LIDERAL' OMISO LTULY UAGAZ1YEB TO HA le B' - SeONor RIhm Boom FAMJ-LY A GRAND PIC - NIUO A 6rîiiil ii e wijii l ieidii Fr. iiar- tiiek'Izâ rove,, Diiliiuîe,'Crcek, on Wodnesc'ay, June 29th, 1870, Di iuo.r sa-llit ered ut 12 e'eulock, noon, l' n iir'o iivoritt, Quiiii ri lie Ba nid friô,ss Toron- tu, lfs une lc i-'giiuefd tir he oeu<'aIOîî. vaieîus îgsiiie indii semiiisentit alit lu.o lîîîu ligli eut ttedy.i3' hertil prizes will bu given rt(, scc-1i oilcmpetitiies. Tieke, (iîîli I o lit5>groisiiiî l dnre',' 30 tuntus tutu. icktls te Jsivelcc et 20 celits tîsfEnas' Creck, Jesse 15, 1070. 24 A N Tisat deoqiriibbo 1'roîerty eontafilssg 896 cres, Iei colnîinie lot No 15 ini the 141li cintosis niuiy itilg ie.res.tlic Wi V9ofet ecR. 1,lit-mire 7tî osiiie.iin eositîiii. "iKiig lot ares, lisi$si6eroaof tue 5Ch outloit No lisr tl:e ti ilulm i l ofVurulitisiu, la-tire Coilsety ot'Viciorlus Thiîs tfuriesi s'ordssfin es'celosdit vlew of Emniiy laike, wilctsla ssiqiilf trsiueOrtiiia b>' uîmîy luItt titl:e Counitv, emîd iliis ,uier coii.sslnil- if-eitiiii witliî.iiiwsi îîî luicsygoen S441 !A a ridsi ri' ý lotim. Tiiore tire over 10 à ucres; clcred iiu a Iliel ,tete 4dutiiîtioi. The ressîîinder ihoiig liard wéood lantd, wiîî iui.fitiecuitr for îeirili l4a og ùgarli withî twci tiialiiigiieilorÀ,mtuluiem, hodc uend eut bailiigpa goud luit dw Ili.ig fionse, anîd welt; a yoang urchird' tou elsu trons beariig trait. Tt i idisaiîtcse. IfIispop sy %itaated la one bleck, end willmax elisererr ortireexcellent ferma,, niso bcs dfided te mat iiarcisera. - WILLIAM FFELrTERS,. on tisc rrniiaoa, or t-o P. S. m irN souiçhtor, lnduay. GROCERJES, piJTAT(>E!J ,WANrED Tue asideroigised l,4 priipsred te pe>' casus four 0 o o 3crsummizl GOOl) CiirPOTATOES. To be delivered iliitietuly. Wtiitley, lâse 1.5, 1570. C TOT5IIë, ssIJiuu LA5O-Vic areluV5rari fiiihtand' .uiiuie. 1'eioufitbilu.ýeiiy Carm rom %oc.stovj eeoinF edciia porioai.ia J'y deaaoeig issue, W atoaa sl",.bwie. usd eoerc,.aam amieii-issuira. TheiuliwhomS ii. niiceayuuftdtbf r a52r io tcta un areiui s e eOiLte WCWimutenu,1oti'ilul fus!l Fi seurufjîc ull riaricaiul isubioa.m. tv' luci oiiaeeuuueiie>c wokn.nd a cpyof The 'e *,Liass's ,u uuuu oit f it1ciçri- E.i.'. LL& && 00., Acosas,]"lyse. -RurAL CANADIAN Bo-NK Tise Annuan Gonoral Mcctiis'zotîli slmrrbnld. ore oetmue - ' Iiiisi ~esBak iiu hoclîeld ut tiioir B AMI 1N G il10 u8E, IIONDAY, 4Tu DAY 0F JULY, NEXT, Tis" mectisso luaebo e onvemie fofr theaparposac ni oisisnittlituc e tIste Shareisotulere a rcoolutinuu aatl.orziisl.' tihe ecusuar>' oin.;p> to 1,0 tueisfor a ie-#ewif of Vie <..mrter tuf tisa Beîîk, by tise (ieverisor-Gi'iireli in Cuaiiil. î.rsniit te tIse Act iuttheio huit uieuion oftt, oDoiliiion a l'ela-. menît, rempectine Bhiuiks sof Bâukissg. ey> order ot-thue Board, - T1108. MoCRACKEN, Cahblr. Jane 15, 1870. 2 CASH FORWOL II IIETCASH PRICE PAID 2016 N. BLOW &knsN. Wisiti!.Y, Jane 18, 1970, .2itf N EW Ai)VE II*SEMENTSO JOHN SKINNER'8 COMMENCES TIIS MORN1NG AT T'HÉ CIIEAP CSH «'STOIRE. We are bound to have the Cheapest Store in Town. Every article will ho reduced in Price. Every customer sa.tisfled, if possible. Drees Goods rapidly disappearing. Prints at Wholesale- prices. Tweeds reduced to Cost price. Grey and White Cottons, at piece prices. Our new Silk Jackets at Wholesale Cost 'Muslins and Grenadines from 1.0 cents yard - Lace Shawls at hlaifprices. Gents' Goods of ail kinds raduced to Montreal 'prices. JWff FOR ONE MONTIE , PEODUCE TAKEN IN ÂNY QUANTITIES. Wbitby, June 28) 1870. MPING IMPORTATIONS 1 New Coods AT M'MILLAN & CO'S! -O- 'lie subscribcrs hîeg te mtimato the an- rival efthtle bîîlk eftihicir slrilig imrporta- tiens, whmch eus1 eses a lan ge eand varicd easerînscat ot Steple and Fanc>' Dry Goods, Clotlsing, Gror.eries, Liquorganard WiVnes;, whîich tht>' are aeterniined te soil at sîa iaimliadvance on Coat. Morro-I'Sinall Profitsanad quick Ra- turu5."' ALDWELT,'S AE Wehalian a ock 10(1 packasges et t-he above ceisbrîsiud à soi'k Aie itm prime con- ditioîn, w-luth tnte ffur et the imibtiusfec- turer'u. prtres, ia packages of 10, 12, 15, amsd 80 gatuons. T. I. -McMILLAN &L-Cc. April 27, 1870. Ù17 DOiNION T MIERO O.#Lf OUJR MIILLINERY WILLu dmà lh ý FOR-.THE SEASONa Ott WIEBNESBAL, MAI 11L - Soutnoame th undela cap revarded. &EN Tl Beach, -rune 14, 1870 ONTr. 01. . Ovarauoua, Coimas"'Iese INSU YVE&V.1ZAi 24-t-f. TgUYPVILJF! floN HOUSz, PORT '- ITBT3 R. SNOWI ~op WHIT3Y. ON..&RIO. 1. ,%.F..NDERI - Proprictor. r f sbuucrilur dusirets to etnel thinsalta t 1' e tme smiiicfiu te rr>'iberuf itron asie bc.soweuf~r-' ý sI3 miiyrepitorot t5ir <ob.i.l.Brcsuklims,andîl .5 tse amo etime. thse .aiseoe weal l uomwl hotel. Large additions - h-uve heemi rreitiy niade te tise pr(.enle eer- ung irroe esin'-4is o seiiolstloo u*Pd tecriu r. ble ,mberai c ii8tg rooma te sai' iieamore tissau irmeerfy. ÀA tumt- îls.BiieePorIar unth tleeatables lies sîsu hepn aded. ' Extensive'odMlitmsate tise stablinsi. bliausa. bouse Borcýs, Lc., have alo ""au mAmIe. Al anailigr-t-I..,nler.lgned tes c.fu'ýr t-)bilOita iFieisîdt ad tIse pumblic geiie- mli' dvia ci aspîisued i.>'uo igoutr iotai Whti4tqc!,t t858% 8l MOTRBA T OP-JUy NUIT. The bontemplatsd efflargeipent, or bis bast' neîe,.Commenotujg Bter that date, neceultate. hi.ruqouirlng à prompt sottlainu'wilhdos- JA.S. IL SAXO, Wbitby, Joue l4tli 170 N EW'yMILLIN-ERY A19D FANICYWAEUM Duhidlog gouth et the RoyÉLI iotel. Mrse- Keller and Miss Stuart reiqpectfnlly fogjjenne to the Ladies cf Wliitby and - icinity, tlatthey are uiow ln receipt of their of de11e1ce Milinrv,-e fialecMonties, Dres L4ooriaPrints, COtton», fleopakirts, lloeieor, Collera and Cu&,e lace-Bandker-- ciiicfr, Vlias, (3tîoilleasud Mik INets, Japanes btwitcls, i.leigtîons, Itnhber Banda, an4 Corolieto, Faîtcy Jewolry, and Statieorf.. Strp.w-work and Stumpiug donc #0 order. Ail the gouda are new and woll aloete-l and et the loteat f.okiôti. Lidicua wilI Slud tisat they eau conanit their 4.4and od ittorcet by caldlig. tw Pleas note the auldret.-The baud- lglait ofe the 1ioeYull iotol, Brock -tt, Wlîlthy, April 27, *870. 2 SJ ttE *T ()LET -IN ERiYUGEÂMà . iLVery asîhetblo for Slioo malter, Taylor,ý Diruefts malter, or Store, apply to- MIN URIILLIL'S, Brougbem.'; April 27,,1870. 17 N 141 iY TU 'LEND.-S1O,0O0 to lend, '.~ (prlato tsîndt),Ut8 o 4rcent Persaan. No coumiaion 0ehrgtd. Apply to J. 9. «UItDON, Barriater. 'Wbithy, Jnue 2, 1870. 4in.- It OU T Y.VITUE CELEBRATED TROTTING H 0 it a "GRIEEN-' MOUNTAIN MORGÂAN." - FUR TUE MEUX O O187o. -0 - Moe,,Ai, May 9, li,%ilflebave filasfrMa a tand Jolit1 Word', tliotol. c riiiuîgtoto. auJ promue tu Mb'a t*xhîtel, nt nomiî thence te L. hl. i, ciîaCnîbruy, and romain o!! tiight. TvUmDAY, proeed te Murtüi', hetel, Lindsay. stid romain ali glit. WoEDNuDÂr. wili proceed tu eYoka' botol, Osk- Wvol, lit acon ; thiieo tConwa)'a e bte, dailila, and romain ail niglît. ý TouJISDAT, procoed to Coiabell'a bote!, Sonder- lusid, ut lioon ; ttîence to Vasrcoe'a hotel, ý. rooontiia4j. anîd remain all aiglit. EnoAr, will proPoed to Johin Fra-ici&', Derry- viotrinan; thenco t> hie home ,'Afand, ai- W iirahtel, Citutiuigtoii, maid romain util l.This mrute will bo continnod-durlng the oaciosn, bealth and weather poi mittiag. TERSIS.-To ln*nre a fou]I, 8t; for the ses- ain, M8 itliglo loop, 84. E. MAJUJI, Proprietor. Cainipton, Me31y 5, 1870. 20 V ALUABLE FARM FOR SALE, -o Thse Sahacliber ba rcoivoid instraotiona <rou% biR, . T1M Ag BRU WN, te ai4e by îpub- lie onction, on the promiacaf, ou MONDAY, 4th DAY,0FOF JL, ISYO, ie TableIla umpled wilfsoverytthinof ethse bet nusodsoîs, aunnons bail the boat brande ot Winea, Liqnors sud CIgars kçeLt the Bar. 17 - H. NOW. anones bat eeaIopropared to receve a Iiinited namberor tpopils for- * INSTRUCTIONS Ternis moderato, wlicb a be obtined et lier reiilatsee, Byron Street. Whitby, J ane lat, 1870. 22 GEORLGE eCAMRON, - BOOT & SHO0E M1AIER, (Opposite "Royal lotel,"1) Boira ta aniooiee atoi-ritcidsaned patront thua lie ha rcrcd fve1 iâle 4t iess te tiso aboee prirîie, wliîre lie wyilI ho haeppy tii reoivie oréful-tîr aIl kiîîda ot werk la the Bout and itiioe itî. bosoil unit pegged worl th ie bout work- masitiii iid latent nt% les. . iltira îîoattY aosopncul y e>'b Wtiaittsy, JeR , 1870. YEOXAN GIBBON. COMMIISSION.iMERDIL4ANI 1 N>L ILA NCEI & -GENEIIAL ACENýT. wlisiy, Jug,., 1l.ttil 1806. 2 REVERE BOUSE, B. PLANK. re. eor - ite&go'. i , iii il frrin Wtilti.y cult]Jiily. lCver tiltttmiilui, reid tu gesota. CerofI i ud attits- THE ROB&Ie 'HJUSE, T' IIE susbcribes boeate iannoamice tbat lie .1. îîes Ieiwrd the tsnmlilij iiigtîîsirl3 kuiw av icrijtisru'i Ilutii, liil huiit buisoi resovrat- cd, reiurnimlîod, mid fît d ~ i i)ronfgiti,l tisa bemtoi'.,tylu. Tlie .rerdie> arceJilonuitty, aitnrved. liotothtdis.oPetit e.and iiiltte cenîtrei' ohe Ti l., ,i '£ie t-etwy,>'isn,î,nen1Isaut thse loteland tih V tageotî'ilr Uxl,î luige and Beeverýtosi louve tiiedoor ovcr> sîsrniig. Iheerot i perday. 6 EORGE ROBSON. Wilitby,bIu!v *Bea. 20. Oco. Ayers.9 G ENERA I LACICSSI TU, AND FIRST-PIIIZE -.IlISE-SIIOER, DVNDAS STRLEET. Witby, 19.,18J57, p RACTJCIALDontiat, Ouhawa lmceoeïtreet thirl oorimorti ottle Ontario Batik. Zo XIItS AEN,&c., aIse Agent ceidleut asd Standard. Isur uie o Cc. 17- C. H. SWEETAPP:LE, VETERINARY SURGEON, Oraduate of Ontario Yeterinary. College a'nd late Assistent to Prof. Smiti, of Toronto. PRF ssi.BUCKLAND, Ilmute,,cr ef Agriculture,- PROF. seI I'll, V. 13-- Principal of <Jaturlo V. Dit. lii VïlL. Toroato. P. S.-Nit. 5W EETAI>L'E cii,, hoc 0onan11ti llrs"t!essioielIy ut lii, reaidosîce, Breekla, at Brookls,, April 14, 1969. 15 c ENTIlAL JU0TEL, B itIIUbA>t. JOHN BAILEY, roprietor. Ttîe alevolititellis ;heii irwly fitted np f4iiI (iîriioî,pdd' Gtis-st, wili&gld cosnfortable lice(îsinoeftlti u asstiesilue Uicôim ripemy maeslitsg eaid alduttiie Jii. 2f, Isle. -4 1'icleing, May 20, L.FAE 05ýA, !. jpj-cligaisc irulpt. tthQ e;tate osf tisaeRoy. Plîyfeiîdur stusits. of- lise sillageo f Brookil, airc iicbsii itifledte 'reviît thîe sumo te , .itiier ut tise il îceniueJon or before tise fit (l'y of Jnly muèxt. Amsd off poritomas iidebted te tii. ieud r',ti 4u'e rocqucsted toes te sumio fort4iatis. C. CA MPBI<LL zsaou Branlcltn. Mfav28. 1870. flUsES da LOTS FOR SAýLE Tise*onhacrihor bs'beheen satrocted bytisepro. prieoer, te *eil tIse andermentioaod ,ln the Town of Whltby s lat-Tit BrickCeite, (readace ofMr. Jas. Wiliaee,> fl'tt Afrect, ÇontimImsff, à rooms, Pl," Il, w ouims., allad1excvIlont colis,, wtsa getia rell,- Veflfstockait withi Goos.U,. Lurrast sud F"spferr, Baisimes, soft-wsîter e'ia5ters, aîîd sa ail table. 2ad-ÂA range it f'Brick Dw.Aliogs, con Contre street, in whîiet, timere are tlircs toeneenta ot4 roorîsa ased a kitchen toeueah. Preaaol resutal $18toSpramnum. srd-A amaîl vacan)t otifsnoeJ), adjoilng Mr. Ja. Hird's roaldene, on- liliti, Street. i,5.A .e.u aGie..,.lotent ine and5 luM iltby, MAY' xllaxzsT PRICZ pain FOR AT 1 9C'Oteii, P. y. 11 Thest valable Farn, beusg comlpesed ef part of Uot No. 17, ti tIse Broke., Front etnoiusio etftts, Tcwms.lii p f Pickering, eonta;Iaicg 59 gere, more or inst. The land inlaoettIse hst quitv, and ilsae higis atite otcnttivatiom, tisera s asgoud Dwelhap tHouse, wit h trame-Drivlm1 Ilieue amnd Stable, oattachsed, (nearlyxsnw, wish good Log Baru asîd other eaiibnildinsigu Two a§matI trclarij of fruit trocs. wifIn goo&- wster: ussce-exél lest-, part besirded, -whWf gitean outi us toecti 5il, ener>'field laid cul withî good crosa I umicca, Pn4 np wsthin lb.e1lat Sirve yu-sro 'rueo propertv ia 2ý4mibea f m Duffti-is' Crek and Frsi imoni.ay utatiois, osîi 6 triles reini tîs own of Wfîithy'. - 'ferae.uav, for tisrtiior psrticnbara appi>' te rlioiuas tSreos.i, ou tise preniaoas, orto the &ab- seic.ut WLitby. -- R. il. 11OBDz. 1 . 1 IHIMILýTON