Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jun 1870, p. 3

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Qu WNI o w uIJ ie; V&srusO& Broolun, June eLi, 1870, Couueil met st thése smmons 'of th Rve, nt2 I >cIook. Ail the mentI>. P resent, Thi eV@ lu' tise chat, Ninotos of lat'iaeetêl u rad d pprov Théelleve pseetd and rend th Petition o1 Siephen HulottI esfd 221 ohias praylng fora granit of $10' 00i. th porpuse of drivlng gravel ou tbe Ot con ; of S. M. Wilio sud 10 o-thers. (g aIgrant o! Morley for Lie lntproveuaetî )ideIio belven lots No. 20 sud 21-j i tii. Sud cou;-,o! Js. <ocirs-ansd 21 Othe r fiSgurnt of Morley for1the li provouentnofisire lino behveen lots -Nc 80 and 81, lu dlii con ; o! Thomuas, Buri haut praylng to- b. tellîeved fronst th offiqe o! Overseer o! llýwbvsa, acd thti Wmu. e Dbîaponted Iliibics-ttad emrrle; sud ohn a iden luth. Pise of Wms, Atklusou.- BBiciehi ntoved, seeondedky Tià«oll F ranvsd reeolved, ltaI Lia.Reayvê b lk f e i.b7 Yautlaurhzed te, grant hi ;Zordev onlte Tresurer, ln lavor of jub, liant Ferry for the sunt of$$ for regiterin, Etallvsy By-lav, aime tise sont u1 $0 2 lu fat'o! OJsna.,Cohriue for tombe lusrnithed tii. corporatiou. HBleBikehi nauved, secondad by I F ishear, tisaI liteTownshlp Clark b., au l5 aavrby IsstruoteLoobtsln 100 copie oft tis by-lmwr, rplat l*te . dettes 0 Ovemnesr o! hgisva>e, sud s copy o! th, eanItp entIeeey overuseer eia- cou tiehln.' IlBlekelI asoved, eecouded -by T :#3bir that the tender of J.,iJanapbel for Ils. coniûrctlon o! s bridge un tLb base liai Ibi accepte, it bilng 2théloweli On motiou'o J olan Willlla, aeonded bl John Tweed!., ht lit-e Rfe,.be, sud ? hereby authorlzed Lu grant. bis ordar os the Tr.ssurer, lu (avor of J. R. Mfatiaw. son iorjhbe-ssoumo! $80 00for his saler as Asmeaor, for t13e present year,* * John Wills noved, secondad by Ti Flsber, that Jantes cOchrane procure & Iso of flonsir eseit LuAune Coldby anc Mary Sîmins, Indigent permona, an * hs1t i the eve b. autlsorlzed tg granit hi order ounb treasurer for that aniolnut. I. Bicklè ntoved, seconded bir Tiinotb; Fisher, TilaitLte Reevelb. sud lahareit & Uthorlz.4 te grant bis ondes on thc -Treasurer lu favur o! R. T. Harrison, fol the aunt o! $75 belng part of bis salary fa Township Clerk for the present yenr Ou motion o! H. Biekeli, eonded by ".Fisher, s by la;wvas lutroducad -and ]aaedppontlng 'John Dryden, John 1110e, H.BlckaUl. T. Fisher sud Jolir Twuedie Road Conttululonara for Lbhelre. sent year. Ounuaotion of Join Willhl,, aeconded iay J. Twsodi., Liat tlb. lerk be instructed te rsquest Wua. Jeffey, Paataslar of rsdivision No. 50, tLu show 0. Philpis tu perfurin hie statt. elabor on-aide lhue, baîveen lots 82 sud 22 lun2the 8Lb con. John Willie ntoved, secondaid b7 T. Fisher, Liat tiss council do nov mtdjoirn, sud stand adjourned until tb. firâL Mou., ilsinJialy, thon Lu meet ai t owu- K*5OJiW.-Parls, Joue10.-ýTse dle. gales o! théFreeémouso! France to tise -Grand Orient lo.day voted, by W2 agaluml 25# th si ppesmion o! the. grand mai! iiese et thée order, sud followed titis tp with a vote;tsit the question o! su pplwmlsou b * fit sbmitedte tise eonsideration o! sub.- ordinsale lodg.s, vieit wu carniesi by 130 ta 110. Tic Grand Orients tben pruceed 4d tg 61e0tlon, 1the Provialunsl Grand Mat. t te 0oocnpy tie position made vacant by thé. deellusîlon of General Mihliet. lia- baud Larîbiere reeeived 165 votets sud Was aeeted. Carnot reoeived 109'votes. MamUSIvoY OEJIOLAND. - The. Hon. A. Campbelila goiug tu Engiund on privale buisiness, and-tie Cabinet have, titerefore resolied tg 'entrait bat with 1 ho duty of ussking representatilyns 2te Ibo perial ~overnmùenb on thse subject ofîbe Fenian ýraIdî, It lebelieved bit Instructions vili .Aie'propared na hlie Cabinet nmeeting te. m1111ror o e avas on gaînnday'aseteanter for England. IsVzSîaIoTaun20?Putarva Asaus vire: «B Rua Genr1or ST, MICHsAEL ANDiSTS. GsuosM~otreiJuns 12.-Yesterday aflet-noon th. conentuny o! the invemîtule -o'! hl Royal Higbnesm Prisce Artumr vith <ath ost distlugniied order of St. Michael aud St. George, by bis Rxcellenc, tise Governor General, ook place lu pe- Pt- siuk's Hall. Thon. umesa large and bril- liant sherlng present. )rug,WEieut .......... f0 (0 $1 03 2uta.....................5e.( 0 oto. .... .....0 8 1. .. .............7 ~orkpurti ............. 109,g ............... 2 0g Dr.Dsesoowo tee avr 7&saLslm eshssvit Tb*#iflotr ed, orsi etdaaes Ansiena ee 9Ii 1e niae pie ais, a est vswuend A ours eg art sers or vonu" Wlssy bota:eILsud area uL ud seaad, MAl i ltier poiasbu 44 lisen *Afil iat e,ssauisl or bruis., 1:« ls oe!sufer,.board tise iiws, il tilg asotund tls imot issEr visua j Iliey kmeagle ad us Ibeosratlve. %veum ti4n 116114 1 e aU th , ati.pko~r U~vrai byq VUiearrsssdoeairata ae OIJowiur-1 211 2freg aseielReor 'W Vprt Mde OistefanBk rmostrd . HMOua, litaIMO MI b lThe Board of Diractors cfthaeQIne ai lu eubtnltting th l TsltentiAnul oýBnr wlth tbisnus]el tat.uaetd, ab.vlng lb. resait t!o! the am years buâti4aesal lth é Ucpré- n sent POilliO!-fl nsbtitutlis, do se vitha, c onident beWe!fthut It yil ul irred ilsmst, -flooyi'tIse Sisrohuldmr. il Ti.pollya ucdbPrlnn ulit thI eson o! 1869, sali.e butie ape vhloelids -expirlng Boni Cliarters mlght bereaeweud, bas'. le l g e r t d e î d a c s ui m e f o t i e n , n mon Iourt.qossi et pmtfu4 il tl'w sincrtalnty thsI muet naesmesrly elat'until deflnitelaleslutlon ibould taie place, 12 use èlIcrlY th 'r dntY te ispeP heBajsi preparesl "for stay changes wlach It eulgltbe neeeasry't'e- m saisie, ou t.h Eiereqnlrsnt f oet sue ils 5n lotion, g Tise Bill o15lm,1fr re-lntroduod andipspi 4 voniuliahâveiacceasitat.jd a large railueticn la lits Dlaeontlrg pover ;f hie Banka; sud r ol vuiiv'coi.queîilly ieilusl sud fissui.l onaly sfeted thie rade sud ontnereeos iseW d Fortunataiy,-vlîi the seoason suta coloa catre a alonge of u'Ilcy ; and ile the Aëi Slaid' pasaci, cstebliliik ga unifonîn asand geneà- frai-Batklng syotesa, lm net, lui many ropania sa uhat ilitbave beaui dbbirisi, tili ilhusbees - se rded, bYthosmoresInmeédiatolynuteront me lunchinione favonraisE han tise proviens measure, sud iàascdimcplesima.,compront- I our Direcltorm bel.îthaI und6it12yonr Bank viii bc aile ta cuuduc 11.5operaltiua as lt aumessilly as artofore, meetig tise vary- Iing rspulr.renlu o!rlthe ustentera, asd secar. Itgaarpoi or Ils. shareholdens. y Ue Important end limise een red iy tise tà lote Bill, aisider l ail onr :Bssklug inâtltit. ntiens are phaced on ternis of elq alily. - The loss lis lise circulation oS tie sieller de. nomnsations o!filotes, s'itli. cf considenable momenît to Oie Baijis laen a mesaure cuispen.- osted for b7 Ibeir 6olnx rellevesi fron thté GorninerToi'aon cineuluiop, andl frointhlie uecesslty utiholdinîg ton rer cent cf biarcaupi-, tiln luGovarnmenit lk.urit!es. The lessraility uf concelitratlng tise opera. Ifp dojif lte Bl it itit theslimita origlîîialiy s lutendei, ud etifirglinetise capital ut tiitwo- commercial centras (Moitrealsuaîd 'Toronto), ias engagedic uborniest oonluiratîon o! your Bjord ; ani 0taccomplisi hile ubject, ivo o! Ftise offices lu Mite West, nualy, UHamiltonî sur e Waterioo, have bilaun cîceesimince tie lah rmeetig. * Yoîîr Directora bollie. tit tue polici' ado pt. efi lies rsilnoed the geierl expeiases o lte lut stitution, ansiwilil enahile eBnk more SlI' to nuetitiie-raquiremeno i ts12e uuoinerm, vit-lu thtie ares leatomd. Aui utimr.tedl liat the lait report, eu Art bas lacen oistelicd enahllng a molciiyo! lie sbare. soldera, lu Iheir diecrellon,- 1tu îemove tise Hesi4.filce front its promeut sud original loa- llon, sndIlu uecorduuee vitis Ils provisions, a spriecil gusteral lucetisîg lba beau called for ta- day. Yanr 3»rcetornsune advtrod. iy bigli legal nuiisonity, tiîah hieufeilng Set Is t-i Inde fitilte, ini is.ny partioniars, to varrant action bolnig tairai upuil It lbaides whiel,'tise transies of' tisegeneral Pluse o! t ustsîesa Cf aet estensiyo Bank, la ais operation otconsd.rshleo magnitude; asid eau searcely bho neepfaily doie vithout preparation. Tlîere Elnu provision lualte Aet for auy ie- is eventlîe resoliou eaiaut gth"-poc sud tie parutionso! tisat resoliosa;aiiund Directors lear tial maîîytliMeititset a' bus. ness, n imnes vol vizirJugal questions, iisinat ario , f au lusateneUntransfer vere sîtemp. tel te eoperatesi. U tshie busiunsso!thte Boni roquires lm.- medist, action under lie ainsded Aet, il voniliil thair otpinion b. expedient ta procure te passagso! a Statuts lu a more delsiledasud eiahonate pfort, settiunat rost thequeutionm vtilci undouipteclly arne utîden tise pnee9nt Act; asici'alovislîgtiseshareholdera ta make t@Licage;osubjeet to anh conditionis as tu clliy, and otlierwse, as they may thL-k mdi. clona. Looseeshare oecurncd lu thea put,wvilcihave nov benuAily aseentaiued ah every îoint; andi yonr Diraclors facE assnned tisa it1hw I l b.suat. ter for congratulation, that after ainple provis - ion Jis been mae to cover the viîols o! tue9 lo*fes,,frnt ads and doubtai deits, the iqt o! $116,000 stiliiremnis ta ithe redit ot ihe re- serv-e uccouîiit-eqiîailise lgitI aud titro quartl- ens "Ircntt, on tite puli npt capital. O1'iîr instors takj ettoun te liti saylngr, tliat! the. louss occurrsig duritîgthse pael yn, ois the current tnisiactions t lhe Bank, bave beau muchIetoixaler titan buul. A veny caneful inspection o! lia affaira oftite Iiink, as u lthe branchas, bc,& jnst beau ezîs- pl.tai iy tbe In.-pectur ; and we are happ'y lu report thiltîs erytlîing vas fonnd outlas tory sud correct.9 1Tii, Casiior snd difforeut Managers have perfonniasi themrspective dîttiesho iMis, entiie Îatisfaetiioi ovyo-ir Board, sud vo think are fuli entitied ta yonr tisauka. TE:. pifiitm ai laisI yean, ciletetuepymo etil current expoSes, anîd - r litukiig îroviiolstsor itrest ou eosts andsiutnt on. ti. fisuus, ins........... $200,579 51 To muiets add balance ut credif ofproflt and los& trinm lamI year .....00,416 78 Ap;iropriutinn fromne - serve fondis..... l.... 75,000 d0 - -844,998 29 lViiici liasbceu aip- proprntesi mstoi- lova ; To pqyrneist o! divideusi, lut uf Irceinber.S .$80,000 00 To divIdeusi payable ist Ontarlo Bank, Boviuauviile,Jae,10. 2 Gonoral Statement of the Af- faix' e the Ontario Bank, aa on Tuesday, the 8lst day of may, 80 AIS 8FYT 3 Auid, elver snd Provincial Notes.$ 919,258 02 Gerrnt...cuntii . 06,002 60. Balances due by other Banks,.86,92 di Neotes asd Cheques ofotier isuis 156,767 40 Sot» sd Blis4,M4,602 87 Capita Stogi ............... ,000,000 Cireulaition.,............. 1,29,0 Deposhta not on la- terest., . '.-..1,87,101 80 Deposits on lntest 858,018 Do-'0,281,119 92 lialances duo toluhier- Rani'.., ;7,"o8 as Diîldond No. 24, payable lstJsne 601"o filsera's Fond.......11,00 Intest sud î;Lâîseisag isrred., 24,611 -10 l'rt #i sd 1.......... ..59996 il Jlo*mnubiot 8.1mal, 1870 24. (CÂ$H FOIR -WOOL T» IlIG6T CASH PRCE PID IG* m. BLOW & SON4 Tiio 'Iilla] sas te uat purel o!, sale appiy tl or teo?,Il.MA N ROA CANADIAN B&lçK Tne Anisait général meeting or-théeSbarahold. ere e! thé Royal Canadlen Bank yl b. held at their- az,,ou ouus0wor 1, 4MDÀ, viDÂY 0P JULY, NEXT, 3wsroog.- Thie meeting la also convened forthepurpo o( subtnlttlngtt h, sliarchldr a re»olnion authoritiig th e cessoary #cste tbchotakeui ter a rénoval ibo he(.harer of the Batik, by the Goveror-eierol lu Cipunil urgIaanî Wteh Act o! 1h. lest Session of tl7Dominion lis meutt, re.m.ecing Batis end Baiking. By order o! the Board, THO&. MoRACEEN, Casher. Jane 15, 1810. 24 fAY MAUX STRAYpD, Strsyed fron t th.prme olu iThcs. Parratti l't No. 3. lot con. Rlach. Marks-Star on foreliiad2 black matie anîdtell, white spots On thoilieuidrm. Àuyeue findlîggsud resnrning thé mutnie ta tiie ufderslgnd, vIll lb. mtably rewatrded. TIMSPABRATI. Eeaeh<,Jue 14,1870. 24 The unA.erslgned taionaes teIntonin .11 par-- ties, wltoso tccotintà are nos' reîitititug over duo. tliit lie will rcqulre a settle- aient Qjf the sanut y th IRBST DAY 01? JULY NEXT. The uontemplated s'îlargement of bis buai- nessi, commtnsîiug aiter tiat date, necessitates M&s requiring a prompt settlaitîtnt with oui- t0mars. --. . 1Wihiby, June 14ti, 1870, JAS.Im s'Amo.1 A GRAND A Grand PIe-14ie viii b. held lu Mr. %ar- trlck's Grove, Dutitem' creek, on Wedneeuday, 3une 29th, t870, DinLer vil be served et 12 o'clock, noon, Lubar's favorlte uadrille Baad frontTotop- te, hum becu angaged for the. occmion. [~Varlibus games sud amusements vwiii ek l]ace tirongliont the day. Liberal prime wil! bp givon the amoesful competitors. ýT1ckets , <dntti sig W grounds aud dinner,) 80 cents ecb%. Tickets te Juveuie at 20 cents Duffina' Oret, June 15, 1870. 2 TRE PUBLIC EXA8ZINATION TOWN SOHOOLS WILL BEi IIELD AS FaLQW8 - GrammarS cheol, Firet dlv'us Tues dity, the Z21.1 luit. John.sît and Anderson.5t. Wednemu day, the 2ud anst. leury4st. Thnrsday, 1he 23rd tuai. Grammar-Ochooi, Second dtv'a. Fr1. dat, the 242h ani. WITe ex'amltiaticn viii eomme3ee each day ut lsult.poët one o'clock. gW» The Publie are rsspectfnlly invited to attend. G. IL DAItTN ELL., Clîsirinan Board Scaoui Trustecs, Wbitby, Jnne 15, 1870. 2 000K AND DISING-ROOM GIRiL Mpl i-XR. ALEXANDER, at the Osotarlo Imotel. Jeu.es, 1870. -2 M. »LAW Auuouncss tiaslaeI prepared to reesire a lmlsad anubir f.pupils for- Ternis modorert, wviil eli o htalned as hberesidence, Byrn otract Wbltly, Jane lt,41U70. 2 G""GE ÇAMMRN, BOOT & 8110E IIAKER, leg t. o Ues tebisfriands sud patrons buss hu lime rove lsbusiness te thé aie, wbevere lie viiil bc b o eeiv ll k"uWset iiii o u 8eed sud ,wrefbbeîeî C;psL ;77 =-untehly »li WtyJune $t 1079, CThallWul for pa4t, patroni Hloop S"it reduced 10 to'25c. oes, -p gaey Goodi reduoed t t 01pie, ever in Wlakby,send Ilsetho continue. to auuul aele Je>',ire o! ovory description, iuclodlng Sideboards, Sofas' LOpo-1, ockdug Chais-s, (valth sud vithunt rockers), Drsving roont, Parior, sundre*#rontSoto, &o,-, eai an-. facLurod o! Lb. beat maLerial, sud Onimlsed un a superiir anci Wo-kiiinlike msnncr,narpased by suy aisailar estabishment lunte bruesi Doit-n ion; alh utof mw " ih o s prop aroci tedipose-o ! ast inpre cedot edl Locw , Prices, lfor Cas 'h! wE VER Y ÂRHOL)J WARRÀNrnSD. Thacie wbo boy earhy osa nom buy obesp. -ITPIIOLSTEUING 0F AËLKNS DONE IN TEFI BEST fMNNE. XLTINX> a 1IL B. ]MXIVW G-, A&ND £UNERAILS FULY BUPPLIED. PICTURES F RA MEDY .And splendid frames of ahI kind,"ov91 aud sqwre,-to lbe had oun-te premises. OeIl sud examne th îe stock, and whethter you bu>' or nul, you wil» be beart- ih velconte, sud receive every puite attention in înspeclîng ait 2h. beautifiti goud on Lit prinesa 'J'AS.0-H5 .SAM O! DROCK STREET, -WHITBY. JW' DAVIES'S Creant AIe vanite uindcrueath-theprentise, sud forale viiohe- sale, of mitich, the undersigued acte s s aent:. Aprhl 11, 1870. &TAS. H. SA!M0.1 SEIFRÂKLNG RAJ 'R, MANUPAOTURED BY B-ROWN #c PATTER-SON, W- nPVT, MN"rA.mc__ WE DEFYCOMPETITION Sixteen yeara practical cxperience lu the Manufactureo iepeandM erat- fiee us that the "1Johnston Selt-Raking Eapr fi efr in advance of any other Machine made at the present day. We bave juat introduccd 12 into Canada, and man- ufacturcd a limited nutuber the paît season and au yet are the only manuifacturera. 'Ihis season our Machines viileuabrace sucli entai improvements as a ycur's expenience in the 'manufacture bas suggeated. Strongly and durably buit. The best material used lu ils construction. 12e nia- chineiy tbe most compact and durable. The leaat lhable to, get out of order, The combination ci vood sud irou in the finger bar, makes it the most perfcct o! finger bars. The.aeat o! the driver, located ontaide o! the drivlng-whacl, so, balances and relievea the filiger bar, that it isla lamable to sag or break than that of any otber machine. O)ur Seifflake la the moat perfect ever invented, and consista oi five Rakes revolving around an axis close f0 the di iving.whael, so placed as to be entirely under -the coutrol of the driver without stopping the teana. It cuts and delivera tanglad, crinkled, or lodged graiu rapisily and iu good shape. cuis a six feet awatb, vîtb as litt1e draft as a light four feet Mower, and no aide draft viatever. 12 cuLs easily, vith a cosamon tesa, front flfteen tou twenty acres per day, sud has cnt one hundred and forty açres in seven days. It is manufactured cor Reaping only, because iL bas beau demonstrstedl that a sapa- rate Reaper and Mower viii hlut to eut mors gras and grain, thau two Combined Ma- chines, sud costa much lens in the aggregate. Beaides, a searats Machine is lesa coin- plicated tien a combined oue; lae hable to get out of order, aud is always ready for work wilhoul tue trouble and delay of cianging from -one to thse other. This Reaper bas been lu succemeful operation only fiv. years, but 12e many auperior points of e'xccllcnoe have won for 12 during tiat tinae a mulîtitude of friende, and a po- sition neyer before etteiued by eny harvester lu ao short a tinte. For the lirat two or Ibre. years iL vas contparatively little kuownu; but during the pa4t two seasons ah vas widely inlroduced throughout te principal wheat-groving sections uf the land, and gained a popularity unprccedcnted lu the history oFkeaping Machines. ITHE HARVEST OF 1869.-OUR RECORD. Fo aue yearsa bre basnotba n vawen in huba uso bai s condition f or g srvasîieg m e e l s. Tic slrsthmbeau ty ei0 y iteaey, biukcn sud bel> h .td, the a y v0l etngl.auiyo!23 ifrnt machines 20 vosk c u s rftync ti , baîea u ld L an et u cs!lj fa iin t iste faruning public c nc ve m on u I at 21e asi b a> era s e>' n oid a omplC. n s e i l i s an ot roaaiMigrain. 1 whitby, May 5, 1870. M UNY 'l LQAU, On u aaipic3eay only, B. J. MACDONELL. FO R 5ALE OUTt"LET. Lot No. 1, 102h con. :Mars, 200 acres 100 se» clared, iewed log houée, eomntitom sud vei fitted up, gcod log barnasd extensive gtabllug, end otser outbnllngs necessa, aiSe an excellent bcsrlng mrhard, "il-elay l 0na $rng rek (neyer !alllng) erosslg thi lot, froI-rate oilose tb Cinrcee, Sechool, Mille,à0.soareo aIl road7 for loeg. logoep th a spu lu W OvU of vater clu Sulieben dex Ti.10 1 lin4 nj <roui Atieniy, ild6 miles front Mlsl. For partlalas apply £0 IL. MM.ay, or Joha bis MARIs. m.g ALET, mark%, J. T, LAWE,,Wlacm»oo ar .00t, a couplIe of veeke iVo, a Pockst Book .eontslog ome laspersof ni nuete su oe bel tise evu r evA r rd vih beuraafsu Ay pumsa returnlngtsbe me oldofes Whfb, 7', June$8, 1170. W&4b, d cdJq00t ayIs,1ade m, s u ]ZWNêPATTEEsoNf. 15 A V ue' laletlou, adapted te tise vanteào lie Farier, Meroas-t or Meebaule. LÀ-CROSSE CLUBS, .Fatrulsied oa siortat aaoume Cricket. Base-Bail Clubs, Supphieat Toronto Prie.; Agnc o "odansevlng MachIne,5f G00.BENUOU, aigu o! 1i led Book, Whitby,'u 81 160. one of th. Opticenas 0 e A lrnof l'ARU$e JMORRIs & cO.'0 viii 1>e at hhe',store. of tisir agent, Ms, Jau ;"1 B, GRE, Wli1tby, on, te ms hlm lus tillai diS el sighEs. -. mes bir thse date, Ssturday, Jane ie et70 -Piao âmne 88 o em lprice. .w1ohnaIopria :>]DUCE TAxk;il N T AIl NOW OPEN, WITH>A,,SPLjENDID ÂS8ORTMENIT 0 XAJLTOI,. G Me>' 11, 1870. DOMINION WAIIBROOMS. OURI MIULINERY1 Show Room 'WEIINESIIÂY, MAI1 LOWE$- & POWELL. SPBING IMUPOTATIONS N.ew Coods- AT M'MIIJLAN & CO'S! Tite abscribeia beg Lu ntimaI. 2hS arr rival o!fLiae bulk o!tiar apriug iis,.porta.- iouhcsemubracls a lera sud .vàrWd- ssor ntn f Stapie ar FFeu yýýD » --,ý Goode, Olutblug, Gro.erles, -.Li4noMA~ Winas., 'viicibty arote 4uiinned bs a a sual adance on Coaf, xori'o-I8nSh1 IProfitsansd qick Bey--" W. have, lu stock I100-packages o! lhe ebove .elebrated stock Ahe lu prime con-ý diLion, viaicbt ve uSer ast1the maUfa ' tnrar's pr '.ce inlupackages u 0 1 , "1, ansd 80 gallous. T. I McMIlLAN CO .Aprih ,1870.,f O'DONOVAN'S CARIIAGE -Fi ou (BROOK STREET, 1 Wilibe found a large Stc Biggiçk.,ote newest styles sud1 moempyd al the mater!*l usE Tise pnderslned, balligpu *Mear. lobis sud Trens.ne -- for the Mocbe Pafeit«1plongh, point, Ileii4>to cmli tb. atteniton ac!f enm sto tise mea., B'tise use o the Fatsnt 1'lough Point Fane,,clineau à,clsilg of tvo hundred pet cen lu tise leur, Tise moveable Point only mects Ive cents. Tise erdiuaxy Flonght-Slaro -catao "70 ents. Openshors viii lust tqomi-a ont e"St l eait i!tise moveailo Pointa, tis éffMI0cthu e ssvanDg refeirrod te.-ý Save money and ns.thiseoyaLble Points.* GEORGE COLLINS, Andieye Janie lot, 1870, Sm 22 1ONRY Té LEND.-$1o,00 ho bnci, ii(pnivate Iunds),al-8ger cent par anaunt. No Polissiu cargesi. 4pply to J. IÇ GOUCDON, Barristes, ROU TE OF THE CELEBRATED TROTTING [O5 "GR1EEN 1MOUTA.IN 3MORGAN.il FOR TE£ SEABON 0Fr187. -- Ittoitàv, mal 9, bc3i eu aysbis home Stand Josnardlo tel, b sluington,aend pnocee te, Msyee's listel, at snoota; lsen stu I. Masoni's, tbry, aud omi al lht. Te &-r, roe.dte Muta'ii hou, Lindisay-, sud rentai=14il 10194t. WEDMRu5r4r, vilh proceci o'Ycrels'hotel, Oak5 Woodi, et noon ; tsnce te Couvaiys 'hôatel,- Mouillasud rentais ail nigit. TavsisuÂ, pruced ci Caiaboelishôtel, Sonder- lsutld, nt noon; tisence tW Varece's latel, '>Çbosauhon, and remain au i ngi, FaxuÂT , prooeed tu John Fraracia', Derr- wie~tnon; thence Lu Isda honte stand, eit Wand's isotai, Csnningtou, sud roain untîl Moudsy mornlug. W-' Tue route vil b. continnacidnuiug TEM tisra&f«4,5P; for. tes-m - auintnMa5, lm1.- -- 20 SLD'ABLE FAAM FOR SALE, Tise Subacriber bos receivoci inatructions froul, ME. TU011.48B#BOWN, $c ssIi huy nphb- li'o aond, ou tisa pianlaes,don MONDAY, 4th DAY 0F JTTLY, 1870, .4v 1 u'ctocg, i. Thal vsluiile Farm, belng compo et o!paut of' Lot N'o, 17, ithte Brokens Front aiuaessiuu o! thie Tovnahip o! Pickering, cunta*-ina' 5 acres, motre nfae. The baud is of isla hat quaihy, sud in a hi ghi sate ofcnltivaiiou, there is a goosi Du.Ilin- Bouse, v-U frane Diin Ilbusoand Stablemttachecl, (nearis -1vT vitis goosi Log Bathan sd other onthuildings. [Tmp âallahi rcicip»!frpil trees. ;vitlïgood water; fencsaa excellent, pari boardec, ivth getesaud srsto eaob field, every fildcilaid out viii goocirct-cefnces, put up vitltin tise1maI file yeas Ti pro et a2 miles front' Du lln s ' r e ia n d uen c e n s% y st ll n s aud 6 ues fron théetoma of!-Wlty, Terma e.sy, for fnktber pArtiulrsappy to TitisasBnouou thi eniacor to.u ni, sciiben, et;Wlaltby. L7ItAiKs r 4uctzone, Pickernug, May soi,1670. td2 -BEEP STUAYED-Fnojnthee ieiance o!' lie nndcsigued, rear o! the 8th conces- sion of Whitby, near Asshun, e Ewe snd tro eambe, (Leicester). Assy person re;- tu ning then. on giving such iuformatiun a* vahl leasi te thair recovers-miii b.' muitasly e- murdesi. M1ay Pi, 1870. 21 - J.laATENOTIE.-A1 persons bhsving - ne2 amsgainat tise estate ofte1ev i'hyhandar Sue t, o! lie village of Brooklne are bereby notilfeci te presn. tis sniW elitan oS theu nndcnsined o60ulonbafore itisecfa day oS Jiily uaext. Andi ail parions indcbts to the. Mad sci tais are ranueoted 41tb o t âme forthimitis. - -. 8. M1. THOMAS, =,;tm C. CAMéBELIý Bnookliu, May 28, 1870. 2 Ille Wrdaembee'a of ONZjRI PA)MW MVTYAl ifm For tie Pnî7eeeof regaiving tlo gfflrt of Dinemto, ~ tîse uleelon o! a nov Bard o! Dir- towrs, aid othir busness aepAeçd villathe Coiptuy, vilie lield. pur=Aat tse djonra- meut, at - il e on hal, 5a b. Tom o!-o Aî2 u'clock, p.nm. L.- FAIRBANKS, Jr, Hesd 0"e, Wisby, erea7 May 30, 1870. 29 H GSE kLOTO"' FhOLtâr s mn. rrauIT~ J IUGI~~ 'B!',) 4s11 fl, I8~0, - - -May Ilt -18M 1, 3 1 ý 1 JU kl. 1 ý 1 ý

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