Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jun 1870, p. 2

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ONLY $150 CENTS A iii WbIt~', Tlnrady, ane16,1871 litM. HOeUMo, Offcii u ges snthorlss» c10 sotS oacetfor th sifiet sud giise reesipte -,sud aloo, 5o st for th.euteovry o! ecconail pladn lu bandafor collection. Tihe lis Chiei Dicb.ua. The ahuomeasof th. sndden dest of Chérles»Dloua1 the grecs movolios, i baes al horadddovin tie venld, ani la ili quartss, It 1bas eréetsd îhs mo profies«4regrait, -QOnWedn.ai elvnulu thb.m fi t., vbila autemsslulng a Party>a dinner, At bis residenos adibil, -Ïes Rochlester, Keu%, ho vassuddooaly niai vus anu attack sperelysissa udasbort, to hi. bain dm nacouscions sssle. ThI biphat tmédical akili vwu proupti>' la a#- tendeuebut Ailvas nuevailiug, Mr Dickees asver recovered cousclouus sud ezplrad about beif-pass si P p. 0, Thursda>', the Oth lm. Mr.* Dicben remee bis 58th juer lu February lest. Et vas horm lu Februar>', 1812, At the miii- tory station of Lsundport, uesr Portsmuthî His feshar, Mr. John Dickeus beld a goy. ornaient sppolatuetsutt tbat place, wbhl b. resigued &(ter the terrnusion ocf iS coutinental var, imd ceame to Loudot, vhsre ha beamne conuetcd vitb the mes tropolitsu piessa, as a reporter. Cheu Dickens aecslivd tho Birutrudiments of hio éducation ai Chathaum. Hie father choc for hi. the profession of liravsd, et su sari>' &ge, ha vas piaced il u a aoruey'o cofice. Youpg Dickens badl, bowver, et. lelued a grecS tassa for rasdiug sud liter- ay pout an1sd soon fbonud that the duil routine of office vork vas nos cougeoisi to bis spirite. H. loft Ibo levyer'à deak for lise uavapaper prou.- Ha iras obsiusd an «Sugagsnt lu cohusection vitb tise Mrror of Parliament. Hi@ecarl>' efforts, ua reporter, voe so suctemeful that ho vut accu takou upeu lb. staff of ihe Mornlng Okronfr2e, thon lunlbhe igisof ,ltarepu- tation Asas s ret-chas paper. Hi. lsleott soocu made hlm couspic'non amongat the stafft sc munis en ibalvisnacau> meeting vas b.id, cf vhiohi 1wvasdeaiabletu fer. s- a aih apscli'rapomt, Dicktens vu lavar,. oumi ersuavsuis- us.vors. ,- '=*"worâr ut- cf lhé-repontev bsd, s hat ime, te b. .cooiu pliais.d soder she grossasdifficulsisa, Dicheus hîmesîf busgvan usci.is eper. ies after bis cvn Inimitable manuer. He "I veut luto th. gsbber7 cf thé lieuse of -Cotr.,noam nspîrllsmuatury Ireporter Îlien 1 vas a boy net sigliteun, aliiti ftotei lite r earscrvice .sud I have Purmaed the calling of Ilreorter utider olouristsucea etilîlili moiaetmy brotnet ainotulu lgludbure csuinoniaeuqute ueoncptl'u. 1iyiateon trausaribed fur Ibis plutur froun uiy iortlettd suetts important pu4lle speeches ua iil tîcl o strictent oucoursoy vas required, sud a tititaku lu wiîels would have beau tea àyoutug insu aev-reiy comnproiilug, writiug oilte painj Of uiy bontd y lte liggt et' a dark auterli lu a îuetcbI'4l-Ucd.feur, gislloelui troagli a wlld Mos nser lu tie of t't 0o aiglt nstithe ti auirpmigrite1940f fiftniien mai)eux our. lThe veîY lIN tté e I vas I ife t or 1 trolloîl itto tie C*t ~ard lioe, te ldetitsky, for ie Amuâeîîîoujt à afrlotud, the %pototuirl loit I 01100ý "teck," si e teute 0ciii it, su electieîi 11p,1001,of' uyanoble fiteufi Lord Itusol, fl tîteidmot ai îveîy ligil malntaiiaod by ail tbe vagaboudsA titiadvîiin et' lie country, au4 ututier muait pelttg relu; Ilat 1 rtuemouer ewq gee011 usturol clleus aomechsuod te bu-st lelsore, huld a poie-iandkorchàef ever uny îîetc-baok alaltetinuter af s st&Al etîuopy lrsi eulumlatioal procession. I lisve weru tîîy ktio7teuub>writitng upou ti u th le old biok rom or te Ald iaeryet'flte oui Hieuse of Cotinotta; sud 1 have worîîti lt> test by itauditîg le wîîîulu saprupeetuottai peu u Inte Oltifliouse of' Lords, wileru wC tsod ta hi' luddlsd Ili@saeutauy slîeep kept lu valtlîîg 1tie veCli liok taligîtswattS rfàmtitf. l0-u g* eturnliotusanetrein exclted politiuat tuectînge tithe Gueuutry t'Otthe vILtuîg preste sitiLoudon, 1i4do vcrily hlleve Iavui ku ualt l s-.....lr. 16 i ae becun î and t etbatlcud tîterapolalien et' £harles Dick.us as 0o tet'aint p'pulim Engli -novelicte. Peripa there lis nu productlion of luisPeu litS us boseidely remcii, privalel>' and publiel>, Asa hlicu 'cnarkable pal)art. 8cm. et' lie 6secte te>'Weil be cal led it- mortal sud viii b. quoted sdri mln s tlie ïýugii lauguage Tetusnd od. aln So tlyalti thePubicaetion ol hli ras nmor tJlbe.tî*, Ito.Monkeus mirr0od e .eUanY Wias srted. lu 1880, e hehome ite edîtor, sud trai puimisd lnual t ýperiloi < beit fUO1l'v.uw ilaSa, iel as aftor- - ard nuie11441:La litres volumes. Tht.ise napdivaneildehy tii. dn,uMsua %~~sl1uVisisP a d d XuuHuara,. Tiiresoe Diekens ver Y "On ercsaed the1 Allaulle. viore ils vorks wurrepÏ rodced sud ;1 u lb asgmii avldity à n L 8glud Ilekewo iusasitcithsie lAusisuclls sud 0ou i r$xt cPuilaiied bism 4trlo Na for &M"G ai~iesciev uleih h. lsd 8s4cb e marvellous Iutenoesluaal sImuleés,1 an wre antmopf1 i i aim"s ses <mess$mM 4zpoet4ton eu #Yen Chnbalase »ItosItThroo *" p'lrabaer h. beesm*e eacted vIlhI lit p4al loNme aitae dilor, l Ice soaomlmuesha pub ib.d bis ýPWum,.fo tvm à, th# yresoit o9Sa viit ho psl4 sethé unu>' repbofettc 0 eutb Of 29rOPsl0- a66 koer, sMendt --ti e a lb. csdýibelcf l"ie ,ny, papes wmeo n t u.gna iitalsa sud - vouderjuli ÉM,, hua Jovial huour, hlm" petratdlracier, lus mol gtender- De. lie hab for car sifluauwm*it asd lu- .1structlon etrddo o rmdarkýlurking places o1 vostii. apassat cottoe esud thé > proud - ~i,,hçhallsr of jualieu sud ibe sO eret abode of-paidsuuoompialuiuîg toi. ni es a edfor our deliht a vstoturo' gaPlle and dé. wwaiJtk ýtkrou l,4W4 'lok lao hou bsultr* sudIou ldit Sour aides Sohe vît l iugl at thelr atrauhle vilmalcal tis- lUes or arruu éïbmy car ympslhy with ue th amoro;:asd voue of the sud vorkor* sud bis Mr. lckealzao imiiated the essuipl 2of Thke W '-î ther vrI iu, plp. pèal uteafrs the public au, the reader of biés cruîêvorI, The oýgrtvws Most &t. scasuoeorov4s ýlvay6 presing id, coucluad i..roadluge inu & Jarss' 'ù ibis pai of , m crert,lail..hiefmarol sI -ïddress ai lavold b4'wiat Ien.Idie-for lit vouid digi a ht là 114ýé od n lu uy 1< ne witi 'e101J1198of vo1 coumidérable pain. -For li molm ft YM i hie hall aud lu au%yý sekindred piues, 1 haVe had the hoiuour of -preaeutlug uiY '0u", Lhe"à d es bufure you for Yourtseogu1tlou sudle a-clé -miy o Au munt Ofr ectton Oï hhua, bae .ooyd M, whibh, porliplWgtvgiL ,10 fuirmou to kuow. i itis tak, asu lu every otiier 1 have qvur 'fiundrtaenas fithf srvai tof the Pub ne lé, 4slva 1lmh1 0d vt aabsel of duty &0 Ilium a4s*y trliu do'hlm boat I la have LZen ifor 'O hoêréd by te readfist rempous,thue-uuoe eun'aympathy, aud tie me,îlaaug ~ Nvernhlemm h. h ave thougit l il l, a oeful llood. lor youîr favour, to reUve npou thoge oldeurs-. F. al4Q ons botive. , , s vbch :date uuubh farthhr bok tan tisseasd heucol W bi duvot.u nîyself dXclnsivoil7ta tii. art-thst tI fret brougiit ue't géther. lu but tWo ashort wo acksfrom Ibis, lime 1I hop te a oa msi à, euter, lu your ow*u.hor.',s usu a sre ofrundinirs," et wvio«myasm'stau iii bu - umbit, but from floué girlai lightsI vauimh uow for *vertuoru, vthi a heurtfolt, ~ graeful resposfiafalectiouete farowull. '5 The uame 'of âarlses Dickens bu o.. IIcornae famiiar ess blousehold word ih Severybody vh & knuo#u 4uythiug of the f *Euglish languae, ineu a"uuho *bas beau boili beard sud read of et bones ansd abrod. Milious o!fhiia have boe' 0 stirred by the besrt4tirring productions 0o! a 0bis proliflo peu, sud iaughod sud criedà fr vthe acteluli >wklh-hb.la broulhsb.- ' fore its ,Al*191 ibereforesau iLh li r deupeut grief of bis e ooupersîivsl eariy, là ansd wboli7 uuexpscoed aud, auddeu dei, & * Tac CcNoISîT.-Fridsy eveuiug lutt tb. I coucert u in d ofIhst oudoof Âl-SainW 'il Chnrcb Baudsy sobool bousle took pl&". et l 'tbé MIeebaiuies'bJIE The bll wus troug.. 0 ed bye ery i14i a uidience. ÂAnd a sesdonu bave w j M« 9 au sudieuce ata con. a -iers lu Wbiil iby *a enîbmiaaîiclli d-ca ligbted. "TîheaturÎesion of Mra. Beverly Bobinac's itint ppo#mses il, vhitby g p doubtieues atracted msuy Wh hob.d .uly '0 bitoubow b. ;dMt elibrisy. VsI dld ol $h. sassw ber. "dswsgvd- ripta asa s popular amateurt' slut. Thé audience co were uo abul dellghsd l tobssr ber, sth" pl vers entusblaesl. ben abs sang, sud ap- dt pisudod sud asuéoïed vocif.rousiy. Mra. th Robinson, if abs osa000nots lug ib orllcal la Precisicu l ys i gs wlsb feeling, sud 0o bas gos the happe;'4kusk o! makiug ber oi audience laugh or ory et viii. mrs. Rob. luscu sang "Cosi4rer Iill Js," orne Bi Love toorn,"d"Tho bride'. faroeelli," t &0.. mWeStkl sang effecively, tasusuel tel sud wlîb ber uselgood lasse sud pathos, wi sud vua loudi7 'eucorod. 8h.u ag ti tb. sweet bailad!o!f déRobin Adair,1" on ~ 1étss~~" a,.ud, asitsd hy ber of ulster, Min Hllst*, sang the cberrng toi daet-"'Tbrongb valley, sbrough fores." ol Mrs. De la- Hooke saug '"Tyrol'a lovei, de deli" Tory 'veeîly, alto tbe "Lover and tL' the bird," " 6Do*il ihum, ntDavy, decci,"t &a. suddvas greesed wiitb deerved applauso. Mr. Âîliusou lu "R1ockod lu tbe cralieof ci the. doop," aud bis couiceuoug of "Bicou Hl end greuns," was very falicitous. And bc f-ou - -as1: --l-eI, sa osses splendid l rebulldiug bis mili. Ail thé limube, for tell Bbc purpose is -nov on, sud ve @av hi ou iuji -418 va> vesvard ou Kouday, 10 purchase dei an ~ ~ ~ ~~a suieldmole, sexpectaitc, ns0 b. s vcrk l61 sv*y." One 'pilou s- lis feeture of tb. res its o Ire, as sbsvl#gvsl the bighla tlussiou n nhlch mi .WMir le hsld, lýb~p faot of bis selghbors bsvlg uubbaee80 on-ubsth 0ensQ' ourapsiu hlm triblid tb.Milli vithout delsjr. fu &0 Teasus.Tavs,.osrig l. dedgva log aitb fkhe st, mem afound sver>' aue th gold *lg, vlsb à i6adeomessulingi 10«lb. pi uýnd, vbbhthe>' pruasud to. Ur. Draper. prii 0,-" ring..!sh apbore she iiais vali Tir ua tia PsL(eyicqurshc.-.Tbo «f Qne' plats vlU ho uq for et Tbrces Riier tl~i jeu. 'moiu a compromnlm." The>' bbioultasndi hf'ti194 Bak wllbe*beo îo conduet I operations asu ancelstfnl>'as boretfemu meeting the 'verluig 'iéquirens9 qçulouinsaudatise1Qurnis a aiprofit fc tie Îliarmbolders." Refomniug talû ,moysnueàt for - tseremovel o! tise Hea Ofice, lb. report seos forth tisâ t ist1 'dînemss ara dued'bhibigelieutbo it>"' thset b.ndad Charter, procuraid t ensila the i dm oow :t.0fc moval, if She>' cesidemadacb a ocaml 4oiFable, listoc dqa c u. fupï psr umia 4~ af Jaoao>D~uÉ taker And thei reportesvill b. aeen, points os lu vheî particular respecte -lise ausade charter i. deficiaus. The chareboldet bave acled a judiciona part, itle.novui versai>' eadiitied, in aiiewiug thé queitio o! roevl4te rema* i â b.>'e, %ode proseus clicnnuasunos$.. As tise report ven tni>' stats, lise- rsfn - o!1 thé genorg place of bunuao!su extenive Bank i an 'opemora o! ceesidérbleinuaguitude sud -ihould net Iihljundentabsu Hitherto ste operatiees ef the Bank hav beoenuie > ocrsnaud tbore la au 014 aeying about lesing veil sisougi clous.e - Ai &il ersuts, notbiag Ilsat thî tb. public 'i. %vsre e! bés,,twa.pimed Su renderzcesser>'thosab1g ofexistiuj arrngenuents, Everysbingr as the HeuÀ oifisean sudelb.difféentas âgenrcis a b beau fonad atiesc rye. ,ud corrent Tisc oubiier, managers anud officeti have beu fouud efficient sud faiib- fui. Aud tb. profité, dnviugtise >eat ast cloisd,' (after paying a1l carrent ex. ponse, sud nuaklang provisin for inîsmeai, ont depoalte, sud discount ou 'U. 8. funds,,' SioQnaýto te lairge Oumn et'$209,579.. 57. Tisegoases toe, on thé transactieo 'f lb. Bank, duriag thé year, bave b.eun cas than nfas-i md altogotbor tise asmreý toldenu, ve should thick, bave greas rc- sons for congratulation, la the proes mroapircnscondition cf the affaliso! the Bank;ý It vonld scerceiy b. tb. part of viadcnu te distuni Ibis -pbetesasaîe cf isa, for tise propocd change mUss ne. emaanllsd 10 inconvouleut disaraugeý- ment, la th easuDÎ suononulcal manage. meus, andcaoo au encrease la tbe expeus of te Inatitutin.- .Dnnicg tise ysr, va bars frou the re. port Sisal thé,Oahucesla 1Haulseesasd Wa5.mlee have bien cIosodp vii sthe view f eeneeusraslng; opevieoUt Msd fiulargiug th capital et thse svp eelasnumcal, ceatmss Pf Moalmeal and Toronto, Tis.pures of eolle>, vwhig@it viii bave the efes etf re- luig tise geucraloxpcnsss, vili ensile 1e Bank mrems aili' te meol lise require- sente ofite enstousa ithin the limite )rlglaaliy iuteaded for csmrylng ou lb. )praliona o! lb. Outadto Bank. We numinbere refer to the Wbitbl rancis, sud tise profitableamnagement o! *â affaira b>' ls promeus carefai sud cour. lou a nnager. But, fer obvions reas, ve resîrsia oniselvea frotu uayiug more han sirnpl>' ncferîing to tise tact, lisel it la se cf tic meut-sefel>' unugod branches lishe extenaivo niutn>on,od tisaI oa. omera $Peak :mont fiattariag>'o! the uiliglug ourtes>' o! aIl tise officema. Fori etal and figures tise neader ie rseried 10 bo report sud genersi statenuentin adver. eiig Cogonu. STuis iGwzorui.-Nàuîov Fin. IFS -O Ouseturds>' lait, visile Jaerne lickiugboîttom, sou o! George Hiokia;- ettern, Esq., o! Bîbsaru, wus driviug home tise elorru e vassîwu stibyea bîiudiag ah o! lightalug visen opposite Keogis I place,'ou lb. biII-, al beyond tise oîd. ouriug o hlm so sevemely _tihi life -i. epairsd of.! '. Heisscoese>'ed- Setiste armet a.ighbor'c houie, jvbere 4, SÛRi sy unabia se b. rusuesed. Dr. Braigb- sise là in atteuee, delng ail tisIend. ùm obIeu devise b relieve tb. aufferer. fao . Obonri vlîh'tb. dreding lest Wib>', Mm. Muuà'aDsi î s on bad$ regrel ta«to i s lsg108janmmbetvea, tng -mi the dredget end bhroheplivot uss, Tbis auntovard sôidenl bas de.' vdisfaîber e onng -DDSMn. Muneso dnble aervlcu aet the -bharbone*i Tus FALL Ansua" fer shia C na ' s eus iStis October. ce et vhic el s Draper t& 0e. ppoeés'-ta td mebe. IV. oreiaferpsedisteiaordcary se <air veatiser Wiuiu 4*O >radper&y r- could bemade e4lt4. Ti1 clt to- ib.' De of ebcêt$là#, sudthse>' 40~tja le dreligeti nmue ibreeso or onridred tisons i.gether tvsS>isaselioh'oàtevok ilâe onstedredgs, sud tfui6,bnsuad in dia. id' srig h seovs., Tic tota l si.at $ ets dovu at upwamds cf $20,000. Tise ndredge vas vorhsd ast the western or ligisîý br houas pier daring omn liait, aid bailSafiue ry mandy 'bottonu le operete opon. Tise itie ai tng Niaara, vhuis meal bomcid to passons. s au>' imaginable a6tonlo! bfore-pover, -e mesureâ,,40 te 1 001 by 9 fesî bearn> sud. 1.drave bot f&Wjoet. Wiuis svo or tisrée sa pnemniloiy:alerte, '&is, arte vitis ber a acuws foti sdretige t0ashore sud rushes t bemroatu r t vils lie eupîy sv "l s les. isa nottiuie.9 Tise dredgiug cf tise * ba rbon te, ;ve have staSed, au aunifornu gdeptIt Pt si$eea t'est, vili couler s <rosi i boonupou mariner» usvigetiutg.the Lake, s sud vial frtier servs W meke. the Port o! t.Wiib emphati«Uly the butand su sta a barbon pfa tise tortis aiore ofL)eOur ro The London ]Race.. % e sul o! the London aBcsmil is ta b. ;sgrelled, bas provedeanytfilsg but- an. lifeor>'. The ascoandd'dy's race, a daui *o! Ivo miles, for thé Dominion pars., o! $ 300, vas on for b>'Sir Archibelli, King Tom, sud Alice Pool. O! cearme tise race vasaltogether botvo.n the tIve bermes. Sir Archiald came lu c inuer b>' about tismes leagth anheofe!King -Tom, tb. latter being terrubl>' puaisteti. Tise race vas fairi>' von ;'nouse evcr <airer sud an tise joliges mutI bava believed. for lise>' gave the stekes-$200 t Sir Arai'i bali, sud $100 ta King Tom, asîthe second bome.. Vet, notvisb.sanding ti., for aonus seztnaordinaryunezplslitrd reesen, tic>',s ibis smo tlra, derayrdaitbêle, offi Auytbiug rmoto arbisnarj.-moeo tn- exampledirev venture toascrt, vas nover before board o! la the histomy of, tis Turf, or fair nsciag. T-bore wves up uwritten proteste &gaiues sbe race. lb. jeliges did -net aveu condescend to gise a resu for ticin sxtaomrdintry decision. OPuuidero, viso hsali Iughî King Tomnla lol,' aud vise bad hesily hacked hlm as lie favorite, Bnding tlis.7 iîddropped their plile," set up e clameur tisst thoreavas collusion, sud st lb.therace wvas "obd."1 There manothitgvhatever-aot lis aligitsîct <rounds te vannantlise cissrge.c it la vitis palnaa regret tiat ve are foraedt te tise conclusion thsa itI ras in thsuava>': Tise jutiges' docision ira influeaced. W. do nost'enr c moment gise tise silgitsta credooce tae taemente made-andi madee vus muai voisemoace sud postitve- noes ihst au> o! tise gentlemen on tise juliges' etanti vere interealedt theuelves, lu lise resuit o! tise rmes. We bave 100 mach confidence ila hein laseégril> cat tee higis a respect for them iréanactor. BuS,a as wvo ie saii, tise>'monat haie slioved1 Sisir decision 10 he mvayod b>'tise nois>' clameur o! thi Loodon bettiag Mnonde, vie lai on King Tom, endta te ii. con- clusion vo smo forced inlu pileofe!ourselvus. HBad King Tom mon, ne fanît mopîId bave been <oued. l A Faites Report couraduted. W. teks tise esnll.st oecssiq W oa - trediet saaIe sud meet nucliclous report, lutrional>'apreetin larelation tote s preprieter cf tisa Royal botel, o! Ibis leva. Luat vsek, lise nu'= 'ore onot tevesunen, hemeu t'b ()Ç,4 ,,eg ,b.race. -Ismediclel> l gtsb ak vas tumed tise'reportvàa sprsefyIfm calu. nishorasa hs e batilrau amay-ssdtakea foi bail for"tbIe laad cf tise n . niîis houas cf-tise bre" suad left hi.credut. ors boid icp . The-krep*rt, -vesI nesti scarcel>' sey, vas uttenI>' grouillesM. Mn. Walker rotumneti fretu London on Tinra- day nuemuing, litlesdnosrning o! tisefuro-e hi. absence iset ocasicueti. ;Anti bis man>' fnieuds viii be please od blesm liaI ho la in tise olti place, sud carie on tb. Royal itel susueblyvise e ho vii be ai. vWaya bappy 1u maire 'bis guetà, antitreet lIcou riglut royall>',as bibthancr lhuuxnPte.Na.-Ous i othse gra picoles visiois ' talas place eauahi' a Hatrick'a hentisomuo<rose,Dnus ne .kl i.anosnesd te teks place ou Wcdncsda>' ý21h-lusi. I.ber's favortiequadrile baud it'abietndapoo.A&ad . eraeviii o' vaiemand amustssg cul tb. dey" et vlslcb prises viIl ho gissu tise aucesfaulccupetltcn. Tic"es<vsc quiSe déar'as -Ù-dnsageo. Tbie. craa Canuaka, sawear wvis o ýod@hall - fooI fu bill. PreIl> Sancy tisaI i WeUl lva W uap.- Tcileisjs eOuvcry ; alvaya lu, yî -know ; selua fair.- Our Tl7wrntonavi toss, for us. Su,,no more' At preseat (roi Yout. véry humble 4osrvalii,. GRANVILLE HTIWMEB-PIE -WelU doue, brave Bordr Bandi, veli doeo - ffaïnshJ fer Ch ambenlffi 1 hamie ou lhe. li shamuthe ietme eo l'ieiIl, lteonce fatl L Nfo thoîgb oÏismbrs Î sn-iffou. inlasud, 'Bravely at P.guen Iifl, iduîîmin did stand, YIorard i fur eeuutny, for oidrunans lThoso veuyour bale uots-tiaeevoie y70 cries 1 Skulklng 'steali .Snnr'alla--hidinst lu ioiam Devil a Fiuisan, butlook'd W lis"coo, ".1-- Net ttatimmortel spay utkmanlugimu. 'heinù Bah ltat wvicthe ieqaickeet meu'dabieid lu Jrut fate forea fion-for falon usait mesS- fate, a "Buggy,'! ibrow evu ottoven tast, Mid' the seesa o! hi. ownu-sud thc ls'ughtl of ours,- Izif--tho tnator-tue chiot e1 ltwmehenna"i iSifos sud haver sini:sshakos and li co Iliese voie youtr treplula,, a tick îs pi go welcoute, brave Bordoers 1 melcome you kJaru for Chamburltu's B. B.,rolief I snusaary ]London Races. Tise London Rices cornecet ic tise tis., sund eaded osa- the -9tb initl lu tise finmt dey'sa race tise Ian Keepurs panse vastise final eveul. Jack on Ilý Grocu firmt, Jack tise Barber second, ai .Jôiaay Slimoker Ihird. Turf club puroe Nôiee iras, Bsay Jack econdi Chae Stewart nemisere. Tise London paras, ti ovoas cf tliseys>, vas. von b> SirArchi- bald, King Teou second, Bonnie Brnn good tSimd.- lTae Trotting pures vas or iy Johuaie Moore, Sibver Tati second, and Browa Bill tisird. Second Dy-Fer the Hardie race tieu vere tisice otis-Baven, Catamant, aui Compronula. Bavea won easily, Caerai second, 'Compromise 'Save oastaItlth fire hoade. Foi tise Dominion panse, cl $300, s demi of 2 miles, lisee onueti vore Sir Arcisiballi, King Tom suad -Alile Poc'i. Won- by ,S' Anchibalti. In ii race, vitiotentgivinactsanason for- dola1 se, tise juligesadeolarel, alipoo1sÏaad bota off. lu theo race for tise Preai dent'§ purme, Nty cause la trot, vils Bsay Jack Ouly a quarter cf a ieugLh boinau, Jack ou tise gresa Ihird. lu ths troting puni A'r'ràoxuoBr à STÀLîOV.-lr. Joua- tissu Porter, omner o!flise alallion, "sir Walterm Scott," vea altuee the &&orsagi braSe lest veek, sud neaI>' kilioti. New PO'nÂioa.-Major Wallace shov. ed ns last meoek ampie cf oeai>' nose o ts. Sous, qaite large. Tam Muaiîsiie orCor. Biovi Cnààt- BERTt,9 WmTII Mus. Fînzcxnaour, dangter of sic laIe Siseriif Moodie, teck place ai Broabtoti, On 1Tosade>', 4th list. 'Uuusssasînx Hoaoa,- lie honorer> degrése cf L L. D. bas been confurred spon our tevasman, S. K. Cochrane, Esq., Eloanl Creva AStorney, anti the dogme. if B. A. uponlTbo n Kinkieui, Eeq., Head Masser Wisitby grammar Saisool, Boum , rS-vaoL Tnus:mm.-Thore vas ne month>' meeting oethe Scioci Board on Inaeovenfuf last, for irant if e quorum. Tise cal>' tetubonapro. seus vere tise Be. K. Macienuen, Dr. Ganan, Messrs. Macioneli endi Ferguson. A lious;Bàtosx.-Dr. Widar's Baîsanu o! Wild Chery i. trul>' % balIam. Il cou- saina the baicamie principle e! the Wild Cherry, lhe beisrie properliea et' tan antid ut plue;., tt iogrodIentsare su isâlamie. !onghs, lods, Sore Tiroas, Brousciitis, and 19onsamption apeedl>' disuppear, unior ita balsmie Influencé. Tvo QESTIONcS EA.sît.rAxisuRma.-, Vis>' soid men virWeard&?Be- sus. tse>' are e great protection se tise brout sud iuug., andi stitimueSte, thsin Wisy siseult me urne "Bryau9a Palmonie Walons 72 Beceume visen useti for ceagita, colda, fickliag in tise tiroat, Hoarseneu, Le., tbse>' ans 1k. a ciserm. Miaisters. and Lavyerm'tusethoes, piomicias ne-ý ensuenti thou,. andi singersand publie ipeakeraa>'tise>'ar e .ver>' bost, usd1- iue lna eistence - for, tb.,cars o! iasi eomploints. Soiti by a1t aseinasdealers, as 5 et. pur box. ixTRsAor,-Fonil 'Compondi 8'up fHyphoapisites rauls forloea sng te r edisut'1sd'laInelpient, Pistiiis bhromIe Breiisi. sud eIb.r affccious - )f hecisatandlIbhve no bssition, inl Katlng il.- et John, N. B. S. Z. RJA£il, D. I atrongl> reoumsnd the vue0etFoi- .......rmnnnil X .iru nRunai. hu 0 -i il -l ci p i c 01 ch te acuiesce-ia the report so fan as t l rg v as concerue, t . as toc mucla, lhecen Outeudgti-nol toc muni ittie bown bu, îl u ane lande-but vili lb. lirniletimeit mea, thle cormand -of lie Corporation,b nousidered tli iu ts bemachand t bm E.b>' giving those large amoetsepta W Bno streeSt rous -year W.yesr the varda wel lmspov.lsbed in tbeirjppr"çatio n.i niaitced orl,)U. oii- -XMn. DraW rstîîled-tial if-su>'on.isara i, mr Ian anote inlatie lova require dhe liespeial cire e1thle corporation il vi Brock èiëreeî. H. nouludedti liaItle ap proprialion vas nettSoî* muni -net ovei Id sufficienl, if il 'coubti' ho enlargeti. Tb côst cf lhe retuaintien of the'sidomnalk froî: lu Tfinmpson'e 10 lie bridge vouiti eleî coai $850 oh tie amonut.* a, Un. MeMillan replicd ltaI lihe ver>"- fac t#o! laying ouI $350 ou a sidcmslk siemu hi tiaI lihe ippropniati onou Bock strec vas toc muni. 1 Ho aketi hy appnopri allons vure net matie on Bicisartlsou's an Conhrane's aide' unesas vieil tas ouBlair' unMn. Pip maiutained tuat Brock strec vas net gettiug 10e maci.' Mn. Hobticu insistcd tint Brock sIrec vas alveys geîîing lie bion'u shîre. Lai iiyuar Brok aireet gel $i,170-mone thtl hr aift'hle entire appropriation cf lie tovi ThIis he charactenizeti as unfairn sual, il iras pert'est nonsense le buiti a'aide P. valk a mile sudaushait' long, six foot wmdE wmue the expendilure- vas requuired oi tic struetesud a fourfool sidewsik mouli havesufficei. lIepointud out lie absout n of sidemelks norti of Duntias street, ni LeBrook sîreet,, anti_ referred to lie larg ameunt of Irniti on Byron sîreet ani ri' Couler street, wuleS sîreets more utterli ie neglocleti ville thousantis ef dollars weri idyein after year expentied on Brook streea id. v as, note, ie sud;,becauso he livet io m, Dundas strécS tli o mnteti iuy purlio esia lafver ton tint streeL Fecasketi oui for wmat masýjust anti nigi.- Ife dwir ho futier tapon lie large appropriations t i., Brook, at. sud stivocetedthetic igi t'fth awards 10 them <fair ahane of the apprepri in Mn. IMcMillan's ameutiment Se substitut da $80eY for $1,000 mas tison put and lost oi Ai division-Mcasss. MeMîlian, Illden ani lte tiayor oly voling for il. Ie1 On lie ieut of $300 t liehe Nti Was't Id Mn. MeKiblan nuoveti an umentimunt b encroeelie amounute $500. A leugtli et discussion unsueti, lu tic.course o! vWhil e Mr. MeMillan staîti Ithat nosnly thsewmoi tamount o! $500 isti airenti> beon uxpeutd ad. 1 - tg Mn, Draper duprccated tise making on ee autisonizcd, exponditume betore lie appro. :apriatiena mura matie. Mn. Clarke iýgmarItod liat the largo ex rpentilture nia4edt lehave been maide bi aMn. XMeMiIlan/ announteti fer the. Tsng atuoiul cf lumber unatîcroti ovur tise Mort Ward, sud niangoti Mn. McMlisu miti à prsnlisiug a canniug trick ia isving mei nu oitlbumnber antisantliag broughinflu 'uMn. UeMiluIn' noplied, sud for a fui beur, lie NorhsWsrd; lie Centre ward te "Purt>" mard;-bise 111mmaite' wamrd, formedth tishme oe! animjalteuni enlughtelied discuasion. Mn.Ilolden dur. ring te discussion stsggesîed Ihalt $860 S a eock ut.; $00le fiandu astreul; MNti iVard, $400; Cuintre Wand, $400;-,Soutl Wurd, $250; Base lune, 4100, anti Blatru aide lino, $60. maerc lie amounts whicihi * onjudereti fair su making tic appropria- d lons. Mn. bMeMiliap's ameudment el $500 vas lost, ne mare aise several other amentiments ot' $499 0, $450, $449 50, *$449, movoti by hlm, aad an zkpedwctttmn et' $425 moeet by the mayor. rEvenluail>' mn ameudmonbuuggueti b>' tthe ciairmen, Mn. Piilp, et' $400 ma un cepleti b>'the majenil>' andtihle appropria, lien camniefi aI tint auneunt. Tie upýropristiou et' $350 vas tien put t'on the Centre Wsrti anti lest, as waa'- aiso Itic sunutf $400'; on motion ot'Mrn. Clarke tise sut of $450 carnieti. On the appropriation for thse Souths WVarti coming up, thie chairutan staîtid tisaI tic amounl mihmec intentiedti- b. inteerted iluthe report mas $200. Ou Ibis arnoat thse vote mas takeon. Dunlarati i Mn. Holtien moved-$250. 1 Mn. Clark in amtendaient, moeet l maku lteé amounl $800. Voenthu ie $250 boul, sud Mn. Ciurke's ataundînunt aroiating $8100 te the Soutis Wand =nnet, ften ia prolengeti discussion.I At tise asggestion cf Mr. Holden, and aflen some further discualou andi ex- planationo, the appropriation on Riair's aide lunevas eucne.sed te $60,wminis, miii $40 haretefore approprfated, anti an amouinl expuclti ed buhoaîseti b>' pnivato Ivo lunnuber oesIlutise replevia -suit agla uis eayor, la tônsaquence of lb. non deliver>' 9< lie Tovn dobentures tW lieRiv c ornpay,»nuntng te $59,20, mund tihe Second for $40, an oid stadig sccnt coesingcf bye items- $,20fr dnàvlug lthe Eivsay bond, anti '$20 fon defendlue Ihs-suit- o! Mn. Grecu vas- nota vitn - --naea moae au aandfr - jibeva>' Indisus 'ritba esatistactor>' reaIt. lie Algema emivet aI Thsunder Bcy on the Otis, bringing tvo conupsuies o! theo Queisec Bttîslion, visis &fores, beatu, &c. boas>' raies pevaii on th le 9sb, lotis, anti liti, réneonlg lb.ermadlalmoat i. passable for veggouc. fColonel Woisliey,. mwiss ,Mn- uine, rotel tned l a thre dsy's trip up- tise oati. Col.Woialey does uoî believe tie oati an b. resut>' efere- Ithres vooka. -Tise boite ment up ria lteé Kanaiaiquia haro passeti the falts lu safety, sclving tise qeSîla en te eprac tioebiiity 0< tisat route, Tis iliigreatl>' expeditematera. More boîta vero logo up immrediseliy. A asemo <îgle aocnred teüst Sanda>' uigitb Tis'be bairke fronu lisheir meeninga, sesenal o! thora vore saisis' Td. vocf lise large hoats, . ver. badl>' blig repairod. lie-Wedueatiay, Joue Sis, 1810. tid h Concil mot purunt te adjsxun IY mient. Meuniers ahl preseul.* Minutes lasm t m eeting mod sd confi nm e t.-. t.PoSitions preseulet o! Win. -A. Alliak )n anti chers;et' JohisuParker anti cheri t* et Win. Taylor anti otiens,- askiug id IY grauts ot'mono>' Se imoroveo ho roads ; It John Leppor and ti hers for aurve>' cf l6 te 17 sud 18, lu lie lut 'cou.; preutenledti * Mn. Ilaigit; o! Edwarti Pugi -andtiheii ton a grant cf moue>' on tise otis, presea cd b>' Mm. Brown. t1 Sevenal accoanits more preseutet i )n sappiyiug aid te indigent persons. id Mn. Bromn meves tisaI Mesura. 1151<1 Green anti the utover, be a cominitte di examine lhe pelitionu &id--accoante pri te seutedti s day aud report fortimic. Y',Tise couu;uuistuëe appoinîti letueamir »h te petitions anti annotnts eportedi lei -feliomus.liaI year coutusitîe iîviu tareifuli>' exsminedtihlicpetitionsanant -ceunIs prosenleti titis day, woulti Tenon mendti tse ranting os lie t'oiiomiug peL )-.- iens antipsaymunl of accouIs. le - - ýpendeîl u2nd cou. roadtinlufront6f lé 27,anti 28, ounIsle Kingston rosd; epposi >SoneaPusimer' hoase, sud on lthe bill i Pe lot 27, ou thse Kingston moud Ilieauts i$200, sud liaI .lornIlaigist ise commii i alner Se expuntheti saine, lias thise 1i10 st -in% pensons recuise nid 1111liehéial Dc O0 -le lie amoQnul per veek set opposis the respcctivenieca, Robent MIitidiecu, 8 ilote., D MocPice coin.;oh Calmnsana m' ite Se., James MeQas>', nom. ; Wii Ciaptuan, 75 ets. ; Widow Campbell, 0 d ets., John Parker, cnom ; Widom. Ryaa t ete. per ve.k, iMeKetericic sud mife, 1 ipur meek, F. Meo, con.'Mlrs. Gîtes, 8 p epr veuli, Levi Mancey*ern;IM title,$1 pèn veue, for supporl of a founu 3Youn nommittee o aulasnl# enomcun thlie payutenl o! lie folleing accon-ta t'W. &i J. Spink. fior aid tue'Aien id Mididle r Ion, -$27 50; J. & 1). Maenab, $21 50, fo aid te Widow Young; P. Meurs, $8, fo taid le Widow Rysu, anti MoKetertele; Jaà Irving, $13 70. fer aid te Michael James r Jeohn S ock , $8, for aid te A. Rois;- D MoCPieut, $81 37*, for <ocdesasppiuîli Ii Mna. Lupp,,for keeping a !eandling, uni lon gooda famnisise te IL Midilelon ; Jobr Pake, $8,5 70, for aid e Widcm Ciir)p mars, Wldom Campbell sud 1Heur>' Sutil Dr. Brunskili, $7 rto, for dontening PieSi Jeistou'a cilt Repent receiveti anti adopleti. Mr. Miller nooeu lItinlu Socrtisu milS tie petition cf oeehail! -f tie baud- isoldens le be effecletihéieey>, prayiu1 Ibis coancil 10 takrelise necessary stops si cause lots 17 anti 18 lunliseOfial con., tc bc samvcyeti andti is bondmînjus tiievea permarsentl>' ostabliait, b>' cul atone os etiien durabloenmonuments placedti uthei acterai angles, under lise anlionit>' cf the Commissioner cf Crowu Lauds, agreeably to sections il anti 12 of chap. 93, Coîtuoli. dateti Stutes cof Uppor Canada. It bc resolvetittheb Reeve malte tise noces- as nequtet inlusaidtit tep, sud recoins te mate tise saiti annvoy.-Carieti. ' SOn lie motion o! Mr. Brown, tie treas amer mas ondenedt Wpau -oJohna baigisi tise-ýstin ef$100, to e h. y isin p tql 'Piiisél"aut Beilciambera, in part, paymanîi for building bridge, on aide roati boimeeri lots 20 anti 21 in broken frountsconccssion. On motion cf Mn.- Green, tise by-hav ,teicstablla is temesti as nom travelleti ou ,the westerly parteofof lot Mo. 103, in tia b-thcon; wufredýthescond iandtiid lime; sud passeim On motion e! Un Halgit, bdiecounnil, stands adjournedti 11 Satnrday, tise 131th daY cf A ugut nex. BïÂnimoon AltoD DSISÂEL-TuO Ncm York W'orld says :--'It appeans tisai J3lackwood'a Magasine bas mado a viru- lent attack on Mn.- Dismueis', 'bhain.' lusà ceonatis lishe qaitnunceis liane- od bas Ion& beau a loyal engin o! Mn. »isnaeli'a part>'. BuStishe malter, me. ear, là iaquestion -ratier -of lie pooket lien cf i ii b. eBIackvoods, -made_ Mn. Dioaseli s certain' offer fer bis uoni ilici ofier vas - "-cappsi" b>' lie gneat bouse cf - Lorgmans, lhe pasllisers of heS <reailWhig quarterl>', theis In1,urgâ B4"ea. Like a man et sease, thse ex-, Pnèe upt hi. polies lule, bis' poobot ii tee'extremely bandsousêclseck dra' te his order blivthe. T.an,...ant .... siantue tte ses, andti W"a>' vether yen considon thî'eutr auffflieaîî>' grave bobho funîher prosecei - Tie CounI>' Attoney'- mwiil give yeu ny 'information yen uMa>'y requine. Yen are, reuiredti levIil 5 h, gaoi, anti see lotie propen cleanlineas san secunit'ofethie same ; also bise staSe of lthe- purlsonera, cati Se report on lhe saute. Il ntisig ireadytforyouto oeai preseul, you çan separae- 1111 tc-marrow moruiag. Codyïappe1a . Zb» esu-- #pondant.-ppliation to quasi convic- - -lion cf Mayor Bernie, in -eueof5 ltassailt, - viic-look: place lu December last,-antid lien nelice1d lu lieue celamnu. i. W, il. Billinga, for appellanb ; Mn. IL J. Wil- son, for mupendeat. Mr. Bîilings raiseti- s au objection tisI tIaeemas ne sa on lie conviction ; also tisai tise ppollast di - et misht tse usayon le, dispose ofthe case anmaiy, benS e b atine juisditon- uder lie statuts. Tisecase vas adjourut ed tibi Se-monrow,. -- 7P Gibbs et al ns. Aîlçnback. -L yman Engt liai, fer plaintiff; 0. Y. Sits, for de. - fendant. Action on accon. Verito tiefentiant. ninfi Men a . Hiller,-Acioa ou note. L English, foir defieudant. Verdict for plaintfl for $41l-0 Majors ce. Caasidy.-Itepeader, L f ýfendant. Verdict for dfendaut. walzace«c. Jaffae.-Acioa on 13 .. sn'note, cmbo L. Verdict for l! $183,79. S. IL Cochrane for piff . J. E. Gréenvecti for deft. Hile. Royal C'auadian Bank s. ile. Action ons noli W. H Lomo for pit'ff.- . E., Farewell for deft. Verdict for plt'ff,t $481 15.* Immeiate oxeution. Royal , dcnw 7Baun7ce.- ,H 111r.- Action on note NIT H. Love, for pit'fL - J.-e. Farewebl, t'onrteft. Verdict t'en pit'hf, $2530 24, Irmediste exenution. 'hri stie e.Ruraon.-Antion for gooda uciti anti dulivered'biy I. Chistie,- as- assignte. o!'Gibion Esate. W. H1. Love, for pll'fl s. J. H. - fitchuson afor daît., Verdict fon plt'ff», $360 83. Ex- ecuiien la four day. SECOND DAY._ Tise appeal nase o! Code>' ce. Robsoa mvas nesumut. After iseanigsomu laugli>' arguments Ris Houer qusifthlisceu- viction sud ailomath e appellant mos, Quan o..osp&Hammilt -Lacen>' Tise prisoine«pleadot inl>' of ale >alinga à, shirt, anti veat <nom lise store eof Mn. Pring.- le. e!f -tua s tvn. SeuteucedtiW o t menthesoi vilS bih ard labour. Queen e. Jezma Bret15ur.-The prison. on mie vas ciargedt lsasault saiSin- Saut le comit Tspe on lise poti of one Mary Joues, pleadedi net gulty.-, .1.R Ceinne proscuteti on lie part et tse- C Cramýa. U1. J. Wilson appearati for tieb -pnisonur, Tie evidence c f ha>' Joncs - veut le show liaS tise prisener batcalleti at ban bouse late on lise evening oftlhse ltsoMa'liaI w sce hanrisasbaud.-, Th latter mas absn Ils iusd pnisener namin m . lire iong ws. miabi maît tilI ho cegje- home. Wiiolen ierh tiirem ianr damaon a isetianti. Inieli W- ravisi ber, li t lus he tiinol, howver, sacceet.Theii.mmnnamre hat ber face c iras eut anti emalcieti a <ced dual lu the anuffle, sud bsah. vas sevenel>' bruisei- anti injureli. F/on lic defencu caveraI mituesses Vere nallicti ' prove tissa lis.,Joues t] bldb ion eigisbours liaI lise nuls en SerIà face vone consetil by hensel' la tying - break, a stick et' mooti. This sicexplaiui-n oti b>' sayiag tisaS lie people aroundi ber more suci iusy-bôdies tisaI sic vas aftaiti tse>' muldtell0 Bruto3un belors tise Sati timo b g ,ela marrant out &as â hitu. mi Tse jury fouind a vordit fc-f gîtilI>' againal lia pnisonen. BAn .RElcvz e n-z Fiai ix Teusar- ConstealtunOPe Jane 9.-lie Iire lualise Puma District iss boca saiduei. Oser 7,000 buildings cf M1 sorts bave been tics- troyeu, min>'ofet'hem th. huai in tise cil>'. T'he romains O! 150 bausu beinga bave baen discevene thuliasfant about eue-bal! if lise actuel loua cf lite. Toal bs3 £25,- ti 00,009sîterling. Tise BugliSh ,under- d wruters suffer bus,> bosses. lcActo~~ if lie Brutigi embas.>" mens savuti. Tise iranenlan Chyircs, cf tise Imrnacslabe JOception wvas On fine caverai situes, anti " a t a g e bi th é G o b elin ape tr> ', tli gift o!fi tupre sa Raguale, tsi 1eciacil deconstaîl, vas saveti Thse bsof ite b>' lie conflagration vas fligibfai. AM some pointe viole familles more isemmedtinl, anti peisiet in full viem o! tise spoctators, vie moreunable Sease- elas thetu. Tie panic smoug lie people ras terribl a y vie mign bave emoso

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