Whitby Chronicle, 26 May 1870, p. 4

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or wisu 'Va pmar au tue eutuw' .s ay tbsn E fr orportrait, wbich te charm.- hIg.YOUTsllcltostobrother, fe a eooomonly reçeived notion that bard ptudy la thb. uuboal thy siomoul oi.ootxilrge Ili. ,But froin lb. tables of tlb.niortalit et Haryard Univerity, colected by Prof. Pierce, from lb. t, ast trlental catalogue,' Il le clearly domonstrated that the exceua 1cr the liraIton yearsa fter graduation, te Sund ln that'portionlof eacb class of tn- tortur sebolarabip. Every one wbo bas Seo lthe curriculum knows. that wbere .Xsoylus and polifical econoan, tnjure eue,* Jet. houirisud disslpàthon uses up a doyen.' Diasipatlôn. le a sure dest re and every, Young man wbo fllows r?,ta as thé oarly flower exposed tc, nttmely broit Those' who thave been invelgted loto the patit of vice are uamned Legion. À low hour' aleep escIi nigitt, Iýigh liv- log, snd plouty cit "smashes," make wir uvpou every function cf the body. The b;asins, the laeart, th. ugs, tIe liver, the optne, the liimbe, the bones, the desh, every part and faculty are over. tasked aud weakened by> the terrifie ener y cf passions loosened froan reint antiell1k.e adil.pdaeted mansiton,the "eertbly bocàe-ofibtis tabernacle," talla. ioto ruinous decay. Fast Young meu, rtght about. Tt bas been oiÈcia)jannouuced Ihiat in te Dew French Cabinet the Duko de Graim mont bas been given' thb.-portfolio cf Foreign Affaire, Jacques Phippe Mlige ln Minuster cf Publie tustruction, and Chas. 1. Plychon wtlitate charge of Publie 'Workms. The Corps Legislatit.re-assembles noit Tuesidsy. TERRAPIN & ST AURtAN T AN(D 87 9, RI ng Atrotba*t Tomuîo)e TH0MABj CARILISLE, -Ptrîrn *t0at, falous caiil Ldiquore sj,înl it :gîîrsot (r lIn e st b raaîde. 6hel sud Coni 4'ytern lu ca'cry style. ~Wl'orties s'titîig Touttn(f.r n day rut - Sd every pacotaauîdaaîn tu tlite 'terraîdn. Apri 5, 18»40, 14 0--0:- - Tno. uderýtrd lies accptee flic Marine 1Ageuîcy of tîte And wttt ho pied tn i etcc losnrenopA for al lbaisi)u prty l taip t'ontilttp ort. 1 - C. DRAPER. * WîltyAtîrit 5, 1o7, 14 J. J. S TOOKX' S EXTRA 11ACIIJNE OJL. Thtta 011 escaet ah ottior Oil, botth animal sud veget.a>le, snd we arm p'epareil tO Pishow the Aeuperiorjly of tidu s U it aost oter. it mtaraît Lb.heta nçeeseary tii procure a firât-lctioasr file, itl t a atit lie itiaer iglat .îr licovy me- * sbtlery, foua atockoret acin t'ot1lite laeaviaî of ehlte. I'leasfuIt wiu r ne lte aontist litthes taL ecle otiîr (0110,: IT WLlL NOT G I, fiteice iau'.citîerycai ho ket lasi ttia but ittie troe,t, al t; wiit elean muct lary thiat lisne Aîiîrotady gouminat by ottier 011Y t wILnllnu ot (nitoot or tl.iokeon in the 001dîsI of woattier. Titi. ta, a quaiat- aifîhie hlgiieçtImpnîorttance, froitt fitieet ait t>11 mot iaviig tti. quzIit ity iiflot tiiricate a eol ltisftallch ait it May hIPO p1litcitlunA 'Iîost.d moite, liat tlia mmnit It tou'eosa s old- obahft lt Io ceuiîgel sud wilhl tnt lulricatA un- $11 th. Joural tby' ficton aeqîtrea tlIti.t npetr. statro necosetry ta reilaîce It ta, a liqtald osa0eli sequlrliit alîliier ltnînirtnre ,y fdtion, the jourtial s anatd# iathe b lx tIoitre4t, It là; 00taIMpo#Xi 'lt t140a01coit at wil outiil on s *oid *Il#( iet ttiat 9tuasresaliti, fseIr 10 auotuiu- Igl* Oit witlîWitte«. J. . , tuek's U11aili lu- brioteaa l 'îdaot uniîlier>' liasMoment îî * lasîîîtlled. titliF 011 lx ü» taie'îedlunover two huudroaisaltabllaiineaits, aud Io givlug tbe liget of "tgretlaoîreAid aiilte i n aalng îlke> erber Ita uroâeliml perna or pure (Olive. Ih os Ré l aom îlsot f'aetioais urgad egitinaî al othor tItis, as It dod-sarot quotaior frisz.. iow * stiie publie are avare tha ut a>' vorthlese tbtuga lire paiR I hlot o it>', lu orîer 10 proo tst hisla o bmbatsud lai seenre ourieobsos agaîtt Iho opoaolouas cf nusrupui- jou 0as oagnte. <mauy of Wiuiu eililoôt lieqt. tat Peila» off tie 'iloîtu ollitof (011 refiuertes "s teslng Idouttoal wlt taok'a extra Mactlilate 011,) ws propos.. t a im wbo-are lntereeited lu tb. tretb of 'thoxesétltement.ta lanmod lai »end A titàIl fw simple testa, -as effective at * Uioaas by whilti gold la kiiowia from Lbhe boter matelst snd vtaàebhaIi emabla parties of.- dela th secura Uier VN tve -aasîImpoSIl. tt..ýy eual.tlluhem tadetermint Cite. Vlèhrthe 0un forws Iod aus good 8 Aitpariesdiml0g Ilu mebtue M11'VIIldo Weilî t. ommanitu o lvtt GOO IL.STOCK, lr«ou, Ont. Polo Agent for th#g Domlulou Brougham#ai, roh 15, 1070. il Onawâ, àApril J, 1870. G. IL .hSiosP»s., BacûuÀx, --Dete.. a W. bave iléi anyorLabrlestingh011 for1he.ptit kw Keee~s constantly on haud, and in course of manu- *facture, the largest stock "of Ladies' Cents' and& Misses' Examine for yonrselves the excellent material iind fine work- ï-5.Apri- 13, 1870. WM. BURNS, Brook et. .n Manficent Display 0P NEW SPILINO GOODS, CIIAP CAISH STORE@- We beoire to thank our kind patrons for their very liberttl sup- port duringr the paut year, and hope for a continuance of the saine. 15-Apri, 130, FRANCIS HEWARD, E-q, (imm RIBAL, - 'Y GENTLEMAN',S OLÃ"TIING MADE TO ORDER, TI-IF, INEqSTý CANADIIANTED Can be seleotod from, muitablo for thei. Seasoni. g~Ail kinds of Gentlemeû's Furnishixîg Ooods lkept constantly on hand. ALEX. .R I NG LE, Whftby, April 13, 1870. Gom Rings, Fmr Drops, WO are uow prepared- te -how eue of thie boit stocka cf new Geeds evr 1S-p eo c t a 'c 1-_e s offered for salo in %Viiby, annd will soit ah pricea te cuit the liard tintes. OUIR STOCK 18 -INOW VERY- COMPLETE, CONSISTING 0OP Grey aud White Cottous, Sheetiugs, Lireii, Sîirtinga, -Pinto,iiriîîianta, llqWs, Black aud Coîored Silks,'ronl Poplins, Black aud Fauey Lîtetreo, F~ancy Drets Goode, frem I Octa. to 75ets., i3road Clotlis, Tweeds, Ceatings, Hlis, Caps, Scarfa, Neck-Tiea, sud .Coîlars, Fauoy Goods iu cudies a vriety. April 13, 1870. JOiIN SKINNER.- 3MANUFACTUETS 0F C R EAM PALE ALE* ALE91 AND PORTER. Don Brewery, Toronto, Ont. As the propreo attends personally to the Brewing, a regular utock eofAMes .udrpetor an al ways ho dependod upen. PmlOrtios dresirots ectfuing AIes of superior qnality anti Porter equal to any impotcd ar repccfuîy tolicited te scnd tîacir erdons fer a quantity large or ernali, aud try for tlîctmeclves. w1Ttîî the nid ef our incrcas;ed facilitie, wo aro enftbhud te produco an airti. cie (ail theo year round) second te noue in tho Dominion. N. B -Orderx left will Mr. JAS. IL. SAMO, at tte-Furnituro W'arereoms, Brook Street, Whitby witl reoive pompt attention. <n E o oe ~ 0E oci O:0FFIC GENERAL. u d ied bAvhlg promptly lu e. UAL ASSI N.. ~ as as~ o CE E, &GENCY -OFFICE il d lte appoiutmenh of Offciel Astgo rCmPt Attention le Lll maltera in B4 as eud Accounts apeedil>' coitacteài-and Marcha 28, 1810. English Plated Brooches, Colored Sotte, very* handsome. &c., &c~~ PIRE- ASSURANCE ., LOMB-ARDSTUREET & OHÀRING CROSS, ESLtBLISRIED IN 1782j GILLtESP'IE, MOFFATT &Co, Agents for CIanada- JAMES DÂViSUoN, Manager. 1 Se efféRted ou Ethemetfa vursàbiio t ernsasud LOSSES PAl» vItlionlrefereucc toe he rd lu London.- OL& ODN&GLOBE Ms oàe of oEugligh Josurance Con. Ils INV'ESTED FUNDS ore .....17,00,086 Ié DATLY INCOMIt exceedoi.... $20,000 Its JUEPOLIMES are a sure Protectio n for the future. Ilsg FIlXE IOLICIES, iissued et Cnumirn BRArrMatord ample protection ti the Merchabt' and Househ-ilder. AU! fair dlaim IeiPm -T PÂnI, nd theo ut- moit hiaerelity adiown ln t1he ed.tlêiàt of- Ilead Office, Canada flrnnclàa,»Ion treal. G. F. C. BMITII, Chef Agent for Dominion- et 1',ltby, Ont,, Wliitby, Jîily 251h, 1 SC9. 30. MANUFACTURED AT THE Agricultural Worke. ILEFFEL'S CELEIRRÂTED Double TURBINE WATER WIIEEL ?flE KoOT rOOi<OMlOAL W0EF.L-Ow Ix Tvas YEOMAN GIBBON9, &eAent, Whitby JAMES JOIINSrrON, Welýcbmaker & Jeavoiler, Brook sI. WhiLby. I N-SUR A N C E The undersigncd COntinues to reprcsent the following reliable INSURANCE COMPANIES Capiilal, $29000,000. IRFA» OFFICE, . TOIRONTO. -Capital, 62,000,00.] HIEAD OFFICE, a MONTIlEAL. RENT01UL BItOTHS'S 1 MANAGERS- JOHN AGNE'W, NORTII B RITIS Il, Capital, $2,O00,OQO, BEU»OFFICE, MODOUGALt & DAVIDSON,- 1 1031l E,; - JONTREAL. JOHN AGNEW, AGE.NT, Wnîrn-. T hel w1.EWci e tire now mannfaetnring Teaper thonuti i>'llter siîop li thue eotaa-. '.îcet wîrriaîtit'g tlit-n tutic ata Weil anuita, oui in lia'e 0ce guî'ît satfaeti aa asuy manu- fatctared lithe Domuinion. l'orties dcstritg f'arttaer iaformetion con ah- tain 1ht by eddresiaig P'AXTON, TATE & CO., Mardi 81s1, rtay-St., Portt'er>', Ont. * - -Capital, $1,500,000,1 JEAD OFFICE, NEWHIAVEN, CON. PROV[NCIAL, HEBAD OFFICE, JAS. ISIDNEY CILOCKER, SCOTTISH PROVINCIAL, (Lai HIEAD 'OFFICE, A. DAàVIDSON P ARREvR, 00-iAaa o the Colonial Securities Money, at reasonabl.e rates. Whtiiby, Jsuary 4, 1870. l W, . roler oi' JOhIN AGNEW, AGENT, WEUITIWY. -Capital, $' 400,000.' TORONTO. JOHiN AGNÈW, I AGENT, WEITBY. FE,) Capital, $1,000,OOO. MIONTRÉAL. JOHN AGNEW, *AGENT, WRitriI. Company, for the Loan of JOHN AGNEW AgnWiitby '-a <~4 ~jas 0 O-e .hrD a-a -4. Sa fi 10 JIEST M A.iUX ET ~pUICE WHEAT & FRENOHMAN 8 SAY, 'Wx. WIITRSIDE. Frenchaman'. BAY, sept 22, 1889. Se. BJRITISHK AMfERICxx Capital,_ $400,OO. PrTEred t11 uuel ub arovainbel tes n ppotufrLy. 1E NI' Mi, ito-, PRHOTOQR A PH S IW 1 &&s'O me DOMINION GALLERY&- For., ichuema o1 Tet, falinens of Detaiol, and exquiBite vFnislt cannot lac surpassed Eaying mnade girest improvenients ln lb. lighting ofthiisgaiieiy, ho ta no* tskWng ple- Lurcs btter tlon evor. Tuie now Rrn ? picture takon nt Willttlsu: alto th)e "Titted YVgnettc, e oiic-and very beautiful stylo. Anythiug iie'W ln Pbotogrneph.that et -Worth having, can' ho lied et- W thlson GalleV. Csbinote, lu fraonica, vory-low. (Jtld Portrùit. netlV coffied. l'oitroitile îalreed 10 lire cize, and éclored ln oi-water colore or -india ink. Mr. Wiltson la very sucëccsfut la taking ghlro spictures. -- -- ;for sa'e. WbltbY, APilI 7, Proptietors. [ OT1 GNNM, - - - R. H.hOtbBS anJ zAENNUMhy UIOIMIxC> 'Mxce"ix. W EC, f Astiburu, Ont Trwin PlOugh, AND ALSO THE DO3-INION JLOIJGII, ulnainannctnring on- alarge seule tt Full auJ Wtnter, hMA TWIN & DOMINION PLOUCHS- W~ They vil! b. gz;aaýratiteed. vel niade, and lte workliz part ground. tgr Perties would do wcll ta eeod li tieir ordere witholut dclay. Conntl fliztît.4 for sale. Aehiburn, Noveniber 10, 1869. 45-t LIVER.Y R. H WILLSON. T UE UNDEII5IGNED DEISIRES TO INq- fiîrn ltefrieutiauni! patront%, bat lie laiseairain rca.ume.l butaiue,çat lte ua! WHITEY LIVERY STABLES W "Ifitinigaîicreuged Iie îîimber sud quitlit> of lte tud, anîd elmo adRoitto and fini- proved lte cieoaîYcand sdvohiceta ou théo p'cmuaas., lie taupesq hy heiug -lu a position 10 sicet flic wae t et oînereta 'o nienit a abare of puablicpatronage. W~ChIARGES JODERZATE. .. l N. 1.-Covered coaveyuiices for fhuilles ga ait orterai. N. RAY, rroprîcîor. Wbiîby, April 8, 1868. 14 To Xi.3f e nCAxiiauLÀIN & Sîma.s, rn- way P. O., Oounty o L>onnoz,,Ont.,. Cancda. SPrevnne.o f unterle, Fedi. 9186I9,. TnIS ts la cerif>' thuet dtrtneg lie nter 0i 18Iodelavas takenwaiîb a avoakueis f lias otîkîca, avhict grduait>'dnin;1thefipring; cf 1867, exteuded ta m>'kuncean sd ou up W ni>' hips, sud 1t beesuteca0veek thst i could Dot valk,,but vas coufined lu my char. For about lava yeus, wbuteiie veavs cutng on me, and sitervArdg, I aaught mefca! odvac, eniptoyliirnt adîffereul limes, thne dactrs, aaad medicitnea cfduffReot kinda, Preacrlbed b>'treaands. but ot naaval!. I cotinunot el vans. sudv, ose, nutit thie Sunier C'f 1888, vhen I vas uduced tot>' he great shesiau- ee hluedy ai>'reaallug tlbc. c re 'etormEaf laa à pamptilel AIttilimae ba bgua t' féee the ilcae inMy bands; lInfect lysa rettiiiig'atlfoiot lielplesas. 1 bave laItwov hottl-t a itthe o iomineesa Eemedy sud two boxe of.Liig pilloensd1 i m .>irely retored te healtia. I ineyer. exiected la gel better, rbut oiniplytrted the nMedicitua aOsrt >f forloru hope. Tbaix caseof mne vas nol e privaeo oaae,, but kuowa ta 'ahi 'n i ègtbom and fnilenda;an sd tla 'ny one affted ase as have cul>' to is Ir> the stoboocusJemody; I bolievelcwl ure you. SMARY ANN DOUGHT-Y.4 &ee o 40 ord "m aS lalC, Ceuaay.qni ins NE COUR T Township Ã"of Wbitby, wtilhold !ts frot aitting for lte yer 1870, nt Township Hall, Brooklu, ON THE HPRSI'Ji OYDA Y IY JULE rKXT At 10 o'eloeIt, li the forenu. .-R.T. HARRIsON, Clr cof tbe Court cf Revtstou. B'rotlin, Apri! 12, 1870. 13i- Ar A MOUNT OF A1ONEY- T0 L0ÂK FÀRMPROPiERTY ' Tu anmPe, P ut t orroweru nt ver>' loy raesz intereait, repayable le cee anni, or by yearl>' Insititutions in tbe Dominion, vhiet. ieaa4 ntoulIieaostaidvantgeons terum. AAGENUMBER OF FELCULTIJVATED PARME', And e quantit>' cf WiId Land, -? taie eep. For partilntas pply ta JAM1ES IILDEli, Ofitoinl A@scaeýMouey Broôks.r, &c. OFFICE,..Second lacr Molilit'sBlock, Bruck iltreet, 'WIliy. Whîbctober4th, 1869 N.B-I aumpreed to inves il .11 hiudg of Il aehiaureas , M~ade tiertsecrities Greenaéan su iiverbught an a~t. lçr. nuiiiug snd IMiss Clark, beg loans- noue10st the Ledîca cof %Wtîttby and %,icinit>', thait Ihey lienvapened betinesa l Cobr Bt-f (next duc, cash ot the Gruamueis bot, wliercilîc w'1iii0-ie preif t4) receive ead oxeciltOelattora for'dres makint and mun- teis iaa cpenr iiaeuun ennd ofler the Ilept fasijaiis. Ali orderg atterafed to -wittbpune- tuealtilaîd lthe cetatttention-. MUPS. KNOWLING, - 3MISS CLARK, hiy*Nov. 17, 1819. 46 TEETU EXTACTE> J-!rWIT-HOIT PAIN, .a- BYT TUE USE OF NIRU XID LAUGIIING GAS, OR TrE 1<W LOOALAN-ISTHIETIC - AT DENTAL 1ROORS, DUNDASTREET- RO'»t.-os. M. I. chW.' to WýIilt0Y, Jue 26, 1867. 2 nGRGE GURLÉYP AERCH ANT TAILURI CLOTIIER AN» DRI)APER, GETaîlîsGAIIIIENTS nmadeop la lue~ ~ ~ ~~~~t l's t'lunilaeIfaaae, OsXe-,Ma 12,1849. * 1 *JOHN EODINSONgs Hlair Dressing and Shaving,4 * SALOON9 131!OCK ST., WIIITBY. *W~ Soru rTHExAUX liwsO r iEXiA.- Witby, Jeu. 22, '68. MOTEL Il tnprored constally foi sorsoce Compauy. E îRoylCssdle oidaiA WESTERN ASSURANCE CO., or roiîo'rc, lx - TuE ROYAL. - ýý1, W ý ljlý 1 Whit 1 - Apiýil3rd,1s68. Apru 12,1870. Joux AG.\,'EW, N 0 R 1 - 1 2

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