Whitby Chronicle, 26 May 1870, p. 1

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VOLXI r- Ily a, L .s OANA»IAN 13ANIC WHTY]RANCIL ALRTHUR IMsCnIwON, oI7A3IO BANK. ARItISTERIS AND AT'rol1NEY$.A La 1w Solliultoio Bansk etaior IL. J. MeuAC.0xz 8- Il- COCIANJE, LL. Do TýY XO W NATTORNJII'FOR ON. .;lrrluusr ansd Attorîsey.itLov, go la el (lhsncoery; No'ery Public, &e.- (>Uîe-BroeI atreet, uet door taelRoyal 13 t1,41,wlslby. il G EORGE H 0 »ARTIVELL9 fl AltltlTIt1A TTOX E Y, CON VEYAN- Bïoes,iputy Itoglitrar, MistorExtraordi tiryad e Iloîsrin Chaucer)>* for ibecour- i y O ntario, Office Brok-st. W stby. ROUBItRT J. WILSON. :_ AIIIITEII & ATf OIINEY AT LAW 2jslcttn acul&.Wlhtby, C. Doe- Onir Ontario lik, on thu Norti aide, S.Il. JAIL Vil,- flABRISTEII-AT-LAW AN» SOLICITOR Toronto. 915 JAbEt 1iEli C.ORDON, B ARXI'I8JR d& ATýi)it, E1Y-AT-LAW Aoliciîor ln Cîne$,CnccîeNo- tary Publie, &a. U>as-N.xt door to the 8tor -,or UILJ Camopbell, Brock St., WlîIitlby, out. Whithy, Nov b, 1867. 4 '<.àB.l.FAIRBANK-. QOLICITQII NOTA$Y iPUBLIC&o k# t~Osawa,. W. *0*0 Ce A. J410NE1, Barrieter, Slolilcator la Chancery, At. torney, &c.9 &ce Rias ?emnovad LMA Office te- lot loor over the CîlÂmIa Bàrog. - Whiby, Out.?,0 1868. - 40 'iAÈIEWELL & McGEE9 , ISlTEIl8 ATTGUNEYII, SOLILCI- 13MâlisAN» NUN- Ognson --One door nortlo he ic ot (00100, Oalîawa;; sud Mck'îeer'a I1locit, oppoase Town Hall, Bowillatisvile. J; E. Fi*aawL.R oia 08,LAUIIEJI, IUL(>CK &SUIVI, A#torneypatî.iosw, 4oiicjg4ri i n chani. ccry. nnd Insolveîicy, &a. 31 iiiî r. Jcîa l loidlij Office, W litby, 1101(, nRoiSqq. a., W. Mutera. A. V LAVK10 0. ]TaUi. W@.i. IILJNGH, y AL AWioI, tC.,lc0. ) onrc, C. , iSOiLNiBoa ro A TTOUNiKIY-Ai LAw, ,U2l1 A. y, ntnryPublic, 'oîîvo>cîîcer, &aWiîltIîy <. .OîccUE, iyrois ,tremi, outh iff l'a t Office. 480 LYMIAN f iULISJI, L L. Il.. 1DARRIST ERIAT '..&W,Sollicitor i n (1lieu- IL eery, <JauvoyaL $or.&., d&o. 40 J$EtLAMON, A L w COUVEYANCEJI, LAN D A(.ENqT&c. Cinîe.-Over Armâtrutigs î lol, Main st, vi3brldge, n tllP.î If -2ý OR, !HANCOOKI suRGEON9 CCUCHiEUi,&c 1 n. je uisINNHl. D. S URGEON TO hIE .CUUNTLY ÏGAOLL Blyreuiilreet,Wliiliy. 4 W. H. LAW, B. A., M. D., rhysicieu, Surge'om, cuhs c THOXAS HUWI'ONg T OWYCL.IdLK&~TItEAeUUiE]t,WITB WELLINGTON' EOTEL,. MARKHAM. 5Ty.BOTTOUP -Pooprletor. 19-ly 'WILSON IkIOUSE,9 A. WILsoN, Ji'.,'- PropziQtor. sludgaasd the public geieru]lY, tlt li ]10oeJed theo aboi eîsw liotel lu tise Village oh'Abit for the accossodatioss ot the ira- VIliint uJ(t. Theise la siiw. pnd fur- juSh edslu s .osttho:csigh acd cosufortable jissuer. Clueste vili 1usd every conveileice at th@ abois eptablihysiîot Wl ,eâ, Liquara, adCidgrg #f tb5 but Bran di - alwsys kept ou L#Gaod tabliiîg sud attentive Otler, ln A. WILSON, J r., Proprioer, $sbbovs, IsY lot, 1069,91118 'RO0YAÀL CANADîÂN I 0IT E L, PORT FEBE1T, ONT. il. r i, - roprietor., oupe*or eomnodhloi. Gondl stabling 'et'rrNov, 8, 1860. 45 W UrIITBY BRt'Ncu BIBLE ne attiutIon of lhe publie I.. Invtod 10 ibe p~snd vil! iietid stabk of $4 wMit sttih ase RIWln s mo., Dow te b i U d - t t e poatosry of thé Wltby ilibl iaey. The atok ha. b.neu.- W *js theDeoitary, with groat care, And tepwreealutisa ln isross ortlnwL, lair, âadornenibntal. as. Gerls' flrig sore $TOEEI DWELLING * PEENISESZ 'JO rE.NT. A, PoIrlt obt 4prio omopiîd"by thle Ind"fo dýý' . 81(0W. WbltbÃŽ; Mar-o , le18".18 W. A. LAWp, land BÏzoker,. Accountant, 24 -tf. SOFVTE ,n }JURON lUE PORT WHIITBY. TII heaon, weJllkuawu hotu l ks bain tio- roug1sly'rîîcinvatiod ud ïniwly luriîullîd bj- the prient prcPrietor. Tii. Stt.luuig, & C,, ive noe put flsaci effient atato îf repaîr, amd jia- tiliisig tion bien kaftusionoinee t tLlorqure.. menIti 0, atte. glle atis.urplied witi inlrytlsng ofthe bt4.ziu ud noZisebut tihe bnt-brsndi of Wilies, Liq'uota sud Llsra kept at tle BMr. 17 X. -SNvW. THE ROIBSON HOuusE, (LÂz5c~~raa' MOTEL,) DUNDAS STREET, WITYCW JOBON WOLFENDEN, ÀGEN1']FOR !ME CELEIULATE D -SCOTTISHR GRANITE&. W-At Murble M orka ;of .JONaTAi~ WOLENEW Dncea$twitby. I1 NEWSTOVE [N order to imoet the -Inloehiamm demand ln trade eniiiiod by the. building cf the itellroatl oud Ibl isport ilg or NI ccîe tise ,nhîcriller lina'ppenied a -t cse uailTi bhop, Clio cor scth ocf 'lii&,Sano', Pumi- >1tàre idare, where the beit MAY. b.clad, enddtell rcnser of Tlnxmîtli's work dolle mi thle à torîetîot .'e. W ")Id IranVop:prBria, (,otten and Linlon liz% ,01 iedklsg, Jlorite Hair and ail11141113 r or truck tgken ID exchn lrge. JOHN BIOYAN. -JI nilemed ffta flone thato n AERMSTRONG'S HOTEL, aissîsate ,o ui t e t e st n. u id lut Ishé . A R M ST R O N G , P p e.r th Ilse tsalwsîy OsilisaselianttIlioteh,mcd 'il F$U C IIBJ ii ittiti np ant icrn tis stages for Ux bridge anîd Boaîs-toi cane j1letel1 rcinvitted tIié aîloeyî d osieillisu. tbiooeerîlornngBoartOl perday. cd flrsl-chltis fcté-amd osalieito tise pats-enae GEORG ROBSN. cfliihe plulie m ad lisf fiienis. Tise table nîsi GERG RBSN. bar inhihpiod wltthél .béat- Goutiroony steis- mr'CaefîstI linmstlera lvnyi i nattondaisee ing, &c. Wlstlby, biay 1868. LAmIISTEzoB. n Gxbridpsi, ,ni. 29.18.9. GEORGE C ORNACE, o'1ÂT L UàMBEIt I M.ElNTI ,,rpenter, and ONTARIO HO IEL, JoflemOrireuf S itb .A hirgeqnan. ii . nc,. tityof -dl kinda oimbrcoîstautly on biansd. WIIITDy,_ONTARIO. J~UEIALS fnlly aupplietiasud nîlcadetiA ALXA-ERProprietor. isant. -TH£I1 E iscrihîr ip&rai-ita ortera tissnka ta R7A Herseto lîlrsaonlruueraîtes-ns X te the publlic for -thîe es-y libesel nptron- ue bemtoveclI islil luiwhliaps-sprcor eît the (j EOIIGECURMACJ< (041is11sh",te, Inoliii, aindsit esuttie. utime Whishhy,Feh. SIL, 1882. 1- tit. ecsslte îsnnosîîîce tîset Il lns i - thsulpesis-siwý'IIiiovu lseîel. Uarge nslsitismng - frooklin Drue Store. - itive bes receliily mmdi ta tise is-enlisct es tr hgnoocontnmî usua ieiiolstlon andi "0ccsigts noniber aii slepii'g meinus ta n al'-sisîf nmore tîsiie formcrlv. A flrst- 1l S l Ils- l l's-emwithi tlsce tlislpl'es l ms HALER u »1 u'1'PatentsiMjhloieslean ad44rd' Exteunsive ndditiista the D i'tiilt, 010, ye $u#,confection. stabing, bises!i., housse' lianes, dec., liave 0ape ery.&0.-- lren tmule. AIl eîsîuising thse nidorsignici et fmi j,.uif, and ulqnorsAftMinbeest qnaltY affer ltaIis ON lFricisd-< iand tise publie jPese Iloroe*.c7atleMeAi~cjfn,î0joy-, onaAhi the place. -le vil secmil timsribhasppîy ta I 0eklî,C ., I , 2S uvlces olad friruda. ------ ~WiItly, >ce. 2, 159. 9l COMMERCIAL HOTEL, BRUCK ST., WJIITBY. Q U- y frieldoq-nil he fliteie, tintli ias lit lthatt Il o ela an ihi a rue for pictarta Punopeiassc'c tccses el i iits- AT i'ursîbhy 1; sos-n ls- m'il W lmisnov litteilti p C A IKS~ lii a hsisllrior muinsîer, vil), ces-c-otvii c ,A IK sGA l,,l clics fer tise reepiîlecof gîseAtiandcth tis re- '" ' vhilisg pubhlie. Il la beeiiîaoi lie lias i1eh Isist (Mlelyii-- i thse BMet accommodation, aniuniporier casitv, ud Isie es pau-o incie aihlis ii fien wltseoç, hiiora uuusd ciî'is-,. icliliîs, ilium asiy dIes-Alsît !Fi lise 'niity, esi c!rn wlthî etiulrsed yardst, Amiii ttsiiiive ierpsi. a i--ulitu in gs-'od wtrki; asny oîLer iis lu tLé wsys oit tisenuismeisChairges iSoderste. (ioisniY. B. M. CALDWELL. :;JrTlsit'm wliit'otii nisuttas-, ue deu't hoe __Wliisvy, .in. -14, 196q. 2-ly baeokaard abosslit<eisisg fosswss-d. -* - - - ---- - -- - 111BROCH T., IWIIITBY. YEOIIIAN GIBSON. -%,rlltby, Nov. 12 87 1 COMMI.ISSION ME7IR CIL4NI RHE 17R~Y GRIS T, - I NSUU IA NCIO, de I-:,N [AL AOENT.<1sSTALI$,,ED 186o.) Wlsiîiy, Janî., Il6tlu lOCa. PATEN SOLICITOR~ REVIETE A INI) B. PANK - - - - Propnueoar. bnem tli uuslfsom W'iiiiy cuitl dmily. Es-en> 0it t 'I,1Ct's 'sid te gises-s. C(sunell tnedtegbîî- tive ostle-ss. 9 IITE &PIIEMISES FOR GALE. Tu IIA l sd otabhlQea nt vil Ic oipvulI- CENTRAL 1OtYSE, EPEOM, ts'soetîsss-, ustissu os- rtW,sur-i-sA oandliti teuis td, ns messisc dhirseiscl, I su isltie yoiiigbur. inuF ol-isss-sll.itusarcns-o owells 5llls gooti Z4-?m'fise wluoIs silI leu- saît ais c bruin, ilîud ust sl 'us i- t- e lulîsis Lit1e DtoiuiUiOss mil isesususe, Isn ius-în ps-opss-by. Fer tu isusé, dec., luisj5y fii l cteus, hre-uuid) WILLIAM Bf TU> i-as s nus-tiCu-îi ei ; rp~ueKo, Epl. l'iis-livlu-stîskig tise trainsandmîs tiv s Os-lIsssi i-u-u wiliIl'ifie tissus aell bakeni care of tili Il ir iis. Ceo. Ay-ers. $-? GrbEllAIi11ACKSMuIT1tl A ND (r groi oiar FIRT-pIIZ JORS-SIOE, Bt3gatoiiufos-m tlsepasuple cf luittua- anti icin- DUNDAS STIIEET. 'le>-, blunt hluis ssoprîset iluu slop WhIitby, 19, 7 2 ->- Opposite the Ontario Bank, ~. N VAR , Irocki Street, Wiiby Ontitrla, 1, ' DJCAi.Dst, Omhnvm W"rîs-119n si 'Ei'AanED ne IMPAIR egPDlel.; H1-ounis, diroeIotup po- ite oIo~aUn, Es-ae n GUNS, LOHS KYs, &C. lusnîitreat tlsrtiloe>r'ieth of the Ontario Cloki sîtnd t ns icni s-iepiiroti, aise Banik. SE'IVING MACihiIEeS. t-e EXIt'S AG;ENT, de., aima Agent PAJ?ASOIS c- U.JIB1?ELl4s ceidoat it eus tandard Uu inasce Vop. 17 monuîctiamd-i conretS,isuuwirpîuued ensti set, C. H- SWEETAPPLE, patronagenineuçoi&c.edee Al.efyn VETEINAU SUREONT1109. BINT, WbitCib, Ang. 10, Issu. tf -92. 1 ~LL U N 9Re L. MUIs,'E&deCo., Graducnte of Ontar-io Vefrinzary Coilege LCNE UMNEMFi U and late Assiotant to Prof. Si7ith, LcsaaAciwasnani of Doron fa. COIJNqTY 0OPOONTARIO', Paon. IIUCKLÂND, Vrufosor oflAgiomalsîne, W ATRO Paor. slMIllI, V. B., Principal o!fCOntario V. - collazes. - - WAI]o eir.leffi perongihinoan ment br ToJI>~ rno muiii te. Itollisen Hu-sis," "Alioin lint <' " KUWELUNY' or "Ocntrs-l ttel," Wliti.y; i'Oavcllm 114,19 ROWLL- 4 1Breokiin,; Huit s lîcteal, i>slawn; crChs-s-uae P. 6.-MU. SWEETAPPLE clinbe a nutieor Garette Offices, Wlthy, wii le ceretuiîy l'nraionaîîy et bis resldeiuse, Brooklii, ab stîccuhaulte. -aiIIl or, whitliy, Oct 13, 1889. 41 1 Brooklin, April 14, 1969. - 15 c0ENTRAI., ][OTEL,' BRIuOHAm. ' A' , oiist &o. WNOLIS11 ROiLED -tND EAW JORN ALEY, Proprietor. Lins ee d Cil1 TLe abeve hotel Las l'n ewu aial fltei snd fssnaljhd*ex~sats aillI md eornortbbJ ES acornroiiation sndtitîsetiou. GIUINE WHITE LEAD, 0000 coo eosiabling andi attentive oRtiera. At' JAMES il. GESUtIVS Jan. 2 ,1 70. 4D 4 tr, hty (CrIY JBOTE L, PÂPER IlINGLNGS!1 Non., 789 80,9muet82, t. Joseph Stroot, J ubt neiveda afris!, aormnt ai civ Pst- l tarni. E ihPprBiguiiîin The aubaoribiu as nd tbc aboeaeIl lAt L'oiyPre"a. fir the sscomodtlon o h raeln 'ubf iJ oRtDEiEINqGs, WINDlow BLIN»Ds 1tsoeoueatlo rottegt iîss4 cfi e ej tan 3r ori wth goos-ardvendst abling &* is 0 for 60 horsts. Ternismoaderateo JAMES il, GLERE, iC. £LIN, Pdretotr. * DnggllWhibly 9T&pi It!s4 1 DPA UGIJITSM11.,N QTVslCANADA, Olffece, u11.J1s-tucs- separsisuns nu ofculiUe Cinrurn- îsîeusî. CcpYrs-gîitsilni tisi( segisstioii'oftrade D t i g- 0 c . P - - i r a s t s - s i t p u ,m e , n s ir- -ee sJs of t oil o, i lu ' is'I e 5 i o5's nus o " "- d p l r n . in-us-,i - ensch,, uin sc P'aientDiluce car>-e fmal usk. NMrcli,151.l Grand Trunk Failway Hotel. AT IlTIîY STATlION. 1T.i"Nllisusýit hu le lsiîset thse I-etel W ssind p's-s lusis-m ttts siss thse Grandss 'iiiisk %%siî, W li, it- s (,«-up.tuusiue<ui-u, s11. ;i-inuýs usîvie i s le issn-lii p i-j s lie huRa fliste it)u l le mtssiî e ifi i s Ii ii fin s-ut- e0lis sii> lu, ss5>sallyi ittir,s-u0tuslise vusîsis aI la sdv*rUaeri~sy T O M A I I l I E I ) L A& D I E S .d o s vein k n t ; , h -* - h - actis e W o i n o w e B s - o s deevdteappehlaîlon- civalays rau Sec if peccisnIy anititi. Il viii, In ea hurI tirnte tegeii, anti vhîn tiere wvea npoîsibiiity uil len eiofNth> euna in oginsl f u eticg îwcy i rcm tce officefoa ssiVis.cfNnaoaaniOpniAffeo. fev omnt,2e6out suag. ain . in îL e B * k a m at L i usba eF tg ue 0 =. v o u g en era l >- isefo u n ti 2 6 1sAighit exerlion, Pahp;ta'iiuuIt the heurt, su cne cr oths- af-tise parka, cocveraiag Ili 'terics, finutl Wlulteuithaae Pilla avilI cffoet a ounvisat ve considîreti abstruse subjeets. boy re whien ait ether measi have feileti; anti We becamne, lu fiel, cimoat icaîparable, tienr suiLn a paveasl u ored>, da not eoiituin mddmeiliivtotpvr ceio.ct a, ahmel, atitirny, or enytbing bumttful Td isspasfe iti a >-aai , ehieu Mu Haerd s 'tise constitution, hspasdayaweMrH adtei nill directions lu the îmPhhat aaon nesis toidst a taIvo ir e ta hgin loaruiugatair crage, viicis aiosildbti e rfulhy proerveti. tihegraps>.ITî vas alcow vark ion-use, llow 155 ZIOSES, KWxvTORE, SOLE PROPEIETcEs, but Dui>- vas au apt ambelar, anti he nitrevit 1l.010 anti 124 conte for postage, eneiome t,ôtise expiration o! six mncha, batil bcorn. no ai >rthrap anti Lyman, NiwcaetleOtnt, geo-apot ar'ae prtrhadvsat 1agenito for the Domiînion, avil I aureabo.sunt ta a 11111e station calheti Avonvîlle, orei o outciniiig ovîr 50 PIl, b> screr mail, sorne Ivent- miles ave>-. isa principal corne 'an gale byJarnes Byne fantJ. 1H. Gerrio, dut>- heice ta epr njinganad neczive vasi hitis> W. IVP. Atkinsasi Ansti Robinson &eprtIr * O L m ; J . D a w o s r o b i n n t h c o a l o r d e r a 1 cr a m in e n e a r t ie r e . I r . vi f , Sicin deahers. .wvas1a0so agent for tise railmoad. lEven- tise h 'il. 22, 1870. 6-Sm bal>-,I tac, lucarne-a naliabie apenator, menti sud vas sent tean-important, station lu oti 01N N KNO WL1ES, (DE C » tis oppffite direction tram Avonvihie, yard Scallid-Stnent . I 1vas, also ,upan a rail- hiooc -o.-rond, ant i a vstravelliti freupon theso uueb Iperasnqboiavlg elairnaorndmancyi e lal, coulidti nat u>aiter aI N- eer -Y andi% let of John Kuowicu, laI, at Pickering, Iu Sunia>-if,,i -chaos. ta do s&a. I feht'heu la he SCoont cif Ostari, deoedareru.n tedan evi kr" ow ut;1bi u tisaitis te aunt îe p 'îiculr ge t lc bnbsuevr-frcb nv u a iBt 1irmgn:tAnti AUI naons indtieitthe becorne qiteaPif-aimjntin us>-fiftenith alacu ite are m5oeqoîetdto psuy suobdebîs ao th yean. couit stand fitbotter tIbm I ba! and i ny Knavles, of Datahertiau, ixèeetrlx. aI it rat uppasci. 1 Ihad sJAMES K. GORDON, , Mn. Bavard'rac dovaaoccasionally ta traina BurTkteri &o. sue boy.Iwsgtig lo&ad sd D 'biîisy, -àpnil 21, 1870,. f-lo bis Halue vamon; eltitiaor,,udmat- D 'lle, undersî il in rtsrnss thls te bis frie d i mud m >- u t am r , N -98 619to a ~ m pure theus tbt ail vorho etrrnteli t a o bi. cae,, wil, ma lertafore 1b. exetistet Iltii ebelb t tylo.' haAý »BEIO TRD -70 D UZDAS ÀSB RET, Toue -lhI Oppbeite A., Ce Wileeu, Pslnturia. Bt ever ne-r i r JOHN BRZOWN. Thie sas 'Whitby, Aplii13, 1870. ly-16 Andtic B£0IVUaUako The daiw * si n.0 WIIITBY, - ONTe - 1 vntlloe A. x A S O N , - P ro pr e o . *n t 1 ~ tiy f au n The aon. Lïa« bfeauthresgily renovaet, '- iI5îr'hs le anti tise niblii wilh filitievery eesscmmodatîou Tise 1tvf e9.- >r oc1 ni rsleop su ad tLIsentcIAttention. tww ouhenrl Apil 13, 1870. 15 Vieis.l edlj dee1ip; ~RO-TheoR J. POST, Au4sott; - - 01.171 and Womau, PIANO -FORTE, & ce RPafled 1 *dv woudeeritgi bain Frani rmtaocdehoekanmd Innoent brav RESIDENCE, - By>ron Street, Oao 1Id 1irgreîan'tane1nv (31r las- offl eaoft t7m dd K r .,)adif4sioti ye* nhd PI ales-ng ai. lts-ow Markëd *llh msnyaîl es-usiandusfaeCes-o, -o- 'Ltsin hiiiv W-a', labor la'titrerly dois, TuuseaTesnncien anPlae, 10.Ther>- Clins e of bappint-sa logt anti on. o! Musicalompositiaos, deC, $5. Cie hou>y1.mi~t as the twilght anava, W lfMm. Piat kerpi a ger'erai stock orof Ti e pmungblomsos, tVie vuitaere T ose; MdusSe Andi B5uslcafornmse,ant i wîaes a cml Oa, son whlob s4hah I 1pli>' mnd- 1f remi Mahsialfrt-uta. 'lierlifenill ta corne, an huer'» bu bohinti. W h itîiy , M a tc hs 2 ,'1 870 . 9- - - - - REM~OvAL --____________________ J 811 N F E R ( W B N, eeefigiby E ectriaîy. M E R A N T T A IL O R , À s ex a s ci n s i n i~ t v A S cn &c,,&c.,&c. UILT. &geis ta intorus liii patron'î; ad lie nblie ITanov a toegrpis operator of Ieve tire li hal§ emoed t th prmiss -iara' service; but us>-stor>- nequirea that hi LeorneitiMrCostis$ promies tisai Lrevert to tise time visîn, poor and soct or essat flMm. Crobys recry pcnnihcaî-my faîber dedt-us>-poor steewîer li wil he pepeeti motiser vms itriviug wtavlnl iser oarnesî te rocoivo orticracinenual. rngttaka ur littIe fausil>- teter. GENTLEMENSC GARMENTS Agla h tise stroengts af vouan isnrqual ta lise detîmminalian cf lbon mmd, anti us> Cut andi madicp finfthe neaceât p6or rotsei, oncrcpme by liem groat- ,t15'z a nad Fa8kion~. ex rtioins for tie,' support ai m ysef anti sister, tiied. llve yeFrsaflrs>- atiser's G1,en)tiemens' Fnniishing GODS ! drnlioe. Thsug au>-aister anti mysehf, aeoti tivlyten andti welve >-eera, :e' AIl Onulem atteuiietaeavitis -unotun- vire tisroyu span tise more>-of a moIti lit>' sud dia4patoîs- anti pitlesa worhd, witsout mano>-, vitis- ont frientis,ndt, as 1I Iril taugbt, wilb- Jis-UN FERGTJ on.t relatives ; but i bave founti manu>-of WhLIy, Fis. 27, 1070. 9 tise latter n uun> more proaperaus anti in- - depcutecî daya. A BSoLUTE DIVORCE,;h sleeiltaineti 1 rîmîmber quit. tiatinctly bain I .C in NewYorky Indsianîa, Iffinolsand th ster farîti the firat day tisaI I attemptet in ta e Stantresferr isiis ironsisus- vState or (country', vosk-zEvérbti>-looketi upon m'y tii> legal ces-> 'noule ; da-sertiuu, d rnsskenic, ntiep noir-asupport., an sifhlcipi ent ee Do; i h mil sadugenisc muntenacumasnitise licity; *lierlsisrge outil lirlrie osnti. d-woritsynptcrn of dupravit- audti inae aic fseoBasins. stmslihît 111c yiarm. di4chonesty-, eumîng me nvay 'misant a - Address, M. liliumS, Altamce>-, civil or sympl wiminard. A n vain 1I Ld Ne. 78, Nnsau atreot New York City-. ry star>-, anapleatiet a desure to do mu>- 8us-12 tbiug. IL Wiý'.tieseaisne tiig foursa vweek, wliu s igbî, vomu dagit b>- c COM4MERCIAL: I4O0TEL, 1 4?irtp aread OSHAWA. ant-iesn geiug ton à narroin anti oh- m-isre ilol naw evoitiedth Ie more JAMES B3LACK, - PîtapstsuToit. rovtied tisorouglîfaros-1 boeusre un- Cancrscsshî- -a- tunet ail t once andtibusst ito a f fliisisspreea fr Cnîîucrbitter anntibiimiiigjflroalo! ttarg. 1 realy t c e)," t vele is-s. - 15111 ics-ds clt s orc îe hsonght us>- hean t voiibh break, eut ýcnta crlç~77. Bf14 matahe. Hinn n>- kIlîs oy long I might Aprf,8 l"7A.14 have ronieineh thore îîerping, but for an i & D ~L LE A, ' interruption isihi pro ul ithecus nricg. Apoisut les us>- ile. I lttsne oe 101mb rue ispan thé- siîaîildr. ant ik tikrse ver- COMMIISSION AGENTS, lc1 xy1ci- o GQLLJs'C7O,ç, ACCOTLVTAITS, de. 'IfIwosee toellyoss,' I replieti, >-aî - - n- wa-Adlslua>-1 's-na augabondi, acd auglîl u OFFICE, -Gil iett'mhllo.iî, OàlwnIlt,lilusthe os-phan as> lunin or vork'9 Fs-b. 25, 1070. s iîse.li - 'Nio, chilti,'said i e, 'yoîi>-l bce sure UUSIS T -y- ENofa iny syîcnpathy if you bell a Irutbfssl y S S S 0 R N Ts i a r> -, a tis-y > -o u r to c s a n t elt l m e ail - abo ust it 'fo Ta- Delîîs IIauta -ct u Iue oan 1 frt us>-hart 'crusb a-i busc t as- ifwlsoy D- lI ote erei i heTw saint vosaanti tohld as sîortl>- as o pssiiousass sp;y e osmible aur irisohe luttlehisaor>-, simple sah F o r p - l l p p l y i ds u s i t w s i a . ' Y e n a r e e n o b l e b o y -, ' u ta i t i b e JOIIN IIAMErt. ns I fieulictius>- narrative, 'andtidses-ni hbc WIsilsyhltIs-l 1870. 1Il corne revard. tVheos-o lath!&s huIle sialer Sa afihvison yaîisîpeak so aoeectionateîy ?, 1 Of N B T, O V & SO XN, ol it iî.Wil, wouhtiyon liko to ltana e-nie tluerc ?7 vi ilti ike tn sclber, anti if t o z xc E a Àt A l y o îs h a v e to id t rise th e tr u t î, I iiuk 1 i m - l O prossslhy put 3ou ini tiseae>-of cuiloy- ex - trie st,lin F r o d c e n d o m m s si n I1assinteti et once, Acd he folloaveti m e h b ans- borne, visich vas thon oui>- a foie bs m '-1 ar aMI S. blocks distant. I wnastiehighîtot at tis e ml ) U l ' D A S T E E 2 - III B y - v id e n t p len s u re a n t i gn tific a tio n a it b Oe avisims isesav ati k1117 îy;deahlitte 'hi Àm-ON-sxuLuE, 21. Albert Wilusone, N : Mm. Hloward *masasassingtetiLire Lnigisi b>-me unknovu persan. tk tise seti ititêhigeume - ta bis vif,. YOU toumolTtiivmamuiug vils remaiujs. CaisîA.Duueoac-Gz F.D. I. For Oporetor. ion't kuoaïroi uucis I sufFreti, con long I iboutlti bave remmicîti thene lu -- but for tise ut'tcisuan visa carne tolti me il vai 'virY lite. I foiteti mesage in my pocket, aund weut davu as. uTue thausacti kisuid acta of Un. eard pacti thrau;li us- inlerapiti v. I fet lisat lj i - T bet ashition lbit ta Av inlutb ovriti, lsoa I aufleret in tsatbhrief lime, no inill even knoav. Deetsh atinover 'gO ccinr me'befaoro. I hnean tisat I uttr>- incapable ta break it ta bis 4but I iti dta hodoue, acd I vent ta bouse aI once. 1 tbijsk I'trioe& ta h. Joui, anti csuefni, b ýt srnehcv, or SI tidtilsucceet, cr»he ftilafors diu u>-arma seuselusa, a stresmo a i tnippieg fraus ber lips. Wî ver, le tare.çtare.Se fao onaciousuiss, visen Lthe phymsician ciabc as sesteti end, for au>- mtion lisere vas lcft bcse vaneutter reverdis!, and I bIt Iber 1 balh aunsanuraftervari ver>- quiet, vont ta tisedupta i et Durstg.cr dbut a sbout time 'ta vait, as tho v as thon tue.-- nrbridge came off ameng tise liratand i atruck hy bis pmoalar appuarse. siu, Ondugeos tueae im n -N'----Wh 11nï.- Ihovard hati long promisetilume; hi e m i n , I va s d o o m e d , t a r e m a in t : t - uctil My iovenlcecbis yeam, et vh time T vas considorîti a fuir 'souci andi vas calietilin>tiseh main - afflue believe this wasobhe hpi0î event cf life ; intue'Iitdvor ed bard, mcd thet T duserveth ie promotion, . I van by euy luintise.beot aperetln l roo m sui n ct th re vere b tter n s, 1 aide tulhy, visa moulti copy lister wy lug addt more legibly Ibmn mygelf.1 opemators vire ratso n lclinîte tare6n us> crrmva aai sinnovetin, Ilsiukiug: uno doubt, aflavoedi individuel ; but smac provet thbimustisaI 1could eu dn visat veasrequireti of me, acutI T homre do Mmr. Iloaanth ie justire ta tlwth honeveu advancu-ldisafrieuda cr as' tise>-rendereti themailves varts> prailotion. Duhly bcd teken necrms vith sene more opuratans, anti frous visat I1ct lhoîru, and frous 'bat T eltervamti saw bocaee onvinetil tisaIlie vas leidiug ver>- hsih ile ; lu fael, T maultineuaE iso bmanmged te hise 50o'mil ou îaary h. vas tIbm getticg. T neV nentunetetare isonitrate vits hlm b anme, vison ho scîmeti ln besa 'mi hurt and annoyei, thît 1, neveu venIns, ta do go egein. *I notimedti iat ho alti vards tre tot me vils mare or lesd serve, ncut,,,ntuallY wvus - markccd mo es. 1 diu't knw boy vo cesi oI togotiser, but vo have 811 bail suc el periecces,eand there is no nccossity parti cularizsnig. Sufice it ta Bay- tiat1 took a table nt tise otiser oeti cf tise rocr and 1 ver>- selcÇom aa aythicg o! hir thongs I kueir him ta be leading i gaiue vilti, rîmkhesa hile. hMn. Hai s;poke ta me about it once, visen 1 toi hus wrat 1 bati doue anthie risdIit.E sormete regret Durbritige'i course ver ccclx endl1I am tl'at he vas diaplean ilia. For fane or six manîlsit; vint i tsms vay, Seeiug eci other ver>- soldao aud then vilS scanucel>- ipy recogoiLlo Oui morcing I vmc;s aurprisedte tai sins, aller mornng iite tise office, w.l linemoly taeus> table anti sit doin by ni sjain tisaI ho bal beeu driniking,,cs-d wn considoeihyecmîted. mWhtore 04d oi ve corne to'tel y W hy, Dilly, yen are ual gaing eaýa htdeyou ronean ? 'Ye. f arn going this mrning; ycu rieno1, -Mr- Il "rard, lias ordereîl uie bac Lehlit iniscrabhe l taIAvounvle.' 'I kunîn tIr. hloverd ila afrienul of your Diilly, cnd hoe ilneh ît do cuything bu ossst is right.1 'Xo,' Fait1-e, 'Howard is a vil-' 'I>ully, ymn nisîit nat spcuîk of li oui-ard lu ihsat umariner. Il you have ni -os-e rsepect for yo(urschl, or grititusi or I qksssdners, 1tt.ink yvnoirebd bttî lo tsîlk t il. ' t o r y w - l~ s i s i ie , e x t e n t i n g h i landl, wlsich 1 refscctetoLake, 'Willi)yen net say goot bye, Wihmore1 on knowIv a lîays liked you'1 'Ns,,' I replirti, 'nÃ"tL unleS.9 you fpoldgIZE Dr tise in-uit yenhavi oflered Irm. loin rh anti inysoît. 'Very wvtll. tison,' anti-be ment doin tairs. I neveu loinfram irlielcau.çe Ibis ba con tionrîebutl I arn atified ifrein iVbd as aucurreil, tlint àMr. llaînart vas anae fsaine crime unhicli lie lbatilmomiuitted, <Ia n cavoring ,ta shiil hlm froîî le Law. I iras supp<s'iitîesi hiief openator et long aller flinit occurr-ensc,nithuso es-cisc a generalipos-nisien o! ahI tSe oes tiant lot i lîtotise effice. 1 iit been ltiing Ibis position aver c yoar, vîser eti ereuta aumurreti iriicsi 1:i-t-e 1< ate. Mr. Ilevar ri liben absenît foi 'oeral weeks on an inspection tour, nd as expcued hace on thla evening.I nesunber th isaI Ii ie %is ver>-uiuls appeoted t t meeting hlm vwhen i train carne lu, anti hasi sent me a cate king usa ta ascertiothe oucasieu ai bis eay. I spakre ta Dus-bridge *about it, kinsg hlm vison Mr. llowcrti vas. le phiesi very isiortl>- tehhing me tiset ho i not bearti froîsi hlm. anti 'as noltlis- culotd in buinbereabonîts. It vis Sndny nighît, andi about 12 elok I faunt niyself ahane, tise night eratera bavîng îîl gone haosse. Presont I iseartI N cellesi luina ver>- napiti anti cilet menner,' ansi ren ta tise ke>-. It is Anounvile, endt1 I answcred ti tonce. ibhoutea word af varning or uxplace. rho ment me tise , follou'îng dis;paîcs, ceh bas becorne intielîbly fixeti lu my a, an di I a ili give it ai "- tha v as tables, egga sud Ibis, anti e at 1avin omilona hi&. usmlv. eter , afis 1r'-' "ougnisi avar oylt that Ish and et tuer aîmnitiett tin wouldskamie sà res ect bl la e f 300 Sq u are f o U r -_ face, ntiS e ip, opa vbich a maal est Inuasvu i (concluee4onu hiob cause Yr other*I[voS detained, vey, lte hig ldo forý' heymTye hjl. l0w. thatlnight lir the ofice-oniery one .eoh. id out sme on thomasnd poundaduinîg oeBrt isad luIt. 1it vas in Novênsher, and aNéuy my visit, and IbAn quit. believa lb. There, hibis wiudy, atormy timo. I renewodthb. ctis a nounons.seabout hlma ad he.woula dèr~ lu tise ogrete,cd ait tiser. Iooklng irito inako a capital saihor, ho is go hearty -snd I tise emfibers and ievolving iu n y.Mmd the good-humored. Thse other Govîrnors are McY varlofis avents vhicbhhd aa auddenly and g00dJo their 3vay, and 1 dan esay clever feut htlY trapirîd.' W. bailfailid tea oh iicîch. ua, nttain-ancy trace o! bismuurderor, or murdei "g ' to, tlt he trutb, 1 amc rather the ers, andi I vas beglursiug ta fear that thoy bored by her hadyahip caming the mothir 1,.- vouldi fnivr be broug-ht taJustice. Tiser. aven soi. SIl ia vory cbatty aud civil and Frit- vas, iu f.îct, a mystery ta Me about, the ail that,,but 1 vould liko heibotter if abs The whohe aflair, mua it vas becomiug mare' vould louve 'me a Iittlo'moré alace. But gird andi more inexplicable, tbe maya the Queon eom mended me to-bep me, Whilî thus buried inluthacght 1 wua maberumlcare, aud maternai car. 1 have ýt I saddecly icterrupted by the cliékicg of hnd, sure enaugh. 'LÏaNere doeiliot quite aily aninstrument, Tt vaaametinig ucusual uudersmand thoese tbiu, hbuit jyen do, sud will nt tiset timo of tise uight, aud as w. bave ii yon cesally nînsicdfber Chat Iarn nov say but litîhe lightuing ln November, I kuew ful-fledged, 'risiug six aud tvecty, aud cly Borne one wnatyigta work. I listece eti cinl necti of Iendiug strings, J sibalb. of closely tise aeoudtime, acd 1,reaectly 1 much obligcd. Napier bimseif 15 ajally boeard th. saume click '*gaiu. it -vas the fîhlow. Tisey &Ilî biso Lb. Baron,' sa my 'cl Avoriville icatru ment. I.went aventtishe fellavasu inee GehateBey, ccd lb.y -tell uldta bble andi pleoti uy hand upon thb.'lu- same rncy storlea, wheu, cIter wbat Brunt r, c trumént. I turuad bise adiuaîiug n ow told yon, I vas quit. prepareti for. a up graduielly, antidt at ltéi itl aie 1h. wvauîse ta ty acother lino jeara ise aee coulti heer the eound plaicly. I mev et wibh a view ta the "ailler,'.,-but I fanucy, the once tisatishe writicg cae r everaed, mcd froin what yo s aald, Argylli woc't her oa ,v- tricdti faremedy ib-by chiïugiug these s il. fejavsim04g8cd afuia but of my bîttery, but 1T muId cat her it at ancdotea collected from ail parts of tise uch ail thon. 1 reptaced. the wirea, sud re- warld. Ilereaford sacys h. la nt emer reti sorteti teanm olti vay of mine for gettiug papulan, and tChat the paliers are ratiser ter. reverseti or bati writiug, tisai is, -1 put doa'n upon hisc. But 1 tiare eay tbe pa- ro- paper oni the bar which receivesfthe dawc pers; are miatakin. Mont cf tise lllova 1 aI atroke of the armisaiac cf tLishouliier, by meet'ber. aoem vortis kuowiug. . tbeç go whicis ineeasI1mulietitbe dawu soucti do't catiger up ta me, ftcd tisat a is at x. 'ccd atreugtheced tise returu iltroko. By -like lu a mac, -Ocdê fellow, a gort of aoc- of cloae attcntionu1[mould uow hier visaI as retary, or aaomcthiug, givea isimacif great- hi goiug ou , but for tt;c hie cf ici couidti ca ira, aud goverua; the Goveruor-wse- m, toll why the vriting came f o iigis. face botokens 5nuytluicg for a quiet [if.' im Presently it begmu agef c: l;bwua inle is ovu baiusa.Thon tisore's a drohi ho diapatch . dog irrevcreutly called <Bob,' a rather big rd AVOWI-ILLE, 21. officiel, vho la full cf good atonies, plaini old To Albert Wilmoro, N : andi aeacouîd. Tiser. are hall a dozen Re Mr. IHoward vms aaasiatcd near midis-de-camp et leait, cuti %s plensaut my isenr luit uight by-seme ukuowu pertion. fllawsasea1 have met anYviseri. Oae cd Break tishe dinstelligence ta bis vife. Soi. lîttle fellow lu a cookoti bat ii, icîlccd, a ou vou ta marrov vits remaina. wocdirful aighL .Thse 'laroc'a' soc lsaa Ms, -iscarty kîud of yauth, somivlTat like friicd 01LUa A. DUae3fMCsZ. Blitd(ard. And thia rosouda mi,-Bei. -c. 26w, D. Ti. For Opertor. f Chose. lettera of yours ta. ' ady M. -1 .1k flore follaiviti ome twouty or thirty wa» dreadfuliy vexid et soa i thsol n.dota. Thon hioisegan egain, vriting vîry print, mcd I avare a trie, yon may de- "a flril.y, 'Oh, Gaîl furgivé mc, IHowardi; I pond, viseu I rîad:tise articlpeluis e Lact v, ould nctL have doue it, but-' .' don papera about tises. Confound it,- Thoneu an if apeakicg ta une, bh- ccabtin- can't Choae-papera in *oeamis elgie te i Wilm ore, 1 mütdPei'ndhlm. If jon -tic Peophe thiuk, no> doubt, tChat Il la e finse not heievi tue, dirag tise pend.' tising ta be a prince; but 1 tiik difircut- wr A terrible suspicion piiîaed through my ly, wheu T sec boy ve princeiere lectura- rmid, RldDurbridge murdered Ilovard ? id et, eati misucderatood ounLth. slgist If an, vhys bc h writing it outise lice ? provocation. Nîner mict, deir old Bertie, Ir doni'L ieieno I arnm lirîiiun, butrT tise peuple wili soan largot ail about yonr u t d i t i t s k v i a t e m e d i o r p ir it s , if ill- l a îî d cn o t e , o r n e b s t * a k e C i e mt a t , utthcy chanse tontuse it. 1 vnited avisile ta their proper wrthi. Tise Baron aaysa ta are if hie woîihd write any more. Ithbn tise 'Six fi vicions, mcd sbonld be lovè4 r. openeti the kcey anti mulled hlm, -but ne- but ual writtcc bu.' nuceiretinoanawer. 1 thisonbcisid tise Ihavi beeu vonderfully irel! treeted hie iinnder gin euie stroke as if sorne one by tise mild ilindoos. Tisey bive apînt er ai mtting out, acd nhtfiough 1 veiteti beapa cf mney antiasowcrîd atidressea bsalîf-an Isosr longer, I beard notiig more. upon mu, mcd Chamberlain hdç rîplicti ta Af My iorrea, 1 must admit, wcrî saskerl, tise hatter sea vil thiat every oui sierna t i ressolvedtiet work ont bbe mysterv, pli-aet. Chamberlain acd Bleue- are anti upon tise fohowicg nigist rituructi. capital mou, cuti have been msot caiful, At tisesaine lime, i egein Liard tise pre- 1 doc't know viset I shosîlti -have doue ze Iiuîiry click ; teBalse measage van vithout thom, for tise Eng-las officials in g ent, chiu thie salue dsoti elsentences, ludia are a trifle atuck np.. But 1 muai Tlie cext day 1 vent tea eocutivi by tise- confisthat Choir. pride cf office, or of cernane cfhIarris. 1 lId S hi altise cir- .power, is exclusive enaugis icce theys are, cuissacmei,maid eskcd birn ta go teonans a body, a high spirlted anti gentl1eman- ville vitis me. lie couseîited, anti vo ar- ly set of mon, esîiporior, ta tny colonial iriveti nt Avonile thet uight, about 10 friend a n ecll be conueiveti. They o'lock. I diti net intendtieL do mcytising treat tise native chiefa rather boa Bupia'- tnutil 12 or 1, wheu I Lhocgist wva ould i eiiously, but perisapa LChat W iaemssery nse 'su ias writîug. I htncw tise pasil vitis nome of theus. %We bave iscre a largeý tien of thse office, hevicg been there bse- number cf ciso f sncb sorts, saes aend 'r fore. At 12, 1 ment wvus HarrisaCotahie sizes, beaed by tise Rujais cf Tranancore, 0depot, anti vo statiociti ouranîvis as a géniah, <iensible man. Thon tiser. is uîo.lsclsn posgible, near a wiudow, Azîem Jais, or, as Bcresfoidti ili have.it ivisicis opencti (rom Lb.e offic into a centre 'Piekle Jar,' wise nepisei vas tise hast- nhall, thiroîîgis viicis v o sîltiplainhy sei Nabab or King of bChose parts, Be lsa 0everythsicg iunLise room. Ab)out 1, a light very olti feloinanti bores me exceediughy %va simuuk'i tise boti room, anti proaeuuiy vitis bis vell meaut attentions. -Tison Dnrliriulge came oct. I saw at a glauce tisore is a littie tub of e mac callod Poa- ChtIsacise risaslcip ; lu faot. I heti aus- dooèottas, 'vho hooka for iilishe varhd peuteti as usucis, knowing hlm te bcesBo-1 like a pantcomime prince., Yen voulti b. tbiug of a noinnabulint. ÃŽle- vint ta hig iiillnitely inuseti by these aef-aertion of instrument cuti took fine or six blauke this fcuy littie creiture. I arn sondiug from % clip,mi:hicis isedampeceti anti plccd bis pisotograpis wichthetsa-otisen picturos. beneati tise buttons- en bis 'cutoct.' H. bas juat tise look cf a Beuteso cock on Tisis accouteti for fise iigis vritsng. FOetise point of crowiug lcatly and'tieflactly-. -now took hoiti of bis key,. aftor losseeniug Ho la escarbeti iL public abaemblics by a tise spring, anti comrcencod writing with, young civilian, the pitea, disgusteti ex- tise bauk. Tisa as the reamon st came pression of 'hase face rendors tiese pec-.. reneraîti' He vas tiig. lu fîcb, enerY- taule infiniîely fcuy. Thon tison. are *tising hi vonîti cnthavgdone bati bu beeu fellows vitis Lie mont impossible bats-aud avake. lie tisen irote tise aitmo message bagavisa glae c coti 1.'I over, andtimiter rephacing it ou tbe file, béans. I bave made a lev burrieti tise marne tiuacouuîcted senstences; whiicb if sketche of isose gorgeons gentlemen,- trsue, vonîdti îttcrly damu isim. I turnet i iims1T'rillmendti lhexandira. Don'e alucost tieathly siuk, arhd, Gad kuows, 1 lit tbemn get dovu ta Wisom, on Glad- prayedti tistDur bridge vaulti hi fouti atone anti Argylliaare mure ta seco-tisîs, guiltlesa anti cy suspicion aotle. Ho anti Ohildera 'mll bic îouduuag me enotisen isat ccv gene back ta bcd, anti vi vent bIter in menti My cacghty vcys. iV5Y. -«Aa ta my stay bore, 1 eau nl aiy ey lsd- Harrisaeskedtu e if 1 knev viser. tise tise Madraseca are very- ispiteblo people. pond vas. I tld blus, anti upon tise fol- Tise towu itsîl laisaepaky. Barti-of isole, Ioviug mamuing ve vire tisere, viti tise a a n "MY - mmivel Napier.-tirnggid me proper ipphiauces for dmaggLLng the ba- tn btovrtpr fimd a g - I - i - I

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