Whitby Chronicle, 19 May 1870, p. 3

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IM4ltthw ti.r1rice mitfrBrook Plok- Ço1 , Iit & Ç Oo U pr t pom4wos ..~ ~iL S"Elà. 1.0M solupRn Js = Mrdi 08 9 ooeawàrd.-'.orders, si, u.dwl 1 ien. 194881 T.oa upps ntoudeutà, bel. otoamis %W et- t4 do ard. .....1678,0 TO 0oiion Slnoo. IL 926120 ...Nuu~QOV...... N. 1" 00 a gpseu ou.,n......... 89M00 Ari ouhs ou d.b o. Kg. 1180 0 0 eboonuae uqow19.N. S 1400 fNa wib. CupnN o. 1, 198144DO 1111. aybl .... ....... 0 ýjÇo ITiterest discongt sud billstanipa........ a tue nwLnlolpslItleo ...d97 GO "RIullpai aasswelit t Thorali...........1700 "Govaromrnt gtant. 80 f~fltrarMoboI: $8400GO t'Local uperntendnte .MU«J (da udAttendig t Atm r Ocoxiimpuczus 0 Co. Trisrer, lu fou.. .580G ""Clork, " 4000GO 6 id goler, 8artea 800G do court. Mos, keeper, 8< Squrters ............ 187 50 64GRIsoliynîclan. 3 trs.. 112-50 " llintlnig,s ittiknery, Pos- toge, books, brws, &o. 8o2 41 y a!oursnoet work repaire, VlIOURATIONw OP JIITICE. Juirors, pur jury lista, lu-' dolgilsd medilev il- Coeaeloos, or ad.004e> §eoffiCer Ir.....j puatagea, Coronesr, ci's &0tsieoes c.,' lsa q djourped ssoor t 3<par cent on Po. rates' for 1009, ho Tresurers Of 8ott Brook, Picken- Iug, rborsis. Whlthy, Uxridge,and E W h ltîay 5 SoAns & salaces. Ço s4Snf'dtûréé on Talbot, Bides oun srrovs fexpeuditures on Buo Bidge....... ;....... 240OS t<epeudltunes on Black iver Brdge .......... 4m Oe ! l ov omwlsslens ... 14 00 £000, te Wsnden end Meamgn ........111 Ill 1Wolf bouudsa......... 0O by,. for hlllehissg voiu. isen .0 ........... $P00G CWo bal, lu bauda 0f Trnaar. uo $77012 - beuudensigned Audihors ot thé Corpe O~tin of the (oaty of Ontanlo, for tise y )~7.Certhiy Ibat the abeve la à cons - Abstract. Of lecel;les sud Expeiiditunres ofh aJd corporation, se por Trsasurer's bookm, -ve ereidllg Suet Dueeinlaer, 1809. J<>8El'liDICKEY, - t i -T108, LAWLEIt, Âml- 'Wistby, May Io, 1870. !tat.!ment of the Ausou'am Liiibilitles of the Corporatic 01 tJe. ounty of Ontario, c - - lut January, 1870. ~ahlu lbanda of Tnaaurer <"rou10568 ........ ....5 $ 006 84 Couuhy itis 1869n892g " " 1006 77 Poava fi 900 s pougog fi 1 598 8 Povsramekuth eatlsnutedn- tua fromt two sudim at s1st. Doo. ............ 6 9o Mortgageou lot. lu Uxbri'e ;4on.rsasdaub fand, soecurjy 81 for Debisuores .70 furoltren sd st.lched éB55VtOn1ck~Op.... 400000i sI~ en st.. cmoi>nlsuu rur of Reach, Mars, Bais, Whit.by lova,- Os. hava sud ogegi'ýr. 98.. os70 *W ?llof salarIes 80 Local Sup - o ritiedltsî147 06 ta o. olhfce 580 00 goe. grant. for lampe for drill ohesl.è.......... 00 Sfor siuces $trect i outis oh Mials 8&0 fi lu aid of Mono- I -- Sint. ho Vl's -0000 * .djourned Seaaound los8087 1 'Ward.ss'4 ondcre, Counly proporhv. &0',..... '...98 82'90 ~eggbridge... 328918 anepiSehool saaa'ott *du 1'ikerscgi Mars sud lassa si, in lCt tg- ki.Whitb sud Brok. 4210 t puis paable ....... iw00 Provlsl ' Peb. outatdtIg Go o County si7m" sis im-riden ', 1 00 *p<btatio, fr t.h pur 1870, orU t ris.h adtOt.4hmé at .4f1 t hé notsad of Jiij. I MW CorpOsstiÃ"so- oslet, *tb I,1J0. * - - -,.O- ' -0 :TOfjO. LAudioes 5885 14 - - -trât/ ýe "' hst - qp I -l, ter~ 11441 O a llat a - _ .chines, tndcosts- uch! th i*e ~1hcôiig -çlt Tu customers plioateItha aooebinercp:; !.ss jlable (o * oett, , j4aal and t:IE074le bas ~now on -band the io1whý eb.toblad oayc hW ZMot1'li. largeat Ad best stock of TeRaê Wbe uscesfîebmr~4~ya~,b imny prio r points ofexcpllenge hàye wob-fo t' during t harib tmittudeof friouna, and a po- -7 -Ç ____sition never before attaiud by any hiester i né hort a lime. Por4iiËe frat two or ~~Ig ~tIres years it Wu comparatjv0Ih littho kuoéd -but lurng the pa8ttwogasons it wasKA LTN G x ',widely ipiroduced rpgb t tpinia 41L oigsegtiouq, ;th lnd nd &TO 0 $er lu Whitby, and that ho continues to manufacture dailî, furniture of oyery )F À Y~~ 8P.Oj R0R~ I deition, [cluding Sideboard, Sfa, Louneu,, Rocking Chairs, (wth and . J ) I w.4 O £ctured of tbe-boot. piaterial, an4 flulshud lu asuperior sudwcrkmanjiken for barvesting as Ch. psst eue. ~e sfrD OM INIONj oiedn'ly besy, brkesu - mannerunsurpsased by any simlarestablishmenî luntthe brosdDomino. badly Iodged, thereby severoly testing the sbiliti, of th iifrn ncÏnstwr 1595 14 - ion; aul ot whlch lie la pefre o 0dispose of aI uuprecedentodlY ude1nc ir-1saue, u ts se"Jiis-u e i-een a1iest ;r constructiion, Ëbau n ubîed to meet auicoufu Y, fôi'hIu . ý.". pubic L 0W Prices, forté Cà~h ~~fbths.ultên ues~MILN W, - EVERY 4R2IaZtE' WÀRRÂNTeD. .Wbit>by, &y0 1 811 nbome wbo buy early caninow bucheap. ITPHOLSTERING: 0F ALI 1XINDS,Ro i s -DORE INïTMrE EEST MANNER. J&I l ,U~ ~C. FOR THE SEASON, ON AND 9VMNÀEALS PTJLLY SUPIE L . ,ye . P1cTU E RA ESTÂPLE&FNCY DRESS GOODiS AÂnd splendid'fratines of ail kinds,-oval and square,-to be -Comprisinpg al the latest dcaigns and varieties of the eason: LOWES. & POWEL * badpp th promses.Hosiery, Gloves, sud Ribbons, lu great variety ; Gentlernens! Ciothing aet .-0fromn the lafgest Stock cf Tweeds, Clotho, anêà Cassirneres, cf the lateat styles, i,£ crai and exafine the stock, sud whetber you bu7 or not, yen will bc heart snd best qualitv cf Gooda -Manutecîure#. Tîhe général stock of ~. l wloean eoy v pole attention lu inspectiug ail the. beautifal goods on Dry Goodi arefully assortf4 l psvery deparirnent anti LL..A O T T O N ily weieme, sd receye oTe tii. prom sesJ fi - S A M 0 Fresh -Fam ily G rocries, 1Hr d ware, -L O N D O V E G I ' D DIIOCK!OtIÏEBT, WHITBY. rcl~,~ -OD N.~ 100 1 J. CAMPBEL1. ~' AVLS!8OrsniÀi~"pls udereaii ii.proise, ud er alewboe Y. GIBBoN would cali special ate tiQnto i sok fTiohy , -- * al, S-wlo th!udemludatsapr'-ep us-hs o thei prpitt. 'so andfor odendw.oro aE ~V~C pcial lunes n.f-ï, -. *- AprIl ~~, ~ - JAS. S. SAP!0. 4en Seedp, just ýeccîv'ed. . -' Des <odq' * *ilk Maties, *.0$t 2.00, Velvetoo n ~tlen, $2 to $5, Whiîb, Aprl 27 1870 YEO AN GBÇ ,Bak ik,* Ladies? Watérproef Costumes, 'Nveities luLIndien? Bklrta, Co9dBlk 1 Plain Poplin, - - tosier-Y and GIovy" NEW' ADVETISEK NTS, N~W A VERTSÉÉIE 1'S. In lucennecticu with 8h. Dry Goods eqtal~bme b ssMwi as 0peue ie gre d ober, u a edis1vrity1 ade' c oir u UOUSEMAID WANT ÈRO~.0 4ToDR E SS ND MANTLE ROOMS, Fv VJ'ST ,l-RECE ITV ED, A gonl bouse m qwantod immodlatoly. - Ladies tnvoring ber with their patronage ro5y ruaI assured that ail tbeir orders will C ou~ Appîyt- MS .O'OOÂ,, bu cxecuted witb tbegreatept oitls.T4 b. maùiteri-als ad u alhle latestîmimfai Whty s 1,17. Byron street. - tye. (0Pn~ a~ Whib M ay 18, 1870. 20oT Fîî~ o.£I UR 0 11J51C1 U T p RVISîON, W-il bo epened on the SECOND DY0<MY ihacoQ - ~~~~lu tke Jfatter of JOY.JS AR BUSH,a Public notice la; hurebï given that tIhe CDurt sokc ont u as ae tls 49 cf eviigion, fur the Town o' Wlsithy, will bc GENTLEMENS'DEPARTMENT la uow complté, witb. ail the. new styles o Soirées, Pic nies, Exè?faions. Quadrille Indv<nt. tii. season.Y ri- pate,08. &.ilasixppiy the bout"' -Uuder sud b virtuo of the powpr vexted lu SÂTURI>AY,' May 28th, 1870, GROCERY DEPARTMENT. -Their ner 'Tou have arrived, sud grqal iuducemepte tadcta te trmu o e a. ualo nuordur8tIse duo observance of ftic Birth. nite a A a ue oftovestit TwidlffetsutAtthe bour cf 10 o'clouk, a. mi. are effered.- fhé Appctyionsuet o oe thorersocally day of our hoeved Soverelgu a -aorcseth a ho ed oSléwl :e b, Mon THOMAS IIUr3T(>N, Glve us a eali and judgo fer yoursolves. .&<.CA PEL J.If f£DXSATURLDAY, JULY l6th, 1870, TB-7CerkJ.O CAMPBELLeir 2, J. 1il, 1670. And lu expeotation of distiuguishud viAitors hta.At 12 o'clocc, unauon, ah« Auction Ecomonsf ________________Wib dMacetrApl28180 90~sy 7, 570 VWhltby. the-Town of Wlitby, on that day. 1 heraby the undsrilgned, ou tihe Market place, l Isn reqsscst that Ail iucua f eltoius withiu theo Town of Barrie-ail tihe riglît, tt , equitytlc'f TIEOGIIBRED UÀTTLE UEBE N 18B IRBTHBD À4 Y i Corporatlobceoossd durtng redomTtion, sud interesit ofsjsolngoîyeuh and TUE8DAY, the 148h Instant. syelnsaulis ,Assignes lu thelo wini pro- FO SA4E [a9pery inthe County cf Usntario, .jh: F A14E -o- And that tIse Inhabitants decorate tîseir bulid- Tiie Soutîs-onst quarter of Lot number 5 lu luge asm mcl am possible for the occasion. the bath eonceusicin cf tho 'rowisshlp cf Rseh, The usîderAiz,,ed offers for sale, onue year. In Ffreworks 1 Fireworlks 1 JAS. X. GERRIE, Mayor. lu tIbsCu1untr of Ontario, 50 acres more or less i:g Bull; two Cows. und two lefr Wth My17, 1870. 20- sa Wle.bmade known ah theoltme ci-Durhamn thorough-breds.- For particulers ns te conditions sud ternis, RBE ILR D OU T HTE C EL EB EA TED Ilcatinu nay ho m9de (If by lutter )est Duffin'a Cresk,-lukeriug. RIG MP TA ON 1 ~U *u ~8 O ~ 80 s-sari.MoCsrîhy) WcCalîy lhe Pickering, May *ý0, 1@70. 192I P NG NOTA OWJ bega ho eau attention tho bis large n fBare,1.870rs nd-e h ud. asacrîsueut of 1irsworks, TRIOTTING O4 E ed sociossuhotoue- JtOSEPHI ROGERS, 0NTAEIO.Aqr poflsisting or 5 li1!7 ,McCarthy &MeCsrls, officiaI Assîgc. ~~ U L tL~~G R E N 1 LU N A M s afIJ' ci to r for a t "ise luo l rsI)t.N eO o d R O A C . N D L S , ~ si î F R 1 7 0 .D a te d t i i , t s s 4 t h bM a y , 1 8 7 0 . 1 9 - 6 1. 150 ,"àplewillne i oe stand SEXE laotie sreby given tbat a Divi3ond cf T CatharluesWheels, Dombeo,,Colors johnle a oieî lengehl orn sand oe3fu rcn;no h aii tc ft ed FirntFiro Crackers, Chine tO Nsybe.', ste, at nocîs *,thenco ta L. M achine i naîl ÇQfrh, orètlafyor a îi 7 os raers, tUs ., o. Masson'sf, Cambry, assd.renin ail nîght. Aetfr Lty davbn deàlared, iud tisaItite shtn wlll be go - ue Oskrs qia e TeasuY,,proeod ta Mrta'u etl, Lndsy, gn frWaibig o.- an sd romain ail nighi. JA31ES I. GERRIE, 1a The nübk, ussd ita augendas, ou sud 00 Wzxz@cssnÀrwiliIproceed ta Yorks' bote), 0 3-Fasusiri rstore. Wéedne8u1 I .1 A15 Ailan OTOwppd, nt non gl"oeCuwgyia ho l, .<,1"LBH- aytthe lot «Tune next, - Iva of te hut of Ihoir epring !mpÃ"rlaý 00 ]PINE APIPLES. smsnsprocsed te Cambeli'sisoteî, Bondar- PAYER R IGS &o, NTIeTrjaus*lruokv intâth ltPOlll b badfo iaantiy n,,Cohi rclresL4ur D& TbO 't', n 4ecerl tgodn C oha sg Grocoies, iquor JE 1 .at.nong aeuofilVaco'a otl, - ANIN rsM, for, tiseélection aies hhtbyar eori LEM NS RNGS C Iomanten, sud romain e inigisa. B=i ou077CUZA? r. nD'edeeiý 1ho - LtJ ss blicb',tî6tôt- ~~!U. 3I~~<8~ro~, IItIyD~. FisoAT, W111 progoisdte ;*os VGsuseoa Dvs- JMtH GRI * lti'ubtIuNoÃŽce snoy the aut.hority- May 20, 1870. g WrPsbtel, Cnnissgtoni'bn romain unil D wttiýWibi" xtoIi >ts ih lue u ~- oio"mî rft u v. e Montlaymrtaîug. . - WbMty 10, 181Q. - nhi . _Ptr çs, sae .' ohJpays etnon;thno t bs om saa, t »rg Sosi >hî lui) à. -,* an,. and del F let S! eUdeve7 t.bunnti -ksd - psard eaeosrure. J~ ~ ~ I eW--.Particular attention i SlaloaTylin, t. pjst nc co ' onnty gl~if47,-qthé 5 ffht i:4 - Co"ç to repa~s.ir -*a D!TC ni., , fosae - :: 1bPrLêCo, P e-brad gk IIEQ. BEWGDUGE',& luitar fsds, .-TGO<~BK. iit~ as~dBsb 7 Â -Y y, pil 2 Il 70. Tisounneraigned i, tisa.liu bas on hast. stock o, .EInWBSv I %blichiibc fym je - -Pa1iting ÇQlTT .AQ T0 RENT ON Apply 'to- - JEIZOME TWOHY; WiITBY PlANO ATR -JO8EPH: RAINER, Tise1 suý , -retoming -bis msin- M~re thsuks tte hmuany flouSa& e holste thâta130e1nowcarrnes on thsebui ness olely upon biA owu acceunt; sud lu so- liuilicg futureonders ho bega t asu re Usera UsaI nothisng viii ho 1.1 ICJ01 udn ou$ bIspr te gîve Msaiaifola lu pplyDng - SYE, 'o The ceiebnated 0ev patent sudcrs-e, pattern cf hbis O ivmetou suftmd suieretcheoro.- W- Al rendra exected vltii promptItud sud dfspsthl.-- Wbithy, Ma4Y 8, 1870. - ly-18» Wain Y Ag fxor cass. Tii, Ontario, Turf Club sprn nRaes ii corn off caven tse Wbltby coureoun TuesdaY, Wediesday andI Thursday, Imay 249h>, 251h, and 208h, 187(). Queen'. Plate" of 50 Guineài-Tse Gift cffier bleu G yQaeeu Vlcssnfs T-n0eeW." d7 imEiie r« *225-WhstbyPrapj-ýaî o mifo-rdhrsnlë b a dash el-s2 tu lisetin ir Ifooesm eiss,$0 u 0125-Trotîlug p ,rse- -open tbaIl bàrass bs-e, e a n sd tmaed, lu lb.Prov-c, ba "lhý 4 bouseirelslv 0la-ae 1 eEC0NI>?. DA'Y. 9250-TurfiClub furge-Open to I al *orsr&. - inirs mEoo,ftJsecndf, 900.Do» lob red Isos,. oSIl..Ia-n heu, Ti . IV, - - - bora Uô0- bora bhm I !65 ýIG"RocKINfw "Cul 1

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