Whitby Chronicle, 12 May 1870, p. 4

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dear- 1888. rs report aàeaame of suUtm ton of a wldowç) wbic buba at Jouepora. Tb@ relatIvesi rrid- rîte, bava Pion antin <ara' laprlocunenit; sud te v,îaëaa w o iokiG O, to thrie o yhaI A Western papar thinku wif b gbke-l opear tlit thera may be rrua e 19 "1, ba e eertarif!.1 Mira. De. Wslker bas beaunotified that wheu ah. appearu ln the atreata of Now ,Orleaus iltamust bewitbout Irousors. BhockilI Americaiù eplitaph on & locomotive:- Collision tour or <Ire ohe bore; the signala were lu vafn; grown old and rustod, ber boier bu'ated, and amashed tb' axcuision train, An-American paperputs amate' whlicb l wishoa té enforce ini the fllowlng neat sisile -lYeu might sas weil attempito shampos an elephiint witb a thimbieful of soapazdsauas to attempt to do butanes and Ignore advertiaiffg."1 A Lansingburg youth, -Who, igten eara ego, abexidoned hie botrotbed and vent to Caifornia, lias recently sent for ber tojuin is, She go.., but under an. tbter nama, for ahe la a widow. Natal ln beaithy. A minoter write. froin Ihiere thst hoe lns juat marrlcd a fond couple uf lity-lour and 6(ty seran reapectlvoly, and t bat "O0ld Meyer," 107 yeara oid, falu ie snd weli. *A Germna-rant-giri ecdIa<ianapolis recently msrricd a wesithy Blimlore. marchant, and la now nilatreas of one of lb. fissI residences iu the Monumental City. The wlEes of En gland are gettlng tlred cf, thenionotony of being beaten toddastb by their bumbanda, and oneponrre -former bas mauled brinan nto bis grave wilb a big stick- TEnRRAPIN RESTAURBANT JAN - (89 & 80, King streat Emut Toronto). THIOMAS CARLISLE, - Ptorzroit. Tire niant oIe- om ontabloEmle taîtrant 1i Ir (tnnda. slrt upiplied At Lq o ouicgarucf tire fnent bruadu. abiîl and Oaa <ytrla oery style, W Pertisn vlnliting Taratffurà a wll lad overy acconimodatlon at the Terrap In. 'Aprl 5, 1870, 14 Tue nmolernlgted lsâ aeceptid the morIne Agencyof tie WESTERN ASSURANCE CO., a or OO, Apd.wtIi bc pied te) etYcçt Insmurancas for ail Iîsvlng erraparty ta ahip from ttls Iport. 1C. DR&APER. Whitby, Aprîl 6, 1870, 14 IMP'ORTANT TO PARTIES USING J. J.* S T 0 C K' S EXTRA MACHINE OÏL. Tlîfs 011 excoînaAil othor 011, halli animai sud vegotablo, anid voa re peparcd tbu how thi perlarlty 0f tht. <011 boualotior, ttltatidin the tenta treesosary te procure a irst-ola.sn ar ticie, itIA adapted toeiîîier Iigiit or heuvy 4na- ehliery, roi a clrick or sowilî-neoite ta btie boivent of shaits. Tii. falowtag are te 'einA l whIh I excOlsOtîtar ()Il»s- 1T ILL NO OUMlieuce. maoîtnory eau ha icept olean witlt but Iluttatrouble,at Itvilii cdean mnaelimtîîry that lias been ilrady gnmmed byallier 01Il4, It wll uateaugeal or thilckeu * -lu the olest 0< veaiter. Tthis In a quailty et te tghest Importance, <tara t, efat anl <>Il ne fitvîsîg thîn qarllty vili ilot inir)ricato a eold nîtafî, &oilAli O11May b.caphîcrî te a lteated iobe, bat tii.Moniut it flbieanles a colO sîtaft it làs orutronieul nd vii nat lubrîcetotun. tltîtejoarnial by fictioni acqtitres tîat tempqr-. attro tîccossrrry ta reduces itto aliqalO Btain l aequiring a tigîrar tomporainre by fiction. thie journal axpliru; uds îîltii. box la tjured, It lit sImpossbe to nea nl tuaIntvii Chill on a cold Aitfvitirout titis renaî t, on il lit b Min- §le 011 vltilivoeo. .J. G. 14tock'. Oit wlll la- brlosuî tiir, cuOct tnichinery lte momeantite le aimled. !Chf iu 0111.nov nâed ii ovor t vo buird salshetand ingivîngthel boiet * af rtisfactîon atid ail ai 1W In %aying ticy * prefer ttot redaed spcn or par. Olive. It ta otior Olilon Il doi-m rot gumi> or fraeze. ov gin the public are Avare bliat lîtny te aj~n thbtgea lra puiYâd iito naotot>, ln ro1 prove tWira IIst.no iiambag, and te %cocrer ournolven g aînst theooratin a i tngcrnpa.- loua 01eh agts(mauy o!fvîtoravili-not blt Isba tg pai oh'A oan offal of 0l1 refiaeries mn belug identical wlth 'Stock'a extra Macthie * 011 ) vWe pGOse.tii 0109e *110are Interemtod] Inublia 1111h ut thaso statemniatx. b oud te thoni, an applecationi, hy mauil or othervtse,- Iraeaait charge lu %Gy vay, t1- auniie of Iha a11, ht It la my $Peak for Itsoif. And vili smo* seuil vitît lb a fow lilipletesta, as effective As tiiose tusts by wlil otilId ix knovu frani thé baer Matais, aud Wh ehh yul enatîlo parues or, cicrinta s meoure tiienisalves agalnt Iiponl-ý -tou, y ouab.11tng thoin>ta detormifie at once whotmer the C011 fcr wsrded lauagood A . Ai arton deatug la Machine Olia vili do WallcI te oammanleatoilht * EO. B. STOCK, llrougluatu, Ont. * Itole Aient for the Dominîot>. BroughtamniMroliî15, 1870. TgEtTIYMONIAàL. Tus JoSIra',HAL" MACanU MB s 1DURAs x,-Wo bavi beenu ualagyoar I'nbietaug <Ii for lhe pat fQer mat oan sd cutit ay vitîxantIionttion * tîtt 1,4l sle butail vi-ebave eter used. jIt l alta ebleap, aud lista longer tItan aay tier aIl * W# bave rue Oar large 14 feAIlIrua plaine,, 7 dsys ,with an. llng. lb ksns thet lc cdean and blglit. We do Dot .vaat snytilag JiAtter asaà lubrlestor. LAMi, yastra truly, 15 Y. W. GLEN, Prealcht. F w' - ~<eepu lstantly on baud, and in course of manu- facture, tihe largest 'stock, of Lades Cetsa-nd Misses' examine for yourielves t he...xcellent material: and -fin work- * l-Apii13, 1870. Magnifice n Dit'play 'F NE~W SPING ciooiis, UIIEP CAH STRE. EW -:0: TGem Rings, We desire, tu thank tour kind-patrons for-their very liberal s8p-Bar Drops,, Englieh Plated »rooem, port dtuing- the paît year, and. hope for a -. ooe etvr adoe continuance cf ClrdSte eyhns . the sni r of e r ýe prpr esie hjtby , a nl of athpeicceta st tlm fi'ar s f u esa~ oreorponre to showoan cth bat, is to ui ofew od cicrSpeoc ta -. .es con, GENTLMEN,'ATTENTIO N! GENTLEMAN'S, CLOTHINO ,MADE TO ORDER,9 Cîtî b. selected from , uitbe fr the So. o' Al kindi of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods kep t cosaiyon baud. ALEK. PRINGLE.ý Whitby, AprilIB, 1870. OUR 81001K I8 NOW VEly. COM'PLETE, OON8ISTI&NGOP Grey sud White' Çottoue, SheetiDga, Linpo, Shirtingo, Priuîs71ýÉriiiiauuo, Pi que%, Blaok sud 0olored Silko, rosi Poplins, Blaok and Faeey Lustres, Fancy DreM Gooda, fiom 10" tet 75ets., Broau1 Clotho, Tweed a Coatiu<a Hats, Cano', Scarfs, Neek-Tieo, indt Ioltars, Pancy -e(oods in endIese vaiety. A pril 13t 1870. JORN SEINNER. TIIOS. BAllES &$ON, MANUFACTURERS 0F lx àçà1L . 8: mu U à X CR.EAM A, PALE ALE 'L E.e ààAND PORTER. Don Brewery, Toronto, Ont. As the por~o attends personally to the Brewing, a rëiIar stoc tAe n Pter eau always be depondod upon. Parties desiroua of iiaving Aies of superior quality and Porter equal to any îmotad, are respeetfuiiy soicitedl to send their orders for a quantîty large or amhand try for thomséives.. With thé nid of our incrcased facilities, wo are enabled to produco an arti- cle (ail the year round) second to noue in the Dominion. N. B.-Orders Ieft witlî Mr. JAS.- H. SAMO, at the Furniture Warerooms, Broek Street, Whitby wiil receivepohipt attention. Dec. 1, 1869. 48 0E c o '1 -~ CX> 'q. O 1*6 O OFFI-CIAL ASNEE GENERAL AGENCY OFFCE fgudrecaired thé appointmentoef Ofii siga for North promompttitet ma to JI o Ougefarai oecurIlt as 8per deul intereIAt.- peclal attention-willl,ba giro w sh. nagOf latio t à, and bOroera oanrelY Upon baving tbeir applicaton g"d ~~~~~'~~~~ AlEtbl5hipoea u il'provad constaely for s"le, -In&n-'mee effcte t Oi Otare arnar aialInaurance Comanyu>. OU s,.saiR ýS^ 11.0. . Marci 28, 1870. Z0IÂBZSHEI11 Istar ,GILL7NZE,, MOJVATT & f A er f JAME8 DAVIettN, Mang*r. .IlqURACE gnii5tLOS byFIEare Iefod n ~thent favorabeTternie and LOES PAID wthoutreforenaa te tih Urd. lu Lod~n,, YEOMAN,01138018 niant preaperoas 01 ZngliglahInraneonas Its INVEOTED 7171DS are,. .,,1 $17.00a,ose Ils DAILY INCUltE axceed... w 20,000, Its LITE POLICIES are aosera protection for tbp <ttira., It. PIRE OLIOtEs,lseda au, atzs, Itrord ample protection te tbwîMercbsnt sud Ronueboilder. Ail fair odama PuSmy Pât>, snd the ut- mont liberallty ahown lit the. djnatxnan of Ba0ad Oloeecanada Drsecbf, 1ontrefti. (4. y. 0, smITI, Chlef ,Agent for DominIot, LI FAIRBANK$,Juil Aazr, iL ' hlby, Ual, Whitby, July 28:h, 1se9. 80. MAXUPA0ITURED AT TUIE Agricultural Works.ý LEFFEL'g CELBBATED DoubléeTURBINE WATERNWIEELI "Z Ms ENMO& noiAil WjfEzL Nov lx17raz JAMES .JOHRNSTON, Watebmaker & Jeweller, hrock st. lVhiîby. IN-SUJRANOIE The undersigned continues to represent the following'reliable INSURANCE COMPÂNIES: ITIIE ROY'"AL. - Capital, $2,000,O00. BICA» OFFICE, - TORONTO, FRANCIS HEWARD, Esq., 1 ~MANA(;Ba. IM PERIA Li JJOHIN AGNEW, 1 AGENT, Wmtay. Capital, $2,00-1,000. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. RENTOUL BROTH'S, NORTH BRITisri, Capital, 62,000,000, MMA» OFFICE, - OrqnEAL. MoDOUGALL & DAVIDSON, JOH.N AGNEW, 1M,&Aazn&i 1 .AGETWus y JONAGN, WT II1 I El 7~~H8N hoel w.Are Dn o n iatnrlng TJ.. chaper tItn n o *ahop ln the. 40e»- trvand WCwili give eaprarantewith acol IVbeewarranting tîcm tu b. au vo il muae, aud to givo ai; gond mrtistaeion as &ay MEna- faetarad in the IDominion. J'ortie% deairiug <fartiier Information oan oh.- tala It by addrooïsingr PAXTON, TATE &0. Pen y-St., Port Pofry' Ont. March 31.1, 1869. 1 Capial, 1q500,000.ý SEAD OPFICE, NEWIIAVEN, CON. - Caita, $400,000.1 PROVINCIAL, HEAD OFFICE, J.AS. SIDNEY CR.OCKR, SCOTTISH PROVINCIAL, (LIF,>) TIIA» ýOFFICE, A. DAYIDSON PARKER, (JJ.AIea the Colonial Securities Money, at reasonable rates. Whitby, Janiuary 4, 1870. - Wl w E oe w o E -z 0 w TORLONTO# JOHN AGNEW, J *Aem~rWHITB. CpiTABl, 1,OO JOHN AGITEW, Company, for the Loan of1 JOHN A91n z n z hO oe -R p 0 o 1~ m c> m z -I w 1 IG B .8T MAR K1tr pRICE ZA T FRENYHMANS &Y. - ~ I Wx. IMTEIDE. PFreuolbman'n IBay, sept 22,1889. $8. BRITJSK AMERICAN ASSURANCE COMPANY Capital, $40000O. rIIE uinderoignef bavlnheeb8n aPPaintOd LAgnt forthe abore Conupan, o rese amure poer=Agmiat= ,WS U1 I BEonte nmant fvrbeternis. Âpply ta 2-2. Agent, Wbltby.ý OP RTH RN H OTE L-I K,-Prop bisCaor, wil, am neroroore xected ln the best .tyf. .lÉiOVe-' 70 DUYDk ,2BEEI, JOHN 8BROWN. &THOTOGR A PHs T DOMINION -GALLERYS În Detailia"d ezqugsate *Fliia, i plotbre takan At Wilisou'n*Al»o, the, f"Tinted V'gnate, * naw suad very beautifai -style. .yé Auytlag îsew ll haowripby-,Sisat lu Worth haring, eau b.bad At WlIiou"' G<allery. Cablzýinesl raes, réry loir. old portratta neably eofld. t>Portraits euilfrged ta lts mlze, « and eolored la oil-water calors or IndisA lak. Broc M r, W l lso u la V er ee a af î là t k n g 1 Hf',, TwinPlough, ndu ànuictgsing n -Alarge o s ti ya11 cW Winter ibis' PLOUQUS8 £la Tin , i gnaranbsed,,velI made, £04 !ns li rrlgpart groued. g-Pasrti.twald do vel tasend lanltib ordema irittiant.delay. rCounty Righta for sale. Aibara, Navembor 10, 1869. 4&Ut L IVIE.RY, J r r' OE TUF, NEW LOCAL AN,.zSTRETI(cý - AT DEN4TAL ooMkB, DUNDAS STREET- WiIITBY, C. W.- EOOS....<ve.. M. H. Ooorna'ea Store. W i y , J n e 2 6 , 1 6 7 . 3 ONTRnITUE RES MUTUAL INSURANCE COMP Y. 1118 ta mp n o w <u 7 a rganzd, sud s làa..pred ta acorupt riskuo n Yarm BritJzu, audprI gn teîuîst, Conuntry pSobaa sure. sudthboby intpport a Home tnanirano tCImps qY, tave roi-an apportanlty cf dalng sé ýj1!e etler ut the Head office, or ta lel 1t' O Ï1iîcage ts. u ra tsJvî be fend L. FAIRBANKS, JR., ITEAD O)FFIOE-Brock Street, Whul.by. GEREGURLEY? GENTLEMENeS GARmEN'rainadeep i 1h. bout stylo antI latent fashin. A fine surcl or Cîotlia frini wlîiobtnalak a neectiom,,-for GonblemeuCa sammer saise. OshRW9, MaY 12,169. le HarJOHN RODIN'SON'sg HarDrdssizïg and Shav'iùg SALOON, B3ROCK ST., WiI1Bl wiltSOUTrTHE axB.urX 0 or oazà.a. Wtby, Jan. 22,1'55. JOHN CARTER? LICIENSED ÀtroTONEE. ONTAeRfl, YORK& PFEL U'4UIDEIIII«NED DEUIRU - TO 113- ýTl f3n thifrIoi, anti patrons, tiat ho bon again rotùàbusiness sathtei.old WHITBY LIVERY STAIBLES W~ Ilaviug enecasd the nimber sud qnality of tie slnd, and aise added la and fia- provod tho coivya.nces suod vohiolen on tIi prominos, tie lioptus% by being in aý position hto mcc fle I. anta ai cnutomers to moii a sbire a! pub]l'ic patronage. M- éCHARGES BODERtATE..oi N. B.-Covered coeîveyatces fur familles sd Idien. Prutateduanhrtooe ta aIl ordors N. RAY,. preprietar. Whitby, Apnil 8, 18688. 14 Ta ew eeurs. CR Ainaai,, kSua.., Con-e * eay P. O., Counfg cef Lenwo, Onf*, * t ADO.Coetyof Hlastings, 1Province o! nOu , rleob. Oti, 1889. T118 la ta derli ytbiatdttring lithei-inter ci T 86 iso s vataken iUiawieslakn <orlie ankies, vhioerdilly durlag the. spriug of 1867, oxtendedta ni>' kaees,ad an up ta ni> hipt,; and I *beceut e aek Shah t could niot çI1alk,-bobas ïoaftncd la niy chair. Jor about hi-o years,, vhilo bia vàoahe c oming on me, and aferwardn4, inoeigib 'mediasi mdvice empîloylngat.dîNerentiaisatiire. doetors, andmodicifues of diffièenb kleds, prearibed b>' rleadn..batoa!noavail. Iàoontlnnerl 10get ahorse sud vor»uniait lb.the unior-a!18688, vien lvasi ndnced ta tuyti ratS'hn. ebàs Reniody iY readia g thèe cures' aerfôrioinea- la a pamphlet A5ttlai 1 bad begun ta fnlt b1itaeueknesai ii m h anà n la fiL1I as gaettinir aImmnt elplesn.1 Ihave taken bvo botties, efthelia shneas Remecfr sud Iva boxesao e )li luhsd Iam> eatlrely ratoôred ta beaib. I -nover expoteidta gel; bitter, but slmply te e diola. as a asoit 3 inm..d.. orée -AND- tItl e 7 h v p e nle d b mn ln ff l un C o b a r u ixen aIl rdfer for dregmakug sun ia n Whti.c.17, 1849:.4 TEETIR EITRACTEIX BYT TuE-USE C 'ËZ1 C1JLI ia Sqnantty or Wl 0%18 ell aî b air anbackuaId Sllv have auly ~ betieve I - &eorafr 4fa a --lt r -a , 'ý iý - E.,S'PATE NT LAMPS 1 fLÉn WM. BURNS, Brook el capitail $1,000,000. 1 1 Co 1

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