Whitby Chronicle, 21 Apr 1870, p. 1

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Ji. p. toi &O MC Meuius Mt Port Whttby, à4 prauîouesO"ad. byrtise Wbhtby, Mmol 8i, 1869, 1 W-A LA W, land Brokr, Acco*flt*fl*, 8041', NO£ é P VÀL: ON.T JJURON Bous£# PORT,, WITB 1 '. R. BOW, - Propriét or. w Uoue,=ý«V bat bea1t ON ilbrlster sud Attomney-n-Lav, ge THE ]ROBSj OJE hsOsrY, Noeary 1'ublle, &C.-. (AZOtlWj1aiOk, )k Stret, hDutdoor 1te -oyalDNA TIE, JJIjy~W 'MasE H,.DARTNVELIt er rE1$,ATOMNE..U1vyN. -J mHEebbarlber bef» teOannoiues tmi ahe IpityUgharar Mater~straordl TInRS lousod tIse bu ldfJ1g (orisaly knovoi brIo Ofice Book-t., lslCy. @d, i raiiiabd,atiâ ltted up tilsogoîti tisa bosCof stylei.Tiihemieresrnu'y DJBEIT J. WILUON. elstu6ted. opposite thi.tonteb, àsudl iss ~E1C t ATOIC74Y ATLAW cOeltToft tleTwi.O iukrtOutaerus hestagfocitr Uxbridg, suid Be.Vorton les,. chbl tedooroeusynorcilnoî, Yiane -- î~ ci , ,ÇLEBAT'ED ý-5Q0TTISfj' GRANIIE.'ý: W At Mnrble 'Pomlts of , jiT5~ NEW STOVE" TIN -80P eN fer te muit t7heZnrlnjr duand ln ternie esnuid by the. buldig or the Chesbehsr hss 0pen>d s 'tova sudfin i n up on. d or o th or Vii t &OS m o' s F arn i- J STOYBS &, T1N WARE amy b. blm bd, sud or mnn of Tln*umtWj, Iwork 4o1% on the lorteat 110t,416. 91ld Iron, Uoppem@ rs, 'têsun it n Ritgà, woolI ilekiligip, fors Hfait sma al muatner of truck taken lu exolsâr.ge. Wlltby, M sre thi, 1869.l AIMBEON', OTEL, e(tata Ptaul's,> t rR SUnï ol B d MOIWR ias taî tra - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11é I.M JRVS ER ROBSON' of ta ePsublieosadtigusfrieude. Thsetable .,n M, 1ARISYGLbaronupllied vithi the b»Vt Good rous> 'flÂhIfISTClt.T.LAW AND SOLICITÙEUR eu S1~slway#lu attendanëe, jing, <e Torosnte.jsauer-t4'rsseev168 Jbrlslge, Jau. 2,809g. JAIIEN liITII GORDON, GEORGE COR NfA C E. T M E EWINs Iritr u N A R O H T Sel sior tus Clslviery, Coilvoyusscr, NW .a...r4 I,Jeîner(ut-C i)rc-etdooes<ote iStori ef B. <&oitmeeJ.s»î> W a»t(ITe Dy. 's Campbll,Bgroekdti Whtby, Out,iUNDE T< KING.A LXADR--Por 1, 1* FIRBNKS. LsÎ~iti~tOt, * lid sud atCeîîded Wisusy N v. t, 88.b,4 ud. DeAL fu k~ept îla biTl rE ucibeir desaires Ce mturn thank Q OLTCITi>l0 NOTAJCY PUBLIC, &o. &o. Isu l PtCiesIt E stsrh s OsawaV. W arsto breoniberltrl,, Xta t e blcor tire es-yliberal put "IWO bestoweC 01, hift Wlsilé propriètaroi C. A. JONES, WhibyFab. Sli, 1s62. i l- as otcqiiulon te onnonests h a l oi - Drristir, Slctor lau(zhaucery, At. tisaaboya e0i luavcu l. Large aidi torney, ak.,, hoice. Brooklin Drug $toro., -' Jove beais eceitî,- mode ttChe psanimaxses Ras ramoved bIs O10e te lot Loor ever tise logirrorensmodiauas âcostousotlen - -eucensiug h, n amber et plooephsg rocsr uDOUE uiANK.aniy ie l'al' mure thonu tommeriv.Af wbhltls,,Oa.7, 1868. 40 JMAfLEK lu Drugpistteist Medicinif* lena-dBdtd. Extulv di fible»sote I~AEWEI. JcuE, amry, te efil. i sCuSCuletîo.itisbling, bisads]OUO BOY"flors e., Ihavei Liqote! i.te'n Masde, Ail Ooaiuisg tiseundersbguî Alttl$Ltl$, ATT RNES, r Wiom nd iquiffr te bài5qelti effe t i lIsba <d Frioisls anai thepubliag AN» AUIS. UBLC.oge* attl -oes. rsiYsutseas 17 ~ ogie -Oaf oruoti cf thé. 10%tî Offlce H roo<l,AiC. ff<W., tta180pn&Gweicomo bis oîd qriend * Oshava; and lieter',IO4 o p ipouite 26 Whitbyp eo..2, lobs. Tovu l, IcnnCtîe OMMERCIAL 4- d'B. Faavsit-. R. EcOax. MOTEL, Q Io BEOCK eT., wJiIT13y. Q er 'T' atiser begaa 1e annoncaC i i. frieusds ans ficsapublice tsaL Is tss -al-mu oplt vslt a s.îi M 1Har l i ises fttsed tmpCL KS Atorto*tàno,,SlilttieinChn.l ohtPelr nl8iirwihever>' cisveni- (AT~a caryf asd liuelveit-Cyp &c1. 0Iea ise t'eto f L R S A L siio ...-teltliisis'andk, thokSt.,teVusgpi ble.It iW becatifsu hieý bas tise best Gallery li tw'o I'~Bout acconmodation, and ositsor- Caitt, aud lisa;iteatiisuce vitîtohiljy u~uîuMfJnse odes~ lfi<, sCbw fnom,iliquors îasd ain. 'Geod SI' ilig, ca i y iaî bu t t ise Cossusur, snd o,, J W. ~VL0CK~ vitt eelased yards, aus gts rsi ROslsua. do quit. as goosivrkn nyoîsninul lien.#.,zo*, . 0.1 wXU wOss 'AY ou tb. prensiself. Chirgeâs ilodonuugeCouît>'. W. 114 DILLINGS, - Wi1b 1 an 4, t5OR. 2àybsokwerd aboutseuslisg farward. - - OLiITOI, 0,,60.YEOMAN GIBBON. __________ ST.____________ Obireui it 1'Loe, -Bookwhltby, Nov. 12, 1867. 188 COt .IISIO ME C5HA I ENRY GRIST, (-ARLES C. KELLER, INUA ,& EEA G Eh T. <BSTIBLISHED 18wO.) WUNYAT LAW, $LIC'L:ORN Wltby, Jan., l8CIi 1868. PATE NT SOLICITOR 'Jtnoyl3ouvoasiser, &e. Csuuilg on, Brook, C. W.e REVERE HOIJSE, A ND A TTUR NICY-AT-4LAW, tlOLbCITUIt IN B. PLANK,---- Propnsetor. OTTAWA, CÀNDAIj.j -M . halsoary,-NeCar> ' siîiie, ('*Oive>sisear1 nSIngea tosssd rom Whitby ciiidail>'. Ever>' TraiaTs uieaw.4, CANADAe Whi, tîttY il. W.- Orylisj, BI-01 s$tract. nttesssîoss puid te guseî. Cnrefliacd atlen- Taist bitse il tsalstu cutil '4 fal; îOffice. : - 48 cire 9 esa - e Office, and athsur dep4ss-inent ntailtvu e vi LYINENG Lislh, L L. »l.. e. Capys-iglt, nJftiuritiuregiaisnîinu ol' tric 1DARISTE AT AWTEL &tor n-Ch-- II v.uES 1) Marks aidDçulgis praenired. a lCiaiFO R SALE. -à£. 51 tgoharces je«ltic f sA Jaeaieard r. sa-tý fe 1eus-c Of eInvretionad ps-e ns-a gîaeCItisv.4 IAT aid estabtsbiiedanud vol kuevu Ilia-- iay er fuU ind<aen.fiifa J MES LAMON, T tel, tisa Mas-isma18e. ~TT P.N .& >'w~ CENTRAL HOTJSE, EPEOMff 'C OLICITOR CHAI CEÂtsY, 8Sleiudild s-eaîuy etiitg, ssîsd drieingp1.ied, GradTrunk ]ala foe 1 sChier, witis ie as- lW ecres f an uid stsscb ad a yHt CONVYANEilAND(~E~~c.esiasnsyba deî.is-d, .td it,. îsyoung banr- AT IVHIlTBY STATION. Ouics-Ove Ammtrusg's lat1, MainiSt.j usa OMcclus-s. Tisera are ivo well i isga .t'FLinin iscisdCs i Ubde. -P"'inl's und excellent wna,ur. M NITKTn urhsdfieht Uxbridge- ùi e th, 189. C t-28 W iawiîoiili odanabspsn,,V ifd prensites i,-sswn 1ustise (s-ail ansd sm aise OitisbIeqttchsances lit Cie Domiical Tias unlcJ ie, Wlitby otstsionsi, gatcissiel - O R. H-A N C o K, fur us &tsiv~ e sis, tissus. 11s4rienis aand tise traveling publibe fiath s %Vil] ie sctss isigei sur tais-n repart>'. bai in itss;i11P thse Iouioansd Naîises ira liret (PauM EI<OLArici& laisas-TO.) t o trn,&c., urply (iî l l er, pra-pnid) elnsst l, nsd b>' attention it a tse usttc SURGEON, ACCOUCILEUII, &., 1 ,WLIMB~Otisassa who tivOr Issus wii hei i patronsg WILLAM C LONtrsîst, Dlu usat acsrtinuares et their custai nejeGVNx.DeEpsaom. W Parties tsskiit he train sud leasisi R. J. GNN, li. D. ~421 ssriWi hvettu ebi taken cara of ti * LURGROZ4 TO THEl COUNTlY GACIL, tiijeis-rettarri. ks arosSCruiet,Wlsiitby. 4 'vlitliy, Scpt., 88.- W. 14. LAW, -B-A-, MD-, G e o. îA yers. TIOMAS IIINT, I'hysielan, Surge on, Accouchser, &Ca. GENERAL, BLÂCEsmITII, AND T îT 10 ODet 1OAI. HSCOtPRU3GNDlç EALM.. ~ FRS-P1I 0pIOSE-SIIOER 1 Bege toiisform til<spesple rf Mwlih ilnKd vîcis TIIONAS H1USTON, DUNDAS STREET.h>', tluieaIlutapcseda p OW CER c TEAURIL %'IIT Wlisitb>, 1, 1.à . 2 1 Opposite the Ontario Bank, Ci N. VARS, Doktet iub nîne WELNTO 1TEI>IZAc'rTJolu-i atiat, Oshiawa vuxutesit a la -txsAsan e R» EP.I WELLGUNHTEP »asi ioiss dirc] po M[ABK}AM. site thsei[,onbO OU .EGtUaon BY S, KEYS, &o. IUFDBOTTOJI, - C'sopriator. Imeaeîs-e;thrd.lorsorîbeof the Ontario ClOake AndI WRICelis-s venne-i asdrpti rerd, ua Bank. S-I«MAIIE8 &-w> t &fsisup;NrjiM.., , oa., aise Agent -PARASOLS <t' U.IBRELLA, ecidnt nd tandrd nsualie Cýjt.> 1-usenJed aunsi caves-ad, Snvs esuspesseî asud et ~ H SWETAPL and repire, &c., dc., &c, Asisune of youn VECTEREIN-ARtY SUEtGIEON1 Wsq.b ug 0 î~.TIOS. IIINT, ~__ ~ R. L. tMUU Co, -Graducfte of Otarlo Vefesirary ('ollege 1.05 unxlarami and laCe .iaCat CeProf. Mit, 1Ss.DÀscuixss oxsu of l'oronfo. - OOUNTY 0IF ONTARI09 P nop. 1UCKLAND, Pratesar of Agsiultpre, t ~ - 2uTRO Iinor. SMITII, V. B., Prinoipal cf <Ontas-le V. Collagre. W "Ail osdera Icft. persousU>y, -as- sent isr Du.BOVEIL, Tes-ato. inuil te the '5itsn Ilt,"e "Albian Bote], TilOiCitIJiCN, " or 5*Ontario tIntel," W lstt.y; oveI'sllî là IOWELL, "- Broalulin ; IliiJ'aIlutel, Ohisnwa; orChsru,ýa P. *S-MRl. CWEETAPPLE cansba congultai oros-gse«e offices, Wiuitby, viiiltuacaelully prre(sglonaily ai hie reelience, Bruoklu, at attéeds te. aliîoîîs. - - Whitb>', Oct 18, 1889. 41 Braokliit,-ApriI 14, 1869. 1 8 -.OI S 0ENTRA L 1JOTEL, BEîUCRAN. P l N S _ Q L , & WILSON I1OUUE, Alsr. WILSON, Jr.,- Proprietor. - li BUISCRIBEICbtg. Leauassounneata his T gîîousansitisa public gausruliy, Cîssîllia ad u.e~esc ti saaboyave is otliinthtisaVillage e1 l'r tisaaceomadatiasi as tire irg- gjIilogvnbila. Tise hu Ioeusaie,, sud tus-. #aCeniains olt ttro<sgisanditrtasiarlîî puatner. Ouests viil ud evbrï cauvnvuissce et tho aboyae tahliaiiinel. Va s, Liqaas-s, sud C1gss-s ')f tise hast IlsuJntIssy kcPt o!] ba.nd., 2r autI Cstablibo sud attentive cqitlti-in ud Lc. .WILSON, t4r., IProprbetos-. .Ashiburnt,Me>' oC , 18 69, - i -s Uoy,&L 4ADIAN fOTEL, 1PORtT PERRT, ONT. IF OY, - Propriotor. mad leb eculis, sud attentiva eetles-a, ]prt erry, Novr, 8, 1869. 4 Wi 1TB -RHCH BIBLE 0,EP0-8 1Ir OR-Y I iTh@ssCttuti c f tise publie le luvIteul te tisa nev sud veil essecteai stock a! MMES sud'TESTAXjýNTS, itodwlthoist tise pslms lu mtra, nov ta ton 84theiseDpo-Aitur tah f i. itby eolat>', The slack»hum iseen se- $hé 1>.Pealter, vîth'irealt Case, auJ andtifiesbuiovliussom luvarIons1 oll O-b utiil d o-nsstntl. toyA Js . ereADrng sCore,j F eai 1m,189 e elyli,89 Linseed. 0U, At JAMES B. GE1IRIE's Drug store,, Wiitb>'. J obt reaaived aàl'raeh alortusent oSne vapst- Limes. EuslisIis pes- Bsngiags oln s t LovPiea BORDERINGS, WINDlOw LN, JAMES iB. EDI &r 1889. r&gt Wàii14 JOHN BAILEY, -Pioprictor. Tisa sioveisotlalse beaunavie itetl i sud fisrnised: Unes4ta viii Sundcoitba aceausissodat loti auJdsttention. Juon. 26, 1870.4 NOS. 78, 80 and 82, st. .josephs Stree, J Thesuuhcmibe bu oend tise aboya flofIl ftisa, acvomec.atiou eta rveling pil s ifr] Ias accom#idaitiii emveet Chie b.stkirid.I t coui- taius 75 reome, vitis good yard sud etahin Sos-r 60soraca. -Terme ,modarata. C.LE ,Proprtltor. - a7Otnd madeuq in th ntwà AAi Orders attetded te with puntua- liby sud dispatoh' Wii e Yb.,>'7 NFE1 GUD0 HouzeTO RE T, Tvo DveIllng gouaei te rený lu tbe I!ov cr Wbitby. bmpartiomslars aPplyte MIhN BAKME Wiltby, Mumhi»,100 Tqp REDIE OUEMP ON ir21IA OP 705 D#,iEL la s ugd L A U t esis s M o v y tais- 'North-W est Territories 1 ii . 4 ThI ts unpplie&a a deraatum long foie,ý I.. T l*hl:w,;.<1e!fChie Ferile Niit, ana tbtsse parCs i Wigeoieiii, Miisscooto, and Doucte t:ogb vias i t vagun ronde puis. te Fort Garry. 2.-Tua sactual urver f he $Suklrk SBoCe- O. mant*it, wt811 terosé%, aburebeoo,, o, lle, glstlit he Ne*w O.vermnt Rond frin ort jeter. lnh i ti 1Fort Garry. S. Ïhi Canoo Route fonsFort. William te Fdèrt Gasy. i k . t e 4 . A S e a t i c u s i H p g v n gr f il E s i v > ,trou or teatnhca routs b>'vi 1 t. Cied au. Ot tisé e b.renhid-St. Cloud la the prasint terminu ime qi milwny Cssv.l.) saaetd J5. T ab lee ci I tanceason he O vo l d R oute. Co us E M Impr n e u t C a g ince a w liir e ev ry Otit- Rod Csmpin>g Ground or sticil .(Hôtel) ou sud the ro as l i ti i ot , and ol ulat Ie r atIe of ,no tii trssvel nccoordisgiy. ]Notwspspor routIers wilI firt.It flud f nu Iivaluableanid te sàjiroper undièr- a lite1 s ta n d in g a hr t t u s, n e w u < r m h t in te r e stt a i Chea rogiots. Thie Mnp bis bean a'smpilad b>' D. site <.odd,,Esq., of O ttwa, (romoffical issepu andI ld cc) reputla îever vs4 sisue lspblIc- sud ln Ibis aisle- vurk lia linA beau asnàlgtedgroctly by s préti- slaie cal kuowiedga nittise country' laigédcvi. Tisa s)Y Cc Msp la 24 h>' 48 incisé.1,, enutltally litlsogmnplii <, and iiibis furutailied ut itbolowing pri- 8-1> cea: 'r---.-on........pin..............m tpalwigfoth Wliltbjr, April ~Motthet ies idemn e lcitohergr.poisos Mypssn dw ........ : 2 00 c~~~hr a atiigc !ryn n.y lear n yfrtl t h tr om;adbr n hr 011alllngInfinCahe c oottage a eacté a a'ts teAyoe A ndc asbal tIsuskOf thcf vîscisai aveet and fruit hava n osC. ards p veebigsuare expres propad. AC.emDoÀePx t W ind s ou trl as A, p ins. . . . . ... . -P U RiIt OI D-, A- ------N--T-- --E-S . S i l a c m a a ..si y n i ,e bo ok , b u tm Cie as m o t boys. ti u i a -< id I b g n t e a g ; p cv u e . e p a i g d v A,1870.15 % Uete ed te a er sto in h a ound ta Apil8,xs'o 1 camp ôa ut>' rei da oftlusli t ~lon eaunu'ral ion a hf,. ôClone hiatr H ate rocm ; n t 1 er su thr Ice n AaBd . 2 00DV O R CaS l it h itlym itean eun sly .n d nelr;s A d i m p a rte d te- .m e. sus>' -sv e r e é trau pulaobu ya usdsu ie n d ,nd i n g y o e d m ey couN T E »In.Nw-Yor-aInianaIllioisbag onId ancChaaileYuns and llSoueng o na. usin th-e rccsspi at rica. ati S dtr u r yL mv in s 1 i, n ,giei- Ia vo cempr le h i d b ut re Iittmepi fi ve muta d et onue sent b>' 'l it Yt nariignelcetrihdcoe tased n est-I as Ssii '- hebat A NTED 1 tar. Trsf1 hatIthéhLatgh this tIsrcng witb&Mtcut ltomevi-ggbu P. Gas' . LU ICE, Wtt or FOUR 6001) acprpREd éN aythCeS. s iz o nthrsearaiv y 'ev ok, th aoi- as meat o ys. . eu.t- d . em csbecing-d o und so Tindeos-, Ap-1lt,,1170._*p - Sinp12 i>' R EE -, - red tse tbategeisnngCfht t . ioug -ed over r Iy*nes fher oe -aand- neslonranosu Havemat ie 'mt ex actem o chapti wdoer. Ad hîs su-and ched att-a leani man HofdtIth pims ils me antI ùl th on, m.A ned te, trasedon boaupd, s-e A 1 B A D OR .ieg ILy ob Riei X ?B M I WI, aDressusaskeir, ite n ug l e face ou tnea s me b e t ch o : o l d, yul- 'BEAS, bt f eerhîuet-yo s yngma etionehi i ike sens. theroys, 1bu pet el-te Lt h-as5 i' <cng i i'on, yn o e Çns it GRnuE nRa 0r Aiiau IlnossD.alr' ~ ~ sopS Wistli. Isadbose;pia lvn n epc-frA pnigmnodi n-sge-o Adtefolutrehut averyviseje ;lre<;s -eTticn, drankanne h i igiv e a w aI Cau ie me b r ls sie fe mn e e tssu amie?, c Cite ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a onet5, loros-fr athteeor<.aisir), Wbth, 1 4l î.-blest o e bldru lam ender a me Mruti Cheylove I den 'trem w eiar visth boutvs vout will lie ptrotiet.,11 ivai- aa aînnei d- s'AwN, TeD I. 2as2. Trobl7u.-t. Lrcon>'pfra aeSim eutls'ofsls- v'v Th l asne. CiMye rttm e t cfw B u t L i o n el !m ô ureb o i c a u s e e o u g h 1so tisn , a dif o r t h f te e u t men s -s . 8î.i LV RhoE , tmestir mre the enulta t e, m re uz r y tihousf o i on.paess itrat, test baai tte cinigros c toit Cha anythig myin vio ne thuuigo ofyhean t antIb IehCie s at I beitevrdChat tie sae d ue th igi ode III% DY A» O RT piEXTRY -CARES,* tetas aie. - ho vas- Ccc >' seuu futen,-Pisge, rut cclnc advs L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -0 Gi <. t~ mors Can fhen-itm ong suad rect- l'or suheoening ahe lan>'- ato cflie And C.hen, rom'tts or axhaustheonIl't A s ii &-D u LT. EA. tul mnuandnthevbbalanceghe meohpen serions vbee, simplopure minddnesa te Ise dock -o- OFFraeICExpe cnt- Gsamet.l'ies7imnt 'ncg.8vtas e of h mee the most -hen. as fisucd bred cae r h loeWbu svoke va veulreti hers eu u'ndersM>nliCherat4eue limeuh dieen veil cffecfCrCAS. sud hEes-nt>'.bcffaiardaf andtI.nI->'rbeermbin brain vg th oéto nuCene. atl rutisa hanse fh a v sce censfhow labie mo erezr- knev tay I hnoh. mo Isetoc sem e l m O t ebutiesd ortise Cossttse paeu :~ ~ ~ ~~0 DRAP A 0 AY ETR. A I, cîstas n' hu w'inac ke.ving!y fr. sonfi. itranesai.ns>f' 'sîhaad tnieeat i Chin;ad Àý1.poal, ns anthos-, 1e8h0. beauhbtbsse15et tIseag87c. fourleloveasnI have ari ,hInIsalisveaChativees gasaved mmefs-c fot ti a p s - c a s. tiI tis W b t b > n , d P rt 0 ! tis is it u a l t y , c u i P o - y U a o o d 0 C N S ~ E R G A ~ , w t h i m u h o s-a l be h a t , u i a inc e a b le t v ih Ie r u s sia n ld fch m a te r c f s nc b e t h , m e r s oh a t h é , n e e e an i > ' R b x t g MP RT NT TO 'A TLS SI C ol snobp e oe asisvorks hineg h hm s lecfseusiies iehsud agn>' as h o, Catin bisd offk ce a ttembyn coutuid ad COMtME<n.oRIJw, u iA blnc ur ianfmamn>' udcli .con the oatIstISen aîas ieirn ha stiep, eemeuitydscavofidtSac! ties o ineràsl 1De ra*upleia- h Zwet mos e t le anCh atipviible dtssiud sgui'n acndC pn srosbn c ns'fturpe&ed li e a aI t5se rat af six pas centvrcc i sy ahe i za vti b eccaIs e i onn- C , e h. k-iidon a s ntI eme ahlm ofmu se ssotic o mp!a em atviy c il One-iu S H A W A.l bsiddssmesbisccepinAS.sl. GE Rvg, olf Is ofvbrdsaad, han-vcs-ems luChîs or Ch.futur. - siastio ho iAElaS 1t1s sACKtnde- PoRro.sml apnse hc r ha n be eln o rmbgnig t thotsng pmoter 'ofainiai c fran st- C..DRAPES.T F0s0 i W ' ,S-h arke t , Ise b a e o as, Y rve d n e ru t d o l b y hld s h u hte sct c a c a a .s r n e Wisltby, Aps-iilehim to tary ta8,o 1870. O atoi* as, nd tte Ch.d piacaep'eian -o on ha 24 Wistil Otdti obn orCmmr E TsA,15hA CHIN, 1870. Sbu-7 love sud on aaestégs >, an aértI the p ingoafterf a ls- translatio ef 1isit t- inviteuuéatenChna; antilha trite thinkrboy ealuBabliaCdsC unttîmina Hi a viheocs-ttns, antI g ita t me eue cf C ites ofnav era eChth eee sip C O M E CILe- O T L, coTttaoPA TgSeS ongid i, moutteh nseonthng vhc gute, atI muils vhch in n>'gof lrkbu Isa ofic a eu Kcg-î ssi OS}IA,170.14 Th» Ot.xclMail INER 01b1,kalvesu hmepssbl C o ndist onv tud pasieet Chaond I not me n my di.ha.Icf tise d liii then occasinahamalk -me onbisabout dfcftmy mites taCbve New pieise vitdem an-eeale n eac rprdtogn he Awasynogeoniosî s f ocfthso C olit m-e n h o ns> e I t wi-hav a g hooforwe titeld b s lcaow' Si AS B DLAth er. arcthsOi o i o begiiadaonaeta.oray hngecetequninmg tlepcktIssei y ad n ges pover,'plc i heOm the teinssepiaabappinprocur s àrith citaap rils b e teiinen (rom t e bu sit- ness cfér bitta- vich Ch t- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ciey front S '1 kor e<n-mciiieïom nakhat, 1ftos adsve ungentlua-rpe oi' > mwds thougities cisl chnce as-a- Isr C O M I S S O N G E N S 9 eav st. of ;lj ftt . T e fflo ing are the w a ven o.uh t i e pea tb s te m r o th e ar o o u ' bt s-s a cfth no oth man , anI lt rs . r ai odé e e si e , su Cc laid m e COLEIO< CoACfltt OUps-cerne l'or Commet h ichILA esthr Oils:c bs -vnCate, sd akloe-ke Is cfhry cnvetg 'bulati, b>' ftebabrs aon e vr ami-o-iNT U.>', enlliards ier on dh ~ A 5 UA±I! o tet aoutIcs teosnSuc f Ie HtI H'igSen es-d ithtand thesphemo Clos . cf m s cc nal ndps. - -ws t ,,?,,w thceking asv>'lIekcoutnet cft heetIsaiposîbili-ie City ae 0ils. It t ii, Out o a l r ll. i stands , n w . B u w saC vth aC h wcf noven- i n tI b> - ie tstiucl'tss-'topocr sfs-t cîstuta ntiernama tl. bok, orunsn xeptx uib:,nritîeooe iein y wad an, m eIsre n ipae in C h al h odeto eter Tiiscn ~in C.ivr lsStimonad.oe o hjvd e h ol-n M 0 RM T S AG0B AELTS, 1 o h igies fr r nice srein ertalsisa tis vru oatîcae-> v pi. i - icma Ftesd1 usaifdvioc aIaqie bu iteYhuaddi COLB7RS COUZTL'T, sn s- is ad anh po uct lo anuver te ty ise q-emeie, 'WIanswerednîmyfpaluteh. in Inn.. I hatn Jesîs-ot hastr; Nva SiekOei t a eiviigtîis ul ilsil trola, aui cat àlapsamuot vata cftvn sncb people* esu.- d vhc tck avnyevering yau h1d in vn-e Iabralt rndm;aay OFFICE, Gshihatoîî'e uMVislice sssib c ry viied bfceh bcausel b e edueus' h pp . I i h ond- mscla, e n shoe;ut n h si cal. v-,,ad tied Fais. 2 or2870. * da eiss>bat hmntissi be u s es a cgumm eîl IeSdsChaconid et lace sini g he a 'tvi d ege1t a c, s'se. hvitistIa easieou t m ge f1ssi ss t lis e co nee e dw llur. T i ri penemnut ho g h y k ff m o t - 'lp t th g j csb t ei o eeh c flito . I a tti e is tet i s- l atid ce , fs-easti 1'nid t ae iny su d a i tI e p o d i uot hi b in g sy a sd q es ioh e'I lo o oZv sén ithe,- TI a o n y e u acquirng a igliefictn.Osi and nro Unde tsesfligoe i hr ni a c m ôu I Isa t, su is s> 01 m u ' u pI l ic u alaî or c i euIi ac f hrp. - o s e 1hn s u mn>' li ta m biin e a se I y s o vt e - nla e o n ; h os sîe,1 m g t s b î o d e staa, Iiîsîct ciinrechd întuvet ine n h. Isra -eok io htumd viimafiad is- artcaad.onw, ciilboo vtI ChiroS msl pPotis taounalb> Sl-igtwl edïo a T en tret omon acquis-afahebehind hlm, c'Ifomm mm uce vbtwsa i I mihs>' nntbe by T hois q ur - an *i, - aseitftwlc utth!& reuite ax iqlo tate gmpinn-s.ze Ith luhive hanrt affAtI Soumaint rcui u o ac cA aicse n b>'Thmis sîd ite 01 5tli-go bappened fh sohig y.,Ifv1nt tot-CIs atn s il] fi a nd tr tames-siuai o ic sa, hc>' Or flac011 vils vates-.J. G. Steak', uvil! ilu - as- in oue mentIs. I g a a hosord affect e tl SuJon thhfa>',IIsa te u n ps r en 1p afardntof t bcpuena lies-ns êda o ricmsstliscodeetmanuicer i rîe momndt it n the Brut place-I vas bomu. 0 hh b o-> Ihv ot o. Qd Chi . acinA sen dea , hard oash. i, eo il i rilt uemcrning Che, itle hi spîastakes cane cf vengeance.- We muâit leave wtovcfIlchoster. tvsdet st à oIlz a y h uit cré atu re .t b r ' eu t, ll o n tu s fa t c . o vIL st e fil me w k r itjh a h e x a c ti n g o n th e , ' n j c t r t~ &V W o u peei o jneliSpro. ared 01aînat IL ltdm p uCenihtCh osft o'thse'min,antIconut passibl'- find antI, moreover, it vu net min>' muis 'l a I Li, s a t d o s t r o t R a m a o r r i e z e . . N o v h r o g h t I s a v i n > ' v în d o v , I m e m e d g o h i m . S e p e nc e , n > ' y , p n e 'f s e s C s e g a s v b t r , i r v m n c Frlday, the, ixîli day Of May 1180.esthie piqbulire swnaetisaitumatiy vrtisle, gladdeuied b>' it, so~ickened, Chat his- Id gov teri >'ei(itIsoatg,'tl eanC5 sd sn0nmnîng, I bad irmose enef A-T sTHE proveost athiI.ule no ituibng, a'nd e to ut-s r it ic mmd vam y at .- vitis hies atS n tI s' uhrvetctt o a ad esk n> ui'pîn0ie eut-salves agatinil tha aperationsi oc t usa rebcyCht vnd a sn-pocYc nyav icb -stCeSe tn>'lire t-a t datem iedofChe re ofmaka ebe. R O Y AIJ HWlîtb>', ut tstta palm'o tisa men raeffOit reflueriez sunishine to e i 'AntI the) caled me l Ce vs.whc ýbis tou'clbeauâ. a ps-e-o wii ct AntI sen o heiI tcamefhapiewback luo tIse be-a progiduos1ca euing tthifeînin o in he'owo r in t at ns- asbeiuig identiesul vithi ltook's axtra Macine 'Eliedoe-'snase scance oves- hçard on faceMynsitem>, ses-e, us yen ma>' romeaber, 2-o'o ean, e Oil,) vo proan eCctisase vlîeare sutes-antesI Chis sid. cf h, ese-1.tegf ftesn! Iwsntl i uhâmo sh:bd Ia6dloigaon ea s1cui DO U yinCise rit h fti fi l e tateanot, .t esan t a- 't s f ftIse un. v s o no antc ofie hnch s m i n -u- . néat i t h Pio b g ht, wund the as r far ns I cenîd -LEVI FAIRBANKS, <litAucTionlgra. thom;oo application,' >' mail or otîsri, ,Hardi>' vas thse littia Eiedora yat seven beunoss Igontietéabvnd, sèeie u-sleu te, on iim ihea c onoln fs-t ofot airga luImy an'vy,na imîle of tiiQ ail, ditys oltI vien avent Ch. second came tCe Suasi ourîk, 50isrmd ud eant tmehcra laienfra thme. ea ob ai Th following vn!ala is, constiCI gof te htsi t tue>sp sk r itlI And iiiabntthe ousa Cf hia Amous. -av>apotbt-meat en-ik vni IatakIbp ch aif los-tierI>' oss-tltird et Lit numbes- i n sritlinLafssI Its»nnefetv e 1b'tei hÜ;n dlaswihM 1w olaobmt ne h outn..vihlihse.,I ittelnwd .the Wlfhiîcon ceinio g th ai twn -P'fthèose ltsS>' wisiaitgoid ià knovii lfrosntte aver' nut' Ci tI . dii 5in - bouge of a e i ch ent e or k c oun t v th ch er. -lu aneil the-S e - t hvid Ch.i Sfh ium, eso of lise aad owebueisl o! aiservsis and 1ev ainspieétantin lletiease- lIse onene t Ck. me an 1 s uld t t'-oouo tion lu îsiactsaoreg antI ane-Chiid cf tise lausîh tîsaîcaf, wvitsia mid e-nta eîsoCsasevseaîs m rustad by bis Co Che caria cfaamarigl cnatdt mam, u bnd v omuu f aCigcn-sgso ih lotg eeitirs tiIvoehands-eatntacres, tuas-Oe o wbssoe, lionhtus- eensbiiss tck at cuva ts Crevu sutoanre acrsoeC s orossps , ti t n liniter fodéermine n l u bnis confidence sud cf large crédit vitIs graduail> vomk ns>' a>' uP Ce s fortune, wsssl-aers, t ngist l earlni oaisi andsiq pëte to ntise granutrom- viethier C l. -fcrwas-4ed la as good s-otherus- o e vae lfor botter -fioanclaily sud ho, oh 1 snob a s-job sud happy, 01 vol- ve ensel alju ne>'b the rsses-.ef ni cI; ndalttvFA nes- es ant l e iig usMniaueOu viido edo dhanker iu Nev s benevoient andI usefai inu iI should a cit>'. The dira forum tiseicug built said laI, exctei ht aigtsiss med e l. Nos-(.h m pri& eligInMi>bn la Wna, dcato tI, m ayhlia 1cul o- brbueslyfo patkert, rntteaie lgt4oiai are s tîCdlttw sr a ltoinci-tu Lewis thYcrk. 1hp Isad tI niîCn n>'fathor tinat* -c orn u eee> oie'Icndgll ose a'fm at e r ets e adel - GEL> B. STmOCK, 1La Lewisitubut, Ont.ethis-wvIse. tisaainîvested ln bond sud ueo hum,, sud tben WBvo vond bave , nch' vaik, at the- baots of thardpe- Tari. e pe th e g i4ufotaýeou h io IoeAetfr iaDuil motgigeocf te utincalt, meliabulit'. He .deligle imesn t ogeýhor, Andtt e emn- u a ir-yqa arýnebeil: oero sinm rond loeasn Ntii f-csisna vaon"ogm vhmioti roaga, s-oi t l f~>or h omno.hat nîsd,-on. qusniey>'payie~nt efinter- vhil u e as,0d- tebrn i-s i fuverl .ng ,afched i t o i s d i n g ot h a b o nt O awa , i s v e i e B r K hMa sd-c <d y h epW h C if n g r spy mdlitnadmt aoutilrnmils Iigsud - rdiest; hut vban tIs e sx: hecanse due, Lion- plamas Qed, mand un>'employer, andI hlm -41.veedb> Chpy g esnfdm> and TEien a ËTostrJntes'ot tand>ou-uidng 8T1 M ucuIIe oix s ldb n h. oL baas avlu n eded té usake me ceunfortabie. - - nsdlteas, îelîîng of imleussep -and For oa hapy evnituM tiss-a us brughe So ns>'faChos- preceed d, paiting là asChic seemed perfecti> tO M' t t~ tÎmOo 10 pr cent cf te puucaue Moune>'at tise teshawa,, batsid, ves- ha us8i70.s brigisi colons ss ha could thé oadvauutageillWhist Ivutdva-t Isut Ctop or cen fne t sale, and .Chebaseme vîtiin tte d s G-0.58-coi, Iraq., flsoran"s, -tvîisu, i's ee b, îuhere was-mabtter, sud iighiteisig thes adèms of tIse pain of- --";te lie dcvi, fuil>'. in-forgetfneÉ$aamof lu ey< eu eth aîoiniis rmurlttr, urseasation, usntil, tesuy. >et tunCnied, Chie rough vorl 1d JsIbeei always griusd- M .h pnappieino,téi the Auction.- feurmusithnt sud en au u ta houthttion' tu deathiy pale vith Y;. 3 liibnk t>';ss>,yutu,.- n çss-d theibis tigsogiin.utIlh tà >e 5dse ca u cCt suesgidsihie-Ts ie t asii ni ns ti;lne hnsybdleroil nbshnsit oete81o Cnll ajMortgagao. seof td.II r umigoe- te~ft~s > ',.. h a ong e sri tht h ifuho h biobes Culse xlîvio -- - ---) I J.R CDONELL, Wl i racr lge14s-tt pan>etir, d. h i dsithe seont>', âchig oaileeitsc-C. 'u n ea Istv él ng tdke-- (Jnciedaaawn. eriitor fer mes-gagaa. >7 <aYâ withi one, il 5ft.ir1 1 t els Ièchapingla day- ae.105) W UPOs LXVI FA1BAXIK8, J-., - ebsu sud bsgbt ~, ~~ vaut ~ labo-ra, nMy fatbrs .long -sud- painfuli>' In due ime the chang&ae ,1ke WlysC< ma en 1 DpOi - Anotinees-. - Ibotteras à Imbloator. - - - caod itte forçmne, bai ascopded, GotI novr s 1 ouldu~ hnv~ti elbs Cb h s~tigsoee4ac a e Dsted Cliii Oisdalof April, À, .1870.- 11 1 am, Tours Cmiii>, knev vbitheîr Iet f ___ lba , e e ack ,Iltl-,e'tvulç t fout' b'biat&l loutJr W . lic LEN , Président. D vil-te bI " ï1 DUbi k l i j em wyI esmd e n fpo maqgio tesM p t î- - ' ».ul. in 1, one of Ote and pg. nd syb p f l ntendltirnrhaperi. Tek'a Whitlp, pil1, WoDPop. Thon yos i l,1870. 15. lin Mislr 0e -1 ~Do tis,m -9 <s' 9,Xetraet rust Toronto). TROUAS OABRLISLE, -Pltoi'iuzon. The. mont aie- gtant, upaieusand comfertsbie Mes. tatrnust li-Canida. Ssute suplulied kt Li ai uurs. Wiuesq LI nor mstigro of tise finest brande, S'hah au Caal vestn>rosteor.- y. OSOd 10r>.eensmodtîonU&t tise Tensapin. April ,87 4 A Ii GE NCY. Tue und@s ged bh eu.aaepted tise Mirnu W TENASSiURANCE 00.,i 07 TORSOItTO 11d bii ha id to uff.eat untranaefor al, the raisoon Chu, Clint i, llues lu iesgodu le gald stie to yoiroel, s'ýf»1sd onts'Iarvru ý,.tIieFtithan Ican 1.11; sud yonr ete e ,proilper; -ft~îure.- The lgennom os Et erîlage. The-conchman drew np the reinst, witb a long- 'Whoa 1" and snid *fere we 'are, Sir;' and Iut epped for the fiai time uponI the pavemnent cfi lhester. le wns dnrk> outof do'dt', beibg eleven o'ciock at nigbt, Ibe Wliter season, andýt oggy. -Thero wAs a brlght welcoîninSg glesm -tou h te open, door-way of CeInand 0r panfonable radiâtnco with it of ail sorts of agree able iutppef'oâvora; blut.1. pauged on the sidewalk. and wbll'e hstage went under bts rmojît -srchivsy Cclie by iiII the mcrninig, TItmmc'd. éonhbderately around 0,0,ras one wbo lias Ieigure for 1And it could not b.denbedI hadloisure.- Foi 1 bad net corne Ce Ilebeete'r Co try te SUILpbr ater, to sieli bbisa mples for some jobbing -house, to pay a vfuît of fiendship -tc do an>' îhing lempomry-but to utay' lh. rest cf mn>'lire. bocks on books hse tio - t'- hle dovu stalrs andissoed me edry e.- saybng, tne!' SâCh vaàs the %tory ocf My old nurse. 'lie la verv' aide, deas, but we hoe.hie And when 1 Ieok ata11. the Aid MSS., ant il gnonaccu iebetter.' Ceo magazineand Cbi bckse hat Ah't sud before 1L vent ava>' my pemed htc ber b mmrus. IeaU nu- fathe,, was botter ; we-qu4e weIl- derstendr.owtbe necossile»< cf bi&,dask btatrCa otwfbelcé ne h boum bumned out bismimd and bodyï .11k.ftrbends .of these-who love:&a man co- aýcandIcA i xy gen, te give'llbbt sand lhf. gralulate Chenu, and whicb opens ne i te thofe uneenueiçus unfortunates vbotn south te sa>', 'Tbank GedJ Chank God 1' he loved. Wefl [bu as gene Ce bis re- Back from tbe uins ef ail I lived yard i for, Ceemad Cc kucw vhere Iewas gobng, Thon csme Ilh. Chbrd iront. 1My' uother19 - ejme cNow York, husgn en> was eccvering...she bailrisen--the ph>'- breast Chrongh all Che joumne> Ch. bok à1cian, encourage&r hem vith the hope ChaUtChat hé bad neyer read, but whbch h. site vouIla ucon be eôut ugau. Alt at once semed as if -hi oust wad, and vbbcb, IDa relapse Coek :place -foler.- set -In-and Cheefore. vas eis seort of a solace Cc vitb the gcbîîg out of thse mentIs.,cf <lune me a connected vbChh bm. ohében oeult ul mmuqu, 15so- pirit set And the'noxt da>' atter uay returu 1 fmriue i-àGcd's'etidfiesa umuier,_ before recemmenced ns> duties as collecting oartlî'u ransient ene.çould die ind loi c lerk. It vai a business vhieh nmight hemr bebnd fortIse (resta. aecru 111 suited Cco sues a meurner as 1; .And sfter ChIa 1 ibav eard Chat ns>'but I bâtd reached i<cl id ttuof alincat father vas a broken 8mai.- Hem love b.d unccnscicusss CIrongh the stupefacticis been aneough,-l'or hlm; vhan ail ethar cof Ch. blov, Chat Iceuld have don. an>'- things verit ,ha vas able te s9a>',*'Iov 1er' thlng, groat or trivial, vithout asking from Che wvorst vhich nbghtî> l 1 >But vwheîher il vas fl tting-oven vithout nov Che vomit had corne; mnd baving no knovbing Chat I did it, $eUl loft Chat at Che saine ime cculd loe Thare vas a dèbtor cf cur bouse vbe, and, niderstand hlm, h. carod ne longer vus Juut about leaing Chat snemnfng bn a Ce labor for'Che maintenance cf & heuse bamk-bcund l'or Cantcn, sud I must go ta vwhbch uhelCée onh> vacaney - and ak-fhbmon board Che veasel Ce * recel,. soe ing me, thi'e ignorant, babe sosie. Yc t a payïent'whbch bad bien neglect.d up te nn mon t theCloules' It did net thîs eleventhboum. kuoseho etired. vith ns>'nuise, Ce elieap >I madIe ns>' u>' necbanicsll> dcvn te and narres, iodgingubs tuty ou h. fcct cf O Id Slip, sud'passed on board

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