Whitby Chronicle, 24 Mar 1870, p. 1

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WIgIBTY BRANOIT. *TIrm JU ICHJARDSON, s .F. LOCJIBAERT, ýTYIIf ÀND ÀT'rOIINYYTO-ÂT- Salittitorai totiiellaaîet Marout'% gei, ai0e, WilltbytgLelw. -i' (S~TXC190 WZXl At'TOîINE%* FOR OX- UIIM..,.Jro<'k strect, aeit door to Rotyal ~lo i lil,,;tby . Il, BiJeerà I>aîîtltagatrar, MauitExtralrdi tory, ail oxaalieai:'i a icen 'os.01 OaaÇouIi. ly otU4a f. ficeiBruck-t.,W iitby. JlOI3~T J. AT LAWN Souoiorn Ciaîaeaj, c.Wliithýy, C.Ï, 18* hrOltarao ]1 ýhk, oun tise Nîrtii DARRISTER-AT-LA W A NI> sOL1ClT<>R lta aicery. laabr- 'ooh-t. B Mol laitoa' lit ClaaslryyCu sa v (.Ya'tuer,-N e- e*a!7 Polilot a.e uxBpwi.-I'a.Xt ajoor te tlii stori- or'11 J. Wliutby, Nov. 1b, 1867. 461 $O1JIITORLNT1YILC i: lc Ç# A-. joNiqvd Parrister, Bolisor la t.hancery, Al. tumey, &.j, &e. Ila rtnoel 1,1: 111'.tui lit Iorovir the Wleitby, out. 7, lus. 40 FAREWELL & BMcGLE, On'aoee:-Otiaiehr iorli oftthe 1'o4 (Jlio, bltiiaa aid hiular'oa j3lucae, oiiu:ita W." ialaallowiaiuàvîlla. cery. liud ilIassolvriacy, &cu. ilioNS. hnui, . , W. iiLL(ecK. A. W. LAIUl)liai. o .asra gOLLciT<ilt, au., &c. ~ ,.aINî,iilUIetLLAaî'i ib ,Brocok gtr4 at. TTUILNIA AT' LA à , mtJll'l<>1tiN A? 1:afJOtNIhY-alAÏVA %. SO,II11. IO N Laaa erN utary LLaliljc', a'a~>ai'r SV I iti l. Va . (iti . 1îu te Oilt lif Il pt id (llit-'. -4 t LYMAN ILm.ibLINIî, L L. IL.. B :l1l'Vlit AT LAVa,'uiîo iCi .ul>ery,42,0ilàv 0ailie Cr, &,t.,.aa. 40r JA E AMON, 2:twLUW. Uxarlaige, Jiiiie ?tli, 1969..tf- 2 . OR. HANCOCK, (Faux ir«LA '>i) & loloNa'i.) PIJEGEON, A~ U IiI.& . IL. J. 6 i INN, Di. 1). %aURGLON T0 'tVIE:CI.UNTY (JAOL, BlyronaStreeit, W ili>'. 4 Wv. M. LAW, B. A.9 M.D-, THOMJASO HUSTON, OW (, Iiali lidi ite)LaiI 'elock, WELLINGTON 1HOTEL, .MIVA1KHAM. 19 1>' WIL SO0N ilO0U sE, A.WI]LSON , r.- Proprietor. Aj. f ldilcfî aaîaIllicpuia, oi l o îriily, t isatlie Xaa eandtile iaîiîve aiw iuuhal lia tis i lluîaige biri o tutcaufyiuti ii u t ciltiq 1rat- velof ubi Thi @ 'luelime iue w ia~. iailut- Zraoen I0 i~tury, alia pgent cara,sai iO.tfy&ta'0a1a erril Trasg store, p s"y Jel>-ut71869. à, COMMJISSION MER 01L4Nf! Wlit1py, Jsit.,lttIij 18616.2 RIEVERE HOUBE, MANCIOBTEU, C. W. B. PLANK, - - - -- Propraustor. ttagci ii aîîd <om iWliiiy oai! 4aily. Every al <s ouî-jîaial to gîsensa. carefuil ad atten- IlIE ~PItEMJSES FOR SALE. T IIAT nId eatittpilialed iad vell knovsa Iho- te.l, tue CENTRAL HOU$E, EPEOX, tiltfla stii vaiaîs ia> uabI lag. ai id dai ni iha d , taincthitr, W it Ia nlia> aof i't ie 0 andissa iscli -da g, ai îaîv lac 'te4-g 'J. .a i tie 1ycîtlî i ur- iai(Jtahani. tlvre are vaitwo ic, tilîli gtooi S'lu'It'lîoI Ilac :a0ial jt a iasruiti. aul tg vî ite. f«tii la0%teliseaias tile Domuiioni l'oar tit 1-a ve liiijt»iea iali. %% Pli bi, eeasiîaîgecainn iattn protapent>'y For teriia, &C', ai;ijiy (il t' latter, jirc-pold) ta, Ceo. Ayers,. GENERAL BLACKSMIT11, AND FIRSI-PRIZE 1IIORSE-8IIOER, DUNIJAS STIEET. Whittly, 10, 18.57. 2d-1>' 0C. N. VARS, ICATYfA t t)Oatshiawa unîcouitèaet tut Jrl orotia ofîhe Ontario liailiie - J~ ~VlaSAGINTa &d.,alaiseAgent aîat standiiaadiisuîatic Ca:t. 17 C. '.SWEETAPPLE, V XTER1NAnv SURGEON, Gradvale of OntarioJ1 Yeterinau-y Collegeo and làfe ssâa oi 1o Prof. ffinf/s, of 7oroiuo. Paa~ 3BK2Ani'veis Wa i Ariutue 1-11a.SMII;rc .'," rinecipel of Ontairio V. Dit, 1)VI Toronto. P. 8. MR. 1W BETAPPLE çan be p iutei nt f'eisiiiyathlas olden-ce, raokIvi, nt alil iiairai.a Brooltli, April 4, 1889. là- 0ENTRAL JOTLL, BîUîAi JORN ]3AILEY, Proprieor., Tu icaive hote ha. iboecs nwly titteai up 'alli <artimoied. oUlit, ve iliiandlcomlgor,Ibe acciommatodations aindiatuenîtion. <icaa nuomy.stait.llng and attentve ot!irp. '-iJ n,26, 1870. OZFCI'I'Y I[O'IEL' Nos., 7@j SUq ani 82, M. Josepls (ot1t Tis anh:erlbaat bas oponvathtie ebovat Ilotel faim tue accomodaiost orthtie taavcliig publie. Ito acaiidtosire citdtebettkiie. iteoiý- talit: 7b moaintai itgood Yard snd atàlatag loz 60 hImns. Terai, ai.ioderate. C. LAII, Poprtetora ST ENT.;j At port Wbibyl 14 preste ocuplad by ithé ii.1W0 W. Wilthy, march I. US1$9. li Landi B3roker, Aco ta , 24 tt ' STOta'JIVLL. 020T. BORN IUSE, PORT WHITBY. Tb* abo' s wpl'kaowix 8.1.1l las boenloo-; roughlay y<uOtatd :a iisd . lma trnioliud bi lChe Jîreei ,aî îoprtor. Titio 8tablîtig, &ie., lauve l.eli pot lu it ef fiucuiLiétiat of'-ripi i, ni.In- îluîii : bineialift uoiduso taa thé reqyirî Tiatabloo sboflied with evtrtidnag ef t4 4fâ lnta-uot ad euatbiit the, bit-bruidus êt WKIOaM(LIqmitîsud liskopi, At tise iBar, (ýAÉ snt tou filOL) DUXIDAS NSTIEET, W-Ilfl BY,C.W. GEOR<GE I10IIUU1,Proprletor. '1 1E subscrlber be.10 to annonnoe Chat b. qui. a' lud Ctio buildinîg furnacrly ktàown ai -;Cri rture': Iflotel, Wijlî liis btî.oav aid, ruluarii'd,aiî,id fittt up throungiîon, lu hiata ')ft matylci. Thire raitcire poi eiitly aituitd#ofi»it Ch, 'oit Oince. sud iii thse Ti. to iiuiwaiontlibuî colle et, tho Hotel,and Cii utage« 'ar lYxbriage aiad Beaivortoa lsaave thedoor everjiiimîuonlg. IJoiarsI Sperdiaiy. OOGE ROBSON. ~W'Caiefa I lohleh fy i n attendaiie GEORPGE CORMtACK. T IIOIIR-9 MERCHîANT, Carpenter, and .L Jaalîer,Qroejlit.~llii.Alireui U N D EIR T A X<1 N G. F INEILALiL fiai!>' iupplirid *aiziai tci:ed Balitditiaaitlct. -ks *ept coli8tlIal bonimd. £W'A Heairscto litre oinulberalterme. -GEORGECORMACK * Wlatby, Fab, 5tI, 1862. 1-1 Brooklin Drug §tore. twoUs Dawmor I ELHrIli nDrug, aitiîîg Mleiiu DI-niauItbsO11:, »yO ttuffi, Confection-. or>', &0. gZ' Wlneitand Liquoinof thse bontquality fa>r Medicsil pntrpaiuex. fie4- Caitie illed fnsealways onland L3nooklin,<f% W., 1116' 2à COMMERCIAL, MOTEL, BIZWCK 13T., WIIITBY. -û- TIl F îiihxceriier iia.isîtii niîpc to biâa T rieidanda ieii uic'pîble, tuait liai: re- sîii@dlui: aa of igli s-e W,-l aîd (ie- v.'rîabily lîauomnîîhaitel. whlaim i 11w iî.tia p i a ill'o or lflaiiîici, irit i a er ii- aiîîc fer tiie ra'cai>ti<i;icof guelcîta alil iî: ra- llîait aCraiaIiii and 9l sagriai îiaeî iquor: :aîd elaugra.io. Goai':maliiîg, .vi eai. 0aed yardx, uîîd iiigts'îîliave Opîler, SI- YEODIAINGIBBON. CLAIRK'S GALLERY? Il ii- beccaîse lie hl:liii' iscut GiailIcrV lil Ilai 4Joîaity, ss iliais mteaîo ie ih.sc. wi iîchalIrea Iiasn iify oai liaigt' ) t laiae City, tal aami (1o qîsue as gacual wearleai: say cillaermsin atise] Mr Tlaasîy. h tite Ilimotternu adou'tli bac.kwainc aao uat sIiulat N'allrit i DROCIL KT., WIIITBY. Wlitbv, Nov. 12, 187?. .45 HENRY GRIST, - lES2'ÂBLIsIEB a1e.) PATENT SOLICITOR DRAUGHT8MAX OTTASVA, CANAD)A, Traîii ti u,:iaicaua wilii tule Mitent Offilce, attol atiser clepairrflc-itîlantothle Goverai- - Maiks, asi ea)eieui, procaared. DPWiflPr. iSpea-/Aeiois. a-n ;hrDocumenîe acq.- aar3, ta ,eete Paitilshaof inia.iin. ptqaanaai isn e. écialofi, fîî,Ïe taa'i, ieInvio niatia. .,aany itaah.i iama, I'aai sOeiic catc. futiv malle. Grand Trnnk BRailway Hotel. AT tVII1TJDY STATION. W ()I u'NF] iLlisair l iiîrcliia:d tii. oé1 a- snd pedribieetai iiewlaJIN tue tGranid Iliii uruenaia ainialIlle iiîa Ii pa(le li la 1111,4 ftlîtit l ,a, ne aiad waiaeiatil-t- clii: îuyIO lau si'i iielii ioîaIuaIlie Wlil: ou ilicute wiao lion lîiîîîîivi1,theur Jatl'oliaaaa traîctu ta. sairit aeiitiae fthlaeir eutom. r.7-L'otlv- utkitg tue lraiîstiiietu'a i Iliailme i-t l hatiae tn el taikü en ao tf tihi tlia'ir niturai. "Niisî.>', sapt". 1868. B T Ihl031AS B 1NT, (IATZ 15i0 L.ONIDON, ENGLÂND.) Bcga toititoratlii: utopieof ti'littsîIa ii- l1 y, thut lie Ihua omieîed ai21,0P Opposite the Ontario Baink,' hlrock Street, Wialby Ontario. WES ir CIa.t PinA5sa5TO StIEPAti GUNS, LOCKS, KEYS, &C. Clocks. analWailelîaaa elecaiiaad repaircd, slsO SEWJNG MACHINES. P.AJASOLS d MJRLI îuoîsled aisacovered awl a uiirpa-tîeci aend met, aaaal repli 1rr'd, &c... &oc., &a., A siasarooal'your patruige ha vpicittd. Wis;t.<i, An T110,81869.Tl'82 COUNTY OF ONTARIOl pu-tymÂL SuiMaaixOEWA~Zu70, &o., ~fAIl eavaers loft îerismanlv. orn tt i igui ta tiaheîbDW,aî hiîc,ai "1Aibin IIaîei14 Or 'lOntaiia ilartel,l' Wiiti-y; lauveli: ilaitel, Br oei linf's fIlatel, (>iia I ,ovchytaicIe î'r=GeeDeeOIceý Waiîbyý, wil! be cttrolily aitc'e'l te. Wliti.y, 0ce 13, 180'i. 41 P-Al N'IS. O0ILS, &o'. uEuaNOtIBIOILED AND 5AW Linseed OH, GENUNE WHITE ]LEAD, Dnpg store, Wliatby. PAPELI IIANGING-S! Jat tecati a frsaeiemort menî t 1natpat- trs.Esîglsît paîper Ilanglugi selliig at Loy Pricea. DOIKDEEINGS, WJNDOW DLINPc,1 &eo, Ade-i &o.. JAMES i, GItIIIIE, Drnggit, Whltby! 7Ü4 lhi,. fort SAt Marale 'W orkwe't JOKATBAll -WOLFE?.DEI'I, 1Dunlafaý.- btloy.? n17 *IN ordo? tai mccitfise lntaiesslg denisjnd 11t j trasli csua'ee!b>'flaibuilding f etti Uniilrosid nadfl liinp6rtlig of- Vthcieai, tie :itbaeihen li: g'epoleaa 'taive aloid'l1ta àisop, qeadue is ruti f&TS 8iqe' uain- turc j'tere, viiore theisbat STOY-ES -& 1,11,-W R "epk dotia o11 thte al.u. aitha' )Id Ilnop, C*apper, ,Braae eton anad Llîaea Rogga, Wooat 'ekl g., oa:flair and 01 tru OtI0,,? tr el, c Wtby !reS tla, 1869. 1 (aIat P!iask's,) t UXBRIDGEIP HpE $UBS MLIERt Lga itted up aticoni ..pletelj rcaic.vstdlcdueahisve cil etaliîîin-a eit-netelaae Itiel, almliclu: lflic'âtroiasa of tis publie aijial lis tlaiuiaia. 'isatable isudi bar suppliaid itisthia beot* Gid roaiiy stais- jing, dec. (jetir,. Jn.99 1R . AltMàTB(uý. ONTAIOI( IOTELt (lote C. Dawes,#t.) ai T lF lunhcriber dcuiilrei ta rctnrn thanka te~ tefl publie for'airca very, liberisl patron c pie to ei protalo it, ail2 praipicteo Ofltied Globlac-aate, Iiroonlîiî, aaall. tse lc ige time f <ski-.: oauta-iltuo antioilice tuit lie ieniai;aa.sld ufl isci veil tiaiv' i ie.' laneailaitlous have ailcet rocetitiy naode ta tte pr'siicsçear- 1 lttg ataori cýianaeIius aala'tiinmitlon aid *eiircaîing ftici. nmbet a 0i îaîteig oinailii iî.i arlnte liait antore thonaaatarencni>i'. Âfiraat- cliaau'liiilard I'îrior asitia rce tfablesai, js niu l,a', adaîcal. Eta a ddiia eautio liteie1 Stilns icl.lo-e 'l3oôYC1a, &Ca inveaime ty hie» sîîde. Ali et:utiaîsg tii, aisdc:igsîedlta effrr til h!Frlcîidi,stialflice pulic getie- cm rsliy aeiintagceAsuî îlit'ucd uIl,( 4ailliaicstei il) aufile pacei. .Atviii nt al tasacii bai hnjiliy ta WLith'y, DCce. 2, 1951. 49..tyet Query 'Wiy la it tIsaItiieatloe ai!a a ria ton pleuresi AT' 9 Scecrd!tairy of State. JNTERCO-LON I A L RAîLW4Y. Tiie Commniuuicnerai :ppaaintcaita colliruct the Iîîit.rcaaluuijaai laii ,give PaîhIile Notice flinît ic>' aile 1101W îre'puircal i r-eite tenders for i'c'ir fîrthprr lîaciiiiof tfli ii. SeicloniNo. lqwhll ha, liile lProvinîce or qiselec. anud, w11 'eja d fronat the Eilerly aelid of Sec'tion No. 8 ti'ate aaDiiilaer Mii- tait Lîie' i aîoill.204 îi:ilcxia.: Ietiauflî. l'efliiiî No. 1-4, vii .lii ltf i ovrc; f Qait-ri..aad vii eéiciid froui lic. Eia.taary al ail ft 4elion iNia. 13, ta Statiioan FIPa i ciâ. ha.'lwicia tIheîlaoitla offtle RiLver Amqitlandl th ii. luth Metaacliajta4e, rbozt 22y4 solies, lui Bilitiga ak. sana l ii eaieîî raînai'fic i. aateriy caîd nit Sectionî No. 9 tii StLiI"naan. 639, ai point aîtlly hittîauie Eaiatarly irorn tii. ena- xiîig air tie hRiver Nepiisigiî -leiîg ttwelve one; te'îthiî iîiiei. Speilîiaa No. là, will ha'clithse Provinîce of New Braaa,wick, aand wiii exteaid (roM t'le Kuiteriy clbii (il seation No. 15. ho flic Iteit- erly vsigi of sec'.uon No. 10, about I$Yt mi i!ii Vrie coflîrCil i lor lte nahve ictiainut e, h. eniîpia tel' fliiîadanl ra'idy for laying tise tracek byislist day aof Jul>', 872. Vie, Conîiiae«ionerxiiueisiv.aiuic qicrte thiît Ii.îiiîg îiiîill.ad the (,îîltriictx l'ar sailotu Nois. 13 aialt4, tîîcy sun' now praiîared 1teoive Te: ida,m ic raiu icitiî the uaîmeo. SectiuonîNo. amlutiflic ofasiceai'New Braaîaîwick, anal uxtcieiai lfront Station No. 170, abhout two atlici uoîîila 0for thei.Ililgouehe Itivar tai Staion No. 190,. about 2,00 (cet.Soutil oi Et-i Uiar uir >uîulbeiaag a i litatiec it aild'ut 24 aoilleg. Seet:oia No 4 im In tise provinuce ofNova. Scotiia, aiti aieralfronStation No. 230, osl the Amhecrst litlge, I la itaiiî O. on tiie lagice ablit a mile Noartha-,t tiat River Plaljii, a dio- taic. ait iaIîait 27 utiles. Tito COitrîti mfor ltactioais No:. 8 andicl4 t bci eot;ipia'îeîv igiiiîad ia1a'.dy l'or laying tise trucik iiy tie lit dasy f july, l~. -.1'aii îand Proffleti. v'tlji, :eicationîgeali term» i lcuitrict, vil bc exlilbte afft'ilie Of- fice: or thie CierEngim.c fisl Ottawa .airai at flic oflelae nitfile. Llautmiolonerm lia Toronto, Quebhec. Itinaiaski, »Paiisaiîi, -Neweasîl',, St. Jadin aned llltix. on endl ialett uet4 tis March aixt ; c, .nAl beala cru i d dlra-acd te the Conîî faiosesol'r. a tIrcoIoîîiai ltalwaî, anda moirklac'Tetîaer:i>9 wlîi 'c rcépived s tilîcir office ln Ottawea-cp ta 7 c'lock,' P. M., ona Maiudav ftie thI ciniApril, 1570. îu,tuui;i'or tiie cîaaapîotioiaoroflhicenrsa wIboreiqsircd to siigai tise Tender. A. WÂLSII, BD. B. 411 A NDLE9, C.J.RD'E. A. W. MoLELAN,' Cowmiisioner.. Coxxcsfeurw Ornr, <)ttaaWi, Jian. 26tiî, 1870. .81 T I£ éIT Wl11TBI AND PORT PERÇai RAILWÂY COI«PANY. Public Notice lIolierells> giten tIsa tlap Dir ectorn of tii Port Wlaleby sisal Port PgîtrvBal!- way cinligay. bave tiîi: dan nmade tie foilov- Iiag c(aliok b theinu'o:cribud (>p«,te1 Stock oiBldj Railiva coappiny, l1F -4tb, caa» orf i eu eet3 payable l'at FebrnA'iry.187.tia, caltit 10 ret caît t n nIt ri, 1870. Êaid 1 (%jla ire paysble to Arthtur BRmrelaaaon, Tresfr lqarer.ofoloid Cent paaY, nt tise ageucy of tise Çtys nCnadian Maik, -WhlItby. JrOhN V. RAM, se rtry P. W. * . P..B. C~,1 iTt~;.~i, - ails, Love I Leva utlvtlbmng "lg,' J. YOUNG. .CANAD~A. VICOt1lA, by the Oraee of 0odofthe Unitedl Kînudasm or Grelit Bnltin ad xrelgnd,. qocean, Defeudea' ef tlie 7ali .. e irai«i e4aac. a ii. uceMIa aW gU sAfas, in 4)s ~Attpmai~entrai, cctv L et of, a 11 I 'sritm ,ofu Ibegnoiapte.d4ua jer 7rts-glie, intituleai AnAtepetIlnCg 1,' I incilg*at îtlict tis1 igslecteu t~d hit eOtr Goy- criaôr longy-ut amuaigali Iepuliq 9iftiat Act, Apet ea b> palà mîia làtsat; anl os.ay ot bse ofie uli~c tise Uiteul States of &mort- ea, or oaf any otier fereignai i n or alte1e coimaed befori fah: pwwiing-oit Me salil Act, »al&i wiîeî of velliaudla, te lio'iaaid lai telader ja -tihe prevluecs- etQuel,.:, OItaaaal îad NewBruen?%le#, ait rsaies lin rrency te bcaalnu1'oiei reppecliveîy an ioda àPrai- tiasatila,te mucis amipal'aLf'îny one patymeat so4sYtW K rpnW Baiiwd. hreydcli ~RTII day oet April, nov aiext iseraiater,, ise Po r 1on: ansC.y bohit dollars, qunatter biln, un, aalJasitdiiýpei. etdt i nihea i;tatéi clAnnrc, 1iined 'iaetora tie pâuîtig ôtf tsai liareiaibel'oreaasc part repiteai 4ct ofthe Jarliunmeto tu nad,. listîsgtéoay sisaiaquent aurLaad,'aietla a i lit'bndn.danal "lt-tbnç sud prior te thae twatity-aecond day OfMa !ehijcaas linte year elle tisoneaild uelslit hutW-areal aid 4luxy.91glit?. and viiils' uiro laarinsaftel' lncltaoueàai4ud ,alJ iaen ofthe. weiglala. anal 4atea iaeielbalter aasiitne l l is i our Roayal :îiocla'mati6n, Jasa ournaindbcat losnia tender luia aie proai.ices et Qua-bec, ona- saî 10 cailNev Brn,:vile, asrates»anuciurrency Iietcinafter saisigite t thetisrespectively, iia tiah, otan Royal îarg.làngài,aio~, b'iitlasl'iat of ~a->~ in la n' ine'1 payçaatat.MAd 've do béoyfiarier deiàre nutlproctliu tuait tbe t4livecoiu il'o the Uniteda Stiates et Ameni- t. afobreauad, î*tall 10ooftie weigiit. asd'date: aiernby aigtaeclrt, 9aid pails cirront, sadal lue a lega i 1issdàe#m ai freid, ait ie:rates IaII, tan- 'enY cyoraay auioiaiud te tisatp neaîiîetively uy ii. opr Iloyar 'roliamatii, -thleste t0su>- tiaua.ly'lwo gribta: t orty enla-qusanicndol- 1aa of tio . gîîî of uicyuxgreumu:lt tweai- y cents;.-ditpes ai tiae va.'lt tianthIv.elgt griaitis ~iial fotar'$cotisa cf agrain'aint iit e'sIiiç Uit aiai9aoftse veigît of niai.- c.a igraîs4 sp tWO tenthe:of agrin atitour t )f anl wlaieh eOur lovinc aubjccts 'and an 'tuer, ~ ~ ~ w6 vioitia'peet p concorn, Prn Ierel«Ir Yqniredt10take iaotica sud te gavern ieteeuaccoralisigl>'. lu ltit'93MonY aheri, va lbave Pauseai thea'e Our letcre laib.c ijde latent. and itise Gréat seul it Cîa'aataelialierauntaia èfl4 cd,' Wstiai, ui nt Trutsîtv aaîd'enl Bclov- cdi l-7ia'iiigiat Jhoasoiarabie $8iJohnaiYonngr, Ilaaroast, un.eair our Maut Ilonctarabie 1'tv iauniil,Knigist OnaisaiCroaia nt aur rtitliCroas orontur out Jiigiaie (>alle fittisit Ysichsael anal Saint .4eorge, trsetieaait Ilae. lit Our ('t-v ait Ottawaitse FatWITLV Iday of' YJBitTARe, in la lea Yair oa oatm Lorif se tthousaasd eigst han-' dnu d a sanlt>. By omad img la ibatreel. 5h.- diii Dot vieS ber face se bb6 seem ; ab@eusssmed the mqet lu. duiffroueeas eh.' replle4 $11if sver, veli imother.' H..lsgoe.le Brighston W0 âay. 'lÎ.ybave a isbliday aetthe office. ,, To Brighiom Vsaut Mrs. Wime, in great. snrprk'. Otw by are lomne ltblhim?' Mii etod tis e ueslcm, -sautý prepaeu bransWpr1 has z&came bassât- iasgly. il dia sot carite o,' eh. meplieut. il oo net like Bri-,hacu; beaides, John, s met 4ton#-Mm. Forest is v tS ii.' .1,unm. Wivasbets sidsdsensible; miseàaw at once ibat abters vie mëomethin, vrong, bats aie mde "nemnaak, 'Go to yoer o!d reern, Milly.' aisiaiabe wltb a imite; then Yen eauiselp ims aits thie triage. 'Isiaiqailte -enjo> haviug YODuHI atte yseilffcr a l'ev bouma.' Sise sigised as hem dangiste r loft the psmtor, pnd ipnpaured, &Poer'cilut t Andt it lugoseoni11 Mn. Wre coulai Dot help meticiag tise shadov on ber utangliter'. fait face, mani the, eteaut ou hem @pintsa;,, bot algse ade ne attempt Ie gain her confiencenaib te- wasmus veuing, wvisnMlly haut iss4begn ttinl fretnrning home. Tisen ber = 4'ser fpeth jos. feu verdi et aveet couss tsaitie ou g girl par ftem- vardi <ergot. 414iII>,' aid pie, '#My dear ebiut, oias- liki*alt interféren ,ce betvaen husband-anut vift, t&I cannet help tSiOkiný tisat yen are mot me happy saseuana. Itlisse strange, tee, for Joisa le epenu a holiday vitisont jeu;ý thsat j îr th oa ibsoue hile un- plasatacas. la it nt a $s a-" Then Mitly tout hem motiser the visele ery, set sparng iserseif, but candidiy #veviag bemr.jeaiousy et Cb.arley Fereat anut Ser ilbte4appm. 1isorepeateai Ant Batbara'e arguments, feeling habt cen- riuce4et tse aime Ulie abat tbsey voult net oeet v(ts hem mothem'm upprovai, sud Mmi. Wyne iisaeued very gravely. -~ ~ ~ ~~ ~e! ailih optyo stvords, Mibby' ebs soid, et length. 'Tbis vas a criais in lopm tife-i enisiriai evhics yeus bave laikon tIse vrong laarnipg. My dean child, tser.e le oue golden mule, anut if gnamnieut people veulut bat remember it, tiser. veult net b. bail' ah is.oiery ve se. every day ; ah. Di- vorce Court inetut eeuSonh eses; the golden mule is, 'eanetalby avoid the firat quarrst.' Beievu me, aaiseangs Yenmhay mairs friemuts, as yo cat it, again, yot' nolbing eau restore tise beauîy ef tisai Sarrpopevisics a firet quarcel betveen ubanut and v;'fe breaks."9 'But 1 neyer meast te queamai ts John,') ieid Milt7, vitis giisinug ee, eut >' I did tlaini il toc Sad of Su te cane umere for Charîey Forestati fo'e me." il i i diiîcobt te expeet mach rcaaon froni very young vives,' replied bier neiber, vits a mile. 'Il the trais ver: nown a s eout Suid, I expec, tisat Jeb yiiep Y felar more aats ail tise venld besideï. But yen sheput use é, tittle nacre commoa seule, li7.' 18o 1 do,' replieut Kil7. 4 I .1m ; id net pe ibinga on cieariy.' 'My dlear yo.a cee more tisan exista,' paid hem pactiser, quietty s 'iis veny euS- ject ie a rock upen vlsics maay vivats bars vrecsed uSe visehe happiueacf tiseir lives. Itif qureasonabie in loi te expeet that yeiin buebanut îisend give np ail is friande because he la marmieut, ýnstead of aeatint ycur fscé, againât them, joon egbt te lik:s them for bis sake. Cbartey Forest andt ycar tiasianut bavre been tuebroJiers fer yeamuo Ais, MiHl, il volutbave iseên mere gebemoas ef yenu toba7e tikeut bia fon JobWa . s.Do net hbaIpol~h ia yeum isappineas, my degr. Olut fnjeas bave a juit cins upoa yonm bnsband as weil as log. Eeniembem ibis, il' yen malie jona bbaad' home uacomforaable l'or bis ftemnuts, ho viii goe eviere te seat ebem, saut jour 4o!sestic haippineass yl beo ruineu tiose.' f fcours.,'lmarmueut Killy- 'Yen baie ade s baut beginuing, Maiy,' ceutinuetbermotiser. Ilabomelut liave bat a poor opinionalof your sasband ite vithoat Sny reasn, Se gave up Chanley ,orcp_, ls oh4egt snd traiest friand, simp>' ltoetml coaivuS vas ni, afaer stila fanci- (at ismoetjours. I do net visih te preacis te yen;-,but retmnber tIis, a, dear. tise ust beauifoi emnamînt a vire eau voir 1. pheerfat )nd »wiltiag îaabmis- Mla snueaMs aP'1g alWi7 eor thee 0n begiuiaig, l9~shi eTn, àaloa, pORlu ýb. bore pnesesaly,; seMitty rautp sautr» t.1 remove ber. walising drois, 'visic shmis lad quite forgcîten î19,0. BS1 - 'put on seothmpretiest dresse, sdaint> piaf mach, s!bc dressutbeér udark hair te the best afvsntae, andt pîceut à pretly piS voaebuut iu las -ihiek foutm T-sl'bre"*vî, -a' lig eiqe eyos, saut a liths ae hci er, -be1es. Âtogether'Mlilly fot-qâite astis. lfied with visatsmis aivin tia-mirror. - 'Nov I"vii l'gq,ýo aise salu, sd rad uil John consa-he W bIl ot holon1g.' 'Everything is ready for bum,' saut MiIly t6 e seuf; andl lzoir1etuy -the roem looks 1' Se it aid >. There 'vas ub, t S1t tat meoment, aacmre attractive, pictair.et uiet doestiec coetmst îhatise littip'prlol et Roeameunût Cottage. Thse'laS'p as ligisted, an.! sheut its"bmigistradiaaus on0 the eiiven anul deticate Ç'hins ennicely annangtuton uhe white ccts. 'MilIy Saut gatseret mome roseïsunaiplaceal the na.c tise table ; s. ied, besides, magnani*- --moonsîrprepareut l'enCisarley Foreet,. in- tendiag te preas hbu te tae aupper, vith thea, if ho aoeompanel ber bnaisand hoe. Tise yomng vite berseif, ms isnight. tyezp.ectetuvstise Prettiei eisject in ah. meona. It vas a litt le afler ten, andt aise Widtatosusp ber fapcy work -fer a- minute or tvo,. lisaening iutentty for tbe sonot f oisafopuitepS;Hl'pit e aitruck, and tie>'bhal 'net arrivéýeut ; ' s hIilIy threv a s5awioerer nbemut, anut veut ot nt otiste gardes. It vas a bnigisincîonlight nieit, evei7thing vas quiet aud st-hi ; fronitiseé gate aie uu see fan dovas into tise road, isnt thèeewva ue aigu cf ber Sssmband. go sourd broke ,tise dtep-stilinus f,thampmer!o ,sigbs save us,,falot nuiliag-of'îLe viaut Smongý tise trees,' Sieseteed lisene some lias, but i veas very lonety oe in thestarmtigist, vaSh tise solema 'eyea of eavon' looks- log devan pop hem. MiIly vent in tsa cheerful prettyui t: 'g511, au4 ahonrang fer Saisit. 'Are yau aure yenn master said tosn, Bsusan? ' aise sslced et tis seepy girl' .'Seme-bere about Ian, I am auraIl' vas tise reply. But doa't bho nneasy, ,ma'am. Thoe:lasne depending upen trains. 1 bave k-nevistben inseimea au heur laie.', 'To b: sure,' thengbt hiilly. ajsieÇà cet feeatimions, cren1'f Sc doea not camte Butabite at very. sîjilnDov lisee fuash of excitaiment faded fronm bcr face ; sise put saivy ber verk andi ucok up a bock. Ss atunteil ta engag eremmini,,aud pot to keep 'asscysng every moment mise beard theu soasdoet ,on0a footiteps, on -tise ebeer>' loues- ofet issveice. EDevon rung out fronatishe liathee nmela dCk00-anPof ber pretay veddiag presesas. Il have aneaber heur te ?rait yOt,' thonght Ual!>', but thia heur viasthi lengest et ali. g55 persevered in reand- ing ber book, Wceke afterwaal,'ulsen :h baiS uc p tise saine volume, aise round eh: dM ot remember* oeeovdmut fl' Thon, visastise sixty long miutes 5.4 been ponnieut ont, lise liatle cisime piayed tvetie. inIly be woiulb. bers pow i if moi', $hoe venltbe*gia' te feeltnenV'ous. Once more abat ment te'tise gale , ahaee vaiq a îound cf feoustepa iu th* isautancpu, anal îiey gnatw nearen. Tise young vife's beart altanst ecasesl Pating in aise lisîen- isg suspense af the Peint fev miaules. Tisen tise sound died avay in thé distance. anal Miii>' id net ktîov bow vivid hem hope haut been unitl ohéfait tise- pain of disappoiuîmenl. Sali, abe voulut net admit te Serseif tist abîme couut b. any- tbiag wFrqg. Busan suggeatec tisat par- baps guter isid misseu theL train. rmembercd 10, bave ceeu a 'Bradahav' iyiug la bcr bis;ni sdraver, anudthé hasceut te fautiit. Froni lis parpezimg pages &ie adis ont that hem hneband's train vas due at London Bridge attweaty minutes te tain. T hure vas-, another at tsatf'paslelevea ; thoseehe cealai discoren ne more antil earty -lu the memning 't.s0 feIt niere eatialieut nov. Joba "ut bave mssseil thé tan train, anal vonut conte by a itzU smu, lb. rumolvi o iry sud mend ' homii 11044~ ut iet dôîio _giï 1*tô 'ail ityltl.vh. Tise party to0 gbten bail ben arriangeat pis ios ýneb 11ougbs 'Of ber plesire aM ÇbarleYPÏ. titheugli, t I ult eLe bewlsi ýr P yt'Iogire it ai Mr a more vhina. Th# 'bs ter .hold rut titis villiug hemet him w!th aseipllel andwu illng togo, k voutllutb il riglbt. 110 'Wuui'tpli ber wuviasorfor visat h. fait $9 b. au everuigbî, pend ho voald be mors odrit. for .<qae 'Il' ab@. erg altit aagr-bpýt #q'd îkead a.tegt1aimpossibtq. Ris hioua> uittle Miily vie Dot ouf of 4btijo~stn kink. Sb. veulal bibere i îbegolf, hb. be, lier dari: eé eàvouid b. half çaid n 81 4ands on bis &riand ait biÇiP pf!ue Tb@ pictur. týAt lhe drev piaule uisp train serinioe boer Iban ho W @!ore ~knolvait before. - flgligte 131il eeeied ielieer, but it, vu aarmoom1 ted Bt lait, end a Tapi vsIk el-a <e. miautes brougisu bisa te $8, cottage.' Baat &ase, for le it pr., ~ar wiu Po cmue à$ tbe gale igis go&e at a the window 4eeply epga.geo$ vilb àapiece cf embroidery. ]loer are pifs vere Bot WOOIae P bis face wi tts100gk h.lie. io veil. MiiIydtid net eerae baer bealt 8h. saiul uemetjaiug about bis beîgri k4ber eariier tban amunai.- Por John Vas cbjipd and subdqe4. ,inner pau'd itiint rancy wordu. Wie,ýt vas penie Miii> ssiedtif Mr. Forysvaq njg-orts eelg angereut hi., 'yen dial net make. hi. yisit lait êe-Vning me plongent that hoe me.d vsh te repust il.' Jehn 'tlck op his bock and ciller;- Miii> resnmued ber verk. Naitiser of. îbatm spolie. Prii.e aud tenaper vore tory busy in Rosemnt Cottage. Tben thb. dock etrucil tata, andJohn Icokeut upaddemly. 'Are yeU goiug viab De uo-morrov, Miii,?' 8le ukpd ; athe train lestes London pridge et eiglât, se ve shallbale , e b.op 'Thsnk yoen,$ replied bis vite, 'I am net gzoing-' 'Very veli, aid John,.- indilfrently, a yen need net get op in the moreming.I &hall leave hire seon ater six!~ Miii> badl expecued esmeahitag very dit- l'erenî (rom iis. Tbatexp'er'Senced vemn cf thse vend, ber 4unî Bairbara, haut tolut ber if' ube aid nog ytid, ber ispebanut wonil; bail, nndennîcd by ber refùusaI, he via goiog afier aji. II bave been tee lenientL segha tise feoliglsittle vif. il' engbt te bave set oey face resointeiligainat Obarie> Fo est. Frantise tver rt 1 bave toit toc pipeS lime.9 Tisat vws a*miergbie evesaiag. 'If thie hfi arrhage,' aienglat peer John, 'il is -ver> doit vomi,' wbite Miii> basieut lierseif in thinking boy very dîft'îrent tbinga vomli lhé if ber'huabanu laed ne lbeeor frienda te maiemiacisief betveen lie., and if &ho iserael' r,î'gnp4 #lope in bis heara and aisengbte. Notvitbîîandinig tise coidneu sud dis- enu on, liiy' i bapds liigereol tenderi> ever the ubingb use isad ready lfor ber bus- band'i nie in the mcnning. Tbey did net excbange ancîher vurd ; they ecci iend' ed te b. very ira, andt tesc e aisther a tesson. Tise bird. vere tviatering in thao early memnimg v*ben' John Llnwccd ieft Roge- ment otlagi. gbep ptal ongisr cver bis leilîot, end preparationf, hbping Miii>voulut, aetjouat, sel semetbimg. tue, drink talie tp cP! coffe. biclb SqM uhsd ready l'or iip, ljoaerjng in aywgialioi of tise vends that neyer, cape. 'Ie. okedt ia silencep4fJih wifp's face, bail' besuaaing visether' bo buld i w4ehr and .oy eg4od1 bye.' He did potî, and Miii> hoard the tloor etose bihind biip vith a noir, atrange pain in ber buart.- Obi ha4 not keenq sleeping; lanLbofnajud abe bild pcn pais-1 iaig Aunt Barbas'.argouaitenîalucree ; aise needeu thos.to for;ity herseit; fer haut a4e yiotded te the maturai impulsa et ber1 lcving heat, mise veutd have made friend, !riiS Jolin, &id tbaye pqpe Mri;isbina te Brigbien, uoîvi betandang .tbp ,presenco ofi Phariey Forest. But Miii> eenoidered mliei vas doing ber duti lu boing tr r im sud1 oubendiug ; mis. cou#dere,4 bersuif s Mar-q tyr 1 te écause cf youag iz res lu generat.1 ire. 1 ' >9 th vilia ta lke tilat. s. -NG(lS, :1-1lie ai l ntizug !li taw«4r Il ED1 ai1 Jilat(eal to K Torggsï MIANN. latise 401î ins'dow ilir meomdrevisi, saled viso vie tbae?'lep aaeasaiiati vas neitiser £;i weap. omon .15, abc "ame dova sudi adnaitaut am uý. Ivent t eoeMr. Wyne ît n,, ea4 %f. M~ pitese e aot ireIL Çdi bins direti> ~i5g lo ime.' BU befere abs haut fluiabed .peaiugi Mr., Wyns, viso At isii iard the nois. >came ounetis ib4IL ieloartia.m. id qu list dat Basal stgo" e face. Wena ha heard î ag îLemaltrbo set offl ai once. 'Gcing up tb.e bill, a market can covemleok tirsed.Ibo4 a.inu vho kniW'Mr W1Yjneiýby ij st 0 u ! -'re yôu huard ot tbe accidenitirn bu in ured etopdog fcmamoment vile 'No. Wblat'iciotVequciy4smmi:. eut Mn. Wyne. - , - Ls4ehasu igbt, ain-the luit train froum Brigista. Ail LonuBridge le iu an nprcsr -" Tt was 1, coltileiin1beaid, suà some may nearly Itibp s asn re moliu- jurut or killed.s, Mr. Wyue aid net ppe4, bat1psa rpm her bande, 'LeSînq9bUten heme, mir,' 'b - salut-11; yull iitiMy mistrese' Mr. Wyne voulut raulser have <scout ay danger tiau Liave t lde Suyag augiier, sacs news ai h. hatbreugst. Bhis la> here visen abe> enipust, quie~ apud atih . quiet sve î5s quivering ef hem face andthe tmembiing ofLber paiohps. Site baI u, tber baud,, Io bem fathomaU b. enter- euots ree a oýiJ weel e What caus b.clth.matlor'l'V Hile.ook hem in bis anesud ntriaut te. sous her.' Bse cacght sigisi ef Bmeaa'i face, me <ail if frigisi suai bommor. aWhat lei t ?e amle oieut. 'Tell me quiekly.-'I,'musa kssow. I msec :, Saesup T(sen, endemby apai gntly, Mr. Wym. tla ]ber tiser: Laâd brou an accident on tis Une, thse conni t fiic Ws sgreatl> r-. aggeriied j ad iseb must beair op mutil ibey haut more ataiEo nevs. Bat h. va4 speasing Io on 1ie oceaut n'Ptbear np. Miliy'eseaud felI back, aud it vas vitb soea lbisg lko relief when bor faîiser ea- tisat 8 e ts l us«n e i ,u g pr c en s io n s. , 'Per hiutiu h slu, au b. lai! ber dovn on lise concis; 'ahisen yona teO have mach troubles-on this.' He vias abus, beiping Susinte meete ber, that natither etfabeni iboard atat eouudl cf a iatch.ýkeylain t oor. *Qîick, lil hi sueps came svifaly np the clair, anud biloe îhey isid time t. vouder. John Inveout, estle and-eenu, but boekiug pale anud vora,' ateout bel'eme thens. aTbank Ged!' brelte frow Ma. Wynea Il did ail I cenlut,' be iseau, ebutat oold poit get havle a moment econer.' BeeSokMr. Wyae'e.pace, aud uben MilIy openeut ber eyes,'tbe fel-upon hem ksbang's face bendisg tesenl> c'oer enra. NI damting,' saut ta., l'boyyou h ave; suffere le -Tbey vaitçl! putil her psionaIe bate$ of teats vas onsaeut,anut then John told tse sarorf tbis uigkee's onk. Tbey vane toc laits for îLe train tbat reacsetLenutenat ten, sud ooevaiet <ej ILe nezt. galt-vsy betveen 'I.odînsa Brighton aboy met viais a terrible accident -ýa collision vus ladme truckse tht ba4 been loft upen ise hase, and , tbe damage donc vas causiderable. HRappening in thse nigba, îbey haut te vaît smme lime hefe relief came. Ne one vas isilieu-t- t leasi îhey hopet net-but min> of îh. psaau- gema vure i evenaty 'veunJdeu. Itsvos dmeaidfnl,9 maid Jejîn, Î!o Seun tise.'peer feiteve gvoaning lerp va tha deptscf tse night.' ' ' 'Andt yenire net burt st a&R?' inqime4 Mn,,Ïle John. 'Ne' rp1id lba.Tilpu bis face gmew, paler,esnti hi' ejcéï îmsnibled. asuiso said, Il di4 Dt ea o ttllyeu Mulyt7.uifyou ele be ter, bu t th . Ja cista le, Fereet savci dm y hf:. I v inu greal d e g r, as oi Le thrnst me awsy,-aal rce'led tise Ste hirnîelf that ventai baveaÇafil;ù upean e.1 -je bc hart uube<Mly atilY. sYeusu ad Ihat s 'Vhatumade nieso lats,' rapitetJohn, 'W. hau'.bhua cemuiyee gentl, bosè au Ieon d ', oï eare hlm,

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