ýA0"T vos- 1%18 lier Yeurly At le rt W)Jltby, 3'ti Pressent oc= --0- iVi, 77i rit Pied bYý CEtEBItATEO Sco 1n i di, -alter 0 -:7,4ffla a 4 afit Town or Whitlay, March sid- 1669. Th day, panier .Uol a.0 l G R A N ITE : _'_ý : . - , . _ , unie lif, 4'ÇADIAiv %y 1 A. _AW, L Barriko lrar n ait -letzl in - e ' 1 No 'cOmý WIIITB'Y BRANCH. Land Eroker untantl, IW» At vitrble,-v4 0 Inally a4 bang- luMb" of ýM0 ufim rk»ý ýdpf J()N,&Taà lq "71, WOLFEY-DEii,,D 41RTHUR or e,,)-parinersUp, earrylhq on, b,,ï Mats j ter Couvgyà yozg$ Dl' SA-St WhiibY. > 17 sidîe ý Rali tl:eu a -tez +.ý est o ratagg fier I-VSUBÀNCB tg OBV :11 M vit &Ç-, EBAL Â "Ine, siýle-andffi-m ýriJh, ià *-,? ST017FYVILLF- Ose?. 'T O V of Holliday Harridon, IMOIVenter.ï il liteau y 'fit tltrë-e ot,ïf, H UIWN BC)US%, oýtu t ýj)éfýI Whers Wise bis brOiýor ffi 'w _. 1 ý fi Cal:thatuoit' - rend- ý . 0 Y. power votatud lis me, ngAelqie ratis. T wM1 érgslvdý-sddhjuipër j A IRT, ocot'the catitte 6 ho illet A_ FORT end efrectA of the t1hoye Eluiiied lusenive .,at ench of thom, and ulider #ho privigiol,à of t Ifé'dsdýý4roWnIn InuolvOL)t Act 9rl8il9. 1 wili offer ter W Il W.E JI& Oiv E ddý L, Ire caraddla jýol p. titi for, h 'ej PrOprietor. loi 47 luN Wild und" j1éý deiMlln'il 1 ri public Anction, on Abdà ýip'ustîtY 0 lý6kédbcjdly, kilowli bottai bas, bocný the- r parl &rsa appl AND ATTONNFT$-,AT- roTuolý10?âbcvf Wfll- nffl newij; furfIij']" trade ennoed by the btlildlnir of &e M p Y. B Low, t§ulioitvrjç totile j3îtljk et jalontreïl, uni the D uË, 1870. Fa rtigloysited a- TÉURS IY, -Viïýh nil the Corpordestio j ai 1, , rei-ot;! propriator; Irisa $Wililjg, et a bj. the lroti end the IniportIng or Voloeipeilu how eçkjjy t la fioul) untjulors, cl, 11m'a Fr rlgyfxull- znnlz(,d. Etna tiériop, &o., gQcý, Whitby, 0 opt-idded à Lavé essai Ti, #II raclent latate gf'ro At'Ones ntilock, Inthis afternoon, et sas ni, Yurm ttillig ÙM beau loft undsme tosadeettileitquiro* bhop, one deor tacesth or Tilt & iiiimg',% Fnrui- le, theTown of %Vlilti)y. lie th. eu. iYof on 91Ig24fýk« 1 -eý 1 üllll, glirïnjm,4t it Intry Sabeet Ment# ('l' ettaits, torio. sali Lie* end ri ladilliff'l? M I11ý tw"à loriýy tolosseil lipors good of the as ni' tnre t'tore, wherO the hest :ltaterest or Brock ri liiiia ply Tissu notried lasdiventa. or oitherof them, Wtýi 09 Illoîtranoit site the Uffice ofthé droit, Court Uîuâdq -bë>t In la th* foliowliig ]alla# S 1'. fa:Dý tiotte'but the beaat britridn 14,%in VI 0M 1Rýûlf1njz sat haine la i4a, JT, ore lai bois STOVES Ti Y ýV-.A ai lis of- th Wil lg»gwjtopt jet tilt RE ar-A Ber. eu l"es, Co, .1, ta 1 ý XCEL Io Lot uumber twolva, In the r leu J, if .Vill lie lut a. Ji, CocilitA]4'2-9 Lîjý.j3. H. SN0w.ý asay ho &Id agir monner-ot-Tinomitilla serayontil wiloqQinioin ('f the, towni4blp Of r Il à AMI wesurk dette en trio îlior ont uotip Btiley, lu the Cotinty et Victerui agit- ,sseria', Harrinterand Attorsjrdy.ýâtLaw, go d'%YPU N'l'y CHO WN A'fTUUNkYYon eN., j3i*0401,, Cotton and tatillita't'! 1 Va leursered acreds, B fige, sà ,%"z Tou'a »N glisal, 1 alr onongle tgia bc wot 1 dr iiiellori4a flair and In (liabieury,, Nolotry, iilbile, &a.- "nu gaga 2»-Lut ýnnmher fourtSn, P y -Lille 1 lt»tgý Wo)'l 1 I.klü etrecty illest door.,to Bayai DUNDAI IIIITREET., W]3171trC.W. .1 - il Gnil ttruckÃke Just dik Motel, Will fax. si JOHN BEYAN. Xivér, fil tige township 01 Etýzlot-, lu thé zuy.,rllz xýVX,&]]Lz 1117 -0ýougb ta il, 14,hjtby. GIWRG E leoifsoN t Pr*Pritor. ». tvlà ýt couitty 1't Victorili.. 'Just tall Cno"R1ý. t' bc ucoa(j£ I)AJIITIÃŽ EL7., 10 1:q -OU(*Ii - P(')IiNT,," 1 PARCED 3,Lots jambes grec cou VEYAN- aubsorib4r bes.0 ta announce t 21 y AND JAV& rà _ýttfoeu Jand judit mllgkt aliorigli fora ýixtý4en,'Iil file refuge froifflux ose 13RI14am: 4ugat, dremm o'riotigi, te bc tu, elstrar, leinsitist, Lfxtrourdi uierly kuowu, Bexie- B oer, 1)upoty liej T oUss lotteed the builillýig, foi boit ho ËoTEL# Laksa lésied Golf itiv or, Ils Ille towll&lilp of 00 pPer, Cen toi ryI und ChIslléerý jsier 1 htCQLU. (Ute, Plankls,) ,.In the colliaty of Victoria, utial t tin the Year .1 J-at --rry âo-gh to bý 'y cl'Oiititrlo. Ofilec Bsock-mt., Wliitby- cd, rarurniolied. ait'à fititd up thrcuilloist, là , nuitLéi'tillrty-elgbti In the towers Io 1 Tite à dordlicn gliip' of ed"bargýt40cail tho lettentlist, of meekonough for Peulier tien besdit of stYle. Trio Prerribiepure picatudidistly SÇMttierville, In, the - irotit,.rango bal , Farinet*,' to thoir Inovcg iltuat.ed, cri W6 rate JI ' est froid croligli te ho li ROBERT Je WILSON, leoilite thiL l'cet Office, and Ili t rivai,17. Part of Meule lotît ri or wIlleilf4trmerýl a PëIde enoti'gli'for at* coutre of the. Town. 8TROJNGO ip-roprietor. lühl oui or A81118TEli & -ATroliNEY AT The ICISIIWUY (JMI]Ibuo 0 Ou 'd Plu" 93 a part of the ýyiIIr«e of :CëbdIm étivil) cent In thâyaiir niove- 411-t>.thongi tfu enontk-i B al 1 a At th 0 Ilot' à rrlig SUILI-ioliýIBER ii.iA litte'l oýnk, ail of wliieli vlli;igu lutda will j;O AOld able pý, Offly col tent tep and coin with ;%ai - dinien- P16ugiýt4iiiIro faïd cestatis Didt,2ýaIn gý pnt down preaiti nada lep là the aditaires fur Uxbridge And IL pletoil reliovuted tire jihove dild omtal7llisn- a à âVo' -1 alla ý except (sait g caude - " ' - - Office- tiver otititrig Ëulà k, on tige tfiedooréveryYnornjiýg. Donirest si perday, ýbd Ardit-eleusses certain. of moiff viiiiige ]Oteu, doupart Of J'a 1 50 cet t Ira ýssss 0 nnxwer a foc] %ide. Ildatel, ont ai Ilint to Wear 6 1 satielieffit tige potreiluge nt nt fille) moite OLPORGEýRôJ38()N, Of il'(% Pablicantid rire file titi loto ntimber'fltteên und itzteciii In thcj§ti*fd leu»t il' a Poin thuis cfJaCt,ý C=mpt îhdlwn-tordâs l'aloi,- Tite table il towtoi-laip' -'of-,Bexlý-yi biding villigire, lot* #Ili£ LIlutwill be ut on fippddsreut te (,;oudroùniyrà tab- iiumbeix thrce, fivo natal mix, and bluck D. lielle Fý , froistieras lwaysinattendance liât, &0. -gencrousenotighand Illuil ]BAlliiit3TElt-À'£ýL4W AND SOLICIT(ili ý4a Mit1YbIaV 1863. OgitilONOttil Kidea Of Albel't Letroot, alti 'Pure lot the titegt-li à ýae intl.,2g, 1869. A, block B, Ulid bloek, C. -bctwcý.à li lifils. Oit 'from Toronto. Aitiert und e nier streut, and loto nuits- W TDwnà iblp Riaistit for auto. -lier nisy isie odarý 1 ED GEORGE CORIKACK. ber live final sifir troijt!lljz. on gala %tcr For seuls fi t1jë Atrtat. tend lot iý y u--tsbnrlive on scnth bwe JA 31 ES ICEITIR t;onn%)Np Uarpenter, sud 0.1NTA R10 R OTELI, et Water Mireet, ils the said villitze of te. ltRl8.rL. IL tFl'-L di W Joliior.Groeil St laraequan. -Apèl -ta-- ]B Moi lait or lu Cil ve) a lieur, Nu- ildâto C. Dawees.) Cobocolik, occorgilng ta a l'Inn tlies-ect ROBBS tur Publie. &0. . on band, Magie bY (,. Brady, for trio alliai Inkýlveljt*ý ) R aloltion-Next doter toý tige Star,- of IL & J. IU W I-IIT13 Y. ONTA11I0. - » WhItby. coquiplici Brook èL.ïý W Idaitby, filit. M ID-E R T 'I'l'e vilitige ut Coldrocoi.li; lm te lie the ter- and JAS. TRENNUM ýAx mis> Dit of tige 'l'oroiatO'Urld NII)iisilig liail- O»huwz UP-ýijtl)y,.Nov. Ib, ibd7. 46 UNFIiAlt4rullyoliplilibdontl attesgýj_ Au ALEXANDER Proprictor. koïadal. l'kero in aima upon iiiiied, parcul et NVI'Itl)Y, Jan. 5. 1870. 141-Firât and 0uIYý F J411tltui)tlct. (;Vfjijit 9 Výu0dSddtw bitll aiý(1*twt) exce ont Wister il. ïï îïiïjîiî L v%ýcro, oisif IL fus ýufliect la et cet-t.,jn mort cil@ ptib... rrIlE guhmorlbfr demires ta retnrn thunko) ta ilace imide try the 1 ligul slulite, 10, t lie '.Crilst ENDIM18 FUIt DIRDGING. -au OLD XAIDIS ý &TÇ lir lities re ri' liberdi-1 patron and Lonn C,,ttiiani'p of Kiltg-à ttoll, fier T i)*Jl a Witt c'W. "Ire he"ltwo4l",I-ta Ilitti wlisio T)rnprlt"torvf t'te $18(ro, %VlilthyFijb. j;th, 1 ;si, )ertion flous the 11rot Tfaidora; %-Ill ha rietivca hy t4 undssrxIýneà It bon often been a matter (Ilobq 1 jet flic Missile ils of Aptil lent, ut ciglit pur osent. nfitil Ille ltli.li4,l, DAY OF MARCIL nette rër Ce A. iiniýle, 1 - tokitý nccto>ltell ici Illislntliote Lisait lie lifix Ietterril 'fulà (ler,* tue why Iloyed Elwyn 4uli Gi S& 13arrieter, Sollestur lu tbnucery, At- Ltkrgeit(Iclitiolin PARCEL 4 -Villoize lot, binai, Bu 11, tien il redit! ùg 1 Ife Port M k Qui 0 l ta) stittu how liiiiell lier yurd, étaya, ftir frein fiqga NOt tint ho was not aile > in ]3rooklin Prus. Etore. hosve beau roeillitly illadeta the lorjýliiià em ,cent- 0111,gu ut cobuciatik. oitulited fin liait t r,1191 te ton thisissaieind yu;-do. truesi sensu, thà t lait Issus on jug #rare .(,iýtninddjous sioL-oti;onuçlià tiot, digital A 1 Lert oit re, Lui, oit ai pla ai - tir pi rt il, ut woman clin line'renioveil ili4(;Oltee to-lot flooroverthe elecrédat4ilig the oblumbL.rot Mit!I.1,11-g ri)olyjét(, nistiolper sixteun, vie t'te lange trotitil.le 091 C. DRAPER. IüVoi, -but because,-- lookin, otiTAlglu liâxx. I)cart) - listit filos BIilj&nin Lisku seuil Goil B » Wlsiti -y, i lot. 7, 1808. RA14F.1i in- Drugm,, pitt@ilt blejlo tjiblest jjjim nito 901913 nets a thissi inrrnerly. A firait- iver. in the tom-Ri. Préolt. P. W. Il. Co. through trio xista of twenty ai et work lien aliti aillade hy C. Élildv, Wliftby, Jan. 18, 1870. occire D J'alats, Ollii, Vye Stuirs,'Coufecf het-il adifillotidia ta tint fi'r t lac plild ll.j4rl Voulue. IllieriýÃý g Whait a Mero'Child I tes 'VAIIEU ÉLL dkr IleGEU, ery, &a. ti"u» Stalilïllor, blieds, jouside Moyeut, ézt,-., have filà 4o a Mt( ; roi ilwellitig humide taud outbuit diii.-o ------- Streinge that a Mien lirecisely ;ON t-V' %%'IhOg And lAquoyalof the liant quility lopési glandes. Ail ouadi 1110 utidltr"iglleil te) 011 t il» lut. 0 T E L B T should oc completely bave w W,, 8411.11 1- for âtotlleul pnrp(,P". tit Je IN fltd Frit'plil,. ]à , T 0ý .4 final flic pilille gel o- self the very heurt and saur c rully tsdv:,Iirugels sdu!ý;ddi Ire sait otirer hitoi PARCE L à .-DeltijZ a liait of lot nasmber t Ir iltý-gddL-ven lis riie;ge rroiitio g on BiiIdsý in irl, and kept it, utterly witl, arfAh Honte 4 Cattle illedicineadagalýoay# oit taud lis th- pluce- AO wJ 1 et ail t clos§ bu happy tait (14jt'r Il( tilt of Ille rouit OffIce. Il rook 11 es. 01. W,. 18 0 P wi-léorilo lin ciel, 11riclids. balle Und Gull river, fil tire ot Fer At'LIYM'Utiyearo, tige irell-Lnown bonne eept it se that net' the bar $É)tinle villo. on the Colitity of' Victeriii, vears. nor the Memory of a ý L'lucul --------- Wl.ifily', lieu. 2, 48-1 alla be lit VisIxIie J'et knuwil $ait 1 k as nor evers trio graveistone th:st 1 COMMERCIAL -HOTELs, c.; ait,. oiie-quidrti-r of nid tore of'lue T.EZ -,'ALBION IIOTEIdt' J. YL Ji. 11100EZ. Vrifflon or BitickB.. baffle t o- yard Jies bettreen ilim and ir MT., M'IIITBY. Q u e ry liax froiitiiit cri la'daier aatrect, aie litid dowil litèrate or even -mnke dis» th - a,- on et 1,1a111 et' 1-sirt ut' t lie villoge of Cebu ;,Iely Vecilsitd by hIr. jamue 1 Bilick Tige consecrated tue tc, bien when 1 Rnbt4cril)or lugm ta nýLtiolalice to him èonir, by C. Lreidý,, ri, L. iS., jur ll(,11»c lair the l'eNt 1%ýtr11jicdII in the Itowi) indal i% than a child, and bas kept )In L-011- 088, LALJJI IL, lit, 1.(J(ji & 83111,11, T - fi-ield,4 allait lieu lie ha. re- le it tissât Lhote Wsliell a roi] for pictures Alliez ïercii, on Kaid lot, POMBL-hbion gIVoý9 et or b, >tIelled pf il o Weil dand fis- in through the trial or Joui Vý'rtiblylitiowlshotel, %Jjjj.Ji liq glijw-ffll(,d AT PARCEL twetitj'-fl%'e Fair furtlier partieulsirs apply ta yenm k, &eu, lit a 0,111)urii)r tranialer, C LA RW S GAI LERY ? fruittitig oit 13,tlAetin Jýcjeo unir (hifl lio tiens twelve yearLz My P filice for 1 lie ttýCt"i)tloii of gueMtdii und the ira- d Ili fil o ttew;lmbip (Ir ils the cou1aý DANIEL Bowun, only*eigl)teen ; and I loveil h aintral 4o L'rock-St. , eli-arL-d. o .ctrt. find &vu vulillk' Ir, br-elailoo lie liait trio hcact 61111pry 111 le of V;çt ridait niGety-éd.ýf;u acres, pui t AbL-burny P. 0. foresatember well ýh0V 'glo adjokiýoitag ljuldijj*» (jln4».c, flatta), ',A;Qr- alla istipprior, -Ille éhiliroi) Fei), 2,1870. ilium, liquorté »tid cliLttro, 04acell «titielilig'i i ]lien ý1)y oi lier A-, 1 w le, o "0 w PARCEL 7. sun shone on that iiummerýaft rp &I.P .10 qlltu nua gov#! wf.rk lin the- Utilitiv, rend utile -The womt lialrot lot nissuber italy Other ;filles lis tige useil yard», and iittr-livl%-ê Opfli fil tha Içonth hossiuldai ut the Y iléLt U A 0 L E Ir VESTALENT __ 1 we xWeild logother on tbe lai omgue& Poo», o. 0., %Qyx 011 t .6 jbtenilot». Citntorp* »-d-rdtsra,ý, Iuwlo-liiie ni N auL lis tir cvuâsi si' roiri the carringe that shauld E Or Lam"çun-, jsCrCsý.ý-»' ,Ir> tjllriif lar 'Ilint'x wlialit è n1gâter, go doult bc 0 icaisoi. tg noter " d'clisse 1't1y est Wliltbv, Jon.,14, 19es. 2.1y bickward serbout 4!011jifjg rail wnyd. PARCVL S.-'rtie %d'uth fini( of lot turnher Iloiv the Ocean diiieed and si Veille thér TEOMAN GIESON. tuull;"! - . () twttjtl (#fille Pr perty &o., the wet sande looked like buri 1 BOLICITuit, &C., &C. a if M In Lido uoujLý of ()u- W arebouse do and the trocs in trio long ave Powell, M'Ilittly, IÇOv- 12f 18417. 45 turio, drif.aa IN 31CIIILLA14*8 I;LCCZ, ý13;ook à acro,6, MUIJ&t ta a ta catch the golden drijpq of Ji ------------- mais to -ego Dl' é-2,000. C (9 NXISSI 0 N ItER CHA NI FORT -%VIIITB'Y, roit s,&jLE. lot theme fail Llirough their W fi Itby, Jan. 2L -1862 1 RENRY GRIST, 1"A11LCï'ý O.-Tlie raudit hillr and the ution the grave-patlis bolow (ESTABIl$ll£D 1UO,) w(tdait 41t'aumer ut' lait familier adix, lit tire -o- Wià itl)Y, Jati., 16110 1886.- lois or the towlipliip of liericli. stoodttierewaititig, heand 1 T'f Olt Y l-, 1 AT LA su ]j ci 14,)111 x CclintY Dl' Outigrio, elle liat-dred orott'aitinfato'nfit1rýne i(,IIA1401ut'a" or t'ln' Pnrtuersi ire decking caeb otlier with roxeý Irving ËO A bu 1 filly urert;o. llotist-ixicg), it hier. 1 leavef;, lie deetilirtgly $o amuse, ose, ijrùckfý C. W. USE# N D 1"01110 secouait, ry ta MOI PAICCEL a part oflot intentant, licir 1)rvloi»jty lit %%*Ijitlt) Menteur cd with my childihh mirtii ; I MANCLISSTER, C. W. twtelitý-, ils tire fir»t colicepprion oitlle t"wtj- lot Îý'leiirvut4 $faible, him, on happy nt the prospect JO JIAýi. D R A U G IITS31A N talmo Ge NItioital Ilotel, lt(jjuij:illg flic Ildarboi B. propnejol.. If dis Georellides, lu tije county of York, blive, (air ti Ir. Aunt Elcanor's Admiration foi 11 BY. 'A I.N OTTAWA, CANAI)A, agi llûitfz tho 'n'"t jjjjjj, tir Lire tO%'Dllty VIajà itoury, Sotsiry Priblie, 1,*oiiviijaý Stilgex tu and frous Whithy ettil daily. k,,vcry la Pomt twelltý' darling, oc shy nt his adinirati Lu Cer, fi Triitil;tlct* litlmiiled$4 Willi the retient fereut iiimitid lot wlj;olj duidal )'Plrrm, o-liii-1-ed a larizet atintity of Producu golf, sa hopeful that ilieyiwoul itu. whifloy il. W. Ciyvti;y., I;Yluli eLleuel, 1 Puid tu gliemt's. Cureful à tà id allait- off fur tiI *crjjltaeujtà g tibutait tliirty-five 01811.1 Lally %&"Lrellou.40 "Il' LIZ calitririo. sou l'h (Pl, 114)j. r. 0 4k ât V lerit. y Offlee, unir of the Géravern-' UVfoýp for the itirf,,Iiiat4ii of tire above pr.- other and lie friends. iiielit. coreyr;gl) tue digital Lire ri-gimt rit flou of triade PA, Il C Ir Pori ie:, toucther or separittuiv, -1 Or 'T' j 1. t ulffl lie i-ceaived 'Par she je very beautifiii, ILY»fAN CNULISII, L Lu If.. 1 -Tire eouth lialtef lot titim. t il,(. rillicu ut'tlic Illideroigilid, ulitil ljçt.April. salil, 'and only ton years older :18,rhit AT LA %V, Solicitot ils ('? a' 1 il & Pit EM ISE 311111(là l't'il Deddadrelndé lircettred. ber ciglt'týeil, ils 01 tige dieux . Io 4th and dathr Documnt, ne,, lowilmilli) VI 14--aci ne tile ectilîty of Un. Tendris, one ll,,If ea-ml), the larlatice in threst I can oec, renw Liie quiet ratel FOR SA L Eu' sairry ta rat'rtire Pirienfla of Inrention. prej"red un Po- tarie. iiii4ilililleiltot with iliterestpiya dark eya, and the playful cur dfdrdjýt0f fhý Alia,'d or'lhe 1ntenlion. and pralins. file tnarv karchei In Pie pillends officard, cardi- PA IRCEL 12.-V*slli'Lye lot nuinber elcht, 11) At 7 si tire listerais, t Ulll)aid, liPg, as of one hutisouring a pe 40 r HAT old establiblied titid well knownlio. flilly viade. tire lie tire el'ilitty et lj*lýl,,,eï,,,",.-',ý,.t"..Od parirliculitret et tilt, -a atrange wife 1 shoilli have (infus. ail à Il ES 1, AM ON, te tel, t lie blorcli, 1869. Ojiturýt). (,ai the eï-nt, side or Quercia mticet exteut or bisz4it;o*ji fur AM lilial CI(JWII 0.1 a plein di'UWU by Jollil ycurj§,Puet, will lie foulid ut tire ùIlice situe alter ail. And then ' the t CENTRAL ]ZOUSEI, Eproiff sound of wheels, and, drawing j vii 1--.r 1401,1ülloit 11.4 gl)lt.,ied;d rv;etiiý, »tabliiig, iiiîd driviligilied, Grand Trunk Railway R10t,01. PAltcrl, 13.-Ptà llg tatwn Io É. Il. COCLIRANE, bis, lie led me to the front ci i a together, With (11-0 air tida o dici-cit ot latent attiteil tg ti'n)bcrg welconse MY aunt. CONVEYANCL'19,LANI)A(@ENI*&Ci e(j, lis inlay bes lilial a dito jý il$ Leur- -AT iVIIIT13Y STATJIOIT. twt.,Illy otage du.d twcjlty-twe in Ille o Cordai B--rrister, '%Vhitby. Ai-mntrvieg'tj iluzci, mais ifig (Jerchierd. Thcro lire iwo w4l' o iý1 Lier alfthi, third double rantru endt ut lirocli I do not clearly rementber i puilifemi Illid excellent Wu or. aties.t. ili the towli 01 WHOq, iclèlyuillz le [nos. i St.ýj 1 * % t goud l' whitby, jean. £5, 1870. tri 4 first feeling ofjealousy Stole int t--O* 'rire wliule wili bc acier nt a batrunin, 'end Vrell'ilitix kleuwil Asa tige (;rond Uxliri4igp, Julia 701, 181109. -2 Part ut lait linitiber L-4-elity saisi 1 the firurt 'AL OTEL 110UGRAM. I think 1 scarcely understoo Id in One Ot'tllit l'est elligneutia lie tire Dominion il"Ilk 11 etid, %el, hithy mtutlnn,,hegm tu hellènes colicel4filoit of the towedddhiff ci whit6y, lu flrot it, did couic. [le lind nev for titi sic ivo Mur nuit Ille triev lvjz Fil 1,110 1 ledit bc file 0ititity 01 oliturio ; huit ail acre. B to me WAS, ever upperm lýithy. DR. HANCOCK, Il 1 11o ex,-Iiaiiig for larris roperty. hisida filtrai tir) trio honte and îtttldicg Ili Ill&#> PARÉE'L altitude bU'le, sans! by attendais ta the wulitet of -14.-Sont;,,wot§t part ci lot tinta- thouglits ;,ail bis Most graci (Faux gr4alAimi) ta a aielly (JI [,y citer, pre-pald) biser Po-%,et), lie flic tigilili colice;ý>1011 of the Foi ri lm, ec., "il ÃŽ, icini BAILEY, Proprietord, tiot-ô were mine yet 1 saw P ta, thogue wlio fidyor Iiiiii will) tljeir patronage towiýoi çt W hItbý',', on tho cousny Cri' -')ai- WILLIAM 'BC ILTON tr*.istgt ta morit a c(>Iýtiun!toicn et thejr Cuptom. tir. 1 y 'figure là a goud Mill o- lie round in ber à oomparionsl -7 Puriliedde ttik tire fruits taud jetait 9 e th The alofe botol $te os lm pascal, 1 mi, bèlen ilowly fitted up fur from being, able toi give, fi: 42 1 ;,alus Weil Laiton ca".6 of R., je GIJN-N Di. Du Octobo lierpem Will hava LI 19 and furnifirieil, (iliti4to wili find comfortuble only a darlitig playthinip a bel SiulIGEON TO VIE coub"IIY tiseirrttlrll. - lot tenailler one i4c,-,tzjà uiudutiu;l titi . AOL, ci lattelition. petteil child. But I di know 13yroji,4tioet, Whithy, 4 ),lit-cired dand fifty-two, fis tige villitge-et GCOO r"orny jafablilig tend attout lyts ositlors. Broutilles. in the -loulity of Via"Ilodu fîrkt misery, the earliefit dark Wd,ý H, 'LAW9 B@ Ait Md, Duo Ayers. r -1N il -0M À SB 1 N T, PL. le assis q nul ter of an acre. Jan, 2C, IS'70. )ndition, the ý d open hfin and j î and, iagraited arj; for bim'_' A h A. e iýu laid, tç),Femore any ]Art-otjear ln-w-hi A . éli nt 't nt t, V ëUtý1 . qȎ tImo- n t nt ne- un' (OMU the Fbýfjed-& A WÉnýi,,A ezii ttie'b4d,, -îhe doët;K,.-, Oje eï, re gy ofé ý i by n rbuoid hW. ýhfja 1 t-him-le-tifè tte çfýhiký' ýHIn ý' à ln his en n', St. à v . - 1. âv î çVà éir1ýr fî i hide à sfir! iii» pfiée ig wÃ"uld dixcov4ýr jýadbripS it. Ili and thp w1%er W . %'Vhen the ý, tira had Pro_ý ýe dIýtance from thý gpot _ Mr_ Iléà tohis dag"tilit fie hîd l'ose A ordered - him 4o-;géek,, IL11 tumediatelYoârted, bick,,andi ïrjd"big onmprinion puroued tothé'Rue St relier Who hqPfiened ln be just là 1 amrn-tli chaise [rom Vicenneý,ý iepiecé'o-f -Monëý,.- w'lïicbhfà - Jëkéd fromits hiding- ý place., 1. onk - it W and droye te, big RuePoinc'aijiçerotX. Canin-- cbed the-gpot Ili serirch or-the- rhen the strungt-r picked It op, 1 the chaire y went frito the inn loi;e te the tr-a'e)ler. Haviný the cniný *hic-h lie bad been )ring back, in the porket of the IenPed op incessanily nt and The triweller, ggippogirik hirp, 1ý%1aîS* ' had, been Ingt or left, 1 ter,, leglirded hi differ- loti; as mark$ of fondneow,' and- si was handj;ome. he determin. hiM. Ife gave on retirirgtobed, tookhim hig ehÛffil)er, No,;Qoner-bad, 1 bis; brcechen than wëré they' ýe dog; the oivner. conceiving ited to play with the ognin, 41 alý- hegà n to bark nt the d,(w, 'aveller'OPened, under the idýU wanted tn go out. . Canincho the breeches and flow awà y. r pi--ted niter hin), with hieý 1, -and literaili j'an,$ Cullottei. *bich Wni; in one of gave redoubled veloci ty te Janifiche ran full speed to h' Isewhère the 'férWardA, bren d en- accitRed the dog or rgbbirg Said the nirisier, 4 My dog in a 1 . arcature. and if he'bas run iour breechep, it iSý becntise mey in titem which d,),- nnt i' The iri,ýeltà r beoZ still ý-1Rd- - 'Campn". !heother, sipiling; wit),out liiin Yolir purseaiix livre ichandFuch marks. which rodup.inthe 13nulevrd St, ývhichttlircir don there in conyfction thât my dog, itback agnim This isthe 'y wbichheh"-Cogq_ rou., çer's rage --no* 'Yi elded to Ho delivered' the six: livre cOuld not Jorbear à n1cli liad, givén - bina ýslites-8 and' âuch'ýunplea&jnt .......... ÃŽ_ r dont ?" uked 4 Quaker yeuth..Of,,, ,3hriiie Iiiel' he.-irVa fandest een ôffer « ed. ' i-Why, Seth.90 ,-&*We aré enmmnnded te love Ire, we net If artha regard me With thnt. Icelià ; il love ?"-"I hardly> knowý, ýhce, Scth. 1 havé tried go ie on all; bist.1 have Some- 4 perhapii, that theé W4 ýhan thy share," ,ou'gl neverlastlong, If the one Side Only, rions- renortpvare no MÊD #a êtreleorncas. -clouds, vithout nome iihadow, Uradyafe Of Ontario Ireferinary college or 111tVy will bu euroluily A. IvAuif, )n: ar At !tlo mne titn,) and plncei 1 wtil -JL ý 'R OYAL CANAMAN and laie Aà mie#t(lli t, prf ni r sitte the rollowltl£r.--A FD-ý» (-,FANT)LER whil Io the matter r, Snlitk 0 wilîtbyi)et Io, logo; 41 , r, Ilstistity ('t (01. J. uit%,Dugs, 9 _ 6 t MI of lorante. - pont» on Sontil liait let 71 ocli con. E A. W. IdelleL&N are you unwell W Mt W, zq 0 3c 03 s loifI111.11019 flotistocs ; 4 0 nclùrln FORT PEIII&Yg ONT,ý &0,0 , comminsioncro, No, Again. PA 0., &CI ; ofg-0 OtAgriculture, .9. d'ai NTS. Tzitus Th ûr4) $lm en $ho laughe4, JOV and niel IL .70lit ]PrôpriOtor, f ý1tt- W., 14tîî 187'0. a S Ngt ri-li. V. B., princîpal of Ontario V., 21(atits, 90IL91le ÀXD RAW Cood etat)lillg 1), Il£ 1")P.T WHITBI AND PORT PERRY 'Yeu had bétter go te bed. child, nId oliuci mat, and itituistive ontlurà . R SOILVENT ACT OP 1864. T Child 1 Sd'dflenlY,'afjd with a port ilerry, Nov, 8, ]Sfig. 45 ROVl-,II,, L i. n s e ,e d O il, Axi) Aiti.trç DMENTS T.UEUTO, I;hgrP Pain-, As il One struck, by; lig B IBLE _7 A jki'z 3 y AýX D 1 fcIt ait Chat I)erwcrds were inten ],;,)fi.moiuliully u ho ponsul4el 1 confey- to him, though, net m all Brockliti, ut INSOLVENT ACT, as t;t)ddenly the ý child trëcatue S' 1 DEPO SITOR Y-1 Brt)eki'llb"hpril l'i Ise ýValk.dnwn the avenue At JAMES il. culare -LE Wls ITO UO, with mi in the matter of sald ------- - -------------- an oncet, wý,p The attention ofilie lotileMe lm ilivited to the Drue Store, Whitby. liew atid Wall miock of Canada, in the econtycotïrt Publie Notin, with-his,01A carmin touch, -l O TE L Province of'ontarin, In hérehY tiven ti LES a d TE6TAXENTS, t oi the contity of Uri octor* tittlii, pb,,j Wloitlïy lot thO Dir justedinr. shaWl ;. then Litt'ateil a as. 79, 80, Rnd 92, fit. joseph ggreet Conuty of Oilt, tarlo. way hable ti 1. d 810 Port Porrv Rail-' ent, ondsaid, balfreluctantjy, 6Wil 1 1*141 Wittiolit tile lionlins lit mates. lieur to Jw recolved a fremh iisoortinent- otinew pst- inir Cý119 (et) Il) ow rbiQUI)j ist t'Io poppmItaly of lits %VIjItbý, Ãtihl"ibdZ!l 1 Shall I Il térus. Englisli l'aper Monfiti., selling rnary tiézf, the undermigil y of Fei) IL411wil)- 41con pets st4mokoimd(k I*je"t(>Ck linit tpoe1jru. Th# gsjbtsorlbf5r bu. h cd ivili aleply ut ilim celet, puyulle 21.t Ir or ten I kdew not what -ho meant, and p Il,),# viz tud h thè tho ahove Ilopol nt Low Prices, a' t)te»bld cOurtie loir âdi8chafget under I? *r cent, ruya , ýh, col auume. De C-à -ittiry, with irrent cart, a rnâryý 1810. m Fo' with ali the dignity 1 could 14 NGb, WINDOW BLINDS, the fillid, bats. Ca blo 214& wil 1 Iritýor eo Il n & 0 el a tt) 1' 0 1 t 110 1, 10 v 0 1111 j 9 p u b 1 BOUDEUI Il* 1 frit, 1870. .$*!fi bé titidto.Osti ruet v(,Iuioieb lie atjoup fev CI (lie Iýcmt kiliti, ore paya de te: il May, May 1 ?, Ahe answered, ot LA or toildi à loin tidnx 15 tijoins It 0(,Iw Dattd nt WhItby, this ilth doy ci Dc«m- morer ot'ottil f, Attlonr'IL ohnedooni Trou- ë Itory-A "S. H. uorrio,4,1)rug Store, goz 60 llorbe4ý Torip, nodorat«. grid blâbliùff blr, A. D. 1889. Royal cacadi 1 - with gùoè Výrd &0., &a. "mPâf)Y*ýît the ogoney citile tisily. 1hankit; 1 But, rit'q; ait th, pasi etrefat, JAMES il. -Gtnnlx, LEWIS iiolyer. 'In j1jýtnk, Wh ithy,., 1 prefer not', C. ultix, rropriet«. Dra«IStý Wbitbl JOHN V. nauf- dZlwyýn,"I said, when Word el $1 à PTII 7&14 ffl - il4ut 'Q . secretary by 0. Touci Smith Wbi P' B.E. Co, h -for- 1 ielt 1 Most mg big twr Rd tbyy jon, Ioý , or. heziing FY of the 1-ntelitional lying, the bort Aright as well &0 Femernber Iwhatsoever ýhà ll he reap., ment of siavor-y wheil y ; It is the garment of eon, by ourlielvez, K of friendship ig, not if ourý friciýilel b-It tg ity os their talent, t poetry, and poetryg. ceit 'cIsj1ý ço, ruan a« Wé