Whitby Chronicle, 30 Dec 1869, p. 4

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*~~utrfr D1'gN - ' w u, pmd. li.?sit- uDr. C zs.-'nIvs9wl nioï unLk'Ueo, vocî pede Jobnny< the 1,ory latt i lait the Saouthyz or sl u. 1.11, W~d'> - AGAZ[NES. &Be' Bil'(Cbrlstmai Nurubors,) 'DomoresasMiro, théyoUng (ao ,subê os ,>ournaI, 'Go@d Words,' 'Sanday iMagazine, ('.iLlaback nurnbers), thi tem idet, (leu. ow* nal -C'tnyCre Ti Dgor'tlei. c in i-L _gqr,'4hmFlr.ld, Compa Ohln cre "h Der h .slalsaîî ss~ cona per; the, 'Graphic'ttii. l'et illustrated Pfaper cf the ago The Chrlsitrau tory forCOi 'on lieu. 95' The. Dally 'Globe' & 'Telegropi deliverod st suwriber's doorg et 10e or we 1555 * "~ tbtlonery and ladies goýod--a fine asmcrtment. -50-iilbyD.i.. CE0. BENGCUQH, 50Wbt , D 1569. VanletY Store, 1 door sonth cf itontrual T.lograph 02 SAVIQ O750 PS <~NT 1 1-AMLSO A QOOD AS8O1TMENT OP' 110 I'uTRO ElaNT Broad Clotho, oe1~ etn 3conomical D»rum .Heater, 811k Mixture,*. 0,*, WIiI oboh &iepîtloi to rany kinct A Splendid Val4ety of JWD HA HEPEpp SArcents'-.,Furnishong GCoodue un. I.LPYs -os pied tiré 0t1r>avîn 0oodà rade up in latest styles, at lwpr1s0l. Csl pidtcc or"Nortl'aPatent Dru Uiiet-W ql,0 3à1> Oain Mu ro iuse lut wlterl ecau cuiflduntJy -&EX _IDrPIGE cmi p701 roper prluciples, heajtîîrge part.BrOoksthtb, ut2418. Ial eyae asplendoui aro. euo att. eue.,Auut 4 89 1 1 loil ty wkh wliIoe ve.rcru u n b satsdlrsallastcu1.l-Ihave ;o do thé hesalirltos freely throgt,tilwiî,l. 'JO bal@' bf sita &nus s lio. ctortablyR E T S C I C . bse.d I l unecasryto lieatthéeatova toa red iie4tther neIijurlng tihe air osai the C 4 Otvt h l hkrbpraebave to-be l'eated baitofur It coi'ate a cur, eu,, wharoby l 1RABRMS IEA .JUT'N t odarla rot'olvlug tirough tise dru. _B Eolîîg listsd md gent Out sflmn, eud by thie pleuM ralosa lte the propur er@Vrs ui%; for tlieai. t I ed sa1have ladwlth H E 1 4*»aIrvsancea h--AT OlS . ok unwa lo . Gîftn Bocs, ailNova tain, &0. A. 8. WIIQ nieu.~~~etdou eors. i.,-.la onsuerreit-- Lq uwmaiwrn g tue ionoemsgers setrike. and the riuein Leaiberho in tbg speeo neet v oe out:i:uf ihpreared'te oeilifirat.claeg Boots aud Shees at e6urdWt no t rec mtiou, w. deeruOOMPR11 oct rtas &a*me.woThe ccnoie asnte troll 'Men& heavy coarse P K ip sud Freneh Caif Boots; Froench omcaloued l'y clattor uefllcieucyoy e iaCi ee A ?£seon werk, sud net i,7gayrmoti.n lu conne..' f ewdGkiters '. o ieOvereboos. Conr wltlr tu apparatusa l. borh plain igh Bsmorahe ~Ca whieb Itrlae ouetred ,crto uils Ladies'e b ubot panBaîmoras ; b cn ot oat skinBa dsu d lit le ne'. laullioretlcn, aud thns far, noto V'elvoteen and Pr 'uelis Balmoral&. teosie eteato.ltel u puooraafety, effilouy of liîng, and iîeonom>y Mimsse d Cbildîen's'V'eîveteen sud Prunella Balmorais; Ladies' cf fuel, quit. lua dvm fsnc t ry etîer mode cf - sd Missesbuttcued FeIt OverehonuTrunku, âme >etlnqug unc'. n, as frals'.eao ewmre. Fre Sinonstho ent ceerred, se s fuither F o ap goode t.'>- j'rof of enrustistac iî it w. l'ave got i E. .TAN L> areed lu ou respeot vo dwolliug l'one, M u Ond.s ra s thésajon Ves ietti6Oppertu Opst uai ek nl>' of judging, tirt hIt JA Well. Opst na o k MoPLUN<G MOIS. -N B-I account. rendlered aset October must bo pald wîtholut J$Owmauvlle, Nov. sti, 1(69. furtbcr notice. I'$Y as 7 nd opwarda. W .,b, Dec. 1, 186 9. Bo4 niccerdiug tequallty cf ratrlal. A dracrlp. lub tive Cirgular sent ou eipploationi.__________________________________________ Ilarties tho rai ai. dcîrua, cf listitu hem buildings easl' libuld aceo IIil mataer, se I Ji doeideodîly tirs bout und rMost 00eocu)on@lou e Iuvented. The oubsoriber wllI.b happy tfnrnrlah apealitationusud prIctta, t&»mY par- ienst I wlAvr llin witlà thirIraddretis, statiug tire aerue it rotnqulred, etc. W "l'alo ntri..infnigor nlttilu th ja'.. Addret - ---- - n-- te 0 R. &RAN()LD'S 1 th e -e, adi extesiv Lon. Mar:eilles Quikte. Fanoytlolonred Qults. Cottos-Yarn, White and Colourecl. y 1 Wool Ygn White and Colored. Lig.. scarlt and White Flannels' nes Coloured Flannels. F a c yF la n n e l e ljanke he and, Grey, Hors]Ban eots, RailwayW.ra.pers. Ça ýtail oL Carpets, Union. WooI rtges, Ma Bp Drggets. ~, pt the NewYear, and iii ~h extensive *toçjL, eGi'eY ClOtou,- Ten tt I$Iewea Cton ec. Canton Flânnel. Sheeýting, CWhited-G .Stridan-d-Regatta Sf Cot ,n snd Linnen Tickim Brown and Whjte Jeans., Cottonades. Printo, 100 1Patterna, Rugl Holand' > Siiiaesud Cuabano, fTable Limen;wlbjeand aida diik Bux 10 O(rw M Aifrt gtio i.Uq etraneDr '"oY 0-9.,Oc'uty of Lmnnoz, ont, Caonad, { IacCont1etoflMating frovnoe r Unarc, Fs'. Oth, tim., Il5l t .11> lsi dudt he. itor of ...lISIwass'rwith e woeikuus eOftthe ~n1s illgraduull durintl te Sprlug cf S T olulel MY ueusnd ou op téoMY tîpe, audilr'---Veak tirat 17ooold sot wmlk, btli O60I jr&o my oeir, F or about iwe yurs, wiuietUi.J'espàsVas euilug ou mes, sud atrere 'o h udifîcin dae, MaDnidenn diffetontsinîkdu, pnoribo ,by ftlldo. bt tnoavail. i enouned teget woree sud wQr»#, alii Ï6e Sunirs« 1f8l, ubon 1 Voss irdume to t tihe gresi Sheelicu- lu l jynt l t 10qerforiabd, flee he wkn in my and; at QI1 gattilug sîmesi holpiesu. 1 Ireve taken two httlaset theO hulionces Eemedy aud i'.o 490 bOs tus plilla aud 1 am eutiroly re.tored >to boaluir. 1Inoer..' Xjmeted to got btter. but ,sIMPly lrwe ut~4oiolu ase acot )f feoru hepc. This aen" f rine 'wue rot e privae qe, bit k1* Meiogi iaad - 0 aecl 'c'?, try tisa Siresof élriisv lcuors yen, 'h?1 u4o LI .MARY' ANN O if0Gi?. 1 lierby acvUf ttI av kpIMPj. 164" 0ugtbfrun . 5 ie i a d utt, ce 0 el k ('j' o lce FOR- TWO WEÉKS THE CHEÂP BÂLE WILL, BE C f AT, JOHIN SKLN Dmià d.acol Blanket. and Flannel. at Oo ePric.. oTtVsLi094l 'g.s qt 1Imiys, and rs s C Yauçy Q~4 o<4 ki4 unde French Ropps. Martin. Table-Yspldns. & -'ý J J V . L0uDU05 LE L. A LARGE A,10 WELLi ASS( Respectfulîy soliciting the attpenti >o hepbj be uai nost favorable tfie't' provide for their wants. Brown. Linnen Fo~fbr~ eiBagin ~ TrkishReppe C, assu ring hthenient dte resetwi o pa ýpeter Stret. 1 vrwna, U200.011, Wildsud Ln rvedFaims iu the. COmnt1gý 1 uans' bolued ad. reuta Olected. Mra 'nnibokmades ud auranged Cu. NB SPeCISIttoentilapd ocolcl PL prapretulttances rUade. EEPuNos...~y,,,D. L ebro, G. Crawford, &ustor- xn7< lin _-, orIaon, 'e P.;,Johnyoisn D)rd. Corl.,tt asud ilay n ~ ht Iora ci tii, &camize,. r at lndà!aY, and C7ironwe luùy PAPE R PÂPER INGNS. ý Eýlndrsiuly yep te , iiijrmbbe ,. ý als a h ggyEcae Pce * PApP!D I,4l , E-CaMa su Pp.'1anstangexecutel -11,a work uuaflike and expeditiousmarner, anu§aa A.C. WILSONi, re from to offer Linnen I4gginlg. Over Coata "Unde r Coate. Boy <)ver Conte. Mens'. and Boys Caps. Mens' aud Boys' Hata., Mens' su 'd Boys' UndekCptig (Jite sd Tweeds Bla4ck Silks. rPlain and Fancy Silks. French'Merlue. Frenîch Delaines. Whltby, November 17, 1869. . T.. 1' -. E4. MOMILLAN #c Co., I J pr upd e MUlly_ reedand eicîi g 1u th iiV Ualing lino kept consearujly c IMMEN S E CLEARIN G SALE! M»'hineurber tlenw SiQP---tisn tl' stores, Of Alosanatol'sud Lowesd oa prv sîreet, MNN IA N U U ~, g Al'ubymarcl' sth i s 8&0. fVEST-ABLISHRED 1833.].C od at storC h Fire Insurlance Ce The nderignd inretrnilg thanIs for tbe liberal patronage hîtiierto eirtonded ttersolé eatablfahment, for' noarI>'à arlod cf fort>' yur eair te »y> that hs bus ne' on baud a lare irasrtinent of the mcggm o ider deegnT 1 ~ D And trusta by proper attention snd moderate rc at ec r I O TE S A D G Nn iURlCaa i t fr louel'l' t F-r , le..1 ore co ntuner cfpuli.tro nage. Prtical uPh isterin . rn, re re-stufod and E~ . 1 R H N &pidwitirout rsarenc e t .he > rt lu L don. UnderLaklng and funeralo Fully Supplied ao heretofore. business on the Firt 0f Marh next, sd ie ie4lec the godagus e ai t for W l'lîy, Oshawa, Bowm.vIlo IDSom e splendid specim ens of Picture Fra mies, and G l ld ardno t b f te th e pulic the i r na fex t elo t o - - r, ff r Romemiberh Od&186L9. 0 f MA AND- VN)ER COST FOU CÀSJ. 0Coïur 0r Bok& ndaSees Prcswl emr di li iWHITBYI *Wlitby -Mrch9, 808.10.>' rics wll b inrke inplan fgures, from which no abate-- -. Ç>ISN ProPitor ment willbe madg. Great Bargainsl ill egvn u r bsi xry l" i' tt~Ui~ jtl arrat F O X ALE and no ubg, 2a1 Who wnt te g et irst.ClasGoodi, nt L CityCaiforna, i"L ) .2EJ W olealc Prices, hould aval themslvps f this unuotll>' &v a j e st pota , lyJ... 1 ., 1 6. - 94 0 is it>'. ï1JOHNoODINsoNa Allparie inebtd y nte r ock mutHairDremsng and $bivig A i a t i s i d b t d y n o e o o c ,mj s é t t l e w i i h o u t d e . S A L O O N B O O T «II O E M A K E R , e'i' i o~. ÏÎPemissto hoet or a rn;of y ars on nd after B OKS. O PP SI E H E O M ER IAL 1- OT LO buwa, November 4th, 1869. 47 MrviT E fl7tr x or Mujgm or AND FORtSALE1 i- 416Northî lialf of Lotbe g n 4: W I I TYXJI A B J <A N oiles oiof tigeRNG Whty Sp 301s. ONinîî f tu tla.12,l $l4E - S ontainjnir 10acresone, T Ii Whlty, ept 23,869 ~8 tMY of excellent Cedar, aud geod Har iood au' thie lit. Vie soI l i» g a ud wr» waotorgd,, snd there im a capital MoIi altp on the pro. nie. A>ply te nr R U E O » -FU E NT U R E Dr. ADA o ierfpga 1-ANIFACTURERS 0Fso Gtr Whvcod, Thibet Cloths. Crape Cloths. Bariathea Clotho. Plain sud, Fancy -Drese Go"e Rosier>'. Gloires. Fane>' Wool Goode.. Corsets. Fuis. Lades and Misse Wbite Sets. Mnés sud Boys Caps in real Persian Lamb, Otter,,Beaver, Seal snd- FeyWRoes.- FRESH &_CtJRD! tant suppflied wfrt!, Le l'est hbh oEE i fa<Vs4M. Sales utteuld to ou tiehr tu o1tl On rt*nùblo terme. Terns i crin l'erusd4s tIre çnixecî.Offco and Ia,,Wsty Mr.'wilsclr. - t Wliltly, (ot. l16, . - JOHN CARTER, LIQENSED A.UCTIONER,I ONTÂ&RIO, YORK &PE W EÇ9;pgfiCP-71et &. Sth Cou,'l ou neaseneble trps. Ter~n s eaul ide i. R bUllipriued MUtp Pl.rounds e psfor 1 carter.,- 1~ RaePAL% L AND Po -Don erewery, Toronti L N ER-M hprrieor tnd oY~ 'j'O T lw7:bo04pep;4pdupop, ONINUED Prieàcâiroes01of lstng Ales Of mperor Sualit'sd1 gip rte cr"Mespeully olod teeeë-nd ïLiiez.orïdrsia kNERZ$, umall, sudtry le thee1Vl, .iiis Wlth the aidopf our inereased w mon>sbled to -~~ - oie (ail theyearucnd) seoind te ,iene la the Doainio. 'rewve; m leftwith Mr. JA. SAXMO$ at Lbhe Vanta prompt mtion. -!.1, 18 AL6*8.11-0 7FFI AL'OFI r"teothe, '%Pnto of Offiafa ~,,jo.I (lait Pris.. A L E, No PHIPP;EN's, .BROOKL'INý.I IRTEIR. I wII qJ~Sofs~Sofa - chairs, 9ertrs Book Cases, Oubad helfeneu .Wardrobe,SBie boards, eWash taynds,,,,rgeancy 0 t hanging Lcokiný-çFlasse, Èàt great sarifice. My stok qt Furnitoro is 'ery o , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~M u n t la g , a d n al i y o m ake , caji ýegs tjf&t qt ting; 4 r gular o v s t e frgra tTL sÂý1. FJJNR4L8umaed towith ,wery Attention And on Ahr otice. A "tiespa to 'any i6p*m t b «torrfl -Remember tiepIçq produce an arti. se>psoi 9- .. 3rookJ4ij. NEE. 'i~'ICE 1~ A5s!plucefc~rNortbl 115 lMilkTnDtovovI NEWFÂL &WJNT iCE4PER- TUÂN YElre JOHN'B ERN, ~OODS, a I I 4 a 2; 'i 4 ....L.... 1 d~ mj W*b, »~.15, 189 i '-, - - 'k * i i I t Il OLD, ST Dil ý ý ORTBD STOCK. 1 ý Il. PULAit, &Q.,- 1 m "UIICL -CR E A M 1

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