Whitby Chronicle, 16 Dec 1869, p. 3

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n d- bas just r )r farni Produce,) at kulJ, wwIu EBVER BEF0RB Ofi Dowestie De Relper Gin. Ilenit's fiuest, Port, Wine. Pc Msrtin and ether Sherrys Ginger Wins. >dfish. Me auuLmnre. Oid Tom Gin. an dHdlsaTuiron sud Yruut Orange malt W Yig B'5ters ?eeeived fresh*'eky V itroti j WikAy eky 25 bags Rice, Olti Rye Whbskey. Aà lsBh aold, .armoe Igo i aking ode. -onlion Whiskey. retoîtieti. lnt , Prune, or The bov uroeris zgeuir WLfl unt -a4d Green Teas, Raw and Re- 4fned Sugars, Spices, Pickles -Sauces, &V'.. &C 1Compiiga ell ýeleCted stock, -whioh will be mlid cheap for cash customers, at pricýs that defy competition. SRi-mer,îber ,the.,ChIequiered StG.,e, B-ock, Street, lVIiitby.,,U= Afecw Bzirrels.of Chippewa OId Rye, iii sick- 5 years .old ex- cellent for fiunily Use., 97: Sj ê, -price h- lst -of FIult, &C', for casli,-201bj, Ç,zrrants for- 00 OO 1Dbo. New Valentia Raisi ns for $1 00 19Ibs. New SedeRass o$1Y;Nw Layer Raisins from 121c;, New Figs 121c. 25lbs (Jood Clean Sweet Rico for $1 û0, A r- duction made: on al ohe articles to cash customers - Whitby, ,December 16% 1869. Tue T.11E 0 V TItI9 TOWN -0F.WHITEY! 1 GENTLEMEN: -J UST Th ii aanoeinaneofet âmbdltature for Lhe Mii)iuruty at the lest îsaîuua! Nlîîîilpol Electiesu, hâivng placce t sla very bltî*l,.Icy iAttObutor. yen, t' .,oces ýfltoise et tije Iîesioslty et niy wlttlitlrswliîg [flic1 tlie Vi>iti't presicus 1 te ovotlog, ils- y .- duce* nIe ieislin, ut¶!lm .Uliiiuslîoui cf "'wIN II trha.oia, t t.rîîsl a eaiîdstu for titat u u ji î i i tspsriblo othta tur tise >ear 1870 i1I'og, 1 E 5 *U 5i tIloere,, gtimIcLWMIy >.int sîîîssîîîwa to )ou tîilt Isili bu, -a ist.tte t.1.tlise as- luftiihe t'w a Wits'. -ful Li tglîu,- nsssué r. ' Iv W1aveuii>sllslt rftIlle a1(poî.sriloiL,' et Mloicilitig tilit Soles ssitdi tîsflsL-sit' tVIis Estelius>c-raljuaîsly. Iiliîî sas(oîlsgnoiî, A- ilH O Ii __ _J. A A5MIIIELL. ne "u 1 wA l o 111royed l rois, tIse rsse.ttseiuere, Lot Nu. 6. eti oii['tiriW i'itt*,tjuelatter 1 olrt Ornighst 4e0ttiiîs r, TWO WHITE HEIPERS, Ils leur-s olM. s rtiî rvs iagouo-tsisîfor oeIlt'> ,, su.tsiidaut,, lit;ir reecvery, wihh re- alulsies abore ruward. ICiANCIS IIcQJIJID, Pne iiît'Nov, 4m 1 6 1. O . ity,1 ue 1 149 3MS . 1KELLER. WhiThy,1)oBD1,56i iee m iîîtîstuie rrîlsamonof tis be is*rbir *h,îut tihe lot. of hisît uiosuthî, a l'Uyetir ,îd lleifr iîud 1sCilS'. '1lîe owiturlmrc'ýquàxt#àd t pe ir'piorty, psy expeuss osud teks tîioi la. WARD. -Lot lNu. 2, TtIicou,. 48-No.ta,~ig.Plukarls.g, T f Ày-YD i L'sMa ltu te- promises cf thé auhecrleun, utîguttishé luth or Nos., liest.a GIE ILL1, COLT, 2-yraoidp pate Mie owner 14. roitQus tes t provo property,' Psy esp'îo.auicuand tae lietr swisy. Lot No. 7,2nd4a.. Jikerliag. Ilkrsi>o,1, .0. - *48 ù.Uy AL ÇAN AlJAN J{TEL, FOUIT PF-RRY, -ONT. El-. FQYP - - Plropriotor. SOr scîîs, s a.Coud osîsullng port h'rry, NOv,,661 44 Sv-a taceaalUk and legaliseaa Iallsirae'sjtr(Ilgi/e l Veot slf (f loi XNo. 16t ot '. in the 'aTow thsp q(ifL'oinsalttelg laid o-ntttand sur- <ilpi . GÀ. 0 T/ssnnil,.o Esg., l.L.S&, In lkieuftise riù,iui l alloitane beticet-,i Luos1l8anîd 19, insseil (Con. i(, o0traNdu.er t/es aid original f042 alultrIneta10 r, I/sem(as .aeksoo, ' mess nutohijp o Zrock, lin it of eil l'oeil alo»«ufé, -eL-- Wlsrrciis, lit collssl.ssss-ut»fILie îîiatuosDer- fIs'w oit' ind sihe, lis tise -tôwliabllp ef RalladiteLuis s'rlissirosnd allea-sîice bota-esai Loi.î'se 8Sud IV, Is tie lsteis.oisa.îsitasu. 111lios, h.ensilred lsiretcbefoir trsveli- lag s'orpuse and wfsartis,. It la.l lgtiye.- ho, hiic'iai CuIicil cf tise Tea-usîl b et iasa î.i css-C Ùoathet tise tolîuwîis)g Une e1 r09siehoppi's'lsos et i taliîed tLI.ilsgis Wast liss' 51ut' t18,htoi tantse - tts rigissel ross ile-,sst btwco Lots Jl nu 't Il âls 90i11o-,, v:censciog at Ipolisi on tIse N.Orth bide or tboiruwuLino bt ltjetc olawîsslîIPscf Ilarsit sd Miem teroi eiîlusa* svl.teOur lnks Wei.t nrs Ie et bdeiof Lot 7NO. 18 I>lub is lt groecs tw.uyv l ir Ubn5esera twoede tu "0 ',-t )telic ht, te'rili rsu cit-Is5itasIlks te RI owli~uce fer r16- Ltiaji Olbs.e u IWO; tw,tlsso. %outils0 ltutys.dce Ie isrty .suluesis a-Oc; futy tus '-'0.es:oisetb, twoive de. v eutlî.,J h st mltea a-est LOte s s 11iTo Itliss; tisou ortit libyen ty-sls 0 grees thlr1 sinuâtst ort te;t Î)IOhhs illi tie ri1 r17the aîttorlty toai tthetown uiu11<k I50,li l i ,~ 1 li Tcwu lrk,., 1t;it lie gauIn 0 u leu ts ie-LB 'rIOASLAÂWLER, Chequëed Store,.Brook Street. VIE RT8EUVE N18 -AT-- WÂRKOMS E~- - 71CIO F0 FOX~ O~*R*STUAS ~I9L*~Av8, Wliitby, Dcc. 15, 186à. LOWES & POWELL FOR IWO WTE-EKS LONGER TIIE C1IEÂP SALE Wý-LL -BE CONTINUED AT JOIEIN ýSKINNER'S. Dress Coôds'.at Cost' Price. ]lankets and -Flannels at Cost Price. Cottons, Linensand Shcetings t Cost Price. Hlosery and Gloves, at Cost Price, Tweeds and Oveuroatings at Cost Price. Fancy Goods ôf ail kindLe, under Cost Pri ce. N. B. -The al'ove goods me be, sold to mako ýroom for a Miontreil Bo.nkrupt Stock, which wil be sold during the month of Jannary. Wliitby, Doc. 15. 1869,JH SINR TuEVAIETIPSORE; In retirig rom business I beg Jesse to tbsnk t b. publie for the very1bra -putron- age.they have accordcd me since my establishm'ent in WbkLby, snd LI e iauchpiar.E pn reêomwending ms uccessor, Ma. GEO. BONGO UGII. to aceon tiouance cf he me JAS. BORLAND. .LÂ ] B3eg te intimate IBlack-Lustres, Frosh, Fashionable, Fvurte a1 anoy, Vsrl.tieoforthe .BlsokIPP-, HOLID4Y~S ' .rench Mérino, . . . Nubas.' DsiUJ&3si-MCeiuuOoueok, tue1 leci To-y ýBoks-onpargpll Nota Boolcks . TOYS.-lu great Variety, to a MAGAZI;i§,SesowBello' Jeuruai. Good Wordal1 ceal ui por; teLb. ha'th ciiist. B-Wî~ wealv. Grey Cottons, Tent Cottesi Mefe uls B3lacbed (otton. Ovner Co ggts . C a n t o n F l a n n e t : ' . Fa n ey C o l o u r e d Q i i n n L g i g Cotton Tamn, Wbi sa d Cloured.-, ttnderCoats. Shecting. (White andi Grey.) .Wool Tarn;' White and Coloureti. VsaadPn triPed and legatta $irtin, . * Sea4ret and, MWhite FilaneIa- Bos Ovand a t. Lôttona mi Lin cu Ticings. Co k>îiired Flànnel. tB OYS' aud o aps. Brown'an sud ite Jeans. FuyFauI.'Mens' andi Boys' Rats. Cottonades- <j A hitane ad.9ry.Mens' aud Boys,' nerClohi Pj-juta, 100 Patterus, Homse Blankets,Mesan osU'r Cloths atiTweds "iih Linnens, al yWravre CosanTwd. Euogh Hollauds- Raipt lway p01. 'lack Silks. Carpets, ail ool. Plain and fiancy Silka. E)rease ?lands. 0w-' petsUnion., r.French Merrnoes. ~iioassu Csans, Wool Druggets. ~ ,Fec eans Roll Linina, Toweilinir. JI np D u g t.Frech DRcoins. ,co ha. cyDeeGooa. Ladies and -issWh' g. JATe eusr.ý andoC aurlPria Line-i icr anyW ,Rbea's ea.n Lîne Iflscîx.Panasd Faucy Cobourgi. jFancy Coon Robes- GroerieLiquors and Wnes. A LARGjE DWELIJ> ASSORTED STOCô,K. Respeéifully so'iciting',the attïrÏâin of(oeulcasrigd.ern ilat the -preScrt il bearotfvrahle tine, to providâe ftor their wants. 'ite &ets. Whitby, Noemiber I7, 1869. TH. MeoMILLAN - Ce NE W A1) VERTIS EMENrfTS ANET LI Emrd-AllTbe OadLeD N tleao.h Embracug ailthe ne sud l aitys m gwic .i uJIiYIrnJ2LL, LIAS JUST RECELVED Il.t Now Tartan Droas Goods, Real aud German Mink purs.,Jidermuinstcr Carpeta, ail wool, 8Oc. Hcavy incysailcolora Oo~ per yd. Imitation Scal and Lamb Fuma. REAIBY-MADE CLOTIHING.S 0F IREIR 0 WN MXANUP.4 CTURL' Men's Canada Tweed Suits, $10 to $12, usual price $13 to $15. A splendid lot of English -made Top Coats, $4 to $8, worth Union Carpets, 60 and 65a. GROCERIES, 1fhsh Tma, Fruit, CROCKEftY, biest White Granit Tca Stt.s, complote, $2,50, (krODEICII SALT.,1 WVANTED IMMREDIATELY, 500 firkins firm packe 'Butter. -R. & JI CAMI, BELL. MVitby & Mancester, Nov. 24, 1869. that their Stock is no W omplote, <onsistlng c' f s gool S1seleetion >Wf I - Grey CçotLons, - Brbapd Cloth, White Cotton, Bdsser sud Pilot, White Sbiru!DIng, weeds, Irey Shirtuna o kn -"'* " a a ,>. - Fur sd Cloth Cap&sad Bats,- - WINTER'GOD Plain & ,Fancy,,Drs 04ds Sh1awls, Paids, Gloes sma Hosiery. wool Judets,*Souage, ïollaretts, Cu&fa, &. Ladies' Fur, Mens' sud Boys u Caps, Whîtuey Cap,, lk Hais, Buck Mitt ad GlOMe, Bufflol Robes sud Robe Trimmiug, ogether wrth a complqto asrtuient of b fonaa ag ue sd eaouabla gooda ThRaOCER Ynwll yspi e wtDfePh Fri eRisisfewCrt.V2 Th boe uwy unie T é,with f ckruTe, s 09ehe' fiDeRaisinsese aCurrants. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, 100 good dresscd 110 ; 0 ,008buh'y black-eyed marrowfat Peas;a; quatstity cf Peruviau gluc Peas ; alip "a quacniny cf Cuampion 91 Englsud Peau, Ifor shich the highaat cash price sill be Pa-id. YEOMAN GIBsON. N. B.-Mr. Gibson would respectully cahi the attention c01flics. -indebteti to him to cail snd setti U mSacotnts due aud puât due ou or before thé lut cf, Deceem- ber next GREAT SCIiE GR EA T BMZO NS I 1 a-Re ý -t.lED UýoT 4l IN BOOTS - SHOES! -AT- R. J. -yÂI{ NO0LI'S! N otwithtaigth Shoemaker's strike and the rise in Leather, he is paetOe si first.class Boots and Shoea at and undr tho uld price for Cash. OO-MPRISING Moula heay coarse lI$oots Kip and French'Calf Boots; French Caif sewed Gaiters; Artie Oversboes. Ladies'l iigh- eut plain Baltnorals ; high cuL Gôat skia Balmorals, and Velveteen and Prunella Balmnorals. Misses and Ciidi-en'a Velveteen and Pru nella Balmorals ,, ladies' and Mmises buttoned Peit Ovetahoea, Trunku,&c For cheap goods try- R. J . Y R O » OppositeOntatlo Batik. N. B-Ail accounta rcndored Lust Outober inust be pai ithont furithcr ntice Whitby, Dec. 1, 1869. 8oe-48 ¶118. hUTES & SON, -MANUFACTURERS 0F - P4L .LEAND P-0 BTR, * ' A. S. WHiTIN<L- IL PEDLAI,, Es.,- Dear Sir,-A,% au erren- loua impres-sion iseemta btnave goue out detri- mouLulàittl'leaucees Ëof the nuse or the "EOr$h Ps-teltit iet"b dupo'I the je.dent wLiéih occurred witb ns à eits firât erectien, we deem It rigît asmIâr ai wL aecoere!ocnuter- set th. unme. The cîîcuujstauaewaà oenlisai, cccaioned 1>y aotclt or iucfficiency o et--- fanwork, uud flot by aumots in couece- - tioU With the 'IpparsLusitscif, or the prieiples on a-hiei iL la 0Cutructed. ILta n ow ini fuit operittion, sud Oins <Ar, sett tO Our elîtire satisfaction. Ili n ur opinion, tersafeîty, effluieucy o ent esu, suit! ecenomy effuel, quiteia l àvuce of ai;y ther mode etC heatilig 00W in' use, as fer as a-e are awaze, SM ieboaccident, cecurreA asus afurtlser Proùfof fOurtitiatien with il. se have got it- erected lie, otr respective dweUlug bouses, sud Su1d. as far as the seaaou gises its the epperta.- ulty if j dgiug, that iL seitasaoi. JI-! tAC9f JMcCLUISG BROIS. Bo3wmanville, Nlies ti,, 1(9. PEICE - .- ?$tend upward#. aecordiug to qnality of o steriai. A descTlp., tir,. circular sent en sieplicat1eu. PairLic.that are, deoireus of bestinq' their buiidiug. esstv sheeltisec tt,botbter, saLit le decidediî>'te Ihtist auJmoât ecenomirai oe yet tuveittet. - The sutiscriber wiilho bsppy turnish spacifcatJi s ud; Ëte*to.uy par- ties tuât will faver i1iM -iWU their addres., atatinx the aïuouttof bout rcqeired, etc. SParties t-,nfrhgiolg or im.tating Lb. sbuve patent a-ut bc preeeeeutc.1 atecordliag te las. Asidrets II. PEO)LAR; 13ox lui), 0shaws. ,Bie 4gmtfqr ths e enflesqf QA&irai Durhama Osbs's, 5epL. 29tb, 1869. 39 ÇALLS UN STOCIK RAJLWAYCOMPANY. Puîblic Notice in. hsrebh giron, thât the Dirctera cf thée Port Wiitey sud Fort F IWFWO comuizhave kli» sdu ade the 1f luwig cjlâon 0 uhaceriledat spital Stock cf 1t) per couL, payabie, 21tLOctber, 1869. - 10. per cent, pz.yssbîe 2s ecnbr 1869. Sid calliare pisyaNe atheb.offi3e cf tl» Contppauy, Town et %Vitby, Provile ,of On- tarie. Seeratitry, P. W. i P. P. R. Ce,- W bitby, Sept. 14, 1669. - 7 OUSE51. BLAOKSMITH Siup The suhscsiher effets for ale Lt t-.atOry Ifîsue lbonne wbiecb ho aL preceut ococý0e, andi ialwo lîJa bisek4iitux %hop. The lisesseaslroomy asad eoaairortubie; tl.ehlàeksmiujlI&abe aatei* anîd in. 3xle foot, su! s o, f prgos.ier ka hiaitas acre orisandi Attaebed. Tise pboparty l ituates it nBrook coreot, lu tue blîcaof et b basiulsa partoet'thu ewis. Rh. busiiies sill bo dtsPO90d Of witb eor'witholiit,t OolaS, tu suit s deiraàbla Porchaer. Tarinis easy Apiy te- Lb. proprioter - JOHüN Rico WiîlLby ept. 9 , u9n i r m s. LAZARUS, IK{)RRIS &0'. ELESA C"DPZEOT s 1-110large anset urmaalg sadu lescith' Tlhe undi oxobange for CROCI boxes .VsJentit Raisins. -fë yer é 1 .6 66i 66 4 $6 e , it $il)ums Sul tant. I l0 kego leediest 1 boxes London Laera bé Westzad', Zcases Eleme Figs. 25,barreis Ouirants. - E.1'AEI1 N E 1W AD -------------- - -------- OF Finnan Raddies, Salmon, 1 11 l' DEP A )?

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