taris.. I bNp- épril ftbe 1049. IiENIE, à t, Wbttby T*PEICZ revlmamo Bay, sept. 22, 1869. 88i I U R D E TT'S P[12824)ORANS AILE MAXUYÂOTURED and ua e. et EprUae. in tmcml~utitnt aand per fut ta batite for thé. piano,, Thoedesign and woekmaahi' are- v "' eléganit, and wcu!d l'e as c nt n a drawinig.ronq., A lil'. aval dimot t 10 eureeanad thsetrade. Any prmn Who wiuham.t' aour.,h ebtM Ceit. Organ . Addreae, Box 170, Cobourg. - D. E0B801q, 68 Sm 17401.4k .daetfor cana*c. TBE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE TINSURANCE CoM11AN y 1ione or the r cucuLproà peroua& ci Engili Inaurance COS.. 18. INVESTED FUNDS are. 700,8 Jte DAILY 1NUOILE eeeu..*O0O Ita LIFE POLICIP~ ara a suie Protection icr thé futu te. Ils PIlLE POMMES, iesued eat Cu,,axm, I&1li, aford ample Pl otection te the Merchant aud Uousmboider, Ail [ir olmîma Pstourriy PÀIn, and the ut- mict,- Uberality showu lu the, edjuatmeut of )osso$. Jfeed0ffcepCangda Eraucb,Mote. W0Y.C. 831ITif FARBNI ie Agent toi Domfnior . AGKCT aitVhlîby, ,nt, Wbltby, Juiy Lth,43169. sol *.JPROF- . J. FOT, 'XEAOIIER PIANO-P6RtTE, &o. >Pg2IUmotJo alyGiVEN70 Vti?1IJAir211111 1?aax0« -ntrnetlons ou piano, $0 1 thmery et mubilei componitiou, &o., extZS,8. jw* Au oxperlenceofot more thait Il yeare entbima Irofator l'out te gnaraiiteo tihe ropld advuceuînt cf papils paced under hae tuition Wilthy, marais lot, 1869. 9.iy OF XEW JIAVEN, CORIN.- Invosted Capiti1-1,OOOPOOO. T IS esoitablleheod anudthorouà zhl 1,11. ;llltlua to târmera for itmurance, t euch dv u- Itaeons ae§.as wilII sltogotiser superseds tis. £semsit( etCompaute. on the iintisi Juan- FaIrinra hivo Ail tise ecurity cf the Capital Stock of $1 000,000 Ordinarv WsrmrM' rie#ks, tskess At cr about oaa par oeat, sud no prosiu iittes roquired. * JOHN AGNrîEW, De F. BURKE, Famii Grocerl Wine 5& Spirit No. -2, MICHAL'B BLOt, KING ST.. EAS'r, OSHIAWA. ROOIERY & GLASS WARE A WELL SELECTED STOCK FRESII TEAN, GROCERIES, &c. OF ALL KINDS, ~jM As chetis as an>' houge ln Casnada. M. MeV 208h, 1867. 21t To agesrO. CUANDEssiLAîN &.SILLs, (*,on- cocp P. 0., OeunUj o Lennoz, Ont., Canada.,. bf Ans, Custy of Hlatings iProvnîce orf tît enlTl. OIi, 169. ET fllg8lnte cenilf' that disrl ncr thie vister ot 18d6 1 won tclio ituwth a woaknesaof tise iies, whlciî gritdtially dsiring ttue Rpriig of Zo6T, oxtecui e tz nos, can id on.up ta ey Iipa, amd I becanso ico wock tkisai tcousisnest wvaik, but won confintsid8 my chair. For about ,two yearm, wviie thiâ a aknosa won cosnsng on me, and aftmrvards, 1 mouit madlcai sdrice, employisg ent ilf6rent timon, tliree docors, udetic% os f d1lt'rent klulsd, pres.eihcd by flesîdi. but otf no vaIt. I cossituud got woarseoantiwoneo, noutil tise liusmer of 1868, ison 1 wwontssdusccd te try the great Shoiîoîs- se. Iemedy l'y reaitisg ste cur.ss rnormusd, lu a paîmphliet. At cl itmo I issu begun te -féel tishe ckoue.nlumy hbande; lu fact I wom gtlgaiment icipiesa. I lhave taken tvo 90be 09he t i lseshouces Ilcnsedy'asîd two * loxo ofLise $imsud 1 amtrnonly elrstorcol te isoati. I simv a etctot te got botter, but simuply' trIedthrtIse bine sa, a ort )f fonioru hope. Tiite me fuine wvs u a prtvat4 eue , but kssown te olitr o>'ulhbor anid f dant; sud te auy ou, affliotet asaa von, 1 cea lyfogy try tishomiro*once. itemedy; 1 elvtwil I cure yen. 1biov~ MARY 'A7qN DOUGIITY. o oWor owaicsdoe, bWs of k ing, i# énIit day esps' Fbm.ary, i1169. A.. F. WOD, J.P., &0. -I bereis>'certif>' thal I hava kuowu Par.. Mort. Anisi Dougis:>'for thmésa len ften yetir; se lasa womasî cf-probit>' anditrutis. 1 bava inownulier baieras durlug mud aines ber lii. iee.. L blleve lier n emridet 80l'etraielt aver>' pertienlian. I kuew tisat vhilia 111 bar m@ wee declau'id isopoiem - and I k uow %bat vha lime, mincelier nmovo o, lwe>'m ttrtbacied vtsa .ecery 80ti sa hmée Rerody. Wbatov3r me>' W tisepeenlisr proportlam cf thia modteina, one thsleuglis certasine thet lu ber m ces, 1lits med aimot Il» tise penfoimance of a.siîrsea. A. Y. WOOD, J. P.. Wms'deu of tise Cent of glatinp, rovince et <>tarte, Dominton e Ooadam. 114 "umJ 4 -s THE C 1ML JIOTELY .Whitby, Sept. 23,1969.'- 38. NEW 1?ALL' &WJNTER GOOQDS CHEAPER TIÂN eVERi, AT Consisting of Stapea Facy r odialdn é boie selection of DRESS GOODS, HA WLS, -MANTLES', g41&9o a splendid lot of -Ray-ma-de.,CIloh,,ng, wbicl' will bëê'sôl'very cheaîforoash., Highestprice allowed] forý BUTTER and EGOS. Remember the new store in Wilkiniaônt; lIook. --'JOHN, BER'N 1Whilhv. flct. 25. 1869t. e E oe~. o c, o 55 Q ts~ Q o iAR!) 43. EL'à jq Prime will be mont wilI b. made. = Wbcee zioeia, shonîd avil themel%,eaof this unuîuail>' fivôrale Opportn. Il parties indebtec, by note or bock, muet settl without de- w la>,te save expeýnse. GO.Premidsestb b. let for a-teri bf yuso adafter nî4 thelot of Marck Doit. O3shuwa, Novemnber 24th,, 6..*- 47"-' THE LD STA,ýND!l Theundrsinedin etunin ~aiks for the liberal patronage bitberle exteodedto dtîd sabliahment, for neeni>' a peiod cf fort>' y¶a" dires te:ý a tisat bo bas nov en band a lange sesortmonet cf thse ineet modem sud elegat mtyles cf nùd trusta by proper attention and moderate prices b secure, a continu naeeof public ptronag. Praeocal sphoiteria. Parniture i-tisffe-d.sd Udrtakl and Funerals Fully Supplied as beretoforea IDSomes.gplendid specimens -of Picture Prames, and Gllding. Remmber fthe OU &Sand. Wbltby, March 9, 1868. GREAT IN HOUSEHOL» BAIWAINS MM NT UIR 1.1 OFFI CIAL -A $881 N El'Nu PHIPPEN'S, ROLN GENERAL AGENCY .OFFIOE!1 7fl lI nnersgne beingr',,,Oived the appointaient ofbOff"8icia0airi.'or North A. ntalo leprpard e gveprompt attention to ail matters 10ln krupc or Jnsoivency. S.» Prousiaor>' Notes and Accounýs spcndiy collecteil and remittances prompti>' lade. On good farro securit>' at 8 per cent interest. Speciai attention wiii b. given te the negociaticn cf Loans, and borrowera can roi> upon having their applications attended te promptly, and et samail expens. je» Aise, Lards, both'Isapro .ved and unimproved constenti>' for sale. 1I'nstrances cffected la thse Ontario Fermera Mutisai Insurance Company'. E. MAJIOR, Official Assiguec and Viîator. OPFICE--Bignlow's Block, next door to the lloyo Casadicss4 Bank. P'ort Ferry, December 2, 1868..4 WIBY STOVE -DEPOT., Wood. Stoves, Coal Stoves. T mycuatomneris and the general public. I would say that'm stock of, Stoeus selocted frein thse Toronto, Hlamilton aud Montreal Found- ries is complote, -and] larger than ever beforç. This riali, in consequence cf thse immncnse dcmand for thora, I have doubles] my ouppi>', ineluding Armstronig's cebrated IRON DUKE. B>' malking Steve.se pecialit>'1I eauoeili the gcu uine article at a ver>' iow price. Constantlini stoeck, Agrieultural Fzmnaees, Sugar Rettisis, Dye Ketties, Enameled Kettles, Brasa Ketties, AITOiT Sehool House Bells, (.istern Fumps, Apple Parerâ, Smoothing Irons, Zinc, Cbiidrne Cabs, and Tin and Tapan Ware,- wbolesaie aud retaiL, EAVETRoIJGIS put up on the most improvdd pteniciple. COAL OIL, purest quaiiy. t> 'Caits to-put oxp Stoveus and Pipes pronipti>' attended to. Cord Butter, old Iron, Shepp Skine, cotton and] linuen rage, old Copper aud1 tacen in cecange. Sheet Wood, Bruas BUOCESWACONS,' New Ba -w- -.'1t N ew ak. r mii iudlevigned taes- occaionl to aunnce Ultat he,,lias AÂND ,T 0fhi uiesat-BIG, hriwl ln fotBgge.csee spd o ï* a ýiiebyiiet btv isuature, geL npý lu tb. latest 4a1d l'est 'styleé,'sud alv-ya kept-on- hand. 4eb ue page but the beit" - *--~~ ipateiapd emploYA, WA»e bpt theise it îwerklpp ieqeî> fbswr a i i 1 tfd ýè feltaIstfocsn. tbe "pis roled upcn. "te1.1««MIWRepairà executed with promptitude and despatch. - W, l lis. rui $pnt A. few secoind-hand open and covered buggies at the Whitby kint Caem, Tos andI~u'> ~~atnm ~~~ f~ar5umm . MONDOUCÂLL, at Wdtos b y'unaiuo. Ail vomiewarraatei4. - u.a4ipi - IieCoultoloer, &4-, Brook et &.~j WLE 'WblitbyslJ411 If 1647, 98 WlstbliXl, 1 869-, I will Beil Sofa., Sofa - Chairs,, Secretarys, Book COuest bangi nd eooing-Is.esat great sac rif i stock e Fu lage aF eryal yonmk, Ma arniture is ver>' Now 8e e m or grent barzains, corn e cnd sec. RMg0dCASf o.. FUNERALS attended te with ever>' attention and on short notice. A firat-ciasa Hearse te bire, fitted nup with a double sett ofrIPlumes complote. Remember the place. Sept. 29, 1869. N. PHIPPEN Érooklizz. PRINCE ARTIItR TWEEDS, .41S0 A GOOD ASSOMTMENT OF~ Broad Clotho, 811k Miitures, Doeskin molton, A Spiondid vaniet>' of Cents' Furnishing AL WA YS 0 y HA ND., Ooods,j Goodi maae ap in Isteat styles, at low priées, for Cash. Brook st, Whîtby, August 24, 1869. cor - ~ TILE MlIEUTm COFF E And these spest sJ ie iaS from IboiseTommse Tee Clonipa>'.Aliivise bave tid sheao e cv Clombisis greatsairengtlIb i le flavor, mis nos betsg aisied wssh auv>9s0*40 (msieraaspiessa.bessusais mW.is f iii.Caiffe ow offeres stis ihs. mls4.eie5 Frica-46eOMe, 80r, sut 31W, per IL.l'ui up "tmiu lio et' 10go» OS bm. ipplled by tics mi 80 metise ig palaf to mnjnsroard doeolici Unhn. MINDS AND PILICEB, -0,mmt9e Y.sison e .k(ool c,e, 60e 5, mc oe.Vr>'Fi cos>.2 STaN TEAB.-Youn H .Si.OcrSe tc 5 , C Sc, e nd 1.e acJl,0, Oad 8. MnfL 65Tae Oe 0--60, 66e, 2011-1and t r~~~~~~ ~ lelh s.iwrdecToalaisi~bove, w, prefen se couine ourelvei oui>'1 TheGil 1 Pa c bs ;99s cltiwti>aemoL cii.&11 TeaseTa amssyar rprs Crssstui millielaithe ccut aniuiwhemidces. s4 mach quansisas i idlmgri.' gre tuniytns, amd where mise tciai qunsty csdre a club is 15 lb. muid over, tshie mspusi>' irward tihe Saniae, o(elipeuIo ae ms>'retreeS asmitioa tsiOsano. 15e>'Ibs lise au n 'mse M c Ule pptied Mai ep[V am Ifuey bougi (th ie Ceeipmuyperanil yTruo e a vcrv Iemvy su lies., anstalaid el Au i sae cm- , iisaioi ofour ciieai; ai tise large buiso. ie> ore doiaag tia>' b. I ai ia tbeist evMde0so$bat tise peuple are wvoii msd >viwliei gtteey, puiçhas Cre" ibm.. W, (ccl ploure insaeyiug l t ls>'bui- nema wviici ancreSr«gisa>'bave vise OuasCompasny niay b dne dcia tuihe godleat colitdencc. - Tise 2kkzegneh oamy.;-?is TornsseTa-Company' bave soid Te.. s sucliaiissgly ov pricec. usad c(mi xcellent aalsy, thesaU, iso linvest lseneis bave resurec wd rugely milie. If mise>'dono Tise T«Oino Te oiipmiy gsaaae Io se vocadtre owllakcUalal purcaen, on renins tise moue>'. A&l Sicman ai Osraeta. TEE TORONTO TEJA-COKXPAZIY, RESEI &_CIRE'D TOWIIOM ýIT MAI CONCE BeMUu rab ak e dno orWe ce drce sudjoiuitet ans otsspe ua, eu p s] fo; 940At ieiloiu The subscriber, having learned by actual-experience, that the pIcea. r ud xToï curcd nl u *jenor manner; sut evenyliiq in t ilin i jmd iss i us]ockopt colstautl>' ei CREDIT SYSTEM , Is wroug in prnciple aDndunfair to, the Cash dealers;,, compeli- Broo Sîrci.MANN.i iag tbcim te miae-g th o u bisetained by triistiasg tii.uu nuci5peJ1bas, Whitby, Mardis stis, 156.ESMA DEEM&F DUBEREAFTER TO CONDUCT HIS BmJLI;QES >~ticty uponCa~4 rinipts.Fireé Insurance Co, rNOTAEy ~ FEYANCEB, il'Agent; OrDiI, () ved Ferm, lu the( eCe» for sale.:: sud rente csOllected s np eut arraege tteistion paid 80 cou sim ucide. -Hou. D. L c it sim an enator ,or; c 5b(4lO PAPERI uoisrI se eG 1b N crss.pu. ýcent ai.>'lu JtugTudý-a lci of SPLENDID bie as lVer>' Eed ned Prices, . W ?e!aùntug, <Ioraiplag, GIauag, s"d pew r îsgiiug, eiecutes] tu a vc m e n u S . s ua d e qç e d s it i u n e u a n ue r , a s u e l whPgndae Sîneet,,Whuis1 nô would therefore Say to intendî ng purchasera that, ue will seil good heper tisas ou youuueinutovu that doei a creulit busnes. Cu AND,,EWAM N -Y STOCK 0F FRI HI FAMILI '"GROC EJiJE s, Flour, Provisions, Crockery, Glass and Earthenware, &ce, c. before purchasing efrewhcre. And if strict integrit>' and fair dealin wl buid up -a CASBIJtSNESS in this Townl, 1 am after ji. gwl EW»,Positively no goods delivered without.the Cash-' The highest ceuh price paid for any quantity of good Firkin's of B3UTTER. WhILby, Sept. 7, la REDUCTION IN THE PRLICE I47 QROCERJEO c IFamily Groceries fresb, cheaper than ever1 At R.- FRANýCI'S, NO. , ON THE CORNER. flEXANDER PIRINGLE9,lIBest Brandieq, Rum, Gin.r, OId Rye n M-ALT WH Li.LIY- PORT SHERY WNES, A splendid irticle. in (laret, ood and cheap, At . 1 l ON TE CORNER gkTABLISHED 1867.' THE MONTREAL, TE-A,OOMPÀNy. 6 BOSPITAL STREET, MONTREAL. T RE colptliaued nceu cf lisecompay n>'lui'sttrîbutablei toisqaiy sudpurit cf their Tees. Over a Ji undred theuà iid it oes of Tes havo beuent 8 tffseront parte or the Do- ision, eut upwards of e ticonsad testimni# au b. hown buerina testlmoay te 86e qniity sud parnt> cf tiQse '.. Agreat evklg cal le efected b>' pzrZuhlng direct ilem us, cattlee et 6 sud 12ibm., sud speds.viery pckage warranîed 80 51v. mtl»!', lu.O% lîl' together ,à ud mou fr otrefle8iaa.,whi&h vOl le ont carrnage free s s'Bal aSetlon luthe Doasinioss,'e Tisaroney Banie ociiut*d oW'clivery. Wjrý'T ,Our fteomruud steamro cutd Coife, LnJ5 sud- bb.,Tics. asitupwards,ý tbjaOu of vhtehts vomSi1 exoellent. aid vey pekige vsrraue,80bTe p n11, Co ensptý te aux>' Utlw a ton parriags oIre oBlvaor et par. DL4CJF Tg"' M R esA' FeU F~nred d. 25e f OoenOcMosud 45e feFani ed .U7: Lfvery Fse4s.26.-Jîas peFtuesdoe Tise 1MUIsWiea e cepmy-ma9wA.O8 iies1cjorya yemr s, âe 1 upobeIed lb. firi oiscuicfTelirau enUlu.$bv i - .P ipy,' ,- --'n -bai given d thema 4mei is dr.rI ieertelngm aaeTetm seT80 tot iw l ave : gAeea < pruotit e ttL ilpncjpe Aefou<sibm t ma seeIsdalnoseêo.p bunu,,uw wh twcautmvajpu&I ue ller lreefm peti. y r es.mneu no jei 7 - - - = ' . . 4 ' - - - -n sc st' - g a ru 140 f0fAsJ*talves, opeew. bo. bchNu lIeu.. - ' xpW"jm~ mw b*-oe auete*e. y_ Eene elffllwassdrauspore'sag *DR oUtM>5T- pim e o !p"1airTmue. Ma. bisp Butte r, Eggg, and F 1wahlLecl Whitby, JÇI l> , , Capital; £1,94600OO st.riug, on the invtot a suadtjjj.A-Sbo prsid vîtis outrfoere thle Bomla inLondee, -IC1NTLUL BiIOTBEES1 outr«(eaGimmss Ageou* for Cnad". Joas AGINEW, Wmmen Agent for Witb1r, .Otsav, BovnsnvlLm simd irroudcî.g country, TE 4&L1ION RompL Censrq0f Jlrock S otuiseSreets1 0-Ci MOPHERSN, - Proprietoi lw' Laie ot Lie Union flot6 aimramenta cit>, Californis, WhlLby, Jeu. 1h18 ssu. -9 JOHN RBOBINION99E Hair Dressing, and Shaving SALOON, ,1lOCK BT., WIIITBYa Wtsitb>', Jau. 22, '65. LAND POU SALE -- Tise Norths lu ILo o1,late41 Coceu of the TOWNSHWP of PICKEINGI- ccntâiniDg 100 acres. Theii iii>' cfecletCansd gceu 117mr ô tisei '8.Thse mcili legosd od ve tw asioa 1Ai a opitali < M, ite on. tise I' uiipe. Appi>' 80 GexplE AILAJID, Or t8W. i îIGs Sreenvoos], May 15,s IC JOHN'CARTER, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, ONTARIO, YORK& PFÈI 0 . R E S I IJ BN C E .,4,,aj;- @ths C ou i l a r k i s s . - P o i * . J m g e I I . SALESseetton tise sientea:notice,t Ou neamonable tennis. Tenma eau lau cri.t*1 bills prînteil attise Ciron,,,le ooeefilwlM cater. 1 LI VER&Y1 Denlrieter, S Fite removes] OhNTÀxte BÂKx - WIcitb V, Ot Ornez.:-Os (icisc..i; sud TooIJoJI, Ils, r 05'LAi 50J. IscI; :c' Uecc J. II R, C t.I BAuIGý:N~ W.tuiH-AL hall.I PoMeezT 1 ' 8 lCOLÉah ~O. 1, ON TII~ CORNER. CARRIAGE FACTÃ"Rt I amasu>' Lex- Whitb>', Sept. 2$, 1869. WILLIAM 3RYAN. cim 38. A Wb.et tise Popl ior3îlas the-CiLty.* It in gosemnposm isig forIncblumersu-of Ibo' 9atoea comparty te Torento, se admit lharmi-i, Tee =alit e, ijlisaigOM ailsqrsaedIo par, le8. WiSSC. for dlseviere. asierm mpm ndecimnsg fiât scsfie Tcea Cei asiic, lciasgom sci alS.> u» uyt.00 fu r l,&is otiser sic is n ea.. la, thc Couatry. O mifmais>' iet btesmimimpe, vo pubuliitisae CisllowssCg exi 4 sht iow sov Our Tes. air edSAis Lim5,b t., ltiAg. O "-5Tic Te. sii eto reccîved (rossiymie s la g Ossages ia aio. Ail grevwetýfleae,l us c:.lxmrn*ebave amwsisron- Aisiyvie 18hJua, iM0.-0tiso Sic. Tee recei. ved fos>mi- Cv s o ad ,iis(wmcen id wai au israing$tllv Ailviosm leed itmre wiiissg se buy At. JItl «ie quin Ola igîot iU iecx lonov crdèed."? .. . Tisemai, s it>' v &lobsginltis Ang., aifoiiusv. Corner et Byron à & Dundb t4 eppoîite itobson lBeuse. Bop,* 86 armers'.rdue RFRANOIS, Ulo- £04jlt the 1 1 NEI 1 - 1 1 sept. 21, IU9. 1 - Whitby, March 9, 1869, -A T- iltgr_ ý à qw ,Fà 4o