Whitby Chronicle, 9 Dec 1869, p. 1

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WH -Tu wiffITBY BRÀNOB. ART RUR RlCRABR»io, B ARiIIStXES Aupngod eATTN?-rt.AT pL Aw oltra theafceoterio courk t Mluon»,- ÀtooreràêsouiQt tii. &oe. *CJelStro*e, Qt. W 1.J.AOOWL àxastis wiis 81JÀ.;,MsO4 'Toronto, Jaiy 20,166se9 S. 1. COCInANE, LIL. B. COUNTY CIOWN ATTOINEY FOX ON. tario,Bâcrriter &simd Attoru.y-t.low, go bibi'o lu (Ibiîcmuory, NO'tiry kPublic. &o.- (>lUs-Iu BIW#lo*'a Nw1jluildlug, Dandpu (i OR IlK. DA.ýTNZLJ,, toi,, aud exasineuriu Cligabery for thecodu. Al of otitarlo. Oce B rook-st., W itby. B lilîEi &ATW1LNEY AT LAW 01114- e- r o uaro Bak, u tiso NuriA aide. B ARRISTERI-AT-LAW AND SOLICITOII Toronto.-.~u ZAJhES KI(ETS 08,D0N, * )AIIShTIU & ATroUNgZY-AT-LAW Dsiloitorlu CîuurCnouicr o ta<~rPbllec. Usthesa tor' of 2E, dàJ. Ciuîpbel*rIfock d L., W iltt.y, ui. *sliyNov b, 1867. - 48 S. 8-.PAlIRDM<JCS.- OII09NOTAILY PUBLICi, &a..&a. C. A. JonES, llarrloter, slieator lu Chsucery, Aga iornoy,&co.,&0. $lus reîioved bis Office te. lot floor over the. OriràÂnio BASE. Witlby, lt.,1868. 4 fl AIIITERS. ATTGRN LYS, SO LICI. rà i ' fiù. YttuI$'N On'xg:-One cor i ortii of the Voit Office, i>sisiwià; uaîd eî', mtrmBucu, opposite 'riswu Psil, UowIXMuicvilie. V fLAVDiI, ULU'K de SMITJi, 'A9toru.yA.sml.issu, olkteuîrs on Clane. oery, and Insoiveticyp &ce ~ Orîc.-Ichiiies'sBbock, Jrok-8t., pdjiulug Mr. jsnuies loldoss's Office, W li', LION. il 2040, Q. c., W. îUuLOCIC Aà. W. LADUII>M. 0. y. tus. W@.11, DILLIYIGI, »OLICITOIt, AC., &C. (JoEicE, in MoMiLe.uw'a BLed, Brook CUARIJE R. ELLER, Tglfy4',V jLAW, SQLICITOEIN Uoîîveeyancr,. e. Wi/ o/s, 'Byronm street, I3 AUUiI#JT£tt3 ATTORNEY15, CiA4AVEY. suceraisud otarlem Vl,s &iosi., dec, Puise Azss~->rups OposteTown Ji l. Couuiusso, LL. iB., iW. M. (iocunAts. euiity Crowu Attoruey. Port i'erry, 201h Voci;nbgr, 18M5 5 LYDMAN ENULIMI, p7P. pfi, AtRBI$TER AT LAW, Soliletor 1laUhanis- cosr>', oiveysicr, at., d0. 40 DR- - HANCOOK# OUItGEÃ"N, ACCOUCIIEURi, ko., Re Je GUsnNJ9m. B IURGEON i O TIL COUNTY GAOL, JIlyroui.trcet,Whitby. - 4 W- H. LAW, B. A., M. P-9 PFlislang surgeon, Accoueher, 4kg. TUlOIAsI IUtITONq TOWNCLIeRK&#8TlIEAeUltER WIIITBY Uffieo-Townc lIil - Ibourtitto 1 o'olock. WELLINGTON liOTEL, MAIR}IAM. RUZBOTTOM, a Pooprietor. 19-1>' WILSON HOUSE, AWILSON, Jr., - roprietor. sspp lu> luis1 oÇ AusSitnusfor tise acenodatiet o Ira.- soe u a mso'sput hos Ispae. lie At tise SIffoe eshuiiisisns, , Liqnoms, cd ism ')~f tIse Set lBresd, hu>s sto -bo, tablu id s!atlitenlr g nslus - 4. WILSON, 4..,Prpeor ,Aahbura,-Mpu lat, 1169t, 1f- hS WLQVXllY BRANCIL ]IBLE PIEPO8ITQFtY U Tise qftiInwm o e public lsîsrîtssl t tise 2OlILES and TESTAXrjrjo 9 sud aisvthoatise palnelus mmr@' Dow sc £4.'!. HU1L0~i sen athe I. bido I t eROBONOP~ The iUsbo awreET BTYC ffloI( Eo 1$t ,fojuî,p JL Lualususod tise bu 1Ilia gforusorl>'uuuoWn sauhrlpturu's Ilo hlo ima Iuboeu renôtât- drise si ,~dOted up ilsrcsnhouti * tisbopucfs iTie preculsesur plesauti> stoskted .0 oo.th ro~st (016,. sdIn tlu coMtreof ulb. owu, lhe stages foriUx6yldge sud Beavertunlâiev $hs40rerniersis.B oaralîprdal, GEORGE ROBSON. 'Orefull rttincube onysli aîtr.dae F UBER MENOIaNT6dCaudeter sd RrA ifetrecto hireoozsiberateans. (+EQCGE CUBMACK - Whisth, Feb. Stis, 1862. i -Brooklin Drug Store, D) 1A4£E9 lu i)rag,,Patent MsJ8gslies er>, li ta, A01l8,1 yo s blffs, Confection. fOindue sud Liquorsof tise best qghi:y r Istl purposos. ffors.4 ge tE <enloW sAi tirôocklil, C. W., 125 £ COMMERCIAL I-FOTELp BROCI< 5T., Wlîrp3Y. sunuocl posicsliouutif tJe sbov-e veli auJ fa- vorubi>. kusvu Iotil, wvii laov Oued ,vp ln a apetlor mauuuer,. vIbliever>' cossvssl-- wcse foritise -reception o cfgcuesîsJtibasilUstra. v.lsg ;"publié. - - 1. F lieut' tcoousisd sup PUri î.l lelodyrdsils e ttnCharge odterisi. E. ne' CALDWELL. WluVjitby, jsq. 14, 1566. 9.1>' 'YEOMAN GIPSON. COMMISSION MER CHÂNI 1uIUANqCE, &GE'NZEAL AET Wiitby, Jai, litAs 1866. REVERE ]ROUIvamp B. PLANE, -- -- proprqtos. Stages teoauid (rom Witby eull dm11>. Ever>' attenîtsinpad to guests. (.arsful au:d siten- Sive osilors. 9 HOTEL & PIREMIS ES FOR BALE., T HUÂT oid establlsd sud weii kuovu ]lo- tei, tihé CENTRAL ROIBE, EPEOM, Spieudid 1roomy stsbliig, sud drlvlug ,bed, tegotiier, wits on. or iwo sereso ilaud atteoli ad, asu ssay b. .leared, anda lwei>' - Ing Oroherd. Tuera aret dawn16 ouuugbear pu son udexcelient Wa*er. Ti e wlioe viii be soid st a btagen, ?'or un active busltusrss niais Wii bc exchuuget o 1cr um rer For tenuîs, dea., seuuy (Il b>' ottr, pré-pola) WILLIAM BC LTON,'- Liant. Outobe 42 De ROSS, LIOEN8ED AUOTIONEEMs PAIJJFFoftho lAtisDivision court * Addrosa, iIEAVERTON 21 Ooo.Ayers. GEVERAL BLACJLSMITUI, AND -'IRST-PRIZE "JIoR1sE-SouEx, DBUNDAM JJ~T Wbitby, 19, 1867.B4i J&MEËË-ï f 1 oYrri - iaj ustI remoed a dur lesd of 4treloa4 (Xaneifctured qed o, apr. WHICIi lIE.WJLL SJPLJ.. 4T RETAIL ONL.Y, FAMMLy DRVG iTOz Wiîitby, Sept. 8, 1550. .41lu ;6, 1680SSLUTION tsi CO-l'ARNEIIBIP. Morues lmisereis> giveis, tisatishe pu-partnel ' sisip beretotore e:lstîsg ucder tboseistine sud Zlrp of jAMlE IOWltd&CO., un Vorwarders aen Worehsopssuon, ut Fort Wjtyýabe dlosslved, b tise deuiso,, of thy,'as bueen sud tisai the survvlg prtuer, IM r.lJOhn Wamonpu, viii 01o80 up asîd adjust thsp Susu ,~ , LWDER9, ,on bilaf Executols julti John !Weisis. * JOHN WÀA»iiN, Wl4tby, MAY' Uts, 180. Al e revw I ndeisted s te slei. f bouse pois,.#tPortWisuby, are notiZed, tt Oving toî)se diplutjQë o o! ruer suan lâsejas et.p~p ul dn b. uýjtfe ucldcrOis5 UORPOr. Brus., Cotcoil LijîslEsgm'colo1 1ckiugsàliorse Huir sud ail oîaur of truck taiwu lu Oxcisstge._ WlîItby, March ths, 1809. 10 AEXBXON'8 OT.EL, (144 PPiunk!s.) 12 1MsIBEo tlà - ed'sp leî om su boe£ d ostaln ba uPlUed with th!e best- od ogyQ tb E. ARMSTRONGu. -ONT4ARIO A HTE L, WHITB Y._O0NTARIO. A. ALEXANDER 'opltr rOsr désilres te roteru theuits to fote01 rPblc C . dsvery luserai pâtruut arëboitowil is limýwiilepropeletor-otic:o Globe 1=11i, rolii, und ut theVP . m ttk(s*oeeilon tu suiiouiu4o elct lie flis lausod If #va o sp roceitiiitl ooep tse pisisilaes sceu. iug. Mora' tomaniu nomssmocdatlouuand ticreaslug theii.mmuber et àsioopluug roomai te ncarly ll o(nuiprue'-tliîsformer] '. A grst- parlr i tlire dmblin shgio Stssbiissg, Sheds. otie> Yjtq 1 & o.,se o Iffeeu nisop 1 Aitel inig tie uuderàçigued tw olr ta l dh Yrjtqijd,. ud the publc geuîc- ra 1 a.u"Oo»u fi4mod 1)jun utile? fiot welconte bis 014 *tj'ls. msb ipyt Whiy la it tbsut tiis la sgcbs ~ri;n for pIctgres AT Itlai beotuse lie:lboa tue bont 4Galery lIItihe C0aIîtî-, and hbsmnore patience wilii ciuiiiroii tissu moliy otier Artîisti)lutise Coiuiîy, aepd qp do quilo uu good wcrk Ass uisptilotiî um usis is Ceuply. W- Tlspî'uê wlit's tl'e uîatter, sp doute it isuekwird about conisuig forwurd. 1380CI£ ST.. WIIITDW. WhLsby, NIov. 12, 1867. 4 0. N. VA R13 » UAOTJICALDeutist, Osawa iunoeirepi tiîsrdloÃŽr:cctb oftisssOntfio Bank.' 0 EXPRESS AGENT, &à.., aiao 4gent edsnt asd Standard lusuraeuCgp. 1 C. MH.(I WETAPPLE, Orattae o OnariVcFterinary College of. Toronto. P'urs. 8HITII, V. 0.., Principal o!fAOntario V. Coîleffe. Du. 110 'EIL, Toronto. 41 ROWELL," P. 8.-MEB. SWEETAPPLE cos be oonsultecl l'rofeissiously ai bils oslduiiuc, lrooklu, At Broolullus, Aprîl 14, 169. 1 HENRY GRIST9 (ESTÀBLJSHBD 1IM PATENT' SOLICITORI DRAUGHITSMAN OTTAWA, CANADA, Tracugsucts busiu.n viitiste Patent Office, sud other depurtmonts of-tise Goyru- usent. Copyrigltat ud tisereglslnsrtioii.of Iredo Mlarks aud Desîgus procured. Dmifs. 1t uesîlions. eand ester Dimusuiqes. fd*ei& 31Aalet e lInvention. undprdim.. iurndsrlieahgoi he et ru cari, .fuPp nue, l3zand Trunk Railway Hfotel. AT §VXIITIY' STATION.11 W ~ O!I~lL issvusgprahuiad thse hotel aud preccîlses known ton tse Grand ?rciuk.Hotssl, W hitby station, hegg go lnform big frlonud'and tise tràvoling Publieo tIshe h ha. fitied up the bouse sud statbles lu firet- cita d b .>utlon Jo thse vanta ot tresis wb"er1t s orlnsis. Js c hm vsthsir stronage tbl otru, s'l ua ubee Wall it*JOn, c#pu ortif4igls rj eon QOMMEOJALHOTIEL9 rp.JJ<LE,-fopuetor. BJRITISH 4MERICAU SIJ1ANIE couXPNY Capital, $40,000. Tl.5 Ajsut for tiese bove (>msptun or lIM , n te-soe favorabe terme. ,L - -JEVI FAIRBANKiS Jr., AIOTONER W IT BY BRE RZ blgi lissevies1 lsePihFOR~ 0 SA LE D TO R EDI. ros.pIl4 vpp, ld- h..I e'the Ai Ci 50-ar WlstbiOeI 1~ Jf9, y 4 ~Wbshly, @jP,p 11.'Es 2 Wbtby, soy.,Iso,1 . sa,6 Nosa. 78, 80, anmd8,8.Je hSrot Tise sslssrbev lisu peod lise' aluve lntal toi. tiso iismoddliou or bie triuvelng pubhieo. Walus15 roc.u, wvus good -yard' and atabliug for 60 iaorsuu.'Teruis moderstm. --C. LAhlIN, Propriotor. 21 A s. A . 0ONSTANTIN E'S JPESIAIIEALING, OR ,Bachs«ot ela ssnmpodiiA.'A. Contantiue's Porimus letingor in Ta lop.Pstanted, Mtrb 11h 557" o otiser lagenuine. Fo' Is,~boletBulausiNursery' Chia Sotp baum ne oqual. - le moas tisa osmptexion faim renevea I ai acdroff, kolin tise ual. oft nad milliy. sud reentbuI&-train ilinir offud la ucjt btIa ruvtor Ilis gse,îP Il cures oissppad buonds, pinplesusiîî,isum froitsed font bisrua; si ldhiseus Meso esciL us *kir., cstars'li of tise bouc!, sud lsa good 0 ~V- IsU BOA?. This Soap lits aready von tise pmlae asd oe têe oo!ver>' nis>'Our ftrot familles lu, Nov Yor&ü tigMisout thiecountry., le Ia uaed exteusivoly b b>'setpisysicians, Wiseuevem usa! tlubhs- becoeoa h iouaeisold nec- ,*ait '-W. adrids ato tu'>'t. For sale b>'ail desiens. Agents vsubed. Cslor ddftsu A. A, CONSTANTINE & Co., 12M-46 43 Aun Street, Nev York. l as. INuOvling aud Miss .Ciark, iseg ten- vonuiioo1tiste Ladies cf Wlsltiy and viclilty, lUai tise>'baveo penesi business lis Colisorise St., (udxt door cii of tise Grsmmsr fluiool, ivhsere the ise'lIbai pîepsired te recelvo asd suantse al erdisra fer dreus mtkir sîudiéiuî- tics lu asuspeier mauiner ouiuater btse lacet fa.lu. Ail orders sttended to wvhs puise-c tisuiity sud tis ticlea attentiion. MI88 CLARK, Whithy, Nov- 17, 1849. 48 DAWEOS UIIOTEL, (jour psu.esat of rù>1i0.> Tite siscrSer isegis te iutomm 'luis mn> fiiet)n bisaitie. Issnsorencl i siscss uIntise sUcre prunsîses visicis lie lias placed lu s lisoogli stât e 01 repui r andsi evi>' reuovated tîsroagioiut. (JulitsnruoLiu aeconcdstion, goed st.ablitisg xsd ettesutive caSIers.C.D WS Norvia>, Au il1, 1609.82 ,[IJONE 'lO LOAN 9 Tlip pnder>sigued ioisusrecelveiIntructiouns e0 iivest s large snm uor moue>'. Ré ps>usise li ou. sn or b>' Yourl'lntltncntp, on un- iui'ot-etl Furin, -prpductivo Town or Vilage I'r Peri.li. tesof liuuercut, S pur censt. JOUX 0111iER, P. L. Serveor, WhIitiy, Ms>' 26, 1860. * AUCTION JBU$INESS Je utalrplp;ris Alusîsç,. fer theo isercil pauire,,- as'. boreltifoe >suicl spou me,isad Ion tai' usonuce tIsai i mni îreiusmd to ceusiut batte, iiliser isu- TOWN OR COUNTY, AT IIEASV.NABLE MATES. Arcagemcîi. for sale, cati be nc!û elluer et ths e vi cî offlice, crutuln>ov L5hAsc, j3rock bîsuet, Wlîiîiy.' Wilby, Jniy 8, 1669. 27. Ex 4cisocier" BELLE" nov uuioudiug, sud moud>' for dlivery-, ai tisevwharf, A CARGO O0F DESZe COAL, Ion Ilouse utc. &ppl>' Sp Wultiy A tiai1 1,889, 82. T OMAS I3IM, - l(LAvE YSitouLoiiioue, ErueLASp.) eg. stoisformtheu people cf Wilithssund ricin- it>', tisut lie isu, pelle! ga lop Opposite the, Ontario Bank, Bfrock sbreet, Whuitby Ontario, v»x5s 5118 XS np4gti> go tspir Cîcois sud Watelues dean.! as!drepaire!, site nended'aud coversd, Savaesarpeno! sud %et, sand repîspe, 4ce. t< '., du., &4iae ,of ypu'r1 WJIUB. BINT, Wisit.ib, Ans'. 10, 1869. t-2 Thi!sbmr laI. ov preptred Se Loti an>' muounït cf Mcn.y, (prIvât. f;Wgd) os goo! ilm aun 1suit borrovesa, aver>' 1ev nBt4ssof isterest, rpyab;oIqe eepunm, orho>'-yeam 1 #ase npreegni iuon.yDou 4 4LA] And a quatipt>' -9os'partfss a~M.u~Nap E UP D FA5~f~, $or egJp ~ubeqp. LOCAL A.,ESTHÉITIC, AT PENTAI. IIOUM, IDUNDAS STrR-EE T, WiflTBr, C. W. R0M.~'vrM.Jil. Cochroines Store.ý Tieu'deuulrd bla on eeivod- lustrseatlons 10 urent s large sOum ofilMgoo' , 1,1 W «cybe l re Sun; or by yenrly On nspoyc laaor produothIve ;Pwn gr Village Ppery irtchs lrtgtg« o usd. J lustu oflcrcut Sperlent. :go coin Api'W. 1. B LLINOS., Aprîl 26iiu, 1669. octidcWibyi F ARMING JMPLEMEÏIT8, dAc. Tiea undersiguseci buga to tile tisai luecou- (lnunes tu nsuufactuée Root, Sed &Mix4 PiI As WELL 'U WAGONS, AND ALL KINS ot r FAMUZNG IMPL1EMENTS ALuv Dis CELEBRATED CHURN, Notcd âasoeo e t Ise ksrticles of tige klnd nuuiufsicttimed lu-tie c(uusr', sund his inuprov. eui utTîA W CUTTS-rE do, e cuil>' vrked,uud 00 superlor Ilus uveu-y repect. lia vins' procaruci ose o! LIIICESON'S Colo- brtcd (XsLOiiiC ENGIN ïs at1,1,4mensu lac. tory,10 lue busat4)0i1fa>teclise 1la useoable! Wo .ýxccut aili Ordur, viticlu sislise mas'be fas'- creit eienor, aid vwitîs gresîter expeuilio tisus iulierto. auss ui iaoae r s' l#aone tlieus t4i cuctuisurs lu is tial~ ity sItIg ok- tnssîiislipnmui usterlîsi. SCi allidsec tige îsew Cilutio iglue AI vork 1 CORDWOOD kTTIE Tekulu uxcisaiugo, aussiCis >rsce ailoved. .JAMES CLAYTON. Wiiub, Aprîl 27, 1869. 17- T nos. wLS£ON,- FORcou£scc-f or ONITARIO, Raese-Toli qale, 4tA psu., ktn. SisatnetaonIlbie siorteal noliPe ansi ou renaonabie ts'ruiu. 'omman subis made aI theu Va'uu xOffice a! £u'eutù, Wlitiy, 1er Mr. Wilsouî. Wlitby, (oet. Ct, 1819. 41 MES. IIOCTIE bc% tOsisnuuco te bier mai> frienda, tliît àicoutinuuc buaslues AT HEU QWNROf(UISE, ive doî sanorthuo! tise Metiodisi Cisurcis. Mr,-. iR. takea oersion te retcîmn iecere thisauks te ber fmleiuds uisand cautonoe r aspt sverm, au! deaireas te -anoure tson tisai, as iseretofome, usthluug vill bcelui undoue ou bîr part te give 'hum sustaiion. Wiltb>', Nev. 14 1809. 45 S ALE OR TO RENT I' --- CoMmdttose irîeear part et Lot NO. 33, 4th Cou. of Whitby. -Contabintg 100 4crefff mort or lois, &bout 60 acres, oiossod, tise rensloireil det h'Tî n r Bi. Tser. e s ago d insme D veiiin touge; i. 8 Ile0ndapbbl At6o foraie su large quantiuy 0 o!ged Lcrui Wood, vblhî scin t'Ia ini n Ian aqusu- tii>' Hemlock llark fer suIe. For temmp and fuirtlser pàrtiphup, apply (if blu'ljtlcr proqai!) to ALEXANDER (.OTON, Whltby, blt. is, 1859, n4 - - - o oesiix;«eAfcay - CONVEYAMCER,)LAN D AGENT &c. Oavse.ý-Over Armnstiong's Rotel, minlaSt., Uxbsldge. gluREÀ-$SURAN CE CO. GiL1,ESPIE, 1tOIIÂTT 1 &Co.,Agoiutifor - canada,. i i -tailei iy Adrp W ANTE D. 0TONS SCRAP IIO N, Whitby, April 28, 1869. If p H ORAPIIs AT y,/ILSON? DOMINIONQ4LLUY. For ricbuea,, of tone, fisiîîss of detuil end ex- qui.Jsefinishi, eunot ho anrpassd. Grege enTe tpireui lu oop3ýIvg oh!, portmito.-- eulitrgiug dont ut ",IV reasonabie Yltues oIored hiId lda ik Wate Ver lo $i ¶tiUsu i vry sutcefuilu tkigel'ldreis' pcortraits.' Frimes of il[ kîndi. uIways v a d. tIreAt ridRotion >lu pircea, Tt. C. WLBN Dominion Giallery, Dundes et, Wblsby, Oct. 26, 1869. 48 Count>' of !)ntarle, t 8 IEEBY GIVEN tW wit, 1.-tui t te Court of- General Quarter Sessions of the. Peton, snd Count3 Court, iu ând for thse Connt>' of pu- talo, willi be boldcu ut thse Coqrt I., lim,1'u tie T w n of W btby-on * Tueisday, Deomber, 14, 1869. At thse bonur of.12 o'ciock, noon, of wbich al Justices of tihe l'oce, tuorocers, Censtsbies and ati othors oonoerned. wili taire notice, sua' goersuiseives seeordiugly.1 Par H. IL Ttîitsoi#, Sheriff's Office, rlg letobsui-wpu«ll --le goo d autlstolousua si PU U., lugfrtiser lgpormatlen cun ob- ?ÀAXTON, TÂTE de&(JO., 111ANCERY SALE. la re BYWurii, PURSUANT tW on order lunlise Court cf Clunery umode lu tise above matter sud"essuie,, tisere wullibceactid wjti the sapprobation of#ego. Heniry purtppil, 3.q, aster ut tlii!. Court st Tuesday, the 14th Dec., l86, AT 2 o'eccx umvcsATTKtOOlf AvTvus TEM1>ERANIIE HALL VILLAGE O0' WHITEYALE Levi Fairbanks, Jr, Anctlonerr, 0 Thse uortis.Wemt qnayier of Lot unluar tlîlîty. I tigres, is tiau Ypurtii cousceuiou cf the. Town- 'iclpof Piekiciî,g, cu!ito iiiiuig 50 sc, more or6 le. herg lissu -ni.f b ugeîs, Istn7ryaud-a.al t hixli, 25181fa(ut; aine t good bisir,80 M 50 teet, as Weilas ausuicil (srucn houe on tisepro' I nmises. Tisora la alma, neuri>' an acre o1rau oreliard ofcry cheice froit, mil grafted., TI.e abovopresperty'viii bo salit sublept tW -s ilogiguure0o1 tise sagme for 8tao, be.ua nili- tare"' ut "0 lier eteit, coid b>' cite Isuiac Aeid, ucîd duis unehlsîlJcunar), 1879; al l htégrestr ou tise saiune lien beat u pid up te tise lit jeu*., 18(w. luteîc4P rons tînt date Wa b. psid Iuy tise purelsarGr. Aise0 aubject te a 4euse, wiih wîll b. produced st tisîe uoof suie, bell bj.9 M. C. Fritz, expiriug ou tli a cu.o f Aprix 1872. yieiditug s rentai of $164 par anien. Thei. iese te b c.aigicd btiste purcliisr, wluo ta tgob luelîitled le tlie proportion o! raît tosinPp .rie puroho.uer wiliIbis reqttired ta pty dowu at thbie ssof suls, to tlîe Venderor ibiaS oi.s citer a deposit'o! 'fe911 0olIrs fer over>'01(lise lluîiàrcddeliars cf biîe purpi)iupsono', and0 flue reulduc tlsreef vichÏin 'one meonth after tisp doy f sle. Lioaher respects tissu conditions si pf osuie will b cs tbe tanding conditions of stld 0 Court.0 Fer furtiergprtîcsirply po John Hanser Grecuood, fsq. PluitiAfs oliclto:r; C. A. ,Tous Eq.,lViiluy ii uéAuctioueer, or te 15encl% unErugdMsecfte s eiI$ost .1l. GREENWOOD, G.4I. P4J1TWELL, Ye dor'as o litor. M a ter, s Wbltbyi,Nov. 16, 1860.4à-éiu E. JAMES WALKEE, cf Asisisuru, Ont, tf puùtaéte 'f thse r TwJrP Plough, AND ALSQ M, DORtINION rPLOIJGII,1,e Intus4 usasitirg, on a large seele àlc J?7ailppd-Wlnter. bis TWIN &ktDOMINIzON 'a Te; break t iisê s.l pain. 1 Ieaunbut owvi iny life lq vain, A de»ert vold ofp"so; I m'aso4 lthe goasl I sougist tWgain, *1 ilsâA dtis e i ari!ftho trium - ' u î Iu l s f o y e r. on fl c o b r a i n , Acdidsitul tumuùli coissd My so f t ai s f r th Mn 1so p oor i * A i l b i * l u m t r s î i i à f e ér ; 10 tud awr.ck ou . ror'.ilione, A spectre net vitsuf tise 4ô., 30 h.lusbdow eyorore, 4Memit oreRd STACAAIA MtEW i r 1t Had4n't aun botter iesvo thse door un- fâitnd,EilIonPr said ity iband, as j turnoi!tie- ke>'lu tie lok, thon «prpped Iito my pockot. -1 4don't know, 1iilsh, dppbtîally - thon,' sitar à moteiui's bositation' ¶o ÃŽ tisink hi b4 sbd isier -tuo fitened. 'Tise obldren iight et oui sud un Idown to the gata" st tisé foPosf $4sg PÉdaow b pis>', sudIlt le bua Ueep rom "thoraegethe liesrekiyop kusow.' He madle no ropil, balutoo doivn pnd Ipikedàai»Me pari ofthtie lurnen Nitil a lgitly porblexed air. Wbâ s thse iattpr nov ?1I nid, wlish me ampeiit> ' *.- Tii. ttuti l, fpsy isbani! belouged tb tissu ppgrous, glus cf individusla wihoao muollo l, neger ýte do .to-day what thoy can put' off until 1lo-mnorrow;- vhIie 1,on t hp contra>', wsp prompt auictdecided. 1liLs ple l will susd 10 do uvere 5>'iobil- wcusa, apd1 î 1ad 11111e upercy Çfo sucsa ,.6 lancy ,bl ittluuîî.p 'lae o f Iino vii brhpg cus ubrongh ti dne, but I will car. tairiy mnd il to-mrrow,' ho replied, as I dlmbe4 'iqiti-plus>,old-faashioned piseupun. Tis asruemi boing adj ussle4 lu bi.s Bâis- faet10n,, jtnot te mine, fb. mealed *iiraei besida ns.; sund podding a iaut goodi-lyu to 0csehittieflof p roue aggipat thse wsun' ;do v. panée, w . dro 1cor. f Our cottaee r"aituatedlpnbise lithoe vas at tttisaI lime tiiiflageof Laupy, tin Ca n ad a . A b ill et o ns d r b é s i olcod betveen us and tise village, on -our aide s verdure.crowned Sently rnain5 miopu, ou tie ther a moer abrupt descet, vith a- raIson circuiteus norod vindang past ritle cottagesa nd ftTiu-isouss f more or lus preteusion. Our presoieuorrani v, a bishe asop, le visics vo canrried our produce as hi ac- camulaci! from tlime, le lime, snd reccivcd in oxcistgo gr,,oceries, cloihes, &c. Our lot! ýconaisted lupart ef s bskot of egga; penseqaeutiy vo swore obliged le drive rithber more siovi>' tisnsuaat. 1 lofi, as I bail oftep dppu 'before, tho ycunger chili ras te tise care of Grace, viso, lisough. bat eigist yeara oh!, isg4 » mind fan in advasca cfi beur lents. pd vise vasnoyer more, phoate tissu Whou entgustpd tlstome pusmilar dut>' or responsibhiuîy I chgrged, ber net te lake tise baby (rom tho cradie, bat te rock in gentip' te sloop if ha ivskened, or, if ho voaid net sloep, ho amuse hil wllshie playthinge. untul our notarn. Il vas a hovely day l ispthelai.erpa.rt cf Seutemben, copboas aboivers oet ai4 bgd altennaled vilS mid-uuýmer's s and,'u lise frepilpeseothlie verdure wam stll un- dimmedIL vas uctrceiy lot lime for tise 'more sud yelhow leaf,' hhîo»gis tise msples lad haug out tlir golden bsnnons, nî if ;o. trytise edibof on etrast vrils ithe.'uiivng greeu of this tler (oreal trees. Tie birds atili sang ciseenil sauthlie flutered te and troý in the. hodgerovu ; sud nnmoropp, litte :roaud mqairrela askipsrnptiaipug lise tance. rails, dropped uddouiy, and! diaappeared pbstmeriousiy. Old Wisitey tmbllod aioug aSter bis usuai psonsbonos m aphion ; an s v o ccureacis- cd oui. destiniation. Ilied -,a pue.pber pi asticles ho puncisesud examine,- as wei as tiso menitsoet a nov charu te disants; aud, jusl as vo iad etled al? (oourOii. Oh faction, a néigibiour visom vo isad nol seen for nme lime came ip, wbipls delain- .d au utllllonger, me tisai vien wetarn'eed Ont isorsea besd -isomeard, I saw, vUS morne sarprisue, tasveil as a slight feeling of Mharin, tisatishe sun had tlrse mal, sud $ibe soit gray of hviiiglst wam uteshing aup Lise Vailley. Ouar Iad vas a prou o' savy one, myihsabnd isaving purcised mev eral agricnlurs; ippojsents, of ne gresi ve!gist in'lividually, luit Aolectivly inalig no ainlail ioid for ope' b pie u si otis toags se *ooe uoerily suxucua t etelborno, ve-vere oblige! ttihi te drivae-Modr>tely, unrliulsry 58AbS on wtipetc-l>M11-l standingtliýeforta, soon bmewo nbilai- 1 tvr â ol Whteylived t aho s ô4 1old age, and vene ever tftervtnds iseiffn 1Afiectiosabe rêemibr"upe for tiseir serviffl ou lisal joAnoiu Qoeni boîiyes.ar ftonvauus, M As al lu qus-Pér bougae, bai!.«n theo m ite, of tise tsI! op.bpt moea ommodieps sud copsfonhàbhe lu oves-y respectI-ne- -marko4 !hst th iserehsad beuetd fusîn aI lenst eue > -,.pr union lise cl! isousq bacd been aclasîl consnmod, vp boiuld nover bÃŽave nd de new one.' '1 have fait tise bonefit of itIn lu solier va>',' id my hpsbanil, gnavohy;'lt Sas ýtidgist me neyer la' put off doiug su>-- 'tipg-wislieisaonld bc doue' at onco- ur- lii ampre pnvauemopon. Ut hq barusess .b.d given va>'. ou thal day, vise I men de! ii seasilgisîl>'beoese w.- -slsu-te!, tlse'ahfit vould net bave InWe- ferre! výilS tis aty of lise çpidrene ù1 - woculd'have sdded tbnoîli ho cur suxiét>', Ibecapse ilu vould have' delayd oui. neachs lng tSem. I upade s; vov tison tisaiif iq vs were permiitéte! ci eacis bee vu- out sepideuit, I voul! use My rnsmost eu- deavourm l oves-cone 'lise babil of pré ,crstinatiou;- an! 1 tisink you vili allew tisaI I bave.eben-*s i jiehty succenfal, 9olisai, lu more tsas oeesepect, 1vo'have neason ho'regard tisa sea 'nemorabie ride.' A lover of ustanal isistor>- cannot be q badýman, as lise ver>' mludy of il bru!5 te promopu acalmuetu aud eeuity et mind, (avearable lotis, neppiqn of gatefal sud hoi - thougste etthe gÏeat sud good-Par- est o t tiseUnivense- He cannaI be A cruel msin, Sentisse he viiiel anwiliug výautoul>- te desîno>- ven an inseci, visn ho perceives 5ev exquisihely eacisofet tisem us couirivesi, sud Soi cariosly iit made for lise.station itlàladestsue! h 41 lu t4tisealworMd. Thé~birds are vel' lociged. Tise>' ai sieep lu teathsur.beds. Yoisnay'kuow s rosai Tth pohaho froua ils i>ing biaçk sud biae. -- l -Aiwsys try hoisave a vorlis>' conpeti- te. . Set tise isareo ru vuiste bortoise,. au! be vihi probubly fait aslccp au hase. Trul>- great mon:usever become vulgani>' intimabo vith oseS cher. ýTiese>iLsart as tise goda, talkiug- from,,peak te posak ail round Olympas'.- Ate ption l iscedusl>' s - ove la etiers cleaniuesss'tst wirbs e e 6te cnsoi' vos. Oar public speakers are -s'icis'rlisan tisa ,Anabs,viso are sai! tehoiave oui>' lisousan! verds for oue- thsugisi 1f ja bave ne pahrimosy, you bave&a poor chance for mabusmon>'. , Alw.ym bave a saitofet phis, su ad Yeu viii, nover be "nou-piusised," Why iune cioiuds like tise eacismen 7 Becauso tise houth.- ais.. Men slip du vaher w vitsefrozen, au! on viiisviswen Il lsu't. 4 isajpble broyer c f beer leSellter tban a aristocratie breyer et mispisi<f Ho enjoys tise ciseapestl concert vise. bas a pçnpetuah ninging in hise epsp.' A labourer strikes, aud stops work. A dlock sbuikee, 1sud werke rigisî ou. Tise min! -like, tise son, is general> pispsmot pisoresceut visen meaugibate!. Excuses> oorevenjuil s-casons, fer lise thing béing loft lindono, <do net7do lu. Tise taik of a tccidiug :man 'or weman Ai hAblegi efavour aSgal ta ever>- ditS. - Iu chanacter, lu massons, in style, is Ii ti gsi g ,- th puL p e rnp ex cellen ce f - sinplitiy! A iss, beariug, of- anotiser vho ivssi4 isundre! ys tol!, 'tai! couhemplueusely, 'Pulsav I . vi, aI a us.'about nolising ? Whif 1qmp gatdf4thes vas alive, -1ire voal! uov bc aisundredad sifI>'years Tise vine daiy-Belp youraelf and ps tise' boîhIe. - _ Ifyou wast;to lu ionized, go iluS the vildu of, Atrica. ; - -S51ev uovspapera are momeenises piue! uspon faut presses. Tise girl 'vise Sas sddres an cwuvin 4 greai man>- a!drosaes. Maeoinutlion pnodfloe fact, -but can. not rêcollect fants. W -Tise>-viCIi -Segamudnn~, va! i tse, ta! tbipvrkdng paritgnsnnd. ý jr:PArses vouid do weg ts and, ka ti endors irîbjuosil dm1 ha>'. - t. oprialo;r, uraussenSu sS5T!S5iAL. isi tise 4111 0E,un Il 1

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