Whitby Chronicle, 18 Nov 1869, p. 4

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rtli.p1ano. The. d«Ig'i s u odlV»acrt> f ?cn ntia. Selltentlob wfll 1b. M* ffeIlt~a, sud woeild nu01U@~f 4D, and bOelTolwOiU caO f017 ip@û baring tbefr appllca*ic Ic te &Dr dvi<.room, Alib~. tgpronaptl', snt IaaLi.exponse: W auiod-tbo.tm-de i l1y efr Ao, Landsa-both Impro od and tunlmptoved cooUtantly for, e 14)AoeueOii tlj. verbt hem:8 cti e dOai wmneh ue 8110 ul got te itbe Ontario FArmeOs Mutual. Itiguranco Mpýy Addrest, »ox 17o, Cobourg, ffca . IfA. D~. BOB$ON, OFIIOE--lgqlow's Block, Deat door te h oytI2071Candian Bauk. sneu Wkk"ea f orpn c'Onad, Port Ferry, Decomeun, i )UOOL h ODÀ~GLOBE INOLOUMVÂN y 104on.o 01lite FUI»ar,, T EOI.D'STA.N PUNDS %are.*7$RF#,0r Mp4e110 teatSttte the M.tiou iAU <d ai hmsPnom'n7,vPAIn, audthe iut- itn Ihlfty lc hin &110itadjantineul Di Ha ie O(ca mada Drauchimontres!., Chier Agent for Dou(alocl Wltby, Jttly 28th, 1860,r. TI5ED 83 . The undersigned in returnu'thanükefor 'tle liberal patrona 2ge Dit FilBU R KE hltheo t zded f0 the olti eslthment, for near' & portaSor Ibrty >'nrs, desireg ?mmaly Gogq, WIe &Spirl ~to "sY that %e as nov on hsad & l arge eamrOîknnîOf the Mmonidcra and slegant spri utyles of KING ', Zsrt OSUAWA. And trusts by proper attention and. nioderate prices to secure a OIOOKERY & GLASSWARE cottinfuance. of public patronage. Fracticaluhitrn.Frtur-tfeàn A WELIJ 5ELECTED STOCK 'mle sss1* P8ESU En, iunraiig ad ie als ulySupHe asheretofore, sUGA1M5, ISiWplni specimens of Pieture Frames, and Glie 01?AULL KINDS, C Remember the 0 8wd;- idig May 28h 157.91 Wh! b, arch 9 -1868. WIBY STOV POTS wav P. 0., Coenty of Lennoz, Ont P' I I a o viuee ot Untrloti ýjta rpnrs061 k o ao u w' hetau iote inr .L1u I viaý kew i a) e teekneaS et th, ukehllgadnallyà'urlîig lte spring 0 1867, eette to my hueg, ,an on np te mj JîIPsu, Anti I beçauete 0 wcak thut 1 eould noi waiIe, but vas COnlIiedtu teMnY0cha1r. For abon- two y6Ar#aý visie!,tliis eakfosa vascoudang 01 me, antiafteriwardg, £southt inedice aice #inpiolnmat diffreait>tin t hîree doctors, ani t ns o fî,ea ttferejmî hindi, proseoribed by frl4d. but ofno avail. lentlîtueitio 'et ver sua w orse, nutil tihe5smer of ls, Whouti1 as lsaitotit 1 the li te g nt ihn- lus a empitiet. oAdt ts 0 cnras prforni.i lu r4nP)lé Att l tme 1 b.d begunto foeith b e okùoseuslu My ItOnde; 1laet 1 vaà bioesOf tii, pl!.And 1 m a 1111,ntrelorctoreti te hsalîh, I, never ex ected te gt botter, but PIMPI>' triati t e naoislu aesot )f orlors, boise. Tii «e" o f ine vaix tnt aprivai,. Due, but known te 1111 m ytieiglaberg eand -frlomics; andi te an>'Osoo filetod unsae vu,I have etîl>'sis gay try thte Soshebntes itaniedy; j beleo l lUcreu.s MARY ArNi OGH 1Ihoeby»cortify-iltiIIhaie ti kîcwnMro, 'Iar>' At:m Deuglity for tise lest Sttroîl t yirs; mlise i eweînnf probity antitruth. i have inovo lier bcfére, dUring1 andi mince lier Mi. esIballerai lier ortntcatt te bu tr'raIlit ever>' pertlctle«r. 1 know tliîtt whitelIi)ber 'eue@ wu ailtrod hIopelei; and 1 nI i inrat uhe iw Platcelier recevait'>, aa>': ttribttod ;or n.iovery to tle sllioeiîoeeslicinid.. Wilittv îa' atbtpeenllitr proporties cof titis tndieon, one tling lm certetain, tin lier #nese, 18l a ceti annt likoetaperl'imc c e!atiiraclo. A. F. WOOD, J. P. .Werdeîî of tis ai nt'of et iltige, Provitnce of UtaeDoqîlulen etCalaade%.. I N e w B3ak'ery plIE unai Dd eàotfti Ifrethe ghbulitaïKt.leaonustatai>'jrepare te 1 il 1 wth prolpitude iU oriersaté% and ouîr kna,?lno Fruit Spoitgu Ai Utè khesi Ctakî, e#.,Tarte anti Bisett to W, Finit oïall kindi) lex.e"aon. AIo o»b ieJ UCDOUGALJJ, Baker, Cufcîonrhe, rook asi WbIly, IelyIf, 667.29 MloireJ. FOiT, TZÀ&CIIR PjL-Po z,& smueevewes UNE*o rrunzî. ATito= ~Sl~....gjyue is 0piano, s 1;tier etl à - -_ mSlton h..etra. U., ~1 v d 1t, , - - - - nsatoeiY. G.-In retur 4 'tanks tobicut - enun an sd the public gýýeneft1y, o their pu avors would intimate 'RE Joù, Ithat on MOND Jh 3h nt s Vii Vaoî.N À , u 3 h . e w ill show a n'ew and co n oi -plete MsOrtiment ofW STA PLE & FÂNCY DRY fOODScc @D Superior to any sotock that has been -Ofered heretofore in this mnark e t. Cali and examine these goods before purehusing else- h .o w h e r e , ý p e i al i d i r i t u i a nl o f r d t n h P l ~ m i YEOMAN GIBSON. Watited..5O,Ã"OObushels or 'Barley..ý 300 tubs of good Butter.. l'For which the highest market pricewill be paid. ýPRINCE ATURTEES QUI UAC ALOOA GODi A E w Hardware, Broad Clotho, Cents" Furr Wood $tovose Coa"IStoves. ooa aeupT omycustomers and theLgeneral publie, I would say 'that y stocIk et toves selected from thé Toronto, llamiiton à7d 3Montreal PouInd.Boku. hty uut4 8 r'ie je conipleto, and larger titan ever before. This Pail, in consoquence of the .,Immeunse derntd lfor thern, I have dotîbled my eupply, inoluding Arîtrong's celebîated ILtON-, DUKE. By making'Sto'vos àapecalfty 1 can sel h e ui ie ata avery '0W Prce. Constantly in stok, Â,,.,.l,,tural ,î te ea of --ibbju&U £Ltuq, frmic 3flyueupo n C.entîtgPurincipstbt- es.Fr nuac Pi ugr otle. veKetis.EnmncAý 1m il' I Héuy i *2oilid therefore say ta nedngprhsrsta ewilIO. If ? ( I 1 0*se l goods eh eeper tan any lR e ue in to wvn that oes, a cN 1 fT C F redit business. C ai S A L S , E 8 3 iraitIroit45yoau iShel fouse Belle, cliter» Pmps, Apple Parers, Smootbnq rons, Shcet IF III-I .I . Lle» f 'g1" !iY1 1'TSUfNES4im Zino , <hbidre 'g Cabs,lnd Tin and Japan W a i', w holosale san ret il. rtr b et ieEtr uLid i 'EAVETUQUTGIIS put up on tho most împroved prînciple. AT TIEA C O A L I L , p u t ' s t u a l i t y .b e for e lb A nsr B I I O T I I K v . s , a n b. allu to put n Soves and Pipes p romptly attended to. Cord 'wood, Phh ebA1newere. ndil tcit integru>' a4d fair dealrn lIAetfrWlb saaBvnnII Butter, old Iron, Shgop Skins,'ootton andi liînen rage, old Copper and Brabuîld u*p Csi INESSl b.Tn» anatrIau inrudrg.. lakcnin » eonge. - L'* no g6s eierd hu.the Cash. TEAfTaa Wlîitbyj Sept. 23j 1869. GinILI>I 88N. v o P I E ,of BUTTER. pcrfrayqan1y ~ 2ri' Gin88.E'S'a CA-SH R C ThYihs ahn~i f'o MAGNI FI C E NT.T, SUIT THE TIRES, AT TUIE SIGN 0F THE Cenreye d J, t pps1 ounBus.~ OERON rpltE Wlmitby, Sept. Z 869 M. 1 o it e u tinIetl artet DISPLAY OF 1NEW GOODS-DI O iI.1AI REDUCTION IN TRE PIEO -AT- ~~~~~A very large assortment eof Furniture, coneisting- of Chairs, Sofas, farDesn n hvn J O H N S K ~~ N N E R ~ ~ Bourealie, Jedtead, Tables, &., on hand. - Every article in the Q R O 4I I J J S' SA ON FURNITURE LINE -,0T. IITY 31ADE TO-ORDER AND WARRANIED !- - - -. ~~hgyJu 2 6.e erxL 100 peira Wltney BItokeots, front $2.1'5 815 pbcce of rei, ;White, bIne, andi gray - Ftlannel front 22 cents per yarýd; e large lot 91 Iteme-mapa Flannel, froun 80 cte; Fac- AIse iepairing,, xnoling and boxing furniture done in the beat Farnïly Groceries frcsh- cheaper tban - evei'rlS L I tOLI-1,i ia41 tory Cottins At wholesarë pricais by the price; heai'>' avilleti, unbleacheti Sheotigs,20 au' a mostrt1t hait o! Lot Nc. yerd vie, 5 cents per' yard; 15 places atraw tickinîgs, frein 20e te 80c peairdla,2 ad otcrflanr - 20eeaen~ pieces fehtior liokinga. frein 25 te 8oc per' yard; Mentie Ciotha in evair> variait ' romnT $1 pe' yard; nJîtîkaliin 15 makea and.styles, front $1,53 tu $20.00; Siavls al ê the ua.rl Aottiig 0 mrs.throlRaee ui a 1flIons, front$2.75 te $0. Ladiles vili ilnd it te tiseir etivantagete cailisnd seor ' tb g..atndd toand Fu eras fd"yO 'pl'e 1tîtyetxclntCarni oics N E W DIRESS G-OODS, t~J3e et-:;' ~ a laeia prsîgîerfl m Y, as v guarantee to sv thoet utas erf ent Nos. 2, aldwell"s Blok Bock teet, Wbitby, es B randjeq,z R u ni, G irn, O ld R ye n ~D.a iep. havi-ng Sccurod an immense staC i n Ithe Lotin and Glasgow Markets during th. e ro. MALTLAED, - bcent lepression JInfthe monemai t n ,f the aid cotntrýy. SocirWbby Rtoady-ntaeQlôthin Hale d&Caps, Shirts, under. sirts anti panta, Neckties anti GATrrecW l.BLLN Scarf, Wrepperrgmnd P[ids, COrccoats bomvy anti Warni, <rom» $6.50; Canada ITweed E8V IN ESE 167 Pants frein$250; Tweed Sull le erder, front $9; Blmcluit Io ordea.,-frein*. $10.o:-OGTai-SHERRY - JO H N BK DINER. 'il H E M O N T IR E A L 'T E Ak (J O- M P A N YL C N E U T O E R Whitby, - Chesp Cash Dry eod Store. O RPITAL -mTmETMONTRLLA. splendid article. i(aegodadcePi evxeonxo WtyOct. 21. 1869. 119 otinudsoffaof tbis1nomny le onu>y attributable tlOrteqalkty andI punity:f thoir RO OL I ml",andtyet .r,,ofA hontsiiombe lsetSnb>' inlutto, antidp% ardeo.! Lto h 't # 1>iandti 2la., anid ryards, or' ea0, a Btte sud atifor féouior Yveb ib. ee., vwhh 11riasnt aioi tee salis nluyb 'gaimea' antir, jýgg eT m P o Aa iU.. .u.u.~~~~ K~, K ~ ~ Dominion., ggThod FaiMrO"Podce1îsonmm Fa:mcl,>a.î,e fruo tsmrite ofu 5ad 10 e> Eai uysrdteeledsano" Trns la nor ; 1b. TiM 6o 0beCeofee,unî - l' Ch - ALS ttndt o tseabres nhiee BU C I ~S W AC NS, Sean' gtiwa' tiatb@ ~ vrjanoti ioi~f" 15e avou WanedL. Fî.AomuS o - iw j9ma en Lfê , iiitrong Tm . a lam'eud 2du &AM M ; mu., 0-- 2eA'.àr nishIng rs 0 yJ HA SA it styles, at low prices, fc ar vuen. ra LEAIE PIG A i to cee NE, Whmithle Pi:, a$&T gay Meaen" bat uheTonieleTea"bb-4 Qorpuy< arado. Ingave' h.u hote _Oi.md ad wgij ii 5hce, aa efare elz.s; mdlii. lsr. huy-aI.. iiy = doe wmyhb daban math. it.iàiiiï - ihat ti--7 ivVeyantid saflioee, and W ,ju &a y , Y;-Th. Torono Te Compqy I -a*dpee bI u'enthur. Alia'hu haveltrdh, S b çso l lwvtqslncb a* a li b hlely 1e n , a i I ,e r è z p "1 ao i e oms Y014ovaa e Olt MW-lit ter -de et n2 M un !7sopi11th A Dg., as allogueJe hase; theuredw,,eand lhe.-. itiemnuto. e*àwowm- 1mnli Tes Tene e Onlis umlsfe-J H te a ureims.ers, or velum Ibo m.etTy', -d & P t.]' 21,5tr et1869.& Sept. 21, 1869. -~ 88, YYI VIiiJiL jl~JJ± flflBeet Muffon, YelJÀmboMçý S. P P eIY01 aeotully drae.ed and jointe t t Suit lîousekccî,ers, and furor sle nt teIowest The subsoriber, having learned by actual experience, that the 'Cornede,- Jokas O og Ouc 0esprlor nianna4 ;andi everyîlhing b tue VietuulPlig linekp kenxetn- meber th ltenvo p-..8 n .0the wrong in principle and, unfair to the ('ash dealers; copei - broJMESoMA.N. 'them to makegood the Iou eustained by truatiný the, ünprincipled bas WilbyjMyh , 8g DE'IYRMINED BERBAPTrIj TO C NDUOTMHIBUrSIESS Rosse LAUDa. - SA Atlorneye-ieu.im sojoîn Ijattari ite A. C-AT-LAW. ï ,Notar>' Publt c.W.Ornai OSice. &NE & cOc t. ATTORNI d Neotries l'uOb LL. B., IVW Attornoy. ah txeeember,: A&TLAW,;Soti TvmnayGREEN r2A. eh~ Fh sde 1.y. Tt a s.o., & Te» no , .o. . , se é ô8, 20. ; l' f 1. lb. leIetglT ua - UT M O Z.. Ouu*Iu~t OAIemisj5gj4e1, ehagéla.rth Mhmeta<Tmafre, 7-dtOit5htleat.ey eeev 1 fil 'I DKelton Gioodsf lai :1 Vev ',Hardwareg ý,A, splendid valiety Of ý B;mmaqml ý à wazon

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