Whitby Chronicle, 11 Nov 1869, p. 3

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0. rge, for pay cdoonct sema! coun trcs 126.,60>; Je Harnla, for vonk (on , motion cf bMv. Owltbl Mr. W Thoi aideroo bowoo, l0ý 6 sd '1 ô b osadsreasod ithe côUaw1î11ln fe'nc. tu, olde , beacenlc~5, I ' t.hLrenierai cf certain> Iences -and othe ton $2.; 1T, Yoang, for veut ou 'se-Obstructions from the. rond ,or'ne n mal betwea oteuOIN nd li th 90n.,purt cf road division No, Ot M.t, *'LjA. tenf.a' for plank, $6,.11 t Il A-Ut'. Ànnlg;tgeconded b?' Mi' Lukea ~,Opars, for pliuL ,.4-2 J 'Bsrery, for lucres thst tie reave ailgrilu behalf of tib S Su simoun Pe.oëàrfor plauky, conilepIin t thuni cf mo n.'t T ts8-4; jereumib Ltug f rezpousef ln' bnd t e ton',t. he I'RrlsqnT çoDvylng Ms, El le te1FotHoe?,$14e '> The lw n c oLLnday roudtor*dered te8en. ~D.Tqooh#,kbr atnsae mmdicineandTue f'o 6 Pngald vs ofJ.ntk- Io ledigeu-porouoi, *54fti lins. W0od, bon, $1 26, for floua' te T. Prevot; of Mfr. for Dcpeamiea esuppliais te Ma. ooney, OuuiLb,, $2 00, for tLe relief of 7a.. ura'; *4;1LBato, t ps fo buldig' cl- cef A. 8. Porteous,,,repaling gate et Town vetbetees 8 s Il [66 o. 1; l auad à atone hatnncj' for the a'oid te E. 8. Wlisea, fcr'work du bsî con, At $1 15 ; and cf J. Stocks $6.44, for bulm. barlsug grousd bill, *12.00,;,T. Appelby, fuit s bridge. foroutiugbil bawee 10 an 1 l i rer h ecll then adjourned te the Brst of 81b çoa, $80 f T. !peibyi for'vork-uo'cWlock, A. M ide tuaid, bbtsteeu6 ad7î, 'anlîlicou.j $60 ; HiLKing, fur entîlng: 6111 oun-aidea - eosa. Peaboda' rondo lrtwet0ae n ud 81Ol' :6cou. #34o "Jobq Muller, fiir'caîiug 4LIIIb.tweeu 14 > Juet befote goicg .to. prose ystetdy add 15, Sus don,- $40; J; Rlordou,, fer uierdlng, me receivcd tiirough the.,Atiautie- alieep worried by dogui, $4;'Jolie moone,_ oble, Intelligencei cf the deai cf Mn. Uo.i for aheep worris.d by dogu, *4.66; M. PeAbedY- . EHalotIebes rulted Pt iteu for 0400t'oi, GuJe, ubep worivledibydoge, Tt-vua ioped Ibo oLAnge-ýoold prove bene., $4,7 * , . fOcial te Lit abt diàiuaae ld appariait ir. Haright movs4 iiat t-iiitio acà 1ti - reem, on abac Oc eP A iOld apon' bis syatemo b#Wiatf Iisecitacil, pétition the Locan sd dopie a Il tiie attentinou f faiendié, LegiI~ar,îotaleatfatoiesnàcause hob.And aIl tiieaklili of P'iiaucle u, eaxpuu'ed *oeei'csdîe. L&ea t Liodoayiand onTiieroe>i IîI , lu bis deiii, We ore lauprutre the navigatiocfor oagcg river. -depnit'ed cf eue of the gaestst beuefatoué lire Mckeymvores tt 'îe by-law to. of inodore :1mu; and,1 It'f fuy' mau, of veat in îai trutue..of t ,W. M.Sieuhlm fi mal bo t rai>' aid, tuat ,Leb@ bo bri lg grocie,&a portion.. of s crtain 'desd yet ajuakeb.fi road êlicowace, lie nov eeaâdtb*itime. -TL -fellovlaluaul'.lsepufco lecie U(r i Uiglit moud thaî,ithe li w Le soaie ofuiela.tclt. fs 1fstch ne, 'a'ead tii. aectid îl ime tthe uext uaiiedlla t a sl ,publication$ Mrn ofm cuaelgof Iecouî,, lcT tia..H. pdesceadiet, t the. Ui Grotmu iuroduce4 a' bylavw -tbh "Pilgriù Fatiiers,"l f a famil>' ormca'îyV vu d treàevraitim ansd j amsdtt l a içesteriiire, and vas LOin si approprlatlag the aea ocieifront L.Dbueur armauabaeuu, LU. 8.0, Feb. lî, mulefipalitie, fb,4 toeaeatloia purposes.] 171b. _HIe fatiier wi.i lubusiness, aid, on-Mitin f r. uit th* ouec'i the 0so1 Ias :ppr;ntlced to, a ga'oaer et itbi nul., "ohn P.aeidy9 At irGorges-, 1 T1he GLoe contains tiii. follculu lu' lovei, 'a-s eu ag8en cf the.1Scncerun dt, aio torsti*g s m.woaî i.-" Eltierto the. tii. ainme time saw active sertIce "ua rol- land teagh rash'siîed tbe cg. velier ai Fort Warliartou. Htiug bsou we 'bell've, licou selectatilu New York Panntsail 16M' lrsB atioe, (rom ti. intelligence suppied, to the As. siîL brncnh bonnea ah Philadeiphia à mo1*clsot-Prna lu t bat City, We aon. e wYork, ho vent te Digai l a137n utapi, hoeyer, tbat the iucreaiug i':et'estandi established -imsîif luLodo ta u fit in Canaudiatu offatin eEngiu lianbu marchant sud mon., broker lu 18438. lcduded Mnr.fleuter gota sbliieLapacial Ibis capaity is-nin bas been a, goursa 48a007 fur île.ds.sîiatch 01Os oafroni ibis tea for mac>mné' aue 'transactions en the r e0uuhry. Tise besiieaa bas bseîi eutrtrseti Ot fore thann ee f te United Bsa; " hO BgsîtPriemnDon raîîinoed1, Lea4le1848 hliargeil 'contriliated to Ibo gl Lg)fh P.si tic reldeî lu'J0ou0, rMaturation cf ie crdit cf Maryland, Mn. andi je are iîii r ît nei oro ebtapieiatLacacu L i the LiLeut-OGovernor's speech, st -the oeic. langing- Bcd - garn'IaLng cf 'f6. -united lng of the LW"l rthaîra~ iaîe Sîateadepinîmecî at tii. great Bahbiticu durt 'tPtosolige horwsnds.d mnder îhe usai cr 1851,; sud Le coenubuîed oteexaa- *arran)gemenit," pensa Of the Acueican 'aelioifîc ( nrIf 1Y rtecdetuîy a oetiie orwrigliat eterD. m e 'Plore the Arcîic luili iie.oe at rle idit.lclregienoi, iu seoreb' fof r John Franuliin elth 1e i l etîsî lx*m ;se bis soie. Jra fin 18.52. IHo f edt tDncu T «isitigrliY3a.re e.teir îîe i llilk anaguc4o t tbe ceai cf £2.5,00O a nttue hc Use stsaaaîh. 40. A hî'eîiig giocfi l erLi aecd Iuitwlii olerite09f. .At caniait îui L tjii er1'rittoi'ber i ae n as giren apwatda of tisi4Ib.~it lii. vry'eree; ièd cale ha£ 00i000 fer a aliuilar parpese iti Mary. fçldgla h ttsemr. ortets iuis »Wftonr - t~iieaiia"'Pt ii. muiaudilm. . ir.nrgogo unîri. îc. nratinîcg (rm balcnsa ith a (4ledpif trmyssaia s. sioarî large frtue u16, il lte ae rue illÃŽgelthetie o ipre 2,seett l i t>'e edu ~Of £150,00, 10 * Turegrtie q.ep te ake cra lieappliite tIeo purposa cf bselîftiug In rPr tgtheproosa ý9 cute or? théie workiag clase. III hocrectien cf Wall, Engîéutif a splirate baioipr, his t coinfotabi, Aud coivecieut ledgiug boas.., wf sîaîed it'tth@Le dlirebhuLaeOaly 265 -places and gave for the aime parpose au addi- dro cf Wcnsblp, atttedd b44,916 perona; thouai £1500, eInpaL*, 1866, Thefina t i Whit b snt r la, 8e9bo aensd block cf heildînga lCI Spiialfl.lds, huovu ta 116,006anendatot. Tbe!àaggegatoiraige.sas ILe eabodi Dweiliugo, vas opeuct isl cf 220 benetlcea la £l81000. 1864. lita Presmniedta te arvart i Uîer- The. ufiionany fvenkla Madagascar t'a. 814 $150,000 tho establieb aàMncem andi Creabes 5 no agqJy tat the London IMîsicu PrefasaràhP.*cf Ameican Archoeelogy 8 Lry Sctely.prepowa e s 91oudnt dire ddi. and ti îinoogy, lu Oct, 1866, autitle o tiouna mslenrles in tbo. pngn, Thtira United Srtatea Ceegreas passeti a voeofetWl Ore DovweneuLotitéd'timd forly cougrega- tbaiiki te im fer is gifta to the pcople, tionut, Mai>of ililin tteded i ya thous.. in Mmcii, 1867, aud heurre s fery Sondiya. Thon, vire Otier Instances cf <cuercity Epuoà lergymeee iuferme the. New sud lutereat lu is darcer net uientioned inu York Obierv.# tiiat Ét iahabpa 1,t he 1po. in Gr esat y mperfcct skec,-W testant Episcepal Qhurch aOre pneparod ho m n Bian ntl.thon in to unie i tb the. clargy of the 'Erangeiicml te nited Statlea, Laomas elti in tii9 igh' Part inforinga nw cïan1 f gjoà. est 8etenfor his phitacthnepy. Ilacmcre NI part>' in'fnAe icm onisation. OLtilcage, Qucen Victoria buias tiieti JllbopKinalo , o'thei* Moîbodist b" aProraiandt egr.We loiu :cucb xPectm teo rdalmin' tube tative g ( hu eti hlte~ hleiten ouh$areahiu Chna~England a short tible ige, te vas farored on hi& ýClD4iby ts Quecu vliîb s aaittifal "Portraif for 'wLlde'haoinmbaried 'retenU'. ,,Bie herui;at drtrLsraetiea tii1 enleuu 'Cousantunpe lia-a lg it 1a, d ud ce sraer sypaîi>#:. cyconeilèt vee cer-L. - -o-Bu. 1 K .7icJavms5UO0Whoeceully dusappaa. ga, 19-â ë?, voeeILteaïamer Tbune.a'a 'ro eti[rom & aninasc, - ow - vrites, iat Md ith# bp MenyhIr.'Searel w" wOY Rom&,, en" làrcg«& to, ýteprofuaset te L&amd@ for th@e e ant di,an Imbome. C raCaiol,.'eliiiOL'MltagvOmlir5e15 Oug iii onuderbautis, W* lb heta, Itlastàu, aumberiÃŽ 6l - lk'O hm-Or ioým - -hcumutis bu* 1~8 eý,> .tWs aad lt was ia&e ;(or gss bsmo b out r ecl 47t5~besai d 7native pr@sht ad gue cdown >st & Th@ tle aW Cr5. lIer. es Whivte misicnuarl, Part> cf iliermen, drire o iul.a I luy hiq piAiui sbt.PkSBe'rA ho pled o teb all oai, A oz autrf, -atit@m>sièt îc"Zr.'< usnul eh taadlat g, iili svrcd ho)jt '~~5P% ~ ttbhe t ioaar>a ehngri îLe ecitine b.Tadne' Andrueia 'rd lasot t eur on JPoad uborvlo .M suuîl d 00"plb d é rtie r ie lu l s andingrbai.bli, Ïsteai rào«er, toat & fa4-tecipetion'q opuf héiphon"&ia s ___ _61qsqgmdota ti paer.s -Viel: us..ý m o mmence aO t Il 'ofock, - ,ga Tanna Ccii..iu5ar. 1 L I A ZÇK,8,Jr,,A eité r Wisfîby, Nov. $th, 1839. .4511 P OR Tha snhecrbsrs vii par t pice for u se u n 6f.îJoi a -IOhmts b sont -'Ml a, nIear ]Brooklin, ".Grlsting anti Cheppluga. àisùl, den, ou The albove MifiI, hve lein eut inlathdrýoi sstt'et rop4tr. sud partie.. aîîtrn.tsinoeh Vit), flicir work, cen rI at reticg ikdoue, prpinptly,-eand uroasou>'bl ois Erookie, Nov. 9 1809. 45 Thi.e oleiaticiî 'aultiticu01the cil>'of Brugu, ilu ecigisn' hbie 'lerbid. den he usicanswho pe;rru taithe re-. ligleus cerenionica to perfertu ai au>' btsre, buader the -tbreatoet'imeaes The, Bouton, Tvaeelle,' îaya fii 50 1Nov Seboci Preabyterles Lave votcd in tarer cf i'cunion, antinet on. againsî 1I.L-0f. îlie ,Oh 8:-heol Prcmbytcrtan5 Lave rotcd In falriof sud & againstî h. Pallier Oblnlqu-y bas been preaching lu ýPcnt. to rwebos, Thot « wd r l 1ri lits wnnImia&ml.? .A cane fer er rur or waund They have on ai nd siiarafe ndMoei1d' AM M thug fie etebaslait ubec. Alteia" nul. corse, besl.,seor si, Tehess, d thmerv(0 ,metnii 7ej t w1isi mo ed Ibs sapeils Shah rêal Ail signacf oream Ononen y Wheher lu isn, in fmo, or sa' L,~qetîvileT ti.sr dniY, 8s dL 6. cr f ni .Hu.,. . Nfs. Ïe. & bj drills md Cot,,ier r 0. M art, aidNew.Y OKlng'gi. West, Tormnt, uis -WEIR.-SCO$TT ..0à tii. 4îb lut., the R.v. X, Macisunau, t the residel -f the brldeIin usam Whiîb7y, Mr. Arct baî Wiir, frinelr, _te ýMina AnSo laugb!er of the, lit.Williamse Ott. CA PELERRIs...At Tonoa, la, u Thra.ay, îh et th .residen f the bride'# ~other, by Ber*UM' Ha J.A.9,Comwboll, Esq., formerly of t "Whiîby: Gazette," Whilbyq te Mina i tria A. ?errls, of Touavanda. U. a. DIED., YVANqKO'UGONET...In the. city orf I Doo on the. ight cf Sonday, the 1 ntaisnttdé Bon. P. M. M. S. Vankcs ?bat, Obanceilor of Ontario, iu te. 471 rear cf Lià âge. Wb~i 10uJ1869. 'iiWlct.............. 5 2 Bîîrlr....... ......... 0 ,5 Poits...... ............... o n 385 Pott7e. ...... ...... ;.....ïo- 4 tistg ...................... st 8 itutî ..................... so @ 1 o lia>'...................... 40@ d0 W a î . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 per5p ............40Q25 1 1 b, cee rd, the ro. l'h Toronto, aKarxets. Nov. 9, 1869. Feuwhant, duli. none offeriug; eSpni liant, werth 90 et.lu lots; Barli, duilord cÃŽpleg, fair amuple* monte hning ou the tis f.romn 60 tui6.5 etu, aud Inforier, from 50 5ficts; Oct., in lot, frein 80 to LOots. Oawego Jlurkets. Wliat, quiet; Corn, quiet; Bsinley, receipte O0b1usielàa market qu'etsuad nueminally rer; un Lta, t., i$1 05; Calîi fre!giîu, lienut, 190; llarley, 15J4c., te New York. Montrent JMarkets. ov9,1869. WetCAnianfali, 68e te Ope; 14pring, el 'entern, Q8k; 0sf.., for 82 lbs., 81. te 82e àley, 48 lb. , 55a te 65ec; Butter, dairy, 204 le; mtore packed, 19o tu 20c. t, >0 rEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IL JAMIES WALKEIC, of AnL.ibrn1 Ont cltho f tils rwin Plough, OM1NION I>LOUGEI Wndi mannfieig en a lmrge seille tuis T WIN k& D01lNI0N' r' Tha>' vîl h<agmarateed, veil iuad, L e vca'king part #rendt. -;- ÃŽr rartim 1vouli do vele soendA ln thoir t'ri vithout dola>'., ý 2tiiTint 21 f ilth hab.of ,Witby,; îbtpr a red an>d vhite Helfor. taie>'..,. ei auarkemô-vtsîb ilue .pouel ed lu the lr t th* off aur, An>' perseti-;fi utbr. în cf tiair wheoreboaîa, vi i h ocksaltai CHABLES PAYN»Z Iitby. Nov. 90it1 169. _8 "ANTBD,.-A senvaut as -Cook, alec a Nuras. Appi>' te Mm. 8. I. WCOCHRNE ii', Nov. 10, 109. 4, sin -10E e a tinonce tc0hl, )rmany One ite 01st he Teiru cfrW'i11t o,. lMa LtSAnd 04 là the iteon. efOeN'on 'l cf0 tgy~ontaiîune 83a RE wlodBlud n siîdurl â miiter Z 0 rLofthapr lI y ( o t.up4flo- EDWIN HART, W blîb W l itb , 1P.O ., o n t . whty, Nov. 6 ut 9 4.1 11OYAL ÇN04A HTL, POtLT OEIX NT. K. POT, Proprietor. SaerlrScOiiiOjtIn. CeeA ifabllng udedronis, sud attentive oeîeri. Por 'e>, No'v, 8, 186,9. Ceuint>' cf !Oitsîni i; lYS IBY GIVEN to Mait:. tliet tuej Court of Go,îorai :Qusrter Sessions of Ii.le osac, Und Coti4pnt) Court, ini aud fer the Ceu'>'y of Un.- ltarlo, W41 bh îldriî at thée Court lieuse, lu thé Town cf WIisiy, oit Tues4ay, December. 14, 1869.' At the lien r f,12 e'clock, noon, or wmulet,«Il .1upiticem cftire Pce, îr:'rCoîîsîallez, e.-îd aut éthers oc.ueeî. vii tako notice, snd itovrls iirtisoîels acconilitigzly. - LSO C. EYMOLDn., lor Rlit. LTe.Lne.ee, lsmfC.O W liLbIy1 Nov. 9, 1889.0 E ST AT E 'O F T EE L AIE ~ .' ' A Ali.pcreîî. iudebted te thoe Ftete nitli lata Oa ?PAxs~rt ronirel te ?My fortiwitl ta James K. Coprdouîn, liq.. 1Bramitar. W filîiy, flic imniît oect-Iindebtedueme ritherviso the Kame s5hah bs put ln suit ageinat thein. JAMES K. GORDON. Whltby, Nov. Srd, 1809. Sin 44 IN ÇUÂNCERY. In the. mat ter of Lot No. 16 aod the Northp ot f Lot - No. 17, ini the 2nd conces- sion of the Town.hlp of ]Pickering,ini-the. County of Ontario, b-ounded on the luth byland belongingto Noadiafil Woc*dr.ff cons taining 'oùn hxundred and ,tlwenty-#tveacres, more or t otiai ln berahy gi von Chat Adam T. Eliet, dfiii. ct-of Chicago, fil the State cfllinoig, lu tee United States cf Amaria,travoiuu,îgt ageut; Robert Br. RMay, of the village of clinton, lu the Conut>' cf Buron, sud Province cf Ontailo, Marchant ; Charlotte Eliat, wifc of the Revereni AdfamnEliot, cf Oneudage, lu the ('cent> et Brant, b>'thb. sald Robert M. itace>', ber noît friand An acey e f Ouîen- dage aforeseit i wdov ; sudAni 'Race>',the yongeancdusseonRace>', both ef Oneuidago, oforaaicl shiteshave nmadeuaeplcetlon ho thicCourt or Chaucer>' for s certiflucte et tie te thc abçva menîiloned preperfy utidor the d'Act foi QouictinZ Tilltie hRanI .tiin l "FIpar Csada,1' sud'have prodead avidence wlîsroby thev eppear to bc the equltabli owu- 'ns ttercef lunfoi, tutjeel te certain Incutu- brancos; iheofora n> f othr pomon hariug >r pnti to hlavbsttitlLii te or lnenot lu tn orTo befney part thiereef ln rcqumed nov naît enuinng, te fle a Otatemfeut e! bis claie Mlna My offlea at Osgocdb Ilit, lu theCcit>' of Toronto, sud tesmerve q cep>' on tib Rai sp. plicenite, or %Omeoaot 0ýemn, sd on Meuam Ceamaron, Malihasl, Pitzgerald &àIlosklc, iheir sleltor. et their 0&0.le the li>' c0 TIoronto - sud ln eâflt, ave>' hehà aim.It be berre4i, aud the titla cf tiei. ma li acants hecine absoinsd ledefushl iLai a lu qau>' iibjetonJ>'îtethe roaervaioflaaueb tienddl ti 11 ection of'haesaiAe sfdi therme 01mord u, Ivo, tirsaetd lhtl. Da*t d iIs 2711 day cf Oetohor, 1869. ROBT. J.tTURNER, -4&fsr ifb -W;ut NEWpto Ornoa Wgiye uuw lu reeefpt cf oui asual PULL SUPPLIES DRYGOOD1S8Id Cd *hioh we Invite tihe attentimo f partie, Whnvlslîlug Turonto. WILLIAM Il., I(l 1. Cornu 01 -Ring kYoige ste., Torontô,Nl 'S lI' 1- T0 LTI9 ôùr Milinry how Roome wi4 be Opened on. TEURBDA&Y, -Ocbér LBth. when a 6hoio sIetioft cf newMliryilb.swd, HAMILTON & CO. ROOT t& SHOElMAKERe, OPPObySIept. E OMMRCIL86TEà Whîîby, Sept. 28, 1869. MR. J. L. LEIWESE, OSE orTHE OpTIclANB eor Melisrs. Lazaruef Morris Co. Will ba at the sore of t.lkr snetil$. J. H; 4*EltIIE, Druegiât, WVhltby, 8e @ATITDAY, NOV.IUEK 27, 1869, for ttc urpfflo f asmstlng hm in fitlludiffl- cuit sudnuu l irlit. Parties desiring à good fft wili do welI to coii on the Optibu. Whitby, Nov. 2, 1869. 44 A 'YOUNG MAN, IO Ã"D EU spiorentice lu uy copat. Apbly At thu. Whthy, Nuv. 211d,'.1809. 44 ýT A RE NOTICJE, Tihot ppliction ii il bcmodentthelac net scsiti et the Lcplalture for' tie Province oi Ontario, for crn Aët te incbrpnrate certain Steum Boat proprietors and othr prtien, reilidnt iu the couvtes of Pterbro, Victoria, und On- ' ri n, a au mimd w ater tra sportation a d cpocm it npany, for the ptirîose of m or e ,t ." tly ' avigat rg tuae in au d w ater s la aid couit, sadd for aLer purposes. October 25, 1 89 . 2 - in P OTOGRÂ4PIIS AT yILL6ONIS DOMINIOIn GALLERY. For iclýlegnos f toue, fullucais of dotai] nnd ex- quiâite gninh., cgnt ho srpucssd. Great cre l cali in p iL ld portrait- elargiug d=Ege arcausle - tatei, J Argo OEL c l wm ter> 1ev Mr'il a er >msesfil ,kings ciwas'udle .1spor reat radie.. a alu to . C*WILLSON, >oMi01011 gallefY, Danuest. WjCt 01iebiia tt an Orer lu .uT onol tgti i i rootg thot,1 % Il 1 m 1,r r s aw t ire r f u n d t e h v W n, esüvt y tdi alcnad lade.-of the *b-n, sha s oIu taly. for feteai and that the' parwteotrmpulg. cI 'OhttnILou aolî lan âs b i 'b epý o oo te te th . utti ct rigo rý Alil pëM rio,' ,;th~eÇeoru berabyWarned net1c te atay t re".ailahr 'r ay ":170 p lu v~itou tul d order. oma t if a f Crow u lA uds. n'À c-tob r 2,l84Q. 48 4n EER flr.EEAD iSot t'i ek ir,8rysd front tlii prena ies,.c hubecrlb.r, In liceoly giron, dthth partnarshlp beretofeore suhcistiug hetwain ns, the undenslgneti es Piano. Mmnufactnrer», le theaTcvon 1GbV lia liban Ibisday dis sblied ,>' yihuit.] ticuseet. Ail t aowi'g thf the ý ssidI*prtnerâbip are te . pelA b>' CilianeK MRng, sdm1e! lime à guliathe salA ! rm'"k!p ar te e prsened té tti. sid tlt snl'e#J iLn g , by vh om th e m e@ f ii ho CHRILESKIN(;, JOSEPI! P. RAINER.' W. IBILLINGI, vltees.. Dateti at WhutbY, Octoher 8, 109. *48 The abusiesvili in fuiturs b. ej ldnb> .F lciier, nthLie ssid Towu ut ity. ýBOOTS AN]'> HORS FOR EVEYODY AND AT TUn LowUT LIVING PRICIES-! GO TO Mfclillan's Block, oppoif e OnfarioBank4 Whithy, Sept. BD, 1869,89 A SA'I'IG 07-560 F311 CENT IN FUsIL a UUE SOTE» T OsMO vblch eau be applid teau>' llkn&o7f Steve, Cook, Plr'rBox, vitii1eqnai-aàdrautgg, burungmIher ovod, or peut oeecomacf Woodoa acn stio.' Ocrr<on. 1oalbi>reatedbynnsonee cf chu. -rrums vfîh bat one tovo. Tif. 'pu7etiitcu 1ls'voti. dclr ïniii, a s it hetuoal yhasd.. 7 drain une eenla> dptd For alînthes, sebole hae, o. n>'meou cf local r..- g o r u M &aIe a u gli g t v e u i f ro q a r e d . PRICg -. $tend, upWade. Canadian Ml,.anufaotur's, No0V la the ute elbaga nsaFcy 'Draaoi»c,, frin 12J te 50c er yard - good, hear>y'W Wiea rn 0,t 5.prrd ; veteibuAd CIpUh MstIe, rom $1.25 1,6 $10. ccb, vortb'doubic the. mon.>'. AunIiaeuie'èiàcke -U, t md Bonnets ad Rta flovare, Featbmi, Purs, &Z Biankais, Carpets, Planneles,.Pnrling, eAt unutuall>' 1ev pn tcerc lu nov no necdt tego 40 Toronto te bey g ol4,pw stok ias'largo, anti ciar tiean >' lu tic cii>', ve iwond dIrect tic atlocth ëf oglem.u Ie> dur 'Op MENS' -AND BOYS' PSEADT-ïmMADE CLOTOING ac teto urprdered deparument Garmnente got Up iu first..claw style, alüewpîh depatd.' A fleastock of Cloths. Tweeds,,Bearer, &e., te select from. te leI-O- .Y DEPRTMENT leeow Most COnPIlete, opeClal attcu(ié'o cofilliekcc-erè ludireced tocçu!,Téas,'heing a troug anti fine flsroured, sudlu peftcd' diîrecetfrotuLodon, pedial pieca for quýantiiee-CaOrocker>', 9ieeetwaae, L. eaui and exanmino the iôck, nes wc are dcterrnined7ta>'do a IsrgeCaqhTrade vil usal prfit sd'qie reterce Enorg icli Pcrafoa a LuLou> tWbitby &Manchester, oct. 13, 1869. The~~ piefBarley h- as fallen,' AÀ feafful sacrifice of olrer $20,000 worthof READV-MADE 0OLOTHINiG &. 100 pieccu Dundns Gre>' Cotouat 124 itente, *worth 16C.4> 1000 Couon Bag o, >ryMills,!$5,00 per do! ., Worth *.50. 200bndc oo Yaru, Pere>' Mille, *1.9q, worth $2.' - ;o oyaRds Prints frein 10. te l7 . w rth 146 to 20c' 2,000, yards plain Wiîncoye, from 10c. -te 40e. worth-15e. te 5me. 100 pieces plain -and fane>' DresGodu, <beautiful desiguu.) Ail wool French Merinoes, from 55c. te N0e. Mourniug Goeds cf overy Iled, ver>' cbeup. 50 Olt wocl Shawls, ver>' fiue, <rom $2.75, te *$9. Ono eaus Velveteen Mntles, $5, Worth $7.50' .100,Overcoatu, frein $4 t. *14, Worth $16 te *18. 100 Suite, besi Canadian Tweed, fren. $10 _te $20. 80 rsFaun H.t Mcret, ILe ud rc, fe 0Cents W'e respct.uy14,1899aai. NEW FALL & WI'NTER GOODSI CHIEAPER TH-A.N E VER, AT J/0H-N BER N A RD,,S.g Consisting of Staple and- Fancy Dry Goods, including a ehoice selection QfDRESS GOODS, SFIAWLS, MiANTLIiI$&c. Also - a-,splendid lot of Rea'yow'm'ade CIothig whieh *wxlbe, sold véery cheap for cash. Fflhest ýrice allowed for BýT.TEËR, and EGCGS. JOHIN BERNAKDý Whutby, Oct; ~5, 1869. À 'r - GItEAT 43. DAIU4INg I PURNIT~E. 1 1 - . 1 1 1 < j.ý ýý A X; OTI:CZ 9 TL' E as. 1

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