Whitby Chronicle, 28 Oct 1869, p. 2

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g. 71 ratipsycra e UMM" i. igs1hnfits of a s~olde%,Offioiai Aseigim Auudeseil of parut la Mars-lu. B dloo, Ir. * otie. otýAppliation t. l'arliaumn. Orsat .Attraction ai»osmiaioa Wsrdrocs Grand Opeong D&I etof lllnery Boom.. New Pail!sud -Wintav tlooda-john I nsard. <- RoIk lied. Clothing-JosmsBernard, Uigh.st Prici for Botter sud Egg-dc Notice Dividead Sho-Roab.u Jii .-Jow. Holdon# Oficiai Assigne.. t<tios-DepsrtmnteCrovo Lands. bigeter traeld-Jss. Morrio gueuuors'Note-EtAIto Th«s. Badgu Swère sud Dulili for Sale or to lât. .Robért Dodda. Qai atAudien ale of gore%,,Stock si Pitro Iuptamts- a. J. Richards Lightailsg 01l Co.- Dr. Moore, Notice of, Dissolution et 1'srtaoriblo. uainer à Co, &eeont 10Iiok otDratt Coasweli Notia of gMetig- St. Aadsew's Soclet, lresb T.e-Toronto Tes Co. Photographe ka<flored luetave -B. Wilson, 'lova sud Pards Propeety -R9. E. Per. Tlemomalie Magasinoi. lteuoyed -I.L1IL jsmesoa. *Noieus, Holiday et aiI laolv.nta -au Sa. 'oldem, Offlisi AssIgnte.. ot'Hoaek Propet-jame old OÇOW Assignes.. AUCTION SALES. *on Iedile 4y, Nov. ioth, at It ,oral liotel, Wlsi»Y, Paria Property - L. arinko, Jr., Auctieneur, on Wedncadzy, Nov. Sud, 1801, on LÀ No. 10, lu th@ 2nd Cou. *of EMet Vhltbj Paira stock. &C', tise property of i Thomas Ilookin-lR, J,. Iusro Auctlon fya Thinude> Nove tbos lsd No. SI L-.1. 'i . et o Wbitby, Paru Stock k;o, th# propert>eofU. Joseph Bandait B, E.Csupbili, Aacti4ser. Ou MonuM oi..$th 189. on Lot No 10, BroktenÉPomit, Pickeuing, Paru sioci JIsplemeate, k.., te. jsop.siy eof Ur. .'RoIert I. iedoon, -James Fattîoo - HANCERY SALES Baker ra. Swittr--Aî Whielby, Dl Saturdsy, Nor, O', 1800, Faria propcty IL . ilCoclrano, vioder's sollitor; Fairbanks, fr,, *Aestlonoeor * Keeoaaa s. Kcenan.-At JBrown'& Isoel, - Altontieoa Saturdsy, Nov. 1$, 1809, Parmu propfrty, k&c. -S. BlCochrane, voîsdor's molictor; 1.. Varbsuk,jr., Auctloer, ONgLY 6150 bCENTS A TEÂR Wlîtby T~rsdyOct,, 28, 189, OiII raa ii %ýnoka la North itentrew. -À 1id Boginag. Eiher tb. people o( Novtil Reafrow are tbe mostpolltically cerrapt, or th* muet soupirant &a ..117amieied cooatltaoncy ii the Domici on, go er(au aparlimmîtary mpuleetuiuare conuernedl.Bit Prancis laeok savng boeenappolateil Pinace N iiswlt,,M~d vosîlg a smat l'a rla&meul, bus oth lmg morse t ba te u t hois- Nt#e repeeeeaîive@. Ur. Eswmlu, to eaige ut o akevay for i. ; ud (irtsuihb, uihboat a second aehing, eh. patr;etio Buh. veigmst aud bande over his, laiesest ine ons"eee oSir - Franck. Sir ,of tise Gerfamet te seel»CM lansy *ledn té thlosiglia»t .fntsioi But otis tfor thse 1 l il ot ss«N rdl Jobs W, afeer obligeil mum the f Dow tnop tee s. lIme yto O uatil -vWbhe fral eg# i TerOosI oaeb hat >aI! astone. POUila fate: ef Mr. Disraeli, Be agals jUnsil elît, ef eous-a Il& bhui. s. 'bo regau.d te.respomibilltlaa o( ofielas mstoue viilluDot h. percepible, aéàneue 1 858,sud Isvissg hesdeteateil on the gon, Che (amnis ef the tow-psudiof coum e C.Retors bill la 1059, appeied te tise cous. ts uulieh os-m these fends, ars-rqirei r7. 1a Juno, cf the ias ettore Ch. Cou-, la res-do ago on Viiîh thiverts. Liké ersirsveue aais iefotcd, sudihtun- ail eth.r transactitae in 1sf. we mast vale dereil bis resigmatiou. For thie third lima, or tes-rtasafor on as-luetueut; but la os-der Lozd Dos-b>' sameil th. reespossibllities of 1e. te aoctre tisas. retarns <ha Imeestmene offiesoutIse tati ef Lord Ramaeii'a second 1 mnusC be amade lu the ftstaeon O simicises-stion, lu 1866. This administra uo. a>' ytse bas-daof ettaxation vilibtio yean tuea9 aler sthe leadership et Mr'. Dimusli, bo. fait h.aily; bat-t shonlil be s-euh.bred vas defed ha 1868.- Lord Derby wus su chaCh fitriyesrartes fe.(r raîîuay par-- borta on the 29t Mss-ch, 1799 -saud va. Poe&civiii 2ocsesuilybh thbeavesiestisud ami enatly huabis 7tOcb year lit Ihé <lue tIsai tse &Meunatvili he graduall>' docroeor0<bis desttb. t~ yean by leur 4attrvas-de. 'l'hu greai eodoe <o h. seouroiby otan Doath -ofcsbrlMole mail tavuapeople are-tboiseRls-osdequitablo .hveelmn h eieo su., tazation, sud eh. Jadielogso epenitare or hindI> turted good mas, loba W. Dua- Ch. tunney. Lot thags enus he secouai'; bai, Meedi., ex ohes-uff ef <h. cenaty ef lot lb. people hosastisdeil hattbch.> ii Bastings. Mr. Moodie di et hi. rami- h necarel, sd ve warrat t there viii deace la Belevilie on Puis>' liai. lir' b. utile gramblng. Bai Iot <b.re bh an, Meoie bl the office uciSheri ( or lt>. doubt ot ebtainiag -thonsouaonahl>' ex. tuent>' jeate ; bat havlag, (oit kaaing C.pectd reslà; lot thoera h.ds<rost o0theththbewua cting Illegally) tas-melon: r.importane o!fthe charge bubasiencoun- slace- Ho vas-a gentleman oetla bigh mtted, ami tomplaiu<a, -loud suildcep, senusitive Spirit, andi- one vbe gaina! thé viii bc sur# tuefoie..With an bonnui, go ilvl! et aIl wtso hIlm. lMu. capable Railus>' disectory, mail an effilient, Meedie, lits. bia aceompliased vite, vas1 Intelligent, sud uosthy Toua Cosiseil that Do netaimoun a. an saChers-,ud gaimeil eutlW"'prove fahîbtul te th. peopl'a trsut, coasuies-ablo lites-su>'repuatcleaN y bis <heu.o e ieb.nseappeuc.no. To score vnie TnTasl os t-c, thé latterles 'vithia thé pouer oetbte sud i"Sccaassud Adresteucagoas sSoidier reopie h.mslia, b>' oectlag mon lu soi Settîcr dauing haita contas-y." Mass>' ,so wbo he ts.e asplace coufidence te tise in Whlttsyposaesa.d ccaiemlet of01,1.. -Touas Coanchl. NetJauaryi be epper- oethtie latter uos-k ou théeoccasien etfsà Staaiiey wvîlihé affordeil tIse. otelectlug a villiama!do h dcae enlmut >,Mayor, toue,,depsty'iéeo, ishube tise Cevusoues yesssgace. Ez bishiPl r. ouiiiers. le ulli b. <heu fou Ibo rata. Moody Wuia anative oet cotsc o( tSent-.hl payers te do thoIr A.-à., --A, ro atni1- 4 f 11*- --fouuuIv a Lieutenanat ilu 1 o notue auni o et totoas atplace-the 2lit Periliiora,.aid ste ivtiscu * S t b, rlght mon laste.rlht place.' IV# la liollade iu 1814. Whou b. vas vuad. la lit have thseconstractonaoet<b. Raiilws>, for id W. ugu mgatoal te thé Cape et GOAd01 whicb ve lahorcilgo an a'ycsa, toi ocuets e. in 1819# reoa-nd te Engiandin a u, 5 htemi'ttsquarre! orinfia tule Just naew 1829, mmd tue yesa satervania manrleil, b7 w ith the composition o e sRilua>'Board.sucaeCCaaalehfooinyar ,And, aceeias ve aret, ehai thé susange. Ban rveilte cra a tIs efollo in ot d meut-la ealy.s tempos-as-yone, In h Sut 1837o sud la 1839 tvas 'appolatei te a sil "ile la asanr>'net it h uaid h swise Shriivasty. Be vas soent>y yoa ef ago. Ci, a. ucl aspremslaro, perbape, (o do o.cSl a But ue shali vaîci sud voi. Tisese mue » j Pe u ONSA. u 01 e"hslin";n mishm o- Sandai mos-ning lisatIse c> o( ont eual dg moelciqmeiau or cembiuatleas te cas-sy vsts en tmssa uatoacnig I 1tis i ue a biglalbande sud kaop -mon, o! rat Ion. TIselise vos fluet dlseovered on a moea muid Substance, sud vise poèsaaaetl à'lc, atebsuete t lare aakeluc, tuas onail Ch "nag Auds-ou'a Pnasyteuistu Chas-eh, o ea or aIl muise h -boneat sud abeve board, Lec Bille boa! o! RaddondaieSmreet, sud thse Te thé rstopayers lookt teIl, sud hosc PaeS-.d ms- on uei io > IleT te do <bols-casi e lansd e@tory' ser. &lis fis-ealauiCely gtise lis-e tdpst gene> hai us>' arise. a!ie&ltntlgapteEe eot o * - ., --ment vere isoouou tise gunaivits tirS m * Doernir i TsLtcaÀru u e vAr.-Heu. apparatus, ami oei-> possible effort vaste Mr. Csyl.>', presideni ef thé Compan>,. mate to condlueitise ainses'toeeacs-t! la smd etheus iateretalo t the Rohsousne at tise timo, and noctisstading the isqr- b lu Ibis Ceva, on Bates-day eveaiag haste. cas-effort. et. fluemon, police sai cti d Thé louerabie gentleman lu-eecenssetse 'ns, aIl attîmpis toiSts>tIse progreasof et hie remartsssttilhtisitise lia. vas novt tise Ucuing lomeat voes uavailiag. l abot omleedasfatsiOeav sdTisevnd cas-s-ed thse flakes oetliseacreasaa tbhe ompotresetu s haa ud- te'.ieiucue u no would lbe opens et once fer business fsou m eauî ots Uiua hsoI ladut that peint mai -Whisiby, where ofices vere o(vms-ae e a ie sapl l beiug get ha ucalincs. TIse &tueeikisoideus, danses, Osl is-casa sud tuo others vere vil heossid, vesecsming. torvei libessy>, badly injuriai attise fis-atise aud if lise anthipaotionsi eftise Compsany tue vese rlisoil b>'tis eroceipi of ttis ub- $'Tac LaIsusAi Egroarreat" le tise same1 oripelou expecteil, the lino vesld h. of s neu papes- pabiisIsed lu tisat entai- roi opens te Kingstt<i <aIl, vises-e eh. nos, prsiing toua.Tiefiubs-ldo M- asry connectionss vouli'le mide isutIs oter odedl>'one et thé beat prnteil of abl car couacs-y eoange. Mu. Muasa>,irai MrM000ta. ist.el'> o t eql t thé Oilla Expeilor, i& thé pnb. met Gss&v Aruvom s or , VAOAI ta dW#, go isteI, vitia sol>'protealoa, ain Svev..-We re¶se.iattention t. lb. m- lb. Jeoatnyvil!1h vî tio i uosils'athé uosa si t a"ief0<imbltae.boue. sa z.lsr. " tara sa, tise propi'e f.Mr. Robert j, si. AIFuss'asotfui.-ê uaeto t soti Ehelperilocf tise Biokes ro#,pigsô. S.Acilrels Soaey les altnw tls t tiseted 1 >sg, vw isha ete tae ,phase o Mula',Plac"nOnda>', ait. ri use@ $àt Nforsber. Riperà<.-r. 3a. LJAUMsasbuae- VUABLEaiPROVEIM au iaa. - *.. U .... L . .a..i Boevx ~ aaaaa bt. besa deigl4e Wtliy audience$ gane )leday îeveàiîa lait; Monfil> eealg, the' thnlllicg tI ça!> of.lucretia Borgia vas plsce4l0 shé buardhsud, oolderhg the Cages teobh. omuated a in bh appoli monta ofraSail iotage la s cousis> <duSb liats0'KnasLueoretia ýîrgia, vol amataineil tie oharscer, sud abs vas vl -sappertei by ithe other umes-. of tdu Company la.this-duffslrant parts. 1Taeaday .vening iva Wha! Jdt heP. pard, la vhict Ms-s. O'fia-s-a&gala vel sastalnied tbé difficmttparteofte. t or+. muaI characer. Me., Bihla inbis chars. ter as an Ir-ish Consedia, usexcellent la the diffoient ta-menla viabhhi Coos part Altogether tue Company luau excellonvone, snd dseuvil botte: Jouef thtan the> roceived darq Ibîlit &47 tu Dr. Moor, of site flrm ofVllliaua, Moos k scoit,the legitimat. prpritora efte lghsulag 011, tu vil! -h. me by sdr. tismeut, Io nov stopplag a theiRobeéu Houa. This îemedy tbusiou auadod tbrougb the pros. as tbi gresat idlooer>- ofte age, for thé cure oet rheamisu s»d klidreil complainte. Parties shbo bere.o- rore proteadod to, seli-shis valiles udi+~ ment throagSk the Province, ves imposteus amd yee puenonneci a. muet sian!asrested Md nov avwait trial la Jsckoon,Micb. We baye tbe Cestimoay of sororalioete. ead. las gentlemen sud pubile <aWionariub tbrongbont t e.Ps-ovine, tescifflag th"a th. fira reprs-oed by Dr.ý Idoor,, are e roal sand onil ouners of thé Lighctig 0O1. Guîrncszs o0Y118H ROA'n niCA-soLIés AT Qunssc-Sveral large meeotings of sIsob Catholies ivre bal bore sud îai 111cery y.storday to expreea choir ditasp- s-oval oftlwh.. masin lavticb thitir boifl a!d beea igaoued in chia duiriet, in the asasintmnaofnthe Conneol aiPubliaIp. Ftretioa. Ses-ong coademantery resolat- ont vere adopted, sud memelials drqwu mt, reuonotrating wlth che Local Govore centoun tb. sabjeet. Se gays <h. noeé r7 tcltgraph. It is neom»Y thimg for the Prenchs Casa. ans is te.district ef Queb.e se pas-suea illas course Couards the Irish Rou meheolies. We comld Sire a sories of lastan. se wht bse eue marrou polio> vas Iopted. It la oiyuhea tIes-e Io mn> ýghtiDg to h. doue, tbat tIns lnish are Ilved thelu fair share l att0I. ging IPaSusZvA-rIo% 7e Hi.s BUssîrBisser ,rnCI-Tse Calholie Inhabitants ef ento, ou Wodnely emaiing liai, pue- wted fia Los-dabip Bishop Lynch vith an Idu, threag t h. bands of Fr-ank mich, Ra4q, chbai-auenoetthe lay commit- o. Along vlib themsddreaa, te.Blohop as prected uits a sabstantial testlaon. ,wbieh,wvo nmdorataad, amunneiltu etory large aua of $2,0100. GutAT SALe Or iaOLyux:'g Paevgani. or readera are remiadeil Chat the great set f rsprty, la ttse Ia#olvency motter Mu. Lewis Hoacob, Cakes place onesTa.i r sezt, the 2ad of Novesaber. Thsale Il Cake place se tIse offices of Us-. Holdea, eOfficiailAiigaoe, and la advertiaed for ,0 o'ctecki p. M. Y'Aî.uiiLs Tevirun ID- Alu Pmorswrv mess, che. "Noriena" mil bis '"pal, " erable mâeture nausd Hall ,6saEgiai wkey, have eem o mlgul>'one. ,y ai the Toronto Aaaizea.,Thé>' bava yei m«iïra! sentence.' h lu- certa wevor5 tis t Ch.>' vilI b ot's oif rm'a va>' for sometiuelto como$susd sunce et tise vilspesta. )susuunsmsu ux» oe-Théreue tathes et tise tevaahlpa etfMerlelsan 1Vbridge have haimiîletar Chbonu eures et those teoirwablpa'te To. am, 0»o e thé raite.. & >aorsiobtainid l. ritprise ai I * upon Iba.,arrailiaiLuts h.. ,VIN '"st vitb-:tbe Reporters of the Nov 'Yod pieu seetisg intorvieva." Ceolumna bait been givan la the New Yorks papoes t uhat pas-port Ce h. interviewa. Ttey sm àI;lowevtr, as msy voll b. upoued, ,iii7t>eioc Doftqadmtch, er.gae oir end la determiaed to keep clear et BobéMias. "The o Wrldrepontar ras ih te lais botolsud th. Pare retunia sas ila, ,hbeobtalin, the serviei of gentleman consiecici vitis thé boiet tiad" tise liseiugÃœ!shoi visiteri hlm. Thé depat>' ascertaineJ ciat1 Poeeinteadd oil temons a couple et monu la théetUnited States, muet et vhiot tii hé vouit &pendl la Nov Yorts. Bis pc poin le te sem s uets etofthe casaisry a people as la possible, vithoat h.iug suon ed,,by Chose-vIse vis t teose hm ts- mere caulesit>'. B.e porposeaDo assai epos thé Chea-ch.Hi hoUeeas laf Maisaiendat<eadeil te partakie et the SB Sies-ameut ot thé BicacisiliaiutSda sud heras lu te.Pope a. thé e ai tise ýChrch, asnd respects hlm la hit hij osfie.,fHe bas ceaseai to appear lu il ouder of a riauuelitePîlcot, vits suas isesi, bas-c foot eau adale, h.esaae oftl opposition et thhiet et chai tOuderj Rom., aid appeara la théetalasoit o Vel!, duesseil Priist Mu. Mis-i, Cleos- f ch. elailatîve Ai sembi> eof Qoeoqobu bhes fermail>'in viste vus tise Os-oas etSt. Gregory, sec im b>' th. Pope for services lu connec dem vuthéhePontificat Zouves. Tosouato TrA Courtr.-Thé cholc boas suppliai! b>' thé Tes-ente Tas Coupaiý mut & )-, ls iigtsrepate, sud arec cmis, inte g no-lu. Thé nomination lu Uents0-e j, la ou tise 2ssd Nov., snd tise polliiagon 9îis sud lOtis. is annece etisthé contuset etf ibc lins frow TorenotaceUzbridge bba uslet. Ait Eamstliqsscke. ,Ab(,at lire 00e' ins athé ai'iulg dt ch. 22nd lina., the ahocis cf a moto ess-th qaîke vas <sIc aong a great parceh nos-tisAtlaasico"utaadt su cushman>' et tise New Englang StsLec. hitvas aItoe(oit las psnts o! tIse DominionaJaong tise conse. Tise tolioving tetogua vas reuei (rou Se. Johnu, N. B. st. John, N. B., Oct 220* Tisewmeranig set5.45 a aevare &bocki et earbqako vie toit l is is esty. li du- ration vas about tisuce secoandsTise ubolo cli'us suuseil froin théirslooIp, sud boia,«dosand visiovs shoots violent Il. Tise mouuia.g vas ronaukabiy dauk sud gleois>' a etroag gaie<s-ou these ostho prevailing tiss-ugis die nigisi. Dzuonsa Yovuxe Auaao. -Tse Norember aumbeof etchie popalar liti.e pusblicationhau jast ueached os, sud lude- oubel> thé bout nambor that bu brbou isssod. Opeuiug tise bsight cote-, eut i popped a Iscautitol bis-t, asoppiemeat ta thse Mugaiuo, vo-us ite coat. Tise depaut- i aient. fou tise ebilîs-on, tise é'lttie Honse- keepes-" sud tise 6'Yonng as-mai" as-e excelleut. hn tact, tIse eourclu ontente ms-a jusaci sar s-eloted te plea aud iuiats-utt tise javeais. elt is e bust ustosemeat tfs- *1.50 lisai vo kaov eft. Pashlibsut 838 Broadua>'. Dsxe;îe-r'a Mosur.y-This sai a -, t seuisg machine is boginaisg teah. eas- s idere! indispenable b>' yoaag housekcep-. C us aad [#ies genes-ali>'; but tishe wrautr Mu e ho ai, wheb.r thé sevisgr machine il is or ns. Oaseofthtie gueaî thîngs ila"lit & favo-u. thés thé geatîcuen like i. Thé>'- a laed ii sensible instesd ef trîvolons, fait ' ti ,ri4cl i ntos-usiion sun MuItIsMis tbîcb amve yoamg sud lnexpes-ened vivea rd motmi ào mCisa>samonue eftCroable snd a îpeami. TU i Iimastiou sud Paters the umalesand otber depsismeata, are Oaci B neith thse cois, sud v vs tiasehashamil w ose valu tt âs a s'«ly' gaod ttslag ,,for kei' vve, ioualr ansd the fâmîl>' pesai>', te suil 83.00 te 888 Bosilua>', (1 t.Ylmmedlateiy. ' in CtOsi peas-DeM.rnsrasSs oa Louloç, O0t 2S4ý-Au immense demons OP iratinsl a sto e asie>' thé Vreniaas T5e 'smMae testa>'. lirge procoa.léionshi 'rmfrunsi.ravlouapartiaoi theCity, bc wid'baadeb! bande af masia sud bau I i s' le t a i t] g s g; s' i v a' rk tise preseant .Tielrorsso towship vould bboat aerved b>' iirc 'e lng no lupedimonto, lu -lb. wsy of of Coupasy, but byidiosg theusiln* o te IVa posisible to seoure the boimcfits or vea!.Absd notionly vould th.ir oua di toriats be aeuved but thé luteresta ethis lisg generstos. Advînt1. vs, bo aeured trous vitetsthelu chu ira 'shortofore oxolndod. li lookeil iei le marks ort hé henoutlrabie, Premierea V ýd Monition of a nsest> ladable design oe. to part ethis govorun ettir .Lee otjeee of EstIva'. commuàiàaion,; vi -i m-dvacing otiier Improvo 1mont. lne pol »cd onitbthelarge tracts et laid te1 nos-eh atpresenat lying utter> assles. a s- nproductivo ; bat whiçh if broagsc vi i lae tirenets etfsusuket and -opened ap *immnigrants tbîoagb Che meaus et Railw facilitiee vould be a largo source et vesu Ce tise Province. Under thos ciresi stsnceýp bhoeenidcred tis it «vas fot or iroqasired ef the GOevermeat of Outar bu t ba ths tlu e eimperative dat7 *lw Ght *verument to Initiatti and carry 0 apoli.>' sicb svas foroussadovcd Iu t speech of thbonuourabtc Premier, c Mr. PxtonM. P.P., Vas tonasilcal cd ternmud sto an adilrable- apecais tr che corner oetche Hall uhere he vu aM ed. fie <clt hisnactf, hoe nsd, occuspyli somewhac of an anonsaloas position,1 ub wile h. eccupicd co c hat ssssght ho coi sidered tise Narrcv (i"go, Mr. Laidlg accupicil austher corner, and ta14s ti gentlemen's speechi tha. eveaiug [in puai of tho Ontarieoorlsmeaj tist must1 eoauidored tho Bresd guage (Choissea laugscer). lHe ruftelte tise importsni OS thse iinek-rtaleiag, tise initiation ol wbic ch.>' had met toe cebs'ae, antIdcaim tisi ho ha!l kopcaleeifrom Uc>tl he discu ouo sud coutroverny Chat took placeo procssring tIhe passage of thse hous bi lawa.iienover tsod, or kaowtisaiit w coatrar>' te .intereo th ie peopleo baud rilrosde. And b aho isel heMc it vasw for thse people, sind tise people alo te odd tor tisomsoelie whelt ralîreai tisey should bimild, or iseîp ta bud, wvi (h.>' ha! a elsice et routes 15 vasf«rtl peoeto asay wvieh lino- or-iesweul serve ttei:itercst. etnd tison (o oncei rage thiseesd support tisons iibessly. Il regrettcd tise littla difflculty Ct htailtk place about hauding over tise $50,000 the Townssip et Lrocki, aud vas orr tist people shoald bucome se usucs cm ectd ove- the matter. Blut, hbca-aid tIi ""r G(.(illespie, altsouga ho vas laie op penmî"I -hobclut eiectiess-that, thecours taken by that gentleman opon tise preffox ocaini (4gn o hand ovor th tu, tise Townshaip of bt-i»vaus'thancur- rect course, snd tist i t!k<5. Jsi ty ti gitard the iitircos of tie a,-.y ratopayers (0e, ta judge uhethe- tise> ha got ssificient security thsetthe ruad avould o built tsreugh Brook, vison thse $50,00 vere haisded over; andiamisi, he repeated if ttsat socarit>' vero net; givien, tise> haA ne rigisitaWbc callcd upon tu band orurs-thisc inay. lne rctssred ta ciao jrain glivea ti cisc premauernd mwcnuubesetisegoveramo:n tes- thse honor tise>'confes-red aponra ciaub Choir presonco. But ho uiâted thnt tIsoni gentlemen ditI therneciea hoor la doil tio, tend tîsat le uas isclher dîs(y Co go sinoni tisa people, aod ions-n f[tsi'teielvis, tros tisepoople tCis tateofotpublie elsisies snd tasse oi publie sseiment Ho agit s-epcnî.edthnt. ho nover thuisu an obatàci4 ln tise uayof ch. Nipiseiag lino, snd in ps-oof of tchi e iefed to hie vote lu coin' asiee ofthe H liuse wisen ho naigise have tissown oeut 4ba charter, and ulaics vas evon thon only savcd b> tise double veo et tisa Attes-ney-Genoual. Tisat, hi tisoaglit, ougst te bo suffticautt tu satiâf> tise frieads ni tisa Nipiuiuing tisse ho. et ai avents,wvusnue oçposcd tetisons. le- lioved lu tise great adratage of railua> comuimunication ta Broeok, sandtchut irustesad of $50,000 Cbey couldvott affird ta psy ono isuudrod Cisousad dollars ftes bouceis tise peopte of Brook uouid receivo. (Cheeus.) And se eould hi& mussicipality (Beachs.) (Chues-s.) Ansd so cossid «,ery saaaicipality in tise Province of Ostas-io (Loa d u rapested elseers.) Altsougs he migh isedll'r ulta otiiers as te the cisoice of reutei guaga, &e., 'he (Ms-. Paxton) us a railwsy man, saisI a isorougisiscieve- la tise advsutago. of *ailwnye. IL uni grsstitying te, see tise boad et tishe govoruuaeae aud thse abi. Ps-o- vincial Sec-eas-y prs-cest, Chutday, givimg came, va. von uy "#$Sirrcibali" 15 Vle" econd, Thiril a ahetzgai noir Z ro -isbld" vwon thé Lest sdrace eul "Ire, ian1522.2. tise This coiscladed tise fis-st day'. asort bila KODDT ut TIse is-at race wuasfer'theLad;es' Paus- tisa its- of Ca" l; mlehbot,best 2 in8,T. C ý o- W. ; uluair of cise hmatsoepera' Para. ray liriday, to oeiyl ire pModo.extra, IltS TIsoavere, four omi-le; Ba>' Jack gýM- vinaer o!ftiseQueesa'.Piste a&tCh. sprlmj f!>' meeting i Netsie, vinnevýot thé Inkei ri, es-s Paru esterdav; Kote Alia»s Oac ifîmîspbre. Nâsi van tIse race la ta4 tise straigibeu Ttc»9 ls,1.55, and l5bil - Seeoad raceu vsfer-thé'Landes pas-» d4 -4a dia o Wivo mile onditim lame as il unTus-t lm1pause, irai day. Wiameifili ~"poquaextra. Thor r@ oe vo omts-- '09gSis- Anibsil and Vitl,. ons- Won b>' Sir Aichihaît la 2,50». Tb, Téthird ru aceur ontretting fti hoc borea chat baie neyer boston 2-.45-mle tuc hoat, 07in 5j te hanuese b. Thîre veoe ire enCules -ýCpaim Te. tsi Rtegelites-, Lady Rouaei, Anale Wike ice sud Waeresleo. ch Begulator vas icce-ailthé vinei ýc aleisougis WaterlIoo came fluet lu Ch.lui inalient. Coeirablo complainïte ou s.l y- couaCât f oui drlviag, ta FmîoursuceraorEAuuyx. 3t Wmisgeesou Oct, i1-A latter busaaui ,u iein lu iot>', 'atatiung that os chî Yc l7h Sept,-this ianil ot St, Thomas hevsvisatud b>' au oas-bqisake, wbich oc- d cas-sel ai te» uhmintes beoteehe eock w P p. and slhiehtb uookich.e C>'y of i le Thoas ta ita feiudeciona. 1Tise abocks vaeurs ao sevs-e as to mstrIil>'insjure o fau taloftise buildings, and "shatteng tise ->' usiattiste Spauis sud (Uion isetelssui - y li etiser las-ge sts-uctur-e», vbicis couett- a geucuai palle asog tse iashabitanta -and se ch.ecire suspension o!basisias Tise daj xt bat beaus eiretly bot vitheas che le5 àligistesibs-ee, tise hiomt.n4a& ;d ind 920, sud tise basouater 3011,, indicating ( air ucasiser. la tise interIsibêiuasa thé o s-a iocli and 1l o'clock pý sm.;aine diso 5» incî shbocksoccuucd, produ;eiug vie id aPue" .,rr suddtisma>'. Tisos-ebai Id beau noeisiag lime .- incath. gs-est ta )O quahéetf1867. 'ir Hnaoue-apotme., Oct 5, vit to Bagor, Oct. O.-This toua, vu visueld ct b>' a fus-tai bas-ricane hait nighc. Vosmis, ,y visas-vaostoesan sd -liaisboules vere eu smashai! teateoma.UOrest qusanticioa of 19 liasd aeh vere doeroyed. Tise amer 11; Newi York nuisroui>' eacaped tomasulcis ail os hasard. S5h. vu drives maisefesud ,lest bath hou sachons sud berr ulefes ýe Tuant>' saven vasaems-e ubere la Romu- a "ay'& Bnay. Thé seheoner Rio vas lest lu St. Aadueu's Bs>' vith istIlos board. A ibas-k ai Nov River uv ott it vusail ou hourd, 17 lanembes-. Os-su Menasuns suepi vus ail tise vires sud suoke bousa aTise lovus of Lubie, Pembroke sud Pari>' loie hoarhi>'. Ileses sud haras vu - hovu doun. Thif tornasia fi voss.fou Eastport tisas th. gues i lse. Ait the ilansotte houa.. ms-e deva, sud theo suokol Yiseusing andait as-e let. Tise lots c*ane ho le. tissu $5009COO. A large part of thé toua [a a pis-otit vecli. Organistse oftheCisc usabîished Iuishs Chus-ch sus te have oaly a yeau'a elas-y ) givea ihe in alieu ot pausions, mach as- 0clors-k, scisooinfuatos an d Mitons -are tue treoive. Tise lisisorgniste 'are -lu a atate et inignation lan"'consequeuce, e.;- pocisîl>' as iho>' aresanked &long visb vergers, vise are aluilaul>' situatei. Ia the lite ot Dr. LmaBeche-,, vs-t bton y 'is n cilis-es, <but psas-ch is .- pes-eed ise haâve ail "1<'Biton, cositd 0bonireh 4taikolied- i Taylour sud me, it uighs have go: bi ont ofiail hiis roubles. Willamu Tr isd leeeame et mn eati- niable keeper ,wo uh haseaussdieamissed trom a Yorithire ia-élâu, bossas *hnif t vas his dut>' te giv&yýapstient a L OST. R' l'Ott, on Taueida>'haw, ho end the Bey, A ButAl S00K, lu uhiih Cites-c v etmne«yAnuvper.ou léaw £lILOKiCLE Utiuee,07 ucti dea-agnd, vill be ssitably êouat books esatb. e asuc- uwner, snd, it -?uussd by e nIDOO ocotents vii b. gii thse bock. 'Wlslby, Oct. 24,18 . ~puoTuGsÂRPIW AT For s-Mines'ofetti atuli. qassatte isîsss, entinot bhois e'i'e tsii -in aq)pycg alaiglg due nt ve, nause, 4 A ICIUS eolred la lm Veey lov. 31r.WilIin !i ~~~~~v esx.g t'ls-u' IL .WIJL WrbyOt 26, 1669' Z I e ifatter of OR4 Ë TOCK, au Iaolvi Ywuate te sme, assit hiser.i mosn nt 4U ,plUMuor bisniiae. Brouighea, Coquiy c1 - T uSday, Nov., At One Ã"1ciockin latiec t - JA59. - Aý JN 8VIT Ajàt.? Ot 2,1 I in me mMa! er<Of, J? 'BÃŽ an Zseoluîn. * A 1>1v14ud lisect bas t,« jeat te ubjectiuu asiti the ie iaember, A. D-. 1555. A_ CTONSALE Gon pesus'oetSale, lu a J2JAohu lasris]gcou sud SJifs,4 Wlaltby,. e ?KUESDAY, NOI At 1 o'eheek, P. ns., tie Plbr' iacit on tb. threehJd' Sa -bt he door. Fe id le tr.aty wfth (f»a, arnlved gt-Oi=à M ou LII 24d t Se &ptmbeýr, em rotus.- t Yeddo ta nezotisatea treaty watts lapais. v PIED. f ILjisn, on Thîrsdyq he' ZeSlt;,, Thoil. Hogonu, Jýr, YeIlageil 34 ls yet 7 monthi adlliday. RODGERS.-At Whitby, on the 17dm * lame,.Elizabet , . buloved wie eofMr, et lobé Roilgers*sud 15M .s. Deueased >m wu'& natife of Feterborongbe angad;' * W. sdoy, Oet- e, ion. a-Ilard ime, witb tihe bn>er. inbatley. They haven uparelm*nApisszesat a *iis,ç marh.g- and fid gront diflculty lin elfueinug l., lu 5Toronto, Prim. range a liffl. bigumr thsoa be. - lws ate rcqsiirescus. 1 oeli e am0 blrei, k 1tise 047t; but <#T nagood medim. suMsle for ns.Sisasg -W ble tw ae as 042q0.l fgurgs witt ti. <sisera csjitaL Ba es)y * to-day ranglo trolls50 a3.The çwta4iou pri Orgirs, folowsi y ...........-------0 00 Iiuy * se ' * t o- ~ titiusa wcc-F.i eut, $1 2- $1 Vu $ioigs, 0$1 1 1 10; BrI ,5 ~; r.~ Toronto aTK. Oor t'Wt, 160. l'ail wbist. 90 95.,Ipriuig whist M(O .M Y, 89 4 is ; Appigot 1Oa r Oct. 27,180., Ylour-Saperior extra, $5 75; extra, $5 00> et$316 ; faucy, S& lm); WellndCamis super- loie 4 70; ..uperixse No. i -Causs vllemt '64 65 84 70, Bupdilui Né. isro1 ht 04 80 85 00 ;_aperi., NO.h.ror,$o0; due, 84 00 0 841é; ont'. Per 02SA! u, pend, par 6bi 87Wo; OaUrsWs> $70., OsWego, Morleiï. W lient dal, me.eeor No. 2 uiivauk4. club st $1 15. Corsml.» but qi ut 65U. Imr412, reup04,000 bnp., sarket auiet; UpLafi. où18 ai Bay plute lit $1 . Causal rsisgisa2W00sA n Ocd Barlor 16v ta Nitw York. MPOlCTÂN' T> YUUNG KMEN, Tu loisrn Toiegrispby and talle harge of Tele;çralsh lea oza uîw Lisseu, noir building tlsroniCausais. illsuecpied lAenluraxg ia roa to 4 mosuiss, saliias aras-sge $80 to $40 per tusouth, luutil îxporiencod. _Aaà isuuisr of yisiissf mess have nra~ bqa àii fled lu ve aiseus, sare nov afis god pui-- dsong on dilferoat liise. Ta inergeti yan m etos uo a lle r- b a i seme o ff.- a am , g p b d In u e - aient; veryoas tens*q lmmirsod locraive. Aypuoronotfordlüuas- bllty oia beeoa)s sa ýmtut a perito>r t this liaiut..For' par- sacufas-., addreao Dx 728, Toronto, Ont. Toronuto, O00t. 12, lm6.'4 rî0TO vTUES~T, AI»Bl&YANT,ISTEATTON &ODItLL r .âK E

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