Whitby Chronicle, 14 Oct 1869, p. 3

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.NSOI out Interit Wyableont dvi,&th ii bntyI lut sud lu mareuT. Tisere srce about iSy Acres. ooPred on Par-, m w.acolfadv e cu%,rJ2 z181fraime Bom [4 x 6J d WalraniJfs . Thisarobv! «Id Smvtzeî, btii.heCanada Permanent Bul?, lut Aud U'l fo'Sdiy rU,. si un cf $2 2*O paygsble In si e.n yserlypayments wtitt n io nthe. frmt dy cf Mardh *l. Ii« ÏjÏpityment due, lot Match, 170. YTii. pnrelaser cf ech parcel vwll Wbreqnlred. tu goy down Kt th#sle tni f ale, tu tii. vedors ,vroql Slictor adepnalt, lu the, proportion of$0froey$100 of blis urcisaae uondy. » te ruu0ldeireoir miu enisl sal tedy foe, wthostitlntarelst, iohcr eApots the ccndiiicu cf t,,!, iii bis the. Mandngrccnditlon. cfthe sal4 Court, Yot lurtiier priussm I odiuIl. Cochranse, Vondor.isol lto, , JesEa, Quaîdlnoi ad itm.U Wlitby; Meuirs. Denia- tlon u4ni udaletihi lUno"gy; ot.udrg- edbluter of the, sgal Curt, or bte tho bi Dtai tioi fourth day of O.tobir, 109,11 T AKE rMOTICE, Ts',p wl ssurds et the son eelon o cfliow ,tth Pff~iuc 0< oftadri ,for iaû sot tenaWod the. To amutborte. an- Iu<r.ascIn Aisé Capital Stock or the ltallway Company ;-Tcetisorlz. an extenision cf s"dM ail sy rcin Il*a lortisern Lermsinus At iieavetont,.trcvdod by »Ild tu sOlnso lu?~'t on he L' cf bithe. %0 a ot tef 1ammnt cf i4tgo Bonî of th.eallway ; To snkvb.#rtg*#e Bond% en the Ituilwoy sud MUnicjiDebeatures do- mitai the Ccmpany, voii isoeuritles to the Jiolders ; To l.golize tii, citation, of-Iietr Mud geuicral pr;OcedlIge of the Coipaiy; te vu" o ther *soesearyansdsuents. E. J. WILS<IN, - Secrotuiy I.W. & r.P. B. Cc. M)UIUANT TU A ýDIŽIÏEE IN TUiE ILCons t clt Cbantery. in a Cause cf XJMNXagairwt -XY-EEY4H, The. Crodillrs of IIOJXKENAIq, lots of Fskorlng, lu tho. Couuty of tOntario, vho did iu or abouat the. mcntb or Jsnusry, 1855, arc, ou or befor. the 2Drd dey of Octcber, 189, t s.ud"by poueuîre rid) in Si. C(cehrane, of tba.Townaici .ltty, thaoticoitorci tue Plsii- tIE tlicir Christian aud Surnau,ès. addresaas auâ deoerloilln. th idialparticulare cf their udliru, a solemen of ithé r AccOonts udgi l, mto s o . Sfecsrtles (il sîuy) hold by thons; ý fu &tlrer thz Iiso.. perwtdly xedc"Iîousiibth e bat of thse «Id deere.. Iv.ry Cradilor holdinsg any soecrlty i. to lire- - duc. thseaeefore sae, nt usy CUtaberm. t the. Town ai Wlstby, lu the Cousty o. thstario, on the s801h day cof uclober, 180, nt teo 'eck lu tise f<mesuces, belssithe-tisne appoint.d-lur adjudicatiosn ou file , luis. Deted ibis iti day of Otober, 1869. 21n 41 v ALUABIJE FAUX IN WIiITBY Fuit s AL B 1 * Tise SutoM'ser é.effe er osi, nt the IIOYAIL HOTE L, lu thé. Town cf W itby, at 1 d'dock, P. 0)., on 1 'Wodneeday, Ngov. lOth, 1869. Thot v eldealrab1e property, tiie prop.rty cf the. J". Capt. Tlscw, cotiuiug b2 acres, mse oler k#b.ing couîpseof part cf tiie Lt28, IB' teBroken Front Con. eftih. Townatlp cf Wbitby. The. fanlea beautitfnlIy uituated, baving' s frontage th. wldth cf 1h. lot on WlItby Biay, aud sfords- .very tscllity for thsé créations cf Store Bousses, and mhhin a f..v mitnute. validof th. -W ltby Statlon ssd Barbeut.- * The, prop.rty musS b. aclal ImsedlatelInl eider to OarrY eut the termie cf thse vii. ji indlaputable. TERMU 0OF IALE-Teu -per cent, 11l, ASt the tins ocf sale, aud a sufileeut inss i +th lin per cent, te inaksie on. li rdocitise 'trcbo@ viscssy, wliuniue mntb cr thse deay i~ ~ wlîh listercnt, tise halasce lu twe yea 1(rom lot cf Decesu ber'next, witli intercat tromu lie tîme cfrala on the uspatal prilicipal. 4 Forinrthar parisculitris a);Iy L. Fatirbonks, Jr.,.tise auctilneor, W,. t. îlhg,. .tc- * Wood, or t1lé' excentcra. v Il IIILLXNGS .IL 1.LAWDER, <edrsullier, fJAMM lNeALLAN. iWhigby.1 WILLIAM TIIEW. Executcre. Doatd, 111h ctoer, 1809. td-41 ]FAUM FOR BALE. idWOODBINE COT T AGE,9"9 wîti 4s lsendi flatim cf 150 soies, listly owued.by Mr. Win. Tavlor. on tihe Town-lino,- * T0 L 'A x Tiie Subacruber la so proid te Lc, suy gazson nt cf Mcey, (privit. fends) ou gocd lu %Ume ste suitt*nberrovaraSvry 10# ratO @f i=ralYaboino urtu. SuerepreAmnt thrae.of the largeat Mcnwtary XibsttutJous iu lic Dominion, vbieh lend F7ELL CULm7lYA7wD FA93Ms, AM ,& a qumtity of WiIléd 1ftaeula Foipaetkuulm nspplYto style .fldjim ofT2L.eUwy it The Isssovent. have mde gs eagnnnt, of thejr REnate to me, enîd the c MItepr'ste notlded to- inet At the. 0110<f1ehd' ,iiarrlon, in tii. roliago for eokuia, Couty~ of Ointario, on, TUFfi$P. 1btheTwentyt.lt 01 Otober, A- P. 1-809, At th bout of Two o'clcck, In tis affenoo, to iesslv. stite- mnu o f their afeira suad tu -ppoint mg As- .1<51.. - JAMES HOL»EN, Dated aI Jttis Assigne.. Die tWbltlîy, (tii dY cf Oct'l.14.1 N O TIC E I beortc thne~a e.anafh ic r If, day Octoboe l8thilSM. At c'ockiP.'m., fortb prpse fiu gi the qosrtely ecio uta.. ti ,Ail cconute snuat hIn lu 1i;iwl £Ilnils offiee4ei p loreth asPts * hty ' . 18,lsOkFtbfsSý.~ Tenders ili berucolvd miii yRIDAY, Octoboe Sth, 1869, For the. purcie i oftiiat vaiabie pot's the Town cf Whltby, ,atnt.d*udtii.e ruter cf Brook snd Pundts o.treatsi, and kuovu se!, tis* "LAING PROPEJRTY"Ilupon viion làe7trS il s large bick Store, Sr. trlsligtsd twc, (raie stortes,sud-"bclaoef i ot u Breek street. Algs tbat vainiuile Fan"nr the. ViDage ef Jlrougisumn, eostainini 15Ise rasmor, or heas helng pat rt fLot 18, l ini. Iôtiien fPiher- Ter nis u-tllrd etub, anue tise balanc s- curcil by nirtgtg, paiLbe in 8 eqnaly1r1 paymenls, and on thseunpaid prifclpalàtl et u.mortgage t econtain- au- lusurance The tenders yull b. regoiveti by W. Il. BU1- l'or,, et bis offie ln Wistby until the. Cbov date, et neen. Tii. plan cf dU. tevn proper±y sud ai1l nloriaon viii ha furuiiesiby Mr. Billi. ,Tenders fur thie town propesty Vil 1 be receiveal for the. lots, sus laid ont on plan, eitlacr sparstely or ln buik. The proprzeterVIII net bind huiseifte e-o cept tiseouvet in aujy tender. WU. LAING. Whittsy, sept. 29'.1849.89 A sAvING OF 60 ?ER CENT IN FUEL W xrrEcUr 131r vsix& NORTIÎ'S PATENT, E9conomical Drum Hoater, vhilconeaubcupjlical te auy kluld oet-Steve, Cosak, Parier or Bx, viti equal ndvantage, burnir.31tor J Woodor pnt,'ocom0a'O contguoIff orevt Roe hnge co bccoin- drusixare cularl adpte orcisuiclues, ethols ha r, &. yumnount of local re- fereceseaubc ive ifrequirasi. ]P»ICE $7 eund owrs sccordiug te quaity il su ala. Adeaerip- ite circulai sent on application. l'orties tiat are desirons of beatlng theur buIldIngs easiiv eould @ceo titis heatar, Maet*i lu decidedsy the bestan îd mail ecouenileal cne jet Inven-teal. Tise subsoriber vHiii ho hppy te fursiish speclieucthcns anal Preeste &oz par- tie. tiat wiii fator Itini viti their adaliess, stàitlugtise amonut cf lieueS requireal, ete. C.4litcx-Attempts basting-beeuniod, te In - fringo upen Si. rigsts cf thc aîneve pateut.pur- clisa arc req4nemted 10 taku notice tiat tii ,word. "l..lortlis'sPattent, April 10, 14, are aflixeal te evesy seatci. W- Pa>rties iufribglng or lmitatin; the abute paient wsll bc presetedsi ecording te ]*W. Addrs I, PEDLÂB,; Box 100 Oshsawa, &Ul Aqoaf/or 1M.eour.ia ofOutaer<c Durhacm Ouhiwa, Sept. 29ti, 1869. 89 OF à TALITABIC SyvIrtne cf Pcver cf Salsuafudes Inlu,à girteLu VMotgage vhlih.vii l ioproshunadet te Sale, Ou Mon'a- November lot, 1869, et dic>'liamitu ouseon"iot.l"la 9wi. liÈ. of Beavoton. FAgu IN TBUI4AH rfSuk~pe Lot Ne. 1lOin the 2nd concession cf the. as14 Towsilp of Thoh, ontalsîlug b>' adnicaure-, mneut 12 acre., more ort lama, cf vbiejsabat 100 acre. are elesred. -Tien, are reotd » tepe*ga <cod dweWàg homae,' ue bars, SO, Im rufe atab'isu i cd ,, 24K"l, end à og bitaSOXhO TERIS t-Idne-tentit of thse msrisse n.ooa to e b.pad4sion utis, dY eofamu ,oîbp suce, termes vii i cmadie kuevu aS tl o , For gUcpiiuasapyto, - *JoNï0*Ap JONES, lolSorç Msa.,lo MaWi e.se Torono, Ot ,1$69. 4 aportatIos l lit la théê * R. &J. CAMPBELL, H~>~~k LC<SMITB -ROP 1 lKTOWN OF HT, gub !ç ltbnh% Thi euons@ aroom sud la boxj*fa. u liba tvo te i imam be dix pse4o hsor 'vîtisnt the tooiate suit a diaepnrohsa.r. Toeiein> * 4&WiJ te t.tpra 29 OH1869. u4' 'ai Z u ie rmie lias d oeeiAn o ice là lby, i la -1 at office uesrfy ,opposite tise Engllah 'Lhbisiss uôt -'là,'4* pîed f.dto trat se& ccrdiug to tise lateat ascels. osu stetlon lu the, braucia cft hyomie Surgery, aisa msifd- vifery. Dr. Dtrirgi evoten paicuelar at tentien te suricai% affe-etiî,ns, asnd diseases of the. eye'anïd "eari, cpratloyi fer thé, enre cf bars fipeslhu lfooç sidssqnist, perfarinfid. Au J"110, prcmptly attendeal fe. nom, Msvaa. Appiretices sud ltuprovers lu tii. Drusudna MaÎtle-Maklug Deportment. LOWES à POWELL. W ANT RDý-AT DOMINON WARR- A ycntrg lad of 16 or il ypara, as an appren- tie, te i Dry Geoda bussues a LOWES k POWELL, Itote. la hertiiy givan ttisaéSs patnershlp bitiierteofere exisFtiig bc enuns, thc nuder- ggied Peter anal Henry Franc's, as Geneal oïillersand Fa'tnera. uander the stylea sidim of Petef Frasuia kBro's, bbu ndIvea tuia 22sid of Sept. 1889, titsiconsent Ail debtA du t Sba al p rtueisp are te b. ii iiy PetCer Frauda kC.and ail debte dus tivse saidal S iii b s1tledb>'Peter 'Iran- Tbe business ci thse nid l'sino, iii, lu future, b. =aris on by ths id Peter Francis, Sarash Fraudais-asme. Franl, nder Suie style cf Petr racia& o.PETER FRANCIS. - ilIENiY FRSANCIS. Witby, Sept, 29, 1649. 89 v ALUABLE' FarÉm ad own Froperty Tise subs'criber iiavlng dcteru'ined te retire from, business for the. present, oferas o the uPublic bsenrteue iS VALUÀ]31£PROPERTY 4 In Tax Tcvx et Wîumrv (,Amsu pnu m sazavîli Imd ttisa mdiportu- nity iarely tu ho met viti. parp, iNo, 1, consista cf tise ccri.er Lot cn Broct. sud Dundre Siracli ; 24 f(ccl front ou Dundos gofeet eon Brock. No. 2.,-tiie.'brick store nov eceupical by R. Francis. lio. a-Lot on Brock stieet, 22 &cet front, Soth et Outarso Bank. N70. 4-Lot ou Brock St. 20 feet front, iî- mediately setist of parcel Nlo. 3. No, â.-ullià own dweiling, viii IX acres cf landl aItachel.' No. o-Tie hls.of Brick Dwellings or. Byron aRt., kuovu as "t'erry'a Block," cou - siàtiug cf lite dwceliingag. No. 1-Tii. N. E. 3j Lot No. 27, in 2nd cen. Whitby; be acres, Atclearcal, vith stick boue ana l dout-buiidings. Ne. B.-Town Lot on Byron St., adjolning Noe. 9--3 Towo Lots on'D daSteji- S4o. Io-Iot*nLot vits dvelling, adjolnlng tise Méchantes' Institut. No. Il-Tevu Lot sdjoiniug theâ 'oundry. No 12-Tewn lottsiert i cftht.Fonndry. INo. 18--Lot Ne. 1inlu ticon., Mana; tuso LeS la et excellent qnality of laud, ana l alec v:ulnuable for it*s Fine 'fisuber. »;e. 14-Part N4. E. U' ULt No. 7,tu l4ti con. Brock, 42 acres. No. 15-Lot Nto. 6, in 9th cou. Snusuerville, 200 acres. Ne. le- 7Y i, lo10hit 200 »cres. No.l17- " 6 l ti 200 acres. 140.19- Si9Ilu 12s " '200.acres.ý No.19O- 9 1, lu Uth " ' -Mesera.vh Maellt uSt 00,, 'ROM, B OT AND 00I02ES7FOREVERYBODY, LIVINsG New jan Flannels, at ?amade Clothingl at. C&ing'uise t Order at New Teas and amiYOoeret P~~~ 1 I s:lighest mnarket price paid for Butteri GO TO YAR NOLID'S. 'Wlshiliy, Sept. 89, flOu 1 89, Dusaawl or CIO"iiLune, Tctc toRSIMay, 1809. xr<mug, labareby <fwntbsttolols, 1cueiunder'te "4re Grant*,aud 'Bome stça4 Act 0186," sund "Tii. Publie Lauda Ade-ef(1040,'lby <rder lu Conucil beaylug date thie 2th dayefMay, instant. Oràmeand Bqegîdti&ns msade unsde, "Thse *Frze -Orant#andi Homsttead &et of 1 86S.',and Il 17a PublieIzaàiÀ44<of ISOt, by Ord erof his Ezeelleney the Lisutenant- governor in Conil, da-. 'td,'7thk1fay, 89 1.iiequantity 0 f landl to b. lccatcd te auy sasaYreGrant,unuder "Tise Frac sud,,oetesal Act of 1608,"1 subse- qunutly te the.28rd day *fJ&nuairï4i 180, a*al li 00sce but if. am it bolbemaide te appear toe u.stisaction cf the. Commlsiouer of irovn Laids, diat ny person Iocsted or te catealne. sfcresald, bon. not liy tenson cf rocke, lakes or saamp, 100 acres ttsat con be mode available lor fitr.nlgpurpcses. tise qnantity located te snob persan niay b. inereased lunthe. discretion of the C>oluissicner cf Crowu Lande, te aunubober ofsae, not teeeig lis tise viole, 200 acres, se as te moaI O 1 acres cf sncb farmiszg land; and tic maie hcasl cf a famiy ioeated, or te b. Iccateal nuder sucb Ad> asince.thse suid 23r4 day cf ,launar, 188, iiaviug ciildreu' nuder eihteen yeurî cf aga ierlding with hlm, moyay lccated, fcr in aLI 200 acre.. 2. Auy iceate.unuder sallust mentienesl Ast, beisug the male ha t àfsnily as afere- mam, sisilbe sîloeealte purehase an additioul 1e0 acre.set 5c cents p «Oce ah, A5tih i re of nc cato, ujott ts a nieMareserva- dions sadcnditions, and the. *erformnseof th& aime settlem.uentuiea as are provlded lu rspet ofFre..Orant locations by the. iun and MOi eSious ef @$id Ae, exoplst at ua roEsiden sd bullaiug on tise lid purocssa.d wiii net be requireal.1e a. Squatters upcn lsad situste withfin sny Tewnsilp, or part oftaTevnsblp, appropristi by Order lunlConnsaîtfor Fre. Cranta, sand vso lied setled or imprcved uopen suob lande bc fore ti. pasiug cf tise Fre. GranthAct, shah bc siloweal te pautioas said lands (tt xcedng- lu quautity 200 acres te sny cise pursu,) ast 50 cents an acre, eush, sncb sale te bc subleet tu the.manie conditions and reservations as are providesi by tii. 9tii sud 105h Sections cf sud Act, lu respect to Fiee Grant locationa. 4. The, rght la rescrved te thie Crcwn te con- strue on u and sulicatc auder snid AM, cr ecl a as ereînbefcr, previded, aoy coienîzation ros& ,or sur roadsInl lieu of, or partly dcviutfng frosu suy (overument aliowauee fuor reond. aso teright te take front sncb landl anyvwoed, crvl r otier materils, rcquired for theocoua- itructien or Inaprovernent et any snob roal. vithout makfng auy compensation for tbe land or materialas notaken, or for any injnry ocea- eleneal by lhe construction of smciirend, sud sncb riguits ma u s aeereised b>' the Commis- sioner of Crova Land», er sny one suthonized by 1dm fer that purpee. 5. 'Ivitders ofetTiniber Licensea, tîseir ser- vetestud agents, are te ba th ie riglît te baul tSir tsiber andalolgse ver theunueleare'! por- tion et any lasna localeal as a Frc Grant, or purcisseasbefore prcvlded, anal teiuake sncb rosds tiiereon us niay be uecessary fer- that plirpoae, dcing ne nuuocessîurv damiage, aud te wue ahilides, portages roads, or otisor weriispreviuutaly ZcotrueteJ or existig cu sB n se oceateal or seld, anal the rigbt cf secs te, sud fre uetc, al streumnis and hUkes theretot'nre nscd or tisS may ha neaeeasry for the passage cf tumber or logs, asidal al lasnd ueccsary tor msci vorks la regerved. 0. Ail Pin. Treea growiu or being upon usuy landl hereafter lccated as a rea Grant, under tise esial Act, or soil under thse irecading ro- guitos i:illbc :bjcctte sîsy timber licenso granteal vithin ive years snbaequeutiy tiereto, anal may, at auj lime befere tfiée snfe the patent for sncbhlandl bo eut anal removeal un- der tic anthority cf' atsy aéci timber licenuso vill iavfulin luforce. , ,- S. RICHARDS, 88. Commissioe of Crevu Lands. N OTICE. -- Port Whitby & Port Ferry EAILWAY COMPANY, A meeting cf tise Steekiioldera cf' the Pont Witby sud FPo ery Estiva'Com'y viii b. helal at tie BeiC7i oo'm 0f theé1m r» p UrT". v 07 vuarw, c Tuesday, October I9th. 1869 et 2 'clockp. ni., fer Suie purpose oe eating. a Board cf btreooia fer snid onipsny.. 'eJOB.EPU .-BTUELW, T-WbItby, Sept. 15,18lm. Piasideut. Ç IL 0195 O ETOCZKi Whitby, Oc t61 9. HAMILTON &ico(M HAMJLTON T OIS8. lî,MILTON kCO'S. LUIILTON. à C"i. '87, COMING, YE$ý A GOMING!, ý3, Car tondsolCôi 11 for HATOIX 4 BRU., two of"wbiçlrswer6 murïifa lw fo xprt hoieàale sud n- lai! at lnvestlgra STOVEJS, STOViry kng a n'oad'Bertoveua clsoioe- patteruis,' >iirise.w cooluug vihcretabayaî ia r~ uriue Sts ted Ciî!ap one" of$ItchH Il B ro u aet1nn ivsîi ac'lplaseepp eb w aicet z ig.~ c'ov wllatloshreqllré.ei"ted' ,ly hARDWARE, BARD WAREC.-Peu l-nâniis'ug bousem, are reqnested ta em or stock cf Locks, Butta Boit&a&0., ud compare 1prices and qnahity. Ai0 a stock Of genuine Points, (ils, Colore. Glas, iNtty, &c. Machine cils guarante.stssfwAticn. G jve- pa trial, aud save time sud mouey,, by buyirng dirct rom tIhe, importes%- o islon asnd wosal baifý-busiiehs, Apple Parmri Bore GrindlZtoues, Rcdger's pcoket su al 'tlery tinnesi, iron, nidaie sud platid-Spcens. (lait 1Lamps a.urnem» Wicka, &0c., in fact ay i.yîg YOn require iu llardwure, Stoee, or Tinvare, get 15 a, Hatnh PATENT EAYET.ROUG-IHS. Put np2'in auy part cf the. county. ', Samples eau b. ace at our atoie, aloe on Lover. & PovwelI'e nev, store, Oniaric Bsknk, sud 8 other buildings lu tovn sud ccosntry. As'..e bave -sow a large n unier cf cusqtosuers, we cen ocford te sel at a amlit adrance, sud Iretain tihe envi- able reputaticu cf bcing the 1"ucteal" cieap houa. HIATCII &- BROTER, Wiitbýy, Oc$. G, 1869. DOMINIO Importeracf Euglisb & Amerlean Kardwvaie. WAREROOMS#. tOWE& POWELL Arc in re ccipt of a complete stock of Fail Goods, a portion of wbich have heen imported direct, from Eu- rope,-' the balance has been carefull y selected from the best houses in the Domnion. Our jatoçk of Dresa Goodo, Tweeds, . Wool Goodo, Shawloq, Clotho, Millinery Goods, and Clothing, is large and compglete, andi for quality and cheapneso canuot be EXCELLED IM T« MPOVINCE. MiIIilnery,-Dress and Mantie, imaking stiil under the superintenidence of Misses' Rutherford and Mitchel. Tnilornug donc to order by competeut workmcu. We promW eoui triends and patrons good barg"ainsd solicit au oarly caU. Whitby, Sept. 23,1860. LOWES &POW IL SELECT GOODS IN GOLD & SILVER WAICIIES, Broochez, Gem Rings3, Colored and bright Gold Ear-Drops, Lockets, Keys, & Penoil Cases-, Card Baskets, Bouquet Holders, &o. Englitih Gold plated Broocboa and Ear sdrops, Black Jewelry iu Jet asti ul- cauitc, Electroplated Tea spoouis, butter Kuiveà, butter Coelero- &o.. Cloke. in greatv,grlety. Fîench giItLshado Clooks, suitablo for prelsntstion., French. FanýçjýGdodé j Spectacles tô suit ail aighta. SoUiGeld Wedding 'Rings,-&" Wa*chmker kJewellor, Wbitby, Sept. 23, 1869. POMMS._0115. &o. Linh e sod' 0.1, Drugr Store, Whitby. PÂPER RANGIN4Th! 2ICA DR<Y G0O0DB which -wilJ b. soltiaipi 45M0 a isof Bus O0PPOSITE TEE COMMERCIAL IIOT&, Wbitby, Sept. 23,1869. 8 F-AIL IIIPORTATIO NS. New Ooods!l New- Coods -AT-- MeILLAN &'Co'se We beg to intimate- the arrivai of o-ur Fali Stock, which is the largeot-we have ever- uhown, and-whicIi we are offting at piceu defyig oorble competioL. T. ILý.MeMLLLAN, & co, _Whitby. 'Sept 23, 1869. N EýW FA1L L, G O IiD.s Y5 AT OLD NO. I G.-Tnreturdingtha*nks to bis custoniw ers and the public generally, for their puti favors, would intlmaie tb.at on MONDAY, the l3tli inst, lie viii show a new and coi- pick a"Bsoriment of STAPLE & FANCI DRY GOOI)S, Superior teo any, stock thai lias been offered heretôfore in Lbis maret.ý Cali; and examine these goods betbre purchasing-e1se--. wbere. Specia1 inducements ii be ýoffered te ceuh ehistomers 037 VFreslî Groceries, Neé! Hardwae OGood ËüInts, Ois, &c., &c, jusi hand. Waýnted--.5oO0O bu's'heis , ( Bae -300> tubs, of goo4--Butter., For which the hlghest market'prie wii bW p >* 1~ A . t l' 1

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