Whitby Chronicle, 14 Oct 1869, p. 2

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1869. [lu Doaat lot; PION'SAES a'," lt NO. il, la dth. tri t'on Wei!noi!yOct. nosgh.bred Stock.' à.., b.onl g. bnuttr OuSutrday, Octt, 19 1699 on lkg No. 15, lu the 7t:b con. ce Ploking, pavm Hr. D. L. Barlay.-lao« Pattereon, Un odudaoOct.20. 1869, ao lot IS.ALurdspkri Faru , -, 4be prop etty o0(Mr. Wü.. 7rJ, Farbaks r.Aneàtiounr. on "Pr4j;boït22t, 8691 on lot No. *,la the Is;b1eu. of Pickering, FPrmi Sok.,thopopyoff Mr. Bohovi ~ 9WqAdqy, ov101'ast p 'Iloyal On Baardsy, lie 16ek mi., Bos- pb>olgpqpr ty j t Chantas lolimut,q ta Tova' off Whlîby, (on@ door south off Commercial Hote)-ft. L. Moearo. osu.Tesi!y, Oct. 26gb, at' Osiava, tarm stoat i ploefftsi, an! odpfoldý fbrlture, propsrty .0 Mr. Wm. Cikim- Ou-Wed«uoday, Oçt. 20the et Lot No. 16,9 Pb Con. Eust Wbithy. -farims tock, iousohold <raitare aid Villuga Loua, propsrty of LuthersHarndn-B. L, CRANCERY S"LES. P.rgeson va.- Moflrmd.-On Tani. -daq, Oct. 20# 1869, aM Whkby, Parn pue", y-lama a Laun, Plaintita solsi.. t;LFairbanks, jr.,Acioar 11aâer Yi. Si ar-At Whbitbl on Ikturday# Nov., o1869,9PYom proporty. 4IELH. oohranavondor's solicitor ; L. Farats rAaoîionaar. KnM u, v. Kona.-Âî Browno boli Aitaca, on &utadayf Nor. 19, 1869, Pare prop.rty, k.-O. HL Cochrane, «rondo'. soliitor j 14Falibankajr. Almatonoer. Wbltbyt Thursdayl Oct,, 14 9 . kppô)su.a oS t t'lanc inâs.- nUasslastheQue#stien of -Xattomaltin. Whllomokbus ban Wsale, I. linpins a-ad aartstiy net atogothar sudaimed * sait lb. poIntmoeîof Mr sPrcle Binais t. oit..; jnothtsg on -lia grocad @(etWtodilty, or of bis boSing an mb - msoan, vs nrg.d b tiyLi ittiesl of bis asualant-.W..'. thora sol éncb (ooliabt "Po"d tain., Iit wal!, vo ara aure, sud ?ory proporly, h onouncnd by tua ln- d@pmndans prs throughout sho country. The day for saising ith# 5i7 off "No irisb bieedappiy'," halong gono hy-noyer, s ave te'ori:eti I. tht. Dominion of Canada. Ho, ii, thon lea k on the part of ttboaa offelous fri4and.'o coma forvard asudamorst tat Sir Francis ta opposed Ubocssas ho happ t e.'ohan Irlsbmm." It la Moo il li Es aor.mins. 7But thora are e alyea is oinsi off M« - Vbn, for, let fargum«ienid luit of Seno, S»ae vr »44 ,l'O meort 1tosoMa * .04 lamProPor couru n ludaiendtng a voak Ias u t leawrsvoua itbo amomat o .atbio.»4 b44 ileod îi e a ep- il. of osUrring op amonguloroàdona dopolo Tin OS ie tosm otter s aoger.ul lamdlarl n hà acomme.. Ml<y'smeb M cars; datuagogares, la thé Mana.of the am Who posl0 th tiancia 1te Y riry Vooen t £1115 111. W asiglat go'-on adding lii, Jnstlw 4obn Wilson, son. IL ~ <ly and lrpeimber off -olir distinglua! Irisbmeu ta l b. liai. Ut 'cginear nDo aoai !sc ns are$hp 'Ji~otb~elrasboýan. Tireslia lth.r f<sotmtnte'o nWal tha assrtion. CJonatr Agrîcalînral Exhbibition of Wé th Omasto .hbich, voregret, voem ade mufrom- 'the pris liat lut essJ4la ti. isrr off bâti. <loera pipo., yar'old mure$ Jas. Basm, 20d. Pilly colt of 1$090 Ja. Bunna, 2e!. Blackgrapeso opou air, Jus, Bic., la!.- 101h ahetml, lira. -Ja. lra, 4th, Pgrýmier's vreaîb, Mn. J. Dundas, lst, 1Ir yrol! cadtre," " " 2-w avh"ms Cotuvoli!, Wm. Covie lit. Knit ibed U coterMs .1 ,lot., la1haod herlin voot, Mualu LBIoWl faià. Lut veit vas somevhst off a holiday veeti in Oshava. On Wenady, hy ta- <usaI, the. Lareproulaipa! tii. day a public holiday, seîlthmail migbt proce!d te Whitby te partieipat. la th. sejolitg ibere, antijoi vith that good 'ova inh giriug' a hiarty volcoza to Priaie.'Aribur. Thnrs!ay vas ont Fair day, san!th lie mr- tou s torokeopens di! taoit boul tema*n thoir @hop§ looki lnriting. Tbe <armert, rhth thair vires an! familles,, bagan te arrive earty, aid *bon' the fait opine! Shore vas quite a large mutier. The srti. nies sud stock exhibite!, howveir, vitb &iV exceptionsy vera mot seainmerous as lutyear; but 1m the quallty offWbvu a aboya, aàmarks! improvemens vsa ppa- rent. Duding the aftemoon, the Pi Brigade tarune!ouI. la <al nifor., "d. marcha! îhnough the village, h.aded hy thaîn band. Thohr lire egisvas very lastaflly dacorate! vihh loveri maner- grina, 'ad n! lahb.centre aa aave l utile [girl nesud li vhite viîh a garland off Lovers on bar he ud a large hoquet in bar han!. ,Tht.svas a tory prot>'sighu. Tha Bootian u!dor eompny 'bnoughî, op the veau vlîh their monatar maehtee 'b Dvoadaonght" vhick vasalao lasta- fully docorate!, au! on tui eten'off vbich cul the "Major#." the yontbfnl son off tha Reeve, dreuesueua lmaman rith ivo Union Jacksa la bis bands. Aftarparadinng the principal streeothIe brigade proce. [id down Klag streei 'o theaout off (b. tai ground,,w'vert ty"MaUtheir brother f nemin trois Bowmanvillo' voboal! an- rire! to0 netnrna afriendl, visit mate nome fer vees einceito thàt love ijaa, mitaer a bearty velcome, the procession mance! bockte, gohibmTown hall au! vere,duumisae!. aT.u:r lunte afternoon, the grain! Cala ibu4ipian srmy asseie on their parade Itroua!, heing Lb.enoadra ' la ront off Priel' boiel, an! afiar the rolcaI- vhieh conalute!off al Lb.hemos: comisal eracejarames imaginable -the order vue giÃŽ@ etWS AS t)aslotse, vianal sque-ao e, mainiag in tbas poMpiloop for àa lIme. ,Nexttb o odor wvasgire o bgel s, and! atfar gÏongtraogi a mm ae! dtiily original driil, (Majo) Dartnîll "dShol ave hi lea to h#' ava gitan 1h. voldt getba bemit offthe cama, ubrougb the pain of the Facunk« oeB-. i',> lie -galant ssuyproe.!.! 'o merci ptoâle <ir.ground, pr@ed!b>' lis sp.!iI*d,.tli nsermmto i .iiob an ll nov an of a vry unique daeeription, The big tirant vas quite'a v.tk off Mitsau! ail vas puvchaaad regard' lm sofcaët, Arrivlus on dhe groaun! I W"as'-lund!Io ianauaà agie as! &uto tia ort ; bat car villgi "g _blas for V850 erdict <or- plantif; for "mout <oned to ho dua*10 .Cocb- mou ami! Coeireia, for platMIL.H.7 keedonell, for Maondant. Pa-Won -Brw/sanniaM-atl<i.Oje«- mail, Verdict Sos plaintif.Cod"Mu and-Ooobrssa, for pWitH. . LMa-- donell, fordafandant. Royal'Canam, osan ons o. Wa&MZL Actio ono prominory msoto. Verdict lfo 40aniS,<r $650. Cýohrana&kCochrne, _fer plMqtiU.. BOA. SineySmith# for, ilràd'. S&t.ý-Âotiom on lie. wmusry aDo. ':vèrit-for plaitif, 7for *14030. C"elaaoA Coobrao, for plan, ti. Bon. 9.8Smigb, for Meondant. vs.it*.-&.onn.'Ver- 4or ,plaintif; for *$ln, Cocrame aMd <.àùefr plaine, . G. !SmUt, for, Cra»f". , v.CkurclL.-ÂAOtio on pvM .sOry otaerdict forplait *102,88, Coabàréa k Gochra.,' foreplain. Itif.î C.i. rmaood, fordfast Same o. 00on et a& -Acton on Pro., ,minory moto.Vrit opli;f*14 Cochrane k Coobrane, foi plaimtifik.M. 'P Ma, x epm sand Staira.- Acin for aMaunt 0o ff oont Vardiot for plaintiff,*250. Oocbram. k Coibrsne, for plaintif. J. Coyue, for deloudants. Brama or. Coln.--Action ons promisý- noymoo - Veydict for plaintiff 102. Coibrana kCocirane, for plaintiff. P. A.Har!, for defondanl. T/toma , .McPhermc.-Act»ona prominsory mote. Verdict 'for plaitiI; (Or $120. _e. J. Wilsou, <or plaitif. Gdikti W vs Gfkrfs.-Action 10 re. corer penalty luhond. lu Ibi s e, ov. lUS' toa ar mrinuthe- pleadiae, ttar- ,or& vas vitidravu. N. N. Paterson, fr plaintif S8. H. Cochraneand C. C. Keller, for i!afance. Cantpballes. Lioi.-la ibis cese, whieh vas trie! a Jear ago, nami!ai re- port of vhieh appeatda! u ho CnaomcL.c el the Lime, the action vas bmoaght 'o me. nover damages for alandar. Tha parties mre Mir. Robart S. Campbalt an! 1r. W. S. Linton, boilt vol kmovn gentlemen, ne si!iug lu Pickurinç. The alander cou. plainad ofpf, k,'vîll b. ramembore! greff ont off .xpressions aie! hy iho dofondant tovarda the plaintif; dur- log a municipal conteutilu vicb lb. plaintiff vas a candidate. À verdict ia-fo vr off tb. plaintif vau givon at thé former trial for $1,1 and cosi. Innaimg the vonda %ta tests,'f'qthe jury dalivorsaan irregu Iar verdit; for althonigh th.y ba i men!.! ibati coiteabuold ha givan againt tha de. rendant by Ihair verdict, lu lav thé dama. ges off *1 vare mot safficiont 'ocyommost&. Tbat verdict vus linrefora aetilasi. Thos the nov trial. Verdict for plaiutiff; for $10, vhich carrnes ful 00515. 1C. S. Paterson an! J. I. Gordon, for plaintif; Hector Camortn sud B. J. WiI ion, for defendant. MaGkIl i s.hforto,.-Action oa moto. Verdict for plaintiff for $140. Farewell ui lice., for plaintif., H. Joues, for dafandant. DYEverardn «. Jlknly.-Ejecîment for posssson of land la Uxbni!ge. The Parties camo 'o. a sattlemont, ana tic sait wus vith!ravn. S.EH. Cochrane anudA. L .Buil, for plaintif ; P, Kinguton for ondant. Kenney v». Keseven and Starrati. - Accout for tavlogo, Verdict, $262. 8, H. Cochrane an! J. H. Greenvoo!, for plaintif ; T, Morphy, for dcen!ant. Pnida>' October, Bib. Court opoaest ai09o'loek. PaaxtonTatae 4-Go. vs- Stoddarl. - Action îo necovîr prioeof a 4"Murai tr- 'ester."9 Verdict for plainif <for *160. No Iea than 30 vituisses -15 at iacb aide were examine! lu this cae,* vhich oc6pled moailthaetra day. Th i "Brvestar,99 horavor, ci 09 off ti iupan.-Coehvune k Coahni or plaintif, T. Fergusonfur iii A Y MPharaon , for Mr. WeleoY. th#, thlvd anaisalnuof vaînabla stock., 1 by Mr, John MIII., off "Th iati Ha," Pickering, vill bh.1týàndlc othar columna. Mir. Miller'a stockr1la, veiiikuovn 'o bh socf the mot minble lauth.Prine. Movr ri, lrnnisv.-r.Holdan hsamy amongt of tho needful for iunt-- J.MOb Camtai r voods cheap t. cash prorisg ut il the 723id Novamber. Bm ~ ~ ~ v PmisHatsvson- &turday Ovor inias Ministor of Fianp. for th. Thb*<al Exhibition of the Society, bel! at Oshava Ibis yOart W'u not 10 vala>- tenuo!es on uomé former occasions. The large nimber of parsons* vho came .'o Whitby -t0 valcomèrPrince &rtheî, no doubi, kopl amy saa. Iba exhibition vas, hovaver, a good tvaraga o00a, anc speïs welvl for tha toviilma viii ba l-m b THE PRIZE LIST - goau Yearling ontira houte colt, pailiaor carriaga, W.. Smith, let; T. Trigg, 2e!. ,Yearling mari colt, adle or carriaga, John Menagh, lts. . Yearlinig ganeral purpoe"ire houe colt, Ja7Burmalu lt. 1 House colt off 169, sad!ie or cairiage, Tbos. Trnhgg, lat, Mat! cols ot '69, adloor o&miuge, Wu. Jelfrey, leL. - . r General pnrpoe boise colt, of 69, Sias Inîb, lai; W.Oka, fa!. «enmiarpose marc colt off '69, Jas. Burnu, lot; D. Lieti,2ad. Dranght bora. colt off 1869, Joseph Goul!, lut (Frank Glaspoîl recousu! as vovtl>' off 2e! prise, bis colt, haring bau tale ont off the ganai purposi chas. Dranght mar colt off 1869, W. Joffray. lut, HenryAMamu, fui!. Lady equsestrian, lira. Dr. Canon, lit; Um Margaret Hou!, 2o!; min" S. J. Ver nom, 8v!; UMi Stevenson, 4th. Getleaman eqiet-ia, Chas. Bey, lit; IL Whlcen, 2e!Z; Dr. Canon, Si!. Duris. cov, J. 6. Thonapsoo, lot; J. S. Thoupun, 2e!, f yr oh! Duibo. heifer, J. B5 Tboup- son, li; J. S. Thompsou, 2a i. 1 yr oh! Dnrham huiler, J. Dryden# loi. Dunha. halil caîf, off 1869, John Dryden lai; J, S. Thoupson, 2e!. Dnrham haifer caîf off 1869, J. S. Thoupaoe, lut-, John pq!en, 2ad. Devon milch covr, Thos. Gay, lit; S. Inch, 2e!. 2 yr oh! Deoa h.hfen, Thot. Gay, lai an! 2n4. 1 ytr old Devon helfer, Thos. Gey, lit; S.Tom, 2ed. Dovon buil caîf, S. Toms, lit. Devon heifen caîf, of 969, T. Gey, lut. Grade mileit cor, J. S. Thompsun, Ti W. luifre>', 2e!. 2 yr ol! grade heifer, J. S. Thoupion, lut au! 2ad. 1 yr oh! grade inifen, LJ. S.Thompoon, lit; J. S. Thompion, 2e!. Grade ball calf off '69, J. S. Thonpon, lut se! 20.. Grade eifcî eaU of '69, J. B. Thomp- son, li; Wm. Jafre>', 2a!. anent'uî. ge! ram, long vaotad, Wm'jefrtey, CRIMNALlut; JohnD14160, -f0d ; Wm. Jeffrey Bn!. Shoarig ram, long roola!, W. Jefre>' The tvo <olloving es«, la -vwlch th.elst; Wm. Thompsun,2e!; T. Gey, smi. partim e. er oon abail, vara b. only Ram lamb, long voile!, W.Jeffre>, ones for trial. The ariminal ealaadar let; John Dryd@n, f2&!. hais5 CIa@«- ataaafio ofiaig5ol0 the I3agi! arulong voola!, Wý- Jefvoy, Shrfha o b. aiaoa! lim, dedrha i. j«atdan! fi!; Sm lli. J Ntelor" i, 8'a ong Ibis aseat, to potr. f-sheaiD ting oeslong- vooled, li <onu th. dutti, "acomdlng ' o due sud Dryden, li; W..Jeffne>', A;k M. amuentusaga" off pmaetisg ie' itha fsr2a mbellongviooid,'ma . mc, pair cf whilteglereo, -lut, 'Wun. Jefro>', , fa!. Ms. 'John Duggm Q .e.wu Mr. co.- s ago! 4ea, souîh do'.a, S. Tm., lot rae, Conty AtLorce>', aPPO&Wre! Uslie Ide. CrvilinsohoU ae.«g«&iimorm "mTbM lolt, moualingslento mm, B. Gruba, 1Lut 214 Qum.. r, &ra/i Bnee 4 Zaged Methno oes, W.. Toupo, Bd.1 «»as,.Iulscs lie Iioe- Ttla d.& ment eruge! lie pnlaouevs vlih duosicg gm a obild, siz aaims ao pbvof le flu UMEf 14. m Zffult -Capot coloie teuoChatesIqniae lot MUn. A. Glffor! 2ni!. Plain klrntdoug, Mns. J. B. Keddi. lit~ Kru. aR Harpet 20d, panel lknittingt Misa McGillivary 'li; Mr& W. MeGav Znd., Neîîing, Mru. J. L. SmithLstr Min M. Strilokini!2ad. 'Crotcbat von, Min. B.i MoGsv 'lut; Min Naucy Suiokia!uda. ',', -: Baise! bliih vorti, Mta.W. B. MoGa. Aît; Ma,. LL. Smith, 2ad. ýl Plat Itenlin .vork, MinSsrah Std«ckJad Papor fOuverst Mra.Gorg. Robntslot; MUs. John î Smith 2nd. Wax floyers, Min Nance-trickuand Emhroideryo uaiMi n 4 Stnlcklacd làt, Mis. John'. lon4 Emhridoàery>'ounnet, Min Mary 8.gick- land lut, Mi"a.Dbut 2e!. lBaiee! brai! vort i,. J L. Smith. Flat brai!- vork, Min Naoy Stnickti- Ian! lut, Min E Cooti 2ài.1 Chaie stiteh work, Min E, BCookllit, Mms J L Smith 2nd.' Patuch vork-9, Mn John Dicilo to Miné Mary Bann a n! Patchwvork on .11k, lire Hugi ginton. Plain qnilting, ma. E B' Wiloox l1t, Mns Wm Bain 2ni!. Panel quilting, Mia. Mary SLuictilsu! lat, Min E McoOlelan! 2nd. Shirt, MiasDehaui lot. Leather vorti, Mine Nancy Stiioklan là#, Misa Dehant 2ud. Con. vorti, Min Dhba&lit, Mis M Strician! 2u!. Penuil draving;MUn J W Cairi lit, Mra J Stee!. 2ad. - Crayon drawicg lirs J W Caird. Mouochrosaîf o drawing, Min Mary Strickland lut à 2ad. Oit painting, John J Smith lot, Wn Jackson 2nd. Painting invateu tolets. Mu E BCari- wi lot, Mia. Nancy Étîrickaned 2e!. Tairai painting, Miss Nancy Striokiand. Guipire wortI4 Mra J L Smith lot# Mis Nancy S&rictiland 2nd. Tatting, Miss G Allan ls9, Mine Nancy Scrioklan! 2ud. Wax fruit, 8 Gren lot, Mim Mary Mary Ottrickland 2e!. Bea! ork, Min Sarah Strickland lut, Mis Joueph Lotie 2e!. (ibild's dreu, Ui W B MeGaw loi, lira John Snmith 2ud. Rag mog, Mis B Harper li,Mn- Jop. Lakie 2n!. * armers vraath, Mra J L Smith 1st4 Mru Joacph'Luke 2e!. Chanail worti, Uri J L Snmith lst, Misa E Cooki 2û!. Ornamental needie vorti, Min Nancy Strictilan! lot k 2ad. Crochet autimacaaan, KMi J-1 Smih lot, Misa Sarah Striekia i 2û&. Pcnmausbip. J L Smnith lit àk 2n!. Quilte! Skirt, Mr&sWWn todicot lut. Photograph, 1J Hoitt lot, .J 0 Henry 2e!. ExisUs azoomumuii o> Drie ii mii inDehari ; Catsp, .Mn Charlea Lynde, canne! peaches, lira J Leke;-,piaiueoframe, lira J Lou; -chere, J Irvin; piakelu, Chrli. Bolt; drie! fruit, do; vine, do ; presenve! fruit, Mn John Dands - jar pickles, do;* vine, do ; jslty, do ; decalciconaino, do f uappheg, Unr J L Seitht; imbroialory ou ailti, do ; portrait finish.! in vatcr colors, Mins N Sîrictlan!; ceanne! peachis, Mrsn euen humn; cannee cherries, do; aataep, do; pIuta, S Inch; celery, lira John Eltist 'trie! fruit, do ; catanp, do; uprng mat- trias, do; aple molases, do ; fruit pneaenved in mgas. do ; pickles, do; man- goînts, Thomas Larli ; carrots, do single opmn buggy, Win Bamiennge; North Ontario Agrieulimnal Exhibi- Tn@e anualexhibition off tb. North Oetanio E. D. Agnicultumal Socieîy vas bel! at Uxhridga viltage on Tanuda>' an! We!oaday lut. Il vas largely alleude!, an! liseaviiy respect a grand uacei.. 1%@ foiioving la lb.e PRIZZ LIST. goaff. Baitl or carrnage Stalion, lut John Balle>', 2e! A. Tram. Dfilght Biahlion, Ut Billk A; ollo- dovu, Ga Pure4SIion, lot JlasHuai, lu! 'R Dobeon, Srd WVBitaon. B rooi! mare, au! or car, lai P Ward, fa! Joi Ormarod. 1 Dràaxbt brooaimm are ltC. GLidé, 24dI eat 1 20d aMd Heifer calf off 1869, age comaled!,lot Thonipso. J>' 'Tf W oat,2nù Paxton, I -,Taa ' «eau!oPlijd lot Dt1niuÉsrý1-inta» 4g@d Baillot siJ. Wardi 2e!J. - &DIS'>xitTlù'. Bali 1 u G; rag made.gentlemnan's sbirt, 14JShaw, TWO lnon.4lll, ;Wg;' 'M ea ~bonnet, lit MDCob, 1301ll Clf,'lot-P Ward, 2udW War!. 2e! V"iitrgo-. Tvopyar o.1! Heifér,' li au!' ,20!d Ma&la4y'Wilsonlt H W Taylor, 2rd C Paxton. 0 OCamnplin.' - snn9 One ycar oh! Hoifer, 'i eraoNMadie lady's mutle or, cape, lt0L 2ad Geo Thoupson. Nichli. Pa Maiter Calf, lit JTaylor, 20j G Tbomp idocid' iafnlu Sr--Spi 'adÀOsrrberger. ' - Ba TYoke Off Working Oxon, lit Geo Y-ydPen 2e! W.& H Ry&id.od(*Fil-1-~ $ample of batnd stiteiegon nelo lsl Pegnon,2n Piu uilt vork,.1, W Fèesniènd, 8 POT Âge! RamiC104 W -' '- 'ron--- - -- Fauco1 Sr D'Grgg. Plece crotcbet vorti, lut R Spears,2n4' -Bu Bbeading lit rt Pmc.,2ad J- UnsBartle' ' '- -~~' P Hovît, m! AShanard Pacy keitting, 'lit J Je*ett, 2ndR- BaM lamb, lti8SSharrai!, 214 d OP ,.Bél,'L #tli '- a«$a, A, ÀScott. P, 'à37nitir-stWBaîesel4, 2edtBIm Tvooes, l' w-L$,2. 01.4o, Way. - a F~~~ané'lettier ivomk, lit FCïpi 0V 3v 8k~Gaiai ilat, canadians lt 0 ampbellS~, 2nd;', S 'r; -ý Tvoov lamba, Isti S OG& Ã" ,,orue. - -ir 20! C Pucoo, 3d W Coitn. - Zééblyal, iowca, lotS 'IMogn, n8' NIE té,-$W,0 Paper oveis, lut S Momgn. Lu! T St. John. le u Brt aàntbtoii!"ery nmuilIlr ats Sillc , embroidery u lotix ,or, sllk,-î1lat, lim Barie. Brui!ing on cloth or ilki, -loI J Jevet. Berlin 'vool workc, raise!, laI J licDon- aIt, 2ed E Gould. Berlin vool vork, fiat, laItSe Wilson, 2d, J ChrLqtie. German ais.! work, lut lira Baille, 2e! T St John.- Tatting, lItC0Hiscoaks, Led E BoIster. Fanai>'basket, -lai R Bell, 2e! W Ras- Lady's knitte! itou!, lsi M Camptieli, 2e! J Blackburn. Kiittc! clouti, let S Page 2nd D Chris- tie, jr. Painting in water colore, It t7'is&EZ Blster Ployer paintingu, lit S Morgan, 2ed E Boleter. Pencil drawing, ist E Goul!, 2e! E Bolater. Architectural Drawing, lut J Brown:- Crayon Drawing, lut E Goal!, 2e! E, Bolaýter. Double carriage, lut S Wulkey. Single buggy, lai S Walkey, 2e! W Steel. Celter, laiS8 Wulkey- Wagon [tiiable ukein4, W Youang. I ron piotagh,,l-t Fax ton, tlC o., 2e! G Walk§er. .Plow: [an>' otber vaimiet>'], lot (0 Wilinhson, 2nti Paxton, Tatcek&1Vo.. rurpip dtii, let Lundy -k James. Fanning inill, -lit B Danidion. Gang plow, lut,'Paxton, Tatc & Co. Pump, lot Povili k Irvie, %Zni! O 0 Wilson'T, ruiýip Slioer, -lutWW Yoîe Chue, let' T',Burcheli, 2edA Muraiý Hoisa ake, lut JB Lzicr. Grain aate,ý Ist JRB Luzier. Washhug Machine, -lut G. Ewema, 2e! A Hur!, Set Horse shoea from the hammam,, lit 'kWatson, Led' J« Aing. Chopping axge; lot Il Wnggoner. Panel door, lot A T_ RuIton, 2e! J Brown. Veectian wie!ov blinds, let J Brown, 2i dA T Bulben Sidasole Icatiter, lot 8S Parrii, nd J Wright Si!. upper leatitcr, lui J Wright, 2e! S Parrisb. Pair imenasfine boots, <caîf skie) sewe!, let M McPinnyten. Cnîf skie, dicase!, lot S Pariait, 2e! . Wright Pair tuen's coare boots (cov bita), pcgged, ltIW Lowh, 2e! laynes 5& Sneul- Pair-ladies' âne boots, seWcd, 'lst Daynis âk Snell. Pair ladies'Caîf' Boots, lace! andi pegged, lut Dayeu k Sell., ,Set farn itarncis, tut T (3ourtice. Set single hameau, lt T Courtice. Setsiegle_ honea, lutT Courtipe, 2ed J A McCann. Matie gentleman's coat, lai M McGiatit. SpecimenCOdoperwork, nol loua titan4 articles, lit T Burcheil. 10r 1hz maple augàr, lut U(0 1 Jones. 2e! >B Bell. ô lb bone>' in comb, lai R Scott-, '50 b hwiet' flower, lut 0G Whelèr. 6 siteaves flaixielte. traiw, Iso L Steci.' Store ýmeti ftaniture, laiI Ttoinpson.. Pft.urkcéys, -lui T Lamtb, 2e! PFranklin. l'Au geéée, let ,T Lamtb, 2nd W Hill. Pair deeka, lot-T Lamb. Led S Wh!!i- field- PAir barn yard fovlsi, (large) lut T Lamb, Le! -J K lVueon. P.ir barn yard fovis (smmli),- lui J K Vei-eof, 2e! J Sonnaucvilla. -Ciao staffe! blîtis got np 'saucee lait, exhibition.' lot DrHllaîv. Âge! ram, lai k"'2à4W ais ahieg rau, ýla 95à O Grabam Ra&m lamb, lti0C' Péco.,fa! Tvo avnst tan! fa! BkOG0rûmaun 3v! T DMf Tro ahé'sling oves, 19 8Sàk O Grabam, 20a R Postai, 2v! C Shirrrmi. Tv. oealambies u:8k O 0aba., 2e! W Lui, Bm! W Ba"i. Rem, lat k 2e! C Paxton. Tvo ires, lut & 2e! C Paxton. Bem lamh, lut k '2n! G Thompuon. Tro ove lamba, li G Thompuoni, 2e! C Paxztona. FAT suez?. Tvo fat veihers, let J «oui!, fa! C C Jane. Tro fat iea> lu1t C Sharrard, 2e! W Boar, large bre!, 1 k 2n! C Spelran. Sor, do .1kà 2e! G Wbeten. Boar pig off 1869, large bre!d, laiC Broyn, SSow pig off 1869, large breed, lit C Speniau. Boar, susîl bre!, lut 'T To!!. Sov, do lut J Coraieb, 2e! H James. Boarpig off:1869, umalt brie!, lut M Biaebrongh, 2nd W Pengason. Sor pig -of _1 69, amai breid, lot M Risîhnough, 2e! W Perguoe, Bn!IH James. OmAîx, uîmn uA» zoo"u. Tvobushela of faIt rheat, it T L.mb,' 2e! M Biaehrough, Srd-W îkIH Reynolds, 'Ivo baubsis off spring vheat, lut W k Hl Reynolds, 2u! & Nitherion, jr. Tro bushils large vhite oatup lut, A Hienderson, 2e! P 8 B Houcti. 2 buail osts, pore blacti,-let S. Nethurtcu, 2e! W Bamongh. 2 ,hnahel nt, commnoa, let J Cornh. 2e! J Horitt. 2 bushels barley, coumon, li8 Neth. irton, 2nd T Lamb, Sr! T To!!. 2 busials pou, large, lsA Brovn, 2ed A G Somuiryhtle. 2 busbel pou, sual, lUt J Corniah, 2e! W k H Reynolds. 12 esa -indien cota i the tracet, let B Haighî,' 2a! T Lamb. a fb n hl'vbite o an, let J Parker, 2e! Baight. 10 1bu Turnip aie, uve!iub, lot W Nichollo,- 2e! N Monoe,' D3nbel flax sea!, let A Fronsoi, lad D Christi. Beshal lareb, lat TLauab. Bashel clovri see!, lot T Lova. -Boibel tiuoîhy ueo!, lut a Neth@rton, 2a! W Brananer. - 1et tunp u W Bouatre. fi! D Urqebart.- 1.i 1f mangil vnuu"s, aIJU tome,0"lud J 12 ne! carrota, lut BNithanloan, 2ni!J ]Parker. Ilvhite earo t,î BNohbonfui! 12 blond lelt B Neliartonlad -S Page.> HaJ.hôbelonlUslt À boirrard,, lsd ' !7n<c',nlnm, are noi a goo4omui.' floue on difle iret flue. oeegi o munino oti.exba1nemso 'L4magooti indas-i Mentli;very "easv,' pteùa1-anti lucrie. Any pcmo nof-orinsry aw%.iy eau beconne a iipetenl'o4penitom aitti.stut.For par- ~iauars, atitrema - Box 728, Toronto, Ont. TrnoOc.12, f6.41 G0"0 TUE BIZT, THE BRITISH MRIA ANID BItTANÇT, STBATTON& ODELL, Consolidated BuSineSS Oolle Now the. largeel, moat cateni.ive andi compl etu linxine,, Scbitl leinte conu-y. It bimslte "Irgt staff of Toacerd, lte eost pruelical and he nàldatîted businemi forme, andthte 'iest ai- mraiged and mnrcomntcxiona aimente. Lt in. nnder te managenat o! TUOUOUGII mente ofthte business cominnity. -- Thte tivaninrea ant iaiitisefforts! intais intuion are uneqnalled iiitite coti>', ada vtouî fuît>' avaiiing biaise!!-o! hlm sbe4elis. W.e wemo arardedth ie PIRST PRJZE EN B&ÇINASS IVRI27NO nt tîne lai Provincia Exibition ai London. Au titis l inte Si co9nincutive year ltaI v i ietaken titis pueý. vu feel coînt litI the&them utb. but one opinion sne vhere 10 go to linato write.. -. For upeciena of vniting, tanuk notes,circ- lis, &éc., atitrcas SPECIAL NOYTICE. "'BRIGIGS' AJiVANTOE. The grpac catarnbi beadacbe, neuralgna, sud uiversel"paiu reznedy. ta nqmetionibly the. muet ~ ~ Il aër""0" n elia icue Tedy knowu to inodem a itnoe.,.It relieres ail painana- taneonidy, -and, redaces indamnmation wtk rapidity-cre.ting a healthy action of ail dis eascd omuno, ieniditijzsnafili9aouoets asud making a rapid suantiaicaL cure.'ot sme of zbe s' a tzsepàing complaints te whlck maîkisatiare auhjceL BuiggeAgellvmntor in solti by J. Il. GERRIE Agent, Wb.tbjý, Cet it-test it-s-PIcak of it us youflii . ini jrovingc lnaid%,fîoâted ti e, culg, bruipàs, bures, amidi, ete, ;ý'u nadm.t or pc.taah, buta sootlng bouin olirnntSold by J.HGERil<I-mAent. Wtby,& cmi O&ACO agnt frth Bi ieh oe' Ont,.Pu, RDANNUÂI,. SALE OF High-Bred GRADE CATTLR The subseAbtier *[U ûàl fr a]... t h, %hla ODELL & TIOUT, rude asIthe maxt sea" l"movinci ofQiltturli Acta nl AS FO To autiiomau j Stock of the &U. m an extens5ionof=dI a tterminus et Beavai "cu me point Georghuu Bay; Tostu to0 znaraniee psynent of the Iailway ; To m enth O Itud aiwy and à matheiCompany, bhoitera; ToiePgalir und gencisri proced Make other -eear Whitby, OeLll,1lui -PUlISU,&NT To Coitof Chai .KENA-N ab "rthe CrealL10rs of B Pickering, in tbe-Cot i or about theummont] ou or befome lte 23rd uend by pont (pre pan tte Town of Wtsithy, -tIf. tittir Citriatian -a atnid euioioni, tins claiiè, as0 tatsmeut'g niatfme o! tin Semit *or in def.ult tiiemerf excluded toum the b. Every Creditor bidi ducsetihe marne before the Town 0f Wiitby. on thei 801h day of u, in lte foi enoon, bein adjudication on lita î 8.11. COCIIEAN, Plaintif'.. Solicitor DatdtdzI tslth daji VIABEFA] The SuIseribera effai MOTEL, in tih Wednesday, 'ritlvery dtemirable1 titi lae Uapt. Tiaav. or ls, hieg coi Nont Lot 28, I te of lte Tow'nship oi beautiuU y itiieed vitthfth lot ou' everx faciit>' for titi andibain a fpW uIta Station anti Herboni. 'rTe pmopertyma" order te carry ont dit tedimputable. TERNI OF BK sItte Ume of S8le,21 tan percent 0mt zm..ne, wittn one m wiêi mtereat, t l'ai lot of Deceeinbenext 'lime o! atle on the ni -'Formfnnrtier purtienai jr.,, titi suetioneer, W 'vooti, or ite exeante .W IM1LL'ÇQS, Whitb' Date4, UtitOclober, FAXFOR SM. "WOODBt&J withia s lundi! owueti b>' II. wr. w-ibliu one mile of Temnmatosunit theInip Oct, 12, 1801. -P E. c À XP 1668 PI rot asie. 1 0-4m

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