Whitby Chronicle, 30 Sep 1869, p. 1

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J RTIRUR 3t1I2HARDSOW, WuIrW>'%- BAI0l - r BÂNKISTERS O D tis ketMNrel, otitdi iii WhItby t C. W ]K . C. AIIUMONQ -. O. Il. .J, MêOpÃ"uuT. W'KÉoDeg tole.»Us pou good seeirlty. Ap- pl m te n e f thse Afin, Court flous,- bsuth vlîig os AuxisTRO, Atornesfololtor, tte. caNGUMStrt Toonto1. -W. A AI8 Toronto, JuIy 50plIdI. s (OUN >TY IXUWU 4ATTUJLNEY FOR 01ON taiBàrstrad Attoru ot-Law, Ob isr ln chancery, Nossry ]publa, t- go flu-In Blglow's New iildiqg, Dundis îtroet,phitisv. si 1GEORGE Il- DARTNELL, B ÂERITrEiI, AT'rU<Er ,CONVEYAN- cJ.For, Deputy liagitrtr, Muster Esttrsscrdi and7, sud ozuwisi nChauncer), for thecCoun-, TgiAOITZit à AtY<>*L7ZY, AT LAW 1 eloooetrChoego Bnkon ite C.'1' *ide. ASÂSISTEU AT-LAW AND SOLICITUE p3 RXISTEX i* ATTORNJY.ÂT-LAW loluiler i Çhsucryi COUvYanRCcr, io- uwm*ext door to tii. store of W& J. î7 Ctmpb.l,Brookt. WhltbY, Out- Wiltbyt Nov. 18, 1897. 46 Se.iFAIRDANqii, S OLICITOiLR NOTABY PUBLIC, *a.&o.. C.hawaJë.EW. perràoter, solicitor i c bace.ry, Atm terjsey, Ïat>..&09 Ilise remoyed iis Offce to lot toct ove: tbe on-vàuîo rDImu. FAREWELL 6 JIGEE, ID ARRISTEJIS ATTORNEYS, SOLICI. TOUSCUiêV>YAMCEJS, AND> 10- Ornes s-Une door northcf tise L'ost oflooc,j O.isâa; and lioFocier, J.$lccM,ojpçeise I'owUhal, ownsssvilo. JOfsS, LAUDES, iMuLUCK * BlUTEI, dattomueyp.#%t.lw, seliere la Chaco. ndoîiug Mr.Jawss Uuidou's o lice ltbl, W. Hg DILLIJNOS, sommasTO, £O., 40. W"(.tswaam, IN lMomyn.ÀUIO x4 ocg, Brook Otreet. STTURNEY AT LA.W, SOLIC27'OiIN glu, Brock t C 7 '~p,8IIi j. 11A1ER IEWOD AT TUREY-AT-LAW. SOLITOE 1IN A IChai-cery, Nottr' y Pblio, Cossvoyancer, ~Oi., Wlsbyil,'(, W 0 Urpul, Byron stroot jaoutil, of' o*t once.. à C L.CHItlNE & COIRBANJE; J3ARI4TERS 'ATTORNE St C<flqvEY- u noeors sud Wroé P Iubll", &a., L&e, Paus:AEEvUWO-OpoieTown Pou Pmsu-Oyrioz-Blaelnw's llloek. ' l. OooniusmLI, i., IW I.1 oca: Pounty Crown Attorney. fort Perry, 201h Vtioembor, 1805. - a LYMAN ENCJI, 1 .0 L ~ARI&CITBU AT LA W, dolioftor lu <Ibsu- 40 DR. MANWOCI(, (»105Ou A»*liIit OVRGEONO COJIEJl i. ne J. GUNN, MI De' gIBGRON TO TuE COUTTY B Iyron Street, W hltly. GAUL W. M. LAW, B. A., M. D., TROMAS UUSTo;fo 7150WN o bIRK NTRIASIeVItL, WIIITBY JL 0 tlc-T.wîs lall- , our. 0to i o'oloek. W ILLIAIL SCOTT, PIIUPRIETOR (141p Win. Uoyjton's.) W M IT4O eeor.pf1ss tiAs is fpïrreuudisc(outitilaths:t se ha$ eqinet tis i $1041onSWlllisus Street iately oouplt,4 by J.w.tt,ecd es il a a lt Itteit aid<rush- 04 lui frâtstle, visltors vll ind it Vry guys- ÇLmu10o.W Iwo, Llq nos' sud Cilgars of tise- JU~asteulveosai., slwaysls aattend WELL1NGTONM OTZ4, WILSONHOSE rIxIr.*1nbetua49 u.tii Tise Aboie vell-Insovu sn*e buie n tbo rougilY renovuteit sud nevly fumasied b3r dse prflt su roprietor. This tablisg, Lie, 'bave nonu pu i tlse .t stato r ru il as- ti uiss he it WLuno ou t iequrs- messTuir ~ j up l ' vtever7tlolg oflise1 'bot luasosson, sn nouse but tisé bon brande of Wiée., Llquo1s undtchigerA l'ept ulet >Bar.1 xi' E.SNUW., T=E RODSON HOUSE. T BE soubseriber- bef# tée unnone.thu t lhe JLtas. ieaed tise bu Ild1g [fei'i-0*kevi aue tre*nuiote , klibas boeusrenovist. altuatedo~postt uoat ,Qffib ndsti in T4isIailway omnibus ellsttËbe Rot..,ad ýÏtisesttgeo for lsbstdge aud Boaierto lavTe -~ CrflILEX.ATl,a , C aet-oe ude tityeof %Il hInde ofnib:oaaiî niid U N nDF, laT À C ,IÊ' G. L'NIASfullyspiplul tece L'shoîtuotlcê. CoZ1-p e czstiil ,istnit..utl w"A Herstohlraoe rlsm. Wiitby, Fob. Sîls, 1802._6 Brooklin Drur- Store. D BA E à r ,BatetIoS on ai@ ud LIquors of tieboit qnalily fforaedfCallleMedfcilsgwayg omiani Bro-okliu, 0. W., 186F 2b GOMMERCIAI, HOTEL, BROOK 15T., -WITBY. smdposeso f t je uiioye vt1Ii and ta- vorably kasovu iotel, visicis la udcw fitted up lu à buperior Inauner, vilseer oe'u' one for tise reopliop of gueustud iIa Velissgppilip. W, une soccommodstion, sud supe"rlor, winets, liquors sud cigaro. Good stubl1n; vits euelosod yards, assd attentive cstierxstai vaya ou tise preuilues..*Charges Moderato. 9, M, CA&fpIwELL. WisItls, Jau.44, 1968. 2.17 YEOMAN GIBBON. C OMMLSIION IleeIICffÂN7 INsUR.ANCE, A GENEAL AGKNIt." WhlUuy, Jan., lOtis 1866. 2 RLEVIERE HOUSE, B. PLANK?, - -- Proprietor. Stages tossd (roui WhItby euh ll y. Kvery attention pald tejuesta. (.rfnl aed atten- tive sitlers. H OTEL & PRÉEMISES FOR SALE- THAT oit estubliahd aud well kuovu Ho- T ti, tise VENTRAL HOUSBE, Er£ONI Splendtid roomy stsbliig, aud driviug sseit, 1oether, vils Que or Ivo gares 0< landi attools 2d, asenay b. deisired, sud p #ne y02% gbeur, Iug Orclîar.Thocre are-vo. veils vît good p mn#ad'excelieisl wa:er. 8MTise vîsole yull b. sold ut a bargaui &usou. 0frlise lied chances lu tise Dominion for snsâae:ive bltiniesmin. Wil be oxclisaiged 1cr arm properly. d For termes, &., splily (hs ly latter, pre-pald) Octobe WILLIAM BC i.TON, 42 D.ROSS, - LICENSED AUCTIONEER, DIALIFY'oltbisStis Division Court Atitres., BEAVERTOI4 .21' 0eo.,Ayers. GENERAL BLACKSIIITI, AN» IIRST-PRIZE IHORSE,-8HOEIl , BlINDAS TET 'Whitby, hp, 1887. 94-ly THOIZOLD9 ONT. A. LOOK, _Proprfetor.ý T in ierlberîw, haviug eaued "iiswuii-knise Mlousi.,a ss deali fsoiiciî,ag tiseimirmoor e le su o nd frocs 51 id aossUese vms. lieuo.,' Ililrd Taisise md clwuy. off=iascu Sanpts Iemmu fr ercualo A.à Sonc, la ber.by givent, tint tise e-paa'tes*.' iip iseyetofore 0exlebuiSIXuitrtiso $ sud efthlv- the4"ariu.t, aos on bébaifKx.estoros1 Mei*ltuWolibs. ops hab*V f Esmetoms 10teJames £ove, »UNtb, Mp l tis610. Air Ofs.ei.a ... a ~TQES &TIN ARE, is baiti m #Hmu-nuer of Tiuamlh' vr onlesn on thêiottntce ~J"~rssCo 2esO. ' Bi-Me, Collaissud JOUN -BEVAN. ýWiby, Mareh $th, 1869. 1 (tlePIWiaul)- tT SUMBcuiBER itlob îted opud com ,Lplefeiy i'evatedlise alse old it tablis- edit ro-aies RotaI, »sis ititshSe putronage 'Of t4ise pblb* mutdi]do frionts. Tise table satt W r"mPPlled vils lis.buat, oot roosnvstab- E. ARMSTRONG. Ilxbridgo, jan. t86,159.4 XNARIO: HOTEL (lab* C.,ae'. TI! uhibeC m itodsîres tl eurnu Iaulmate ýrte lie publie otoe vry liberai patron, is betovet tîpoîi is)w bila proprbetor et thé "gioe J11t2b0 Brooklu, aud et tise samte lime Sal0es osIon tg announice tisaI lie hbaleamoit lise aboe sWeil khîn ohtel. Largo adtditious, hcave bisesirecentiy musaite1tise promaises soeur- log mrore ussodua'sociuo a nd .lscresslng lise nimber ef sleepinig ouns le nariy 05i0 hhf incrostissu fommeriy. A dral- Clous Bilibuit Pamrlev îfis ttrsetables bus aise boeu adiet. Kteissive additioncs te tise Stabling, Msedts. 10000Boxes, L&c., bave miso beau msdo. Alil eabliug tise undersigued te oSer te hit Oit Friendic aud lis publie gens- rsl sdviuntagAm sur Pansait y Do sibier isetel bu lise plae. Hs'ie viint alillimes bacihappy te - elcomo isia odt fiendi. WhIstby, Vece. 2, 1858. 48-17 Q ueryI Wisy lesît tsAItsesisalasuch àarun-for picturea AT C LARK'S GA&LLERY? Il la becaume h. bau tbose hst Galeory lu thse Couliy, undibisumore patieince vîtis elsiliron dieu uy clii.: A rtit' lun tisaCountsy, sud eau do quit. as good vork s ay other mao untise Wý TbsVs wbet' lte mtter, ema don'p b, ba.kvard &bout eosissg' foiwara. BJROCK ST., WJIITDY.o Whlîby, Nov. 12, 1867. 46 0. Nd, VARS, SPRACTIC AL Deutist, Oshawas dmp DetiLîRooma, direclly oppo- site tbet'oa .Ilsc.-Ent asuce ou inooasitrett lird 3 corn crth cf lise Outarlo BRanIs. 0- EXPRESS AGENT, &a., almo Agent Monad.ns taidvd lususnue Cois. 17 OH. SWEETAPPLE, VETERINARY sUERGESON, graduate of Ontario :7eteriuxry oZlege and late Amiatant te Prof. Smih, of Toronto.- pzow, BUCKLAN]>), rvifesser of Agriculture, Pm'roiSMlâI, V. S., Princilpal of Ontsêrip V. collage. Du<. B<>VKLL Toronto. "o TU(>RBION, I 66ROWElL, d P. .- B WEETAPPLE pan bc *oonsnltei professonsi;y at bis raideuce, ]3rooklln, nt Broolsilu, April 14, 1809. 1 HRENIRY GRIST,. PATIENT SIILICITUR F. 1 AN]>) DRAUGIITSMAN OTTAWA# CANADA#, Trsiisctu business viti tise Patent Office, undt otiser departusents of thse Goveru- mont. Copyright* u ud tise regisiration cf truie Marks mand Desigus procurait. Drasfmg, £p&c(icatsces. anid iturer pcmetg ,o.s ,cy . ecreFceiEcfIeeentios, sqmaei en - «<ipi of S.JIdlorthe jottres'sils. and prdim, <ag «rcheiu i t ,<la as - lay i=ade. ar Grand Trunk ai1WgY IHtel. Air WRiTnE STATION. TKMONEIL hsvlug puroism.4tise botei and puit Tniseskuovu asutjeGrandi Tmuk Ilotel, Whilby mton,begtulftornl hlm fiondi sui ttie trsvelingpublliutabo ise fîtitdep tise boni. ,aud stablufr- o= 10, atlensd by' sttention te tise vanta cf tises vise<av: 1,pvilStisethir putrong trate ment j artiuuîio Of tisoir cuslo"m9. 'Partie" txl&!Dg tis, train suit lesinglu horp~plU~sv 1901m ypli ipestre 011111 Wl4tb, Set., 108.40 S WILL TAXE BANK -BILL& mana >UloU ts i U8ÇUnledW PERFEOTEDO SPECTACLES, J. m dÇF St., lsfl. The>ibvetakon e cir Sil a i nfl lun- slructios,suod ave a nc. lu tise ubiiit of tlir ugeuts W mcaSthe requirements ot'all onsomrs. Au pponrttsiy illiho thusster S;s'eugtbeaiug and !Vresêrvnag Quafty 'fr0 ,Uob cannot b lao, id b hdir Superlo- rity cive tise ordiuary gise, vuwrp.- Thero, le noe llsaserlsç, i4am*g q 'f kg,'dzn, or ctier un pi..smssnt sonsaton, butoz Ibe cou- trary, from tisa -peculiar âoîstructiou of tise LeUmso, they arec main# fundplaumni, casiolut> a feeling ef relief to the wearer, sU'd producliî a clair snd distillct vision, sne lu thse-natursi liseatliy sigist. Tbsey re tiee 01817 Spectacles that remeve S wct s. s ti otis zîlitl sud are tlihesmet "as ie beut, slways lastiig many yaarm vîthout charge boing - ne- s4r, iV EmpLoir No PRPDzEs-m 29. DAWÈKiSOS MOTEL, (four miles et of ora!*to.) Tise ubscribpr bego te inform bis mnuy frienueat liehobas oeied husincla lu -tihe above promises visici hoe bas placedin lua tiooghseorepair -and ilewiy rcnevatesl trng.Ceusfrorissiegicousodssîiusi, gooti itabliug ssd attetiv lera. C. DAWES. Norvmy, Auj, 11, 1909. 82. WNILSON'>i PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY,. DUFl)L$48 22EE2', WIZ New Plates for Cabinets! A NEW STOCK 0PF FilMES, AND OTJÃŽJI N TJ.IS Mit. Waarsw viiliebcaiways prcparcd tu take Li.ence4-t-s of ail kiuds, PIIOT£(UBIAPIIS, AhIDItOTYPES &,&c.,lu a supersorimnu- uor, aud with Ilifelike PacSsuy. Cabinet ICTURES, lu very usatI iassepartouts, or plain or carved Oxford Framea. Isring matIe prrssuigiciists vils Mss. Kyste., of Toi 05.10 lhe W10,eared te ag fy he peplecf WhItIÏy' rate IRAtY'UMES f iar dsat very roasoable sud COLORE]> lu OIL. SBouil aticaition g veuleo COFYING OL]> PORTR1AITS. Ma. W*Orl yei o icesftu i lu'aking CIL]>- Witby, July 21mb, 1049, c HRLES GRIFFITH, Baga t', inforci bis nunserons fiends nui en%- tamars thathie a returued to Wlsltby, and tisaI lie isiteulda restuming bis old business. Uia place of business lis nortebcb fonnd oppo- site tihe POST OFFICE, fart te Mr. Feigisona Tuiler shop. AU BUmIteaseIN1TUBE Locicimitis, unsuttis, Umbrelia 4nd Parasiol mendint> lin.; Uie.rpeuiug sud fiettIng of Sawb, &C', 4c., viii ei heretofore, bc properly and cesrefssily attendai te1. CHARLES GRIFFITH, Dundoi, 't., opposito Post Office. Wiiby, June 29, 1869. 2-f wATER ADVERTISEMELNT. PRIVILEGES BOR SALE IN RAMA, ON EA13Y TERNIS. 9 Valuable Miii Sites fer sale on tihe BLACK RIVER. Thetiyo mportant W ater priviiegcs arc sitsssted on Lot 17, Cen. 6, tbrae mlles distantrs fressi tise J'art4ge or Tramway, tb.> sarc weli t§ituateit for aither Sawlng or Grist Miii pur- pons, es.d am ter frein tiseSaili of miii, for teciiitsstilig thie couveyancc of lunîber, &c. throngh tise canal toTramwssy. Xine feet heu' cf visSer power guarantord; abundaîsce of valer tise visoît Yeur. I'ientifnl 1suppliis of1 suw!ci#iau cnbeprocui.d ln tise ualghborhooi. N B-_Tuls.presontâ favorable nsdscemonts for iisvesîmneis. A good it usseandt vinter roséd t mUi priviieges lsy tise th cou., wlsich are witiuiii thiree milles of a l'est office. For furtiier particulaié apply (if by latter, Pott pali> te J .1M. Ti1ENv~u rit, urpl tor Blia3ick Kiver Milîs, Huama,1.0 J3. J. LANDY, Barrisétor, &e. ùr te J. C. Mel1'I,~LEN, >Uury publiei, L. A., &a., Lirifla. P.O. 6m-20 ROYAL CANADIAN BIANK BILLS, Taken Pt etar, for DRY GOQOSB, At JOLx bKIliNER'8, Clîeap Cash Dry Goo4a BSore. Whltby, May ?0, 1869.21 M ONEB TO LQÂN I Tise undersignesl bau reccived- lnstruelieos te invent a large ëmciof sney. KBo Pa) able hiu one amn or by Yaarly Inotaliueuts, on le- provesl lFarme, productive o ve ,or Vilisge- Freperty. Rate cf loterest, 9prfn. Xecommissions. ~ ot Witby, May 26,15s e- P. L. Survayor, 59. 21. ÀAUC TIO BSNES Trboe toir o Ilisun lime, wtiota parlicla ot vaste dlrt or solU- i ofaàe kmud viWiýe4m UOr~ ,o<etts prosnptly 4csad eENBO~ £'W Tgs up,, PAgr . NITROUS OIDLAUGILNOG iS, LOCALANFSTHTC DUND-A S StR]ET, WalITD3Y, C. W., Tise undoit.lne4 baus 1eceive itmarotiona te luveut a largo ssOu*'fMouoy, Re-payable la ,ne Sumaor b sal ' - sataissset, ' n 'iprovâit 1'.smrrsu, or' prodtve ;Town, or. Vinag Pcati'. FirsOtcia, MoCgpurelsasesi. 0pp1ytetpr SAprii 26ti,1 86. solicitor,,duc.,Wiitb ï 1809. TIlE St1PERtB N19W 1869,, cNOR'SEM AN" EASu cxmaUcS15IEILA TUPS ZWECE NORTE SHORE PORTS PORT 0F ROCHEOTER, And viii continus ss'akiug siily.tripu, lesviug 8oosgL s. mui;' Port hlope aI 9;3C a.us.ý Ca),loia a W isy, Oshevaw, ]>arlington unit Nev- caistle Wednca ay momings;ab Brightlon, Tlssrsday morusiups, assu oborne every moiigectWelncsday aitrigeveu Peri t0< Resster daliy ut 8,p.-M., axcapt sasidays, viseusiseholoes u t 2 p. nm., direct for Port Rope,. Fous Faui-Appiv on biord or te C. Draper & Co., Whjtby - James O. ô&y, osha* vs; J. MaLulmu DamliingtenFP, Nicholson, Nevcastle; A. Cobirune ansitdao. Ecuslorson, Port Hope;' C. Elilct, Cobourg - J. Euler, Coîborne; Wiuuns & Baller, Brigisteu. April Luet, 1869. le COMMERCIAL IOTELP .AM.SOSHAWA. JM SPRINGLE, - Proprieter. F mNGIMI'eMENTS, &o. Tise unetrsignait bega bs ttate tb»t ho cou-' tinnea te usuisufsctame- Root, Seed & Manure Dirffs, AS WELL A WAGONS, HRARROW89 Ahi» 4LL ussua Os FARMING IJIPLEMENTS AL-qvun51 CELEBRATED CHURN, Nolet as oeeorftise best articles of tise kIntI manufeteresi in thuecountîry, unit bis huprov- et STRA W CUT 7R.1<no se aasy vorked,sud sc supçrioribu .e 'resçpcct. brutei CLORCIENGINM utaIhts inanuaa tory, h lie iga te ÃŽy tuât lie i. now anablei to1 mecnte ail orderowvilS viislieo mai'bc fay- orot cisespor, tnistI itli gpester ouppudtion tissu hitherto. euh Se gtlulmsc sry salisiae- tien toe cstcuro lunlbé queliiy of tise womk- mesfisip sud isalcriei. IV' Celi anidbese h. npwalorio Elgiue at o RDrkDk 1IE Takan la exeaaggo, sud Cash Price ailoved. .IAmmESCLAYTON. Wisitisy, Aprîl ~,18. . L 85 om W*an.4sfr"t~ad. Wlîby,8e~.mer22, 1869. T WîliBqI8T'FO'YR SALE i1 A fipn rs-"4u o MAUssk sou.y. ~t~taet-reJ mss - for iPort 'stltby SePt. an1the 4unt- isD IeLrâ iNCUhwluE.ce. ..2, Ifif LAgPQ~IEsent, qe rîPoýmjion fc t.r tise fut si.. iéo Lai, aF rd asinedpll poptoffer, for Mad@ let ssî mot ie'l be roysinedu ttse jtimeîof e V zyjrte, co hinife AgnI : D oimor- Whitby, ept.St m.80 E JROBINESN,. ROAL1U'"EL I8T, U TUe Pir st day of ocritobeý.,r, 1969.it Steln U o'lenonsder ad byvirtue of a Borof e oioutchin, na elieus, rigs, &orpvt iii bpure d ieUneo a datbyJAnuy 4, 186 9.u cranpaelo lssn sFîasdh e Twuiîpo Wîibj E- I rI of L o . 9,Ot cn. utse il W LBLIOF,. ELL UIT SPgW Aos cor, stb ote Paltn Mayhit , p. 18. 2186 rE.d fo eloBU(SOn, waf A DCARGO ST. EASTCAL fio Hqs e. WANJIM' l ABL VOIS Whity, Auuln4t lh, 18. 82. wi RIT B 'B 1 n cr 'e a i Landi1 Land! heatnto f h nov aud Wouei THE Submen<er offîrs tbm foîivlng IlIt cf BIBLES' and T andà, viichb isS oeilsouat a vilas und vîthopîtii t' FAIR VALUATION9-e O bs ouut At tisa Da3pc <, N. S lu2udBrancis Bible Socicty. acro.S eleareci. eoncesujpuof 4Epc, yo lactedb<the Dec4ta E. 3~ j.19, lu tiese rd concession cf 1lawbis c$.f builio, Plain 10 'cMes eleureit. .DessmtrZt jdAs.l No. 28, lutise lOtis oneesmiosi ofDarlingtonf , iltbyý,Joiy 21uiti' 'op ores lard No,1 NOIco., b; 2*o0 orclonWisîby,110M as '81-N #1.caret. (liTs FEON LON. 1000 mrsl emerin e-O WoesInDexloy. Bgstoinform lb. pojp 200 ar«a inLatou-400 acrts in BOIqSOIIh.bo ApplyPor ualy, or bylette:, pm-ai,1 Op. Book treté Jan ySi,15. sn ao I r PWIITY,ý Forsleos e;i; iat sud Sas i NUE < '-C MIlia sin of ;P&v BuIt. ~ pu li nvitei tthéis olcetstock of rE8TAMJ!MNTsf Pmsimu ihl metre, now te osio'ry cf tise Wiltby Tise stock iss u ose- iry, ilshûàrea am, andi Ro volumes in« varions< ,IL unit ormnîintul. AI. Gerriela Drur, atomé, N T, antarlo Bmn Vhf, utro VIS UÏ0SMAIU A weak aI f thise tis.Ce ofUMs. Msmnv tue psaa. nue uisailus tan vsîn nu-usa ariledbriitden*ih him alghe isore intise nsoulilsl * vcninin n sd 'isb a MissEllacrtswasnta girl Wb-'adis- ireulndinr. MiýiejOniy teises ing before, tisirý 4,Iwl431 4eef ro 0 tie oerai fpicsvisicis t e eci)4pd- bees~cogens1'ssLin hem admiraticu "of bis iuteliigoe.and usss4ineo&, eiio1had1 pncor5gee unppouis tisuht pè-ri6pà SU ing visbis cÃ" ofud milha dpros on tngugédit isi' mendhma ckl1-416eî vue' dpig:piticW. Tbo~1Ck wus sptis. door tisas tcdte s.MiddIoÇî ie(Ju lisback mi,, oward -bIe. qs the, ay- pr<sd léaniun lbeshe:sxi ofber'f* Jiond iuitesp1ly aI is, gaveriser eompsotopve W-a nrî cf owî Judes ear, and thonu' tcpped sud spcko té bim,' '1I 1 ' Do you liketit sort of vor%4u, Mr.'Main- "eil r'es se. I do, Mis Elfaorlis. I bohiove 1lam a '111,in my raite,',aajd b iis rmi vont spýd turin i ber.- Rer'cioeks biýancisad alle - 'Tour traitelV gsesait,:faissly. fUY Irpie,e8-,fls lWortIs. Thepro., nlieor mstth ldck -ne'déd nseudiàig, auJ L toit hum I coulit meutit'fcrhlm.'! ý- - Tise pArty cgrsualogolhu Aflor vondeniung ut -cr. Mis~lavsl uanitlaeigbing , it ,thi erpropoeda ride, !rhlero.-v0re three rlges- smoug tisa. _Ked Wiitkerisadjoinet ises 'What une ycu ubout hcre' lhe exclam- ed to Me. Minveli. 'is,' ,heradied, vison the latter turnc4 uanit gi;uce4 ',aI-iin. 'But visile, hem. yosu nigbtas 114,11, 4aJy -Ur., Muiuwall ercuiei himself iroms joining tise partysi. liey il eut avay, word cf-parîineg. 'It la veil,' ho muttered tôLi, lpe lIt mise csnttake Me 4à ï ansmse' wnnot', vortlsy cf MA. Tise man viso sseriaer me muet take me for myscîf.' Ho sîot and icekeid after ber- l'ie but tiséappeareit. 8h. ddnot once 'tom' ta look bsck. He gave isa shouliere a sisrug, cons- presethis lips, utterat s cynical 'isusmpis' sud tornait t finish bis ýwark. * 'LoI it bc m,'- ie rnottered, visen- ho vas tlrougb suit vas, uttipg ou bis coat. I tiscugisîpeérhs'psl i -tferont a woian qfteri, 'ov ' eurt;"' qt lotiseo., Asidl ~sIs isii-fwoaîîh, suld- fasion se tc, bus joitber soul Let ber go. He avoideit ha: thercq.fler. Ile 4d nol' mcok ber cye for sa ow of recognitjop. - Wis e isnotereda dravlng-roow viser.' he via be oult go cul auc ,tisor way., But hi vas More thoni oser lui »puIY of Net Wiittakr,.-Ned, is pusingtesud, fro betwoen Miss Ellsworths sud bissermi ed as a sort of 1iuk botwoon *tisam. - _ 'You are a cyuical folow,' sait 2fe4 opse- day. 'Why do'tycpt; tke-people asthey ara? You'l finit goot onougis u ins' 'Bul thcy von'ttuko menaam n.,Thut in tise trouble., 'Pois IYouse.oyourself tba aiseashoirs- uo éther suitora ta accempany ber. ' Dount yennec isaI ohé la alois., or Withis ie g!rls' Most cf lise tinse 7 'Bier berr i s full cf vanity V 'Pîsiaw1IShe !os bruluedtoleluxurlos notions, tlls ù.'aal. Maiuwell's, ruuk vas awsîing hlm-sud ebo ptage, cutaida on tise piazza utt ise lime Ibhis couversations w's golu-gonh. 'Qi' ise trunk.w*eroe tieseiilh,:G. M. Miss EBila- wor 'th, passedt tisIway, suw tise initiais- not by chance, for sise liait beeti acr.tih iziug' tise Ironise tisaI luyleguier in s pile:- -sud viun.ase sev tisejuitiale mise stust- ed a, turpe 'lne. 7-'1 ie recovared bear-, soif, sud vilisdrc wmitisber cospanionA* ltle may, asuýt tisn toot mlii'ant vatcbi- cd. Prsoutiyr. Miuwàellime, n vils Net opon ise piaizu. He -cbaçoe4 '1tom rnbis oye, 'tovasrià.ber,,aud their eyes nset-.niot for tise Oral lime-1si ese - t fhl iiehva t-ek-. Pn tisa ock. Bise dt ltoàrtsaw.%y,her eyem. SisOboveit.-flilifted #Ios Sut, The 'ice yu .nbrokea. ,He-ÃŽpprqàèbed hosto bild, ber ood-by. , was _ b6WSt,,thIie bvowba-i 15ewuvee'letai [w weeppsit, gnji5om on a rosacte ueatly, sud goe more thsýcisiiitren;-,but tisey vére iressiait *e' (moin u keepiug fit The mn wu vald Wmre carelesy, and eveis mor e pcor17Y. r09. i edb et 8busssd Mre )Wusweli, ly luther un I'taL;clfseérs sud sisters, gassi4 Mmms. smiJnb4si lI*Adngal 'parties. ',Muj'iveit'. çpty 0dslre ithoot 'Asi t tisof audosGecrgo, for rualn 'HlaveI nôoI&yoIý.t Did I not minro- duce yQo-f - 4 IfVjyho ;icre tiiope pIt tbç -vtering place r &sduse wèàty ii4 Imo batl QOis use :u-tb.iblliinrsI.fftê1 seved foraà liveli- b»od-mnvdmytr#leg Gecrge-nnd viso - -fancied nsysppearauqa, itrosoit meup, 'Youimtrwtme'< b.sait, vils ab 'Ai Ibisuanilisier my b., a sevn- ieL "'-Lhok for yèîiîi- f ainong lise clak aià t not truer liI-that vo girls uct i UijselF1iftýl hi.Blt ddascd il tiohitie leir. r.Bêgrouud hlm leebli sut tsrping:,as theAxîonmlusugls tise dcc: v=cton jybel1iid bina as ha> splaut: - "HI.'vite oôkff, ber bat, clcak, sud fors,'- flong bersilf down ut astalube,' and bqric4 her4fce -inhber pocket.banitker- 1Tise dcër vus oeied aguin, sud Maint- vweil put-iluib 1 b 1d.W 'Ytouhave decpbyed.uMe,' lie sait. 'But' come j yoq pçe My 'w le, adn 'lryt 18h. ,amrg ta lierA-fot aud coufroutç4, ý-'dtr *1,' uni-'?l se exciaimeit. 'Your vifr,-înddoos4 tc live mÃŽits qne w,li ioço,mqt Jo:.. lsqr but-, sa lunlove thbi ber circummtaûcos. Nc., air, yoo may wo ii hfot'flve'av ifie unlovet for My.~ seif-y-oun must iové ýus, or I vili 84Y1 Spusîll mork, fors. livïsng.' 0 , clédse4 'th4or,-unit retiretddoWq 'h li ii m t4'o -he -<lp"ýt; cienching his DIie horr!bledisg.rce of W ' ie suItes-, ait. siTiednisicn thâÏ viii be my Ilt.And thon 44 srry tacS r's Bqt at t;i treet.4ppr ho tarried. Ile hait a mtroggfle mitl>ism>elf tiere alfàloàe* Soidonly lie ttor'néd hkik tashed inlpelu- ctsmly usthé stuirs;.fiung cpeu tise door If 'cîsapeitfier e )Beiy.Io bis 'berl "My ife," 'v iwlered la ber os:. 'Socis you are, -and ove: shal b. before Qed sud bafosethemegrid.' 'Now I bégà io'.tb>fnV yo 110et bç slt Iin lusis fà'p. 6euos. elove ne ? '!on r eaUly ticuisàm ju do, Gréorge - gon1jy, c1espedý 4r amore ligistiyIq 'Coupe tison-;Bemise gh1thouosc cl ýpsi:outm as tismd, ao<rutbey are, Iisoul4 not - fuel 'sasanseà,t,1 they ure net rmI ý paronLsbut bave oe lla puyud a part ln SWsOsrIhave insîrocledthtlci. ShÏke hbande s ithtes, Iisey are oc mriy ep.. And - ç 1 isako bfisu4siSIheni, uud vbat'i mosre o'ie(i.ped tison. ganse,d liMais s'-'ý aI usutros- L el$ oser.o --,-0 1 Il ý ai.-

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