Whitby Chronicle, 23 Sep 1869, p. 4

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WKOLESALE *and, RETIL, 7LOU R, OATMIBAL, IN1IAXIX ÇAL Graha.m ieàsl, racked Whea<,: oplis Peau, 4&C. and al 'kiude et Ail F.d, nt iowest Pluces. Alorderapulntup îo4 d4$,~dpr HAUNCIS IBROTHIERS. whltby, IlaY l"th, 1869. tf.20 P AINSOILS# &o. 4L 2J L5 ik3 , B A D A OMM=ZNEWMIE LIA», A aLUi. .GEIUivii Drug toi.,Wlity J laît r.,eelvi a frosît auorlnent, oi now pet- tomsi. llih'peBeig. iin At low 1'rlooe. P3ORDEBINGO, WINDOW BLINDE, ic,&c., &CO -1 JAàtSIl. GERIE, 1 Drugglt, Whltby- &prii 7te, 1809. ' id eeay P. 0., 'Oounty of Lonnoz,i Con- Ont.,1 *lilc Caanao Inaa.oi I lroviIcu o'f iUluiro, Fois. lth, 1860. Ifl Rliq ite$0cerlity dtittdurliqilhewinteî of . 1866 1 was twen iiwlh a vsakncen f the tînkîe, wiiciiraduaglidrlng thle tprimîg uf 1867, extended ta îny kîtsie, sud ounp b îuiy hîlpe. aî:d 1i bicaîno vrais lthuai I unld înot walki, butt vus couflusti tou îy chatir. Fui about 1lwo years, vîti is ealo wesa nwax coubug on nie,# fieatrardsç, f souqiit medicai advîce, euxu bîtg dblýtcitimon, ttrso doctors, i-ide a tnorditl'srni kinds, proscribsd byfild.btOtnoavail. I couiinned W et 'or8ansd, woreo, uîîtii thé Ruminer rut11185, ebovhn 1 wus iduced tu try the grosi Simsîon- v's t oixicdy hy rcidiug ibhs cur.3s ucrfoîmed, ,;i s pouiplit. tAt tilîe lime I bail boglnu t jouilte voakiieese bu ce>-liaude; in it'ii I as - ,euttiiig asitsi lipîes. 1Iissuetlion Lwo hottiese oftisa Slîoliliîecs Rouitdy and two itoxcen of L lle il, aud i arn entircby rostorsil te itoaltis. 1 acier oxpwecitdtu «et boiter, but i-iinpiy 1usd tue 'nedeiclss na mort )f orloru Isope. Thil casne of umine -vas tnul a privato Aitc, but kuown to til my neigiooro% and trlsud»; sud to aîîy elte atlced ait a was, lise aoui>lu tgay47try lte Slsosiiohees Licubedy Sbelieve h vwiiicure yon. MARY ÂNN DOVGIITY. Sworn Io 5frs fceai fMcd et, &>enty o/lis- ings, titis eintà de>- ( . FbwtrV, 1169' : A. F. WOOD,, J.I'., &oc. Tlicesi,>-certif>- taiiat1lv&kncuwn Mie. Mlary- Aut Douglîîy for tise lestflittesis ycars-; sh itlaàa omnîfuproisity chiii trullis. l'tâve known lîier beforc<sulrug qs emucober 111- toeo,1Ibele liher certibicate 10 bc tric lu >îvory pirtîctlur, iiîow lita tîhleli -lice puoae vt.ascla4rcd lopolues; sîjîl Iilow- irhct dite liast, eaineslier îeeuveîy, aiwayis ttribbited ;jar reseerory tolu tu sombooiocss ieiiedy. --satov_ýr 4sua>- becte ppcaiar proyîsreloa ut tiiis tuodilo, oe us in 1,. crteist lis iiber eigles, il lhaitac.ed aiwnont-iko the perfoi inanice A as uslraeo --L 'A. P. WOOD, J.' ofrenttuie Connty 01 Ilastinige, 1'rovisî)ce Pr Ontario, Doiniooit CanUgada. 16 New Bakery gN TIN.Rt#Y .tlietie I, econa»tenltly propirei W AU wtliproiffiudaaliorderié lu tlîo 1lalkry std cofotloafyliti. Fruit, t4lu.'îîge, anîd osli otiier kiîîdsut <Cake, Tisri ant isceuits ol tliea bout uaiitv Ja î t lelklrdn lu ecason. AloLob- piers', Sardluon, Coco* Nutis, Uuger lBoer, &0. Baker, Conitectiosîer, &a., ]lrock et wlîltiy, Jnly 14, 1867. 28 JOHN CARTER§ LICENSED AUCTIONEER., ONTARIO, YORK& PFEL. 1-o- RE8IDENCE-Lot S5, @th Cou SALU a ttended oit tita sprMoet notleoau e -on rouaboabla terme. Termie eau 111puisclo ai , buil&primtiid<At dite Ch rckrle 0of cqfor rG L~arter.17 ~¶4JVR PlAÀN O-FOR TEI:&o. à 4no, #loi elw.r m aatosi c ompomiticn, V4 surà, 85. W- Au *eW#ar4lutsloT0r4liis 8 yar OF XEW..HAVEN, COI4N.1 TDEundflInedbavlng ieceefr4the aPPOIntmentfOf fida1'A8nea for North Insolvency. j ittufKte*4Mon ped.yp s1rttanoes prouiptly mae. On good faim security at 8~ronItzet~A.~ 4itention wlil b. given to the tnegoito f oatiu orwescnrl pon hsving théir applications attmnded *~~~~~~~~~~~a IMco adbt mrvdn u~poe onstaodloi sale. losuranme eMAJOR, OFFIC.-Bigolow'a Blopk, next dcfrP Opti, oo1 Çandimansk., 1'ort ËPoerzyDamb ior2 1. THIE OLD STAýN-D! [ESTABLIS ED 1na3e hi to extonded toJooe oid eatablsàbqsppi,for uesrl7 pouý q or> eaa desireà (o~ ~ ayta >.bPow oh hÏs l ogsnrtweoÏt t 0Most modem sud eloant And trusts by -proper afinaiî<oeaei s 'bo "ecure a, Continiusce off publie ,patonage. Pracical uplseing., Furniture re-stufod sud covoid lJndertaklng and, Fuüerals fuly Supplied -aà hertofore. HATCH. b BRO., bave received frorn Eng!mnd h stockt of, Enamneled Pro. .servlng kettIes aend steow p ans, froin ti.best Engliab makers.. B ILING HARDWARE, Locks, »utto,Hrng3esand cyerythiug requrcd Paints, OUa lassPut, Erts, 1MA0lflNE OILS, *0 eopeea splendid article alwavys on band, having sold noariy tbuvty bariola during s. at two sessout, we eau now gusrauteo qnliity, AnJý if flot a guantoed, we vili refond b. mouoy.. .Black Oi aiso for saie, by hoe galion and barréL. Hateb & Brothers for Children'o Cab. Ilvigured tbe County Rigbt,.at great ezpexisewe areprieàr ' ' pu it np lu an y part off tii. Coanty, being i superior $t t. old kind. Do niot <ail to ses simple before ordeiing your trough elseshore. Ail kinds ofjobbing in the Tin line done promptiy. Cisteuu pumpi lmported direct (romn themianufacturer, a large stock of beavy sud sbelf Hardware, Stoves, sud Tinware aissys,,on baud at 114TCII ; BUQTIIR, Whitby, JuIy 14, 1869. Inportereof Engllsh &kAmerIcan flardware, FurniNre for Evcrykdy fAT 0m-Some splendid specimena of picture Fr*inies, sud Remernier the Otd &Siaizd., WhibMcrlRa 9, 196Fla8.Iý" , R M. . 0 YDO'NýOVAN, ',BEGS TODIRECT .TTPNTIONtTO UTs lÂRêI'z*CoIPLFIT SOCK 0F OA&LRIAGESý,]RUGGI,&c O F TEBEST MIKE. CALL iiS'&tLICITED, Ne O'DONO VANe - ,Wbitby, .tuguet Ord, 1869 bIANUFACTrUIIEI>AT hiUE i. I NSOLVENT A~T 0F 1584-AN» ÂMEND- Agriculturai Works. LEFFELIS CELEDRATED Double TURBINE WATE R WIIEEL. ISEu vos? ESODIOAL vqgzc 105 Ii voit b trr 01)( wO wlî gîve an naranlea wbîh cash 'lidwarrantlog ilsem ïtdbe e-Weilmacle, sud to give as good Isatleiadiiou sas any maiU- fsctured Ili tuje Dominion. Paries doirlng furthor Information can oit. tain It b>-"sdraeînà LATon, TATE e& 00., Persy-Si., Port Ferry, Onit. - - .91. 1 - - -V w% w THE ihe iLd bargany 2t nov869. * THE tUNDI red b>- ac>m~ B:~ 'Opposite Royal ElRSIt4NED'BEGS TO INFORLM, TRÂT HE 19AS JTJST RECEWVED BOXE SPLENDID Eng-is-h and Gcainadian BeUCK - SKJNS Juàt the thing 'for this1 weather. Whiîby, l>- otb, 1869. TERMS CASH. C A-ST-L E FOXe REDUCTION IN'THE PRICE 0F' Fmily Groce ries fresh-, Cheaper thanve CASH- PRICESfAR ANI' -T0 -SUIT THE TIMES$ AT -TtUE SI<}N OFGTHEj Ayery larsment of Furniture, consisting of Chairs, Sofas, Beurea's, Bedteads, Tables,* &c., on hand. Ev'eryâtei h FURNITURE LUNE ryrtleite RADE TO OLIDER AND WARRANTED! Also re a.iring, ovingr and bozing furniturç, done in the beat and ma caeulmanuci'. UndàrtkIng ,ý ttended to and fanerà'lo mu B uppliedi1 Nos. 1 2, Caidwcll'o5 Block, Brook street Wiîitby. - Mý ESSeTELTO . jRM in hé ,ictt,'et'Us 1$HOUXan[ -Notiluele oel>-givcu, donttsonder and 4.> urine oa i e power veRtcd in tue, an Assignée urth hiboyé I iamed Ingobvi'nt, asdîier lthe lorov!14sio the ib ld Acit, 1theudsrsirued,- wilfei fersaio b>-public Allation, ut ni>- i 10, ,tîliaOvu eôW liitbyConnty ci On- taîbo, on Toends>-, ibis 2tdo daoftNovetubor, A. '. 1 ]laeia uai ef Io o'ebook, lu the af adrno1n, sl iae té e, rigist title and iitereat of tie4ai Ineobuut. luand Wthe 1ilowiilg PARCEL 1.-Baing part uf bot numbor tweny.esemîlu lta eeon conessin cf thé SI TwsiP ut Whibhy, bu lte Cnîtiut fOntario laid oui aptîn aa op or lban ttlocut, as iown lot ituuber "Vo, "It B ock- 'A,' ont Dnîsdae ottrAot, vesI; ut Braek etreei, in Lb. Town ai tilSby. heros le rôetod ou the ubuve ivo usitl ltope. -PARCEL Il.-Blusg a part ut lot unbor twenity seveo n.,Iihsecond cuncesaloît ufthé townsîtîp et 4 hitby, lutho Count>-ut ntarlo, laid ont upun a map or plan thercof es towiî lot noher »in ublock *A," onuDndix stiect, vosi utf Brook atutd, i tihe Town of Whiîby. Titcre le ert.cted ou thé abovea s io stor>- traînebuildlug, unedcea store andi dweiling PARCEL IIIs-llsling a part of lot num- ber twcnity-sevo,I,utho secon)d, oncesson of flite Tovteiilip of Wlîitby, lu tiietCouuty ut (on- tailu, kaown sud deecribed snpo.i. a mnap or plan ilior, as doit )oition of lot numisar savon, lu block '4,' viticlin e ituaisd a ic rear of lota;umillier tour, flvé and six, bn sail block 'A,' veet of Brook itreot, lu thé saii Towu of WbIbiby. Tiré b. ereeoti ounlte shiweea wo-siory trMe building, nud a -dvsiling. - PA19CEL IY,-Bolug s part of ot mnm- ber twot>- soven, lu the. second coisassian of tise eald tcvu»biip et Wihî.yp knownuds de- SJsler Eaq,1P 8.o Lucrn'~Iitié 1>- J:flthn flue,iiîllsiaii eghty.ivo, veAi of Drock lre.t, qu ,aîd jpan, >lr;ea icetdon ithe abusé a largo tvoaetory brik4diug, useti as tveïït7.sevonj, lui tisés o ooesfîiaof-tboe said iovnebipof Wiîtby, knowa sand tesgorib- edos aý n , stborepf, mjdo-' Jttgsier, ~1J~ AA f» four-a ovun lot u"=ber T, EkSTAI3LISHED 1807. TUIE MONTREÀL TEA COMP3ANY- - 16 «MIAL>RET O TRA-1 PflB c~niuud suoess~f ItisComa>-là oui>- sitributable te thé qualit>- aud pnrityof tbîr eT. le. OeraIuids,0iEasn Coe ,oiTs aeeosueeuL W dufrinipstot bD- lubos,à, antiupvards of , asut eimnuas a ushv ertlsaîony 0 tse uwli, ant"ýi pit>-of<the ras. À get Iia si iea .ffet.d by p2.m'(isiùf hrcfi M ntdtts'f and z~b ., sud upwarts. Ev ry pacage varrsnt,,4 $0 gise Aati*liction. Club gshr sud. senti for four py #yea6b ciihich viii 15e sent carrnage ftro$uan sEliviy toi th * Dominion. Tihe 4mono>-eau ac" bu'ondoîvry -<. I' ouitrlt to am i"4roasitdColfee, lud 1ani b. TiUsa's Warde, the li!, Eimgleb ukf«4 amB*~i L trog Ton. 45#,5O.;Fln.Fluo e w BOssasdo. me 0euiîit 0M.; vor Sel . FbaUoela#d do. Sm Ojsîsg45cilSiYW8icIdm, e.;yary Fss, » 9P Aj pie, Ble. SO., isec.,o yao0.,aui5.; ieMÇ chb F= dyertiq euedo. $11 us -h m IL k s r% àIl %e'3 %0 % NO'. 19 ON THE CORNER Best B.randieq, Rumi, Giti, OH -Rye', an 1d MALT WHISKEY, PORT & SH«â E RitIrY VWIN1ES, A splendid article, in (*trot,.good an-d chea,,p, At NO. 1, ON. THE CORNER. Butter, Eggs, and -Farmrus' Prodàucel- Wantsd. Wlsitby, Jul> 22, 1869. MIL. ~AD O NO. 1, -ON TUE CORNER. DIVISION COTJRT's' iIr TH COU NTY 0F. ONTARIO FOR TmE YAR' 1869, 81 No. 1,Whltb........ ...... .2 11i If 1 7 . U x e r i e , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Il *, 'avro..... .il::::...1? :::0 ....2, V;ltitby, Januar>- 16th, 1889. .- Z. BURNIJANI, 1 JL'ttOE. GOLD & SILYEL{ WAIOIIES, Colorcd and brin'ht Gold Brooches, Ear-Drops,Rig,&. We4ding Rings, spectacles, 8-Dày &3-b'lcinl great varicty. - Rcpairng carcfully attcruded to. JAMES 'JOH NSTON, W.sItchnsjpr &' Jcwcilev, Brook Street~ Whitby. -Whitby, b50,1869. Itaq, M.>.P. Jo ni mPerr y.Xq.,Whby D'o. Corbeil aud ituisy, OrJIbs4and tise oF, orf ut hoE-zminer, arp<usî> A MILLION- AN»..& WÀtT MONEY TO4ON of mnono>- invested in Engion securittîsa. toi>. vrestthp osumefor hitnlýnths CoanUes, on good Fari M rtrleo taores. . - ~ o ba 1 liti1l continue, tO rcpreacnstbtree af ilh largest .Mcnotary Int;titilions il, the Domfinusj tia fondmono>- on the.mon a vnes ale ch and au>- quaptit>- or WilJdde J r À u th c r p art cu l e ms , app ly t ,. > @1ouer, Noiary 1n!c eec OFFICL--Second Flt>or,- memfflian'a Bioeg ]lrockStret; Wlitby.. Augnat I4th, 1868.- l N. B-1 ao 1Wpiepared to invest inu iD kinidsO tDebeqntures. 1, . (4reenhaeko bonght snd soMà; niser'aIs.g qnantiîy lu Silscr for j4mio -- JAS. IIOLDEN. N tYIMJORTED IlIAN GIN&G H1E underig cga $ Js î*ioYM tue pu. T lic chat lie ¶üs prcî aeil du * 14T . cent scay in Engiund, n lot o" L I PÂPER lÂGN.4 Soectefi caretuliy by limsif, wblch lie lias oa.l sale at Véry Rjeduced Prices. sud Paper Hangaag, execnteo1l na wcrk inauikesud ~psitIus ia~ioras Ufuai. AC, WILSON, DuttdasStreet, Wiiitly- Wlxiby, April-8, 1868. .- 4-f BUTCHERS -KETO FRESIT & CURED! Tin lui SUIISOIIBER becs to iî.torm eston. ci*ersund ibie pglhi iltuabis Shop la cou- istantiy auppbld vitil Lb.. bort BMeC Mton, 'VeaI,La ;Pr,&e çr ry u arùfully dîsaasd sund joiuttd to suct hoIusekec-pers,.aud fur suis at .tue. losesi, prices. Çorusi flelf, ork and CI Toniies curéd.inn a uperior umiurnsî;nd ever>îhsag lu 7the vilulling lina kept éonaiautby où l~Ieimer iii. now Shop-betveen tho store, u issr.lsteitsud LoweàS- &powel JAMiES MANN, Nlîitby, Matchis th,-i8ov. 11 IMIPERIAL, Fire Ijsýurance 'Co OF LONDON. ESTABLIS.tED 83 Capital, £1,945,000, Sterling, Fonde inucted luiisa40500 JKtiItANCES ng-iiist lcm.ab>. Pire effûcled ou fb on yý,ourabic ternis. AUl lusses piid wtlouteiretceto:bc BoarLin Loudos. 1tiNTOUL l3iOTllEItti, Montreal, Genorai A&gentâ for Ciud:&. Agent-for VWjtby, Oshavae Dovmànvilld THE AIBION HOTEL, COrner Of Bruckk &Dandas gtr.eeth J. O. cP. Wltltby, Jan. il Hair lDrM OmzrAmo Bue. O0saav;a; nd 'ovnJal, iB po.-E. XElbff . v . LzDi» W. 'm (Urinczr ATT- ATORNEY AuWhitby ffnet 0of l'est i fl&EIC$TEB JFauicois anm PEINGE .&LE ,jHall. Fomtmr- SIl CoonuAi.r, Pucnnty Orovu Port Perry, 29 LYMAN DR.J S 'uRdzON i W- H- L TOWN CLkU T ic-Ti atteniton ana civiliky enaranteed to 1 1 Ic 1 ý ý m ý ý Amý - 'l . 1

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