Whitby Chronicle, 23 Sep 1869, p. 3

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adi bou.o, es or bemer. tsa aie S. mICHtAS 4omatnrof Cro' bto Whith and 1011 à a 80«Ã" M EGEÂI N1,IOS ' .flLLI F1RIDAxr &SATURDAY, - »EPTENDERt 241h sand 259h. Tbe Watson Brothers' Combination. FZRs- CLAMS VIETTCoiLP.4rIy. the B1'*vsn Uunv, the Champion Gyrn. nito of the, woridwilll appm ar .ao voung lu mais ORA? TCUAN1'ION hO?, Till JYLTIG MEN OF THE AIR!1 Ihtrodoing thoir own original test. A G IWÀ8ULT 711011 IIAI;Ds Tu 11ANDS IN MID AIR. Tht. iut lewitbont doubt, 4h. grofttoat oer com tboa b..n ronouced by the on- Gl oatis and Cnatdliuîi'rotw to 10 th. Mo111torrides dmring, sud gpau.Ii1 t*vcr 0én id&lunit. in givilig the Wtoona tihe Mon*e t théb. "Ciampion Gînînaita" of tlio wotid. The oompisny ailaàppar la à grand VAUIII ?EapOEAUEImm Vn., Negro Gong. edDano*,, Frm., IPa- ÂAdtfràll6 5c; Eeierved $enta, 50e.* »oofe open et 1, O*~miuoo.At8. HIGIE8iT1ARKET pRICE WECAT & FPRZNOHMANS SAY, Wx. WIiITE5?ID!t. Thi. ativia Exauufnition of TeAcliors for th. ioouty of. Qntarlo, .111li b Iîl l ln b. Goilinunar8411001, W-ltby, and Coin. mon 8bo lucîaîigî,on me 14M u~ie 150 h DtIo o oBII. Commeacigýtio 'clook. Al 'Applicant. mnat b. forwac4 Ï& the couirnoîîecnîeliî, isud furnith. ad wi'itl*tryTsimoaîi rom îhIr respective imlIt.ra, ot good moral ohormauor. Bouidof we4wpi>. . IL. il. TIJ1ONW D, D., Whlby, Sptember si, 1869. 8 Duràarxsaor Cnova LàmD.. Toronto, 28th May, 1889. OVUTCE le b.reby giron, tliaI tb.foliowIng. ..Ordora audreaullons havi bçen mod 1y1Jl l xclleucy 1h, Lloutenaîtit.Govirgîlu 1 (ouncil uder b. ilrac Grant.asud IamE atead A« t 0 8,"1 mid l'Tiie ubilo Landa *4 « 180,11by Ordir lu Council b.arfng date thM7h V aXy, Instant. -Olrr et.ad Regzatimo made -mndr 127M Fro orats numd Hometead 4o<f 1-808 » aW4 " T Publie Lands Act of iSSU," b1 Order o//s Fou41017/ the ~U.ut.an0- Goooror in Counit, da- ta z'rth, Mayi, 1809. '11it. quaitlty of land te bc iôcated -t ony Mo1qu es a Frorsfil, under "TiÇo Fr..ý Vrislsu omentead Act of 16,"1 -atubse- àisArIo the patlsfsetion of the Comriloner "ollfWi.Lands, Mont aux p.rsomî locmt.dor ho lblimed A foresaid lbas cot lây rosuio f rock, iikf# oravem po l0e os iaIse m oisde avalilt4 ir farn&iug puirponcs, the. quantity loegaled .ani su rus buni, onci'ad lu tl £i4crulioîî <or seoCouiiîissonr of Crown Itud.,le4ii Yisuo f acresi, nol oodlng acrîo n ct.i'rjii 0 J4; sud theo mlbond oh s-farnily loCAWsjor 5 e locate udeouclu th, die >Msud 2f-d 8,7 of JaMius, 1009, ablhldren miderelittien yCarsof agé Uhlm, iu . oso -o i 00 acres. ,'o a 2 D lOcatenuilor sall IstImeuîioised 13î, Oal 0 lnfa Mallly an:à fkire- 1041 acr"eta 0o.Us:s#Cr aro cams, Atîhe îim, - .0 anh lcalcn 'SIbsîl .1, samo reserva- Mions sud conditioni,, aud the ?srloxmunoo of thik ésaunasollimnt duties as ;arc proyjdod lu '«;monlof prie,a<rasât iocatioliss-by the'icti sud lO ti, ii h oîlu »n sid Act, ixcopI thal;it drceilgtiuO M'an4 liuing on lis, lund purobusol iWii Dot eho rquired. J.butén pon lan. imis B o vuilu Any Il7Orde(? cjI sîfor cîi» r Pjan, h ibadnotled or iprorad upon sncb7 landu b. tao. lbe,plnog or lIse rce.orant Act, shah li4 allowod 1 pUurobao*nid fondis,(vot l; oedlîg luquanutîy 200 soros te aMY op».)r.ou,> ut oein aumor, cash, îuoi ale"J e aubeot li the baune aOndilôns aud rmsrrstioqitsausore iPtorlded-by th>; S, sud lth SMcions o<oald Ad., ln u rs&~toie rossrît ).caion#. 4. Th* r ght la rescrved to lb. Crovu to cou - mty.ot.-On anr land Joetad unudcr id 'Ao, or solda.buerainbofcr, rorldd; aoy eololntloa rond, or auy rond lu flou 'f. orparîly derlstiug from MnY Drerumes ît ahlirr ssi;al îboriht o oktfrm ala Ja gy'wooJ, elliouç nk gn omp.uadoù or, t lin.1 or materlais se Initia, or tor goy ljufr -*com- slou.d "Iyl he oonalrucîlou 0f Mah roi isi,* 400h rigite.11134Y b. osolsdby theb. Commi ilonor Of Ceov* LUnds, o n>et iî,mol. oldes ete be Li"m, b1olie- aQu L &~ btor prorIsh, 4 do mako M"ZraUI el "unaésemary damage, An iWl isud@@,=cln o or, ..rjfor ( Whitby, Sept. 28j 1869.* h ÂSTLEFX BOOT #r H0E IWAKER, OPPOITE HE OMMERÇJIAL IIOTEL9 Whitby, Sçpt. 28, 1869. 38. SELECT GO 'OP'S, IN'-v,ý GýOLD & SI'LVER WAICHEýS, Brooches, Gem Mugi, Colored "andbriglit'Gol1d-- Eftr-Dropis, Keys, & Penoil Ca....ý %p»& firt Bouquet Holders, &o. Engllsh GoId platcd Brooclies and Êar dmp., B- lack -Jewelry in Jet and Vul-. cannte. Eleetroplated Tres spocus, butter Kuives, butter Coors, &c.. Cdlok lu great variety. French gilt liadeOClooka, muitable for'prowntaticun Ffreneh Fnaucy Goode j Spectacles W suit ail sght.. Solid Gold Wodding Ringa k - JÂMES JOHNSTON, 1Wlîitby, Sept. 23, 1809. Brook'Street, Whitby. WBIBYSTOVE DEPOT. Wood Stov.es, C-oal Stoves. Tom eustomers and the genèiral publie. I would say that m st ckmO otStoves sclected from tho Toronto. Ifamiltgn -and Montreal Fourd. rien i: completo, and larger tliin ever beore. IThs i. Fain lueonsqueneeof the Immpuse de mand for thein, 1. bave doublod my eupply, Ii3cluding, Arm$trong'. celebratcd IRON DUKE. By mâkiùg Stoves 'a SPolity I an seli the gen uine article nt a very lcw price. Consîantly iu stock, Agricultural Purunim, Sugar Kcutles, Dye Kettleu, Euaoeeled Kettles, Bru..KcttlI, DFAITOITY Sehool Ilous Bees, (.jstemn Pulmps, Apple 1'arei-9, Sm6ctingif Irono, Shoot qinc, Children'a Cabs, sud Tin aud Japan Ware, wbolesalo sud retaiL. EAVETROUG Il$ put Up on the mou împroved prinçiple. CO-AL OIL, pnrest quality. 9> Calia to put up Stores and Pipes proniptly attendi>d te. Cord wood, t'Butter, cld Iroil, Sheep Skins, cotton aud linnen rage, old Copper and Brus, taken iu exchange. - - Wlîitby, Sept. 23e 1869. N OTICE. -- Port Whitby & Port Perry IRAILWAY OIJAY A metiîîg of lir, stoclchoideof theb.Pert Wliitby uand 1Pott lern'y 1'.ilwaly Lompny *111 b. Ifid ut 11w Bo, daBoom efthie Con-ý l'ANT, L UTri oO WWiTaV, OU Tcosday, October lDth. 1869 at e o'clook2 . im., for tuai pu rpoxe of clecting ar of % >rector» for osoid (.-upar.y. .JOSEI'IL BLGELOW, 87-whllby, Sept. 15, 1869. Frisideut. C ALLB UN STOCK I 'Iffl PORT WUITOY AND pou litnFR RAILWAYGO-MPANT. Publie o o bolarehy iron ia lsite Dlreotora of the. Portil IItby"4ud I>o4 Por I ai.wy cSuipeir r i.da nd o-. lowlng cails ou ,.e ubcribed Capital Siolocf 'nid Ilwsy Comipany, riz '10 per, m.f# psyal1a,21#t Oclobcr, lUI. 10~~~ pro, igbo21.1 Dof" hr, 150s. O*dtaId..iTie pkyl 0,*hooffice or the, Comupany, 'Townaeoh Wvitiby,' Province or Onk- jO oy, PW,Ar . Pl l. Cor/ w NTnD.--Abautnt girl, te do geform hou»-wolAS,. LÂKO.t Wy~*. mai*,1s5 j, - I- P. ML MON~ WILLIAMI B3YAN. Oin38. OW;iPRIGEITS FOR SALE 1 Or Tas OILiIBRA7&ID CHEURN DASHE-RI A firaIrate chance 1teniaka o ney. 'B.IL11BIBDS Wlîlîby, Ang, 4, 18419. si. THOM,&$ MOUDY, LICESE A uCTIOER FÃ"R 1712 00oUSTrr 0F ONTA RIO. -o- AIY.rs lu ig (rviceOa tb h. punbl.cand vil! penlly sund cîrefuiy ,atend te il bumineus ti.nrusted t1Ma hi large. tsh uiiaded la aIl parts of the Conuity. Orders may bo lîft et th. ChronicloOffni. Wlilby, sept. 8, 1869.- 6 G0 T> D UEw-o Variety Hall & News Pepot IN T271 OLD FONT OFFICE STAN'D, OS H AWA. 6 --- Wbere viii b. foan«t. , bo upoeï"-an lii est Astock of vsnely oodw Ilrîtaileb pobd*1Wac,es <ockoIdl'a andGst' cwlyoilatylen and <&.c"H t1ons, 4Jâte.ly smfredfrom Nelw York whib abetMiqe erpuýblIshid 000 - w ao direct trom No* ýJ ' 1 rk. 1 _y afod *Io o cents srà aab.uhhawe.nîv zuy bc 6inI wM llCJui,%,t cailmaoSte.Tmitrecei- Ttî * i T T G.rasey hlivrgoe 1(w uiq& l rle Iai roN'i ofapch axoileuIquIoy. liaI i vioIlnvIz. herai Who have I rWA il,tiré he rlre brooghe Tolaad.iflTex 40 ll il Io rhuî:î il. f the aiytghesi" lIb> m tîc 8,-egao ail Cilers lu i, ,Ynow or&%r -otp* zcuenquait.,tatait Wh Ptibeei a mo e-y wjlo anin1114 ug,ZQas toil . SepI. 9M 6&M on1,1t iie9th T-s,'ik l'vey u88, ï FALLI~PRTÂnÃ"Ns; --.-.i.--"--0 New -od! ewbod We beg to intimate the-rivlof 'o'rFi Stock, whiehiis thé lrge&7 'ehiwYe ever shôWn, fand whicli we are offeing at prices dey nîorable cornpetion. T. Il eMILLAN & cO Whitby, Sep'.il3,1869.I > DIRECI IOTÂ1TO 0N S. R.0 &j. cAM. PELL Are 'nowopening their fi&s,. hipineût'f'new Goods, co mring the latest novelties and greatest vgriety they EVE IIAHD THE PLEÂSURE 0Fp OFFERING INe DIRESS 000SPRINT MANTL£8, &c.9 * Oj'An early eall is respeetfully solicited. R. & J. CAMPI3ELL. Whikby& Manchester, Sept. 1, 1869.- NJEW FA L LUB AT 0OLD- No'. I Y. G.-Tn returning thanks to ihis customà- ers and the publie generally. for their past'favoir, would intimate that, on MON4DAY, the 13th inst., lie will show a new and ço- plqte ossortment of STÂPLE. & FÂNCI DRIGOS Superior to any stock that has been offered ]eretofoXe in this market. Cail and examine these goods before >urchasing else- where. Spociat inducements wiIl be offered to amsh ciitomers. 0î'. Fresh Groceriés,- New Hardware, Good Paints, Oils, &c., &o., just to band. 'YE*,AN GIBSON.. WVatted-50,000 bushels of ' Lai'Iey. 300 tubs of god Buttei. For which the highest markêt price Will b paid. ,AT -ÂlT .£ A LR1~STOOK IDry' Q; oods and Q-rocéries, --~ ~..-' a- Yor leix T&,WUIIOMITRAY cONÇ,E' -p Witb. Thesiibseriber, haying learned by actual experience, that the- 18RÉop -D!,n, ieàanfit t- gY VsTdeW F om l, DETEIUIINEDIEREAPTEP.TO CQND-UýiisCT SIAgES ~ypè~ C~wkPrin iJe HIe .would. therefore- sYto inendingpurçhasersthatL-ie wil! AND-EXAMNEMY STOCKOPFEI Flour, Provisions, Crockery, Glass ad Eartbenw are, &e., &e. be1ffl pii*bhung e hebee. A Ui*tintegritysund fait, deaing will bnld ~'O CAS8IX1EM le i!.Tàwn,l I am Afterit The highest cab,. priie adfor- any-quantity of god irkdn's cf BUTTER. 001«50 iB.yrenàa &uw &4 .,oppoSitt Eobsu HIonu,. .,CLEARING OUT 0F SUMUMR STOCK 0F' 80 PCENTS P$'R G LON* Ginger Win, on draught and lu boMtes. Heieunsey'tf boat French Brandy, on draught in bottles Davios. Don Ale, in 10 gallon packages, &on draught -Guinnesses's Dubln Portèr, POU RTS HERR&Y, SYImir S, And al kindi of LIQtTORS. GROCEIUES, Best French Vinéegar sud Bottled Vinegar. TEk asa and Bacon, A FINE LOT ON HAND. R. . JAKESON, WbiLby, Au(f. 2oLb, 18611. Diix»~s STEEET. SAE Tho ýDýry price. for two Goôdi stock at'-and ,undér cost -AT- LMMEDLÂTELY, 23000 TUBS. OP ýighqes priewll1 b. paidat',Old No. 1. c' WÂ.NTED -- -7l' )teo c 4 tcrAlmmovaneîifor ýs of the. uaim Wesleyitu îround. h.e Couneli of tbis-Corporli- p of. imkrig, lia suCds 'ape. l'or rosd Wl.e'.ulot. i9i'-m5olqfain at preseni tlieý?.Sbuh' 60 ut n'te nid -_ca»tcrly e-t 5 liks 1tbone Ntthon- . 8 est 74 and 81 liukpI; lieuce., . a W. 8 ch t La- glue of iegi nUlug, -tqs Wthe itm band01ha hiebýy red lu thIiknteffi of thc Mali, Wcal.>au iltliodlag buýiluggrouvd end ticir ilwr%giïo notwcethsathe îbor is -atru, coyosy-iav proposed lo b. naaaed(Dy thie Cuncil of lhe Corporatlca or Piickcring ut ils next-mecctig, to lié held on Salurday,.da. 88ti day of Octohpr noxi. JIZCTOe BEATON, ,Tovneliip Clark, Thsl' vrusaIle Prope.ty lu flic, Tow-u or Whitby. lyil;goppositc the Sone <burcb, on_ thei. fo m.-îîatjin' sud coint.4ng 1 ace' Aisé Watcr Lot. 2 sud 18, eo il"onlrs apply le GOL» & iBMIVE. PLMtR, Old poor. lorio, crues, &0.,raplated w1tî1 Sferling Mliver and made equ a 0noir. Braocie. rogardchaina, vatclcft serngs7 SCariuge vo k on the ibortat 1otie, Whltb,, Aagu#aEh, lut9.82 D.F. BURKE, Yupliy 9ocer, Wiiae & Spirit dealer, N,2, MIOHAIEL'8 BLOO, KING ST., EAS?, OSHIAWA, CROUKRY'& GLASSWAIU A à-WKrL ECTEV STOCK, PRESI[ TEAN, OF ALL KINDII, SAs uiîeai sa any buouse in canada. . A-UL Il COAL! EaennrBELLE" nov uoadin«, sud rcudy for deîire-,. at th ir. A01P BAOOE ST CoA!. fo i fouse us tl. -A PPiy t o JOHN 11KEITII. -Wbil;.ýT 1 unsllr 10." 1 2 DPY$IORY !B ,Tih. altonton of the 'ui li ivited it. lb, 1 new and weoil cted tclock of IBIBLES uidý TEST'Al[M~T. PkPI Londa.j -L 1 r "31-jiý-&Zjivl oý'jR

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