Whitby Chronicle, 26 Aug 1869, p. 4

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iSif. store, Whltby. G 1INGSI DOW BLINDil Hl. UtiERiE,' Boxed, eéts, Sheet Magsie, Perfunied Voôilel FANS, SEC RETS OP TUE fxPEAT C1TY~ 4ATEST NOVELTIES -ALWAYS ON HAN]). Outr o'oda are cbiely in Britishi Marketa which we bny at Iow rateo, sa wilI bc zold cbeap for cash. May 26p, 1869. - us URAD A~mLAOFFII~AL SSIC Ee. 188i v a t W h a k f th,. T underaigned bavting recceived thxe appofnitnfnf of OnkiiaI Assignoe for Northx îpkI.s, Wbeh re4iM~ Îng the $%pring , Ontario, Io prepared te give prompt attention to MIl malters a taJlnkroptcy or W?, at.ae4î I~x J n c ri d up te mm.l Tnolvency, w Promissory Notes and Accunta speodiiy collected.and remittances 'u4 , and 1 beianie st weak Ibu eul nosi prompl ade ~'ulk, but vas cotigitud to uiy chiir. For aboul plym e .,wfi yasrto Wh;Site xwmkllt*o a iacow»t, ne MK ~ *Uilloy: nt di& moatin, S rs.oi s rumçnd èuaf lIeentki4# .rr.iba On pod iara-Keeurity nt 8 per cent Intereat. 8pecial attention willI b.given 1*tbe by<rendahutf novaiLI4otli e o 4negoclation of Loins, and bori'owers oaa rely upon bav'1ng their applicaions à4tended ,verte m uvoitathe hi I!m e wnner of156, Q rowptly, and t i3 mâil czpcnse. ttas ?a.4 tlraoe Ste ary, e g f hone, ane ena oh mrv d uni'nproved eonstantly for sale. Insurances f4 aup.. 1tiaSii id eu oeft ct4ln tbe Ontario farmers Mutuml Insurance Company. ~hlaa..vskes.la y lîade lu<seti vaB. MAJOR, tef»,oitlm iahoea' Remedy iw4 tire IO- giv' loknext door te Sba Eoyol CadtaLn BO~Wa a4e at Vlit bout of Lt.eilland ira oet1i rsa torea,50 lPort persy, Decomber 2, lUS.8, licaili. Iacierexpeta o&etlitter,but iltp>ly trIai t ho mfiie siuna ot f fe frlera hbopii. Thiiaeg*o of iii, vpwgxll)ga privâe, ï0n te minwu l 1 nynet blboranmd' MM) o &ord ai a.tatMdoe, ount ij ls*- 1horety certif7 that1I blaveo ktàçwtilttU,. Just arrived a splendid stock 'fS ig, and MaryAti.Doigi & Wtig lut IfieftenYearî t ' r >»hoina wooJofprobity, andt rth. o 1 iàie SUMMER TWEEDS1 &C., AT TIE ltaowu lier bufore,,dningand silce ber 111-1 usia. I boUeve beWcerktilelto b. ttis lai .voey puertiuj&r. I know teS vwhiliI lier, duo w» deolreit oole; and 1 know thut, %ho bar, îl10" ber recovery, elwas a ttribtadG N L M E 'Â I O I N M~r .rsieevery te(ie Sîoiilonce, tenedy. 1' I iN ' rA I O I G Wh.tcv.Jr abM x, pocuiar proportie@ eof 1 jihs, ng Leg aprtai», t le ltinJ ý éos I dia waaimotjik thîe porfoi mence:AND , Ï!V RNIS IIIINI. IOUSE Wîrden of the Connity of 1 WtlioU Prvinc QOMMERtCIAL-'40ITELI.- OSHAWA. 0 HNATER ICEt$E'D AUCTIONEER. ONTARIO., YORflK'.P'RÉL s.'runisting- ooas oî cvery, description, embracing-Shiirti, Collaris,. Sooks, Braces, &c., &c. LNO FIT NO PAY! flrock' ai., Wbîtby, March 24-9 1810. the1 WTHE TAILORING DEPAETMENT côntainuE Scotch 1 Engliaji, andi Canidian Gootis, whicht wiII b. mmade te order, in SI andi aStbelovwest price. . Habdrdaabryin ogrtvaricty.. MAET IDRXN BDYXD. N. B -The sùbscriber intenlds retiring from business, -and of:- fers thé aboie Stock-in-tra4e frsae - t oiso (i remies fr a Serin of years. Oosbiva, Miy 19, 1569. WILLIAM DIOKIE. 40 Sale I Gi'cat CI~ariog R.&C. AMFBELL Ietoaonce, in consequence of MR. JAMES VCÂMPBELL, Daig started Ifor'the BRITIS11 Markets to purchase their laul Stock, they off'er the balance of their - .eummer tJress'Goods, READY-MAL>E CLOTIIING At a great reduction, as it is désirable to cicar them off, in order ti make room for tbeir Fali importations whicb la intended t o bc on a- urger sel. (ban before. GROCERIES.-They direct attention to their Imported Teas, being much undér rogulor prices. Extra induccments offered in 5 and 101b& pircels, Currants, Raisins, Rico, $ugar, &e. 00-= Wanted'2, 000 Tubs of Farnmers' Packcd Butter for the Liverpool market, R. & J. C4MPBELL. Whuîiby& Mancb9ster, JuIy 14, 1869. MllIinery, i> ALEXANDER PRINGLE, 12-ly 2:ý- ' PonT SALlt5attenstectioa SIe îliorte»t notice, Ai on ýroeonmbl tle ein. Torme eau bie madee mc bille prlnteit attise (Irouscle offIce for Mr flSF.BU KE, 9- 4~RCKRY&LA3W~~ ESTABLISJIED 1833.] 11A WELL gizLtetID STOCKc The undersigncd iin, returning thauks for the liberal patronage )PRSU TEAN,- hitherto oxtendedto t ioldt àtsbliaihtent, for nemrly a period of forty ycars, desirca te onytSho biu now On_ band a large assortinent of thse moit modern andt clegat 'AsR choc apan v loelu nda, «0 And trusts by proper attention and moderato prices te secure a Nîý 2 Ç mny ouse i21 coMa~tnce vof publie patronage, Practical itphoIoerint, Furnituvo re-stuffeti an( ]PUNDS FOReocd in vosm en .ndertaking and Funerals Fully Supplied as heretofore, mj ~~wà TRS ~me Splendid s pecimeus of Picture Frames, and Gilding. rýrJ£ TRST AD LOAN COMI'PAN baye <nuit for investeut, ut tîteir Vouai Remember thte Old Stand.. La eot uterent, n 'u eaeur1tY id Iuspreved Loins uticit for flzcd pariadg, or repayebla WbitÉy, Mari-ch 9, 1868.lOy bymnthat1ii lVfii'ortateioi, can b u, iat y l e ddob refrein < ie('swslur ~ <rcnLJ~ïRANgJr, 11 ,Thev (Come 1f utie-Brook lttroët, < 'litbj, 50pS1M, la$$. . - - - FR7.J.-FST TIESU SORIbEiiRBE INOABOÇUT ,TO CLOSE, lP TIE T~OIZ PAO-O C, r 0é'k, ervyGIAss &Eart e w r q r en warojye & Tzn4,-Istrcton onplmé ff; A y Poetioû of bis business willf rom this datesellîe o , le. trguroute.the, ropld IO ST, (NO0 ;H UM ISUQG ) zih< Mrch lot, 1809, - - ax.gains can be uecured'by an early oeil, ais the, stock is coni,-' IM~Tfl&~1fr ~.DiX~LYplein in everv denartîunLt #ýmýj U&Q8AAjr1iAA49 8 EWlriu&VEN, comw a i ad. -SAallpjrofits -and upriglit dealig is my mi>tt0._ Try- us. 0107 i'IE MONTREAL-T[EA (JOMPA'NY 6]fo.HSPIT&j,,STREET, MONTRE4,. çd, ofoal s y 10,0 bnt bi e t ie ey smat i quw tjof(helr Tineà'n, atiip <encfut fd l oT1re eliaie. bliea2nut ho 1ffereut parLa o thfpéo- anti ~ ~ ~ ý 1,rt !ts e.Akuadetmuesct i aboya, bearing tetlmony (o 55 im( sud umiî-sm ivsngcu bec4'fecscd b>'p;vchs#u igdirec e s atise sulJ. d 'do $0 ycyuekamvarmsa.#e fe asllSosa.Club tegotlie ad sent tor four or lvae 511,. emties, wisilik iiibu ea4t crraire , 50 mu o &y Esilva> Statiou n lthle Dominioni 'Ilise uioney can b.e olloettion ulalhvcry. » I Ti,'or(oi rudaem eioiSelel nti dbIb. Tiltsaanti npwirtisthegIavour cf wielni à 4ronai!' lulone, anti cîci> caewarrate, Stulbi Tesmsmd4bor t 1bsC,(Jg.e* - JILACK TEA, En~~b~ ~ <1<, aoc; Vey FiFia IJdcd very liseS »5Jj5 , ; lise45v eue d. MU jI -Pd Tmas. My, 0.584 ec; Y Saw a4tO7 No. ~, See.i lie 5, 55e,~ lie, 8, DAVIS'$ DON ALXeS IN 10 GALION KREG5S , Fine old 'Malt and ,Rye Whiskeys Cross and Blackwell'sSaueTadPikesI WORCESTER SAUCE.GOKNS INCtJDniG FRESIT LEMONS, AND OTUrER FRUIT. m Whitby, 3une 29îb, 1869. Du"" sSruxnr. ro DIVISION COUJRTS IN TE r COU'NTY 0F,0NTARI0,1. 8 , Manhster... nc..... .....2 ... a0 " 4 . U xbridg ....... . . . . .. 17'4 8 5 Caniington Il.....8 f5 .. 121 . 6,~~~~~ 2, vc9t.................... 0J 7, ~~1 Atrl-............. 1 2 . .... 7. Z. BUENRAM, Wlîitby, Jmanary IGth, 1889. JISOOL G IEAT CNLEARING SALIM, MeM-LAT- Ztraw Goods at 50. per cent.- discount. ]Linon Dusters, at 23 per meit discount Musilins and Sunimer Dresa Qôods, 25 per cent discount, T. Il. McILLAN &Co. Aldwell Aleim prie. condi- tion. Joiy 7, 1869. McMILILA2N & CO. emimera bonglit uni S>' 01 Silver for,.ume &EWLY IMJ TIF udcîiged 'cg teiluitbe .pub. cent ai»> in Eu-on ni, îalot if SPLEN D1 PAPEIt i,lNGINOS, Seiected cartnlly lby-lii !~h iha»j=oni cale aS Vcry Red oced prîea..l- sud,,Paper HangingÜ, excecust iàaàwork ms4liko uti expcditiuub munxcr, as sal. - A. Ç-.ILSON, 1Dirndus Strcet Whftb, Wiiitby, April 8, 1968« r:BUTCHEP'S MTI FRESI &C{RED I Fr"il1 SUBSCRI13ER begs to inform n stom, -à c rsisnd the public that bÏ $hop ilscous. tîtantly cupplied witlc SLe becS BeMuitteon, eaI, laib, PorkX,&c,t PrOP6rlY sud eefnlly dremisd tijolatedti t suit boncaekeepers, ent fur cale a ntmeloep# Prim. Cone ]eef," Pork and -Cx Teige. enret ina a uperiorrunmer; antie vcrytbiz.g ,ia t4 VictuisnIlipe kept CoutaistlY 04 baud. ffl eambrtenov Sbôp-bctwôen 5h.L stores of lMcsar». Ietut Lo ys&Poel Brock StreeS. - cm_ owll JAMES MANTI. 'Wbltby, M rc SI, 186C.' 10-7 Fr Insur anceLCo Fire Insuic. o El,945,OOO, Sterling, istc& a ncd-15OO ESgane loss by ire effrS.4 et lesoîrabl t-ernus. Ai ]ase eferece te thse Boartja London. GOLD-1 &"SIXER WÀICIIES, acudb £]ID C1172 osiârien the inoâ puti 1thont rer Colored and bright Gold ýAg.esfru M Agent Ifor wuV Rings &<and aurroundîa Wedding Rings, TEE A] ,jO TSQIOS, G-deCorner of Dr S-Dy i SOllur lûca l ~eatvarcty lepa ring carefnlly attended to. J. 0. itcpBâ JAMESJOHNTON,. *iLIteo91tlý j4MES J01ISTONe« Ciy, Csurfornis, Waternskr & eweler, WILiiby, Jiiu. li ;W tby, fit, 1869., Brook Street, WJO]y So.4,15Oc. per lb, 'ag Mr. J, Uatano. - - - -~ A. V. Lausi~s ~ (Iktci, Wli.~byJan. CflA~l --------------- Wliftby, Jannary 16th, 1889. E k5TA13IISHE- D 1867.

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