Whitby Chronicle, 19 Aug 1869, p. 2

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V ~ w k~4v." &e9ffle tu psmuI o02,006,081. T. uit bm jdbWms900Of the bamb l.thoram ron " as ioat .U; o *5$66,2623, sud <o ammtoit hébêtaseof P?27M thoravers botes sMd mai mtate <o <ta VýIam of$1,_. 4400,828 ;Ilug, 1 Ir téots wers 'aiH goa surplus of $i119,820. This ex. bblbt of thm affaira of the bookb b i. tnoiworiby autbority an Kvr. Yarkcr, nmut De mtidrdm mminouily satlafuuioryto We la ltisrntl he. niait. of the baak. h so bm évalus of thm Bsh aoob, 1r. »ompmative of aIl doubtfai .usd othor out. Pt sadlug dobt. due the batik twb. worth 19 imnt& le the dollar. -Thora.la on** p9saimmot wblob viiib. reed witb regret, thm aboracion of $10,000, lu nome nz- plainod Manar, front Ibm inuit. of tbm back. The mooumi, ovoyert le compar. sîioél sualit, and ibmlous al ajet ha pro, pmrly aeeouued for. On tbm vbolo thoa la cause (or oecgratuaston ai ibm rosuaiof Mr. Yarker's ozanaîlston, aM Wall 84 ln tb. prospoots of lthe orîaiq rnaumpteof 1 bualuma by tbm bauk sai«au mar idte. r - REPORT,' - Toronto, August 1l, 1869. ,ToPwu lra Eeg .Proident BRai CanadianDBank, :1oront - Sis'-Ao roqeqsted b>' your Board cf Directors ilh bave ver>' carofull' examined <ho aiesteanad position of the Bank, sud luspectsd ibhe llead cie sand ionie!f te rmont Important Ageuclea. Mlile Imupectiug I found the bocks sud fieconiLies properl>' kept, and lb. «ahi on baud ngreod vitb the cashbeoks, ilh the exception o! the Meud office, miiere the roscrit cash vas fo und to bu *10,000 ahort. Tlulsauni busince been charged te ixrofitand loas account until the res- ponslbilil>' for the lots can bo ascertalned. Fer the purpese ef briauging this report doun tleas laie àadule as pessibleo1Idoer-. red examiuing-and verif>'!ng liestate. imeula of Llabllitiea and aset liiili e close of the menti o! Juiy, *1 thon check- ofi &iltlb.items front ithe propei bookisnd -vouchersansd !ouud ibn correct, an fol. lovi. filatement 818h July:- Capital authorizod b>' Act.$2,000,000 Capital paid up, ......... 1,18ô,878 84 ?romianory uotes lu circula. lion............ Due tie cher Baukas... Výue té depositets ilt bear. iug Interest........ Due odupesiteus bearing Intenest,............ toal.............. 19042 08 181,551 70 -891.480 47 485,581 g6 Coiu, bullon and i rvinclinet's*840,820 37 Bibis ctbeu b'uka 87,427 05 Doueb>' cibr"Il24,885 20 Total...42,0,841 62 ixovernument dei bentutes,5 and 8 pur cent, at pur .......128,011 10*$558,252 12 -Notes and bis diccoutcd. 1,409,748 66 Landed on otber properî>'ofcf the Bank............ 18,894 05 Otiberdmbti due ta thc Banuk 23,400 17 -T&tI................*$2,005,081 20 On lie "Notea and hillsa- dlscounted" 1 eaiin>atc tigeaBank vili bcloge 818,0 Un becdravn accoontn 1 estimate tie Bank willo..........$10,641 113 'laos e verdravn accouxité nmounilng te $20,045 10 are net luctuded lu 1h. statemnt of-asseus, sud lu order f0 bal- ance, tue mmount lS deducîod froni total duse-depoaigcna. 1I ink Ibis mothod piould u errnd. Tiere ancltihre morc overdrsmn se, 'ounts-ameounting to *29,987 00 uaud for the pporpose of buying lie Bank stock. &evon huudred and ivmuty-tlie abares or *80,280 cf fie nominal captal Io' beud pigainîl <luse.accounn. Thuis stock vas pipparctly brougit op froin lime te lime lu tbe iuppoaed lunerai o! lie' Bank mhen 'tbe stock vas oficring freel>', snd 1 could aie neovidence e!fau>' one person boing hiable or Yesponslble tborefor. Ufidor tie bead dif other debta 40i th. bauk" hlauciuded au amount oelaidng at débit et "PÏeiimlsary Expense 4400ccui"! et*7,2 Th'Ii laithe balnce of aner>' large accounh t o xpanses la esuabiiîiîlug- the Bi.anudh tink sboubd nov bs vriiteu ofiL Tbora lasà balance at debit of "Profit and Loua accoani o!...... $79,008 il Thii.balaucm consista o! tho *10,001 - - minig front lie Toronto vauit, sud mua <ho Bank vas shsietof profitsansd otitfer çharglng"Profit and LounAccounîn" vîti 000,008,b.lng lie oid Board of Dîreclon' oistîpate f o!s ou "Noie. sud BibIs din- - 0oqufpIl"lih vîlIb. obecned I encu-case thst es4mAte of lbas by $148,800. - The oqtowiadug drafts<"e, isued b>' aiebauiç aMgpf îsry trifing anisuni, aud eaving t<b. pj»ghsse of <he Bank stock as 00 muci mo>' ra;ïrodutrsl. ioeked ùp for thi. rosenu te e lite "Idta uli Rf thie Ba n pairsd hp he emufL, 844qapsfe4of àma&oof, " o u i'jjq<pms flQqp ", si 64, 00 O dipnuaieai SiuelMesra tbarkod bortly afier. vardi. - Lindsay, August 17, '69, Arrived bore buif pat sux, about one hundred excursioniots on board. ' Attor- ne>v <louraIlfPcouid left Iimeédlately ou arrivaI o! boat, by apelaI train tor Port Ilapo, a largo addîilon to t<be ecun- sien exp;ected freib is place te 'Psuelon Tàvwt.a's Consuzwàvîow zTzoor, vill pmn- tortu ibis (Weouday) svening la tbm Meobàsien'Hall. We bear Ibm b làgbsni ouooium ron sq sjides, Tboa.wbo bave sesu liv. Taylor, prononce i. tbn mont vondarfa dmlilnetor of meceatrie eb araclens 9bal @ver sppsured ou tb. stagm. Tb@ other. members of tb.e onipany, iniudiug Meus.aSpaukM an sd Barbu, of the HèousOpera Troupe, aru bemnelvea pmrformmna of 5 iies biity. 'o' el Aâ s>Acrnnsuv occnrred, oi Priday eveulug lunt,' by vbieh a finue littis boy, aged i1luJasmp e elatsesi "'ofKM. Samuel joues, 8îh 000. of Pickertng, let bis 1fs..It sppeans bo'vas going le open the gais b allow iho-borse tu Pau lbrongb wom hit icked, litite -mp otlittile foi- tgv lu the bovsi. -IMd..i ai'V" 'at euces pneesrd, but o! no avail. -H.éiiied about baif au bout a&fier b.ag kioksd. DoxîsioN lRmsuu vos IL.-Tbe follc.lug le a stomeut cf the, revenue!e tbo Domiuion for tIb.mnouîf Juliyt- Custome, t622,416 1 exclue, $244,68 4 peetofficea, *46,9031i publie vonki, in- elediug nsllwaye, *120,103; .bili..staip' 781. Tonus RoîsTaÂîxoiuACTndem ot oleppoar 10 hoaitriciiy uonipllsd vit lun'many pla- Coe s, a e vouid .vara partie&, <bal <bain nsglecî nis>' lureofter reoat in serions coonséqueucesi ote<enelven.. .Perlons u.giotiug to oompily vimbh.he roviisions of the net arem hable te penalies if Uic>' fait te neport le tb. Division -egistrar, a birtb vithiu tbiriy deys &fier ils birti, a deatb in ton deys afier the eceurreucesud a niarnlags ninety deys afler lita acemniza tiout whici laitertm o be demie b>'the clergyman niarnyiug, The suie!ofeuoncus. lu te b. pald <tiithéRegisiror for even>' auob notice. Youus Mxs'sCauais yAssociavre. -Ai à special meeting of lhe aboyean. sociatlion held ou Tumide>' eveaiug lait, the B1ey. Mr. Gibba sud Mn. Moenmt vero ect.cd delegies, aud 1Bey. Mr. Macbeunan sud Mri. Hickie an alennatlves, <o attend a conveution o! theÂAseociatiou e! Ontario aud Qoebee, te b. bcid- lu ilamilton, on the 8tb and th o! Sepieniber nezt. lb. fclIoving resetation of condolonuce van nioved b>' Mr. Resu Jobuatoa, and aecouded by Mr. Kirkl'aud s #"Thas thet 'îYoung )4@P'aobCris doan 'Asocloicu' heteI yexpresses lus beamrt!elî sympaihy vluh Roi. K. Maclen. nan aud bis beloved partuer, lu Ibeir lale sad bereavreenu, sud truste ihat Gcd, lu Ris hlait. geeduis, viii inilaun beir mnda vitb tbe consolation# of the gospel." Au adjourniu ebeau moved <i lbh 23rd cf Sepletuber, vbeu a report of the proceodlugs ai tbe convention vilI b. pre neuled by tb. delegatea. Naqàisa.a.-The - irit loami o! nov Bariey, of itis yeasgrowtb, van bteuigbî Itw <ou mtrday, anfi atoreal ln;t<hic are- bouse, Port Wbilbyms tbe sampi. Pan very good. SWe are rcqucsîed le anunnce thal <bsn. viii be ni service on Sunda>' moralug ne;çt ia 411 Saints' church, sand the b veuiug ai St. Jobn's. Tioes vJll bos ervice 4t cieven, a. pifaistue. John's mbrcb, aud At "seue, P.ni., at Al Salt.' churulu, The inquisition, cuder vrift of egtenu lIeto Behffeuteiu's ergot, a i til gqipg on à ai Otauai ,kfotbing o! anl grosi tlerlt is belsg develeped, exempt the probabilliîy tibai bis effeta *111bo <oued very amail silir, vltb lb.ebilan, léW. L. 0. ," 'vonk .4d lu -hitblir .1kfullac. la mublug the preautaiou mine J4dm, iu a fev oonîplimsutary remaria, saad, uddreaing ihemombzens of th. club prm- sent, "Gentlemn% jur proodclney as playors sboouidhbire long crs Ibis procursd for jon' vbwat nov It la My pleasani daty tô Pesent 1; Asn ee Who <aimas . livel> iu- toesai inibm gntof, Luroýui, aid vbo hàan frequentiy aeeà hlitplsyedsd uceaa!ul by the ted meuos, vbo to-day are your op- poneun, h b.gîto pressait Yen witb ihese flage sa spoor tribau t nimlrespeoiful es. 10c)m for:you peraeuaily san veil sniy admilration furt<he preflcesoy ofyoun club lu ibeir contesau < ho national gâme. h bave vitneaned -10our ebievonienia, and marked vwtiîbduigbi snob tovsriug tons o! tb. lueroane bail la jour piaylng, or an Iotn aocesofully earried 1< îbrough the goal; sud il nov ocly romaine for nie to say ibai h cordial> visb Ion salwaeibm mei brliIJan suoesa, bopiug ibat jou viii ieceirs hindly îhié amuit tribut# o!fni> ssteni, sMd rigrettiug <bai Unie and op. poranuity bas not afordcd'ampis mnsto make <ho gifimore,.vortby jour scop. - Mr. Jamooo n, Presidout of th. club, replie,! lanekuabie-ternis, sud amidçt loud cbcsring, aud titre@ cboora Moto for Mina .Lyude, eaeorted that'yoïung lady te ber itprlilminantes beiug srrauged, lb. Saine vas ibm proceeded vlîh. The fia-st van von by th. Indiana, aften a sbsn'P couteat vbioh iantd fifîean minutes. The second gaisvan more.pielougoi, baviug .IuM~d about 46 nu<easud afier sa ub- born coalesi vas aIs eded indlfarci, of tbe %d mon. At th. third Sanie th. Wbiiby boestouk i bant of grecs sud goû i le on vwiîa, vili detsnniinsd "1te do or die." Tb@ oontesaî va a vig- eronus su#1ad ecoitiug la th. chtromo itory, bovever, ibisUlie, erovulug th. banuors cf ihe Whitby club, aMd tho nennît boiug bailed vitb lond ebamring. Tume- 24 minutes. The tbird sud doisive game van again von by the ludiau n sd in about 20 minutes, tbm strugglifor it bciug actuaily flores and czcitlug. Ths Whitby piayors, it wvadmitt.d by al, playid ex, coedingiy veil; lbe B.d Mon having ail they cocud do te gain the goal eseh tiii. sud retiiathuir long-lime ivoru laurela. To ien hava oblained oeegaies lu a match againat sncb velil rsiuod sud prao.- tisud oppouento, vwu, lu ilsel!, no imaîl hictory for Wbiîby. h wun nearly aevcn e'ciock wbsn tb. match concindmd, amidis ibe cheera of ovet 2,000 deligbîed spe. taleraO. At the conclusion tho Indisu chier, Cuplain Bill, nmade a charactmrisîic spe6ch, lu vbich he bighiy compiimentmd bit "Faiâl -face brotbora" of Wbitby for the excelicncy of their playing, stâting tbat bis feilow "brave" bad noyer bfore been ne veili watçbmcj. Thereavana conocrt given by tge In- dians in tbe svening lu tbe dril abed vbicb van lergeiy sttundmd, the audience bcing beiveen six and amvmu hundred. Siet mnthe Preige of th.enMatesd' h day's amusement enjoymd by ail, the pecai-m niary renaît te the club van, me are giad to be ablei. te am meatnaiffacory, lb.>' having aeîted b>' receipu asst hegste sud participatioinl the sale of tickets for the conoret, neutri> $130. lbe belida>' in otlier respecta panaed ef lu the most enjoyable manuer, eud ibore are thbse vho vould not ebjeel 10 a imi- iar dayyî amusement more frequeuîhy, ifas4grssxzu&a G4narinavo.-On laut 1riday nigil, about eigit oclock, near Cannington, in tie Township of Brock, asminunsmed NelI McDougald, gavs Imo men nsnicd Xorrison, (father and ion) a lift in bis Wagon te ieptphem ou tbeirwnod, but droe obm buyond miectue>' isicd te alîgit, an.l 100k Iliop as fît as tho Green Bush, f vbere ho vante4 10 trea.The 1Morrinonob- jeced te give bu n>' nymore, as tbp> consldsrcd lie hiait hd more <han enoughi viieupon iho. boscd t.bou ,rïundly., lb.>' left, sd an& Wnul ptoceeéd.d far up, enu-lis read, vien MoDouigald- everhook tioni viti lois wagon. sud recomemned abysing theni sud vautod te figit them. lie>' gqt ava>' <roux u, nisd, lheover- toek tbetp, ,-mnd >ui#iplg -ute! fs mp ag1 on attgogW t hae. nW, Man . A - LbY....... .....à5.. l .......... .1..............i. Nimtis.si........... 4. .....( iai înuiu ~ a nd lniup odIsell b. LitaI.. S2p Oeluteu b. Ibig s Brade b. ykas . l s.Anm 1b. sykes.ï. 0 iiis, b, Sykan. l ....1b Lalng......5 Tedd. rus out............ 0b.>Bela. .....O LeAmrd. e iePh'soufi. Sykea à b. lm . . 1-r ,b. 'Aiug ...... ..IL Laing ....... M>W i .nsu..0......4l>boykea.O . lelle, b. Sykbs.....i1lsot eut. ...... SSa, Muont .........e.4LHam b. oykes. - -O ures.............. ...... .....i.....14 s m......... ...........e no Bists... 0......... ..............O 'total4,-,u8s Pntîc Aribn' otal es The foliowilehieb.despaicb (rom Eanl Granville tote bcoveroroG(enenAl, copies o! vhicbh lave beu trsusuiltted to Lbe respective Lient. Gcvernonî à- 1%4 8.eretarp <of 8s.t iéGer General: Downing Sîroe4Mi, ilu 7tly, 1800. Sit :-I have ncelved ah Qucen'a ceni. maud to acquasini yon <bat Hsr àMajeat>' baî arranged the& Hia Jlo>'alHigineu Prince Atife' aboli visI hobeDeminion e! Canada in the couneg ibm appnoach Ing automis. 1 LYou milI be- iufcrniudole-a foure occa.1 sien o!fie precise limspAi lxed for theu Princ's depantore. He viii ptôcoed b>' va>' o! Halifax te Quebiio and Miouîl ubere Hia Roy'al Highness miii bu quar- tered miti tbe Rifle Brigade. Prince Artbur mill pasos- lbe vinter inJ (lanada ubens I do bot doubi lie vill re-i caine a bcariy veicomo !rktn ler hfisjest>"si subjocîs, and miii Meut -ýoaeb1'return vitebbis regimentiq Engiandin lb. mnti of *une nexi -year. 1 Hie Royal Highnosa viii bo sccompaniod1 b>' Colonel Eiphinstcne. Il. R.Covorists te His Royal Highxiss, and one eqîîerry. Colonel Etphinslono b» reoivod ful1 instroctions from tbe Quomn as toiler Mai josty's;w ilb respectt te .munncn 0o eceiving Bis Royal Iiigluneu initheo Dominion. . 1 h baie, &e.,1 (Signed) GRANVILLEI. 1 GovernorGenerai thoeRt. lin. Sir John Young, G. C. B., CT. -06'M. B. Hia RIoyal iligbnean-miy b. expmctedte arrive at Halifax in thei.luman steamer CiL>' c! Paria on the 21s1 o 22nd inat. Tua GevuaaeaB-UENZIAL in NOVA&-r ScomA. -lie reçeption cf lie Gevernor. Generai in Halifax vau, nctmihhstanding lie eifforts 0f the Repeaiers, a bourl>' and enthosiaiatic-onre. Thu uion part>' deter- mitiod, in ccnseqoenoe citice ppositie effered te an entbosiiastlc Ifcption ci His Exceiienc>', Sir John Younigtiat the pro. ceedings shuould b. i mý' itb more than'ordinar>' acf t Th' people turnedr out en misise, lb-s mllit4 ,militia and1 rolonteers more b>' oocmnnd lis attend.1 ance t e ;elevo lie lJomtenandrin-Chief. The demcnstraiion mas suck ns to ppqduce f the conviction liat His Eicellune>' ia ne- gardod in Noya Scetia miththat esteeni as the representative o! Rer Xajesty, and in virtue e! biso t services to uhici b. is justi>' enîitîed. i A congtatuiatcry admresi,, signed b>'thLbt Archbishop, tho Chie! Juslice ani Judgssc cf tb. Supreme Court, d about 20001 oitar, mwuprosentedr% fr- Jobn Young In se fat as the telegmi state, the iRe. peubens badl net a word te s.>', bot disting- uisbed Ibeniselves b>' ,itaining fromf anytbing in the. abape o! riugbhim. t Ontario Teacherà Aiootatioe Th oieupual convsenn4..the leacb.rs! Assoôiation cf Ontario maildatlToronto hast meek. Maltera cf nuci inherésl more discussed duriug tlicsession. The folioving mono elecied ofEdoes fer théens- spfing >'ear. Presidont, S. S. Neilos > D Cobourg, lst Vlce-President, X . Àlxauier, Nov market. . 1,I! 2nd do., do., A. Item nchye M. A. lTonto. '1- 1.- -1 . 8r&idg., de., W. Wason,.,,..Yor<. Peterborough. ôIh do,, do.. D. -R, Camrtm.. Huron. Recordlug Scretar>', JaurssHoci0?u Wostoî,..u- Coorg.,nigSorti' ~ ritn »elogate to ew hv Vr;ç Tcachcrs tuo Ceup)lirg-.Mesn lit 1oî. 4 cbf bald, McClure, Bînsoban, a; oh paou, deposi<el lu i bm bande of!ibm.governmes b>i Etu na unasoCoMpeyp oubtin Iaven ue Pasaso inuga very poor ceuntry:; the cropa more exltoemly stunt, 'e4 and thin, sud not sù far forirard as vl ' h yon uhen h left. The country -Wu& very- liai on our may <o diand Haven;,and a4 statiens me mure ver>' hind>' . tréated b>' a Mr. -Laudon. the conductor, (lho jas a crs!tsmsn,) uhu, uitb other courtesies,' telegrphed to.tbe cienk on boat at Gran ,d lIavntc kepgoedbertha or staterooms- fur us. . Haro mo mt a Vaughan mania Station Mueter, and I bad almoat forgot to nu' "ha'Our woriby Express - agent' in Wibitby, Mv. Yole, bas a brother aI t Huoexpres- agent, uohim îet. 1 aWet oi thi sereral other Canàdians lIn responsible osiîtions ieon g orlue o! Ira- vol seyo se m Caadanga antot a il cutdrace la Uncle Sam's Patch of trlo>ý'Tho fanun lmgIi u Seema 10 bc Vury badl, and cropa éxîremel>' liit. Id fruit raiaing, boveyer, they ari Up to lie mark.,- Wben maîbin a lattIsý va>' cf Orandt! vn onulrpoint- cd ouit t us Peaeh orchards e! great cxo- tent-býundredso!,-acres lu tact. One placs me sav ihere froni a 5 year oid orchard 80 acres lu extent, the o;vner soid $12,000 wort b of penches last yga. Black- bprre and ntraivbetries arc aio raised in jarge quanies, Blad tea 4tq.i.ts tion, Item a Mr. Kirkland, a flamiltonian, ver>' satis!acto-y, At 9 p.:n. me embarked on board the steamer Iro4hfd for l- vwaukoe, lcsving«Grand Ilaven mu ish 4000 lubabitanits in the distance. The Ironoideais a beautiful boat, ver>' large vîth excelieni stalerooms. Arrived ai ,Milwaukee ut ô s. m., having had a gocd ton 1 biieve &cross Lako Miciigun ; but I alopi 80 seundly tint I speak tbis froin bearsa>'. Aler securing our baggîge ai stcneiîouae me. made eut va>' te New Ilail Blotol, uhici is Q119 of thelie nest h bave yet seen and eharges net at aIl extrava- gant I nia>' csay liai on eut may 10 Grand lHavnem I as forcil>' ttuck witii the wanî o! appearance. ef cattle qu the fields muile îia countr>' suenîed se meli a4apted for tion, i.Mlwaukee lu a aplen- did cil>' of somue 100,000 inliabitant%, aîmd senu Ici ho prosporing ver.7 faut, 4itieugh soupe to14 qthâtlaI icagu mas clrawing mucli e! ils trade frein it, but toe iliere mas to sign o! deca>'; atl mas h!. and bustle; building, too ee, s, 5te bo going pu napidiy, I naw nian>'1pledid b *jdings lIn gourde of preçtion ounIbis pýincipal strees, ome miii Ibhe finesl marll 'ronts and not a lov ir ii prossed brick,! mucb tike viat ls in front of Gross's store in Whitby. The oitreets aru meli laid out,, and in somç places laid mitb Nicholson- llcliçib pavement, ubici seems te b. giv- ing va>'. I made enquir>' and'found tbat in tioeo places giving- Ma>' it bad onl>' been six yeuts down, but a geod deal de- ponds on the bottoai.Il is laid in tie lover part o! lie cil>' miich is made land, baving net man>' yaats &go bedn a coon- p laiesmamp. After ciauîging eut checks Jierée.tarteal pt e p. nm. for La-Crosse, passing again thirougi a country (witi theo exception o! a small distance meAt o! Mil - waukee) o! the peorest description, moro 1tiink on acceunt of had faruuuing tian- the qualit>' o! land. Cern, whbcae andr oats ver>' peer. In somo places theeiriteat aa> >'meld 8 to 10 buabeis an acre, but iot nie. I speaking <bus efthe couuntry, Lomever, >'eu must net, imagine tiat I biare acen a fairaverageof et lIand; for you kuîom raibmays, genoral>' spoaking, pas& tirougi snything but tic bout pot.- tiens of a country. W. arrivcd at La- lrosse at gp. m. imure duje 4412.50 ; but an engine gave ouit i>'the ira>' uici do-r tained us for tue beurs. LanJing ut La- C~rosse me passed frein lime cars tu the boat, anotier o! ttie floating palacesj cailud li.e Davenport, and wero qoon oni theo besoin of!the Fatier o! Waf*&, the upper Mississippi. 1 irent te bcd andi alCpt aotindiy until about 7 a. m., ulion I roe te !ecast my> eyes on tîme most 1,e-uti-1 fui acener>' 11,sf lever beield. le attonipt tq dçgcribo it mould bo presumptien on m> part, suflice il le su>'1 ms*Iias;toniabed Omd 4eliglited' a Lie Englishman mould ay It remxinded me ueowiat of parti f udson river scener>', but-fat surpasscd it, mithonl an>' QI thie gruae - improve- tuent& 10 lavisil>' bealovecl and for mlîici the Hludson lu se uguci (4mmd. Hero ns. tur'e bas done ail vits an unspariug iand. Thie J)avenport calied at s gent many laniing places geing up the river mhere Liiere wot, no uharres; but abe nequired îonm,41or altlîcugb or $urgp bqrdleuiah. oi>' dnetlv-àfeet cf'mater and ran 'chuck"' up againut thb. beach. This vessel mas loaded mitb ovory description of goods, îelds ilbih A4 a larg .barge.o titis -Place at 2s -ci, p.ni., yesmeruay, and arrlved -bcre ai 7 p. ni., (5 miles>. On My way bao, h passed thnough -.semo largo prairies, scarcely an y of ubieh, we * coltivÀted. 'On onquiry, 1 bound tliai part o! the rTesson for luis us that thie lande uere huld iy speculatuo cflie eat, wbo held $hem for bigb prices, but ny informn- ant shid <bey nocif not k.cp them, -»'fer bc' woold net <aime a 1000 acre block freni theni> et 5 Cents an acre and bu beund to cuiti %ate, Ili aid tho' black sand inthtu prairie had been dug ie 20 and i5 feet and "no bettàm te 11. In- tact the feir erops vo sam upon theni betoken sometitigof tb. kind, My informant mas 0, Kilmar- noek carpet wcaver, mie - came to i bis-ý country ywung, andwus now superinten- dent on the railmay te St. Cloud. Artived bee., h put up ut thie Central 1-louse, ueetmysatonishinenit 1met another Wýbîbtmy lahia n Mr. J. D. licLano, lai c S cn., ie hgave os some veny valuable Information as te our reute te Rcd River. 11e is thorougil>' acquAinted vithtihei country, and a liighiy respectççl and ver>' rosponsible man, lie does busi- niess. as a formarder o! goods froux here ta %ed river, ln fact ho la the oîly on@eta prenent ube rua boats frein Fort Aber- crombie te Fort Gara>', and sbould an> of- yorlriemds Icave for tbis part of the monl, 700 can, uith ithe grenteat confi- dence, rocoinmod tbem te consign thom- eivea and baggago or freight tealMt. Me. Lune. Ho bas made arrangemients hors se that ho pai carry gooda ai a obe4per rat.tbain <an be donc by iii> other con- veyance; bis charge is, from St. Cloud te Fort Garry, from 12 to 16 shillingsastg. per 100 peunda, and foruarded uith the greaient care and dcspaicb. The variation in price is occasion 3d by the state of roads for lie tip i ii g, freigil or goo4a shouid bc addressed to Y'. D. MeLano, St. Cloud Minnesota. St. Cloud is a atwall town o! sonie 8,500 population, il conamenced about 14 yotits age, and iâ in a jyery lîealthy condition. It is webl laid eut, on a prun;e on thie aide of the Missîsoppi ; itâ streets are veny mide and ils businiess places extensive, and gouda net înuch igier than in Wiitby- that.is with the exception o! liquers and otiier articles cf boan>' duîy. O O * * * 1 la-ave Ibis, en routo for Fort Gara>', on Fridl, and mu>' write yeu again mien 1 land, me shaîl b. about 15 or 16 days, Mrt. liLane tells us, by lbheira>, but ex- cellent 1ad. Tefralýi Mader at Viuvelqad. At balf-pai IA o'cbock on Monda>' morning, âîi mat., a terrible tragedy oc- curted aitiheLake Viev House. ai the cerner et Seneca and Summit streets, on the bànk of the lake. Piip Gilmartin, proprielor e! lie bouse, shot and in stant- ly kaled bis son, Thomas Gilmartin, wiiile tii-o latter mas attempting te enter tie- bouso. Tic circomatancos, sas related- by the father, wmi a-agrey.iiaired nid nian, sixtytire. years of age, ire as folloirs: H1e retired, miti bis mife, ut lie usual iourf mnd the igbis vere extinguisbod. Thumas mas flot then in the bouse, but luis-mas netiinguncommoil for im, as ho mas in tho babil o! being out abotihe City aI allîoeurs o!flteeuîtgbt. At the lime mentiencl, lMt. Gilmartin and Isis vile more auakened by Lie ratling of a window-sash, and vote soon cenvinced tbat soqMe person mss attempting te enter. l3eing old peopip, anq iaving q, sum of mono>' in the house, the>' mo naturaîlly suspicieus of burgiars. lie noise mas ut a wîndow upon the north side o! the bouse, epening int a reom aijoining their sleeping upartînent. Mir. Giiunartin had in hlus room an old Huarper's Ferry muaket, ahrtgned to 1h. iength o! a curbine, uhîcli i kept loadcd for any eirgency o! lii kind. Taking this in iies and, i. pro- ceedcd <o ilie mindoir. Diaoerning in tho dim ligit tbe forinof a ma just in tIie nci o! ctambering upen tho silI, tie lover iialf o! theosasi havitig beomi reinoved, ho fiast challenged the .4ntrudet viti ,Wio's theret- but ho did not recoivs an>' repi>'. Satistliod ual bo mss aburglar, b1r. ilimarlin immcdiateiy raîsed huas, gun and fired. Tie man tell upion tbm outoide vitlieut a cry or inoan. Tiie report arcus- cd the othcr 'iniatés oifiithe ous. and sotpe of tho neiglibours, sud for a fow minutes aa acene - e! o ildesi eitenient prevailod. ,lTpon %oing te Ithe spot tho man us wu re. h ol , intheecx- have abandÃ"nedi h it1jpa, Paris, Âug, 15.-The FEmper hala re- mitted the sentence, pasedby the, ceurt martial on 80 soldiers and iredUMc&1'bi sentences of 70 otlhers, The French goernieni ban autborized the. French eabl.eompéuy te lay a sable (romi Bresite oEnlafid. Né York, Aug16 -Robert E. Sprague <wsarresiud here no 8~ t4rday on a charge of fraud.. On May 20thh bu&fren o g densburg, baving obtained $0000 by frtalçn emt nti -1100 or wbich was frein the Bank of Prescott Qitabada and taking wiihbhiartbe wifr of a citizen o! Ogdensburg came te thfiq pity sab4 embarkeci for Vera Cruzs on the ahi p 4leopatra. WbUle. there 1b0,vas -salaud *1tb yellow fpvor. 141Cr bis recovsry ha returne& boe under an as»pmie'd name, bà LW'48 sent 'baok fo Ogdongburg, 8pra- gue' vas 'a broker. and doing a saucceseful business ai tbe tiise ofbis fiight. 1Taunton, >!as..Aug 16-The extensive sbovèl - manufactory connectudl with the works of the oîd colony Iron Company ai wua Taito mnitally destroye4 by firo yesterday -morning, totbier wlîh its contents,, lincuding 400 dozen shovels r Ad for sbipmnslt, valublo macbinery, stci, &C . Tt ôsin eutimated at-$100, 000., Thi.building sud stock ai'c jns4rgd Richeiwionài, VaI, August 16-A train on the South Side ralîroe.d was thrown of[ th& track 12 milesfrom Pe(ersburgthinsa. .ni, instantly-killing Bobson, the condluctr, and the Rev'W. Myers, a colored, preacher, Cinoinnaiti, Aug 16i.-The steamer fia-. vana, o et <b.Nasville, packet -compitiy, was ~ unt0te owatersWI edge -at Parlorý Goetweo miles below bers, ibis noon, whr sh e', btad j ua t lanàd ed a -pWi c ep ar ty . No liven ivere lest. Total. lsi, $12,000,; insured for $9,000. Port Colbprne, Aug 1.-The sinall schooner Ti ial, of Cleveland; Ioaded wiib ceaI freux Cleveland for Bijilalo, ran iný bers yeaterday xnorning leaking, and sunk in the. centre of tho harbor,, whorro&she stili lien. Cihathamx, Aug 16.-A man named Archiuld Alexan~der, a baker, lately in the employ of Mr. Carr,-,was drewned -on Friday evening. Ris body was- found on Sunday morning. An inquest was held by Dr. Bray and the coroner's verdict was 1found dru-wned," DUBLIN, Aug. 17-The municipal coun- cil bas a4optsd an address te, Earl Spencer, Mr. Gladstone and Enri Gruy, congratulat- ing thein and the country on the passage of the Irish Cburcb bill. The conserva- tive - members of the council absenteid tbemielves wben tuse vota on the address vas taken. OrvÂA, Al g. 17-Thejury under the writ of cîlent in tIi. Reiffenstein'n case ciosed its proceedingsAio.day by finding for tiie Crowu as 'iotohie ial estate, tie hlunter property ive bundred dollars, pur annuin, ordnance lots one dollar per un- nom, and chattels sei;en in lleitTenstein's lioqa. tire bundred and uixty-four dollars The reaI eutqte and chattels were claimed- as belonging tefleiffenstien's utcq, but the jury have overruled this pretence. St. Jobns, N. P., August 17, 186.- Newrs frein tbe wréck of the steamsiiip Cermania up te last niglit, represent chat only one box of suret lpid beep recorered since Saturday, mnaking g8 bars in ail. The ship lbar, attlcd dow ait in 9 fathoins of irater. The cargo.ceming up, consist- ing o! sewing machines, cloc1ks, tobacco and cigtrs, is almost uortbless. The officera o! the Germania report that another steamship struck near the samne place, on the sie day, but she gel -off and proeeeded on ber voyage. The captain o! the Qermanis is stili at tihe wreck. The Cleopaitra sunk in shoal irater, and ber captaîn îs -ndeavoring 'te securo the cargo saved by the boals. ,Tiie bork Odd Fel- bu,ý of NoLndon, mas lest ai Little Placentia on Friday, and mas plundered by wreckers. 14otlîing mas saved fer lber Tiie passongers of the. Germania ex,, pressed the greatesi satisfaction at tbe trealmeni they rçecrd xt Trepassy and ai ibis place. Nom Yorkç, .Agust 17.-The French cable did a rushing boincs2 ycsterday. A despatcb mas rcceiied on Saturday frein Bombay, Indic, in eight minutes. Nom 'York, August 17.-Tii. caseoo Bailey against O'Mahony an ' others in tii. matter ef the fenian -fonds. caine .up in a spocial tarin of theSuperior tiqurt, before Judg McCunn, on M~otion te vacate lu ver>' diuagreeable lires liercalter 11zit urif TÀUe,.An explorer name4, (lamueron is confident thsi <ber. exiat;; In a remoe part o! Borneo, a race o! mes~ vith tilei, sud iêis Soïngponsu-expeditioî te iiuvesîiguue the uuatW. H aDo sestates, confidently, Ibi atar a>' lun tb.inlerior of Africa a similar race of moen are kuova te exiait. More than <ment>' years age, Du -Coorei, a vehl-ktiomu Feenchirbavelluv in Africa,ý disdovered, in a central part et tiai continent, tne existence of a race eaul. od theIViam-ffam8, or men vitb <ails ,; and lime eyiduncea laid b>' bu befoeocer- tain scientitlc bodies in Paris mere deetme4 te bu conclusive on -the subject. IL viii bu inlcrustîng t tcethefurtter deveIopý meunis of ibis malter, aincu the diScnry o! the link betmeen man and brute viit tend te roLin'ftrce lh. Darminian <huer>' of speçies, besides tireving ligbit on the naturm4l ister>' o! Lie negro. To mako a 4cdlioate muffin, take ona pini of niilk, omi pint o! fluor, tve eggm, und-ene pinci o! sal.oitTe>' yulb.very, liglit, and -sbeuld- be baked in sunal liu copu ort iren corn-cake pans, in a ho cei. Thore lis ne salerau used, vhicb la nùý fit te pu't'in lie stomacb cf uny oe. The Na7or of Chicago belug nov lu Europe, t1ie ucting Mayor, viîbin srq meeks, bas pardened four h undred chier«a robbera, picucpockets, confidenýce ipu mu4; disteputable femles, convict.4 of crime, aud t ish people are Icud in proteut againi- the miolesalu amuest>'.- Tam O'Sianter la represcrnted in Edin- b4tg miti Tam on a mars and, felloued ai surpriaing pace b>' Nionni. con a vuloci- . The drers o! lhe Bisbops stauding lhq oEcumenicaî Coonril bais bÏen deteriiined- Emnbroideryamid tissues o! gold and silvan are net allowed. lie'chasuble muai be ted, spd.tho mitre et ubiee sihk. A IVesterq paper 'bute ns m ong- l the following mîÎrecieus manner: 1i teid >'oosi ster>'about mr. Dorie, and Iben ni> ator>' begmn. lieu Ibis busulifal daugiteç saved R<eves trou Lthe maler, and nowml> story's undonu, for Borie hasn'i ami>' dau,,it.r' Great Britain bus exportedl in 'the firsý fivo rnontlia o! Ibis year sen-egnstq the. value o! £645,771. Iu the correspond. ing mentis o!fxiii >'ear sio exported on-ý gifles te lie yal4e oh £569,953, and, of £778,083 in lie correspondi ng period, of! A storm lu Iowa carried four tbousanj foot o! bomber a distance o! <ires nimles, telcsiuig Lie boards Le piceès as lie>' flev throogi the air. - l Brigisaut Youing's luat proposition J législativeo "stunner." .mo <proposés tq confine bimself te one woman, if over>' ieiber uf Congresa % ihI do the sanie.- .4cconts from Berne stats ibat; a term rible inondation fiasjoat submerged thq valie>' ofIaslir iu the Oberland. mcii knewn te ail visitors of the Hosapice o! lis Gimsel. The Reicbenbach bas ciangod ils bedl, and Lie 'botel o! liai naioevws mulynrýets -ng eatriedsaa>'b>' <be The aqn-)uncenieni o! an express train that siall ton froixi London ta Liverpool in- 4 hurs is a reffiarkabho cregt l - distance is 200 milte - sud lu erdor 14 mnoake tlxp DO mileilpetrfieur i ill iib.nec- ossary te mukie it a tbreugi train -ia! i 0 50Smb ýmmd au tbat la8 me gocd passes t! Truth, if rt train, guis m ,famif t but s FAIRBAN it., tic mii ofa son. )fACLEjNI Saturda'the I Ponaitd, eldea lennan, faged the bu141b ini., pontwa DUNBAR. *fier a lingor and lin<the 8 Daunbar Esq., lk. Tovnsip, KENNEDI Isa., froni ,Tc.eph,exil>' agod 1.3 peurs jFall Wbea $pting do. - iarie>' ... Dat.. eork.. Fga-. - Botter... Wool 1PEW AI fris tetat ea4ila imiiverMI jApain y wumit agretable r Io inodem ewi. -- taucosy, and --- -esed organe, n rmnking I-e cf tae uic-st dlà guauakiud are i Oeldb' 0 ai sicad ansd lu

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