Whitby Chronicle, 12 Aug 1869, p. 3

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id on. of Dr. Camp. wne, sud Sud, thît 3~ 'tearlng bar d~pa That-, vas s a, ¶angab1. occurrence At DAvenport, la., ofa4 usbands takiss mag pesisansd maklu1 bis wiýs thlsn t w., vsosn. 5h. had him stcomac-pu#Dp#d ei h n -nh oets ifs t, ln pite of is ezxlanstUons to the physician. Business la geuerIliy ull, esp.cially Irlsttoso.who d,'avrle ie ms tbesiselves wlth taking down tboir ols, Vruhis; off tise dust snd ooup#lingu. c"le'u m >,inuHanses mayu b bau parrled but one couple ln a year. Tlscy pV Id hlm uothiug, stayed to dinuer as it Iraà a ralny. day, and ithon borrowed is tlmnbrella ivhen tboy left, wbioh ho bas peyer sesu since. Quick work of an Iowa couple:, a court- plslp of fifteen ml)ptea sund's divorce alLer six hours of wedded lits. There fi an overslot water wheel lu Troy ulzty <ct lu diameter. t là laid tp be tse larges( lu thse world. Country people about'Oinolnnati maltp ,excursions to the ciLte t ses a fawous bhoit uow qîîartered tlore. A ratîlosuake bit Krs. Glinu, cf Wcod, Win., but ah. snd two quarta of wisk.y ver. too muchfor It. A nsusgms iu Jefforeou-Sounty, Isidi. 'Au sskeu îick about tno yers ao,- t O 1 1 l ut o a d e e p s lo o p , f r omfi'h icas L . pny ioko a féi days since, damaudiug lms breakat .OrsnVi '.llowaus' of cigars là fort>' a The Pope le traiuing stenographers te report the groat counc! A woma'a tuais solten àamns hoart; >oer Batteries, liii lead. Nunibers ot ladies are bocomiug Dciii- peper reporters lu New York, Au' Alatie colt trasvellod flltyflve Eng- llsls miles ou thse doy ef là)s bîrtis, Ant lidiant towu boasti a thiof inho çert'sluly toucisab'tmul bsmeauneas. liiJîculiar ta lent las takiug the crape (rom t ýse o f o bouss wiîe & a poison lu lylng dead, A Yosug lady wbo broke lier pretty leg b>' a 4eet lu tue Carlo idewslk says su jnur>' b its proportions canet ho cono- penaated at lesa*tissu $100,000, sud th,«pat- pusj a asuit for thâtsount. A, bit of glue cissolyt4 i siaimilk yl restera crape.1 Ribbous orer> kiud sould'bu wasbed lu colt! suds usîd mot i niad. Il yen sare bli)-lsis' a csrpet .ur qprab1J.t elioose 'mail figufa. Whilsby .uujutr Whishy, Augustll, IFOP. UI What......50,9 te Opsisg do,......oe go SI Barlyon. ..........1,1ô eS.O Peso. ... .... .... 65 ts. nye ............... 65cis ta-is . .......3ts Pors...... .*7 SO 88j Eggs........ilmi. Bulle r ............let#. Potaîoed ............ 70 ema Wuui .. ........... .13 awsfor #Issu IN EW ADERTIBEMENTS. M ,CLANlild ALL, 1 EUllTBY, ONE NIGHT 0 N L Y 1 Wo~nonay veningt Aug. 18. A merle.of oS"p ni an Plooiîshlon Concerts b>' JAIES TAYLOIR, ta la 8..CowssLe.j ' lssn'ion Comiquec Of Greuat jlrtaifn sd Amer- lo <n'.frnr lg Pr5,,u'. Of'M"t8.101-Modul, tuj- eled nulsi 108 .)iîsî.jotdo,> aasisted hy li uattrao' Ivis Musicial.Luale. Ma. j. SPACENAN .Buss.es bisigor. Mai, 0.**.hÀsiTox.... .. aiti Ticket% ,1) o cnts, Rcsunvod ! qests. 50 ents. Meat,'ossîs lbu s"csred at Allîsi'. Book liioru yitlioilit, extra charnge. U9DSA.VITIIE QUEEN, Th i 1iseC sssussloirs Upîoisle4 p o;r tise Istrois isui .lissy giv ' i'UtYt. l4U-(ý '1ll1, tîsi e isebsre tisan'irqared ta n.ttiro Ttelîdus. fur iv iIuli-Ulr St-eîsoiua uf t litslle. Col tract No. 8 iili bc listishe Provinie of Q4uübleo, uelexlessd trosa in the mLunely ead of Cusirut No. t, ut Wisiossski, le oss ia cier thes Mutialé iv,uebouî U lu iled lula ipgt -cosliega No. 9 n 1l l' e i tùe 'lroviusk eof Non' flruir.âwickuand exîcîsel roir. tise EalierLy enid ai Cesitruc Nu. 6, tueinda lise 'Town Pr I.tLuUit, seubuut 2034iniss ule a oai. IculsarI INo. 10 ilii bc u ligIe Irovisspa of Nesw Brsa»wivk, sesd extud fous t'p uus' ofS thse Cli.inli inl&eid rua, uassittise Court Ilesae, ut Iew Csestle, ta4 lu huot,ýou 20 ailes lu louxstil. wrp~brî eu Cotract No. 1'Îli &La isi tise Provluqe et Nove 5>ouii~ i uiud i-ilexîcîsu (rom theis arly usîd urts, Liestunis Exteatiosi 1illway t10 ilie Weiuly ead of Siusaisur.v4, oxcèpl bilrdgo o-retise 1lNâ1u. 4rv, lsils(dlIV * cutrssetNO. l sf au » uisles Isl lenglis; - neluro N e. 12ssîssust é"oith'Popi0 Noya hScLlusd sxleud (nonsthtisuirly ai uf (2ultrsutNo. 79<t Fui!>' Laske, taa JWiesie nltli theise siîg rsli'y ut Triaro, sýunt 24U~ lu lii Itt'iii." ColitutSois o.. 8,9sud 1 ab opol flulsiseububertoe isnt J ofjul '<e,.vo tract Nb. Il te bus ôwpiutoesi, lbed b>'lot '7upoto oresnlract No. Ï2 iaat of Foi>' iier tlu mure ta bu flusilied susd rond> for lsy, ls. Ie s Ack b 1he»liselt dis>' et Ucober, 18 0, roms Poli>' Elver tesa poiat opposis eb Loniderr>-liroînWorks by' thse usuusr, 1871 lis e ma- poetus 01 salel coisY ,setb>' 1'Jsisid piofles~ ils p otfleslonu anel tentia utS' vorot, wilI 'Va osibted At tise o£f. ciithe Cosnslisulùaormen. uOlsava, KimousSi Dsdlcsuble, lit. 'Phsuipir; -Tloroisto ma Qsueboo, on sudastier tise latS iseptenibor 'tort, usnd slseeTenders addrem.eel ta ils.comm is. shoueraî of lise Ituercooill may vilii beru; escil aIuttiiein odleln Olu va n p te 7 u'uloesk, p.mou lIhe lOtis Uctber 1509. liurutloa foer tiseeouijsetfois ut tise contrat MO La b ruquiredlta »suistise Terwier. Cumuplaludeso'l )modc, ttawA, erd Auguât, 1869, A. wALSII' f.Twnuiof whij Wit tise uwsllued lstep 141s ofae l.Ton of Whitby tbs 1yoitt Worsblp iua'i bp Aule of thé uuu assuual Olie WlitÉy, Augntat1h. 150. ý.ýIl. P4rry, N. W. Brown, C.ripr. $sAlliaî, list ,(borowu, W. . a'sitweo. BG Domos, W. Il Mannain Y. c CîSupb*li ls, B u,..10m . do»Iil. T. H. M lllilan, D. k siesrl>' 100 elbos. J. Gons, ta; X. ta7, s Tp90!Dplisco wîtis tIe abe rrquhation, PRImÂT, Âugu# ip Mtit PUBLIC HOLIDAY! Atid lu ordor tubise due obs.rianSe.ot the moine, requeat tisaI $Il place o!bussîe. b cilcoud on tisai dy. JAS. H. GEINTE lsyor. IWhilby, Augurost 11, Wo6. se ID JW1'0U TEL, agcâm wý,7wt (I0ý,ur mile. east o Tronto. The subkdrber bep 10 lnfoi'i bi l5D7 frielida tlsu& l l h» oçeniod tbusdmInesiitz aboe r, j.rant4ik v. lîicla bola" plad in a ~thoont sa. 0repsîr asuio!wi7renovated Cousourtefsle aeeonýodstlon goed tiattdiug asud attentivecaets,. C. IDAWES, Norwisy, Ang, 11,1lut. 82. GU UD UPE2<IING Fou àA UNTBY To bo sold oleerp, à U>KuSadIFAPlxo IIJLL, la cxe.llessî order, wltlssil ueeesaar ttuulA, a60 là god ib.to beiir VîIISthe gogid wîlI of trait of thse issiers d.' 4pply W .U£UBEKT GEEENLAW, 4;s& le, lro»u Front, FIck'lng. iissi c'Ir e ,402 Ansoeeint o te . nembnr.of teUl01On- tario Crickut clubh, vil!i ho. a 1 4 the iyuP Hounse, Pot t %W ithy, on lisx (Tloursdy) e.,.ii oi"M. ut Iooo.ç i. for îthe parpoo. of ro- ogiil gato ssot iîpr bsînes t IlDpoltanS. A full seeidsne. sii rtilauts.. Whli.Y, Aar. il. S2, Eli "bopnpr IlBELLE" nov nulesâlng, moi reudy fur deiivory. At thse wJsanf, A CARGO 0P7 EBT COAL# for Lions. use. Appiy te MIhN KEITII. WhIsthy, Auguet lth, 1869. ML T 1OMA8B IsT, (LATE ?BOX tONDeS1 NÇUZDt.> Bosto îàform th. peciple of Wlsthy snd Vdt.- lty, thst bhoI"saoppuepl a fhpp Opposite the Ontario Bank, Drock Strectl Whslby Ontario. vuzaiS a Io12'ASID lTO"SUAIS GUN09 LOOKS, tgRYSt &c.- Cloolus aud Waloises eoo.ansd repalred, .1,0 8EWINU JIACUINE$. PARASOLS £ê UÈfIRELL4S us.nded sud onvarod, &wu . sjîrpsued sud set suild ropitred, &e., &a., &4u.,' A &a*r ut'yu p.itrouugula solici lad. WhiLby, Aug. 10, 1869. TUtuS. BINT, t! 'se. (*OLD & SILVER ]PLATE=# DUNI ST. IEAOT, AI>juiiNIe . WoLribumusesNASLE VoNE. (51d spoons..torks, cruate, &o., ruplstsd wuth Sterilmix iliver sud imade equai te onw Brfje.orgard cliahs», inatchiso, rings, &o., naplated nith parte goid. tv" Csrrlagu work on the sisortout notice. Whîtby, Auguit 11h, 169. 82. uPI'.E C àAENÀDA 0LLEGE Wednesday,, Septembor lot# W tn ailDluplil, reident sud nonsruîdenti, ;re partieesqsiy roqueâted to be preseuL itTse icssa e lsp isîloini;la>' vmlb, girn ont b>' tise îslA kMasers, New nplupl be oiirolltd ut 10 o'ctock, sudf tloeep'upifavbo fale.d te pua ut tise sldsummer. exasainstiesi viii be ru examinoed uaIm.0o eoek. B>' tise nuiut appolutmsnt of' tio Assistent Mauica, adilios$ lo$iUizun noir sow oed oilt lisoo mpitwiso do Dot desire a.isigis lill tI'niug to jolis lhe KgiHb sud llodet os Be- piirlsnt#suin lulilitie>'are tisore y>p~r- imreo lo Msrcitie pure ta ,y tô th (riil ud Iptryservice. A p wa esa ilI alo b. ormieil adrApl tO thse requlreutuosolnor boys fremo ys Of 0andi U 'f n adUosjiele Ag*6atutii nluthseItarls uh,*lu reauder stflli mire efficient tJIs superilaie'isoe ýh tIse ansIssd tise geaersel cepelact et tise pu-, m itie recntharaellenutsmtle lucr.tis'srIrusuert. .1 Ermrysdesl p reqmsred10 f>Mng.[th L119 - a eorti etof Èod lcuit Irons îx:dtoassi or tutor un telur viom h u Seus bssprerloul> TIsei. C. .Coiegan zhU Eiplljor Rblr liblipe re ut um 'etenable ltbd lutiseColli'e or fali ln oftbeGrsususserliolothei Province. Tis e Ist ezmansusud or tisons Exiiblîlens taka isue lu duè. Tise 'nI«et. Tliosun é teigber..11 j Tltioou e, 1 essud apre ;tag ande , ourd, iLeu ,d iaemTgst Inu.sO hurcis, Tise omensosut c! :5-n t t eo i on lâotbola stise ot ti e cur Uol1eg .or prospecun,- apl>'10isoFluel l U. ~~W~lUW ~ PR SALE-I CEURI DABXEZ A rkt rat ecisUsp 10susSe mmne. WislIby g. 4, 1849. ious. LW. CroIsers. E. Co&' m'loise Cook, Joug (0) M. »isusn, L. Etuber>' .Andra siranS, Clu.. - - ç. sr ouau Fortytise, Jas. Féru)pis4, .4pâtey an. TMs IMoitaý, <>twâ Ilt, bit. W.- Grant, J. P. 000, duo. E. (-r'.at, Jno. (Ilimour, J. W. Gertls', 0. Gordon, This. ulr,eJ. J. TMsuauid, MiasDora nob4I,1. H Iollins, <Pesepl H0oît Jhohard Blgngina, ..sa. 02119,Nui. Hantlu, Win. 2 0lde), r.Orlna Hrvy enry es2sY.F. M. Jordans, Nics. JCuvn ion s~ttss iise>'. Miss .1 L.ulpt, A. W. Kèlly, Bise B. toisut, 1. LOton, lDavid Love Thousiw fzrdas, Chus., Lidtli., (eo. wien, Tissa'. ulitto. !lsbo,. Mumeon, e. line, Mis Mary A. bMdl.>, T. W. Xl:qélt rsâk montagne, 1I.0. vn mildlutou & Co. (0. Duré; y. nba lMery' Aunis =.Oahiui, W Mcrol.i fd's. Mel>leraos, Ftur oCal>', LMra KeCrolin, Mi ad.If M.' iobeoi,W. BD - bis'olmo, lJr0. l4u Tilelîsoin, Ue141* Pierson -1'liecisr Pliips, Wols. l'ess,, knsjsuia ['uveri, (tsrret (8) Polo,. Ura.Bira Pardosn itiabard Jleddia, i, lel1 lsariLon, daines lcoblionu, T. W. utsterfunl, d. SI. xsiue. A. Itoyisulda, Wsn. Stopber-pon, hq e oihefy, I.,<2 éÎtercus Abrabass111116j, dJssis ousitit, k. liions>. W u'. B.D. liturgie, John biou, Tlsonus t3argesnt, Id s.,T. Isssdel, Jasmes litris5kiond, MW L â E ticpir, Juba erSa, lijoas Esela ~yior, MaluIoss iiosua, George Tloa ins Tollsurit, M. (2) Tl'proolin,1ra. E. Taylor, W. Bl, Fal., Yna Wood, W; W. Mste r*. Loengna Wil)iiisonTru WlàggluaThlmsq Wilkinson, !ssaa Wilson, JI5adue YseEoie Wlstlsy, 4êngost é, 1869. Y. KELLEIR Ail persena lsebted t10dtse uudsrsiigsd by note, book euuuut, or otliarwlse., »go requuu.t Pd te make is lussedigu teaitleineli ' thea couisuis ,unldi-isuueulod iaito tisa mat. wi eplisoedilu sait for oll"ois. - E. I. JOBUSO Whitly, Auguat 4,1869. si. FSB ALE vOU TU LET i9 Thie vent issif of Lot s.tsmber six, lu lot con, of Brook, 100 c ruse. 85 sures cloîtredt, 'el fesneed sud wtered, witli ilgod lous, sud out buildings, sud yuuisg orslisrd, reuily sus 010e!. leut <su, n sa ugouüd cuitîeiu sud locuity. fur terni spply ois the premioeà, or to i.l1. GREE WOOD, Solicitor, . Anguat, 4tl, I6e.ln- O N T EL S C T U t 'NEW NrJERUSALEN a!" Eev. John Pa'rker, of Toronto. Tu fERgTE'S hALL. duriug isoxt week, as Mondayl, Au g at Pl.-Tle Lrd Jeans. chima, the ouflvt rua God, tise Bridegroum sud lhmsbud ut ste UCisurce. Tuead>y, Ang. 0O.-Cisrist'p eofiiet wih tIse pest." Thursday, Aug. l29b.-blau st dcaths rigss iute thelpirlînsi world s perfectinu1ansd If good luisn gotus icaeue, but. it ý,vît, ne viligo toienl. Frada>', Aug.' lBtb.-TI sq o f thse world la thse end or' l.the ts. iaestosud thée eutsIillàlsineist o o w iun (isrehl als ".CTulilE to cemmeac.eaq Ere!il And lie thst tmt njon lb, Tlroeisid '"Be- lsold T makl&* stinga uw."1-Lv. ;Zxl51. WllbAngust rs 1869..51 O SHÂA HALL 1 e rs Ngaus D JI'ODONOVAN,9 Whitby, tuguit- Ord, 1509. si, FurnlpeIorEciyody AT THE LO-WEST CASHPRI'CESP TO SUIT TETMSA UlSIGN 0P ThE DISE MIllES IHAIIHÉ A vey lrgeasàortuient of Furnituee, étý>sistlng of Cljairs, Sofas, leueau, Bdsteads, Tables, &c., 0à hapid. Ev'ery article ini the gvJRiiTUR1E UNE RADE TO ORDER AND.,WÂRRANTED! Also repairing, moving and boxing furnituro, done in the best sud most careful manne. Unpertaidnç a4ended to and Funerals fully Suppliedl 31 NOS. i1&-21 Caldwell'ý tJlocti, Brookstrect, Wbitby. DOMIIN WRIeS Fashionable Killin ry. DOMINION WAREROOKS, Dro, & NanlIo Kaking. DOMINION WARMROOX39 Tailoring to Ordor, Ne.w Stock Of. READY - MADE CLOTHING, Gray & White Cottons, M' Yancy Shirtingo,, Priats, Fresh Grocorji, pruits, &o., just.received. LOWE$ OEL W A NTLED. A Strosi ujla sda napprentie. bu bise Blasck 0mmueh buissasesu. AÉpi>' peroenailyto # CHARLES ELLIOTT, TuiruhimsWhitlq dl ickriug. Wisitby, J ly 27, 1809. au W ILSON'$ PHOTOGRAPH GAL:ýEgY ("TB2 J. C. tEIl) 1IPDS STRE2, IIIZBY. New Plates for Cabinets! A NEW STOCK OXP PRAMES-, AND OTHER NOVELTIES4 Ma. Wzàr.se vl bc ilvsymi piepated te tuBe Llkenohsosii alkindai, PHO'lOGRAFll8, AMUBWEOYPE,&c.,e&ac9,ln a uperior n ui- .îer, sd wvuS lifoîLkacaouaay. Caibinot PICTUBES, in yerJ nset Ilàarmtets, or plain orcariedÙteird Foisà,ak Jiuipgumade 'Arransgement& vils l1se. Ewmao, of Toi auto, ho Io prepured tea pppy ,tise pooplê et W bltly withIRAI ES f alkbîds inver>'reasonablu. rates 'PlCTTPU Melsled ta L-151SZE, sud COO Dla VIL,, 8 *esii te<nion *iran ta COLY1E%» O>,DPOETIMT. mm. ,te' la very uoess4ti4JIid <.!H1ILD- Wislby, duly latI, 1w;. tg. pARX lORBILALE. .~S, suoeiuoa.ç Ou-, q O'WbLtby. vusee L AZARtus. MioREIüs &kc . OPTICIANS & OOULISTS, M1ONJTEEAL, lle.re, wsîtls a vie ein10meet the iuncasod de- 'mad for their celcisraud PERýj'EOTED $PECTACLES, J. .#ÉRRIE, Druggist, &c., At4e oe.4gent four <lis pl=c. lIe e takenn ase to giv. aIl sseedfun lu- strsictso*asd hieconfidence lu, tire âàbIlit of thiei gut»a l meut therequiresueuta of.ail Celm, Au opportssulîy ylho tisus affor - dath tapropmsre, ut u71 limes Too s ieauu«'otlse siaioto tiselr Supoio- rit>'- Ovkrbeoérduaeitouïm eé>utss.-There la noeg1jz*srf, gwvojnrg 'f u <î.,dda bi., or lotruiplejut ba~ ,it où tise Ion- Iran>', Ironi the peossir conaîrnesulon oS' tbe .luUSe*1tia>'re acetény audpkàaasut, oassi a MOIuof T ref tte ira.rer, àsud prbdiLcâu a elear n4 dlstîssotvioion, su in tie ustula IliMlih mgt. 'Thej are tiseoîsify Specaces tbstp y r .,v, asasIthlie sihtt sud Are tis e% b ess wem é u e .bout, siay» laalngsay pir wilsêt is<ug bsngDo- iW'J,'R O P'EPI>LES.MU WbtbJil ~ ~opposite Itoyi a adanank, W bitbj THE UNDER$sJ4NEp, BECS TO INPORM' T~IE ~PUIC THAT JRE-HAS, JUS? RECE1VED 8011E SPLEDID EngIl'Io and Ca nad iai 1BUTC - mSEINS.- Just the thing for this weather. TERMS CASH. GREAT CLEARING M4LE -OF- Ceneral Dry Coods, JE- OUR LARGE STOCK NOW- OFFERED AT, GREATLI§ REDIJCED PRICES gW- AS THE~ WHOLE MUST BE SOLD OiFF, M GREAT BARCAIr1S WILL BE GIVEN. ,HIAMJJ14JQN & Co. Whitby, lu!>' '14, 186e. W[LKIN'SON'S BLOCK, :BROOK STREET, WHIITBY. Cheaperthan the Cheapest.' Conaiatiug e b beat qaiic fSMMER GOODS, sud sellig nt vcry re. due rices, inn>' fthem 11eo C àt #l nd kxaminç fqr yursecL. JOHEN ]BERNARDJ Highest price alLOwed for BUTTER nd EGGS. 'Wbitby, Jul>' 6, 1869. -~' wia.Vww ~ rn~n~wm *~ HÂTCHI & Bfl hem $i5.Q t4o 8.00. ils". Ibsve pn s4le, Scythes, Snait4a Leping 'oks, d' 1pledid stock ef qktw RA an aopen'.I Rmaid c s,152 Port Ferry, oit. WliIlby. Theruteret.4os tise aboie tino tino amui uss. F ARCEL ILfo-Belsg apin ofltunmber trntysme, lu the second concesion or tl6 townshisp of *hbiiby, lua-the Cemui> ofiOitriK% laid ont upon a suap -or plan thereofmastoain lot unslier six, i lu bIk -A.' on Duudimstreet, irist of Brook ,tnee t u Ie.Ton iof WiItlsy.1 Tiser. ia erectcd ou -tise afr»', a tino *tory trame building, ued u store iud 4 Bouse............. PA-ECEL M.-BoIng a paut of lot fam - ber t*nty-saven. lu tise second co>nceale of 1be Towship ef Wbitby, lu tbe County o etu làIioýkuon ansd descslbe.dupo a Amnsp '6 plan teig -eo'as tissA portion of lot'sumibei sevon, u bloc 'A,' b oq i atateilu tise rearoi lots number four4, iî Md ixin useil Jîloek w4A,! i - etBrookâ-treet, lu thse- ad f vi tWbjtb>'. Tisa,,laà emteel on*tli PAERCEL W1,-B.,ing a put or lotnuns- Wer tieLi>' sern, sunIbthe cond eoueemou of tise ms4cuid ishIjp ot Wiiiisy, uevuudde- silbed ou a piossstshreot, mmd. t>' J84h Pve*ft'.zfaù'eçlt - ru, vest et Broek sIetue;on mais! pis*.tFlzere là erected on the aboies alarge tiore lO> briok buibling, uaed as )FÀ ÉCE.L Y.- ing a oartetlot vunber tvess4y-cver, ilatI. second coneemsiots f tihé *d onhpof Wl 115>', Seiru sud deaenil ' ou a-elau tiereef, mid. b>' John 8hWe; KZ@j.9 P.1 s toua lot number eigist' o ireit ofiratroneesusisI idsU. Tero ls 1er< on the abovis a maîl one st«r>' trnse PARCEL VI-B ntugàapsrtoj4 ýPuya- ber îu'enty*enen, lu the mseco ooielo' sf_ tesmld towssmlip ofet ,lb'aeu5vul sOl' 4e scribod ou s plan teefmatine liJobbn 551frq Eaq., F.L.S.. a. tolWti lot issuber ssnety-clgbt, w~to utBritron t, hmdplan. Vai ans lot. bdt-terbd - IPÀÂÎCElL Vif.-e!ng a vart oftlot nomn- ber tu'entr-s.ieis, lu the second onegosof e tise mate township of Wbitisy, knouts sud de- sdrlbed oui'a platstlseri!mod ai bJob$MeHr, inoat ot Brook ostret, ou nid plan, ia urteted ou tise aboie a lue t wo *tory: thrumé building, used <or alosage. ' - 17 > PAIRCEL VIIL-Beingrtof !et nums ber twenty-silr, lu tishe oossd concesiobn et th;5 raid tonshbip of Wiby,known arddesnled onassipluntisareof, umue.b>' Job h ierl-._q. T'~stt6wslot'n. nir one buudnedî, PAJKCEL 11.-Tse eusthait of l.it nuu- ber elgisi, la thc t9iîls onousion ot tise to6*i i-hip oiet ar Iillimbury, in tise C t et York. Tmber-lot. Cous- Tena nisad-conditions u ekow ttmo 4~AMES 1 1OLDEI, 0Lcliin~ Dsted et WisitmsY, lba 20;h day of' Jul>, A B. 1569, 3 M-29. -W il ITB Y BRÂNc!lB :' L ]c DEPOSITORY 1 Thse is» asilon ottlfcpitblte le inyits.1 f BIBLES and ,ETXiU~ u'itb wiisthoG% tise pealm inlumetre, nov t bi touud t tise ép<haitury of tise «IdIfi Brnoi Bible Society. Tise stitaS bas besif SeL leet.d by the Depositsry, willa gmtreate will b. round ta embrAScuvolufms 1f violli 51:10. of buhldint, plain and ornafnn4. Depoitm ,AtJ".H. Qrff Pr.rgstore, Wb#$by, Jtu!>'21 nt, 1869. 29. P UBLIC NOTICE Thse Coisucil of thse Towirbl of Isues. aller e

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