Whitby Chronicle, 12 Aug 1869, p. 2

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than a b, su luaea'aoobobd (or. 'A nov by lai ha. bie osittai te, tiaratepayera by thé township ecaneil oet sbeac-,gvsutlag tic addtioaal boas. et $10,000 le th. main liao, solt favoamsbly ebauging thi.rente, ad thoa' la na o duil uhatever but thal it*Il bchaps.sed la due lime. . Aiad, te creva ails tunder -bas bleunsecpted fromt a roapouaile contractor, Mr. DambI., et Cobourg, for thie coustrution et the liue te Port Psrvy, sud hi agr@eet totale $30,. 000 steeck himelf,.and ta-sacoeps the pre. mot ecuities te be offurcd by tbo Board. The rond te hc omnplaed by lat Augmual,1870, sud te bc -il umnniiag onder tgm Port'Perry hy Joe.nazI. g o forîbere le no bilîc ieen doublersamat biving fati, andI p.ople ara bogiuaing tce me. Ihir îay ors eoarly. Tiat l il thtia v.u anled te qmaI re ey use in Wblîby a Rllîay 'mme. Mon vie isai souethýng ai atake di4 uwants sud ver prorly mos te "moi sr waYcry eîeet ooe omittlng th. luteros s nd'fture pro. poucte cf tie toue, la wblob, their oua lu- 1 tereits wore go mach- oooéamnodt te the hoeal of tortues ot an, uap hazard »un- -dettamlug. la ibis cones-ion, sud viii. eut deaiirig tedo se ai ail offciouly, vo -nstance tie position cf D. Gnun. Tb@, : Pr,@. positon bas beau, itregret il .zceed- lnglyt vr Mc mui mreprnetd, eapcally la tst week's isateof ont 1ev: oetem- porsmy. Whon Dr. Gnu:veut luntsor of oblalnlng a charter ton tie building cfl-i. moud, aud provision wuj"md.fer deag se lna ihae cucelied t: be s fteiable usy IMni i th le Mesus of tiec cmpenyho prve the promotfeaof tho preseuntrsilwal oeme ailtich support bis influence sud seaie,-oould commaud. EHo miasltd le go<cd :taiih îboioui g aud ih vas0:17 wien hbcsia a attempt vas boiu' moqde te tray avay trouta-tie programme avlgieshly laid dovu, sud te "#go il blind'" a. Il vers$ lie Doctor halted. Whai "bas boeon h oseîtit ils aselle:?We hao It luthia nesuit nov hetore us . Caroful oniury lutot un semai cireumttancaet tie Ooupay ;'tb.he ai aposition uhieh *aab of tic prouiolonal direebora oceupy la vefationa t he projet ; botter seaaaiîy for tic toin, sud better soeurlty, upoo botter tomme, for tti opj iaI lihe rend viii b. çtaeucled. Have tiey are Sr-t, the tow: Io not te be calted, upon te psy nîie tboceand o! tie te& tionsand dollars outil the rallialeo Port Pevry, la compiaîed. Oaeoudlyo the compaur agréé te scepltih doetursof thet loin -ipar, îhereiy et. footing ans atusal sviof ut (om igu l e pIep iîudred dollaîs. Tia Dootor Gnoue eeuteufod himeoIf viibremalnlng lleul per4azp a aU hese favorable conditions vcu!d net bave b... obtaineai. As, nmat- Sera nov sttandtic raiepayeme of the tevu fsel liaï, tiey bave a certain seourity that iliey ulîl havo a-ralia7 for liait monay, mm,'i g7 519 bov thie semaI amount liey VîI bave te psy for fi. De. Gun'a poi-. tion sallhe board bas heen alreugbie.d, sud le place ai estrangomont andl suspicion moul tonJo bas been remîored amongel tié board et divetora. W. truat tiai ibis mate, o! îhing May cntinue, sud tiat tic $alit f-1 RadIbotic sr-.pliîîlng ometcous gentry 1011t nov elcar flac tralsud showthi. 0aie te proeced. Oa n. iag Is ea&lu tliIf tioy do soi, tho ratoeyturofethle s.w.p, b7 tl»iv 19t os AitiehpoliluIst Tint. a", bave, le' a "Isoiàogalane muuart *spresae dopi nion os the sabjoet. e"oka of th amiat maies ml mWAU&y, and -au sujel wésbe rv ndaoi j a wite alond- The demlIt of Ildvardli.Sxi as v~ ain <a rom tb. gober 1paos eo Fronde, vua ubredetln by lie mots alerta- lui sympom. ' UAtiMl41tIoa #tny, ilu bcdy,,- ue boa&~, four fot, sud six bandsa; a faral uriese avs.dEngland; th. sammer eveig gr.w saddtenlybl as -ulgit; tb. raies .11la osàtïtast; ,reus vote tom apby thé* i0bosow;'hipe vote Ilied ont cf these sustl the forlme li*ghtanug stmcidoua- îb. eý Pire cf -hie chapel ur beaxiîh. iareiservice' hdbeeu perform.d, 'The <ablïos e- oAupients abeu:d-with imlhrheid.ut*, sud through- ont tie wrtiags oet hé Greekuansd Latins S as for ousuple the poam iof Luemetins. lie isconrsescf Cicemo, ihe maxima of Epi- cuvas sud the 'ivesîlse ef PlutercIr 'Ou Suparaîiteonl) wus ad, mauy leamnea sund floquent pasges iavighiug aaisi tho ctedality cf lihe sumhert.'t - The vesîbeir-ulse amougal ne predicted that wevouoan boirhae s.ttiod îeathèet ul fier the clipe.Cartsiuly the veatier va have exp.mrie«-a d aded. luprovea ment, Msy hI opqtiaqo te glsddn thi. besit of the huabmdnd. Tbe woldecon- lianes tw rolon sa.belte. Tic éclipse le pssod sud go"me ithout lcaviug à serateb on gond old mto at.o.ee ulîbout laavlug a sllodW owoind h. Bou Maur uho resadtha Itil1liv. to se. suother éclipe. geigimaltoisof Mire WakMIocabe, Pria. cipal cW Okaiws rsmmr SbheIl. W. porcelve by tie prooediaga- of the1 Osawa Board oft Sbouel Truatees, liai Mr. William MoCabe bu tendered bis resignatioai as Principal etflb.e(Irammar, Soboul atthat plmc. Tic Boavd accept edth ie résignation vii mach regret aet h logs oftheb.services of Mr. MoCabe, and psssed the follomiag complimetary re- olotion s -"'Tuat lu occaptiag M,,Mc Cabe's résignation, as Principal of tie1 Oshava Grammar Sebol, liii Board baga to record lis higi apprecistion of he«, bath s asgentleman et high moral uovih sud as an esteemed asuapc.aaul teacher, sud regretsiat lie aducitlonsi lutorsta eft he community are t: ho deprivei of is earvleos hy bise rmovail toanotier aphame of action, sud dosirea to tender to Mr. MeCi. be eIhauka et ibis Board, far ltae fidelity-, seat sud inteves hhoba. msi- fested for thie .ysra thal be bas oo- eupied tie position et Priacipal of ibis Mr. MoCatia vua so for gsera! years putî, bond mater o! tic Whiîby Gram-à qami, Sobol, sud home, ase vel a. le O-1 hais, von for bmuslf golden opinions.1 Mr. McCabe givesuop ebeol tachii inlu ordor t: cagage le a mach more lucrativeà sud Ieu laierions empicymiens, eonuocted ulti a brauci et lite laursuce. Cbqrch Disostablihtmoa While ci-rci dlzcalablisbpuentla Is4te comploesby tie compromise OburchillIII lu Englsud, th,.- litof discudoumsent làs absud-unless s, capital of $50,000,000 sud the rétention of lv: Ibirdu of lie old pvopety are le be counteti as but go many ciPheri. With luis rici ondounent, dis-1 encumbored fram dopendonce upon Oov-1 ormnuland parties, icreatter tho Charclu Party oaghlte obc more poverful thau over. Tii. louaIChumeties havo 1: de vith QOyomumrgeut lha botter, snd lic more they dépend upon congrégations for support, the more posperous tlic7-uil b.. By sud by lia trac Cburcimon af Engiaud1 ilîl fui4off Mot 4bs, p4 Il tb.y hsd tic fovecast te originate disetabliehnioet lu Englandan sd for ?pgend, tiay vopIai il osreouoaü, sec iti: »Q MailamonsotO coafualan, Paverd atera made exeat. ien tripe aîromud, thebay Guring tha races, aud muet have 'made, a profial a' là uuljudging froa- lbe pgwbeuirgembaked.4 T!he Whlîby party sta aw the Nàrs.maný sud veejo4qed, bTtheir (rienda rom 1the clty la large numbera. The day vus spent ver 1 pleaastly, the Norseunanapern to b. the favonrite tesuier, sud îaq load.' ad duriug atof tlb. fterugo; teh *Ater'a cage, îith puseongeràansu peca-ý tors ubo iahed ta hava .4600ilview of ibe course. Ait-verà eli el cret for sud plaead in good positoin.,'oiug t the ex. cllent managemeut of Out friend, Mr. G:~ Hendarson, of Port Hope, who iiud charge of the arrangements, anud aucoeeded in filt. ing the bgat, qotwilhataudiug the wharf as îhiolb a h. lsy ise r<ther diûlëult ta:get ta, W. left Toronto about moen o'oiock sud' arrived home. a huitt after tee, ail vel pleased'îith the trip, sud certainiy a more pliseâan suejoyabla one conld not volti h. desired, oa&' soré. or4eriy nnrber of people- ooetedtoggther. There wuDot a aigu Of intoxication on au7, 'persen abotraîg hr e lai a mailbar ou the vemeel, kept by a big oblging Irih- man ail the '!ý7 froua the couq:y of àrmagli. The fltoWiqg i4 the ramait of the Regatta. There wcra six races in- ail, 1. Championebip of the Bay.' 2 miles, Outriggera. Open t ail. Eutrance, $5. Prize-cup or uony-$50. SWBETBEÂRIT, Oitavsa IL Haycok-1. W4;p, Toronto , 1lerry-Z. There ver. four entries (plt Iis race; but, owing to a sligi roughn2ss of tbe wator, tbe othertwo withdrevr. Time, 16 min. 45 sec 2zîd. Double-seuIl, or two-oared ini-j riggzed boats, (open froua stem teo 51cm). 2 Mites. Open ta members of tb. clutb Qnly, FAntrjpnce, #7'. Firai prize, $60; secon4 prige, $90, Strowgor. 2nd-Exxà-J. E. Ellis, J. P. Ridout. IL . DJavidmon. Decrhound took the lead! at starting, sud waa noer chaiienged througtiout Time, 16-min. 42 soc Pour oarcd in-rigge boat&, 4 miles. Open.to amateurs. .ntrance, $10. liraI prize, $00; second prizo, $50. lot-Eg,çç%, Toroto-- W. Parkinson, G. Curley, E. Strowger, R. W. Parkinson, strokeë. 2nd-EDn1L, Ottawa-C. Fellowes, T. Baitll, P. Iluiell, R. H. Hlaycock, stroke. Bmd -You2[osTZu, Lachne-A. W. Tyre, J. P. Kirk, A. Heward, G. C. lyre, atroke. 4th-Vizx, Toronto-T. Sauter, il. Callighen, R. Calligeen, H Humphrey. Sîb-LLir, Toronto-C. Chase, (i. Daw- son, E. Marsalal., A. Redmond. This vas an excellent race, 'Y'oungster vas more thon twenty length4 bebiud thc Edrol. Time, 28 min, 40 sec. 4. iaheripnr's 8ace. Open to boita uscd for flshing pîurposes. 8 pairs ofl scullis,9 mites. Entrance, $8. Prizeg $30. Second boit 10 save entrance. liit-OnCut- W. Ward, W. Motgom- euy R. [liii. lid-NCUovrsoLE-R. evyJ. Par- flan, M. Froc. 5. Single sceui. Outriggcrs, 2 mile.. Open to amateurs wtuo have nover rowed for public money. Entrance $8. Prize,1 a cup or money, $25. lst.-SwEZTHEuÂm', Ottawa-C. Felloves. 2nd.-CioGMu, Teoroto-R. J. Tinning. Srd.-GLmvAoit, Toronto- 0,Donelty. $iv'ectheavt sbot ahead et the itart, and reÃŽaincd ber position eisily througbout, beating Cigar by thirty or fort>' lcngths, Gtadist.or, a bid tbim4. Tfime, 17 min.. 8 sccontie. -6. Pour Oared Otriggers-Four nmiles, open tail comeri. Enîmrance ira.. Prat prize, $150; second prize $46. lot.-&.Il. WÂLms, St, Sohn-0. Price, S. Ilutton,-E. Ross, R. Fulton, Stroke. 2ad.-Pmnîtce ALriIHD, Torono-J. DAvey, Jas. Ilumplxroy, S. Heakes, W. Dillon, Sîroke. Ovd-TuasRirtiz, Tbrep ipr-T lhrough ignorance, go viF0Mýîharge him vit# beiàg ac1ui*ed by vore motive.) basu beàgailty o 1.cf ~ ~adosl ihoppera luin bis matter, sud go machria- gal ihat . shaould permit hlmself to b. 0er Clvi: JIoliIdy-The rat Le. Àcrosse match botwauWhitl6y ad-he Our oivio holiday, as il b. seau by idiertiuemeutp i. appointed .10 tahe Place oÛ. Pridal, neat. The great, Lacroma. math arsnedbatween the Whitbyr club mui 1h Inianplayera taka place that, day., At the.nting ou Tuay glt the Touewn Wl, il wlll b. sec: by the repoit of thý pacesqdiug4, grapted the use, sudeolte coar.1of tbe market groquuds l th. alpb, for tb. perpàs. of cpryiug ont aItSm eupduts for plsying'?h match. à large. erowdi is-c;p.eted ta vit- neus the interesting eveut. t: hua alté boeau hisp.red tw uayltb.tthe. club IA têb. made 1th. ro ie*oftý * set <if saîupou the occastou bymre "«fair, la7..u." W. trait that this timcly olceriig may prove iu additional igiteetilve o thé members qf the Whihb' IIacrqeu club, on the forthcomlgu g olt Mapon ail future occasions, to aphold thone col- ora sud carrythem ou t: victory. À rate treat la expecîed s i'. e ancr a' j:the Drill Shed in the evcang. Ptmoappoluîuenî.-NQ show* Van Amobrgh"bbsvfilkeardcfthte finie et est Wbitby exhibitions att~he -Town hall' sud -:o -deuit stafaidai- -ce- mach lalenteai compe<ution', ha déced cd c eboulu; iie menagenia at Oshawa sud gir- ing Whiîby lis go.by. ReHobas Paise, e endarasad, olered ihgiprices-for meor lue utgg otlova specimaue uoso- (smo hba reaceblm, pi-peeing te exhibit thon as natunal.carioeltiee lu ejiier places. Tic étounecau aBford te )pwr. &om. -Tie boys are dissppoiut.d atthireant; ail wouîd-rathot have a igbt or VanArn. burg'. pertonming animais.,"' Dsutogg#r'p Mowmnî,.-Ttt.' orpris. lng publisiet a! tuis popular Vaagm;iue la firi le the field i n unouncing%ý among th. huducemtent a le ubscihers tan ;io eoming yesv, le i Oest premiua aveu. jet olenred fou. a single aubsoription t:aujmagasine lu ibis or suy tien couutry. LtConsista et a copy, retailed aht tn dollar,, et Mmm. J.ully M. Spencer'& greai piêtnre cf s il Pie-nia ou tha Foarti et July," the eu- graving ef uhici artise re mont for, spaoially fren Europe, la complote. Damo. roetsMontbly le lunlimof b, fat the mois, comploeeand sattactive Magaeide for la- dito pnblisidd llutit country, asd roquines litile extra Inducomeul te porsaid on:emta beconesubseiber.. It la moale a aaviug of mue.,' howevel-t te psy iirte dollars, sud got lu addition se ralcablasq premium -anal Mv. Demomest vilI undombtedî, Land bis léedaubleonautiestreugth oftit. Pnb- lishod at 838, Bvbadavays N. Yë 'UsîrzusuTrr COLEG azadvrnised ta ne. assemble ou firat Septombor. Cen t QatI embs Larcen.-Âuotber case nuder thinov set va sosmmaily triai bitoreb.fore Hie Honoi- Judge Bumnian, on Saturais, 1mai Tbs aprimoer, Alexander Evanmas, abo.- maliv, ubo lib4a i n thu iseaâlomont et Mr. Wmn. Berns, pas jodictod with hroakleg loto sud eîealing êem 's!,$hop ta bis employer a number pi ailes et -tsipned laher, boetayand b6OtUp.W- iii cqmm tta4 by Dr. Gou a b . charge, as noporled in le ecolurnuaofethie paper a v,.k or iv: ugo.L'Phsor plosded net goilîy, snd uuw» po4b Mr. G. 'Y. OSiti. Tb* vidaiu40, ici- eoes, a. toe elnong &galatibsi j ,bca vai convletsd sud mtei-te tii-e montis u in-te Cnty<ei. âMu.. S. H., Ceebraco, Cennîy Attorny, ppaàd 1Doard of Sehool Truss.. Whltby, Auguet 10111 1449. 'Tie regular meetingofef b buri oo& pha nuT ks4y erening -laut,'rs Dm unq, Dm , Lceor, BelL ieu- usu, sudMeuvea Qibscu, ergueuff, Joues, Diaper, sud Tbille. Mr Ghbuou submltod "'he Ji»jI-$ glu. 'Fîmusupacenmitta. uhich i àas o4pted ia conmilobeet th. viwole. -It sIferli 'tb. -Tne bond rocurea tue, resoîuon passiu Jnmgdeî bt thb Dire t'rbindin gthe compawiy in b*tted.w* le nat sumi f$20,000,not tcaîcarih stock until th. complelion of th. roaci. m The cionmittée reported th. bond. îoeâ'-< Me.- Draper, seconded by Mr. Brovn, uulucky 4moyed iris the bond bc acceptedas a ouf- o at ficient gasrantec for th. final passage of " ,tltc bply.r bl h e b s * i 'M41rV MoM1uhl ebdi4 rt ime te nowvgras ojpoc ber~duios aid il struck hlm suadilsu. as eing in a tory great measure' super- log eue y flnous; uas lthougb as betîcen 1h. loin b.decrg sud tb. Company it- m1ugt b. bindîng 00 viceta JouDg-as the compm1uay vas-solvont, il coalti mroiïci nottcbludipg g o.nt darties ortonçro4. boulii< itors of lheeonîpany. Once 1h. stock wa# -ver. u taken->the to u a lbe. if tic -bond oI weére'.frOrn l'ndiiidual members of tlb '. LumaI lirdil would boa different thig s il "gh sp véit vas nôt'worth «S fie dS&ogto M-. Draper, lu cofitrovertiigMr. eMc o o Millan'. arguments, raerréd tthe charter judgmn gliving the prvisional directors th. came Wvas Clou powecianas ,lecteddirectors, sud their rigit stu!nPt b to 1accept stock condcitionally t thns. ioronsl> toun had takiÙ 1he $1Ã"O00- li1 tha't AS bv8tows neceay lt 'Pa kp - l' tinding. was te aI- 6Iaba tach 1t10 conditions Co h& Ilsyor's signa. took hie1 turc for the stock. The. company lied, h b. bs i argued, *évery. .igbl aqld ppiyer ta. give ont ithc sucir a bpnd, and be question of solvency hlo tom" vas not a malter te b. necessarily jétro. The brolk duced at préent ; il could wait. LuuiSdeî1 Mr. Ray enquired vbetber 1he bond baind 'bfr been prepared or approvcd by the loup stand ani Tue Miayorin, reply, stAtod -that il, had didly cal been prep mcd by th. town solicitor. sud "cOmIeO that il bad been bis (lie Mayor'.) request H ne te makeliWas binding as possible. [0 a lm Tic esohlution vas tbeq ecia;çd carried. agh veni On motioni of Mr.* Draper, socondod by addili¶2 Mr. Brown, th. by-lav vas tbon pased lei% pro forma, the Mayor directed 19 aigu 1,110Tue tu: h. sanme sn4 af§x t4i e 4 ut tiw orpqra. pu*-red 1< lion themeto. atmtu:i Mr. Draper. secorided by Mr. Brown, willil aoiu uer the1 introduced a resolution authorizing-lb. seonou4lu Mayor te subscribe the,$10,000 stock atinl. Arn 'onice.'»Il. did no, hocaaid, lu ordt' ID den tippe facilitAte 1h., proççeetllgs of the. board of tire viti directema, se as Ihal theu xecessary 30 days notice miglut be given in4 thq çonwpany ws ra organize ou the stock and procee4 j le u r Mv. 'ihwaite objected t: th. résolution iiconid sud moved in ameudmeut to 5tri4 eo4 ma' the. wordâ '"at once." 9oln Mr. MeMillan aise objectcd, but suggcsl. h i, e n, e& lbe altoralion of the, ameudmout so thalt bridge oit l migt regd,"tic mayor sigu tie stock wri book as soon Ws$00,000 of lb. $100,000 viokets Il necesary to orgsni4. ba4 beçq sqbsqjibeiL gipi tof t -Mr. Thvaite'altored bis ameudment -jte10 ".1eov suit Mv. xMueMîls'vieus. iOOTOenI Mr. Rty, Mmr. Brown, sud Mr. Philp praclice1 coaid ual sea liaI il made auy difféorence caugcht bi te aigu tho stock books at once orsa monti music, m» bonce ; sud sskod if olier municipalitios tu-GIP vaited outliWhitby slgnod, hou voald heaore the malter stand? Tbey ver. for finish- eor made ing tie natter nov and ual for Wàstinud na se lime splittiug stroas. Every one kuew ndded -4, tint the. companly coahl not go on and caît guerd an lu tb. stockountil the viiolo $100,000 vas (Januimagt subsoribed. alsiga, s -M. Botta coua '4 lbe ameudment ba.Wu c vas tu:late -md out of oi'dci', 11 by.lav .oulc having salready been ratified. ele e4 Aftev nome hurtet discussionthie mmnd- tsout i bel mont was voted doiun, Meurs. Thwaite retirea wý and bMcMiilan ouly voting for itsud tb. Ciakiil tc, original resolution carvued. a tlb A résoluition of Mm. Meilillan, providing Mouamkili tia ac son as ý$10,000 bon> Idi stock of luIs bat vas subscribed and tan per cent paid the nmer ÃŽ1let blayor suthovize tie town Irosaurer tefol'n0 pay lhe tevu's ton pcv cent on stock was if_ i, L voted down as unocessary, Mesrs. Me. good jud Milian sud Cocirsue only voting for IL. uaken by ~ OjTUEMÂazr~ noues ra ru LÀ spraiig t cRoss CLUB. Brandon MDae, iponded by Mr, Brown, bumightî moved liaI permision be'iron lb. La- udice crosse club of tbe loin tla opcpy 'tb. Mortmerac araket grounds ou Friday next, (1he civie excellant holiday,) for tbe purpose of mabing cre arrangement& for piaying eh@ frieudly favorable match advertla,4 te b. playcd witb the bc aouîen Indians, and Ibat the groundls be undor he requuin tb. conîrol of the club tiroagbouCthe lia lole, tl day. ovedlitabIt Mm. Tivaite oôppoted the résolution, teftt cbailenging th. councit's right te grant Iplmyed ln tb. nocessary permission. Mr. Bette aiso Pr"*-!ce- objected. Tii. resolution vas carried by "cédili a yot. pf 8 te Xe$gMo Tvaite sud Deta c disseutini. '-. .Bf=soi An abortiveattIempt vas mnadp by Mr. -ismd L9si Piilp. seconded *by Mr. natta, td, obtajp l Wl an additlonal appropriation of $100 for *comera tw Broo steet ud 50 fr Dndasstret. ud or t sud ciq 1 Mr.-, menti mi bal! Il lnasa 1-l h, aIl b, Jiohn vacars roox is IwAbd, '11h k[ an sd -ffect. FredGoloen, rylgghl,,bai (or Ibm.. quartera of"ou apqdAyi y»a meut b the "rghi- iiçéeby a bali fiom. 4ol1m6r, sud âai io seI ekrstinluthé s v. itii blë breubren ofthe villov. James Waliis ireal Ihe'sreua- -but befote yen conta ekr Robinson" Il. D. Lmsde"n'tipped kétauîtheut leltiug hlm AdUl yîtiug obei. E. Argmsroug vith&s krogarmi, uemgy aboasttevltio of thb: nia:, mak- rua sud bicldlugflaim w maIre "soe aLos uufertuusely, Vickema, , lr u .4 eu, easï>tbaoiastiealy bit hisoîn and-ratir premsturely, sudI quite un, toôugly. olossal the -"et innitigi. The sud fieldi1g vere splendid as there it4 y (3suu. cningihiu nov SObatatibowling of Stewar sud um ; Luinaden sud Ulonatomit'baliiug. baiade eue, sutd thon lie sent tLb.bi porthl through the. air" vhIch uiIti vas- ceiy enughât 'by Amuuutrong, g# on ta ninoas, dîfleuli catchj. Mcawkull tuje derenco, wbick hloemanagea vitb ut sud good'e&foLt.e nii sufferer matou, vho, bt fre ho:ha a rqu, vas îy wleket-keoéper Whelsr. H. Biqb'op y eurithe iria.g sud couumeuceal tL.e uts vas suddenlv bowled sud osuglit mmi, vitb Ose bis scre. Tinît tubait- anisa Hawks melzed the illow sud Fattnd iutient ois muklog n score, ilu mappoîuitment aud elu.grin ho was ru: jot a run. .lMertinier wvAst iin ezt j.MoCashilefftrmnmking 5 vas Peut pIomnry exile by a biail froi m sc. &Oenk wuov imnuiediateîy fitled -by il. e. Mortuulier vas ovIed ont by Bleu- te beeflecLeal a ron. sud hae sourlit ÃŽoun lu îde. ilogau thot::cok hm idxoonteal somnutuce bits. Il Luma Ma _Ad one, huail taretire, buot pien- saglut by Bouàter oft caas ot Steusru's àballa," as a dianusgtolMun¶vary 'fpetaOmeao:of Uauose 'a ir- q isa:b,"sulho usd umadie,6. Cavaui- luinaud Brandon veut out, sitar 2 -t the moe. (V. Siilis salall4a19 secua otoacathe muee bv upsalllug boiala the jouaI pimundulsof llafrienuls. club*, the: umpires sudbSern, me Aýmntroug's luotel sud partook Of a rqa dnem gt qp in bis boit style, ta 'emy one diamlple justice. Atler dlii- Ijibridgeoluh resumnal lia: butfor cainigs, Aruus.roig sud W lieler goluaf astvoa'soseer wga short fur Lunîs.8 mid luis vipheut a'aviio>stuun o te- a itr aoui ag"iteMis score. Fred led aup litb bèu.Wutxer batted ýy, but liou on as uuOitulate.(fr bc onta itr ho laureat 3. W tBmaom ugmuabin, 1iapt te m 0rsi. aat I glt ou tiued'ha. repu tln, for-lie afgaiu 9 lieu.Lumni Mt ia afroui . li 11% wcke n Q iaao, viia 1lu lt*oye, and revetep1icnl eslameul cf lasMa i lue îam1011(ou oe, aiu & t4 ~aif fi i.Ux- even. eraut1ls mied 10, de te Tlionmas Blsacy vh9skilfully èft tlue deumdly luisa ~tet ai bs il ±éumadeii, mueluro;lie dusappoint- th. boulots. 0. Bascolu (.11's viellai r uuuisig" sud iient out ih Il selits Stewart played ulîlu tb. sImilisud it t an otd emickster, but hol:g out of ho vent out for four, baingmasatly )y lswk@. . Beuiuaqnov fSiuo4 ýho ooreti 8, honla-ima axam*uglib y .ou1 pi: thien Wboup die wflilov, lirepaTe àwell aselio coii.,"99 udbclie i, fur i 2o sud csmnied his bal tiuougu. Bl l 7, ulmon Mortimer upset luis kt liii: lime ha breaitiue freely. lTacrd vheu Lumâcden brokIte lrougli bis w i ip h is vi>xktOlu wu &A sita c -imlir ate, IadingO0 to tb. Acre. oun nov coajiiiouaoed cheir secoudaIn eiaiuag L4:nýdeu sud Closamilon ta the amaden*sucSuedealnutnakune St Whocu euglit by Gilpin off ou. or tewart.'d ,balla." Bisbop tho un elrod uilulu oe au4 piqyua very i.miy. Boucana ai chroug lutiter'. vickets, wîao vta acsee !"ta a elli' c "tme. Mru Stwart r e iatadded à airv eme w. iakebattel atiougly. lit arud1, Wun il T elleyod lira st by kaoeiiig ovor litsplias. Morli- Iup thae broken tnaitsmmdplayoti but lUmsp'ip, ltop 1uéWii toc nmuolu sud lue reti dulibi'hlu blis oed- nmnSaiu &anoda udbi#t"d uibb igiuent. llaule'lecket vu Ilin )Y ason it ler scriaf 3. flogua o the rmoue, but lu us e Orlîathl fini is un alo nu otCavaiisgh sud ivere bath howle4~ by Stewart This is matech ta a close. 'fIe bouliaut of t là aleady, fim sud doruetivir, sud ct kupligot llswke la admirable. et bas the niettio lu hlm tb mat. au tboulon but at prespuat b:cilook* dis- in pi»lng'Ilits bonis. ',loVve, the nwlifch hobouled at Uxbmudge laeflot ,for him, sud lionnie mv opliuiltimaï woliourale, but notimtbstsudalf ros s 11111e more "precusion." un the' 16 -pi tof the (Jnuiugho: club l'a 'labahozni. Tht: plaeying cf thé LTX - ub, ubea ve laite luate eonsideratiou luit tula iâ.te 1I'vsl uatchIluy have, n tua yeard, amîi tb.y luave l' mO -amontlomror f5v.ay. luuiy,-uas ~iygood. Tbeirîehdisigwss s:Or vàalp sîjue ~batti:g "Of *W. n JYi*rhI.Glpu, G1oldniWhOler ter. ihe umpfo for ConninutgmWall js.-ndfoi lYmbrage,.Mm wL rbomn gpaeUnlvorA.ml matldsoii. 'The rero-ior Cauiuiigtâut, Mr- Bumubaiii The. ail pre hug reg SAie A commnunicaionm froua the county Cienk vas rend aud'laid botore lhe cuna- cil, itatiig liaI lie sum of e1788 6.1 vasj requ.ma tob. eleai d nud olled the présent year by Ibis corporation for <IR- oral coauty sud educalional'purr9osffl A by-laiww '. thiwa-'jàîrodùco anam pmaeed, le 'aus ibm township fqr gepemil couuty, educational, tovuship su olier purposos for tbe prosont yosr. Mr. Licit, z.aonded'by Mr. Luke, moreai liaI lie deputy.moove grant is rder ou the treasurer lu lavor cf lb. cloçfç, for $2 15, t10 psy ,for the registration of By- ; law No. 12.-Caried. on motion cf Mm.l Lick, Mr. George Cor-j bet adesseai tie council lu rofereuce te à oertaGmrsindon lot No. 8, i helis8maicon., -Jin Siti, sacoudad iy Mr. Licit, noves ihat Ellen Johmnson bo roliovoa te tic &Munt of $8,sdà iomsPrerost t10 1he anoanl of $5, (bath parties beiuag lu- digeal,) sudtliI lhe -depuly.meeve' grant bis crier ou; tis -Imesurer-,for thlia daa amoun-ts.--Carried.- The Coancit heu adjoumnëe t e li ret Mondsy o(Septembeu.uex4, temeat aI :10 9Surt eme7W muîWb\Eaq.,, Poi- mastor, basretnmued fronaetou' h 4ud Labrmdor, uhore ho bas, beau for uesrty tires montha fou. tiheleefit et bis heau.i-à@* ha.griatiy iMproved bhy-tie trip. Mu.. Smith pronounees hi te' ba a maguificeut country for spojtaon. B- aidas meal iet, brook trous et almosal Say si;& arote h. pugh u nbidsuflp s.Imv< la if Ioy o ïl@stet srI. fthepropore atrengîh sud qaaliiy mand earlboo covur the ontry. - Th. seenin, et portions of1 the sien. is grand, dîarfing evea ahai of thc Sagunay.- Vindicalor. Çocl!.Dlcoded ifndor lu Reston. Boston, Aug. 4.-Tis vif.et Dr. A.lIl. Hobbs, cf No. 1,266 W'.iugton ut., vas shovidesai about il o'clock last nigit, in hiem a0 parlor, inu up pipase.etfber buabanai, b y Thon'. 1< Whlt. abcr4m villa lie doctor, under Meail ,trestmauit, The murderer f mcd tvoabsis Irain a vo- volver, tie second siot penotmating thie' riclimts lotibreastm andj s&snlm irougi hem biedy.The act wva mpoitbytw huamud thei lady, andt liir yonng son, aged about ulue yeims. White wueaI once arreated.Ileienlea geaalenanly lookiug pal'50 f f'aboqi $iirty. He salaiho vas a lia murdereai voman, wp»the second wile of thc docor. Suie vas ageti about 80; TUENTu zor luas xuasp.g Boston, Apt. 4-*n inquest '*!l bp heldte 10 nerovin mollion te lic mua-dem et- Mm .Hebbel Tic murderer, Major Wite, cane froin NoaaScot l a taudied hum itusiyifand vas ndmllt.d te prao. lice. W ion lh vr coencd u listeailutfic NinliMs ahgetsléi meut s a prvl's serveivi distncton.H. as scverely vounded aI Fredericksburg, sud ubseqautly promol. cd te tb. raut ot major for gmlantmy. Of laI. io resided lu Missiasippi, anti -vas a cjelpgahs froua &bal $tats e ie hOicagzo Convention of 1 P,,#nosince bas seleai as a regislry officer, a.positionl secureai for hlm by bis flouai Geu. Dent. 11. caneila Bostéoabout tue vweis cge froua Miasis- sippi, sull'ering froua a puÛlnonuvy con- plaintand, havi: gbe?:au n isteloa et Dr. ibobbe sud vite,, v as'kemiiutp hem~ ~~~~0 rauy o mdcl rale Il Houo, andi in tact, s.nonomaniac lunbbs derotion teober.. An.couru. O f A01Tus Ssas.-0f ,western murveiNs tseliNe'w York Poet tic Most xtaordinry liaI bas yoî bu: iecrde i tht.'ofthe umnuimiur- of tiip trsck bas bcen -re-ladiix aie an4 lieller raIls tiahure htherto boon non .Tha ballasinÏ of Lipmeaduubas also- bec: grently trm'poed-beaides a large. utumber of ucu pdeepers bave been put in, .Aipopiadat-ipu-in tihe vay ofasidingsana4 varebouses 1s54a»hçen larpecly iucrensed, sud lbe rosadis nov .in3 a condition proper- ly le pettom thlb.business 'e1thle country-, sud curry offt Iis Fal lish products o! tho ficlda, ubich promise to b. abundaut, if- ufeiy liarvested i for the roiliug-atock lis beau greahly uncreaseai. Thisieï evi- denced by lie tact liaI durin lieeiat - Ive monttbIhe ebas beewnônocon- plaints iu lie nev#osppemaso fan as vo have sacn, mamd vo aro intau.ned noue fi-on in- diriduals, cf suy failume c: tie part of tic- Company properly le more al] lb. freigiht tint vas desire4 toe mod by it. Bothu is Ràoadava sd -S19ok are nov in a uauch better condition Ibm: anat any lime aince the lin, vas ppeued tiroùghiout, white tie receipts have incrpatscd during that perioti by about eixty per cent. -This e a targer aggregate inercasose in sa short a lime Ibari bas, vo ibhinit oveïibetore bEeh-exhiWuitc4- îl htilry oaiany '%uil way 0omeiy. The receipta of lhisroal' nutwitbstnnding the ,dalluesa ailysai. in Canada, are uuow iucrshiug eil tha rata ci about $20,000 vecit; and lier. seetns to-be litîlo doubt lialt e traffie ai tie lins dumlig ti>. pre-, sont yeasm'l reaci tb. sun o! -£1.500, 000 sterling, onrt-bout $7,50é,000'i ItL i aIs gvmifyiug te knov liaI lb. Grnud Trunk.is cvery, yaar absorbiug more anti more et lie carryieg business of timi country, -becamose shippers are nov ou; abo ogel them produce and treigilte mai-tlwith <router reguiamlty tia: horto- toi-e, sud cemtaiîmiy viii mùuci mono ades- patoir tien by lb. oid moniW couray.: suce. About eight alays mgo (ssys lie Een~ £ug' Moniteur) a meusgemio, uhici bath been stationeti for sone lime i: ticelfair st Orléana, uuddeuly disapennoaL The 51ry telal ai ita removal was as folovum-Tie -if otc athle praourietem afthle menagerli vas nursing s flue iealtiy girl of about Oyenntie oid. About four o'ciock ilu tic afternooa lie moîber, viti thec cila lun hem arma, vas vuaikiug lu meuot lb:h cage ot animaisand vas juat appognte the ono cou.sining tic lian, uhen one of tth. attendaptî of lie meuageric SPoot teber li etrence ta son. delsiils-vf service. fi happeuued liai, Ibrougi negligeuce, sufi- clent paroisse et ment bath ual been made- ton lis carnirarous innahas etfltie estab- linent liaI dsy, sud aller tie rosI oftho: uiatlnis had beon feodti harc vas notbing loti fon tb. lion. Thiz animal oxciteai by tbippigbt of is acompanions fecding wyul. iebhadncbinýg te Mt, w'. leapiug uildîy about bus csge, roaig.0emcýly1 in onder la attend tte :qaery otti. employes Uic motier luued rouùnd, sid in deing celhis skirt oet 1m eos appocied sa near lie caga ai h'lilon, tIat ic, puttiug ouI hi& ps.oaughtlut ofit i landi magge1d hem te- îavdws hlm. Mmkiug s shavp movement te tre: ber akint, lia uniorlunale voman brougi-t lic child taie close te tic bava cf- (ho cage. vien tic lion, quiet aligilen - ingdaaied cul its ather psu anaise.zed infjuant. Tic poor voinan filleai lie plc ivith piheolia criss, and, huspimoal by nmaternel doumage, eudeavourad te drag bem child froua th. férociouâ bcast. By lis lime, bouever tioeevas notbiug ta be "ean but bloody scmasaof human 4-es1 minglea ithibpeces o! dress Vrbite M 'énimal, lhealoning vith terrible syes, vas crunc6ing *hle boues cf tic childj uhicli coulai be beard cmckhinz betveen bis - wks, but Sb, -' omo 0 m AYoung a ana, vas toke à' sd feu l ie 'v pnly ait.e bis breaithaft. çIsy. The. Pope çapomt the gi-a A, A oman s pier flatteries, Numibema o paper reporte An Asiatie liai tuiles an An Iudianu crtainly touc tisiapeotularl j.the dot.ms et lyhn-g dai. A Youing la by a defeel lu iujury teLOts peusalcai il le pua a suit for A bit of eim reatore crape. Ribbane of in cold suds 1 -f )-ou arel Choose tunal: FaliWhxo -k Spuing do. f Burley. . PR e s ..... Oats,... Btter-.- Potaiees - Wool. 4'ON~E N Weenesna A soties cf l'o Ch Lluamion C»ui, -' cs (venrmnr th ive Mnslce 'Ir, ME. G. -Bàxeru iSt: cait ho i vllhout extra t ceai, mev

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