Whitby Chronicle, 5 Aug 1869, p. 4

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UAW LEAD; * JABIfI Il, 011111W, flhl eggi~L, Wlîitby' êpriî 7i.~ 1809. 14 To.Jemrs, UNiat.î<& S.LCon- ictv P. 0., Ooun<y qof Lennomr, Ont., Canada. b Mnîoo. catiiity- of iiiistinua, iProvince or Ctrieý, Fob. tb, 1869. rrlhR ln ta eerilhy tiâtdiarinothie wlnter et J. lot$ t wu* tik1<011 wth a wec;4o ofetthîe %nkIc%, wllolî gra"dlîîehîy dîîrn lîihe Bpriig ef 1807, extonded te îny ktuace, eund on uji ta îny IlilNI, a:l 1I l ecaîii<ilca wo&khUit ( could tnt il libt wauêIl cenfimcilLu inlr. Forebet twe yeii, liîs t-io wookîsuswue-ceniilg on tue,8111 - îlt or tiih0, 1IsangliC nvillcidl alvîce, otiIlutL diffroiitint îes, tlircc doctors. sn<i r ed c tien o e t itrit kîîds, pl.encîlted by J'riil Md. biîL t tii vîil. Ieeîiimie'Sl [e fZet worie aîind wor.e, ntil thîe Siiiiinmer (,f 1898, whou 1 waA lidueoexitu try ttia-gretit Shestîiiî- oea Uuuwicly hy remdiu V ie mreA erfuritol, lu a pamnpilet. At hum' tinte 1 Iiiîl. lîcgîifltu îeuI Lite wemkîjisei ni yhfinîdli fat1 wau % attiig etitottiulplësti. 1. havo ialuin two otenithe$îl'ie eiiemy iil two boxe. of tue IPmlR11111m iltîd Iltirl' rertorei hto limtti. I1 nee expcited te get btter,t but 1iliîpiy tr!od teiii ie ma sorut )f olîrori )tape. Til. eamîe of mîille wUmî iot a privitt< 61m0, but knîîwîîte ta îîî y iîiîiomu mi t frictids ; antuLeny nue10iliîmmiîd mc i wam, Jiveo 11Y tix amy try ,tti.o tOam"s iludy - ? Lilevo IL wil uete ye. MARY ANN DOUOIITY. "W a tbqfe m tadoh, cwitnfyqfla tega, M4 sniatltis ay Ih/F Mmrua, 1 860. - A. F. Woon)-..I c, t 1 iercby certIif>' t1 Ihave known Mnr# >tary AunaDotiglît y fer that fitea eursoar #lie la awoinaitiof roiohly eandtruthi. i liai bgnowt her bat',ore, durling and i snce lier fil. noce, 1 belîceolhi er ottilente te b. true fi ever>' partotsîr. 1 know tii whl le l eue wus decitret i opeloiu; sd8141 k ow Cili ilhie liag, sliteo lier recover>, ehwayc ttributoi baer .reovety tu-e 8li tiieiocs Irteid W liatîmv "f tua>'hbattît 1meiilr piiP(rtlOs0 thi# iî,oloeiiie, Otoet1iliîg il, rtîîn t1litliit enge, t ilia ed 01ahimîotlike the perciuîime et a uAirele. * A. P. WOOD, J. P. Werdo ufethLie Cunuty oet hLamtligii, lroviîe of Oîturin, Dmînlili Cti l mmi. COMMERCIAL 1MOTEL OSHAWA. JAMES PRINGLE, - Propriehoi JOHN CARTERY LICENSEI) AUOTIONEER, yoitTItE covrTtUOY ONTARIO, YORK & PFE1 -e- >ýgaltEMIDENCE-Lot 8, sth coi me...iin.-Pigat Olllce-Uxiotvillo. SALtES ettoidem ou tiie chorteît notice, atnç 0m, reiîsimabhe terrils. Torrisims cl'e im-#eii. bille% prîntu t i LmeCh retuiolfofice, furhlr Carter. 17 D. F. BURKE, Famly GroceriVWine & Spirit thnier, No. '2, MIOHÂEL'S BLOt)K, KIhO ST.,.48J mi'mA OROOKERY & GLASS WARE À WELL SE14IfCTED STOCiÇ 0F AIL RINIJS, t y. ;0 Ir. n.t BaOom Li1 il 6 lixAs LOW '?48 ô OTs.PER iROLL, ~The choicest lot ever offérdin towfle Paper-Collars and' (Jufs, the. Iatost~ style* and oeapest. rlîhreco 1oxuj of G i' Cqllars for 20 cents. cati SUPIAI! nny Book, Magfizine or Ppr bhhd'Shecnt uie s a ls lin,,d. Orders pro:nptly filIcd. leancy Goods, such aos Writing Deskq, Work Boxes, Safnthls, lures, Aibuimsi 1rtiuse,, Combs. spectitclies, Jewelryl,&ko; Sciîool BI3co, Sates, 1311g<5Pocket Kniv's 4!quo ৠ&a. <Uy'5cts. Sýheet 3Music, Prhiedn i let Tnk, * FANS,, SECRETS 0F THE GREAT CITY. LATEST NOVELTIES AÀLWAYS ON HAND& Otir Goods are- ohiefly in BritishMârkctB' which-o buý ut 1ow rates, açd wiIl bc sold Che'ap for casil3O LA D May 26, 1809. Vàiety 8tore, yVhitby. GENERAL AGEN CY OFFICE! 7Il ners:gned bavlng reoe:ved Lbth appoinIment cf Officiul Assignes for North Ontarlo, fs prejpared te give prompt atte!ntionto ail mate?' la liankra'tey or tInsolvecey, jg' Promlssory INotes and Accounts speodily collectel and reoeîttsnce5s promptly nmade, On good'farmsoeurity at 8 per'cent Intereat Speclal- attention wIll b. given te the tnogoclation cf Lo3~aladborrowero cati rely nponebaving their applications attended to promptIy, and at sinall oxpense. 9&« Also, Lands, bo'th lmproved and uni.nproved constautly for sale. Instw*DoeS q 'ffieted In tbe Ontario 7armcrs MuLual, Insurance Compaqn~. OFFlF~IlgclW'5Bloce, eatdoor ho the Royol Ceuedlnàii Esk. P'ort i'erry, Decexuber 2, 1888. -49 Just arrived'a splendid stock of SUMMEZ TWEEDS, &c., AT Spri ng and TRE GENTLEMEN'S IAILOI'G AND FUIZN1SIÙING T-IOIISE Gentlemen's liurnishing Goods of every déeription, embracing-Shirts, Collars, Socks, Braces, &c., &c4 g'NO FIT NO PAY! n...%tlr af Whitbv. ?darch 24, 1800. ALEXANDER PRINGLE, 12-Ir- THE OLD STAN>D!O FANCY DRY WnTS¶I WiLL 13E PlrOÜU1<D VRY 01301013 QDS,1 OEEAP. tr THIE,.MLLLINERtY DEPARTMENT coûtains.l.aUl the latebt styles sud novolticeain iats, onnts, Ubbolls, FloW*i'i, Sbahi . 'TUIE TAiLOLUNO DEPA-RTMENT contiiji thefinest Scotch, English, and Qanedian Goodio, whieh vinI b. made te o rder, in the. latest style, and at the lowest price. lUabirdsithay'i7 la et vsrlty. 13N N. B --The suùbscriberý intendS retiring from business, audQf jors the-.subove Stodk-in-tTade for sale, with a loe c f tii. PreoeisiltrS term Of Years. 1Oôahîaw#a Itrl, 1869., Great Ciearilg Sale, R*& Je CAMBELLI Beg to announce, in eonsequence of MR. JAMES VAM.PBELL, Daig started for the BRITISIL Mrarkets to purehaetei a Stock, they offer the bglani~che i Sommer Dress Goods, IVlîiinery, Slîawls, Capets, Window Curtains, CictaTeds n RIEADYmMADE <3LOTIIING to muke rocun for their Pal importationsm wlicu is intended Lo bc on a Iaeer scale than befoW'. tdTes SGROCERIES.-TheY direct attention to, their Importe es beltlg much under regulor prices. Fuîr& inducements offered in 6 and 101bo. parceha, Ourrants, Raisins, Rice, Sugar, &C, 00= Wanted 2,000 Tu'~ of Fariners Paoked Butter for the Liverpool market. n. & j. CAMPBELL. ILEDUCTIO IN THE PRICE 0F Family Groceries resh, CIicaper than cv At R. FRANCISPS, NO. 1, ON TJIFi CORNER i. Bes Brndi~,R~,, GnOld Rye, and MA.LVWIIISKEY, PORT &S*JJERMRY WINES, [ESTABLISHED 1833.] The undersigncd in retiurning thauks for the liberal patronage hitherto extended to the olti establishment, for ucarhy a pèrieS ef forty ,years, Seul roi te eay that lie bas now on hanti a large assertint of t»e meut modern andi clegant style o! WM~ ~ ~TJETJ i May 2th, 167. - continuance of publie patronage. Pract;cal upiiolstcrîng. Vurniture r-tfe n FUNDI FOR covered. I n ve strm e nt YUndertalcing and Funerals Fully Supplied as heretofore, -Miii Tgrglr AND LOAN compANi W~Some spl&indid specimens of Pieture Frames, a.nd Oilding. JL litive fiiîî for li.voealf, n tt liiaruenitl rutae et hitetrost, on tlmo oourity oflmuproveod Remer 171<3 01<1 , Stand. :lal Eetate. Loninade for llxed peorloJi, or ropayable K IIatf 14% ainqa luiiits. eWhitb1y,,lO-lY 'Ynr"tlor sud ful Information ean b. lied Iby iy Murch9 88 lotter, itdroseed te IL. Comilelouri et lutou, or roui Resl bttit & Geieral Agent.Stl They Corne ! Whltby, Sept 16, 150. 86 PROFP, 3. PO$T, THE SUUSCUIIElt BEINO ABOUT TO CLOSE UP THE 3~~~LI UDII crockery GIass Ea'rthe o ar 9s.1 ml cemo*lttio l,0 isi-$ô Portion of bis 'business, will from this date seli the same .Auý.p.rialo or e titiîsif5y«»a as e lê 'rfecsor Pet toe guaratt. 81, rapld Adianemet ofetp1àpîb.plaS undor hIi tultlton AT C O ' 9(N U B . a 1869. p.i A SToi luHUMBU8m HOE 3argikins eau be secured by aa early, eaU as the. stoçk is cop4c- INg1 J nCJl (MPAN plete in every depe.rtment, av NEYW IWAYIEW. £IflN. U f O E B E U A splendid article $ lrt good Qnd cheai Butter, Eggs Wanted. D OMINLOI4 TELKGEAPR 1N5T~UTE, TORONTO, NT .7tUh4for tho pe<4 urp f guqfi*g Young "mon Md zoomen oft airenTekegraph 'Inn, This Insttution eitbonh sssbhilibd t -e short tIiqumgo, ba lraady become a, e- Dent, lnttulin. lh, wbols Demiion ow about bseint trav.re4 by a rotplt. not of new Telegrep li hues, wh h wll effare ldopenst eyopngmon unit wo -- n gag eol a thep ai ma nh essy sud , _e ti als- , umes ef Tslgro phyr. TheeM ssuile et wlre !r uow belng eontueed, sud hqudrse~o will b. open@& i w. '. Igtitut. bà baroioficelan Oe on o th a n d 5op gles g bsais coppther. abilio Toronto 0. 4  6t Frnes NOPtO HJCrIîdu e, NO. 1, ON TEE CORNER. R OYAL CÂ14DW4N BAUX LL, Takea j4 Par, ton DRY GOODO, Chosp Cash Dry Goodo Store. W btby, Mi y 6,189. . 1 AUCTIONI BU'1NESS 5,1.0. G T- ern al fDyGoda n wbole Stock to be uold off3"ôn or1 Firt ay of Âu The publie wil find it to their advantage, themt;elves,As under the. ebove cireumBtSD<i.S, li OIWENI e YEOMAN, (h13 Choice- Famuly Hardware, Painat., 0109, Salt Plaster, and, Wàti Biid stlected Stock of Harvesting Toola, will bel" also 120 dozengood Harvesting Gýloyes, at ream >wbole oor retail. Rememnber tii. aboveC 27.Whitby, July lot 1869. -U DIVISION COURTS IN TI rOi R E Ym 69. E L n .~ - g.q-I1< mc b, Whl .............. . 2112 s 180 2Q . .. .. 2* ::: r ili, Mnel ese;o 'ipeAIet2 28 ..E..f7de3ig80 4. Urbridge ............2 ...*, .... 21 leLtu ehi 15 BCaninaton......... .......ent* 8 ay iDn 'glail Beaveron ........ .......19...... Tt.... ifLel............... .....0.... ...- 231AlP.ER. OF - Painti- G UEA.T ÇILEA.EIIIG SÂL~î - -AT- McMLLJ~A~ ~; cO's, -o- Btraw Goo4s ~t ~O per cenlj discount. Linon Dusterfy at 2U Ver cent Muslins and Summer Dreu Ooodet,224per çont discou.nt, T.,il, HdILLAN & Cou, Aldwell Aie in prime- condir tion. jJuly 7j 1869. MpIIILIaAN eCe. GOLD&SLVIWACIS C;plored Ap'd bright Gl Ear-DropSojfg &. Wedding Rings# Prancy Ooeds, Watobmakoeffly Je'i t O-D.y 30-1.0pr i Brook Street,.- -Whitby, 5t4p 1860, sudPaper liap meuhike and exp.,i Wbitby, April 8, I luAÀN GI1N G s by bimoucif. whiehh o.h4 e pe luced Prices. mg Grainlug, EÇlaptug8 mgaeeutcd ilu a work, litýins munneer, as usnahk A. C. WILSONOI Dnu Street, Wbýýy 1808. -h FRESH &_CU-RE) oL rs and the. public 1hst bis Shop lincou- astantly mnppliod wlth IL, hat Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb, IPo ke., Prime. Cornei l3eeft,. Pork and (?X Toipes cnred lu a superlr iuanuer;-ud éerytbing lu the Vietueiing lUn. ket conutuuiY Où Ic lemember tho uew Shîop-etween the stoes of Meurs. listah and LÎ~eq e Powelt, rokStreet. AM S IN. Whitby, March Sth, 1869. 11 Fire Insurance Co, 0F LONDON. ESTAflLISkIED 1.8041p Capitalk £1,945,OOOSterliùl> ].Und& luvestcd la Cmuud-$OSîOOO JNjSI<ANE4 gelt sloue b>' Pire of.ede4 ,o fa tyoprebli ttrume. AU leu6e p:dd witboîît reterence te tthe Bosrt in London. SIINTrQPL BILOTIIEMt Mi(utreal, Gsusrsl Agents tforPna4m.' JOEHN ÀGNEW, WVMTT, Agent for IWhltby, Oshawa-, Bowmatnvllls andi surro.tnidiLt cotntry. TURÉ AION EOTUeJ Cou@ f Break fa Punas t met#~ - WHITBY. J. 0. MçPHERSQN;- 'Propristor, 3"Lat oh the Uniou' RoýF, Ssçrsueto * WhIl1by, Jeu. llth, 1800. 1-I umlee- Laver ,Jnwru faide. Clix txeery. Ch *Toronto. te?>' Publie, &C. Oxrzc-Nerit door ÇampboU1,lrock$dt, W!111hy, Nov. 18, 1 - 8. B.FVA Oaarre, SC. . torne>', ] [saeemeved lîlsOSi * XTriîo Uaxx. Whitby, Oct., 186 -3 ABICISTEIeS, A ouiîa; eand ECi. Tojwti .hall, Lowmianv R SLAUDEB, BARIR 0 -pry, sand 1: D scjoinin)g Mr. àamea I * A. W. LAUDEII. wnSOLICITC ÇTTORKEY AT on, Brock, C. W.' '- J. HÂM11R A TTOPNEýYÂAT- L7-Chailer>', Notai Both or p.t Office. enscore and Nots tPRINCE ALBRT-thJ fHall. feRTPàrry 26th t) EH. Cocuîuxea, LL.1 Ceunty Growu Attoru' ]LYMAN ENGý TsARRIT-'R lAIT . eX ENOULA if- A C Y. E9~IW Whitbl y tôt .5,000 OF ED Ze BURNHAUR i whitby & manèbesterf 41Y Ul -r- 1 1 ci p 1 -1 1 1 i , -1 1 1 Il 40 lý A tc b b c cols, ve land Farmers' Produci 1 1 Whitbe, Jtlly g2. 18M Watobmaker & Jewe 'Brook Stree4

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