Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jul 1869, p. 4

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REW VA , WlîitlJiy. NGS! Li 1ewvipt'- qs deoisiig 00K QV 1, ROOM, PAPIER e4 W7INDOW BLINDS SELLINO AS LOW AS 5 075. PER ROLL. The choicest, lot ever offered in ut&wn. Papor Collai-s ai Cuffs" the lateit styles and cheupest. Thireo bores of Gents' Collars for 20 cents. eu 1sppiy'n-lny Book, Maghz!ino or Pàper published. Shoot. Musie alwaym on ha»d sdr rostyflcd. Fanay Gaods, tich fls Writing Dresk., Wonle Boxe, Satchels IuseAJIums, irtiahes, Oons, Spectacles, Jewelry, &c. School licoko, Siattes, 1ibln. 1oetKîxîves, Scissors, nt&C. Ïgla 1 W 20by 3y 5ets.Slieet Music, Perfunied Voilet. Ink, FANS, SECRETS 0F TEE-GREAT CITY. ueiqi P. O., Oint, of Lennoa,, Ont., Canada. b lAuioc, Ci styor lsmtlnge, IProvinîcîse ofUîtur go, Bob. titis, 1860. r 18liik ostO cerlilrytiset ditrin.r the vint,? at £ 81151 vis tosi 15Wit}i 5a- okl5eàsof tise iiuklcs, wl±li gritduaily slurliog thse tpriîsg of 1867, aottîedto my lkîes, goud on titita my ipo, sud 1 beeaitu Po voak that t cutid not wooik, but vst otslued tu rny eisssr.,Yor about tvq )y.sra, wlsie Cfi. weaknus m vo ouing aos iseVand sîftorward4, 1 nouscs edc y oiîo ci lpoyloir nt diteresît t inosi, threeo doctors. lin idusodlisea ofi'dfforast kins, pte.icrlbed by i'iosdq but of sho aval!. I eoîstlsîîme'I ta gat woata aud won.so, ustil the Stimuler of '1868, wlîen 1 was iisducad tu try tile greut Sîtoahio- Do eauIady Pi>' reedug thie auro% vepormol, la'a- pampleot. At t hi. tintîe I1 usd boguas ta leulîthe wessioieu.n su>' Ibandas; lu -tacst 1 wi fs.ttlig attist Islplcos. I haya tokastva loSsosnttu$lioshnuses ltamedy aniitwo boxes or thisejilsa si I anaistirel>' rettoresi ta lisaltli. I néver 0% octed ta teget botter, but 0aimii7ld tee tigesilclsr ati s amort )f lorioru loue. !bl ai' uf tsino via t sip pivite osoie, but kilowss ta Dil gayliselgisaari. sil friandt; suil ta nsy aise aficited ais a v,, L it% aiiy>lu s'i r>'tue S bombantes Itesîady; j beileve It viii cure von,* - 31ARY ANSN POIGIITY. Týàm ~ta bqforo Mo ai lied«, county of lia#- thuidsnaisday 'f aryj, 189 - A. Yl. WOOD, J.P., &ae. ilIîasi oby sri>'tiîat -1 lave kisowu n . Idary Aunu »uglity for tii a lest fiftenu years; - oi ila a aitaorprcsity asiedtruts. 1iboave kuno"lier lieluse, durisig, coolsaile lier iii. ý10ese, 1 balieva lier certilleatote ct iruc lu *vory psrtlsailur. 1 kuow tiuhistfil i lier ouase wus dolsred anelss; d I ksaw tuait sis,âtifnoulier mouovez, elwilyot ttribïitod lier reeaovory te tis ho iioiseeas neifdy. Wistev r srsy bc tisa pecaliasir prapf)rtios of thîs sIncolaule, Osle tini la cortais), tlist lit lier eume, Ilis. a se d iîasotlika tih e rilaise -A. Y. WOOD, Jl. P. Warden of tise Cousa i'filistligm, Province aor Ontario, ]omlli oraconoausit. u COMMERCIAL kHOTEL, OSHAWA. JOHN CARTER9 LICE NSED AUCTIONEER;' rouasecauiai ONTARIO, YORK& PFRL. In RESDENclI-Lot 8,Sth cou., Mfarkhas.-Pont OlIice-lUnîonvll le. SALES'atteudesi 05u tise .sortest notice, uni on1 yeamOual e trasn..Ternit catiboc made nia bih.o priutec ist the Chrorisele office for tir L~aster.17 LATEST NOVELTIES ALWAYS ON HAND.1 VOur- Goode arc ehiefly iu Britkh* le Mrklets wiih WC buy'st low rates, and' wiil bc sold chcap for cash. 1 -1. JAMES BORILAND, 1Mgy 26, 18691.1 Variety Store, Whithy.1 CONSISTING BRILIANT, -CANADA TWEEDS, LUSTRES, ALAPACCAS,. PRINTS, SIIIRTINGS, COITONS, JIOSIE RY SILK MIXED T WEEDS. TRi fMilGS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F REA D'Y dIADE ýCLOTIING- ý-X CE3C.JCXC EFCx-E. MIYGROCEIIIES, BOOTS ..,AND SIIOES, O SHA WA ,begs to announce thathis stock of SPRLING'ANU SUMMER (kOO-DS, is now -complete, consisting of FA N CY D RY ,OUDSq' Viiicii WILL BE FOIND VEJIY OHOICE AND CIAP. ~'THE MILLINEPLY DEPARTMENT contains ail the latest Istyles sud noveities lu Bals, Bonnets, Ribbons,Fiowcrs, Shawis, ste., &ca. ~'THE TAILORING DEVARTMENT contains the finest Scotch, Eugish, sud Canadiens Goadat, Which sriil be made te, order, in the latest style, aud at the lovent prico. Ilaberdashery in groat variet>'. X3£o£ M f fb'B XCY:O MIADE TOý ORDER >AND. READYJIADE. N. B -The subscriber intends retiriag from business, and of- fers thse aboie Stack-iu-trado for sale, with a içase of thse promises tor a terni of years. 1ooollssws, bluID , 1869. WILLI AM DICRKIE. 1 ~40, HIGHEST PUICE PAID FOR Butte -r, Eggs, dried Bacon #<o. 0:J- Royal Canadian llis taken-at par. M. H. COCHRANE. Whitby, June 9th, IS69. 23. OFFICIAL ASS-10NE Es GENERAL AGENCY OFFICE! 1Eunderaigncd having veeeived the appoiuntaient of Offlciai l a e oNrth T Ountario, ig prepared ta give prompt attention ta al inatters l akrptcy or Insoveny. ~' Iromissory Notes raid Accounts spediiy coiiect.d sand reusittances On good farmi eccsrity at 8 per cent intcr'st. 8-pcciai attention will be given ta the ncgociation af Loarît, uni borrawers cen rely upan lhaving tlisir applications sttended ta prarnptiy, and ut iniliexpense. j&-' Aima, Lands, bath lmnprao'o1 und ui'irpiaved constantiy for' saie, Insurances effectedl iu the Ontario PFumiers Mutuel Insuranco lCompany. E. MAJOR, officiai Amigueiand Vintor. OFFICE-Bigeio'm Blockc, next door ta thse Royal Catiadin Bank. Port l'erry, Dese ,lt.49 Just arrived a-splendid stock SUMMEIR TWEEDS. &c.. of Spring and AT TFIE ,on Fe BURKEIl'n 6iJWNd brI. AbTCd6 TXTC14à FaiyGrcr ie& Spirit JLILILl )11JUJ tW X.29. MICHAEL'S AN FJR1S-IIG IOJS 'KING ST,.,EASf% OSIIAWA&. ADFRIHN 11 CR;OOKBRY & GLASS WAR - A WELL SELECTI STOCK .5W FRLESI TUAS, si/Or..o ALî~ ~Getlmes Frishing Goods of every OFAL KOE]'E' descriptin mrcg-hts Collars, Socks, Braces, &c &c, 'W As 01101)ee &»Ym sus'oue lu canada.. NO FIT NO PAY 1 FUNDS FOR Investment!1 T H£ TRUST AND 140AN COMPAN' bavefa tsî,for lisveatrnet., stthsilrssmusl itnctiterest, au tisa acarlty ai' Iproyed aaol U.tate. Lotins msade for ied periods., or repayabie by anuel issittalisouts. Fuiieso sd falUnlariissîtion eaonlie hâd b>' jtter, sddrouuu.ad ta the tjosimlosncro ut Klsgatau, or fram< iteal Entt & oessral Agent. Wbltby, Sept 1ot 1868. 8f PROF- . .P OBT, Tmum.-lumtruetiou. a lanQ, 10; thsory svb Au xperieall itote thian l e Yom enablése J.o6oiur Pont tdp gearantsethe rs$sl pdvanmnt of pupim plaomd usider hlm tultion WPhitby, Nareis lot, 1869. .> ilOMI 1Brock et., Whitby, Mardi 24, 1869, ALEXANDER TRINGLE, 12-iy EbTAISMED 1867. i'IE MONTRE.AL TEA COMPANY S IJOSPITAL STREET, MONTREAL. eI, oitinued macceasortiii scoxaga~ny la only attributabl o th ie qusality sud parlty oftiieir .T Ten. ov r inro itoânired of'ra hav eenseait teaiffereut pariasoa se Do- sision, sisd tnpwari.hs. af a tlioitbaad toâsstsotiiaisuli4 a chown beariuj testiman> ta thse qualit>', andrity ofthsel'us, A grett oviusg casEsbcoeffctod by p-.rediAsiîs regt Ilom , attias aet an 121b., and upwvsrdéà. Every package warraatssd tu give isati.uion (Club tagfether sud meud for four or lvo 51h. cxttos, wii iyl tic meut cerriagss free tq au>' itailway Ststion lu thse Domainion. Tise ouay ean u becollected onaiseivery, 1 Tr oae fr<sih grosnud stostu roasatd Coffee, lu 5 sud 101b. Tissnui psusts lvu Ch wâosl eiyooiei.usdceypki o werrsssted. SlOb#. Tos udboalOlb».Coffo.sînt tesy#S t tainp roig rc. w f iverut par. Brekfat, neIou eaf3ntLssÀTe.C4E.,8 T.;FE Avoc 4vSmasd.faOa a 5.j~<.n&ru Th ndrige i et~nigthanks for the liberal patronage hithertao xtcndcd ta -tbcolod estalili h t, far neari>' a pcniad of fart>' yesrs, desires ta ssy tisat ho base naw ounlieudit largo essartmcnt of tise mont maodrnu snd elogaut styles of ~UtT~. X3C J~ (TIFI.JE le And tru 'sts by proper atteition and moderate prices to secure a continusance ai' public patronage. PractUcsl upholstering. Furniture re-stuiled sud covered. TJndertalcing and Funerals Fully Supplied as beretofore. gff'Some splendid SPecýmenS of Picture Framneso, and Gilding Remember t7le Ol1 Stand.., Whitby, Maroh 9, 1868. Stili 10-ly- THE-- SUI3KRIBER BE NGA BOUT TO CL0Sg - fýTVE, iSgII 1, F i ls, 5 - aidOtsi;45. sis1Jvreld.6e;Vr'ie ts e. sms'I U F U / E 5 U < fa.,Vn> usFicnYsem7 e. i te ý i GREE'N TUA, lve.kav. 5au 8go me.;'Y aiau é ipe. g 00 5oud lie.; Fine do. 75e.; YVa ia. mie.; SaPerhe sandVéry ak ies~;Fe0îwese; EIM éipmsae dii. $1. 140. 0 m; 1Xa, 2Me,; No 31 0c.; No. 4, 150, POTlb. Tihe HoitraiTee Corn"u ZS Z OWA .otraf88 acul.-lt lesieul> e a r .saee 1purchuquilise Sit cheof <Te rasayour blise.,.1 blie'.prc e4oais> se., sud 1laimpletied tte idml'onu-iia t'lTa laevery euis.proyed mius.»alr, eas0siüîyebiq> sYppar er>' etl', tuasmem Muunm Te« ?4CMoarmtApriM 1eJe.1seîTee Ceai- Gzsi.iie-.iseTe1Iporeisaued or f m us rcIs Jelu>', ôSops Hamm' niîeel..hosuseo isl bue girongretteMWitcl ami he ffevotssi <i f t.i4gwwaa..lu l.uire à..,ù ... . s Great Cléarlng sale of Dry Goode, at unheard of prièes ¶T wbole Stock to bo sold off, on or' before the First, Day, of Augus'"t, -Nez The public will find it to their advantage to 'call and jndge ' themsolve8, a3 under the above eircumstano, undeniable bargains will GLVEN, AT YEOMAN G.îBSON'S. ChoceFam iIy Orocoriet Hardwarey Paints, Oils, Sait Plaster, and Wetei lime, togethes- with a- lai and sclected Stock of Harvesting Tools, wili be oftbred at ver>' iow prit aiso 120 dozen gaod Harvesting Gloves, at, rensonable rates to the tra wholeaie or retaili- Remember the above, Clear-ing Sale. Wanted, For' which the highcst cash price will be Paici, atOld Ne. 1, 27-Whitby, Juiy 1t 1869. YEOM&AN GIBBON, DIVISION COURTS -IN TIRE COU NTY 0F 'ONT A RIO5 TOR MHE YyàR 1869., 2., WZ2b.....................I.... " 2lierig... ....... .. 1 . ... 3 .... 2 68, Mnlese 'rinco. Albert.. ...2î 1 20 28 ....- 7 ...l6';a 14, Uzbrsdge ..... . . 7 21 29... 8 5 aullitoi........ ............... .. .. .. 2 5 a.înros........ ...... . . .. 1) . 19 .... 6 2 ::~ tîre................::.... . .. 2. .. ...7 2 Z. BIJENHAx, W?'iîitby, Janusry i6th, 19,69.JO L (ý i LEARING SALE$ - -AT- MeMILLAN & 00'S. Straw Goode at 50 per cent discount. Linon Dustors, at, 25 per cent discount. Nueline and Summer Drese Goode, 25 per cent discount. T . l MILLAN & Cou Aldwoll Aie i prime condi- tion, JTui7 7, 1869. MO-MILLAN CO. GO-ID &SILVELI WATCIIES,- Colored and bright Gold J3rooches, Ear-Drops,Ris,&, Wedding Rings,' ]Pazcy Goodsff 8-Day & 30-E1our Cloeka in great vaity. Rcpairing carefilIy attended to.j JAMES JOHNSTON, W.atebmaker & Jeweller, Whitby, ôtk, 1869. Brock Street, Whitby. CÂRRIÂQES Brock 1Stroot, Wlutby. - Aunguat 241h, 1868. 8 N. B.-Isaaopropaied ta invest iu mil kiiis of Debeutnres. Greenissekasauogis ansumois; aea s a xgo quantity oaf Silver for sale. NE WLY IMPORTED PAPEIR HANIN GS. 1Endigied bcŽ 0 msan is ul THIE lclitlie s purcliisssIdr the ur cent sasy in Jtiglaud, a lot et' SPLE DD PAPER IIANGINGS1 ýSelectesI esicînli>'b>' bimuelf, wviteiho hu ou maie at Veryý&educed Frices. g- PaniLog, Graining, Glazsag1 sud'Faperianging, executed lus s work Min-iko sand expeditiaus niasuer, un usuel. A. C.' WILONg Dundas Street, WhItIy, Whitby, April 8, 1868.,4t -BUOHE'S EAT, FREII& CURED aiesutiy, muppiied vîis tLe bust BSeCttfonl, veal, ILmb, l>ork, &e*, rir E AB properljr and careibilly dreused snd jo'nted n suit haiieektopers, snd faorsaet tise lawmi Corned .Beef, Pork- and Qi Tongucq esired lu a superiar saiaser; sand evesytbing tsu the Victuislug lisse kept canstuuU>' as baud. ,': gW-,>Iktesbor thse nav Sbop-botvseu thée staru. eti'îlosers. lIatob andILUwes & Powell1 Broek Stroot. JAUES' MANN. Wlsltby, XMi Sts, 1869. 104Y7 Fire Insurance CO, 0F LONDONr. ESTABLISttED 1803e Capital, £1,.945,000, sterlinge Eunda luvçâtod ini Cssada-$O5,000. TN13URANCES Seasst lo"eby Fine ffete4 J Ontemi favonrable t6--ss.AUI basegm p!sis vithaut roeresice ta thse Boart In Landes. ItINTOUL BILOTIIEES, Mcntresl, Genetsq Agoutis for (Jsadn. JORN AGNEWWsny, rAgnt o ]h avOsaa, avlhsvilo TEALBION HOTEL, Corner of Brook & Ilanmdjsgatrt -WHITBY. J. O. NOPHEBSON, - Propuietov. tLae ai tise Unioni Hotel, saeiuuuntq Cilty, Cliltaruis, - ýWiltsby, Jans. 11-l, 1869. * ,-y Lolleitar iiChasses Publie s&e. mice-i4ext door ta fipbef,Brack St-,-Wý hitby, Nqov. 18, 186 -8. B. FA L.TOITOPI, NOTÂR >3ss'wa. C. W- --C. A. il torse>', à removed Lie Offico eso BAwr iby, Ott. 7, 1868. FAREWELL LEltisTEES, - Ar TUELS CuNVEY.V UER PL-I~LC. rgcz--Ole daýr s %va; aud hIeiaLi n a- BÀELVPJL B cery. taud l i luing Mgrijsisse aia. 9019. ?-LoeDQ- .9- W. il, ni SOLlCITcl, r Uiriez, i mci bitby5Jsn.25, 186ý CHABLES c TTOICNE>' AT L Chaucery,onvel Erock, C. W - J.- IAMER G TTORNEY-AT-Lý Ohusseery, Notai'> ,l sitby il.W, iii of' P'aut Offfce. CtICHRANZ & LERiISTEIIS, AT 1 auers sud Notai tmo3 AesZMM-0ri at>' Cravu Atterne'. )rtPerry, 2sthoce LYMAN ENGIÉ] IRRISTER AT LA' cery', <JnvoyAnceri DR.- HA] RGEON. ACCI R. J. GUI ýRGEOI T& -TU: Byron Street,Wiîl H. LAW, iycaSurgeoi Portion of his-buinessjwili us4 rs w.I 3 0OF' >NG THEi 5,000 FIRRLJVS 0F B fJ'TfL ER, THE OLD STA ND!, [ EST AB ýlSH E D 1833.] TteyCon 'edlsis esnIsiuum y ule ýemspsis>. é'PrIl 7t.h, 1869. ýýl"u-

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