Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jul 1869, p. 4

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[The choiceàtlot: el Ithse lateast styles and ,wom and 4wormo,uii dl c Fe6oil iler Co184, woiIwas inluct'.dJO ty1 tli. eaiSîI,» ma Mrazedy by î'esj; Uu, tîî- a(; Iià vértorwi4j, lns a psiyllM. tdi§ls ~îe iI bu.!beKun te L ailog 811110,tCîip1bu. i tvo ici Iwo 14hoeliciethéflciiîoedy eliidt ere boxesaitCie lpille i! i 1uni evii'rcIy rifflorcîl go Iîopo, Tilbi, Ca0o ol la.wau iet oP.îî'bvto 0ue blot knw og itaii 1'y ~io~4andu *lsd%; aî:d te any elle jIWc;od s'nea' wal,i Jiavo ify il smtry Ore vbcIocaitoidy; ;lyo LvJwil Oro Vois, MAI*Y *ANS »ODGILT1Yl ximrn <t/uo a d uJoWC Lb4e 1 1(18Bas. *Ws. is n1,ekhday F )e&, url, J1809, A. P. WVOD,, J.- I luroby corf W>' tist I lave ktciwn Mi*. blary Agioe Dcîîigiy for the lutil Leen Obp is la wotanior cprOhlv msuttrulli. 1bhâv klipwn leber boi'. dogii, nul sîcelier III. puaio, I balieo elier ctid4tkno ta, blie rillelu *very pistlon.. 1 now t1iit Will111 IIlier faves»d.ooltred lîopeta>*; m*"à 1 kow lt tiié bis, $Ince. lier îcocey, alwayis îitriblitedl ls ovlte Iie1:10 one .cncy wligte'r inu t.o G£puculiliîr Pl eporii;es or t .iniedlcun, 0110 1,14îg ii col tsai, tint lu lier ý* tlg wcd grlîost ELO tIhe perfoi uMancc dtÈninwle. -ILà-A. P. WOOD, J. P. Wbrdon oftla.Coînty of Ilu.Mtllg, Iirovineo or Ontario, Dominiion of Caiadua. 16 W~IITEVALE WOOLEN YÂCTORLY Theentîier'neul hovi,.-ruued opriiions ai lb. Vbevit fooletiî 1'eciry'. wiît pay t'Abu VU EIIWNE UOIH%(Un y quaieiiy or 0O0D MAEN WOOl- Â11D ALJOO V CUSIOM ,WORK 1% JLL flS nItINCttas, via: ItAVFCTUIN4,CARD)ING AND 18P>I4N09 CAEI5JNG ILOLLf4, . ,sOTII L JIN ,.c WOOqaasreadluneTweedo, Vt(diCilish o£î,i~W iîi ltnket ru. h ut ik.tel'. i).u%ç alid M Uniis îuuwirhe kels uiaaai it ciiiîu.n, wlucb Witlic sel cfap(our Cssi, uitezL'llagrd 'r $11001 %itrtpe rlle b ueuuiiuîîry .«III Île dr'i'd oeu- dcwot e i i'ii sandtipuio u nuul ci glas il dm i Wlfifod telo 0proiiîae. l'ailes (ccii a dlwlaisa*briisitllîer Wool aIolic Caculedup ue eab>' miii u &ae, vo Il doue te salie Ibsk'w ~ilh sieloffr~e, 'Plis iislauigiîed would brZ ion#8 1îbu(î s$0tc Wievile Pacume>'in . very fiee sud -,u-cno,* ré jalsilosflit, supr or 10Cii>la'le ucCiîiiuIIIft eCor.01iiia an O(k, simd tue mudîfiiery eluvil i s il tfile Dmisnioil thue (rmiig comiauuîtyanid oieîiiiusl ibcve oiuilwi l AIdl tae iitadvaunqe 10 Ç.ieor il Wiîb T. P. wtif Tet JOitATIIAN 4LL.IS. WbVleeiile, S61b roi. Ptcke.ig Mhay 41b 1669. - S'i COMMERCIAL HOTEL9 OSHAWA.: ýJAMES 5PnINGLE, - Proprieotar. JOHN CARTE.RI LIOENN;*SD AUCTIONEER ONTAPI1 YORlK & PFEL. Urn .';O0EtcE-lot 1, St Coli.* - ALSaitaiaed eustî l'le>Iitt*t Inotice, fin obc.m egai elti;. Tesîih tciu made aï.u D eb 1 F e Egatis ChU« ble E gt.(. i dFmgrGoeagWier, eili No. 2o MICHAEL'S BLOCK, INIG ST., RASf4 OSIIAWA. cROKEY & rGLAýSSWAIR A. WEI SELXCTED STOCKC FIpES!! TEAmf, OALKÎNDS, iC Or A. Oboàl!s u ay hottes lu Cangaa .. T 9 TRUT' AND LOAN C1PNý T flia>'. feuda e lvsmeAt.tlseiriisial ratios tl«orebt, o i ssuerity-et Iiprovad Loeîîs malle for lized per!ctlq, or ispayable, h>'"fuaailitaioc# Fu 94.13er sîud ful lifei'nîatou eul idb.baSb> lotter, sddr"ised te ltaé Cowwibioners ai. Jit$gton, or fron Itu! Extat Jt Gsau'orâaHAgent. Wi4ltbyt sept 15, 1us,.-86 TZBÂEIEUPIÂNO-PoRIE, &e' ?aa,.-Iastnet u oapiano, 110 tb*or et usuil oupostionsC, eetra, Ob! Au szp.risceso f.- ueratissu 'lÎ Yosr Z ties 1'rofssor P.st te paranteo thé rapid, momsa.'entfpapilléplaoad udr hd tetion Whltby, marih lot, 1869..J bond, Urders promptîy mucu. iFaney u s.~uù, aucsu ii v lmikss'...0 i yUt- Boxe4,. Sateies, pntses, Albiitns, 13;tu4îeês, Couols, Spectacles, Jewoiry; a&o. Schel Jooi, iatsBibles. Pocket Ktîives, &cisaelD, &lo. S5cts, Sheet Music, Perfumed Voilet Ink, _FANS, 8ECIrý-zTS- OF TRE GREAT CITY. LATEST NOYELTIES1 ALWAYIS ON 'HAND&- Our Groeds arc clicfly ini Britifih Mas-eto which we buy at low raie., and will be sold chcap for cash). M S BRA , M ay go, 1869, Yaricty Store, Whitby. IMPORTAT Royal Cauadiau .Bank Bus TAKEN AT M~MI LLAN Pg-A Ro - cols. The Chcapest Goods in Towî are te bc md ant MeMILLAN & CeGs. Linnen Dufstoî-s nt saif valtie at MeMILLAN & Cms Ailwcl & Co'm. Celebî'ated Ale in packages off 10, 15, ansd 30 gal. at bO3ILLAN & Ces, WANTED 100 Fort'Hns ef Butter, for wbieb the lîlgist psice wil l > paid. T. 1). fljrXILLAN &c Co. 0 SFIÂWA, bCP3 to*anziounce 1that bis stock of SPUING AND SUMIIER (1009DS, is'nowcomple'te, coiisisLing of FANCY ;" Y vCAOUDS, ýI-Wf]TOLI WIL DE FOUINO VERY CIIOICE -AND OUEAP. le- TUE M1fLINEfY DEL>AUTMENT cofftalus ail the latest styles and noveliei isi Iaim, Boin acts, Itibbons, Flowers,, Siawls, &C., &C. VW THE TAI LOPLING DEPATMENT contains the flnest Scotch, En-listi, and C.rnate4an G iodie, ohilà v-Ii bc maade to erder, la thse latest style, and ai. ise Iowest price u. c dasiacry in s gîcut variety. MADlE TO 0.1:00R AND ROAOY.IIÂDE. N. B3 -The subsiber intevds retUîing ft'om business, sud of- fers tii. above Stock-! a-trade for sale, wil s a leaso of the. promises for a term or years. 1Ooshawa, Key' 10, 1869.. WILLIAM DICKIE, 40 OFFICIAL ASSICNEE. GEINERAL ÀGENOY OFFICE! lI edra~ndi a baviig rvceved te appe.ltmient of OSeat Assi-ne. fer Noril Octne k»epacc ho~^ pomt Ucison te AUl mattel#ifisBet)kroptey er JnSo11leicy. g, iaenssoiy Noues aiuJAc.cocante apeed i l> collectd and rensittau ces promrt5>' mu de. O0 gnod faim aervi1îy at 8 per ceont ilîerest. Speeial altenlion will lie ý,îven te lise lieo f J.0ais, Ria borro-wcrs can rcly tapon iiaving tisir applications aLteuided te Aro nply ud utt san'expense. r-ff- Al8o. Lmd, joiîllînproved and ardiips'oved ffnstaasL'y for sale, Insorances 01feoed in Lie Outarici Fucoîra 1lutuailIusus'asse Compan.y. E. MAJOR, OFFlC-l~gcew'loclexiact d0or te tlio Movl Cxudtan Egak. THE MONTREAL TEA. COMPANY, O I3OSITAL SIT, MONTR1UAL TB coualnedl seccecs f ti1Coîavlae' at!btbeloty :ly ie pn fthliir T Toms. OIer à îinud.-ed tbolea'îc, oetÊ'tochave beouýïi,.t te, ti>seut partio e sDo- niilei, asu iva;r<I.. or a touscauci ;# e".o;a!4 ati aab. sewb baras teatinu>' ltetie qaai.>' auJil pari' et tIse roi. ÀAgbûIat aidmlis os 4a ffc5ed ub>' p.vrLaing d5reefion ss, ontttusaet 5 sud 1214s, mnd utirnerds." Evii :'ù."sauai f a nie iuîd o lie àatial'aon. Club tmgt-er.atid so e.llot, o r sivo IIî cattteo,' ureiot:i wili t>i e st fcoiriage frof o te a.>' Esalay StatIon la ie ýDcuu!îtisu. 'fie eeeuiy cio i-i leeoi dcliveiy. Of wi.oiistoll i exooîîios. ala . cir>'puereùsowai'ruuuieuI. 201». 'e'« aqudcr 101Ws. Cifeu,,sss "Ilpo y 1stAy tation carriage fe. 'gi Burnatpar. DL.KTE A, NEw TH:E.-. OLD ýSTAND!- [ESTAB LL-SIIED 1833.] The uodersigned in r'I.u ing ibatks for the Iiberal patronage itierto cxtended toflic o'd eslt'isbmhfen(. fo-aicari> a pence! or fort>' yeurs, deelircs to say tisat ho bas Dsow on liai J a sarg. usoimnut of iLite nost moern anîd ehegant Styles of And trusi. by proper att'eu!ion and moderate prices to secure a cenuaaceofetpuiblie patrflcage, Ptacttcel up'uîlstcriog. Ftsrniture re-.stofled and! covered. Undertaking aur'ad Funerals Fully'Supplied as heretofbre. Just arrived g spkendid stock ol SUMMEÏR TW.EEDS, &c., AT[ GENTLEMEN'S TAI. AND4 FUJRNISIIINGI description, embraing-Shiris, 0oýlIart3, Socks I.NO FIT NO PAY 1 Brook aI., Wbitby, Marcha 24, 1S69~ AI-EXAII GOLD& SILYE1I-ý WATCI Colored and bright Cold Wedding Rings, D"Some7 spIeuxdia specimens of Picture Frames, sdGidn. -a &3-eu lch igreat rauiety. Rpa7tiis ae latne e .terncmber the , Old iand. Wiiby, rh9,138 1869. 10.1y 1869. Spring Campaign Begun! AT THE FTTRNIT1IIE W4RER»OOMS JOHN~ TILL & 00.,q Will L>e fou id the a«i andi Most conmplei e aso ment of to furîub.ii, os Wire(u Y Pl"<. CA"ýeil ae cen seI ciscaper (lienî any oie' refat i ouse ini tisetrade A cat oibte et ourbltoe. s solikiied, Veobvafo scon, band a lIan d Vri ieasseauwcnt ef And some vr-iy fille Cl LT COPLKIC S.", wich we offer very low. lVe aebicit s ' AI'fiD& IlEGIlO8L'gS UNDflRTAKING iii fi- ,l-elars s, yle, ait modeîate cbuîrges. SWhitby, 6îb, 1869. JAMES -JOUSTON, Watelsmalaer &Jeweller, ]3roclt Street, Whitby. pnuli. t is ous sentàe pruncipie, d diaimaîcifJrrequl complet. it.'a worl ia ;th. operationd ittoilf b>' setiojiis wJ ttfirlJ fJunol wtunývGr ILais IVE8arc.imug ewr iuduar>; it bou. Î$ m n.ii BUGGIESButGONh Corned in the 1 1869. 1869.. 3 PIE undersigned fakes -occasion to annonce, that he bas opened a branch of is business aîv U XBE3.IDCiE, here will ESTAI i onnd Baggies. covered aund open, and ether rebicles et bis own manuifacture, gel up la h lb. Jansd best style, and! alwsys kept-on band. As'b.ues noce but tii. besi. Capital tuaterial ansd emnployas-nouse but tise best worksess, tisa q'.aityl'oà bis worki çams bc al- Fuana.i gReplrsexecuted with promiptitunde'ud despatcIlon. - A. few second-baud open and çovercd buggies at -the Whitby Pcdwihu establishmnent for sala,- Agnts te Eçrerytbing in thie Way of caiî'î'kige manufacture -and repairsi g, o attended ho et W hitby os usual. AIl werk warranto'L.' fAgesn or SA]qTIVt WAT2KEY. 1 UHIOjËLSEV(oîail LUîîds -dotie ýwi;h nea;'ne,,. and dispatoh. TUIaNS. Wbiti.y, Mlarch 1 -J 1869. 'be SMAFL P ionl STILL TJE. THIE SUBSCIRIBERIH3E i:ur.b 1.etfotCueuL,~. t..îg'uà.5e.ZO.;Fine FlaroeulNew Semae40c. Me. 80e. sd ll.-' o k Ver~ u~eide'ac~Soî,tC.'pg45. hd FaOieid.<le;VerA'IPM 110. 7e;,~Csî, IL> ;Oodu,Me.ee~PaeV.'I..ec,-iai~5. ORBE* TEA. ?AuieL 085 c.; Yveselfy».os0 80 as eie; Pfae do. l'72e.; ier> Pe85&. Bq Who si Ct.<s~c p 6hFe eowdr 8e;iZxa à u5uedo. 1 LND QIRI L~ &COo NG STOCK 0F, IS & SHOEE ME! UT O CLOSE of his 'busin ,no. 1,80m.; go. , 24c.. e 82 %a< Niaa.u..Te. s ommuv% î.per Jb. isoeua. I1lia"- .ihtsloy,as ilcee oe purctss Goodi. i1 tr a 0W Coumilr s dlspesed o o!i Whiiby, Jan. me ~u .i~ 0F 1,-

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