Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jun 1869, p. 4

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waylsld aon ult on big journy hoe (rom market. Durlng ho timoq thet ho remslaod there, abheProrrled hlm off vmry varly ln the morning, sud iniUted oa bis iieing et home by brosid dstyjight. Ad, et lut, for pecose. mandacàquiet 1lite, your' grAndtather gava ln, and loft aur aid homne and boughit the farnmlWhobc ho w lites.' 'Parti y wlth <lueprocoedof ethe mjc!- týgtrdoh, ÂunL.flinnab ?r salît Frank, Frankt lt'ui an aid atory now, snd, thli 1gbInusit confeas it wns whiaporcd t r asud near, thliact. trutîs was noyer 1Nnown. But 1 dobrlevo tlcro%%aa agood a îm ai tnorsey ln tla ba..,'ot, ausd- yeur ftherý becinoe atory proopcrous mnan after &bat., 'J sbauld liko ta bave bcn with hlm,' ,nid Frank; 'and oh i1luow 1I aoluid have lîkcd te have suoli a nag as lBritik Paily Il I dore say you woulti, Frank,' replicd ,44unt Ilannali, witb a- profound y aura; 'but litn nany a long year ssite bos lain undor the Jails.s Your grandfatliîr, turned ber out <o grea when sho, grcw id sud pust wonk,, and abc wss kladTfY uned wbile slitelivoc.' 'Paon Atint Ilanueh 1l aaid Mllie re- înorâefully. 'Wc have regiarly knocked, ier up. Now go te bcd, auntie, dear i and l'il brlng p)yeur flenneis. Thak yen -vury much for your stery.' A trange fsah was tioticod by Lake On. tariofisherraca ia heiLts attyear, in. tembliîig close1l h bsad of tho stres tnîbutany Io the Atlatie. Sucit as worc rcoubt lest year, woro sasl, wclgbiug gencrally lesihan a ponnd. This ycar, 410 aro [rom th.R'.oche.ter Union, the maine tsb bas eappearod la large nambers und of largo ize. 1< resembîca tb. ordi. star>' gLat iu <he o abanantifcrm of lis testes, ns welneii fs asseons structure sud lanis delimate lIstr- weanookcd. 1< del'rs (ruai bat fevourite (lob ouin lahay- ing a prominocconouthe hcad, whieh the k hati bas not. l3è. for this sligb<' difi'r- once,' neticed cal>' by hase Who have. 40ald t Le bad a great doal, <ho trangcn would bc prononu>ccch otthit vsriet> saud flaîbiug 0e50, Ab 1<1lusothing in, snown 4)f its oengin, litar> et th cause ef ils gaddoa appearanco. A physyciean wite ta tlitc Dublia Jour'- 'iclo/'Mcîliciiie ln support of tha aid notion iaîtt peoule shiep tuucli botter iwit l hin lns luto thse usurti. Ilihait tried <ie cx- erimueiti in thle cise of ik persone with .A11îkeuldtc:t, anudtinsîsts tisat thuir ara uunwiu te exist groat lectri ecurrentff, 'i1ways crossiug lu ona direction anound Cie crth' and tluit our nervaus systosa le j S01110 isaîytenous way conaccted with tsat lectrical agent. Let <the bédsa al lioad towrards thec North Polo. Fous TUE Yoi:N-'Cleanlinoes la next to f-oîlhiîesfi ;" aud thia is <ho renon tny ittle dlcur, whiy you aro put lun<lha tub it Sturday uigiht, bona oboing taionc te chiurcli an Sunauy morfing. A LEOAL FOIIu-The Qnoen's Beceh. e.JF.BURKE, 1alyGrocer, Wiac & Spirit denIer, 1-10. 2, MICHRAL'8 BLOCK, 1<1KG iT.,EAST, o8I1AWA. OROOKERY & GLAS WARE ýA WE1LL SELILCTED STOCK FIIEI! EAII oOM goiti atmin tyt <8 par noggaiiln cf Lfaul, 1and berr ta promptI>, and tisaafll-0#01 SAIsa, Lands, both Impr effeced la, Uic Ol tatlo JArmen ut! thse apmelutmenbôof> OfficI 1 A -alg-ec for North i'O)pt$Lta~il~ ô £1 mLte a 1ekruptey o 'm md$ounwtSSlseOdly oýII '04spd reuittallce lutereelst ea. tnthWlbg té thLb ,a cae- upon bavlug Lbeirsepplicatione s ttonded andi aniipreved coenstantly fer ae. Insurancee ubl IarncCppn. - OflcllAssignoe. Sa Veustor. OFIF-blgeIaw's Blocki, neat door te <ho Xoyel Canadien Bank. Port Perry, Docamber 2, 1888. .4 'DIVISION'COURTS I H cO0u N T'Y 0 F' ONTAr-I0_ ]FOR THE YEtAR 1869.I No 1, Whitb......... 1 f .. 1 2,1lkclg........ .... 2... ::: 8 ... 2 .... 2 [. a1 " 8 Mnaoso l&'rince Albert. I .... I20 28 ... 7' . 1.. 110 "4, * r g........,..'7 .. -2.29-... 8 71... I8 5 :,: '. toni l I.... 18 ... .... 5 ..2 61 O oîoî...... ..... ..[ 182 209 Z. IDUEIliÂn, Whitby, Jannar>' lôtiu, 109t FeýTA 13ISi!ED 1867. TIHE MONTLE-AL TEA COMPANY 6 nisprrITÂLsTREET, MONTREAL. T laF, ontinl o aocsor tbts comany le on)>' attributunblo te the quallt>' and purit> of tholr, TeTos. Ovor a litndrodl thoussand axet Test hava boon sent teo diffrosit parts of the Do- iniula, and npwards of a tbôond testinioniale can,,b. sho# bealuitostimony te Uicqnahit su pri r f a 7e. A grest saying ecutbe effected b>' pý. %-aàlng diret UmIlsonn, cattius et8 an 2Ibs., an pwîrds. Every lpackage warrantad to give a tisîaieton. (.lnb togotbcr and seud for four or tive Sib. ettiae, whicli, w illbc sent carrnage frît: w any Railvay 5tation in the D)omninon. '<'ho mono>' aa boe olleetéd on Jeivery. ,,% Try ont fresht groand steam roasted Colle., lit 5 aud bib. Tins ands npwards%, the Savour o h whi sradiocllnt Os 1voy aaewarranted. 201ba. Tes and à or ils.Cib.et taayEiway ttion carrnage frec. gW.' Bueret par. BJL4ÇK TJEA. Pngliàb Brakli(mit .-o>kefl14<,5IVOtt Tes. 4&-, me..;1Puue Flavee4 ýNew Sepe olo O., Oe. ant a.; 8, < DlstFi noi V,rsido. IOr-- oU"s) Ouosig, 45c.; Bsch <lavoured du. Ne.; Very Fuw le.7510.;Japnm, wt,. 65-, vlla 0C.,Ver ëads, .k-sFinest 75e. Twanlssy. 60, 55. Me.; ovnuu< llysoi. 50,0e, 65 and 15.; Plu . o. 12c.; Vor>' Fine 583r., Superfine andI Ver>' Chiu $1 ; Fine Cimsuivader 85.; 14extm Snuporfno do. $1, COFFEE. N~o. 1, 80. ; No. 2, 25c.; No. 3, 20c.; Nô. 4, 15o. pot lit. Thc Monrent Tee Comnasn>' tMontroal, I880 (jmut-It 14is'url),yeu is.rino 1 ptureisaad tise iri iras f'resftrain yonr hanse. 1 bave pareusascilj nan>' itice, Poil ies n pises) wteirin yosuisai the Tes li s cycr>'eue pîrovod faât nai atsury, as weila"i w exninf i eecdîîsgiy csap.- Vuurs vury t uni>, y. DîE1F. Monntîsa Tr Cemnnsil Mointront, Aprl. 186 -Te thseMontrent Tes romn- GEn-TLe5SE-Tfie Teraf pnrcha"so-tyon on Alrch Pansy, 6 oiHspial Srestu, Ms,îîreal --WC iiotircn with ins givenigrenu aiaiusfetic)ti, andi the flavuur oft îîis pleaiuroflic large ainalt t'I'ea ihat wst liste.f«r. vsry fine. fi i very stange, lutintriice i have bcen warded fur yoe aduhiaîîett part is e ue Deniaiiî. sud driîîcingynli-toaI livo lcis uil roui ana- w. adre glati tSp ijîs your bogujstiso cgpidl-iiiîcreait. Iiurîî. wlîsifs 1wanls alwayis pais) me aciecr breakft. i We plesumne your Sra& arc giwîag Zausona satistaetion. aîtrilnicd tstis te the parut>' of yaur Tes, and sall cui.,es out ot ited large anoesat torwanii o h, ave ouI>' tueu a cumulner, lias)occasion te rainraune lox-wiugs osasealn ortsTs ocitai ,was sent oum chronph sa mitaie." FRAMIls!k G -i. CLIENBT. 84, 8i. Joh tîî ýbiaiMontreal. , Maage r Canadi uus Expres. Ca. Msntrenl TestCeopany : Rnsc t onacte. Oasnwev., oicsituvua-Thiaf)61 or t EnohshBFiikat8nd 't'anng Hlysen Tea %whlch yea sent nie givesgreot saititacse i nu auni>exjsoci un>' fionure erders. ours, E&., 5. SINIYER. NOTE TIE AIDIE$.-fbc Muntrosi Tea Caopany', 6 osnpital Street, bMostreal. b:p- Deware of Pediart amsusi nnrs usng eutnaate, or offéring ogpr T"ss b ig si) p4#«",.othmng bos tisa a eitie sols) b>'iis Copany. 1 Field, Cardon'-&Fowr WINES AND LIQIJORS, SIJGARS. AT iIt,,OUBtlI, &C. OF ALL KINI), 7MAs *Chltca ti fu:y Isoute IliUtada. LuR.a H. JA M ESO N '8.S Milly 2ftils, 16607. . 21 VVWÂNTED. Whitby, April Oti, 1869. 14 M iti l ifl enit iii ettls e j's)îrlitNo. 7, thili "01. I'icluciîig ; uiil omm&' E 1 ,iml,, t'vui Nt iarrusrd'l» blIili, < tiiii ,t t'ur Wlitl). l'r îurtictLulînt :pjly te FuiOOO S SOIR r~ 1tu,16. 8t FUNDS FOR TJ Inàv es8tm-rr ent! IEAIE!AN irlig TUUST AMI> L<AN COMI5AN, hasuve tansuîdfor suvatiu("Dî, attbocirnsnal .îtCs et 1iiturcat, ais tise oeurity of 1nprývad -ATiTHE STORE 0?- Icoli ,tu ucade for flxod pcriodls, or repayable leui-lor andi fusl Information eauhvai b>' c .allobc lottar, addrommed te the Coicninerms ut.- ±~nsoi-fn rusts - - 1l1 . PTTT1-9.1I1AV L. FIBI'KJr,, -e Real Estato & GotnsIa Agent. Chidren"fi Sippeyr%,.nd Shoos of every, description and -lateat 'stty ept 15, 1968. e sty just to band, Z> Althe lateett ayei Ladies' and Gentlenien's work made tle order. si PROF., J. 1'OST0 - ~ TEACIIER PIANO-FORTE, s&C. -* !¶imlIeBrock-St. ;ns~p~tos uts T PPt5 A vma Wlitby, April , l,189. - ;#4çln I IN tZiOIM AT0 i i Taans.-nstmctenaon lpano, #10i theor>' of iiti.beul ooipoltion, &c., extra, $5. - :1ý-: M "An eprse t har tuim 12 yearat s!isablos 1'nofemuon ot <oguaratete t Iqd 1 idvancein o f pupIls Ilacod natio hie tuaUro, Wrhtby,XMardi lot, 1809. - Ivestod Capftal"-*LOOOxOOO. 1 2 ou tes to taImo'forItuueAensSs M mhsdV40- . Whitby, April 2Sth 1869. THE ýOLD [ESTA BLISR ED 1833-1] The undersigned in returni ng thanks for the liberal patron age bithertoezetded te theoled estalibahinÏa, fer near!>' e perlotiof forty yeara, deaires te says>' bc<ba s hmnow on baud a large asortint of lb.meat modecrnansd siogant, styles af And tiusts, by propýer ,atteition -and MoçleArftç,prces lu secure a centinuance of public'a p<neg.~ Practlcel aphoisteming, Furusture rc-stuficd aud UNDERTAKING AND FUNERALS Supplied..ag:heretofore. ga"some splendid sp ecimcins of Pietutegr&mes; e4 Gilding. Remen ber the Ou an Whitbyy Marobi 9, 1868. 10.1>' SEEDS A CHÃ"IME STOCK0F INCLVDING A CIIOICE COLJL£CTJOIN 0FO ALSO THM PAKOUS BARLY ROSE POTATOB. Croceries, Winerp# Liquors - AT flEDUCED PLUCES. R.FRANCISt Wbitby, April 7th, 1860. 14 18699 186901 spriug Oampaig4Bgun! FTYRNITJRE WÂREROOI VS JOHN TILL & 00. IN CILDWELL'8 BLOOff, Will bc fonnd the largeat and Most complote assortment of weil-nictda FTJRNeITIIIIE iu the Ceinty' .efeget inducoments to parties abent te furih, as va BUY FOZ C AB5H w.eau£11osaaban an>' otbcr netaihonso lun the trad.. A cail te inepeot cur stock !àiselieltod. W. bave aimaounbanc! a large' ant A.nd some very fine GILT CORNICES, w*hich we offer very low. We are aise Agents fer LARARD & KRLEGHOFF'S 1PATEoNTl'uIvS PffRi * s VS MI UNDERTAKING ini firet-clasa style, at moderate .chiarges. UPI-OiLSTELLY of ail kinds dune- with noatiiesa an dispatch.. Our mott' -will 1e SMALL PROFITS 4ND QUICK RE- TURNS. Whitby, Mrci 17, J809. STILL \J.OIN -TILL & CO. 11, TuE!cOE THE SUBSORIBER BEI GABOUT TOIOLîSE UP THE Crockery-GIam',& Ertenware, Potion Of lis buiwneos,-4wllfrom this date idi the fsanie 'ATr ,CQS T, O HIYJUC BarAIns eau be ecr&b9e;l~ciA hetoi 9- pIke in ekdPf1bl i co oc]Y'J veat la ehbawap Aprîl l4th, 1869.. . SUMMY.,t ,TWEeDS Ac ~T, TUE' ANID FURNISIIING Ht~ Gentlemen's Furnishing.--Goods of Çv description, embracing-Shirt.9, Collars, Soks, B ceso. Ig- NO FIT NO PÂY!1 Breck nt., Wbîtby, Msrch 24, 1809.1 ' '-r' -u l~j j'4 ~ ALE~AN~E~ 1'R~NQjLEI GOLD & SILVEL..I WýATflEE$,S Brooches Ear-Prop Colored and biright GéI4lcV~ Wedding Rings'ai, 8-Day & 30-Ilour Clooks inglrcat vuricty. flepairing çcwf1y attended to. 1 JAMES JOHNSTONI se,, ~§~Çt% WAO[%V i- ililsy a. Uzii THIE undersigned takes occasion lu ,,annoiince that lié h-hW T pened a brandi of his business at UXBRIDGE, ýwhere, wiUj b. found Baggiee, covercd and! open, and other veluiclea of hispAWIJ, manufactre got up- in tlhe latet and beet style, and alwaya kept oen hand. 'As hu&IBOSnous but le, bestý material and employa none btUc etworl éïLàeq lt e iýok e b i waye rlied upan. e, IRepairs executed with pr.omptituide; and- desp*h1. A few second-hand open and covered buggiesaIth4éWhîtbyý ecabliebmont for sala. Everything in the way of carriau'e manufactueadrpia attonded to, et W hitby asuue.Ail work wapranWe'. ýn tu adrîar, Whitby, May' 18, 1869. SAXUEL WALEY. 20-t': rmNt I For wblch. bc base obtalned lettons patent, mnd otir leh chlbegs to solelt <thie tenton ofthbe pisblisi:If in eopstnncted oùe uoind crimon dispateb; at require no -sua. rne applisncoate liese ote.&w ork e ompar tieoaolea& tin t 5'op.naàtzon.Qu thae eot!ueA, speele fer bhs4fhby actions b>' vhieh 'it oint stand -or 0 ' ,behS ee pdx no blowlag te keop it aoent ~he~8InIJathliad.1<lmiigui applanse wterevei ilithan bees; notbnng oscaspes Lts mndntry;st re Tquines but little roon. lu<tU. houe; it la invsting linie sppesnaneo iit as 4mmug favor with the a Ldies asbeing tha Detornuse, Iatendig purobasa ili do wel4 beoe ircIingelSwere tosent! ia'tltlr - ordsrs .3 trxj- Dfý heabvemachine, and anc o thomw!Ube entprt!onpfly far <bat purpose. ;ý'onty anal Township Hughts 4 dia4peset! cf oni libemal tonnas. «JOIIN SHIAW. Whitiiy, -Jani, l2th, 1669. G6MO- R1E SUBSÇR[BER beg i ntorm ateustain- &efMut1TonVel, lâmb, ?ork, &4,j propqlYsîf eae4 r.q e 4 s, nslý joino t ~museec~rsand foï n4at tue -a10 omd la a superiorn nunner ,ani- evemytling Ia lheioViotuallng liane ept eonaiuly Pei oWttds aiMeâske. I ùtb end Loves & P*j 4ilrek ~ JAMMS M4NN. cjii r gùnce' 0F LONDON, ESTABI-iS.tED-1 CapitaL£l1,95ooe Bte gent'. frCîe Agent for W rnr of 13: j BOOTS & .ýZO'S Ie Bon 1 4002 re !cfeèw b, Gersers i i - ~ropgiator ilotel, Bienam.ntc if ~s) 2-Ir n Fide &,otmakér W11~1~BY AND ~ AI' 'i. EW NECKTI "R-0E0 SEEDSý bide. oronto. Lampbell, Broc WhItby, Neq p3arrzîer, si te Raas rcmoved PsvUto BAmr -Whitby, nct FARE - Orncx:-Ou Pabave; and! Tou nBail, Bo J. W.F axawx ottauen,~ Ijugan.y &c, w . a Oers ,l nB oniC W. H. 1 TOfsucera a PzzaxAL pajcunC Potenrylin LYMA14ty Il. SPRING, STOCK 0F 1 1» ,la Imul6u

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