Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jun 1869, p. 3

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~AtMu ,tGga~s I -v-t-wtt < o wn:y! thst the, Court et Goa-, ..al ISeulons of thPouace, and Connty Crurt, lu and for the Conty of Unrln, wllibcbIoilon #tise onrt lius., lattit.ToscofiWhltby,. On TuesçIays Sth lune', 1869# Pt tise b-oni of TrIol eo'okk pontpo! viiol plt44'tiop tof $bcoVsceCôrourm. 'UonAtUvMi and ail oisroba o vil!111take noe" Îc govaru tlhouaelvtwa soÎrljlîgi7. NEUON G. REYNOLDS, Per 4 . TctMLix1oi. SiserifiC. 0. MAY 12, 1861'. 2 D WELLING IIOUbE «t LUT FRSAME. For sale a oomfortable frame dwelliig con- talnlng six roon1% mina Lltelioji, togotiser vklî abont a quartor acre of' land. Tiiero la aise a Èodcellauil mrp, &o., ataiendotistale it- roed.Thé ot la voli .tocked vitls fruit eio, and plautod wlth potatoes andi othor yeothk. uialîsfo luîlyuse. T obe uid p brguélu for Citais. Appy te OTTO FELITZ, Or et the. office of MISA ptipor. o h rmss Wlhitby, MlAY 16, 1869. 20 taieo teé oitiieetiollo iv prcsnst isuta epi y lèieodu lthe t',mu iîtiiitttm 0 lftigceuMti titoiii th. la Itoltird ;nc Tis t iol mot tIth on tsik iafetisav.rà b oneppiionul to, g iuolliy ou appies or' irojootul. ýt vitlîhuth liuoh. se>' uoitry Infor, LEPostrtaatuu li DAKIÇBRYAL. IL bi>' 1:rili tiig tigi mo nft OOcuVQ, viii 1, frooklilP. «TIIIT9 office intel>'é Tiseb luor*p thé, fore. IDAL%, $TME O1(z Aor. oUaudn, with Store anti andt Io SVILLAGE 0F' BALSAN, 5 ilovuahl of' Piokering, CoutiL'-of UOntario, 4yor paeulara stpply W JAS. MAMEIE, Baisom. Or to tise proprietor, B. DODDS, Sou ., No. 8, O.Godie op. Toronto. mloronto, May' 25,10. *lm..21, 'IOTEL E0h ALE, AT BEAVJiILLN. For Salo, tisat ltrgp nuti ppmniocllous ilotel jnovit 5w The "CAXZRON HOUSE."y On the corner (if Simooe aud <)aborue atroota, r-tvo toies; fretîtag et, Sitico. trout, 52 ot, snd on (14bornzsttreet, 40 fet,-rocetitly prectei, Antdi ititIil in Ille peoutre ei tise PivuD. 1toitiy aînuligig, psî uti ud n.t f 'e1ed oîrd. Tîhe osu là; veil i ft d p an(] l;0m so eort"dleige furtonitnisto .ucoufsM plou. APl)te or to DONAI> CAMERUN, Aliu Ilotol, Teretîto. '~etartn, sy-~, 1IQ.tf-g20 p lT)IMOLUTIO!4 ul? CU.1'A1<NF4lîl1. Norias iluiirthy glvýàiba5ht tIse eo-pîrtaci - siip tioritoture q4'titusg utîder titi îtuup and Amm ei JAMEAS inUW lY, &C<.I.,11% Forwtnderu sititiWaoihoune mn, ut IVot Mlsltiy, lhsatioeu dissolvai, by te duituit or twe ofthe is.lttuons, and. thast tise sîrvlvlug pattur, biii. Jouîti Watson, vil. 00clo tp uît tidajust theobuaiuuttp .M.LA WIEII, pu bohstif Exopttoro loto Johmn Wplslit * W hl, LAI1N, on boisai! Es0toorsluto Jamesa Rove. MUIN WAMUN. -WLltIt>', May' UtS, 1869. NOTICE. Ai lei'onnsIndobtd o itthe ltLe lins( èAlAM SRU WBICOC., Porwardors aud Waro- ionne tmon, et lPort Withy, ara totifiedthtlî pwlas tu tise m&%soluton or oo.pai-tuership. uns luitiouiite Rettitout or mil utotstqdl5g dotis, Wiltby, lotis May', 1809. J1H WA ZUi. J'I', oT"10 B$IEEF' SIIARIN(* MAfflI 1 * Tih. tl'rd ÀAnîui lioep Sheaniîsg MatoIs pudor te auspeices cf te Côuutsty Agr 04ltural $OT HIIONTARIO* Will l'e isld onuthe, iooioty's Grounuti, WhtItbr' OiT _ -11N- . TURDAY, -luNZ 5th 1869. Whose iifolloving pritca vili bectîwarded, pIEN-lt,ndCia, at 04.0 ; ,$.0, ard, 02000;4h, 04. 00. ou EuVi 0 SAN» O ILAtno5u.-Tlta inutchs w111ho pp.n to avin embers of the Socieety', end te M 1 eue endi litrotimoi) of mernisern. 'en-mem- nos, $1.00. EBachisceuspetitor viii bc requinoti 1t0 furniali Lve sisoop ta bu llppcd. Cempti- tors viii ho raquiredtetahbuon Lth. grouad tia pueWo'oock, p. m. 13>-order ut tiseCeminittee. Cusîivvxs or IIANAOLMEu-J<ti Si ier 11,ts inMllien, .Wm, 1'xtoi, J r., sud opnrgà Itebson, OEQ. RMBON, Sooreteny', Wilîthy, Igth, 1809. td .20 N WFLOIJit ANI)_FIED STORE. ÊýÎA1TCBR(YIL'HERS Y@ opoue bno uscte isamepncmin l ltcl> ocoîîjJssdby W. J, Linteus, oit olutdsqts. trtuut, * asid sre ssew praparedti iel! al WKOLESALE and RETAIL, 7LOUROÂýTMEBAL, IYNDIAN MEBAL GritharnMi -esiCrarked W hast, §Pfit PlOauO . u#tagil kanda o1 Fued, as loyvest i'rseesa Ail ordr puiitutnlly iatou4od ta, sud per- IViliis>, Ma>' 1th, is ACI5I3 tHKE8. AXUEL PAIDGELANP,1 PiIYSICIANO M. D.1 PILGANIDT ÂLL 5AINrt 'CHUeCR ,p'ropruete Roive manie and âinging ean toaiIll.nmeofI is'Appiiostlon ta b. m4de tatho o0fceo! ohnLWkiin tisa stroot, W istby.gî TUIE Croditors cf Lhe inaivent ab pi lej $0 mut at tihe oflis of tusa nnderaipned ànthé Tolçwpeo!Wlitb.y, n mnda>tt', b.glîti du-y pfjisn., 180t9,1thf.heuron«ot Etven o'oiep ' lI.- orderlî'g o!fLthe »ttoee raAil HOLDES, dleo!âl aIso p Itt?*At a;20Y FIUL &L OLOTE , TWE: FLANNELSe BI4ÀNKEI'g. &.1 Xept con8t.antly on hand, 'and for'sale clleap for egsh, or in ex"-- chngefrWol ' - Colnbpelune2, 1869. OLD GEORGEi P. MATHEWON Agnt. 22-SmT NO. Royal CanadiagBnkBi TAKENATPR For Cjîeap Grey and White Cottons, Prieas, Muslin s, Timses, and choico Summer Goode, Parasols, Glovee5 Hoeieny, skint.g, Drm nd ud nntle Trissingae, 4psud a. beautiful lot of Sumnier ShawLo, at reduoed prionu. our- 011010E FAMILY GROCERLIES, 1SHIELF' HÂRD- war, Painta O!!., Glas, JPatty, Nails, Prime No. ,Turnip Sedwboîoaîo and rotai!, for sae by Y. lIi3SON. Farmers Attention-to the large and gelectel s'tock of New HARVESTIN'G TOOTA, 1W, O-OL WOOL The highest opgh price pai4 for ". jupntity of Good Clean Wool, by SWhitby, Jiino 2, 1809. YE0M4N QIBSON. Old No. 1 on Brook £ Dnndas.ati. - t&-. Professor Harmns nsbseçt and Vermin Destroyer, for sale ROYAL CÂNÂDIAN B~ANK BILLS TAKInEN AT PA&R A eholpe ptock of Seqsonable Goods just received. Mîllinery, mai4leè, Dresstaking, and Tailoring, by first-clhsa pas READY-1IADE- OLOTHRING, Boptq 4n4 ,Slop-gi large anti wefl selected gtock a# moderato prices. gin FA IYILY QRqOCEIRIES, Crockery, Chitia and Glassware pM usual. whitvp, lune 2, 1869. - ùë 4tê,nânonoce ll t 1we stock of- STAPLE & FANOY 000ODS la unusai1 large, well as4orte'd, sud cx- 1.in lto specini attention to our es- toui. stock o! Dtesa Gwo, IBONNETS, AND MÂNILES, Whicis v'o oer for thse montth o! Junoent von>' 1ev pricea. CLOTIIS A Mi f-W,, ItElS, A splesîdid assotnft-výery. ciseap. I:WCLOTHJIG JMADE TO ORDER, A god fit warrautod, Groiceries, Wines,: ad Spirits. Thse higlsest prico paiti er I3utt'cr. 82M IASH FOR'NOOW 0L. HIAMILTON & C0, Wiiitby, <lune 2, 1869. 0UP2 OG TO HANNA-MS, ilo S OUTU0FExplimsSOFFICE.M SNOTED CHEAP HOUSE. ~ LOWES & POWELL. IMPORTANT t itoyal Cap~dian Bank Bills TAICEN AT PAR, - -AT- McMILLAN & cosr The Cheapest Goods in Townî arc o Lebc 12 dat MuMILLAN & Cos. Lina Dusters at hait value nt ,3cMILLAN & Cq@. ffldwell & Co's. Celebrated Ale in Packages of 109 15, aud 40 gai. at MoMILLAN & Ce@. WANTED 100 Fos-Iins oft îter, for wlîich tîlîilgbhpsp price Wil1 bc Tas pnorr> or of thse uav S04V blli-OU lot No. 10, tit'lisîpeoss Uxbri.a, lapropancti ta furulas bil of PINE AND OAR LUMBIM. lie liaonuntandi e geot suppyof!.u11 inds; ta fuit purcolrr; anti viiib. mà1ldcamp for 20 ~lte P. O. wANT ED. 1 100 TONS SCRAP ilIN>, JOU 00, --t-.., - T.JAÇ (PATENTZD.> - ,GREAT ATT IAOTIQN A'r-TiE NEW*;YARIE.I. AJUT ~EI~lED ALA TORE ROOM'PAPE NPWli~OW BLINDS SELINê S OWAs ôCTs. PEU ÉOLL. The coc.'o-ée feè itw thse Istest styles and Cb4ape4t. Threel'ox Canq~pp l,,-pq,rast - opr îsaii d oipr ookMaW I O s I m -t Pa.për Collars sud sof Gintà' Coliars tori~ 1bib4.- , Shoot Mie it cente. 's,.l - 0 :;WBl TÂKE 4ý IND8OF All, tse ipseu pnu psaIsia and lie Drv000&oin li4 çoaqgq as çbIn as if paiti for lsaavhaeoloupf..no auoI P"iemode, weva gvno crdel trolfr oasis bwSehlmeaa"Wb eumisl Z 8 o1 ëCheliprtiib lvI,ordl.FARMEISi1yotu Baie flgo en rti on 1'hidollar b>' bu igu KNE'i oCedit Store It là to tb. intereat of tboe ho, purobasewith ready money to patroniz u, buy viiore YOU cen gé> the Mnost fo your mou .e>',1 ýW. hstve a ver>' largo utok, aud have pei ,tal attention in havisegods-antabt,to y70Di vante Lion bagigLno q rese'na ftrîpe lsriâga Bia »oufm..f r , n DûhnImlsklp,(,l Tickinga Carpotlugtt, aPl tie aIos cfa Clotiting au d Ilouso u'royn,t= , uj oo t J('IN.SINNES. onody.bard ieat sisoâid be wrii oashoa clid apa Houeekeeper's Hotelkeprs, an>l1 viowi# tq lpyitiseoonomy abould go to thse CHEAF CASH DRY GOODRSTOIE WHITBïY. Wç5#TWO FIRST-CLASS DRY GOODS' SALESMENST WANT'EDÉg whjtbf '~ Jy iSbî 1809. 2P. NEW STORE, (WU4INSON'S BLOCK Cheaperthan tho Cheapest., JUST OPENED A JI SEMOTION Q? 0f the Ijest and nlost1 fashionable qualities, and selling M t4p ip'Iest c4sh prîoasCOnSisting Of~- Poplins, Reps~ Silice, anîd a large varity -9f ail artiel1ea jnlu%1ed in the DRY GOODS and MILLINERY Une. N EWEST style of BONN ETS millinery, Oha%*le, Printel ta -rariole, Cottons, CÂLL AND E4AMIblE. Whitby, May l2th, 1869. JOJIN BERNARD$ Brook Street. R4&JCAPBILL BEG TO ANNOUNCE TUÂT THEIR SPRING & STTMMER -STOCK, Is nov Comrplete, eilg the larg eoj thoy have lad thp, plespre o f o f e i g O c i ~ g ~ o I s » o y e t i c e î n D r W a p d , P a r a s o , ( 4 o v e 0 . Cire ê urûrînSbawisin I, Inbroidered, Tuoue, and Plain Drab. TIIEIR rI4INERY SHOW ROlOiN 18 nOW -pen with a select stock qf Trimme4 Bonnets and IImýs, Mlantllos, ri.pwers. Featbors, &o., Cfqtiss and 'tweeds, Gepte I3races, CélIqre,ý blirts, Tie., Bas, sd an imeise stock of Mens' snd Boys? IRcady ma d c Clýothin'g@- g.rpr~ rookery, Glassware, Garden and Turiip See rw bo an lawo o.,e dnugh ctâa Seeit, Plstr c y M e r .L w o & So . ofX pb g , c t *a S i , i gt r &éWA N IT D - 000 Tunnets Farnieis' Paoked B ùtter, torilie English minark t. Whitby & Manchester, May 1,869. D-1RI£4CT PR--.OM Whitby, 4prll 21, 1869. - iô îb FOR SALE. A flrsolesa Ronge fia nt o folae oh..p lit the. VILIîAGR (OF DUNBAETON, 40 >424; one-aud-a hult store>'. lilgh, suitabl, for iJç,uto private regllne ni ill.fv 1piunteawandwàlkof 1,1 . 1E io on hunails, B>'Station, 0. For particnlarg Apply te WM. DUNBAR, Donharton P. 0. Or to OWEN DOYLE, Greenwood r.o: Api 8i,1869.,f1 FARmING IMPI4NMENT, g Pe qneplaf botste à"toto tiat bh or- Root, Seed & Manuré' Drilt, WAGONS, AND ALL KINDU or FAREIG 'IMPLEMENTS.- CELEBRATWE, HURN,- Note4 os opo f 5h be oparicles of 5h. hinti matinfacture in lthe . oônutry, and bhi lusrov- dit STILÂ'W LUTrEifS. no huait>'worked,auj so apperlor lp oïre-,' respect. ý 13avng roered o! of RIOESON'8 Celo- tory, ho bega th uaÏ thi ie 1h nov5 enible4'.to execute ail orderb with whl lià ro may ,bc fav- oré4i oheaper, aai viti, groater eipeditioil t1ian hitherte, andi to guaroute. ovory sqallefac- tien ta onatomora ln the quelit> o! the vork- manslilp sp#d inetril. - "» Cmli and aoc tihe nov Calorie Etigle nt workl 1 CORDWOOD & LIJJBEII- Tuken ln oxohango, andi Cash Prneulloved.- JAMES CLAYTON. Wisithy, Aprl]22', 186q. 'Y EABLING DURHAM BULL FOR SALE., A pure broti Durham Bull, color radi antI White, Appi>' to R OBERT MILLER, PJkru,~ tNo.1 ia~d-oqu. Pickering. GEBORGE GIURLEY,1 MEIUIIANT tAiLO GENTLEMEN'S <4ARMEN'rs madeupl th. bost style anti lateat fuatiion. -À finestok orf Ciotita frin vhleh toemnako a meloîiou for ontiemeu.as nmer suitâ. Oshawa, May' 19, 18W.ip MANPFAÀCTJitED AT TRE Agripu1tura==Workg. LEFIFEL'g CELEDRATBD Donble TURBINE WkTER IIEEL "or aurthanà H AVE ma plessur a n»ncg -hpir importations directtanIbydrei -frointhe mau t»rrln ~gIan.of a lalge stock of'- - SIIELF 4. HEAVI HARDWARE& -0F- a of . poig STAI Twi 1 . W-Mýv1-mFý- - - -- -

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