Whitby Chronicle, 6 May 1869, p. 4

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OOMMERCÃŽAL HOTEL., HA Tftieuda ad fie nublic, that hl, ià ei t a'I U 'aJ/r~ri e Msffld liooen oft il:.aboya viiiad fa- veoblyuy nwuhotel, vlilechla uew8ttud u- A U TR - ln & a seor Mno,%tr, vith overy convoi- A H T R : uesa. oritha.rooaultlon of guesta and the.tri- vallit p ublic. ]FI- fzi= 1W" Bout Accommodaton, and uprler wiuu, llqaors sud 111ga1r& Goed stalllng,* m" wt v ol eildyards, âu4 att4nfive o slersai- va>', on mipromise». Chargso oderimie. ni TILL' 13LOO zE. MCALDWELL., 'Whuby jaJXA 185. .17 Chldren's Slipe-a.nd Shoes of every description and iatest REMOYAL. stls ute h and. -9>Ail tho latest styles of Ladies' and Gentlemen's wokiiote order., T H SUBSORlBE bopa teinterni tic pub. T lic tuat ho lian iievod inen i-etour f 'ni l'. Iok, Brook-St. Ilr WaIkar'aCarniage Slîopwte, i.hensoe, tienili et thé tisadotiesof et i. Major Harper,, hty p 1t 89 Plenny Striai, Wliibyr hora ha viiiavysh btbAri lt OL1 teuud neady to pint bgis uter" tî ________»._________________lu___________ titi bout stylo mad cospon thonanM'Y eth or poison-ln thoei<iiî, lu toviî. T.- P. FIREEXAN, FeryStWh1b 8690 NEW SPRING GOÃ"D&O 1869.< J. B#.CAMPELLt R S RIV L ADDIRM#S, - ARBURNi F. 0., gpW Ondins fer saies loft anttis DfiRoe or, AT àTHE NEW 'CASH vthiUr.nJolie Christe, Manchestr, vls b. ypronply ttaended te. THOROLDy ONT. DR îÎII TiI. A. LOOiX, _Propirietor. r, hvil eaaod ibi olko PAINTS, oust , &Io l rtrnn he rteutaketote nabtat oohfb Wesb= C-T uibotrand urudigcuty o h er iealptoaeeohtrcevddr opnuLISite d omaiTiLED ln » -nne t helsonuh u i.sl fu anrp tc tDy odm le h neounemen tin ho h. cociudd te arryonabsines peraueniy i Lrcn sipeeBos o d ee isAos O N S I N R JAMESt a itrtring hseap andkeepngaomplet. aotment cf Wib AAE IBU0L. GEANDlIE8 thedabovmonahbnthsleNof-IbisEanrPtokoi -DrgrGo4 et sthe bi reStrWits.atrnoee ta cbscoc -e écrr nbsns praetyi DAL D i-r A ' O GT N t f SOandES pene tband rhte ady ftae nspeacitiho GReY C orTONS, LAI IJb A. kii. a ery cavyinga, ad rom10 e e.a ope yasrWHTme SITof BODEN5 VNO LNA int, tom 10 tby eLL7e. p er ad. oi lresaeoftepbi ~~1 7u, 169. DrggiSto, Whltby. mat in sgofo e et.BayDvasLnn ru1 et.A(i tc 1; 4 cfP iril indu cf Tvolautovani fi-cmf10.consta.Alo.o, GbEfllckabmck T0ave t 2c, ct 2. OrLvemdLioEHnki-boSHrfiypteTIcN0 Um r' ANm E, esi rom e,10 te 15c.o yardev5c. a-ibiesciar HTa hd vrca i icuFamlli IrorWain o l Spînit rdr on thi0c. peri iyard . Twgee mcd C otn, e So, ngliui, , Ge»,m deRER NGSier, acIdS9 andirMu maltes1, er 15. 2pryr;ue.Goano c'b ont n &Cetre.,a'e.pN.odyThsli, as i>wilb omu l 15anpteruse nico.Hesar thnsu Geve No. 2, MIJAMES lOC-E E, Ae ave-yknd, qult of sud atyiecing th or coibrtod Jop 25a. teDuc.p ad. ING ST., 1869. 14oof wl p rasa makca cf K d o liPae Trmmî 0ntAlFriclo toFcyof ea lu îver nkdorquaity and qsltykent hoDystat-d.CEP CE? EA .CROCKERY êin GLASSWABE FOR CASH.id, had an dREesTEiWgnb, Ap-il 0t, 1169. e ad hc r en oda, hd vrcs rc n t WKsdI NS., uîy liOnSHe AWA. a ae fai lvs FnyTimng i anyGoai Mmy 2Oliy ndstl lî, t te ry1807.l 2B1, HBP WANTELL SL- New TOCQo ONs RNN DnuingIL ie ensîîing yummit 7,hTelma. te W ANTE». NewLLAN d .'ot Whuuby. For -prticniars uppiy te cILN OS llroilnApnl utR. T. 1]ARUISON. BokiArl5t 186e;1-t ----------W BR ilI Shîov on MONDAY, the 21h PunS 'FOR luit ., itue lciowiiig linos cf iiov geods PRINTS, Inves t Me1nn t GIREY COTTONS, ffE TRUST AND LOAN COMPANYrWIECTOS T liavoltinds for luvestienf, utthoirnusaul D ILLIANTS, to »tion et luteoest, ce the sourlty of improved A CrD E8G O S Rosi Eataite. AC S6080t Lotus inudo for fixed poriod.ii, on impayable g c o tDlie u nnsu Lhy aimital liîiImtunets. cbLto eliissd rnsu <Taaus-Iestruotion on plana, 010; thier> ' Portion of hie busines, wil fro m this, date self théee avnentet pupis la pisoedeistlnhu ATuiie O IU EEW (N WJJbMio .,16.-- 91'Barga ins cau b. secured by an early cal, as the stock is ccum- BOEplete i-eeydepartnlent.. NEW JIÂTEN, COUL1f ed Cap i-1,OOo, i Wbftby, Mrobe 9, 1868. BEEDS! Ma os m M% Ait -NO.10 A CHOI< .1 i Ui-cCorner, ;ESTOCK OP' .INCLUIIKG & CIIEOICE COLLECTON Or &LSO TE»t FAKOUS MARLY ROSE POTATOES. OrooeriesWines&Liquor AT REDUCED PRICES. IRFIRANCIS# Vhfitby, April Mt, 1809. 14 169a. Direct Importations. '69. R.a J. CAMPBELL BUG TO ANNOUNCE THE ARRIVAL OP A PORTION OP THEIR SPR.ING & STJMMER STOCK, CONSISTING 0F PRJNTS, FIIENCII KID GLOYES, DRESS TRIMMINGS, MEN'S RATS &o. They exeet n bthbalnce eltbteir Stock iorward by the ligbee purcaeyoeo h fieinteBRITISII MARKETS FOR CASHtby il bo able te show the largest and cheapest stock in the County of Ontario. Ail are invited to cal and examine their Goods, as rare bargains viii be given. R. & J. CAMPBELL N'hitby & Manchester, April th, 18M6-. 14 1869. 186901 Spring Oampaign Begun'! AT THE FURNITIIIE WARELOOMS -0F- JOHN TILL & 00., IN CALDWELL'S BLOCK, WVi11 bc found the Iares and most complete assortment of roil-made FURNITURE in t Coiiînty. Wo cifer gi-eau inducements to parties about eo fui-niai, as vo BUY FOR CASH we eue soi! cheape, Lime an>' otier rotail hanse Ie th tade. A callite inspeet oui- stock la îeiicited. We have aise on band a lai-ge and vai-ied assei-tmect et And some very fine GILT CORNICES, which we offer very loy. W. are aise Agents for~ LARARD & KRIEGHOFF'5S UNDERTAKING in firoelas style, at, moderate charge&. UPHOLSTERY of &Il kinds donc with neatness and dispatch. Our motto will TURNS. Whitby, Mai-ch 11, 1869. be SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RE-. JOHN T[LL & Co. GTRO, MLIT KRQ oibawa, -Ap ril 14 th$ 1869,. Juat arrived a splendid stock of' Spring SUMMERL TWEEI$, &c., AT TE-E GENTIEMNINS TAILOII AND FUR NISI-IING> LIOUTTE ~O9 nn Gentlemen's Furnishing description, embracDg -Shirts, Collare,1 W~ NO FIT NO PAY 1 Broclt at., Whitby, Mai-ch 24, 1869. Goods ,o-f every Socks, ]3race, &o., &c4, -ALXANDER PRmINGLE, 1 1 12-1>' GOL &SILYER WÂTCHES, Colored and bright Gold Brooches,- Ear-Drops, ~ Wedding Rings, Spectacles, Faucy Goodo. 8-Day& 30-Heour Clocks in'great vaiiety. Repiing caret ully attended to. JA.MES JOHINST-ON, Watohmaker &Jeweiler, SWhitby, ôti, 1869. Brock Street, Wbitby. SPIRING STOCK 0F BOOTS &SHOES. 3 .A~7NDEB Bonn Fide ,Bootmaker to -the WHITBY AND, «VICINITY. If SumuorBocts yen visi te bu>', And heaifatevici shop Le fi-y, Joie Sanudirs oa yeri-anta auppl>- Ai lSoi-rtanmd Sizes, And so e isthafe reaosacei>, Ho Advei-tiîcs. To lot the. public ucderstand' Ris Heoz-MÀeEz BooTs arcemdeb>' hacd, "6Machine".aewed boots look fine and grand, Whil Liy e>' cnov ; But SàuxDuas'Ovi al 'bear Lie bmmcd Of Sound and True. .WiLh Leather good and oami soeure, Tour thififtsd cemfort toenmsure- At Saundews' hp yoeaue Procure, -, Boots SLi-ecg sud Hice, And vol L ta> lok sud much ondure, At Moderato prie& People' ofi 83D Observe John Saunders ' al site the Brojl CaDadin Bank,ý Brook Street, Whitby. IN LATEST sTyLES. W eparn ar~matir and prompily executîd. WThraa deos m a t faiera, Deeas WVhltby &prit 23, 1867. 1 CLOTHS WABEING MLOGRA Dis1agreeable Employment I T HE SUESCEBIBER havieg reetly made Tel uomi aleimproeomonta luit he un ef vashieg cmie l obie alod IluPEOVÉD WÂSIIING MA<IINE! For:wbiob bc lips obtaloi elttera patent, snd for Wbloh ho ber te mlici tihe attention ofrthe publie. XIt ;àcenatrectod on seend ommon - saisi principles, doei .swork vith , au aand dlspaiteh; it requines ne extra a'pplmueos te complote il'a vork, la eemparativoly noieinlm le Ra oeration on- tha dot' e., "okg fer itsolf by actions by -vbioh it imuait gand or tail, henc o eds ne blowring te kuep fI afloat Whou fainiy lanebod. It hbu ganed applae wionîvor Ih bas bae;.nothïig escapeasias searcbiug poevr it la a truc ewmpanilon ef incdestry Ih neîes bbull rogna lu the houa.e; iiùa lnviting in its ap'paaranoe; h lit * aiig <aven vlîlu the. Ladis abeng the latending'piiurchnîs vilide vîll, bufors purchsaieg elaevllono, te uand je thoir erdora for a trial ef tihe< ab;ov machina, and oe oci tham vii hab sont proieptly for that purposa. tw Couety and Township Eaghte . di»pesiedof- on lîboral trms. JOHN SHAW. Wliltby, ha. irah, 1869. eImo-1 ROYAL IFOTEL, ine i &yal otai, hbpga te frin his. In sud tho publie thatflhcbualeana vWitlit futurs bcocariad oùb01hlm nsel.oiereopriater, ad that- eshro oreno ning viii ba loft endeil oe is itart te mako iverything satafictry ta the guod:ta e Royal. THOMAS NALE. IBUTCHRIS KETI FRIESH1 & CUIRED! T HESUBBCRIBEE boga te ieform cnatem.- ors and tha publie that bis Shop la con- atantly seppîled vith tîLa boat Beef, Mutton, Yei, Ialflb, Pork, &q' propinly and carefully dreaaod-and jolued te sait honsokeepora, and for orleata thealoest Corned BNet, Pork and Qi Tongwe curod le a suerior mannaer; and ovainuhing in the Vietualting lits. kopt ooutanuygot, band.. gaItemembor the. nov Shop-botvaeuthe. storoe e Ms. Hatoh -asd Lea & Poeoi, Brock Street. JAM&ES MANNÇ. Wliitby, March Bih, 1889. 1-ly TFire' Insurance Co. CapitaL £4,9U5,009 Sterling. BAR oeay, and 1 pomnMr. Jaum LOntario. 'à. W,.AtIDEL- W. H. 1 SOLICIT WlOses, IN Wbitby, Jan. 28, 1 CRAR]LES ATTOENEY AT -Ohanuciry, Nota ite., Bi-ec i. W 0 oi. fMAUt REl ATTOENEY-AT- Dundas Street. S the FUts olâce. DAREISTEES A Famx ALEEN-C- Dcunty Creva Attori Port Pari-y, 28th D ]LYKA N DARPRIBTER AT 1 II>cr,Conveynm Whutby, Jul>' 20, PR. H- A1oï 1. ly sud OFFICIAL GENRÂLAGENCY OF uudiraloenad 4. OO KINÂ'AT ~itby, Match 81, 1889. iaee April 18tý L JU kJ

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