Whitby Chronicle, 22 Apr 1869, p. 4

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lWlflTiayC. W. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, T [le sii.icrt'cr bqAt:annosnce ta bis J. fio»t GOan I)<l blio, thatatlitbas T- 'veby ci itiehnbov LWeilDisaf la ea mpteror imminor, with ove y convoui- ecce for titi, r -oeî f geetsncti dthe, c- vlî pblie. mdtesdspre wftolrié ti'uttl eg1riri,00M Mabln', wlI eed84yart*, andi ttotive-Oterg i - . , . CA Ll>4YELTL Wiltbv, Joli. 44j, 1VOOs.2. ly RLEMOYALe 11, il t î; ha îeîcsdIront rer oi lic. WM ~~ L'.>îri't 'îp Io liteboa"e, <i ti ~ i f I li t 1. 'Illsîjnr llrper, ~ ~ '~. e> !jure lie 'titli a lie'i'n T. 99. iJigIElAN, ose. îîî,bu. 'crry.st., Witt17'. fJ Bo C AMLPB E L L 4ttDDlIi$~ - - AbliII, P. o. n4 riifor raielo ift ut tits Office, or wibl Nr. .l,lChris(ti-ei, lncîetor, viii b. llrow ~ t!i"yjý14 ejte il ~,r>,Ij348 TIIOIlOLI)D, ONT. T ~~ $'lî i t,'ii ltieiil ttvtiswl-known i iiial'r i~oîitii~the potronagc of flie e w îM1 " 'Ille %c tien beIilid. or Wll#C-, it.îîU#î " latipo ul twaysoil tîho"t ý- 4l1Il) illui frein nilt Traisii eonticton -iii»l iiii i- iîjwe .' ,rt' a ne, d good'L.Ave . 9t~> t~îc.i'î. r 11î00m ic ur Nlercautito Ageiu Grand Trunk Elailway Hotol. t';. oi r ) pIrolîceîl thi, iotal 4 *îtWiî>' #I lle .'j i> t itt (ruiti h e' itlio gIopIle lhi lt l'eo titi.t'.' tir t r n ndletn i i i t 'vo clî i îîw t ttî:ii Caro tif tii I i nuilir t.rocc,,iVt ite & spirit deaier, No. 29 KIOHAEL'O BLOCK, KI-NQ S'r., EAST, OSIIAWA@ OROOKERY & GLASS WAR f A WilfL SLLICTED ISTO;C YJIESJI TEAg, OF' ALI, KNDS, Ai. lluiCi i eîîaly lîtite lu Canada, e 'PUNDS FOR T IlE1 TIZUtiT ANI) LOAN COMPAII i 1vituu i. i tiil , iiUi i or tirea vcdl l'y tt i ýlil., l't ii.iiii4e i> i 10iitonictioiîîcati.ho bati iy lClit.tu 1,110 utli lf i Etute & (oueorei Agent, OFz'.- ti'ol tlrêLt, sepIî, qt 15, 1CO8. 3 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, OSH-AWA.' JADIES 'IG,,- rp tr SI'IINGLES FOR SALE. .Tzrnniîîtrtelousonpiano, $10;gtboory gtrÂri s%pcrlonie t i r. tissu 19yoas ad vueneta e u P-pIls pliednuder bis tuitlie Inlilit, Ward ic vit, of1509. Ilm ýly tCO kue nOiSe ml1 na -Aod above mliby SELLING ci eÂ,ýP, te marit;41,pfitbO ý4>j)lýu very bienvy make, wide, from 10 te 15c. per yard. WHIITE SEIITING, ve07 heavy mùâe, wide, froni 10:We 15c. per yard. HeavySlieetings, extra wie', rom 308.. Per yasra. Ticklnge, lieetits , l)eifinsyrGinghamus, ke, "I Atet pr 'iee. AV immensee" stoèlc 'Cf titefanjous H oylo's and Aston'. ritDt, roir10 te170. Petryord. N. D.-Thçee Goode wilf bc found fally 15 et cent cheaper than nana. A splendid lot of new XMarsliles, or tsfreui'25c. te 50c. petarad Irish lînans, food, from 40 cents. Xloavy Dewlai Lltén , (ternIb cents. A fou stock cf ail kindsao Tels and Towelzugs Çýqu,10 çputs$.. A largo lot, job>, of llsckaback Tow.s a 12j., ortb25e r 'n m4 j~neu1lsnkcrblefs ara fullyupte the deugufro 1 te15e pr yrdiliei ir béugel sLtsade oyat Cs cs re.ln orde tesoUthe of wlh depatb. wees sd Ooth,Egoitth, Englisb,German sudCandia maesfro 15. t $2r yrd;thoe oned ozly bê-se ns- sur aseed sae, s tey re rne owe tàW'b. sue picea. Iloisery sud Chee lu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ esr ld ult u tl, nîdnt.elbae eepbin, Duchesa and Em- pres nOakes0f id UieresFanyThttiu -aVuesd Fancy Goeds ln ever klnd, qualt( and style knn to ae'Dry Gooetrid.CIACIl? HA lJoRN BEINNU, Wbitby, April ilb, 1800.-7-14 INEW ARRIVALS IIXILOIN &cols. A SPLENDID ASSOUTMENTL NEW 1YILLINERY GOOD39 DRESS GOODS, GOLD.& SILVER WÀTCHES, Colorcd and bright Gold Broochesa-ros 'ar RoUings, &o., Wedding Rings, Spoctacles, Pancy Goode. 8-Day Il 30-fleur Cleke hiugrcat vaî'icty. Repairung carcfuly attondod te. JAMES JOHNSTON, Wntclimakor & Jewcller, 1Whbitby, ôthq 1869. Brook Strect, Wbitby.1 GREA-T RUS-H AT WJIERE WJLL DE FOIJND A SPLENDID ASSORTIIENT OF FA MI LY C(ROC ERI ES!1 --00- 0 -Cames Fres1!,LEMONS &"ORANGES just. receive W. rIM HANNÂX.' Ono deer Sentis of Express Of500. 'Kareis 24th, 1869. GEERAL AGaENCIOFFICE! #W¶IE undnslgnei iacrlrea edthe appoln teof, om c l I43s e o ot .L ozntaru e pre aro t i.promp soetintSailmaltera lunIlsnkrupcyor, Jnshwoy, W Potlmsryi~t.ssu Aceutsaedlycolicudre liuos pniertl ;t, s a th Ou~ ~ ~~~~S gdmerr teresIerela. pn h"1 atrrSn ntAbou" ot tho RoIl Ccatadiau Msroh 9, 18fl. wm. At~~ No.heo UcCorner, AHIE STOCK OF, RfELS )AID O-ýebâiEI SWEEBSI1 INCITDNGA' CIOICE COLLEcT1Q ' ALSO THE PAKOUS EARLY ROSE POTATOES. Crocrie, Wnes& Lqu ors AT REDUOED PRICFS. 'Ro FRANCIS# Wbitby, Apnil M1, 1609. 1 '69. Direct Importations. '69. Re & J. CAMPBELL BEG TO ANNOUNCE THE ARRIVAL OP A PORTION 0F THEIR SPRIKG & STJMMER STOCK, CONBI$TINqG OF PRJNTS, FRENCII KID ..GLOXTES, DRESS TRIMMINGS, MEN'S RATS, &o. Thley expcct thbalance cf their Stock forwai'd by the l5tb, halviug beon purcae byeeo iirn in the BRITISHI MARKETS' FOR OAShI, tbey will be able te show lie largest sud cheapesl stock lu thse Couuty of Ontario. Ail arc iuvitcd to cal! and examine thoer Geoda, ms rare bargains wiii be given. R. & il OAXPBELL 1Whitby & Manchoaer, April Otb, 1869. 1869,18698 Spring Campai gn Begun! AIT THIE FTTRN1TTJRE WÀI1E11OOM§ -01?- JOHN TILL & 00.1 IN CALDWELL'S BLOCK, 'WiIl 'be found the largest and most complote assortment of well-mado FURN[TTJRE in tisa Ceurity. Woefr great inducemonta te parties about te flmnfh, as WC DtTY FOR CASh vwo eau el! choit p or tban any ether rétai! bouse in the trade. A caIl te inspeet our stock le solicited.'WC bave aloe on baud a largo and varicd assortmont cf And some very fine GILT CORNICES, which we oller very les', W. arc alec Agents for LARARD & KRIEOROPF'S UNDERTÂKINO in firsi-clus style, at moderato charges. tTUPHOLSTERY of 41l kinds done with neat-neisaud 4ispteth. Our, motto will be"SMÂLL PROFITS AND QUIOK RE- TUILS. -JOHN TIlL& CG. Wbitby, Mareb 11, 1869. i iae G. ~FliI 1111 I 1I& Ml itiOKI AT' Bons Fide Bootm aker to the, WHT IAND VIOINITY. If Summer Boots yen wlsh tobuy, And beaitate vitîi b O"o try, çJebsaunders cati your vas ipplyw.- AIl ff, sd $ls,, Ausoebe tells thereman wby, To let the publie undertand Bia HOUE-MADu Sooom are made hy baud, 66 Mahiuo!" sewe Sti>osloch flu sd '& d Wbilo'tbey are nov But Sàitmge' W Nafil bearlb. br'm 0f Soundi sud True. With Leather geod sudBeasus'senre, Your tirffl sud cetufent te ensgav- At Saunders'$hopyoeu'ror, ooS trons and Nice, Asti voll tbey look sud mue e n dure, -At oderato prie.. 1 I Observe John Saunders, ntearly siethe Royal Canadian Banik, B3rook Street, Whitky. SWbitby, Marci 00, 1869. oppou, ' i1, 17 STILL TIJEL. ;C 0B THE SUBSCRLBEIZ BEING -ABOUT TO CLOSE UP THE: <3rockery Glass & Eartbeoware Portion of his business, wvill fropi this date seli the sain AT COST, (NO HUMBUC.i Bargains can be secured- by an early cail, as the stoçk IÜ com'_!- plete in cvcry department. I VIE' Always on band. SrnalI profits and upjrit dealing is my inotto. Try u. Cash paid for any quantity of good Firkin Butter. WhibyMarh 8, 169.Coruor Byron sud Dadj Streeto, opposite gobsen Houa. Newe Coods. - -AT- MeMILLAN & cOS, -o0 W y, wiu! Show ou MONDAY, lte 29th Ilest., the ofllewlîili em of now geeese l'hINTa, f(4y COTTON9, WRITE COTTON09 BRILLIANT8, FANOX PRESS GOOPSO it- A Jcb Lot ef Dolaineosuant Printe hait value. ALDWE LL'S Celebrcteil Aies, lu packages et 10, 15and 80 gelions. Te . M eUlILÂN i #kCe,.- Mareit 24Y 1809, witl lpreparet temauufeture ti) eIder, aI11Itid- -1 X LAT-F3T STYLES. ggi epairing neatiy and- preniptir' .ëeected." Sâ. Tirco doore Eat cf Laitîg'a3,-lunda Wliitby A prit 28, *8ge7. 16 CLOTHES-'WASING No ivt>zuO 03A' Olseagreeable EMply1 et WÂIING F,,IBFLK oilgcIenE! m For Wblcli lie bus oh e.iti-8ritctt, nti for -Wh Joili h-begi. te isolibit Itle Iutt1oûin et tis publit,.<It la ccenstrnctuil 4uni cuint Corimon ses rn ipes, l .1 ita w iti enso cutan ditpetelî; ilrerjîirca tI') tît rileîcst complote iiiwerk, La eviuparrutively neiselosa. lu ils eperàtýion 0on IJîCi dtjft ' .i, speko l'or itsàlfby-anotions by 'si!i i et uuci altitaoýr dcli, lionce uceus '%no tîlo-y*nz b le>J e iat Whou fairly !unucited. 1: hý ilcl uîe pplimes wtereevor >1 ha toue; noiLg ei.etipet. j: ioàrëiig PoverqI lmt t truc eoîîspcmiie cof luut>;it requires but 1411c rooji, in-ti'e -boue; is ivitiiug lunlN nppe.iae itutls b est no uuse. Intonditig purebasors wiT l wll butoe purchissiel.eiewhcrp, iEcuttiin tisoîr orderu fer e trial o! the eovetu -lobinic, anti eue -of tisent yl lb. sent promptiy l'or ttîut purpese., W- Counity sud Townshliplgis 3 distpos.d et on liberal teruis. WliItby, Jan. 121ht, 1869. ROYAL J4QTLL TfrIE nncloraiur.odl avng Pnrcbased tise in- -L terot t liii lat.e partuer, Mr.-D ]Let, in tse IRoyal icbi, begs te iutn le , .Inlonda aund te pîtublit tu'te busine'ior ii lfuture' bce cerrieti où,by Jlinu asfiole preor, and thata isretofe, iiutilg vilibe leftonndoue oe. ", ?rt icko cvorythiug ututotry te tise gueta !ts iyl TilOMM 1WALKEE. Dye. 2s'"08.a Pliotogra-ph s. J.fiyte irîfermu th li iiîlulttoftWV111b anti vieitiit.1y titt lie )lb"usnrcl:tcst tt etr et Mu J. C l fÀ i Ille ]PHOTOGRAPU GALLERYi > DVZDAS STIIEET, LaSteiy eceupieti by hlm, 'siteolie vill boai ways teonaprepareti te titkp Iilecnemof ca naperlor tuantier anti 'ith lita-likeienusq.i l!aving guide lago aditionsacuti i¶royo. nicitt icuti othCiic'iprevl.lcd teeGallery witi, allil tecefs.ry ofu te,!the art, hoy ucSptoUnnlI, andtiecetfulIy- sellclts ea fi l l.WILSON,- Whitby, ýDue. 22, 1f10$. lereforencete tie ioo te ndoalguati deure t reeomeetlit sces r LW il- UI t la hi ii 1Kr.'WilSon undertaks-' Wiii gIV6 tis Ut test etisauctbon. WiIbDee; 22, 1888. Great Attrac.tiou nuys r NEW VARJETY ,S . ~JL Xi (XTDOOR EAST OP MIL CROSBY'SB,) 'TJÂMES Jof Wl eneral BC win be ha »NDrespectfally, announcms n thenretilI 1-_ t»Je maces JJ#~ 3[~ t, I sisetor. J i , Whitby, April 8t4, 186». toi ru srem eved& b Omme wBM. Wiltby, Out. 'IAIUBES PUB! Ovmcx:-Oni Oshawa; snd- Tcown aBai o J. E. Faixzxu Ai. . amI W, A TTOBSEY on, Brock, (C'. . ,AJ the

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