Whitby Chronicle, 15 Apr 1869, p. 1

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ONTAWIZO ANK K. pu . cLOÇKUTf ýBAICIISR8 AND &TTOJIftIqg$«,T- Labw SoIleiSdr,, uo tIse Uuuk pi MOJtçsI, aoel'tlse derporasîosî01ciii, cousaitetOntario, NotarhI, &o., s&o., Wlîltby 0. W m. (. Ocagsmov, Q. . .-1M. J. MAoros.s.r. B AEITE1SAttorcss oL Jl.6Iito r§d. 0 BOYFICZ-Wptern 'Amsurnce Buildingo 011r8tetoru 0,. W.r, se ll. COC2IiLArfz, Le L. Ia. 01104 ilajlowu lo w Building, bunddss GEORGE 11. DAIITNiELlg 1 7 offflarlo. 05bes Brook-oti, Whitby. EoDEILT J. WILSON.' n AItIIISTER à ATrOItNEt AT LAW 8, Sollotorinchance y, A. Whltby, C. W Dfficà- Ov#r Ontario Bsuk> 111ou tho Northî bide. B AUIBSTERt-AT-LAW ANI) SOLICITOR lu Oliauoory. <.hsubers-J9loronto-St..- Toronto. O9*ýsm I3AIU.R & TTOILNXY-AT-L4W -Bo1Iitor Inu <Jbory, Couvoyuur, No- Jnwo-Next door to, the. tor oftB.-& J. Cupboli, Brook i$1., Whitby, <Ont. SQIACITOIL NOTAIZY PUBLIC, cta. d*. sOshaswa, d. W. (i. A. JONX§, 19asnIster, SOolcastor lu Chesnory, AtU 4,n ranInved bià Orne to lot fioor over the. UOUràuzo BM<K. Whiatty, Out. 7, 1868. do FARtEWELL & JIcGEE, cut,4oiýVYvlas, ANI) NOt- AJ.IIBB PUBLIC. Town Ilall, Bownaîtville. J.. E. xx.wzLL, I1, ]Mon". 08,LAUDk.R, MULOCK & MIT1I, .Attor»eys.ttoltiwg Molicitrs ,jn chan. - ery, mand Iusolvency, d&o. Bllock, Brook-St., vil 014i®r Mr J iinloldoois OiMoe, W lftby, 110K. . 0 o, (i. o., .M3OK .W.LAIIDM . j .Y. IILITU. W# W.slBILLINGS, SOLICITUI, &0., £0. S(,sgl1cx, IN MOM~ILu.u's Bzmxe, Brook Whltby, Jan. go, 1862. ÇIABLES C. ICELLER, AtTTO'INEY AT LAW, SOLICIIORIN -, illianaory<onvoyano.r, tetuli ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW. 8OLICITOIL IN tsi, haneer>', Notary Publie, douvey-auetor, te. ýWIltby (1. W. Orezs, Iiyroit streut, onîli corlPo4t ffic. 48 JABlS LADION, A TTORNISY AT-LAW, SOLICITOLN lN Dundas Sîtreet. gîrThrc.e doors MWest of the Pont 011e..16 Cf.,CIIRAIME &COCHRIANE. B AIIRISTRES, AiTOUNEYB, CtN VEY- sueurs auJnd14tarles i'ublio, &c., &c, pytusoz agrUîqz puioTown 8 IL CocuJlAriz, LL. B., 1 W. M. CocuULAM. Ceuuty Crovu Attorney. Port Porry, 26th December, 1885. 61 SlWO@l4,....ppOtb Fout Oi.De, (Oshâaa -- 40 Dao. CAI1ION & LAW, Conssltatlou ci L'ai tiesritp l'tee of charge. WVhltby, JuIy 20, 1968. 291 D Ri. HANCOOK9 SVIEGEONq, ACCOUCHIEUR, d&c., a. J. GurroN, M. DJ. 1 IUGEON TO TRE COU3TY GLOL .Ieyro stroet, Whitby. JOHSINV. I4AMP NOTAJLY PUBLICI Wlsltby, Aprli lô1h, 1800. TiHONÂS HIUSTON, T WNCLEEXi<éTR2ASUIL WIIITBY VICTORIA JIOTzEL. W ILLIAR SCOTT, PIUPIlLETOB .(Lato _Wm.l.foyutouss.) 97 W .BOYXTO1Ç b.gs w tatormtis* lu. W ,b abitants oftbe Cosuty .>f VIoous sud ourrouudluig (Jutes,tbst bhem asopen.d 5h, Mtatl ou W IUlm Sr,tkiMe.l .e.epl.d b>' ",W,", sd 8 bas .h isl tA4teesndfgrnli- aliat; 8rtatYlevisito»wttnd, *v.ryeouv.- case. Wlass, Ltqser. sud Cîgars 01 the W Adsanireb.1 t4,14. a ttn J 011N LI WAT-KIS. 1IROEON DENTIMT Onwx.-.Ovar JAL, MN2'M.IS slall, 1Irogkstret, Wlstby. W AUl vork warraùt.d., ;auuilie ttended at privat. roolde.. aiorough u à0mtyaf wù"t jsud vwhsri blips rop,4qpuj4.Mnssafiltut$hs com m5ud,5OIveX ê- d tiontohl euost,ýAo4 bs 1i4,12e 4 0be1 0* sthelby@r Albl*D botel,Bu aket Sure,. sept.mber1lt,-o TE 10350K OUSE, ed, returnlslied, aiu fitted up tisrougluout, là tIse beatt style. The premlasara pion anuîy sltuatad.0tpoo4t h1,044rOa !,,tiseA lu aIn h. Th#etl wy Omlilscella et tiseIlIotalsud Slip stages for Uxbs'b!ge &zîd Boavertou leave GEORGE "CORIaCE.1r T U UI ME C LIIANT, Carp.uS.ur, sud tityot'sl kisids oflamberoonattîty on baud, 'UN DIERTAXCINO. B~V'EALS f<ai>'snjpsipid and attelded L ahestunotles. Cu ick. onluI liand. Wiittby, Pob. st1u,1802. g Brooklin Drug Store. Tr' BALER lu Drnigs, Patent MJfliest .1.7 lallio s aDYeSturms, Confeetion. or' 0. - Wlnes aud Llquoraotii, bestqnlty formediesl purpoisos Morge ffCattIeMedicn~salayonland Brooklu, C. W», 186P 25 (Organiât AU1 Sat#' Ckuorck, fl'itby.) S8 prepared tu gîVO hMile, and i liîging lca- J.sous, tu a a linuitee il hushr of puj.ils. Applîication te bonuinas attiseOffice cf John Li. Wutle, Surgeon fleuîsit, over Junmes liyrnue's lidil il MOI, Brook MS. Whtb>'. CROCJF BRIS 1RTEL, - (LATE PLATT'S,) NELSON ST. TORONT0, 19ORTIL OP 1KING ST. BASSETT & KEEI3LE, - Pitornsg>ous. T jiEpri>prieboriç re.pectiully aunounrces to i.io. hiciursl.d, u at i..uce, au neli un noar hoine, tIsaI tlîsy have. takion tiheisbuve preutithes whick are lu overy risspeot eossveulouujv flnd ciuxfortably fitted up ior thse accomuuodationu of gues'n sudtiue traveling public. Tîcy willl be lonu n u constanut pergoîsul nttoudar.ca, anid will iesvo-uotblig aiu(loue oui tlisit partto rive matitltasstion to ali i nisonuis>favor tîseru itîs a culi. sa YXOLIXAN GIBSON. COMMISSION MER CH.ANI INSU nA NCE, * GENERA LAGENT, Wlitby, Jais., lotIs 1886. 2 ]REVERE HOUSE, NANOETas, o. W. B. PLAN, - - - - Propriotor. fitiusgc to mid frou Wliîby cli dol!>'. Evir>' sttosubos ps.14 toguests. Larofîsi mcd atten- tive t'stlerâ. 9 1 1E LIVERPOOL AND LONDON INSUIIANCF COMqp'INY. liasi, ln in onoce tlaiity-two yemrsf, snd durng tisaS perlud bat ,pasel Losai§excoeeiug È~ve and a hall million pounds sterling. Tii.edioburseiît i fthis enorunons ous over a wide ares, la*, itisont donlit, cortrt. Iîuted te the (cstt>Iis inut tif tîsis ltlistitutiolu, ol[A§dTi, liosmF.ssULLLA,, sud busginess mon gels- erai', wlsurtver it ta% ruertnes:od. luâ ltitr.t yeu, 1686, tIse Pire Premium aloue usoutetd tu,................ 9,970 Ins its lOtIs yes-t, 1846,........... £778 200I1 yeisr, 1856........ 1,21 " ttsyear, 1866.......,8,8 U o.be e r later, 1807 _...... . .£ 1 , 5 Thse Pire leszerve }'uusd liq nov 04,727,464 The, LIfe lie.orve i/utid la il0v $9,'282,448 Th Ci ::uylrliresoitted throsîghoutOU- 0 . Y. 0. MMIT1, Ennîo ZcEAUyr, MUuTREuu.s L. PIIL3A.N5IJu., 1'b 1sylth, 16.7 THE ONTAIOUFAUM1US' MUTUAIL INSURANCE COMP'Y. rpIIIS Comupany- la Dow fal>' orgsulzidun A. la prepmtred tO accept rlaks on Iar Buildings, aud their cootntus, Couutty Sehool Ilouses, sud Churehes. Tluone wsshlink te lu- sure, aud theu.oby support a Home (umurmnce Comupany', bave cov an ojuportîit>' cfdoinz no, b>' aplylua ltter t t 0w Bead ëolce, or te au>', ot tisa losaragents. Unr rates wil b. toan sas lovs tios. of an> respousible Mutulu-n L. FAIRBANKS, Jea, iIEAD OFFICE-Tii. Oid Begisur>' 02" Building, Brook Street, Wbitby. ROTEIL & PREMISES FOR. SALE-. T BAT old eatsblisiied sud woil kuowu lie- tel, the OENTAL 1HO0USE, EPEON isploudJd rouom>stablissg, sud dyivlug oda toether, Wth, o»eor- vo cros ot lad .ttaeh- ai, laomyledured, sud àIDOYu ibe<> 'e U lÇtTDMSIGNEDq» -ffema for sal 0 the iL 'Nerh 84 acres et Lot 18, SMb cou. or the TOvnaSbIP 01 Eisb, thl-and la- two. mile% Nor$sth 4, Manehept.>' -on tL6e centre îoad. TherO 0 faborne vasislef uebeafrRaiv> ver paruulsrs appl>' te - W. iff. llILtlîNug, soumoro, &c.,, Wbltlsy. WlHby, 1N0v. ISt, 1868.0,47 WMsY laft tlsat tihe*la suai s àvrnafor pîcturo. AT CLÀRK'vs GALEY la I. beeaus. lielies tise bont Gallory' lu tise Couant>', nd lias more patience vîtîs chilljruu 'issu us>'ba o ftlAtîit liitishe Costy>, auud con do'qut. as god vorke as auj otiier mau la tue Cotnu>'. WýTbst's wht'. tiie usîter, »0 don't b. baokward about oomlug-torvard. DIOCE ST., -WUITBY. Wlsltby, Nov. 12, 1807, 45 JOHN CARTrER, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. ONTARIO,,,YORK -& PFEL. - ga REzsiDEcI9,0a s hCo. Mlarkham.-I'osg oilcc-unioaville. SALES stteuded ou* thue siortest snotice, aud Dn reasoesbie ternis. Ternis* eau bc moude ai.d bills prlsîu.d attse Chreansilo office for ?Ar. Carter. 17 WELLINGTON IMOTEL, MARKHAM. J. RIJF.OTTOM, rz Poprietor. ASSURANCE IOMPAkNy Capital, 8,400,000. T1 IlE undersigued hsvlug heen appojitod J.Agent for thse abuve coispnsuv, lmu sw eaetolussire prolpent>'agiuistLOu SBY IVÉY ou the oâ4st avorsisle terius. Appi>' to, LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-12.r.on. Agent Wliitby TEXTII EXTRACTE» f£w WITHUT PAIN, . 13V TfltUSE OP tîsl buic -o - 48 -- -THOROLD, - ýONT. de LOR pProprieor v'*ber>nd'edLvey 13SpclnOsipte ltoons (or mercaniiule .Ag'is GzandTrunk Rfilway:HoteL AT -WHEITUY STATION. IXTM. ONZYI, avluig. ysrolmosd ttisetotl W, ud Prmises linowu las the UGrand TrusieIlotol, w hibld,' tatien, begs wtutorsu lifs fieuidssud tith ravolIngpu lilat àho 'ias llttud up thuelsuue aundtables lu lIir- elassi style, aud lby attentlion btse ewaîîts ut tisas Whso taver khu wiltb tiseir puttsplusgo trust merusenta cortlnnsrcs ot thoir ensçtom. ii l'artie# tekieg thse train sud lesulusg lsormsmwli! bave tlsem Wonl takn caueeOft 511 Wbltby, Sept., 1808. -'8 De F@. B-UR'KE Fasalir Grocen, Wînce &Stpinit NO. 2, MIOHAEL'S IELOCEg KING ST.. EASIV, ogIlAW.A. CGKEy & GLASS WARE A4 WELL SELECTED STOCK P1RESUI TRAN, COFFRES,. BUGARS. GIiOCERIRg, dec. OF ALL KIKDS, sw" An chenil uns is>'Ionse lu canada, .~ Ma-y 29til, 1807. 21 FUN"DS FOR Inves o ivtmen t!tr mg mtde% 0s siSe4ret, enlise Soecurît> ef IMproeuel RealI Etate. Tonus umade for flxed periodos, or repisyabile b>' sisssul insstalmett. Fsur'ieranud full inforumation.îs c ssli ls 1. leiser, aidjresscd tu tis Cxuui.,u.sr t Rligtou5 or front L. FAlIRBANKIS, Jr., EcaklsEtssta oeerssiAgent. Urascar-Brock iltreet, Wliitby, sept 15, 1268. 86 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, OSH-AWA. JABUS PRINGLE, a Pnoprietor. NYfROlfg OXIDE LAUGRIN(G GAS, SEJNGLES FOR SALE OROOALANEWTETÇ AT DEUTAL BOOMS, ]DUNDAS STREET, WHITDIr,-C. W. J800MS.-Ove' M. Il. Coubmu'ls, Store. Wliltuy, Juno 26, 1867. 25 MONEY TO LOAN. R £P'AYABLE IN UNIS hUM ORBY JoËry utalmnîtm. aii or Town pro- perty,=a lyrate* of lutertut. 8. IL. COCU RANVE, Wliltby, Nov. Q5, 1868. 4 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, BIIOCK MT., WIIITBY. -0- T [IFn5uacoiber bags; to.,Annonnco te his frieiidiansd tuie publie, tisaS lie loas re- suined possesiou of ttise, shove weli and <u- vurâbî>' kiowu hotel, wlîicli 15 uow litteel up lu a Nuperior ulaimur, vitît everv cusuveusi- onîce fur tise iceeptiou of guensahaujthse tra-- veling public. Mr Bant accommodatin, snd .Ubiriof wiusex, lîquorm snd cigaris. Coëd ntutling, vit l eeoâeel yardsi, onsI t]MetevcOstlorp ai- wsyo on tlio promnles. Charge. moderate. e . 1CALDWELL. c. N. VARSP RACTJCALDoutist, Oshawa dmP Deutl.]Booms, direottyoppo- lnmootret thurd.loornorth otthe Onitario Batik. gw EXP'RESS AGENT, &o., aîo Agent celdent sud Standard insaanco Cos. 17 Corner of Brodek- Bandas Streets, - WHITBJIý J. 0. MoPHERSON, -, Proprletor. WLate o1 th. Union Hotel, suramonte ci>', Callfornis, Whitby, Jan. 115hi, 1869, 2-1y'. ROS5E Th-hl 1ib'ol ta IYSURANCE 1COMPANYY un is otofthe btiiamueu te oV e0=NWHAEN i for su setlve-hsueens man. o E AE9cuf WIibe escismuge for faim pprty - s lerterme &o., mppl>' (Il by'lotter, pr;o-pal! Qptl-LO(,O - WILLIAM BC r qIS 84 atab]holseland aboroagbiy rol-. - Oeobo42 J.-Iale Comupany', ihsuestamlllud mvAge-4y iu tbis Icoalit>', vath tiheiew of-seordîn ts-; tflfftles tefermeasfor Infinrmuco, nt aseli aLan. A ~tapm rts ubs nvIli aIuogher aupereatise e o Ayo r .., It 1Comuai..on the mutuwInlsu- C.M 7MISAN u tm av A tieomi7 c te capital FIRST-PRIZE JOmut;E ~ ~ :: - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ peii n VTBS8TET 7 otNas GnteW, 1EUNDERSIGNED lis. on bonîd, smd T curer, for sale eius1,foi cais ait-quan- it>' of iased Sisingles, Ilamnimoîs'si nialee. N. ItAY9 Propretsu J17<by Zisuery Sai8tl. Wlsitby, Oct. 28, 1868, 48 Icash! Cash !1 T11E UNDERSICiNED null puy tIlo Iligîses T cashisprice fun an>' q umstity ut WHITE BEANS, POT&TOES, AND - FLAX S ID. JOHN KEITIl, M'usimny. Uctzhes' 29, 1868. 43 Fiî'e Insurance Co. 0F LONDON. IESTAI3,ISi-iED 1803. capital, £1,945,OGO, Sterling. FPends isîventeelluCuain $0,00 I NUIANCU goissst Ions, Iy Fire ett'ccted on thse uust faiouralsîs térs... AUI ômea 3lIN'TOU'1..BlOTIILIJS, Mentressi, OLiueral Aget. fur (3s.uadm. JOHN AGNEW, Wu5TusT, Agent-,for IWIiltby, Oshsawa, Bu0wmanvillo, sud snrionndsag country. 5 TEACIIER PIANO-FORTE, &c. ingurTir<oTes GSVZW "puto P7 AT>'gI IMSIDENCE. Trns.--Intuatioon upiano, $M,;tlîeory of musical eoucpoition, &o., extra, $5. 3 sw Au experience of more tiion 12 years enables lifeisor Pont tb guarantee tise rapid advaneemont of pupiloi placed under Iistultion, Whltby, marcis lot, 1869. -> FESI &CUIRED! BoeCMuttn, Val, lam, ork, &com su 5EIOW, properl>' Md eareullr, drumsd'sud jout.d, té =ui losk",osd for oost the boveat corw -Buot, Pozk and O1 Tongu .sired lnsu aperrior 'r; and. verybn r iie, onwSop-4otwe.unjithe saor là=BorEra tob .ud Uos &APoyoiJ, lVIsltb7i KareisStIi, 1849W-- Witb drearlor feelig Il 0f.the hoarto Thïs scencescf stila or StorrmpurSnw. XingdOnmight full sud empire» quako, Naitions réjolce, andproâDn A n uber brenst 110 îotero.t wske, -A soîuud, as ueet, a triiiing tbiuog, I$eàrei out iom mmoory'aiddou aprlug., Whien. Slo;w!>'rl'frg te lier 07e, 1 sec a failk liglit glow, Aud thon-I knuw fnot, boy or Why-r It mas b. long ugo- B1rtIlle we1ca Jre iend o ot ILAWDION'S 1RAID. (Fr~m Zondmn S«uty.) Thon s quicki'ohupeor In Holonots esr 'Good-bye, darling NellIl1 And before the. otuers could sp.ak &gain 'R6wdon bad csrried ber off. 'My ove Hilda DOW ?, ho osid ta, ber viien bis arme vnre round ber lu thst lut valse, 'YOu wili trust yoursolf to me dar. llngIl' 'Oh! Donltako me away' oh. answoed, psssiocstely. 'Take me awsy from him. Ar.ywhero with YOD 19 Ho ma' le no reply, In words sud oh. hal! no more to tell hlm sfter thst. Round sud round they svept; put My lady'. angry oyes, snd Marade'o scovling fsce, &gain sud, again. Escl ti me ah.y veut by thé doorway, Rawdon looked for DCic Jcoelyn'à signal thst ail vu reedjy for the. rsid. At Isut, Dick appesred, 'Nov for àIl'mnttwred Don. H. cbeeked his partiser, snd brouglit ber op close to viiere Jocelyn vss vsitiug. It wua s ry- ing moment; fortunately it vas but s mo- ment. Ail pusod ao quickly tbst poor trembling little Hilde Ws no time to break doien. Rlawdon goS lier through the. litti.e rovd near tii. door witbout notice. Thon ohis vas lu the hall, and Dick vas wrappiug the fuis about ber. 'Good.bye, my pet Il ho ssid to bier rallier tonched at the sigbt of ber vbite, visîful face :,-Good- bye, MignonnetI Take care of ber, bon Il Tho showu goiug dovn the. steps into the icy air, holding DDn'sai.r. Ont of tbe rock cJ carrnages, the i1.1gb sud Locis -vere v 'aitiug. Thon Don, mufflod lu bis pelisse, vau lifting ber inw bler seat ; thon Licis (vithout ber ailier grdottnhls time) vws vbirliug lier sviftly dovu the. frogen drive; sud Daringhsm of 4 Oursl bad Iairly csrried off Msrsdeu's fianceu. Diele, on the steps, turncd so lii ovu man, who sus- peeuiug nouling, vu vaîtchin; av adou's raid, uecbsnically. 6'You'd botter get my aloigh op, Tom,' hoe remarked; 'vo saali &Ilho starling dir. ectly. Well 1iteu' doue,' ho soliloquized, s tb. man went off ou bis errsnd; loim devilisi glad of IL Sbelli b. nov happy vith Don; sud old Jeiff il! ho-' 'Richard!' my lady'. voice. uidshsrply bebind hlm, as lie crossed the saIli. Where's Ililds?' Thero stood my lady sud Mariden; Hielen, lcoking about lier snxiossly, s litîle iu tbe rear. ,Mins Jocelyn psased tbrougb the hall this moment,' Marsdeu addod. 'Ton muet bave seen ber; sud-sud-Major Darlng- The luit vords seemed to choie. him. '"Yes,' Dicie nodded; 11 iessvl'm ail right.' 'Where are thcy, tben?' Lady Rfops suap-1 pcd. 11 can'e find Hhilda ln the closk.room. Tboy Say abc'& not beeu thora. Whoe con they hoe?' Dicie faced the. tvo, strolcing bis mous- tacite caili>, but witb su odd tsinkuosin bis eye., Tbe same word roui ail tht.., but iu very dift'eîeutAkey. tii Thi a 91 a l" even i..., umian. mo- for ber vrdi& prevenaIbis. B t " ate tise! Yon li y ai e ansd lssti-Quic Il , 'Neyer- ýg hg lie rtuted; sud the- blnhellpsvre aetaally goilt>' of su oath; "1911do lai'I - goB doug bis- cent about hic: sud urrcel tistongli o er glassdeosiont ou tb. Dikoplaiiugg maltera te Relais bfoo vne, b t o au 81ye on hlm ait tise 'Lut me "'e'about îtb.1ca»rnage, AnuS Hope I1lie ebserved. #Peor dem i lel .7. viii catch bis dosuh 'of eold ,if yoa trot hlm about ou a nsgbs lise Ibis,' He moved'tva' ilu pursuit: ý hongl rathor voudorisig vhat Jeff could posibly do, yo nutafter asu. L1dY Hope caugt lins mjuot s lieas puhuso pen Iboe ceeu thas Nandou bad jusi swing bilik. Tiroegii ul'hlieav tise latter rush dovu thse stops, sud î.ap (actunal> lesp) futo lihà eey'> lib u resdines., as my lady"lisi! troacensb.- 1ev; sav uhohebrse. plunge sud spriiug forvard muder.tii. wbip j savliisgu kueckeul baokvardu and lbase, hisboit on the relus, aui! Jeffre>' Msnsdeu drive furi- ousl>' off aud disappear. 'Ohi b>' Jove 1Ion know-'- Dick hogan, Lady Hoe stoppe! hlm. 'Silence, sir Il she sali!; 'do yon wauî aIl the vorl! te mev this 1 1 sent hlm to #top theun. And hoe yul., 'Will he?' thouglis Dick; 'he'll pro- bab>' break bis own uock lin the. lirut ive minutes, that' ail 1'9 Thon thse thougsa of Jeffre> Naisieu-i!iiviuig a seligis about tise ceunît>'lu tise dea! of uigbî,'ad sont- ing te frigbîfui, grief agninsu a gale posl ogr ln a aide dtift, ouseul Eusign sud Lies. tenant Richard Jocelyn to Isugli alond.* 'Tase us so the. carriage, msiIl bis rela- tive saul majstically; 'viatover happons, ve b.d better net stay ber..' The>' vero sil bacis again astDane Court vhen the>' heard viisu b.d happen- ed. Sviftly oui sumootil>', ilinging op a lit- de ohover'of snov spray aud leaving s straigit traok beiiind it Ibat did credit tu, Don'. steering; futer sud faster, us Locia varmeul to lier vomis, botvee the isigb snow val on eltset' baud, tho aleigli that carnied La Mignonne sud hem Lociiin var vburled aloug the. viite soluta>' rosi! that led straiglit 10 Ibo Asbidgo otation, oui or Oive miles off. Nufflcd lu hr or,ansd its the giest baffa!. roeoever aIl, Hilda lu> bock ouI>' ansvoriug ber loyer'& attempis 10 reusure ber b>' a litulo sob nov sad thon. The exeitomeut of tise lustisour or tvo ha!. beau a litule ton inuoli for tise chiid. 'But it's ail riglit bout iarîing Il1' Rw- don ssd presenul>' taleing a pull- at lb. maire as ho teppeu tise eue long bill ihat iay b.tvoeu Boodis Park Led Asbbridge- dit'& aI rlght, nov. We &haill b. aithe D'Atbleys by dinner timo, comfortsbly, l'le tolegrapici to lier te moet, us aî'ýthe' Nord terminus. Shoe about tise oui>' relation I*ve got left; sud, as mhe's fond of muc, sho'll simp>' voroiiip you, yen kncv i Wc've manage! beautiful>, bstveu't vo ? Got ana>' sud no one tlsst matters tie viser, Jeve I thongi, I aboold iio to ses tie Citymasoface,îo-inerrovr-on ratier this morniug, vbeu b. disovena - Eh, vinlt'. t? Re checked Lucia iu s moment 'ao4 turnedel bhead te liston. Tise riugiug ef greots behini!, plain enongi. Round a sligbu bond came smnetbing dan sagainst the anovy roadivay at a <orlon, rate alter tient. Anotier sleigb. 'Dick penbaps, 1 Don muttereul; 'but ne, ho vouldn't come after us, Bsidcs iho vonld'tyav about so fmiglstfnily. Thot fellov'. nover driven s aloigli befere, I siiouid a>.' 'Oh, Don 19 Hiids mnggêsted, uservousi>; 'suppose it sisole be-l' 'Maniden? B>'Jo,. 11181 Ny lay'. feuni! uceut and sent hlmt I suppose, to brng ns bacis desd or alive1I Whata joke, isn't itV Mignonue didta't aeem te see it lu tisat à,li aa.' o iseven.stee, Don, l~ that tickets ;.Mailis sldualled. -Yea're just lua W8T uTUJ-il, Don leaued radýsud gai!- a brile! scoullhe gonusei wiord lutho mau's ear, Mi. Fy!e nue!. as folliws -"il- ll ak.e oretsi,' lie retuine!. -Tise blonde I wili edie, fllli mnoved oun' op tiselittl# liscline to tiss e should e4l the stat Ion entruue.Mn. Fyle barried sou 10 b. possess the. nez( 'moment op atter IL. Mademtoiselle Clos, witb theseuo Fanishousrasbeel ont 10 mecS bler mision. ,besuit>',sud a pesi The Dover Mail rau alougmide thse plat- hala, or eise tisaS feit.- -- elone bulneb ave just 5t thst -Moment_ the.riing insteadofoa 4.t, a1.1gb r.ebed the gat.etftise yard. The -Dr, Hllud w ponper .boutod for tome one te OPeu it5nlu Relicau, 5gays vale. ýWitisan oashohileaped -out sud henin lusu>'rcspu fOe!- ii -frosisitten, Luger. s set t ehoeton. laîcli u aln_ tee; the laucis vAS li.triboses tise differe moahe rM. - Fjle penliape beat -knev celleuse Of tise]0 vii>. Tii. patiner saw thle train inn lu, cant, liegays, top, heard tise doors siants alts passengers S 189ladtii took thise aI,,hoard-the. whistl. -souni! ha fille!, over sans for ias doparturo, And tuis -infernal gate e!, utbrongis maudi weuldn'1 open 1 &sluat tise undignifled mitted'toeoxiet. Botion of climbing oyar .struick liim.BeHO-ams d d ne put it intoimmediate practice, sîigistl>' lu- caIled upon *0 pay cosumoded b>'-the sevetely-.trapped iit vould bulie me netlier gaîment.. Itwvualoighit.tb, 00 god roadhtissu p, tiat tallI Pont figure d'Clseval aPOn ag8W A road itou built bar! A Àmile of Mac ala Juit as il goS shore the train 'began 10 move slow!> off. 'll <legrapis tiougil 1,thoefigiro Mut- toto! alonud vitis a vicions axpietive, aud pieparing to descend on the other aide. Not carefaîl>' enongis, unfertunstol>'. Bis foot ilippeil sud turne! svkvsrdly ontise midi!l. bar, sud Jeffre>' Nandou, E &q., came lieavily tte iground i vdaa-badI>- opraine! ankI.. Wise r Mi.K>'!pro- unul>' tonul hlm. . Tbi-Paris Mail resohits il estination vithont mlslsap, sud Don sud bis Mignonne7 go totIse Avenue de 1'Intparstice in capi. Wa time for dinun, s e .hd propheoie!. Tvo dayos ftervands ml' lad>'__ obus bas managed to survive hor dlsappointment -road lier i!aagbîerls marriage - iu tise 'Tintes.' So did Nasnunluoha! vus in- cipiens rheuimatin fever, and a spisined ankle. So did Dick Jocelyn snd Hlen, lingeri4over thoit tete-a-Itue; breakfut'iu tise Oak Parlour at Dan. Court. It vuwu isal ver>'roem,' by.tis-by, that, iu the soo-tieue lut year,_ I lioard front uhoeainte tvo people thse' stor>' et RAWuO,vs RAIDI - Rupi'ovsu rmUIEwAL or Tzoos.- The reports la cirîdslaioa of this. vitis. 'dItsval o! of the eiders for the troope t0 louve Canada, but fient su tiat tise Globe eau learu, tisere is ne aolid fudation s yst. Nan>'ofleeno dupîie 1 as>'fervii- loin ressuu an sd tii.vs for nev ordera is fatiier to tise thonglit. Nothlug là isuowu as yoS Tise failore to settle tise Alabama business is hel! to-lie gond rea- sou for a change ef plan, but tii-, vies' that viii b. taken of ut crumtncte pend. grossi>' upes the opinions beîd b>' -Grant!&-Admnistration, 1etf vueS NiM. Tbos'nlon mugt bave a tolerabl>' cîcar iM- pression b>'thustinte. Tho rontoval of athe troope la entirel>' an Imperiai question, and! it ln oquail>' nndignified 1sud useléus for Canadiens te nttempt te inguennce tise de- cibion of thse War Deparinent. We are informci! that the Fenian onganization lun the States I. ot a lever point-loi 2nuint. bons, vigour, sud mony-tlaia u; s been for sonne yes. ack. Orme sud Broo ks, the Bisdboad mur- Jers, os<snpci!fron thé tISroudnburg prison lut Saturda>'mos'ning. Orme vu reeap. ture!, but Emooke in stilI slange. 'A ne- yard et $I,000 la offere! for bis capture. -A eartmse, lu Neit Yorkc, on Fridai' lut, witecouveying soveral cases o! drosi silko front abonde! lionsue t te store o! Motta. Berbe>' k Co.,.,vu roquestod 10 deliver s latter tle anotiierl- t on tise va>'. Whiîe doinz 00moasecart vas dnivep off, n sheu isondnnlaieeea. niglil, vo es'f atie silks <, vaine! at *5,000, ha!l beau stolen._ ;1 1 lu su mecoanb of lb. great Piladelpil roliber>' one o! ah.e-New York papers mal! blhst ah. thleves voie suippoed so bava gene t ewovYork. As if 10 give oupe coiourng tb thse stalement 1h. Buperinten- dont eft5h. Nov York police receive! s note on Mouds>' tromn Meurs. R.1P. Bock &k Ce,atatuag tIsaS lis afs hbot be bieleon nto on SadUansd *8",500 vertSr of bondsj, puis, '&.., abstractoul, At a recent tiqinlu >evTYorin lawbici -What la tise diffetrence betwcen é veou. ieuowu opera sud tise railings snni&iurdiug BHyd. Park 1 Oue la ah. Roeof Cavtil, th. other th. Roug, of Cast Iron.-Judy. -Au old buchiaualian vas observe! the other, day, mutteljAg toaliimself as foliovu: "44Tse> dontl give the spiritse lI a chancel 1iey'l1 keep ou footing viub valez 1tilt15 - depopulutea tise osîtisagais." -Fifteen orn vent>' voit lenowa Hoosier polluicibunov lw n ashington, have.'tak. en ta wenring haris oais sud brosi! huit- -me! bats ainca it bL sconte' toho lnonu n- liaS Grant :favori the appointraent of,- Quakers ta be lndiu agente on tie bar. der. There ila a vman lu Clevelatî! sha bas lia! saven iusbatsds lu ciglit leurs. - Tvo et tisentbove been kilIed, four divorce!; and the seventi aIe seI living witb. SIse bas a dangliter seveuison years o! ago, vbu sa been tvice married'anul divor. A humabani!anu! wife,'Ont sleigising in Austin, .Neyad, nissed ulie bah', -snd 'si lut fornu!tiseuile bati of fiannel a mile- bacS, va>' cown ilu-a suov drift, ueeasd sound. ÀA udulen olt liaul ubreva il ont ef ifs mamnta'u !ap. - Afler ail tise trouble Norton'au! Tliomp- son, theExpress roishrs, ,esin lu is- countu>',,sud aIl tisefus. that vas made about their extradition, tise>' are likçely te geS offsdotfiee. It-18 salit noari>' aIl the stolen mono>'buliasuenoturned ta the Ex. press Compan>', viti tise uniestaui!ing lihat aie>' ilS not prosecate.- *A despateis front Wuaiingtou staSesthuit ah. value of propsit>' i!esuroyed b>' tli Sonoun ivateers -vas $13PO01000.- Tire. snni!red vesseis voue humned and laIton. A vealti>' San Francisco Cliluaman lias hecontea a Fenian- Ris coutrymen 'a> ho is insane and! have lockeul hlm up. Itl is a, piiy soe other people'5 (niends ne nIt erinnît'fconaiderate. A lineal descendant et lb, celebrated Lord Fairfax dieul bye i!ys aco in Balti- msore. Hia nante WB$Char!e. Snovdea Fairfax; sud ho <as nt onetinte upeale cf tise Californie Boue-etfRepresenta. Tisepics. of Phluadelplsia discredil-tise utatememut of 0. S. Tvitchil, jun., la -vhicIs io says that bis vif. Leilieul ber mouber ini a quarrel, aud that ho teck- the blsâme. 'The paper sa>lhi. s am anitfrnI lie. Pnivate lettens frontWashington say A.. T. SIewart bu vilitonleo tise Presideéat expres.ing regret aetlise appoiulmena -oe -Grincel te the Nov- Yorký Ooîlectorehip, nde au ng 1h.imhat 1h. -iutucrest of, the Governteut yill speodil>' requie ) dlisage. - - - The Benellcisi Ssaviug EuendSdIety>'ofM port lsuudreds oS hotte& oug isoles 'ahat ougha -ao ad thât libould b. l4d@qý bhat ougsu not to he par. Wo have tise miser>' of Bactusll>' or practicall>' q a preium for tisent. uutrabl>' clcaper 10 have poor ones. It 10 50 isti. is oui>' kept lu ropaîr. im is more euily support. voisIn 1 nîly lufornui îl, sulîl> îIaî'unosl l es ansr Ilu tluo lsslury eisuosi.Allio LoI). 1<;1lingirer ee, &.e DOU<JALLt - sinr, Brockkai, SALE, E.VED!1 nrpwnos. l'uit Wlitby, ici ho liaisoui Igt Glazausge 14-tf () ortler, #Il llq tzizo&a il prompily Y' lY82à ,400opte for e0 terni, sud7 te îlsLe lord 1 -* ý... - muý-"m ed, thau a p9or, hor - 1

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