Whitby Chronicle, 8 Apr 1869, p. 2

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se oppoorueeifil bui"ess things; ln j$rt of lltidson's [Iny Territo.ay la the #priai mach is maier 1hioat il dlbr 15id jilta the tii.inbitatit oftsat terri- poâ- s t Xie osîgrts, Ulë barbor be' tor y <nsudlanot wtiout datugeov 4etise _1 peticeiti .relations betweets: tbus <üioînt msally opoq tlieorîbreeq!ueksla adasce and tise -slei t anad Ibis iiger of aitier points. Tise latter par of lutvwek isudf rjy9sice nar'e ikcly tW Inereago hu pin the sehoonms f' Beruda" "IlDelo" sud îg'raill ias tise ,ua»islg ,anl .ngrikstttrAt c'lpihlitk'aof wl at cued th$.-' lieé "éPloneuti" leared trit full cargues of Dail Duit" brgis i) te ttract settleràafroiua tie viseati fr 0iwego< their, reîsrs cargues eati tand toiitl. Ta (.st)la 'lise ett1ctet it te quies- Viii eonsiletfsalt, -plaster andi enal, fur lion ltat'*simportas, S,"as reslU; al- tise differont mercisatu iu tisa Ceuni>. cuiso of irri'atior --twoen ; lansud ils ne obtrsnitieveii with tise< niotlier >TheSpsur tau rae. conigtrv lii'e.t, cuqdt:ttray3iu ais obstsacle ta tisat vijich it uiseesi Ioeked upuil at thse Tb#e large.ifispia>' ofadlergiseente 4Y nssrqw gro f th"ts Dssnoin *i 015 Wity serbsisibs' eeego to ta pen D!indcfiruito pro îeet of$ 'rflploy,- eur hlty mrchatrueffét wliber 1 Wais unitcrprise; tt!4 sb.v that sisetrarlaeno- (ililng off lu th ,ise l aias euar~gaise liîduccesents wlich tova trade, Readirt dani canstaanti fusti iu.-asoiiabl, tObuffer te Lise lrititils in.., en dmo ult lumaki . a- airrite,îerîrnt, Ila ig nu simoalt mater athut au di0qliy lp akiug atayoriOole. would enable fiýer ?iljsrty'l ivrnsst -.5 ... ~ nt once ta sûviýex té tthe Dosuinion ..;ise, 'l'us large dran4bi matie upon Our OPaC.. Whale af Brittts Nortis Aitirica proîter, by our sidientttsing patrons tisis ve pre. exieitishe cmlàry of Britibis Colisr.i, vents. tiseptibilatlen oet severai 'comuaioi ts tiseI. d3oî'i Bay cdminay Ik iîtsy almomt ho tald aue lieucessnry,. mtions, viîs ýil i reeetr~e aie'lAt preseont the ver>' f6uuiudatsunit oflise test w,9k, colilpilg.ylm titIe are <otusdsputeti. Tise bouffissries golw it snrheraro-open,10 PT vCiirLE.-Mr. aisüse lavawfrcf, tis sete. fwscsttl rmosiuet g tire tieseiîponirce. uo ltjaisgdrigits. Woii knowis catile doater, basa#sea vtory aistee ise..nssvbeare liale tu tic nsustiisBprissg lu soeuriug -for bis invadd vwitîsusit Tia" ay a tr.'ss ut 0 ina, Juiin unudÀAmenfean i etlcns, anise ie u. oustomfls prise bref, Lust veek be dis- patian oethtoisimry ant any ter nis ttsuv pe~.feigissecashedatte1r.. frtton, sa. viii fbelittle sbie ta resisi; vWhite la car-, aý avs.rage u or 8. Amansî tbe is«. - isardly bc :ilogoimtit ltheisr aise aenrr of ire ovnecf Mr. Juhn Drydern'@, tiseMii*ee a-i e suds as tg qîîlify lsein us.duýr ail &Lese ofe tis owuiip,t *hicisaverageti $80 adià.daî igisi' nsaitulsissg ordîr ani pleos; tw belanging lue1Mr. James psermrnltig tIsio't.itcruiif and externusidutiste AsîdrsEn ant ailers ram elI sue ofutgserrîmus'rt. Andeenandothrs ron wel kown Tite j)rjtdlciiii ctY'cct tint ail hotitioc î stock breeders anti val câble iserds. ceflaintitme muit have esn ilio volsuc ut the - 4 .01,- <'uupsty's prop(ets3'le;but tonevdut UnoÂ,.M.John Fergiosn, s yl Th isemtrrstsrot al partieisi.,;cvi1 be cee by auouncemet, ha remo esi d51> puimîing bavards ai iaiîmeiateaisi be'ý atiu uliasoultc smijsas -emoiiistrristeLord <a bunhIsihi froma, bis 'ulti siandtg îuthe prenîlses opposite bc-cri sîsusa utiwï îiisg- tu abansdon theo buji tise Post office on Diiodas street. et hringiig ila,sautw1) y of aISic;itîle1 coiuprolisils... le it ftsLy <sre (o tise (lit -1 VUTY ýZUTNG.At dtcltleiioft;tschsa cantprmiîlie. lec ou Vxs~r 1x.vmo.-a apasîpaneif not cecaM train bituceif aliat thîeestismîaru vebo eeighlti'at Bt. Joba's Cisurc1h,. wisici tise Corisparay furiauuofise nfuture mu'fi tise lnefus,, tise RnJas. bociîridge, and i spcet tf-f ii ts wdldidffr- 13.~~~~~~~~ Afit fnn»ei uts hiMmr.Gt roin that wlssci ise torisiati thaie gei. ?p'ýcQ' Ont, lI thechar, .4 i inen wha reprexcrsa Caisisa; nl iracan Woodituuseand_ Biow vere appoinieti Se unde a- ske tu oxpruise fnuy opinion *lwiatt Ward sf.nsi Mr. Woedhoase, La>' Dlegai.,; even as Co tise relative correctnebit oftisase, eMSimates. Imideeml, it votif ifbc hi, npsisi- liesrs.WIIIs ati Asasroug Bieshes c Ic 'odo se vithsasiknowaiug toa ist ex tont tise clilianauttise Company' vauld b h1 VhsLoivauzsae.-ThIuc)rookulnitem are sup~portesf by- ite ,Judgintu et utàacourt cil gig to >be taveredi avîtaolocipede ex- law.9 bîbtln o Stud1 vsiu j51 b D uit aft4!r repeateil.cenui usscalilong witls hiiioto, audie@Dftet y bath pairtiex, tlis lurîlslsp làe conviuced Liait- Ppp DDO lova"Bue éatis. Su ivill be aenvirg the irterestst of thsej Doinili0of flic[SeComiaîîny, and oft tis Tiso Çorle_-E aminer desiribas tis e r eoste>,liyig isdth irete C igesîa ceptioçigiren ta tise sfiaraprisouen o'.. orPreu:Ia stin-~î~st pabomdsatasu ic sed 190ijva$n, uanlmrmuto. lm iaise" 0Place. Il appeanut ta bc, lb is for tise interest ot s Kiiusallock, count>' Limnerickr. Cruvdi h5sd both parties ta accc'pt, ud in, support ut s ga:bem'.t althtis statioanu hetvcn Corkr anti viici l ier MsJVity's gavcnrnaestnt wouid a I<lmuiiocek,- Tise;bouses along tise route bo proessred Le use ail tise iinfloience wslcils tros- thee ttaiigu to bis faîiser'ç bouse vere to>' costidicgitiruusicly exercise. ioqratt iad vugreren botuhis, andt ue roa Iif bise pi'opoal snl e meli> an imîati-i spaan#.4 bl green lýanrtrswliaistise varda, ais'., LendGt iaville canmista expect tIaiL "Ceti~iIe aiîh,"anti66 Faits Fiiser wi' tbc atisenwise lan asuicceptaisle to ft both oetil aJsprties coisceniseti. Dut bli il Itd!' Ilonarts vere ljighted.isi tho town net witlsoist hope tInta beot sa> fliitonu1i "aun tise urrouhdinjg buis, and blazing cousidsratiau, tisati i ladces ,net giVe thont Ilbybarrela bora. ibraugis tise streets. al that tise>' caceiv-e ho' b h irinde, la' S - i Sé _:sectncus tu <heim wlist suspoliti,-àily ork Autrtlcat# Vsatvs o on usIsisîr Cuvasconnincialiy uuccstary, andi plascstl1etin ~s~essa.-bereigiais jieunalu bere, at onelu a positions of gronter atinsuasuge it iera ,ve> ger réîl jslc@ over tise ani etfreaic g hiteir -pectisan oiljuts prïetv'suttesi co-t tia lisis Digenduan. lsan <fat wii tuy> at'-mrexiousLoccuspy. fi crebiLse sewfl bteitiE - Tise termenis icîs bis Lordsluip noan pro. fil actai~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~oe bi.Tsu iii .v niEh.paaare 1as;fol fsws :- toa eunsexpress tise hope tisai lu 1. Tise Iiiidsuu's Bis>'Coumpany tan<sin- cue tirne the cstabUeh 'M ans ilu-Er.gfantirentier to lier lMîsjvty s-itise aigisaof viii be dlseutoiuwd asoTise Th e fcpàluau guvennusout, proetrty, - inc. lu ipcrts r( vrrisrs art ettesuproni-inced la aheir opin. Ilasndl, viicisarce specifled in te nii sd sus, but secs to'îhiuicY' un tise' oisaole, 132-Vie., a. 10e, sec. 4; asnd alotailtalni- I batIfitmet ore o isai, tie Cisucis' ur nigiseli s iatîy otîser prt et< liite nIl el o beç~r itba tie Sate isa Nantis Anenica îoit camrsiedi llPupert's wil ge unbet wikot te $aletitn-Lanid, OCisîss isisr 1iitials Colusbia. titis It.2. L'iasadila ts> py ta tise corapîsu> -'--5 *- £00,Ot)anlsu.f(s~iet'~Land i strans- Tise gev York 'I'nifue taya thie Iner. 4srrcil tetlse*l>ôiiiio ior Cauadan. orationu a( 4io Hudson»'B lay' Company -8. "lise C'omany usa>', vitisisu Lancin rerritory,viisstiseo Dominion etossalida pu'uitlis oftihe surren-de, select a block of L iii roatie th.latter aoutthis mou xý- laîd adjsining cciiorateise tationsq, aithits eui#e .ourin luthc vurîti, and ila th ise itte specliiedinsArticte i. niht aveaddd lrge th Unted 4. Tirs ire oftie blocks la out Lu exceti al iiht P: lva4elr*eissIe nItd -acres ilucte Roi River,.'Teri tory, non m talcs. .3,000 acres iîeyorui abat territor', aund tise 1st mggregaae exteut outheiscblocks alanuLte as tIntsu ts Yooy nbodient aorvant, Uistied agaites Nets'.. Wbite Plaini, N. Y., Âjoril 5.-Tse tallesspress robisesMortonsud, Thosa qon,' vush vêtis'Piouacm td for stet.cape4d rouigio,latibî ,t.avisg u taieb>'viieli tiserausisoritias tau capturd iea They are snpposed te, iietalien, Ca.rii.ges aund driven saa>' Tise affTir fl, iuvolved lu pîystery. L%@t-,niXbt tisebondoti arebunse o GOemeberg& Cao., ut Frraifori, K>,,viii dcetrol ytdb> lre, tougetber vus 3,GZO bar ýrOlisef whisky atoredtb iepeia. Lus.é $31. Piladelolila, April 4. --A bear>' rob-, ber>' vs. commiatei to-day at 8t. Joseph*& Fondi luiiting, corner ut Twelfth andi Obeptnut atreets,. The valoisuan loft tis building at siix o'ctuck th!#: muraing, aund alin le lturs.daI ix bis eveolig h. tuund tise satêbralsen open, ar-d is enlvir conent, aonniegta$800,000 or tI,. 000,000 value, genep. Ot tise stolon -pro. perty, over *600,000 vas l in vsilable fonds. SLieut. Governer-Donu, a gentleman ut cialour, tram Losuisiana, irai admite cn the tia ýoruthtie Setuate 11csise et Wai. ington, on Thunsdtty. Mir. Sumnner intro- docot i hm te tise mercini, but ane of i hem, Garrot Deisss, utfKu.ntecky, saiti, 66 Ni sir, 'I vant nu introuction. Net thsit f liane an otji-ciioss ta the nuger, ,fsr nu mas vilI ettihlm more protec thon than 1 vilI issa bhois lini bis pra5er place. 1 don't blague hisu, elisher, fur bu. isig here on tiis louir ; but Itulsumeoxsis visu introsloced i hm. Ton knuçv wvl asseug i aisisia pirce ot usteuiatious hum, bug;, bus Fl be ho uParty' toit."1 Mfr. A. M. Clapp, ndstbenu sou, Me. IH. El. Ciep1. for tvs'ms>' ypais 'îîtsu' ti tise maIîsageme1ut ut tise iluif'.io Eýrpress, basve paraed wisis aheir in:erets lu tbssi etalsssstoau Ibir pas-asens Matantâ. Lamait , Cnstit & SesirSic - trco entern- prisiug young wn'eu isebave materiaily cou-tribuied tu tise succeas of tisu. jonsrnis. Mr. A M. Ciapp humsiseen appointed b,> tise Snate tu Iba uffice ut COugrcisîiouai Prniutanret Washington. Amunc t in scomoes nparta'd lu Brook' lin are tise toing s- feur>' Wancd Beecher, $21,17a; J. W. llrper, 038'. 515 il. f30Call $3,5.0,00t0, Tise 11ev. Itinr>'Ward Baccsen bai joisiedth ie Free I rade Legnau, ian tet about tuetisraw bis esiengien ltutu tisa muive clesa tor n îae.kiin, Asnc'ricsu coinsene-e, A great meeting is te lia ield la, s tee dsa)s lu Iroohl', visesa Mn. Iieectaer vali dlieer an adtiess. Mssny suttise leudisa» usinda is tise States are living atiractedtu a the munament. Ilru'oue, April 6. -Tse tire ai Cisais. m vas mare-extensive tisais suppoaud lest iibt. The lais; wili neachis t lous $125,. 000, absout or.e Suitout miicis ,cavoredhly insurauce' Tisa beanisttlasers ana 8;ick. os & Whaeler, niacinentu, tise unsionmo sre of tisa Mercantile Asiaciation, aud Messes. meoick & Vroomrin. Nean Yoit5r Apnil-G.-The Pmst's Wasis Th'ieIlons. Conimittea au tureigu af. fairs bas agreedte tu eport aàncelntiin futiser zing tti Pr,-'desit ta nigutlfutsfuir th antsaxahiun ut St. Dominga, andti <au th Cuban necogn1siou nosoîuion, yul be oportedti lamorsuv. lu tise great ceaufazaiion otsîaeamboas, inSt.. Louis lans- londi ai;rbi, seveu boaths rare baunsss'd, velued,, vils iticr cangues, ah $337.50, un visicis tisne mas an lusurauca tf $96,0.'0. Casai, -A destructive tire'iteck place ai rasîpan,îîo onth ie 25th ofu Februar', a- wicb tIsree y>'aasisgtiemen laitteir tiras. 055q eàstîmistoet $300o,000. Pseau.-Tse >ellav foyer lu spreading il! atoug îLe mot Coast ut Poru, iasnd coin nitiiug terrible ravagea. Ih appeansalaso mut uS> aurlisquaekis aaenua yas anar, for k tinius a, muet ominauns abterrnus lmbIio., noise ie isearti. Tisa rouusr"c, isn ut tise nuitioti dwallings la mahsng bu- uvo prugres, ou aceunt ai tise mas> roug eanahquakes isapppi'ng duail>, anti iiglitesaiug tise peaple Lus#jobs an extent et quite a nDamber continue campinîr ont DtIse ieus, a'ven in issemont .anraber, tocer tissu trnstiag theuisaivei vitisin the vues. Tiseex Qst'eln ut Spaiu ba uisat rp'civad hem nev rasidence a score of large trunha uSssiniug lier parapisernalia, jeveis, pic- irs *#a inuon, vicS tise proviaional goy, monnt bai seat froni Madirid. ,Tisevalua' uhtià properti h esiiwaated as £60,000. rut> thse -a iB- 8. AU il t o land lip to titi SaIf two ' 4&4wd6i v inpa (ugî fa rcis, 1869, unterned 4, ytiseConipan>', ou ,~D Humbert; sud thé rY of a ro9.The ?tiwayd'. oent Iaoeta- r- tg ian GI Ial>' moan>' isLhobet iie Iny nos a uua thea Ordse aise Irico~n vn ia!y el rae 'tbuthnnasel P>rur..in, b>' a y lame, lias been ha Urdar And wit l blcb bho elags W iIs opinions giseil a tons, or hollov:sess w bis Mosit dant asserti' on. lie likes to play rib tie Pr, judicci uot tie Tories,,tu stertle tbeir dull intelligence. vitIs wh4tý#eem& lIjke a renais" ciation ë ofmane bhriushed fiàrty tenlft, wbic h.fiullycorns bck bya route, bis aurlitors, hait ay behlud. goe bas- adiuséd Il méeif gO often in tbf. way tIbAt thse mien Who O.1111 recunize bisa, ai theirs ouly possible leader sre h iiritated and alienaiied. It vii iery DolicBble $that làse Mr. Di3r tli Onttred on,,Tisuraday evening, in a crnwded bouse, au Move tise rejcîon f tf . ladtoesbill, be vas Sufferred to pais to bis seaàt wiibnut- a llin gle cheer. Wbeu hu had -made bis apeet!s $Ind sot downe îher'e>was a zeneril fpellng ilsat ho isud dawagt*4 bis cause more Ibitu he bail belped'i, and tiin ~lO tti great irîtesest ho bal contrived '10 excite througisout almsuet---very part of bis long addres.. The- grëat journal visicis last yesar vus not aihauied tu lavisis baie flat tpries on tise lpader visa vai demouralizitig Etigieh politicis, nov asys'tsat 'laimsiueus ,relieved wiîis spangles; thse deflîsition of a Columbiuie's'shirt, ls a ton uejt description of Mr. Disratlils speech., It dues Bat deserre su couwemptuous a criticllni.XIl abounda lunrietorical efforts of a very tigis order, ant i ls ahsricouiigs 'Ae not ' iset orical at a&H, but political., Frontishe IlOU60e ur Comnils polint of View il ws open to,criticisio becauzoeoft s t.endsincy to giseraizivtors.. Tise atready famous papiage ils wk.ich bl) describesi religon5 iîeg-isnfing9 with pisilodopih mitets tise irit5 luble excited sonse Merrimni ',as sdon tise part <f tise,[Tories nu listle vonder whist tiseir champion shQou!d ho dririn . "Mur. Luwe. owho ap',ke on IMonda>' nig, isî, ins lu bis ot refforwas Mooi'. [le s1ared nobody. 11r. D!4rs.sri'he cosuld O1105cel et aer.pct'ed ta ci une, sue tisonsis a ssaiidiug qîsanrea basîacen is a-e, andt it mitiît ime fouud tisat tisenova-; a bausunce ut a5picy adjn-cii-eés lu Mr. Duqràti-i', tenon. 31n. Luweecylyv t'c-mpmiism isel bis 0id arpuient lu Lis gracu-fu! untipropor ne C:mtliuudasion thuat v) grsave a mulject siiîeutd lise tilic inlua 8s1st f fcon. iml isul iutuuai fuibeaiesice, -rnmg, bosse ver, ulsat thse fore (f thast admuonliion vwu§ e I-iiss spait-b>' acculaimug 'tisever>' insu-eut ieislietin orsit is uts f tise lkUsuc e coitfistiois, plusider, rofbor>', asnd sr.crilegaus poiision. tf gentlemeni couic lianemore!'ly s guI tsic saers ot ilir avu puirty tise>' 'asnet do beiter, maiti Mn Love, tisais ua sucli lunguage, ssoligis it can serve nu p'iriasî except ta ennor iasai a bat ouut te lit- cales anti sîateusuaasliiee. Theirais lta fint ut supersiition liculcsied lu Amnenieus lu> sanoie spott anniensa ounE.ug!isu is isf'a4s ihiat persassuliies are seldisis eunîlusytdtinl tise floue u'f C,-amuns. Touansyhati>' vis cisenisisîs eueS a ruolili f recausiuesîth ie rndtii14 out ts..unr ùt env oisonspeech ai Mn. Lavwe. He describeil Mn. Dtraeli's ispeus-h as &0 vague tisas- i isL juat as ansil have been miadu on assy oalbu uljot; affismnig tisat lastise whoaiof ut ia ie aisi ne sisngle thing excepi Smvo, <is ;tisa tue frishisChurcis vas a churcis cusnecîed vus tisa Siste, usand tiseallier thsat it vas a cor. pwsaion-'ssud tt itsnuns orrect.' Fer an importent conuiitut-nai quosuinu tisai as a bianzi' i jem ei ofist tatiaant *isaugis: Mr. nr. Louve. HIe matie grant Inn ufthtie 'lisoluble,'ppint as tise SuaIo au vhieh - Seing tise stanuingisaunt freiitien -Me. Dsgraeli ha] liat tise foisutioiasi oS the~ ciureis ho vas deteîding. Then; Mn. Li-ve sui-prii'ett uS" flousby4r sayir tisat lanlulace ut charuscterikiig mie Irit Chuncis for hinseif be vou'ïd adîpt tise cIoenip.iessouta l'relate ot tise Eqiglisis Chuncis lais year is tise 1Iau5aofo!Lords, mise decuaredti it it bcd iieu 5'the vorsa aund rcaisuesit instrumenut cf Engllul, mis- -ru.' Tise Torieï, astoundeti ausd il'cre- d4louai, cnieti out ,Nausou'-The snaine is tie Bislsup ut Oxf.ord, gls'efasiiy neupondeti Mn. Love, ainsi tise it tisa leas-aseiseleus une. A'mosi eqasait>' gîi vas bls irefuta tion of Mr. Dîsiraelî's argumsent tbat thse State vas a trustee for s-ho Ciurcis. Againit tisa theor>' Mn. Livwe saisi ha vouiti proluce tise gressi alttisuitl oftàa non>' greutlavyar, tisusatise Stateiasq a trnsea utoah e Cisainsi; bàt tle cheh> ei,uitas-ies ivonetrustesua for ciamg>' anti heu>' aUke. Tise anîhonit>' for tisst turniat eut te ha nu fes a prsaon (ban tiseTon>' leader lunaime Lurds, LA rdit, antitisei fleuse vas immeusel>' emuseti at fimdinq Mr. Dianaebi's iaw upsaet b>' une ot liii' ovag coltlesg ces,, uneaubttedly tise ablesal lavysarj ou lise Toryside.1 ST Seisnera bave hat i e ccd dl -u Jay On bath aideIs. Sir Plansjsi Ptdmensa! speecehvas obs] funvaîdto uos ise' mess1 imnportana t tis d3siste liecaure, alisougis a Liserai, anti a aitnong persi fi ndu of e Mn. Giatitqua'be iairene Out ise u '- fiee ilu Ilminijstry foreniati 0disesiabilis tis TrIikCisurcis. CeuPid hebeaw ve V ornàe hMsertiplaes vuniti isubee~n Loïd ChancelIer, andt ie flonse f4. tisai mut c vas te b. expeeteti <nos»a-lsryer adit, tard to b. tisa musaeminent, 'na. saul jet tua Coumcîemtious te acee ;t tise -spo lecas beredl hicý. Witb every oppQrtutnlty- tits atladed bis a te ucceecl, he <ailed abiso- lutely. Bis, dg!ivery, by an cenleeky bcU1iô h ke isat of a field ipreacher. witis a whiuininig intonation *isicis annoyed everyhody vso lboard bint. lien stsyed a uitile wiiefront curioisty, tbisu ent awa>' nn1d left isa W talit b uely esapi> bêruches.- "B1ut tiere vere tve omenu whd tr de brillistnt s1 peeches, bath Irlishmenlbot" lay nree ..ber44lh ot adi.,Tory. ,Dr. BaU is tbun,<ht ic0 bave ruade' the best âr-ý gumnt on t'he Couuîervaitive aide, !nezî ta Mfr. Hardy,,anti ho quifie eaptivated-sud: cars led aa>' lii ovu ide ýo( the Ha[ute b, bis tfervid sloqeuco - Mr. Sullivan's speechs vas of theo ;.m sosrt, ver>' Irish in jis dqcdamation, but of thatn une Irisis quality wièh.p"ade Grattaitfaisons san oiraiuri Sullivan la thé proBantirish At- îurns.y.aeniril, and liiisuces vas a luaky bit for tbe go'veruument. 'Amosig ail, the Taries, lMr. Gsu:iorue Hardy, visa closed tise detiate for tise opponents Ofthtie bill, vas thseune whu matie tise mua' sicceastul and imprcsaive spetch tram a ýp6liticulaniud Pprt>' point of viw sHaO over Mir. Diîraeii tise advantage ot helieviti viat ho suit, tisero iî nu comparisan 6etween tihe initeflcŽctuusl abili;>' ut tishe ociiefs. MI,, Fidyla prupuliirity amd emfisnne are quite recesît. Hu iâ une ot the mes visadé- veloped aslasoît uncxpecîed'y in tise Eossse. Wiscu oIson wayered, in tise support of' goati old Tory iukas, ho crime gaiIantly to tise front. Wiîtiste utinasa ulsfleulty irwu lue indscet Iotagin. arn>' sort ut seuport tu bouas-isolti suffrage. It la ie mare tiser asay ot man Wnho hai Sept bis pin>' iin lisse en tise proseut oCarion, antidsrts ,atsil Mr. Di5saea' li nvris draine for a Coia. promise. Holisas unouiser advantsîge ini spisking S ali.mmwiere nouatise men- tal level ut tise griat body>of thtie psunty, wani un> bewiIdi-red b>'tise dazz!isg iicsînisist . cire ofutFir snominal !tesr. lh s;'im% aà if thiise asj ais ti;fthern tlloivod Mr. Dl'arsut-i baceasse aise>'seuMn. 1I:sriuy tfolowing lues, tisau hecauïe tise>'havei&u> nation visera bee wi!liiai tht-m. 'ibm> ceered gthie acho tanta îiist uIeu tieir hums Ilîsme Secnr&tar>' iurled ont bis de- asaunciatis-,s of tise bill ai a ssLerfttgiasss mer-sure, tnaugt iat iipetilta tiste causi>'. N)s doubt tissa' vasîsintîs tise luobby>' ishi t'cir andst tnenibtiug bas tise vengeanie of tise Almaigi>, uneS 1fh r, Hardy aîsticip)ated mighit coine ouddily duvu upoas tbem, $ai overwhnim th ise ilutous andtihie vicked tugetiser. - "6Oue good etYjct bMn. Hsrdy's speech lisd t laioise uiî Mr. Ciiedabune, wiso is naetr su guod as viseuhhaïastu reply te a nf"h"»metst otîslus4it oftbisis kiss. i.liii an', as ver>' fi, nsud markurd b>' a lire- vimy anti direnc-iiesq uni>' 1ou communs airis hfim. lee orsitad, wimis great indigisitiais,1 Mnr. Ilerdy's pielure of Inoîssutitis -8 can ti>' eiijo>'ing. a peu teet systeni of goveras- ment, anssi viereoui>'tise pervensii>'oattise people ecteel an artificiel tilscousent. lrn. Hardy heu donc vhat Burbe saiti lie couiti not do--ho haitidram taen iisdictmrent sgaiîsst a nation, andti ih re i feeling Mn. Giaslstosse atidedti iat b>' ba.ing ou recuord hsa , i.ttepeupla, couled wiiisbits viudicsaion of aise govenssueut, Mn. Hardy isad dane ail Shah iL filisi>'t5 drive tiirt people ho de@paîir. Andti tscu came a delacate toucis. Tise ni,ht biosor- ssb:e gentleman raminds ns that tise Fets1- ans bave tut suoidton tise suloli-ian of uhe clsnreb lu Irebanti. Na, that la ver>' 1are; su tan as tisat geesa, tise Fenianis ansi tise rigit honorable gentleman are exactf>' sas tise canin position i Tisera vas gre4a i;tisr in the reply te Dr. Bale but lu le tea long ta <isus-e. I atsempt unsketchs nut lise anguma t fan>'ofet hase speeches. Tise capacis>' oi tise bmau mind for ne- ceiving aârgasmcuts on tIse Inisis Cisunci s; limiseti anti tisevaine aI ibose tspeeches ïadininrabli,astise>' mare, did nat cotuaat lu tise prcducuion ut noyai argumenits. Tisera la rothiug nav luin Pyiug, as Mn. Hardy sal], tisat the bilt cambiues a gigautie tsystem t olisoer>' vitisauotili varso systoni ut briSer>'; but Mn. Gladtutue'sanassier vwu gu. Tisesa yrds gava hlme; ho mi,:satisifacsiois for tvo reasanu. Finat, bacanse, baviug beau used, 'ueuhiug morse caniti pausibi>' ho saisi, 1andti boretome ve bave toicisedtihie battus».' Secndy- anti btter- lt is l juet tise Slnd of dilues tiau micis, dravu b>' a hostile band, shosim me tisat w-e bavaesuccedet inl the framing of unr uieausure. Wbeu mu>yr saionon ahie friand maya vo have cummitti rob, ber>', visai homeans i9 abat vo bave suc-. in f] u rassiing aur n'.eaanre. - Wheu m> rigisi banoïabie friand soya m e bave committid rohhery, whist h mteàs-a is tisaï, .vle bave been.ffeutautisa p"lncipIes ut diseàtaislimeu't anti ginerat disenda,- meslit viicis ve aunoanetilut- pin, anti visicis vopratease oti u ur cosstituanha> usai <bbest tiàweha p o itteti ieue. atreltaisa toia ver>'Ilmugispersanage, 1Itte ,'l ti wboae position uugbî to plrice hi, hi4is ly Lli a8beve tise bresitis ot snspiciuu, but vis ose"y<> privaw lire iscicliled by excesse bich is i ibreatenti t bring ti6lugace uipon tise erdier hardlly to whicis lhe belongs, anti eveu te sully t!hi ls tise eoin f royalty lset lioo.Hd tise causes wl otf mpan o-rÏt repo baloieu encon- ~isl flned tu priva&to, iitory alune, thse pruba- swfi bilsi>'iistisat tise tell miglit not have bheen ber of raitid -bu t it'15 assrted tisat aàthen abuse Of Patronsagealbas lcng prviledin-tu br tise acpsrtment _Over visiestise ,parson lu ris4e;- q!sesi ow Iai mperissl sway,tind tisattise t;îllsi son utdssaistoactiou is attaining a bluw tI aitength anti impsiîuaity viiciwill pro. [Lit oc bably iead 1tis e Huse of COMMnODs, lu tise natema isteresîs e tise pisblie, to direct a:sch asu str iîîquiry as tise circumstaasces sua> demautidra Tise esijecti i one of extreme delicacy ; tise bal but, lu a reforming %go e iehe preseaot, ness tc if inspicion jssstly atttchas, It vould sasa deà di> but righst tisat tisase viso are respuusible Stuispipe for tise bhor 0ufttie al.uitistratioîs, vhe! tle.grf isleri ha insilî.ary, navisi, or civil, ailsd airit icterfere, ere il ie Itua inte, to preveut asooa great îceurda ' , if.not a national reproacis. or tlire It la rusiouredti hat certain tacts ini con- pa .i t-ur ne'tion wills tIe matter have beau laid ah;st il belore tise chiot adviser ofthtie Crown,assd blankli isat tise firit move tovards irqi.iry nay ilest; p,ssibiy b. in tIse shape of a Motions ln cavvr Isle isosume ut Commis for a returu ut tise Li lu appoitmnats, pa>', salarieq, pùissiana, unisd tr tl), aluwance iseit by thse iuslivinlal iii qus- peelct hiou." ,ditîi u Tutu Examnsisr saretTurms~lb Lindai neso o!r. sttise N-cv Yul<k lsm ois i liiVIl'er , 't-iis o t hsie Illol cini lient-of tst tho sissîti ios'in suh bettur )sfgs iassîd bc!t sliî, tisn hsaîîsercdiî wii isie. iii lcsn, civil snd cnissilînl. I cafl rifist c<ii l :"5"" Ilii jiidge. liieru ha s smetlusiug iiL the ofîi fcu e is ci-mialsidthé cii f u il» big wig thsat eqvene ;c -ill's'lnce, bu. feuives lm414-4n](1ste faussa ise siIbl wnis-she slmuî nd qL(tf s';uçid 'sjusliussout tilt Enghiljttry.0 Oneuofut ai'cluit ci.sc asi iiiihviiley, tineo uiic-t i iii tise isisi ilsIosf Varlýs!ire. It ih a sis:m Lpw r. utfI10,0001 itaat isstio.iHiciiin usia c')7l, leabtir andsi Isilis, bas a iss:aim aid sInnten next i i> is)glrytotiist o et sk, -sît sItesls risisuie rin anstcieut asses issier>', Bvusc iS tBeavirs-enuu vcgry filsus n utise i til,. e:l, tufs ýnniCsut ;.rCtty B34rui d:1 cclslslant'sf te atfýns luibis Àieçp, as 'i tnivingto -êrsai btlt betore li auaii ,aie hI0theb o i~je wsics "supake. aillsuro." Anobier baue'îisa'i braisas1 tîe pet ipii itat eepsa t retIie OL atie bd ; Raisi:the litai. jplay- 1 f ie douai] aide b>' side, 'visle tise rn eut0 ayen isunries Iceb,l , buy.-- - Sé ' ensf Thea p ris andi ail srt~ are fanced, andi Li articles ut' jeweiny, .&e.iseizeti; ion Parlia msik noIes aie rejes ; ing coo!-'animipii La nefleci, esen iluVtIs meuinetis thé [311vi yperl. Lhsat tlsey- ana>' p2rhap~s flix As expsoctes( aion ut hon; ail cala it iled'. Tif closeOU ay ut tise eisr.3 inotning. e gl ,e dvail , e mi threig~ bi >duueracti anet-s' ssnd 1lus throuli th dàýe Liuaid lova sn tise tri !ilat'hics avili carry iter ,cfuatting pfeasantiy wiLhth tb îo lBa>' questî ýe su 'inket people avlaa ais hlen r om Sir JAhnil us; wiis tise b'rp!sa-ncd dwea'cBig en b. lm ;h'? fiasi ti. peoplei wiath tisadties ion Paniar IY nt th is nrg iSPu tC'rougliail i s'bis gspeýèh wiîsdowrs, awmiting tise coiig dis- »o..n thifeenmoilhr, bloo;lo,ýd, f verturosi vw coLsree -ulon ail uncertain scout; tbr tn isiiy ilielar quitt viflage'o oe, us.- prie sisun forthse future. At imugais, thse Icoi l'ci eft-ncofua Chnisitis'n <aine tînd on ausinoe article oft ssotinmg uiropeptuin in er t! iht-Ptseveinsgly (t as-ei ilareugli, sacis if etari niusuiliasstig'atsuss, isrirm;- nfs..vn lIs iiis~imusrmnfit'; mi-iutiosi. Sueo iiismi-sitsd cs-f,îoslien crinie ; deuiL'» agnifi; as - ii nulS stulibon 1las eSr mîalil. Ahi eluunie b aisake iser fliiiset. proieosu;us die iapseis cf Lihe stô l-n smtlc'es hisiisiuIlLîieut circsusustaaîtial evidec iWflu' îsssi iî; living atitiiegsa aauti lier tisera h munu-, nase ise tSs t-m cie te isý.isre ; ilisilly. 4h li »sesitesa'il t te alve ycar.s' pcnasf srvitusde -S.btrla tct?g!iIt lier. and i sotbfn,,ilefitsave Sen portrait- atsd isur iii<sLury. - 45 À FU5hTA5D i'OY 15?D 'A 13LL DO IN vUF, lie 'are usas» ,of coni-up)tion tuosu lht6i.1ing O(us .,aet i mou unique anti isaigliablo le, rids.' More tiurn a tîsossansi rote.»4, sstluurs crs re]c im1leutff ycssienday at r.essrly tise ashui lniiner, wanc lroni te Stiinsli'a liver> statsle,tise e'out beimsg-nu lsaî'e iscèn mmliesd ut tlise recrit t-ludion - les than a plicieti issttle heLaneen ua pn;,lisîs oaunaI etuimta saru îitmu-l' an Siti.anti pany and ia, bull pop. Sitice fusls ululem. Ansd bise>'aat (bine uallout te their annina nulluChsicagatise Lilliputi-iii tirisect ssaci pe'uijle ii ias-hexe c t he tîutroupe, c'aussastiugôet ot "re u uuu3b and iscisu iglist tiltiage l1" ivite. tlossiuudoeuNaltand tinlnïu'Wa'- 0 *0 rn, Ise udiinutiv'e clirriagO poeis lave P. H , L.& 9.P1.R ,-Tise canaraut imîen staMuedtsl iL ils. Patcis tai] fon tise costruction uthtie exteasionas o Monjitor asrc tise naines ci Lise Minature iiiavp.tn his; beën let se Mosans sNoble ;teist4. wiicis sne si] lueisavobeenproý-ý & Mîînisis vh biuti isousilve te si enteio Tain Th'iim S>'Qosen Victorua & Mlntohwhobiu thra4lve tohav a ewvears dcce. Tise>'are outhLe very the wark fiiiabeti in Pmcsniber npnet. Th'ise sms.snt desci-uîption ut SliiLties, about 3 lina bas been anrveyel, tise si.tht ut va> fuatisigh, nf a cessnut color, alis h eauti' paircisa3et, tise contracturnothibsdellnesry toi ehýsggy sus-inca asni] talle neat, tinur of th isegd' bas bis counaet rentn i>'sn - liasimsi; ou the avisuf exeedug y -m- 1seed, antid ear.Nùsbbo &,Mcftsas illii mchs-acsalauis.TI tIhe Stable are 'Sept eonmuîscu aIeraiene a 30<1 i ae ~s~a tisse pair oft lat pups, sasnetlsiug- lesnt, tiso mliparuit.Tis Cospusu hve pr tian a 'essn ofI, anîiei tisae propnietar,- lu tlierwill ermit The ompan havep ason oof J 'icilsans'»g..o-it penaunation. cebiseinesuny i>6ffr>'atns, isa-ing a larus'lisas dîbbci Snyder uni] Meenlo. Siyer trouitage ou Lak houe, ou tise Nuits and] MIeaeaniCwts- Lieessgacuby_ oft tiir- aide uftahe Ilever River, where ise>' lîseutibreed, have becoauô perfectla tamiliar aitis ta ereet extensive docks. If tise peuple tise ne-ufan isiitbiLt ai ýCtise Staleh, ot Mirna viss tu sec-ahIdarend exîesiid ta heorses 'anti ail, and]have, il woasîtiappes- ir, Athed e>' aubin tise nexL tan yeara, ise>' ver>' ecideti canvictiasaas faenliaL coui- sisouti h aSe immediate measinna te. prenant stittssa iegitimtnaqPlace uofisarsctiesh. llsercfore, i-bon,tor tise irat Limue, ' t.- it stapping at 'aavertou au aIl. Let meeticseilalsani îsion ncre sent daim ta thier inga bis calieti ant iless aumsieuta ascentaîn îtaiî!s unattensdesl, Sisyder, dieýgaisbe1 %-;Ili us)on visat ternistise Coaniuy ouiti con. Lîmoir prcteuaieuste equino oeqsîaliay,, .and- tinue tisa rous tabtisai viliage,astid if passible rcgmrdisug thui ns utise iigbht of disreputable have tSe coatract gireontnIandtihue mark lstnudensiu dcbverliiissei](o.takse a tuemaîs- coumeuced batore*tise ruati is compbetcd stnation. Meinitai' anas alloaned tu pas ta Beavorton. ainmolesstei, but wison -Patchsen. camxe teddlsugtilong Sua.a-tr-ssuideuly plante] Duspbeesînu thse-Quakers. ht-eitdrci'l rn tts a>,aai aviLisLait rampant, Sein hnisaliug, ey'ss TiseQ-uakers anti-tise Ligishlabura af auappiug antaetis hroateuing, dispute] Ponssylvania matie a Ouee onsiaugistis psae acsn~crcycrp C senudiug )tise Situatiuu,«Slarei vacautiy for upon tise, venaitut fLoird Monaqia>, bo- a usoaaseut, aud thon taok a step foranardl, cause, lu bis great iiturical, wonb, lhe as if deisinuus utf savings glucautempa fir "made certei.n statamauts tisat til! net rer1'tIae cuine-aipatant, aiv-ieneaipon Sjs)yilen, bound ta thea credit anti reputabion ut tish aiLs isa[jnpat miosLsn greet William Penn, toasster outhtie State spruni- bis mroiarss ainpieasautly clase te ut Peuneylvania. Victsor Iugo, baveverts u1i" tr o'Ts lte;aaia lu tii aresoor uan en asa isieshiggy'aàne, grave a quick alsant, andi is sillmor seereope Pen tan irdainieda bla-w aiti his forefotouaat him ab- Maeaulay' andti heretare ho mn>' expaca si flîsut, but Lise dag was active enoaigh ta, tisa visise Qu.aker fnateruimy ate t a on detige. lisud a si)éoîv ccapet boavover, upon ismant *i'-bis o n-ouabort notice. hLirext instant,, a'ion Patchen, wieellug, lu bis va'nisio, a novali lis trime, entitied wfiiîivonîienfui napity>, lot fi> l isaeS,i tise 16 Kiasg's Camiuirti," Hugo soya ]"uIlichis haret>'misseil 'Su>'ier"a lisad, "Barga,inu 1 tise>'are for saeluE ng. mure ct tltstact-cit maore 5000 adoptes! landi, under Jalffey!,' a.ter tisa trayieal si,-o n balla aides, thse Sise1sy ficng bi.; anLt-J ventusrcetf Saumoutis, muisu>'aalord anti gmst ead nerfo a Oi~vioteias is tare gentleéman vai tircapiateti anti quarterati. ahile Snydcn,' di > screnîg, prebabfy, that-1 Tissavictis slotivives sud.daugister - lis a a]nu 'aaik àay,' sani] lai, otan ft vitiowm and 'orpisanu, visas James Il bisougli et amali size, tahborse as a, iipffn preieuened bu tthe Qiseeaa, bisitie. Tise for alI tluaI, was fit1Ã";t content hasusellIfj Qaeea somud aisese ladies Lu William Pont'. withjumsspissg-- about éid g1tlg vent' tae Wist f supriiugluiuu tiai ame M.short, uastmn>' barjas; It èaa at aise atg /H, et tise cointesat abat. ths'tabli,mseran a r- STRAITO vite or' Mn. 4 At Pott Unir) iv e r. andstis sua>usaerbelaunce lise discontes inu Nava Scotue, eemu i iP hîa-4couteut mbould bring about YMn. Hwe'e def'eat ;ofavisics reaufu, isovevpr, tisere isiili fe3n. The 'groat queéstion sut asioiisted anti codit>'- 'in,~ lise isawS ofethaie 6seIrate Pr-ovisnces, ansi ili;vite, keen iand pnaloured dieuiùin; anti 1fr. Bute viii bava te prepare hiawueif ,fer so-ma sonar.crojs n3rsiur a tse masiairfà wviicis e conduncud dm sber- rusig v1 s chcme otflest suluner, cuti tise di3potiîfan ho baa matie critheisofiuitis thua plac-d lu bis bindi. Af*,ieaison, tie ses-. alun -unflets au adjounsent îii liste taIt eboulti be proposed -la> hihol> ta be sa crowded-wih wvanS tisal, i. li probaible it vili laitsili atter mnid,ýummuuer. Tisose %ai bava predictet uit tise Duiiiu Panlfia- ment mIli have uathiug lu do arae li>' LY o li]d iisemousives ver>' se; la ý msiuistakeul, --off--- per me>s. -Tbise natroduaction uf tise -velocipedc into Liverpool, 'thôngsoet8% raceut date, ih rpFýply deveLt -inuitlasi, aud'in Sitibsrday haut a vos>' excliuiig ei;iss. muile race, for a mil ver eup, came offtise couipaîiturs beiug suember9 of tise Liver- puai Ve!aeipede Club. AbCet 'tbreà "- c~ctise 'hon, sppointed t'on the s8siart, oui' ýfire seIocipedians came np te tise aîarting post asti nonutedtir*vehicies. Jaut as the veiile gct unetir va>', one ut tisas» kuocseti duu a flttie* boy, but (ha ridïr Sept bis eat, 'rie pace--was nasSe, slllv, ovin g Lu lise crovdedt atate of tise i.treu but as aise bicycles Éained tise open esîuiîtry, tIse velocipedians bega t t vork lu earueat. Thse rate- a& vbieh tise>' gat oser tise granufves astanishiug, ansd several.isorseezssa a.6carniages vise fol- Iowed tise racers fount la a' musa tificul s taskto kaop) up viististess, abîhougis ahe roais vere ratiier roaga tor tise bicycles. .At di»xaeen minutes -te tour o'colok lis Marine Parade at Waterloop vas- resobeil b>' Mn. fravu , vJio ode a màeS langer ývelacipede thau1,ttieutis(en caspebitors Tise'tisace travere3 as a littho oser tigt iles, anhicis van got uver lu fort>'. four minutes. Bayons tise as'shap men- tiieti ubuve, the-ibicycles rau clear of A duel uf a veom distreaaintg ehanacter bas insu taliou place at . Bo-a~.' Two staidents bat! a discusaisinasi dinuer opon anme triflin- mahuan, fort 'uleir tempers, qîsarreleti, anti a clsalieisge wu tise resuité Tise encanter vas vith p'stostuai ueaby - paces, sacis combatauÏt iavin- the right t Fail Who@ Spting du. Os CII Tino 2reiit cliii u iie rl u iii~ ssîsd miukiisig a j ofuth ie tuat d~ lsususikie,uisrs tolti b> Riz.E. D Suraaday Ii i (siui, menti C.1h WriiiC BAKEt ] ., i~ >W1atrdae C istbyo, Aui - vmNlsa, tis ie TOr CVnt' tis eTu sirisL d4tsutn inhîn de:i 055E the na»it by thoin;dbypoiii i nxes tuse u,j 'ay et' '>usisnio, s tlig"it te ultetilelrsais uted mntsa si 5UYVEL I. C( :arqnns- ifarsuiri Wlultby, '1 au Est ai PC au ti i i - t 011 1 4001.

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