Whitby Chronicle, 8 Apr 1869, p. 1

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WDIITIiY BRANCM. K. F. LOCJLJART, CAJJBROI &MACPUNJLLI, BARiBt Eus AND 4TTolNEYS-AT-: Law, Oloietonuto tisa sikot IMogtoulysi bd thse Corporuationofthtie Ceusn&tv of (istarie, 1 o. C.êAUCUN, (4. 0. IH. J. Me40ONS"gr. &W'IesQ'@toeuoupongood an.pnley. Ap- 1ýYut h UliioO 1the4d(Jss, ourt flouso,. BARIUTEUS, Attornseys, âollcltorp h.. BUWYIC-WooterWA4Â.uranc, l8ulsit uge ChurobsStnet,Torouîo,C. W.- Ç OUNXTYCHO(WY KTTOXINEY FUR ON- v crlo msrrister #il touy.~Lw o liaitor lun<ltsssuery, Xp'ssry 1Public. &q,- office-lu IlgçoOW'. NewBiliding, Douda @trootW hitbv. i GEORGE Ho PAJITNILLý, cor, Depaty ltogIutra.r, Mstor Extmssrdi. $ar7,sfld oassos iae for th#Conu- yo f Utt-rlo, OrneBrok-ut., Wlitby. JKROBERT J. WJJ.,OW<. , ~3ARRIMTE tA~T.OXINEY A7 LAW 011.- Uvesr Cisine =isk, ou. th'jKNorth ide. - ~3AURIOTEIi-AT-LAW A ND 00OLICITOjR pnPublie, &o. xslro-os.1.tdoor to thé Sto~rm of 1H, tJ. un'ýpbeil, Brook MI., Wilitby, Qur. W18b, o.l, 1807. SOLICITOIC NOTAEtY UBLIC, &à. &o. C. A. JONJIS, Bawutr ollcitor la Chauceey, 4t« toIrney, &c.e &PO ras. reninvoeii lilOfie te lot floor over thé Wlsftby, Ot. 7, 1848. 40 P ons, c5YVYNC1s Ai U 4ýRIES PUBLIC. Qpwu : -One <leur nor), of the oin 1»oCce, Ouaswn; sand McFetter's. Blocc, vopouite Towns Mail, I;owrilatiipll. J. E. "AEMWJLL, R.IIO(4E. R 088)_ , AUDERl, 1MLLOCKdi SMITJ-I, BAHMRS11BS. AIttorneyinet.Ittw, Soliloiru ii Chais. cery, Und igalvelscy, êc. 310K. Ei oufQ.off, W. MJlacg. &OLIOITO5I, &C., &C. M" (foi7son, in MOMMLLÂ'u ULOC, Brook Wliby, Jan. 28,1862. OCiIAftLEtM C. I£ÏÏLLER, ATTOBNEY AT ZLAIV, opiroiORNu Je 11AJIER GREI LOO'DO A TORtNl4Y-AT-LAW. SLCT0iI AOhsneeory, Notary Publie, Cossve>stsscer, *o., Wliby i. W. Oîgîeg, By>rons trect, 9;jpltr oist Offie. 48. SJAMIES LAMION9, STTORNZY.AT-LAW, B4CITOP. IN Cbsuioory, &ot., &o., ~Oa Poandue Street. S0' Thra, <bora West cf tie l'eut Oica. 1 CACIIIANE deCOCIIBANVJK. T)AKIISTERd, ATTUOLNiYS, cON VEY- .51 ucrusand Zotaries Publieo, &c., ho, iiin sAsz:Usp peieTowns MAIL PORT PPxrUv-Orrlozi-Blgelow'u BlossI. 1; 1C>istnase:,LL. B., J W. I.Cturss î.lpîsntey Crovu Attorney, 'Pe'rsy, 20tb ttacember, 10. 8 LàYMAW U NGLISTI,0 L L 1 y)AIISTEII AT LAW, soltitor lua( lien. or) 9ayConreysîier,h&C., &a. 40 PiaoS. CAIESON deLAWo, - rrsms-mTBN sesSTREF.15tT ë ienuiltatlou ei Pas ttlerslslp froc et charge. Wlsitby, <l I 2,86. P.-HANCOCK, (raoex ix tw n e5ouare JJIGEON, ACCOUCIIEUE, dec., . -% le J GUNNOI, . B IUROEON TU TuIE COUXNTY GAUL NOTAJIY PUBLIC# WLitby, April Uothis8. T OWN CLY.Rki~TliZSUJCEIL WiiÃŽTBY YeCTOUJ IITEL IWILLIAI!U 0Tl10EEo.~î Wosn. oytobi'.) 27 JJOYNTN'U the In-. a t d & 1g o'rwtIe n [yFI .14,lSft. Eis - &UITEOON DENTA$T, M.-.Ovdr j'As. JIYRNZ' edPO ba Ettiot, Whiîby. AUwerk warrsisd. lo loft ut liiiot Offle, et sIo-Msssciester, 'qili bp 8. . 48 ilotgiwhic becuretiovat- ud,~~~~~~i rîsuao,,At. throughout, lu tise~ ~ Th brqsti.Ts semise>,sc pieoastil uiotopuit. hI tise o ai, cetrot tIse Town. ' Ilftl Thse lvllay Omnibui cal), e thutie l,nd the stages. for'Uxbs.dge sud Bessvenîosi eve tisecorvorusorîugBDcrsl .1 perday, GEORGE OORNMACE LUfuaite1WUAri! (arpontér, sud uneuu Bec t, Whitb7. A largc qlion UNv IRTAKING Fsn. iRSAOticf. 1l,»Pune aept Cf5tLi garÀ loteeto litre onhliberalermu. WhItbyFeb. th, 162. 1 B&oolclin Drug Store. RBALEILin luflrgs, Patant Medîpîna, .L.I Paloata, 01i9, bye Buffal, conutactlou. 'r0. WIDOR sud Liqquof Ortise b stqssalîy fredîcal pnrpu'sseu. gog *U404ttkMàedicefsaluays outarnd Brooklu, C. W., 186P *25 8B prepared to give fifueip sud Sis.gilsg leg- 4AÇ*pllcstiO o e iemades atts lhOe o!fJohns il. toti,u trgeons Desut, eer <limes Bynsse',iodicsl Hlli,Brook st. Wli;tby. CRONCI< E]R'$ ROi',Eit, (LATE PLATT'I,) NELSON ST. TORONTO, NURTIL OF KING lST. BASSgTT &KEEBLE, .Ptlseea T HEProrieors espctrllyannossuCes te theï frindsdit dinifi 55 imwell us, siar hoe, isuftisey have tol.'r iser sî bovc prrjeml wils lara ln ansIresoâpect Couesh.'ieiîly asud cossfrtaiIy luted tup sur tise accommodatjin of gueslé anîd Lhe travulig puble. Tlsoy wil bis ibisnd inisicosstalit jioelUiais ttossdsssce,iid sili bcave sothliis1110011es0e011 tii ir pînt,tu viveo asittoitti tu Wte psay 'uypr theIsitii nlas 1YEOMAN GIBBON. CO MMISSIOIY MER CHI44V INsi VlA NCE, st GENEIAL.AET Wililtuy, Jai., 4401s1860, I9EVEItE ]OUSE, MAài:HSlETga 1C. W. B. PLANgÇ, - - - - . Proprseter. éÏtssges te Und sI frpiWlitbr call diiy. Es'ary OlteiitiuoliJ tgiteéue». 'Jure t' niazd Attemi - 1868. -1068. TRE-LWVEIIOOL AND LONDON IN StIRÂNCE Cj a Om P' Lisbou lns existence tiiis't>'two >'eurs, and dsnisitij mt peied liotpaid Lou.e» exc.sodisîg JJyean sasulait Mnilion poundls sterlJing. Tise dtuhbursaes:tt is, i» 9!19.Inoun usin oer a vIde aros, liasit les d î pni- Isuted to tihe '<suilis liia t' rt l uIsttuiisl i si Misaconfidesnce oet'luus, I)'opîsi'ousss, Mlt- W5AII iloa'jsLssrseai"d t'iî.ijsss jmon fgen- erali, 1 i'lsrevern h lu itepmeuCicilu i Itiret yensI, 1886, tlis,Fumiro:ssbulllmualone loi ls, 001t yettu: 1840,~~'~r .:775 4,201>' 8,5o, ... ius,2~ SOU BLiyeor, tig66.........7ir Tiso yir, licuerve l'und lumîew 1,7217,464 TIhe Lifo Lesere Fîsîsd Isiq oas 1C,282,468 Vieacvîpsisiiireprcosoni.<d througtseuî Uls- tarie, uid ie )ec, 1> isi<zuiAgoits te t visomoslICation for lu,assco ma>'bce msdc.j q. F. C.. MITII, TUIE tNTU18 FAlUIERS' MTJT1JAL- INSURANCE, CÃ"MP'Y. "I'M8 ospau I.no fuiyorgantlzcd,an s' u 'i n , au hsrcutsgCeuntry' Sc.lscoe sau, sud tbcreby support a 1lOssse tssuurauca Cvsupan>', lss rw u epportumity of'dolsssc iso, by a1ppflyly etlien AI lis elad eice, or te auyeOt t'lvagent*. Currates wiii bact'cund ns lev au bos et'f any rempouxl>lamuIppIlu- surmuce Compuny lu Canada. I.. FAIRBANKS, in.. HJEAD OFFICF,-Tb, Cid liegtstry Office B3uilding, Irck Street, Wbiîby, IOTEL &PJ1IMISES FOR SALE. rT 4Tol otablssed snd vl luovu lI- el, ýhO SE E f N Spbendil roomys> ablissgo, and dylring ,ised, t4oeslsr, wiidi Queor Ivo itores et land atais. ed, asu oay lb. destro,i nd pa neOnngbear- ing orehard. Tisere. Ar, i ve;49 wjt sgoed putu u eootiety. 0" Ts~evîsoe vlI h sosi t a bargai, tuhé Smt eu fts elchances lu tIti pomissioss feran srICIse, iesomonss. wil, chined fr lam prporty. f lFor tennisdo, o::ly (1 'er p'b'aii Ootobo W!LL IAM1Bc LTCN, GENREAL BL.M ,-erse m1, AND T LIE KDERSJNPcire"u for sale the i'Nuot h ars loiStisCoq. or tlise kw19l)i,ýot ieahtime Iland 1. two miles Cisii 4 mauchlesur ou tile Centre roui. ,ITisere lu uow ysnàaisituber fpr llslway pur partiçsssrms pply tW Souîcs:islo, ,Whitby. WlibNs.25th, 1868. t-7 Query WJhy lit th4sst lissa la Bach a rut, for piotures AT CLARK'S GALLERY? lla becswua iss u tisebot(io lis jcýjtisa, e'ocuty, sud h ls Pir# patit-nce Wil otiuiirou tian assy otlser As-til t Is e Cousit>., sud oau do quit@ un goced werk as sny otison usais lu thse Ceunsy.-1 5W' Tlimt', whütset', u, utter, ue don't be bockward about eouing forwsnd. BÉROICJ< 8T., Wj.UlT.- Whitby, Nov.- 12, Uero. 4 JOHN OARTER, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. ONTARLO1,, OK&PFEL. r--o- DIanklsm.-Post Olince-Ilinîonivîîe. 84LES sttessded ou tise lsortpctt sotice, sud on'çm,oable toruis. -Toms, ;c" e nasssde aî bil psitsîed attlso Chsonicee efoir Mr. WELLINGTON }IOTEL, MARRHAM. - I J. IIUEBOTTON, --i'apictor.j THOROLD, T, - 'ÃŽetrg sed e-mown, g"no..i. , TseYeryb w ra#= oS Spcps$ml aoful'(Or AprcuaUl1 Ag, Grand Trunk RtailwayHoteL AT,.WJIITJJY STATIOPN. WITM. O'NJ.IL lssviung pnoisssedthse iotel and sdpremseiff siOonauthe Graud Lrsiuk lote), WlsitbY attlo, begs tu lasforss hie friendo and tisa travellssg public tisat ho bis fitted up tise houio sud oniablen lu lint- ciaus, utlbe, aud by attention te tise wsntâ of' thosse wlelver iisuwltb their >patronsage trutu Leo menlt acortlnuocOlettlsesr cu*tosu. W- Parties tssking tise train suddileu% issg horffl wiii lsave thscnVwel taken qssrg pf tilt tiseir betursa. wlithy, sept., 18ds. 8 De F. BURKEY Family Grocer, Wlne &,Spirit dealier, Né. 2, MICHAIEL'S BLOLYK, CPROCKERIY & GLASS WARE À WÉI BELEÇTED STOCK FRESII TEANS COFFEIIS, SUGARS, GROCERIES, d&c. OF ALL KINDS, ob"A n i ; ai; nsy liuoe lu Canada. Inat P11' 1"'e. 21 lnDestFo nt ASSURANCE COMM~Y Capital, $400,000. T, ÏIE under isoilasing heosi appoisîtoui .. Accuul'rt ir(,,g e isbs'vo~spn- .s er~rd to 1iisure propenr gasimit ,Lq>i$ BY Appiy te, LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-12rr.s. Agent Wlsitby TEETU qrn"EXTRACTEIT) Or WITHOUJT PAIN NI'rROUS OXIDE AUG}llNG GASj JAMES I1I5LvPosstr Tl11. TRI7ST ANI) LOAN COMpAiNi T hsav.ei' àtdu for l5.'.ostincsîsi, ai sîliruma rotu Ot btoremt, on tius sPosrity etfluspneved Loaisna ode t'or tlxed peried.%, or repisyabîc by osîsul i iitalsliiont§. Fuimlicr aind fui) lnforssatinscon bholîad 1.y leter, auddressed tote te Cosiusiorâutn Kimîgatois, or frein L. FAIRBANKS, J. UrrzrsiBnoc Steaet Wlithy, sept 15, lies. 8 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, O11THE INEW LOCCAILAN.zSTIHETI, AT DENiTAL ROUMS, DUNDAS sTnrEET, IIITBY,-C. W. RUI>M1S.-C'.ar bM . 1.Cobhncso'tore. Wlsitu)y, Jone 26, 1867. 25 M()NE Y TO LOAN. Il r1 ycisrt im: bnemls. Fit o ro n ro-ue pat' s uw-511tc-1 et' litercit. 0. Il. COCHRIANE, BtlbÀussuma, hL. w'iliiy, Nov. 25, 1868. 47 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, T IIE l sîsreiberr isgi, toannonnpc te Ilits j. t'icssdIsamsi tise public, thiss1. u mi ia e- aîsmod pofti4 05 i4i jtiýc aisoe oweili u t'a- vrnsbly Iiiowisiistal, sw'iilàliii ssow llttodssp 1ss Et §hupeo ionsssrsnlli eor'. Csioml t.110 for tise re'coptiesi o! guct;a tapoi tIse ira- se-lissg îsssblic. W " Bsit accQtsi:moristipss, sud stup'snierF wssi1 ,liquors ajdcipals'. Gooistiilisig, wliii os'ciossocl yards, unidittou3tis'c Ctiors il- wisys, ais île ps'vssines. Charges Moderate. 9. M. CALDIVE4L. Wlîlîthy, Jan..'14, 1iSÙt¶ 2.1> C. N. D'r>.tCTJ1C, IAOst3u;t, Oiseva Oloîc lsmo, directli oppo, $ * Site «blon'uCsl, .Estaueon Ilmoeeltrept Iiiss'dl-ienurth eftis O ntes'ic Bauk. go- EXPRESS AGENT, &o., &Ibo Agent idiont sudSitaudand Insumauge Cea. il -TUE ALBION ROTEZ, cruog 0orJlrock Ob Ilundaus treeto, We~ITB . ' J.0.MPHERSON, - Propnieîor, ja laie1 ci thtie Union Iotel, Sacramento £iKY, Celifenisis,- Whltby, Jn. l it, 1949, 2 -1y,. INSOLVENT ACT CF 1864 AND AMENDMENTS TL'EIITO. Iu tisa ailles'o! JAMSP. BUTLIM asid -'1'UOMAS"'A iSW ndivldnaily; ansias co-partnars o! tise firs ofe JAUSS BUT- LER h Co., forsoeniy e! iii. Village o! Celseva, IO usovoiste., T lIE CREDITORS o! tise Inul"vntu are JL ntifled is mneut tthe office e! thé un- O»daion o u 77lb. )AToue!Wbs.sCan0 o Ontrue ouWUISPA, 15h ay ef A' 14L 186p, à 2e0,eOck lu tise sftarnoou, for tise e:- suilealltioue OIpossuiV*Utm uusd for the order.' iag et tise affairef el h.Fstiegesraily. Ansi thesamls! iieal'Ventum-s aàrsysummenail te $HINGLES FOR SALE. 7T HP, UNIISIGNED itras on Iiassd, andr A. ér ciefer muie ch;a oir'ts'rualis as813- qian- tii7 e oSon.cd bllisglm, Ilissnivon'.s iniSe. N. RAY, Prûprietor lJ7stty Livintkoby Wisilby, Oct. 28, 10.4 Cash! Cash! 'JbFUNIDlilN ED wyy s-ilpsy tihe iglies ouais Iob psco for ssîy qssanîity et WJIITË BMANS, ]POT&TOES, AND EUAX 8 1 D. JOHN REMTI, Octobar 28, 1868. 4 Fie IMIErIaLc 0r LONDON. ESTAJ3LISkIaED 1808. Funria ins'ested inu <snada-$05,0eqo. TNStIIANEB ags!ust long hy Fine effdeted J.on tise meut tvouahl- i' to. Ailliotsos- PsIid witlissut reo'reno ta tse jinaf9i n Lauidos. IINTimUL BiiOTIlElt$, Montrent, GOsieral Agents tfur C nda. JUIIN AfqiNEW, Wiymr, Agentîfor lIWhitbv, CAlsawa, ilewnsapviîlo, and .nns'oundsm.g cousntu'y. ' 6 1 M A BR 1-1A L Los OY SiER . IOIJSE, OPPOSIITE ROYAL IIOTEL, IBROC9 STREET, WHITIBY. Y~ STERS receîypd ditiy tront Taylor'. Ba.Ylstimore Cystes' Deot, Toronto. W' Oyutenî meyed ssp lu eyeny style on mIssnicte Pa n5i, alar0esupply e1 Lobaters4, Sardines, amd censed Tj.uit. GIEORGE MAI<SIALL. Whb,Dec 9, 1868. 49 t!. ~NgUÂNgICOU ANY, Invested Oapita1-$1,Ooc10,o, t"rlg Cisi batblislsed Andi tllrop'gi1 roli!. ablehI C.ompsso, boa et.icdav tsi bisJectut> viis is ie or" gferç_a cietis e -ofartha'.e vtnn..-for_ lA ovrek à 4 aud priiyâ his groe i -And drôpas)wbutîwu theV'alsl gse lier"U4 crcuusu violet& ("i re s11 tie w or M sa gay >" od y e r J" , Tail lisegromv tiresicf mrons, And get thqnsuelie% a pns' ple gear; 'Andi tiny buda tlist lie ssluep, Un Mail ssssd field, sex ' uususmher. Suie rocks tis e iy sseadow-ccpm Tisa pureet', îessrt âna hawse dja i Bie61 stsa0~ ~ q desspet wooda At last ishe bom., ber work tsi douse, Assd Si, a wileow noclsing chair, Dons sPctmsCleof o!applle-boda., Kereliiet sudc«P -of alsondritrre, And !sit,4 a verygrno se so, And wise s hoeem tise doopor mqp ilsst'uolieru lun tise iappy Muy, se ate tislk hbcise i"a ix And woepa iseeause amile cosiuùstay. And Igave, lier tesr u spon tise grast,, Ansi tqrssp ber 'spc: anti gilîle, avsy. ~tiieraÙwe, EÂWI>ON'a RAID. (From Loadoîn Soeset~..) OHASTEsi p. II tbluk il a Most ebjepiionlaie Pl cceding, and 1 repeaz thai t hjla niw, that yen do net go il Haevise ipola was a grfm, geunt, gï zlasi parsonage, vus a Voice tit grai ou yournenrres like a isanddasw vus ti bleodiasu lips, ansi freezing, steal-i cyca; clethesi lu matera avening drae;. a cisoking collan and a cneaaling orsi aud a dacidadly basi lamper. ile x Jeffne> Msrsden, banker, of Lombard Sni aud Rebampton ; sud,, Isaring mnsag te catch bis;o.ne for lite msuitas lu t Dane Court dnawiug room before tise a 1pedision startad for tise Boodîca' bail,1 vas lsananguing the fair-haresi cbiid visi he countesi on buriug lu anotsen fortuig nsiispnted rigisî te harangue for tisa ns ef ber natural life, Lu bis inoat antperai manner, tisough is 'iLbonrdi> the saiea fpet s uspal. flulda utoosi vbere bo bail stoppesi bt retiser pale, ansi vitb ber lisîla glovd banda claipesi tigist upon ecci otbcn ; bi naisiser tnembling nos' cubissive. lf!y visis, my s'aquast, tlsat yen giva t Ibis bell, under tisa circumutances Il ensa ciatasi the Croesum, îftpn 4u empisat pause, and ueitiug dovn bis emspty'poI (ce cnp. fOire Dp tisalal?' Hilda nepeatesi. ansi ie vas vagueiy conscions that et mpolie in a diffTanst wey somebow, te bi usssal oms towarda bimself- WisyV Mersîlan lookasi et ber aven the creali crevai aas one wbo inds e dificulty in ni deastandiug visat lha hears ; or fanclea I en icarcaiy heur arigist. II beg your pension,' he sais!in bis moi icily'raieping toule.; 'yen aukosi me-?V Il askasi yen vis> 1 boulsi give up li Sise mut bis isard eyez quit. ateadilj He beolccd at bar lu real surprise. 'Dld yen net hear me aay it was n vibmls n>requt?7 Yen cen: relouire n better rosson.' 'A plaines eue, at ail avente.' 'Hilda Il He hail neyer caileti ber hlba lr uo issîf a siezen Limasinlubims flife voews oui startles inlto doing s0e150w. Wiset ha comse te bier <bat aise danedsi peae in thi way ; dareul meel bis nabuking glanca ai -yes, se defiautiy ? Ho mut pnb an en te tjs once fer ait. Hi. thin lips phut close togetiser euei or ;wice. Thon b. saisp i, ush ia os offonsivaly autisenitatiîe air: 'Yeu oblige me te bey ni> commensi upen n OneDt tago.' Ho vas pneparnug te uniSk gravely te i chir, or eut of tise rooni, vbea se ipols again, otillinmstisai samne cha>gd vouce. 'You bave no night te do tisat I' Hisis laidi. 'No right ?y ho repeatesi, nichanicably. 'Ne. No right te 'commausi' me net te go. No rigisî te Icemmansif me et aUl Ne right tW apeel te Mesiyon do apeak. Ne righ t e feul me ai the baut moqiouî tIsai T agi sot te go te migisi, for ne bot- ien neqsop tisan te parade yenr authonity oien Mea-an authority towviicisyen bave no rigist oitisar.9 Ho tprnesivony visito, but otpqgd ,poecs pag8. Bbc vent ou. 14o authority yon dei, J l nov; but ;iscis you bave done nothino tW gain. &,av yen over beon at tse peina le vin flous ne? A ns nov Yen c mm nd me1t jtiteeistel Fitt r.Ïbeliin tifIlbeyond-,question. poo1 tisat ho Wvu Ie ry and enui it vritb the henry liant! as ho ihoegbt ho coulsi 'Esongi ,if ypo pleue il ho saisi, vits 'bathi"i w»Dttnfbiuoî Irresigti <ble Ie!y I csuýllaten taesno moto pf ti. DOeU r, audIjfor1tie lest timo, I dia- nctby anu formqJjy forbid yeur seing te i that un *MaU@USnil in h116 Tva555ti D bou. &K. yen told isileu Hlilda abeel ber isesd. 'Ha hu been tleliuig me tisai I r sWteéWngbi t tiet'.411,1 se auver fOrdeedme nos le go. Âd, is be a for tisa lutsin le1 Il N e t ien ,' D ick Jc a b ro ie. 1 'Icome sud 1ha vnappod np, yen tyc. L Jcoiy'acarrage stops tie ay. Ph yeu'll give =sy lady jour atm, Mena Don 'ans) J viii mtec aFter tise girla.' 'eely, Bipbsn,' bogan -1tiaifa beanty oethtie bathu, Lady BepéI' tis thbehtter let tise carriago cone b for tiseni.' 'Wait l iilgela tisere, fi.-st, iler.am Yon doent kneww vbaî lie road are like nigbt. Better let us come back for -yi Bt doeu'îkep tie erses, tandn, f- meante go, Iadrime yen. Nêw Manadi look alive, viii Yen?', this vierennyot veut on; -Ais ibene'uDonl in bis Cau dieu gel np.' ý Revden came lu vitis a fu pelise el isabaildneaa, and) anotisrer lhie an. I thiuk tb's Won't ennisyon v aiy mu Mise Jocelyn' ha sald, iu bis tnanqilvwî going atraigisianp tei Hilda; 'it'a ri van, sund rery ligisî. Let me put il for yen.' Ha. rapped tise glosi ira. Bkinsa about ber tenderly,.under Maradei 'i hostile eyas sud rny Iady'q. Tise Lombard Street pulitecral canesi dz.. mucis, vonl balieve, for tb. girlbs ted could care for anytising isqt jimoiel lin, ibougis to 'ferm'.hefor bis vife fb. hi >le in bis ternali alf-a artion,. ty annis 'in orar ber tlii&sbe imply balesi b ; au rt, eeing suotiser penfonni visat îsotid hi ras beau bis duty-wvqtcbiug barfilo vi ,eet ulle mt Lawdop's ol-afeelingf ssc çed ple i t iaiie bcabln al vay a be au consci s tha pf fo r thse iabreur gnew sbssrpby jute -utonger, Ond te bimn a very strauge oe ha jealouly.1 Yea, Jaffney Maraden bates t] lui man jealbusiy nov. Wus il ha visehb 'ist undarmiued bis autisonity over bis fulq est wif ? Did ha actually dare te- tic He trips tp 4tifla saI saff fýons f- îhought bis overweonin pride nevolled i se angrily. mn, 'But tisera sai ha ne nieaof tisIlt1 cd ald te bimseif as ha bla dy Hope coi )ut to tie carniage. Tisa Pierepuint omi and tise otisen four follovasi. îp Dick vas rigisi about thse pigu..; s.. vw s- uplendisi. Clean, calme meelit ; vitis ti ti tbernometar dovn s dozen degs eemhl* l- pro. A mpanlinig ilewmentie cevanse tise dean park and tise builebeyondi;-fai - <er flakes of snow draped leory rei he Justishe nigisi for a aleigis drive, au Die anr romankesi. Tise tvo ligismwere yqiting juat ha g binmy lasy's fauily ak ef a cannag. in- Lucia', ilvr collr belle rang ont muia- se aly as tisa mare tossed baerieasi sud mues esi, bearing ber masters roice. at 'Keap close te vus, Rc n ril Ma osisias ellise tmt id til ! lu ber curner las faud tako ilo f #o 1114e, mind il Th famiby ail moovl on a - Mtlie sud tise y. vitei tiii tie ciotieo ene ready. Diol Joelyn lifîod bis charge in hi ystrong arma ansi caries ier don ith e0 tps te ber îplacecinbihlmovu aleigis, au reliesi tisagreat hutlsla FP49 rpsuiboy Miss Carev followed, on tis# foot cioti under Donis eoont. le 'A1l ight?' Dick enquirod, taling hi 7y teins,' bd 'A il ig ist Il c um e fron t ishe ri ar is 'Go on, Johnson l' Andi tie expeditiel w diatesi. id Tise great ark lumbaned s ilcng, vu tortoisa like delibaration; tise ive aicigi le suid mootily after. Den thec long ave. t' tjp, thougb lie Losge gale o ut into ti mron bo uind r ad , wvt is a vl ! pf sÉ n o v à la d zets fe t iig is on *c ubher aide, tr tc iinâ sud vindisîg avay yonden ikae arol a visita ribaud. * In lthe a k tisa Pierrepoipt wvet n 41u ail tise talking; my lady vas OUulky vii tcols, andi Marden sulky ith i ral 'Well Mignonne 3' Dick saisi pneenl te bis ilent companion ; 'Wait il ti it int it?'7 rois, WU[@ ii, DavI3 -t mmeelate, ho aud.' &id WÂbiright.' - Don tope opeun the missive, gbeaUM4 at lni; 'theusiagio lisse in V yle 'uawrjtisg is COU- jady tainesi, aud ppi it W Diok, spe 'Baggage asndus la boe? r., rte Mr.- joli. F7).3 1'linse ciear,-MaiI *xpectod aà! four.' d.d, 'Admirable IF DicTe ejaculateds, guinuiusg. dal 1 4RB',menu Pachos ancd siaol4 -I «kl maPPOse Bu o yen ut took uharp, old- mac., Iî'm sree nov.' n1p. il kmev. Bpt Lucia viii do the fi" as' miles in leu tissu twntyminate ; sud 1 FOU. don's vwant £0 bave to wait at Aasbnitge, yen yeou ndanstsssd. Nov, lbock iere,,-you I.., hbave tis leigis al neady attse baifiscur. ýu1Lh xt>fir,-and4iweuîy peut, jut showyour- se- self bier, 1le <bis doorway. I misai! be * alîzing vitis ber, and loeking cut foryop. ýver Whoun I men you l'il Itp.p, pnd gçt ipr ont i.ý -o!tisaroom'le tise geperal acnimipage oel, vithout being notice,). Thon on vus'1 or>ulegi su foe co<ucer .i W. cugis on W ha bal! vay tW Calais isefore,857 ue ses] but yen assd Misa Qarew'otise viar. 'Un- n'a deratand 2' - 1 Ail igit 1' Pick fodd3a. 1 1 , 1 ay, au Don, aise wou't bang back altie but moc- ho meut, eh? Itinov or crer for yon, yen If; know. You wo't get a chance ljik. tis ad$, agala. Ansi vomen are queec P- cad .11 don't think aise wili,'Ravdounsid, ad, tooking op tho ruonstovandu iser. '8h. ve usigIsi under etiser circunselauces, penhis, ;n but no; nov. Maruden hbs uanagesi saI- m- tore too wail for Ibat. Tise pompons >ua bull7 voubd drive a' voman tW suytising. a Ho vas iec*:oring ber about couiug isere -to-night befoeq vastsnted,-juat au if ase ha -didn'g batiba aireadyl1 Tisé osn'u beoi ,ad playing spy ga oal tbrougb ; mn last ne m!oveavii cbeckq;àte bisg. Iet'a ue te pley it. You've ton minutes teuee o the ie aleigis; and I te dance number nioneteass. et Go along, old boy IF 6<Now tnesd me a mneaure, quolis ho yopng Loo4ilvar,"' Yhumes DicI, as b. ut turnosi te go. 'Wonden wisetiser iesaover en board of tiset sang, ld--? Ais, beg yonn pardon, Mitnaden,l ho ejaonlaigd vj;b rau onuv'oliviliîy, ause omaagainat tise he Crfcluq, neosrning froc:ibiu bout for lad )w Hopels cardage. Hope I didu'î hursLyon ? ed Ail, rigistp DontF t. And tise Guandaman suoresi off Wo faîfil .e. is part in tise plat, eisnekling at intestin,£a ek ver olsi JeffPa approscbiug diuconsfiLuno. - Rawdon qç;it, mtrsight towends Hilde.4 î-Merisier fqliowg4. ,e. W'eli, deant,Helen vispeinlu en > cousin% ear nather auxiouly, 'viii y ou? ' rt A pressureofo!the issndiaise plussg tR vua al tise cthen'a anever. Tison Selen ly feit ber atart nervoualy, anud aav-ben tu t r;paisud tison flas foeriubly. , b as 4e caughi ight o! Don making biu vay round' nu the outuido of tise cincie te viser. ti 0 thnea vere atiilsanding. Mime Oarevm ýim own pplae qniokened serpi>. Tise dadal- le iva moment vwu aIl but came. id 'Whare paj Mr. Msenn eV aenappesi r, Lay Hope, qnerlby. 'What a lime is, ho lu, seeing ebont tise earrir-ge 1i Ais tisere ho iu,%at laut., lus Tisera ho vas, clouise eiiuii Radon; vison Lady Hope overlooked tili ais boisard hbu apeking ta Hilda u1 o$upber Pipeteen,? Ùon vwas sPayng a tour -valué, yoP -kuov, Mima jocebyn.' a Pourrcisild t Boy -mucistboue quioti i ae commoopiace vends mesant te ber 1i'Tise p l- crielisesi arrivosi. I le iok b'.' art i le nov ase gave consent la thAt plai for uav. ti a iog ber ha bail propeses.i. f sbe refusesi t g it-viset vas left te ber?1 r 'Yon besi better lot me, tale jon to tise & ceak-roem0, I thiuk,' raupat e arde' ID ilave f a yejp onderfnlly td PM'opp/;bý él b carniage iii ho riady dineciiyt boilier.," V it asidesi,,au1tse te' speake r turned ,'to my as y ldy. -ci lTisep w. baiibetter -gq!lady Hope di aaluted. 'WiIi yoa taire j4 , ah r Tisials apointositl Ww avoe,V11 isa * ojsrpÉ4 e gos ôgit log wvieMaraec te s ayapeds itfr.Jtavos isit moat 01 lnuuforssle r <4~rcp io4ji ,tish" v tsuiaeebL auis -soeovand Jouiras! toi -knov if lb. Genenal inteudusi te eceepi. 41 de Dot' saisi li. r 5J il posiibie tisai Gen. Scott. brougit, up la tise ansny, deei o acg 1O the gçntloqeas. -- eb!'a 'Ido,l ' sd tise old ) boa, 'Thon thonul>meecu beftme for mat-. imfachion, lu îp pou! yoçt a covard 1' 'iPoat me a' co.jad I la se doing you.. viii poet yoea ai .1 'And tiser. tse matten endosi. 4naver tp a ÇWslepge-.The ecentria S. H. Brockeniigo. eue cf the Juiges of. tise Seprerne Court, Peunsylvacla, vhen -a young man, vau cbs >liengcs) te flgbt a duel" vits asEnliais offloar, vborn b. anavenai as feileva s 1 - I bave tvo objectiena to tisa duel mat-' tort tho on se luct I abousisi urt yoe, and, tise etier-lest yoap sheulsi hur me. I di ne. t sou an, goosii! onîsi ho ïo puqt bailt threugh your body,. I cousi not make ame, ose o! yenuvison deauil for aoy enlinary pur-. pousa, m-1 vod9 a asiit or à ttsnbey. L amn ne causiial, to (ced on-'tise hof- men, Wisy, thon, ahoot dova a bumas ciereanof o! vs 1 eould net mais. asy are A àlinja ou mke vnixb.ohttar mea!s. non tisengisycer duikmgt ho younsg au£ tend r, yaî h v anta th. firm usa d c n- asatene> vieStaIse andi -reteinsalt. 'Tonu migisi malte a geooi barbecue, it is, ýtnp, beiag o! the nature o! s ruSor. e opossum,;,bat people are se!tlintise habit of - barbecnig acytising th isa! a lumesi. noir. ' Auta ycur bid., 1! lasemt vorîlu taling off, Seing litile botter tissu tht of.-, a tvo pear ols tolt. Oe mach for yen. Au for mymol!, I d. net bile te atansi tsitho vay cf anything, that i isenatfi. I aim undor the impreumion' that yen might -sit sme. Thius eing thse' adistance. 'Ir yen vant ta tr>yeaor pin- tels, tale aoms oîhgr qbjdçt, a <ne or a barn sieur, aboes; my dimensions. 'If y.. bi.iht, eundime vend, ans! I vilieoknov.' ledge, tiss if I1lied speu in the lame place, yen migisi haro bit îse-Iaw f The Oldeut City. Danmue sen athoideai, oity la the evcM. ryre snd Sidosn bave cruniblei on t hos.Baaibec ila a in i :Plpy'rAi' s~ldin a domert; Nineves andi Bubybon bavo ýdisappeared frcm tise, Tigrisand E n. :isrý..lu.Damasunaromaine ai l vs beoter the, dayu of 'Abrbap;- e çfptjpe trade eas! trayv4,-au stau&14 -of !or4p. jn lie- deart- ina visdmel suMù "nwe 'zuxaaa ei e a- D" Mpe satWliiy, 2Tsi ha matie t5 Isy wn (e ry Connsrcd 1tq Bc-o$el~ LLL, Brçdk stï ,Giassîugq esi iii e verk 'ALSON, ract, Wl1tbIF - 14-tf hop. MES, &Ç Si. d pramptîr ig'., Dundfp 14 ECGo, ,U CuoSS5, 0 Agents sur. 1 li C, o. 1

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