Whitby Chronicle, 1 Apr 1869, p. 4

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Whi by, Po, ,; @q. ( 1.owel, I, aIL Nor. istit, 1818. 1 Wu.dl,1or. b ccli attention bf the article ln Our 119A utue';prLeaw for YOD, uner the bond of ' 1,eupr Vgor Il 4 uew prepqrgg,WUppUroiwjtloci Ur Dy.lAyer hnl0flE lî"n »nga;egbf )-Wl, t>2bIl éo#ro ow $ntrodeloig uto y ur tet. W4ré Wuduee, theViger boitirnlb.h :nid va truot you willl tid il n wùloom.e dJi. tiofl t oura dock gw ia r<lIle retýov4tive for ti. bai, - W@ bg t'O omawood il *0 o'ur atpitli wlthtue auurune h,î 00 fl lluJ il nor effclul .d Jan bjutiviitiblo thau any offli - J. C. MER &Co. Tihe saboOrlber ln cgetîtfor jilof Di. Âyer' CLOTUES ,WASHEING Oisereeable .Employmeift1 T liE ~J3~Chtl3m vitig rocently mode T oome ilumbla, lliu40bcqwoifu t i te nrt et waalilug cuucbiued li atoîcline allpd WÂSHING I1AU1IIIN E Yor wHob o ieba obtalue4d lette,'. patent, and fur -wblul, hobogse u ollutittI, attstiuu ortige pîublic, il la ouutruotod ou eouîîd eommion »ouso piiiiolpvîs, dem f,*work WUi)e and .Ur t lrequîrtitlie Uxîfinîpicacal ýi# lft» operattois ois Mis, oQloé., peak*, ffr i#Led!by mtimluîu. y wlîleh Il it nalnd or tlli, )jette#. acede nu tlvlwiujg lu beeut, Il ulieii wl:ccver Il hite lîco; tLtltig oupîeoiïl t. .trllî owCrcq I . ruuc umnpasiîon et luluelqr> ; ft rw îc ,u, but litho riu)[à. lu' ti. boumo e ' t 4lu%'tig lit hltti pcurillte; I lle ,culiilng !avdîr wliithe tIi, ecosanbelicg tIi (ceet Dow liiuti o. latouu(liug jeurclînacre vill la owL1, bî'oris purtelîeg Ços~uwlit~re, to egrend11) tlîur ordorgg sor atrial or illc- ul>uve tî,îeliluce, And umd nut th.ui will blin ittî Jrucnmptly fer îlîut îîurtio. W- 'County anud Townsohlp light. ..0t dipsdun vu IUral torics. JOHN BSHAW.- Land!_Land! r IF, Rubfect'îectroffire i e ftllwilng lest c1 ..laudb, wilîi ho uwf l eAH ut a b-FAIR VALUATIONt-ÇO ti. Vj, No. 8, ln lnd coucemialon of IRouch, 70 lcrceoi letrcd. 9, 4No. ,Iii.Iit the $rd eouueehion of -Beach 10 tue oiuud. No. 29. laitbotua l lîouîe8boiof o!Dariigtou, 60 acrum cleuirNd. Nu. 1, 11I êti Ou., bhba, 5 terpcl elod. X. E . Ng,. 27, lit lud ecuanion aWliitby, ut l'utirùd. 1000 mrue lu bîevîlc5 acrie ln fexlcy, 2000 ucruelit J.az$un-400 cîre lîit uhuîcout. Apply jorgunally, or lq ltttr, jougit-jîid, tu R. E l>E IIY, A.N(ruEn VWON 1)i IhUL MUE! 0r CONSUMPTION 1 IN CANADA. Muette. Yt)no & cuite¶aui 1.-lcI(cetli1s dus tYIj cwolt 14)ynU, Bol C w.' ictuttiflo'-public. tu ilul'ritt > oU urt ige dt,i w,,n ct fe r lup i. u'îttl~ted ltly pestou,, liy ise îie filgîe Cirent c4icitiee, iedisifttu lillot. 1 cutîglieâ at, res dutyntut tiglitt. a bcîîiîtg rgî t ,tittien ( i uitter. accitt a tirnt lutiti tiuhuieic> rfi Iuîcg. I fioul >1<1chiis ver cI>'.aie 0cuere ttîglit ou cticee,' $4iglict. iît t,,iswreft ile rettî,g cuugi. tut grelot - eaituo I wtt. lîtu'i et I.rtci 4,f t*jeep; ipy7 tiira u.î,oteîee liv ellaid l'y ti l1c.JpcttcIwae ia, e- îiscd iniIutî1 tld tîir;lu l~yuItsti .,tu. 1 wtjtatiler c,,c c'ne cii>ituicîtr a ieî;it ti'tfinit, Ilut ftt,,fîtg .u rolief. iticot i iiet-teî,t ncitîci. ua.li .1 %l'tt0ticty piluo rlocot. ?'qure Pi'erinst. outflict, neeoittriseutec 189.4 u ticld it,,urc'citt>huciîrnoe e lltîedy 1;1 procureif 8!1 rée Ilutitteut ut,'wo fix i litetîî. ; t e,,,,,li 1 ,,jm t,l!îcî'l fadintg ii tiugittti get liter, aud whett I hal î;ititted ttcî,uctho Ill tue "gtî, aexetoration oru eelir anatut iitcIgt c, jleecuî,e atîn î c- l ru'llc.1 c cw aven titru niifncî etîte IquitIle t,».d;i, a,.d* tiguele c uueqt c. >nlptugacoutflit . CCuCrcýtunîlg. tslucr av e enî. suc n lSoww but-, titien aélult iter filc a ve ,rtetn r aaiîy )yeat$. f mt ru ot, wi limale thitfin O tiuaI llettpubîlic,lIi lt e, tua,' [tle mode mcure uV rle peeuirvinuscuf this tntly wolîcdenful luduor ttetuec-di> PP.'TrEiC . V. MILLEIL Farneotowi, Co. ut Let,,tcx & Addiiitou, Otnt. Tlf al lu wliotnltfi moyecîme-Tliic la tIcertiry that 1Ilte bc,'islcequiitt",l wiî tOfilebutre Peier C. V. Cuite1r. E.A, ir titiy , yrresd laviknowttint I- sciwaye Icaibi Urufile ver' bigicepet ne4e'cuttciity, sata ver,concutîudereclib e tutoi; end i aît utldritt tO icon aeiy ourit fibrilrth railf u boyeoraîîy uiter ltaienltrntde Ilîy Iicî. de ly 110V. W. P.&8. UARi'EIt, ilelc o>tilîtl LIý1VE R Y -! T 119 IJNDIINED DESITIES TO IN- .Lfortela »,frnidu andi patrons.,ilial ho lins oci oetdbusines ut tLe olt WHIT13Y LVRy ST43LESý Latoly ceupiati by -Mers. Cocehhard asud ( lavleig encreicaeuhéIbeisambor sud quaiht o! tliai tueld, iUso atdtâi t tiInt- prutetitise8ouva ianocesud vobiai.. ou tLe preinluo», ise Itupeà ly -balîîg le àposition ho. tllut i walti o! stoerntu merit a »haro e,! pub)iu pl4s'etnge; grC -CZLRE$ ODERAT13. ai Nf. B.- Cuvered (3uuvoes-enfor ,faîice' suldinu, Prompt athndauceas eeoo.i t0 ail orilg'.. X. A , opao. Wbitby, Apru -8j 180,. 1WU .sextraordinary bargainswill bî Whftby & Meacheater, Jaen. 5tb, 1869. ~LL. GOLD & 81LV ER- WÂTCHES, Colored, and briglit Gold &Booches, Wédding IRings, spectacles, Pancy Goodo. 8-Da & 3-for Çlck. u goat ariey. tcpiring carefully attended to. JAMES JOHNSTON, WbýVitby, Stis, 1869, CHEAFP 1 *Brock Street, Wl4tby.1 CHAF HIAVZ, JUST RECEWVEDTWOCSS0 rGREY SAIINE4TTS" &. CANADIAN TWEEDbS, Wiceh will be found very cheap, aud 'sold at a small' advance1 - ou cost. D'R'E SS CO'O'D'S SHAWLS, WOOLEN GOODS, LAlNirLs BLANKETs WINCEYS, CARPETS, Bu FALO ROBES, HOM$E, BLANKETS, c. TilE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Contains everything uiew aund stylish in BONNETS, lIIATS, JAC KETS' AND'- TRIMMINGS. wibMarch9, 1868., DIVISION ýOOIJITS IN THE -la 4TY dePrT No.~~~ 1 Wlh ... .......... ... .... " ,Ubig......... ...... '2.... 21 f9I... 8....' 7, Cauuiugoi.............. .... ... .. Il3 . 2 . .... ...I . 'Whitby, Jnuunary itb, 1869. JUDOS, NE W YARIETY STQ 11 (NEXT DOOR EAST 0F MR, CROS3$1Y'S,) J AMES- BORLAND respectfally announces ta-the -inlabitants «f Whitby and surrounding ont j' th9t,,hç -bus pe!ed _'a enraISOO0K & FACY TORE in the, abo've placc, and will be happy at ail times to supply the wants of alto l may favor him with their patronage. H1e has on baud a supply of MORSE'S FOUNTAIN PEN, (wlih calicot be procured ut amy other place in town adi edljmrtieuiarly adapted for the use of ail buinues men. Aiso agent for tite Lailei Globe aed 2elegraplc, 10c. per wuek; and the .Daily1 Leader, Ã"e. per weck., -ORR'S DOIIINION. ACCOUNTANT, a work indispensable to 'nU trademren 18 only to be procured aI the above Establishmuent. Hle also keeps on band a genseral supply ot SCHIOOL BOOKS & STATIIONERY, generaîly îrocured in a first-elass Statioucry Establishmnent. 14 PLAN. CnIETTEttin great variety. 9_ý Your patronage solicitIcd. Wltitby, Jeu. 20th, 1869. CUTTEIRS JAMES BORLAND. 4f CUTTERS. M. ODONOVA'N BEGS to inform bis patrons-and the public that lie hbas mnu- factur-ed this scason a large iumber of The Tailoring Department, C XITT Ciothuig made to order by first-ciass workmcn, aud a good fit guaranteed, -~'.A fuit stock of Groceries, Hardware, Hydraulie Cçment, Salt, &C., &c. Osliawa, Dec. g3, 1868. 5 1868. 1868.e DEIKIEi IS siloWING A SPLENDID ASSOMLMENT OF CLOTH:S &CLOIIRING~ SIJITABIE FOR THE IROLIDAYS. Ladies' and, Gentle-meu's Fursi 500 pairs of Ladies, Cbildrena sand Gentlemen's Foît Ovcrshoes & Rubbes. The bighest cut.flannel iaed Waîking and Skating Boots iu the market. A largo stock of Fancy Goode cehtable for Chs4etmas Prcnents- WILLIAM DICKIE. OawDc.28, 1868. RH. e JA-ýMESONe Haddoo, Ling, Keg Oytr,-Hatîbut Cra-nb berres, Grap e s, 4Lem~ip, Ltobsters, Prunes, Oranges, DAV'-AL E R. 11. JAMESON, Iainily Grocer, Dnud~s.st. Whltby, Feb. 17, 1869 'DWc, L5pj91 0f very superior qualify, style and finish, which lie is 110W disposing of at cxcccdinglly lowy prîces. Buggies, Sleighis, at the Old Carniage Factory, & c. liepairs as usual Brock Street, Whitby. Whitby, Dec. 21, 1868. 5 OFFICIAL AS$IONEE. GENERAL AGENOY OFFICE! T IIE underaigncd having reccived the appointment of OfficiaI Ansignce for North Oîîario, ic preparud tu give prompt attention to al rîsatturs in Bankruptcy or Insolvency. W Promissory Notes and Accouift spuudihy collîced and rensittances proiptly umadu. On gond farm reeurity et 8 per cent Interet. Special attention wiil be givun to the negociation of Loais, and borrowurs eal, rely upon) having-thuir applications uttendcd to pronmjîîly, and at siualI uxpenso. W8 Aloo, Lands, both lmproved and uni'nproved constantly for sale,.' lusurancen cffeclod in the Ontario Farviera Mutual Iiîsurance Comtpany. 1. B MAJOR, Ofi ciai Ansîguço wa OVuluator. OFFICE-hliguiiw'a]Bhock, inoxt door ho th, Moyul Cnadian Bauk. P'ort i'urry, Decomber 2, 1508. 49 CHEAP GOODS T HiE suliscriber would beg to intimate tha~t le is now iu re- ceipt of bis Fali Stock of FRESII FAMIELY GRiOCERIES, Complete luev'rdepartment. He would direct 1spëciàl -Aetenà- tion to bis, large- and'complete âssortmeut of U-rocekery, G'lass &, Earthenwa're Glasware lun sets to match, Lainps, Chimneys, &c., ailof whic ho -à deterusined te seIl aýsio heap as any bouse in îown -î- ithçt,-bound noli to e ,o undersold. Oeil ced sec. 8FLOUR ANDý FEED. AS TJSLAL Ca sh paid, for, &ny quantity -ofgood Finkin- Butter. Wbib, Oolir .Cerner iByron 4 Whibt Oçber 8, 1868 4>.RE ALWAYS TO BE F OfIJ-D' 1'~ovsini f ilkindaCs dey ,Ma G1sean4,Earthenva're of overy eigu s i Pig and Cured isSzoked Salmon, Rerrings, &o. - O.ON SÈAtLE AT PRICES 'THfAT DEF'Y COMPETITI0N. Qrj' ~sei~i t .0cents p er 'Caiý.-Lobsters, Sarrdin-eé,' Oonu n& e heg1i etbargains evwe!offe>re4. THIOMAS 'LAWLER. The Chequered Store, Brock-Street. WbitbY, Mlareh, 1869.- puô~7 -- TOWN O O 'TiY, ~v ~ ~ "o .offi~Rccle axueci~Ùie,oraut nzj ovi NWW~ ww~w%~ ~w u~~rn~ O£Si, Broek streeg, whiitb ~' THE GREA.T*S ALE 0F Wiber 9 88 lo obberg' Tealateru. 7 Ix SUBS1CRIBËN wmnts tblet,i Iota te oetut il qpicauta, ltecuttiuig aoeil iug' ia'ieglteeotîeeissg wititer, of a quaLtay haw 19 logeitud clîlule boiho. z~For par'culara stpplY t -R. T. HARRISON. 0OF DRY GOODS WILL COMTMUE AT N eW, ta k ery 4JOHN 8LEZ.l gfNEVI1. WE- ARE SELLING 0drii~ffl eom h lu ' puble Qtjzt hbaie Colnateîtprepared te f1111 iilis ronspstuîdoal i rde5r» in tIse Bkery S11E TING BLA KPTS E s aud t.uu eehxoulary lie. Fruit, Spouge, antI ail other kî»ds et Cake, Tartâ anud Bmscuis olo TABLE - LIN ENS, AND Ietqall si s»nL i Ptem adieCocon Nutp, <4rg.r.Ber, &e. AT IVAREUQOUSE PRICE§ ny1, 87 NEWLY -IM1>ORTEJY te Anotiier large lot of Dress Goods from 8 cents to 20R cents, worth double the money.SKN E . P IA P E Whitby, March 17, 1869. il IlANG1N GS. UP, nndorsignoe bte fuorm lb. peb- lie-chat-lic Isepurohaseil duriics Lia Te- etsagindg lo-'t of SPLENDID I-MIUST- BE SQLD !,&P R R IIANG;l'NGaS. Seiected caret yb ie if, w hiea ha. on nie ah VerylRdcneed rca W ]Pajimngl rGraiiig, Ginzoug8 STOVES, STOVES! and Pape. Ilafaugg xeentetilana werk nd utcpeditiona mnbneuer, as canai. A. ce WILSON, flendas Sireet, Wiby -Commonwealth," 9 and lOin., the celebrated "T rou DnikA,t Whitby, Apitil 8,1868.14f iQuecu Chies,"i very cheap, Elevated Oven Cookz, Parlor and > ~ ARIG N Box Stoves, at reduced prices, previous to takiâg stock Don't ql CRAGAN fail to get a bargain in Stoves befcre the 2Oth, of thsmohW g on h p Must be sold as they require Che room for theïr large. Spring importations. jWe Furuaces and Sugar Ketties 'very cheap. '- H1ARD 'Ù'W A RE! HARD WvyARE! l! rpam1XG1Wmnuacuet raU kiU H. & B. offer great inducen3ents to parties building, in Na ils.f CAR4IAGES, Locki, Hiugco, Paiuts, Oila, and evcrythiug Builders require. Chose bayeras oould -W G08 nul ovèrlook tise face ut eaving 15 per cent by buying direct fruse hlatch êBrother.. SLEIGKSJ &ç A large stock of Bar Iron,. quality guaranteed, and- prices IN LÂTT TYfLEs. veî-y low. rýr Blackimitis pluase note tihe foot i Cool Oîl, .Nails, &0., wbolesaoe Buy your, Hardware, Stoves and Tinware direct from the *0ýr1,jtyaraii neatlY and lirompllf cNotedtt Cbeap House. lz hc dîr at0 aun HATOII & BIOTIIER, st ee Dund#8 o Importers of Hard1ware, &c. WANTiD.-Cordwood, Laember and Sîsiegles. ~BenI Cool Qil only 40 ýcia erP(E gallon, cash,. . FIRE ASSURANCE- CJO, LOMBARD STREET& iCHAluNG CROSS, BOOTS, OES £S.A-BLISHHD .4N 17821 0f the Rigkt 'Fit 'and, oMa»e,GILLEPIE, MOFATT& Co., Agents fp JAMES DÂVIhWiî, Manager. GQ;2 niagîîmNCG ogmin,5t LOBS bý PJE iec.edon lb. moat6cv,rabl. torses&1 LOSSES PAl» 'wiliootrefereiet h BEQS to inform lis frienda an& cd u sorerthat lie has- -çelev- ~EMAN GIBBON ed a v.ery large stock of' - prfl îrd;ius. ' Fail * Winter Boots #cShoos TiMBeliWW~F 0F TUE ý BEST STYLE AND ýMARKE. FÂARx roolbr.W t' 73~0,s~ j IKYRES. If 44 A]lgo on baud a lai irhich c'aanot be si A4l Orders pun rtge Stock of HIOME-x surpaissed for quaity or octually attendled to. R place, neanly opposite [as rensoved 1 Whif by, out FANEI 4RIES FUEL 4wawa; anud aven Hall, RI;f ,E. AIagwEu .ttuirueyi-ns, oery', a] ljaisng Mr. Ji £10710.- 5101. . itou, .0. W. LÂvUD W-. J soi >Et fflec. LI anersandu FaisOZ Aa.uw tcnl.y Crowu AI eort Perry, 26t] LYMAN 1 AÂEPI$TERu 'Whilby, Jciy W-hitýy, Feb. 17, 1869

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