Whitby Chronicle, 1 Apr 1869, p. 1

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ONTV. BQ B 4- lrsuuwtnseIr B~Y EA7~JL -Alou boisI, lissu n Y. . L0CIM.ARtTg etsse Mints, ! tarI,êlem, 4, wJiitby, .. M~~QMts5OM . 11,I.J. MMavouzlL. .;jny toiotassupogood ueeurity. 4p,. ply utthe11.Oheu t o fîrus, Courti florts,- BARMTE112S,Attorn.ya, SolléitoTgs . Ohucli3rotTrotoO.W. 4NGUMMUliItON. -J. .MI5 . Totouto, Ju1y '90,1661. £ es. U. VocuuW4jz, L. L# 13. CO1JNTYCEtOýVN ATT(»U4IETFOU ON- tarloollsrrlster ssd Atlriey-st-Law, 80 l ia eocry, Kollsr)y Vtsblle. &o, 0111-I llgolw'sNew »ulldiug, PoDs.48 I ' cor, >utllo O fIroc, irt., Wsi ROIJeUTT T. WILSON. BAIMISTER k AT7OMIiKYAT LAW offie- Oer utur Zulis, on tho Northb B U1f18TM-AT,~LAW AND) SOLICITOR ilisollunoory. lssbr-19ion-S. 4toroiltop , 191 l O 5> ('Lyci 1-ext door tatlde Storm, of il. &J. Çâmp>ol, Brook I5t,, mWbftiby, Un. 0 OIUI' NOTAIRY PUBLiV, &0. &e. I aOâsiswsu, é.. 87- V. A. iONJs, - E garlister, Sollcittor lu Ch aucery, Atm g torîcyke.,&ce toVa rernoved 1is (1db. to lot 110cr ovor-tise iavONTARIistNK. 4 01 Wlslby. O0à. 7, 1808. 4 FAIîEIELL &k McGEE, ABtSERAr(TN >-;11, StLICI- PUBI1 1LLIC. orrvw:-Otso cour sîcrtis of the l'ait (lco, Oaissww, a ndlieFi'ciur's lic, oî'îsoite 'l'wn l4issl, Jlowrjisiville. 4kttonuseys.atltwt soliiltermsunchan. Scary, stus iaiIssevessey, &ei- B Moc, Bock., A.W.' L aptt. j . Y. BliTi. W. il, BiLLIN.8, 8LLIiTCJI, s&C., &C. ( Uaicx, IN 1'1E OLD liosm OirmEr, llokStricet. - ATTOUINEy AT LAW, SU1ClIIOlt1N on, Brock, C. W. JIIAMER GRIMEWOODO T T IIIN LY AT-LAW'. tLJtClTOM IDN Cltusssarye, Noasry Pl'aic, <onvoyaiîu.'r, oWiilitb>sy-I. W. otJous, Ilyrosi airtat, Sofa' l'est (IllIco. 484 *ATTOItN£LYAT-LAWI, SOLICITOR1 IN DousulasStruset. gt. Tli-ccdoora Wc.i of $laPuait)IBCa. 1 CtuCIIRANE & COCHIRANE. B Alt[8STERS, ATT2ORNEYS, CON VEY- sucersaudatiaNotarlea m bic c,&c, 191U ssaAasrUsos-Ou loTowni pPu pgaayOy,îoae1Bgclitw's Block. S l uîuaLL.BI., 1jW. M. Coeur.Àsur. flcuty )Csowus Attorney. lPort l'ai-y, 2iiih Utltir, 1865. Di LYMIAN IRN]LtiSJI, L L 1. DAUUISTER AT LA W, SalIcitor lu Uisàat j>cry, Uouveyssser,&c., &c. tu iico!,-oppcsaito tise letofflice, tbsaa. 40 ])Il%. CARSON & LAvry QFl'UL-iX5ION 5TIL1j.ý Conëulisstlois et Puitsîrmliîls inca0ai ujîsage. WIliby, July 20, 168. 29 DJ.HANCOCK, - (Fauox EiUNLANP & ilasire.) SURGEON, ACCOUCIIEUiR, &c., R.J. GUNI%, M. DI. 8 ,çWUGEN 'LO TIL C(UNTY C ieito, Wlsilshy. (IAOL, -J Q'M N 1V.- H AMs. . IOTAUY 1PUBILIC. TIIOJIQAS hUSTON, T0W NCLIijliKsTItYAeUli6IIII WIIITBY TUfloo-Trums ll- lfura I9 tauI1a'ecek. VICTOUiA JMOTEL, DUYNTON'S IMOTEL, (Iosig Isss'r. ~WM.i5OYNTO begfstule ferusitil. ' jltalfisot tise iosit>- of vicions antid ~~ luePiaoponedtins iltlo )Iaist8i reet latel>- occuplotiby 4Jeott,iud asslise sax lîad Itlltiti aidiersuliîs ali tiaistyvtlîralili vorycauve- lilene.. Wtua , ors acv ii are is eh attniiy. alîts.îAwys las attuna eJOHN 1. TRIS$ Oywc->Over JAS. ]JYlNE's Modioal Halb. - Ail vonlc warrasteti. - - 1S.IlIB UNI P. 0 doraforsals lfiattlia~OfiT, o Thoialavy Omnibtuocali t~îe Y~ tise àlages fur Uxbyldio- and Boteavrtoi, i{ia5eý tlsecooraeryssaos'isg,Joatgl$;iperdWa T UMBER It EiCISANT, Carpeater,su .LJoinorGroeus St, Wbhbey. A largoqîsa tityof il kînais ofluInbe:ccatiutyoén baud. V B B ~T.AKIX PNUL$ full>-viplleaisuantateusicoid ILF itul sUiic., ill Ur iLt-pt £ousssltlsi W itby, FQab. ti, 1862. i Bro oklin, Drug Store. DEALER Inlt)rngl§, Pistent Medioinaa PIâ>ilitai 1%1 Dyo siuffii, coufectiom. ery, ic. Wvineu und lîlqisozsot tie beat quallty feuir sBol îsnrpîîeaa. Rorse 4-çCqttt lodfcineolway# .onland iirookllîs, C. W., 188v 2 (Oregsae AU ~Saint#' <karch, llVRtl/.) to qlvtjre e e Mesi u a4c idSigigls o- .1. ess\iua lnîlctinunitier of puî'ils. Alpilca liste ho niside nt the o<)lio'ef Jolsa L. %'4'usskiâ, surgeon flsts, cicr Jansa B> rut, Mcdcl lin]1, Brook Si. WMistis>. CI{OCJZ ER8 ilOIEL, (LATE l-LATT'S, NgLScON ST, TORPNT0, NORTH Oii F KING ST. BASSET'> & KEUIILE, -PscOPHrETORS. ~IIIP rpitr reopectcfiliy announàces to Tthel r f îeuads,,ut a Jimasucam usmteliinlieuar 1101110, hit ahu,ýi.>Iu- tle tuci ji-u'sbvcseîi iblisr'j ii cati-y reeslci t ouvnîneiitlv anid aîforittly fittud 111)sur tise secoiiuaution Ut oiiid ii on.tusî 'tsaoîaiattendus Ltu, sîti ahI Icisse iotiiig iiilsduu,,s hil partita tire aititatiisaitu ail WLU u s> sai-r ile iumsmliia cuit. sa YEOMAN GIBSON. COMM II&SION M ER CHàNl4 lNilANCE, & CEN LAL AG£I's. W%'Iritf, jan., 1131h 1866. 2 BEVEREHROUSE, MAîCulsusTa, C. v. B. PLANK, - - - - Propruetor. Staîges tuansîd frsnWliialsy eul] daiiy. Xvery attlsuuisuioi a gsit. cai-in u d ati5îs- tii-t asus ui. Il 1868.18 . THE LIVERiPOOL AND LOJNDON INSUIIAN C IECOM3P'N Y5 île1sbeau l Iliexiistence tiiî'î-two yeari, alla duriîsg tisai piiod lisa i sd toasta exceî.lig fiveanuliai t u m isllion poussas sterling<. Tlisadiaburasifiisst oftii, cci-susnous suis ovon i inde ura is, %%itist oasi ub, ssi iîatod ta tis ehabuisinsesru.of tiia iistitution, in VleeusieIto Prissiucoa'oîasasua (ilitTS, lOu5s5LsUn'i, d iitîsiue&s Iuit gin' eruljy, wisueversr it li-ijicitd lu its flrai>ei, 18c6, t issu ire Prcnilum alerteu anioissiaist te.................. 29f)70l lu lilt year, 18(46 ............. £47,7al 20LIhI >usss, l i........... £22u,,279 outi tur, t£s. . s i78-tj882 Une ytur Issîur, 1b67 ............ TVihe,]s-ir 'ivid lm nom $4,727,464 The Lii'fie.erFeuiid li is nw 0,2,4f68 Tfi u Cips.ilis reIx iseiîsstlsrcssgbotistUn- turati-sîd Qucujt, bii-lineisjtiisi Aguiiiss, ta Wlsoliîs sisîîieitioss for lîaiut~sieeusay b tuade. (0. F. C.. MITiI, Rieîîts S;GSiizUuTÂin', MtseslisuÀL L. FAIRBANKS, Jit , Aosmxr4, WiiýUu, O1-D lisuosiï(yrwa. Fobruary l7tbs, 1866. 7 TRE ONTARIO FAIRMERSY MUTUAL- INSURANCE COMP'Y.- 1118isConspssny lis isow f(sli>- orgaîizeti assa Tla sle siitii tui aceujt ripikais 1 arm lluilduivgu, aiti tisir contenîts, country Eeisooi iliat, ss... lîicia. -'suewi- i--.Agý_ta i- Octahe WILIAMBC"1 È.:- 14 Oeo. Ayers. GENEBAL BLACKSMLTII, AND - FU~ST-PMZE J{OIISE-SIIQER, DVNJU~8 ~T8EET, - I Wisitby, 115, 1887. ' U-iyJ va olàpt lýaseu, -tie. asaitS Ms"f Wo -mussa4 ~Northa- 'f tch*pt4y ,a tiheCen'erosda '~'î~r.impspe'vasaalctiniber for. ltnllwây - YoreUIars ippxy te - Qu >elyin CLÀRK'S GLE flabacatliselho bas tise hs'b ue>lsts -ihan'an>- other sirîlat in'tisa (Ùouy;isu ti la ,do quite ax gool drkas au>- caSer nsan lu theo W 'Tisi', a's tl'e matter, ne don'i ho - 18UOCKST., WJIITIIY. -l JHNM CARTE Rt LICENS:- AUCTIONEER. ONTAUiIO, ýYORK &PFEL SALLeS>aticudeti on tise sAiieteAt istice,ud ou reas;onable tornus. 'Tanmi eau le ielsude s a~ hillA pilisiedt itise Chronuole office for 11m. Catr - - -17 WELLINGT ON IHOTEL, MAIRKHAM. J. àUF.BOTTOM, - . Pioprietor. le pu 0 tss4wy, ubetbaud ýP .fjC~anzinsi~asd ramalilTraîna, lns con ectiosn *Lribé ilUiareToabfrmand gitÃŽLuvcry., Gzand Trunik Rap;r. ay Hotel. AT WIIITJY -STATION. TTO'NBIL issviýr turchased th ii.Istol wYad pt-usisua lanowu ns ~the Grulid T MosteI~l, Wlsti tatin, baRs W ijisîfr hi*, Mllifis-and tise tbclngpil~ ia 1 Iss lg#,tea UP the bou e uand'. tssblem~ilnn#rt! Clssssà stylo, sand by itteîilioi to thse wssîto. of thOse Who laver Lins witb *tlrii-tr uutrosiage trautsum iezlnrt a oor tinnouses ci tior:esittom. W P1'srtien tiskissg the train asnd leamisi bors.ea wiil bavé tbam ll outaken Care of tili 'Whitby, Sept., 1868.81 D. ýF. BURKE, No. 2t MICRAEL95S DLOCK, KING ST., EAS'I, OSHIAWA, OROOVnCKERY & GLAS3WARE A WELL SELL'CTED STOCK PRIEUXITEAt4, VOFFEEst1 (2ROCE RIES, &C. OF ATL KINDS, e i lsisp i ié ai>housse lu <ssuca , Mkay 291, 1867. 21 PUNDS FOR BRITISHI AJIRICA N 11 ive stme nt! ASSURANCE COMPANY Capital, $400,000. M lE usderigutiia1n ,,,5.sj.,,u.u rseaodh ta lmsanre p aeltsgssinais».0eS BY en i-t eM14 p tr 2-2-e.-LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-1sns.Agouît VWitiiy TEETII El TRLATED §W'hWITHOUT PAIN, , 13V TUE USE OPF NITROUS ()XJDE LAUGHI.Nd OAS, OB T1E 1NEW LOCAL jANASTHE TIC, AT DENTAL BOOMS, DUINDAS SIRE ETI .IVIIITBY,C. W. 1iOUMi.-OraLI. Il. Coclsnasse'a Store. Wiiitny, Jane 26, 1867. 21 VALUABLE FART4I FOR SALE! -c'- T 1il WFST-RALF 0OP LOT N NUMBFI A(8) ustise seventis (7) coucssaio m of tIse TOWI4SHflP 0F REACHt Co11n11 or 0î1turio, contaifiig 100 aeces mono et liai. Tise- ansi laàmiii clgared.i, isiien cusliis'tisi, isilissa gooac ltliisg-isouae, hansi, &c. M-W TITLE GOOD, TEIRMS LIBETIAL -ES For fui-tiser iîfarmnatioîu sspisiy te- JAMEs IIOLDEN, WsiTBy, Or tou- Wu. MOIRTIMER CLARK, vzuumsYno 8i's Soiics, 43 Ring et. Essai Toronto. Tornto, Fcis. 1lut, 1868. Oin-7 MONEY TO LOAN. R EPAYABLE IN- ONE SUM 0OR BY eusly iiiialirsenti;. Fisîns or Town prno- peity, ai 1cm at. ofritereni. S. Il. COCIIRANE9 B3Ausisanst, &o. Wisithy, Nov. 25, 1868. 4 COMMERCIAL, HOTEL9 1311CR ST., WIIITBY. T ILE subiieibar bégaie:ancunco $0lui friniauclandt ti.publieo, tisat ià linso ri- munsed -poumexualoi etf tesoaiîoyo w*iiaud ta- v<rabiy huun ilIsolel, wisics la npv 8ltted usp in a liaupeoo saiseor, mitfis eor>-coirts5ss ge1e ton tise roeaption et gnosssud tise ira- SBeat, accomsmodations, gpsd iuperler- vush e PL-sioed -yards, snd attentsvo Otierss¶a. vey>o en tise prensiso..* Charge. Jiodenate. '7 RItJCÀ'LDeàtiot, Oshawa JE ouc.1oouu~ dreci)oppo- imoeîtret thsrdi ýoonsortis qfthse Ostalo *auk. 'ýkrEXPREESS AGENT, ke., ueo -Agent eoldent sud $14damuiidiimlsaica'e s. 17 -TE' ALBION HOTEL, Corner of Brock k& uana s treeta, WH-ITBY. #beDite Unilonsa Csfltl msnsto Wsb>,Jais. li, 186P. 21- -e- T IR TF.VST AIND LOAN COIIPANI Ilitve fusîda fvr i ivcsstui-),uut thuir ussi rotes c<t iitrest, au tisa scurity ut lsspruved RItu Eutstt. Losampacle for îtuttietL-., or xçpayable by liiual isî,talulstts. Fi i'-liser anA (lli tfnitin,,iaa.,lO fisai by citter, s.dijreȟd te thse Cssaiss ut Kiiiguacmn, or fi-un L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., Rl tIite & Gossoral Agent. Orzîiu-Broclc istrect, Wilitby, Sçpi 15, 1?-68. 36 COMMERCIAL HQTEL, OSHAWA. JAMES PRINGLE, - Proprîcto)r. SHINGLES FOR SALE. T 11F UNDRe]~GNEp heft on Iliid,ançl ôtcr 'o W hupfrcsi y quan- N. RAY, Propidcr 117744 syLices-F Sables. Wliiîisy, Oct. 2s, 1888. 48 Cash'!, THE ULI':ICE ilI pyfie iiglca T si pais il Royu n>quisastia>- ot WHll'ïE BEANS, POT&TOES, AND £LAX 8S1ID. JOUXNliEI'rl, October 28, 1869. 48 IMPIERIAL Fire bIsin'ance Co,. oF LONDON. E STAI31JSIF5iED 1808. Capizal, £1,945,000, Sterling. I NSUIIANCES as sa ia -yFinee cfieteai on thse Most fisyo«tii 1t,701. Ail lams psiai mithoîit referice la tise l-sartinlutLondons. IIINTOUL BIWTIIEIS, Monneali, eîral Agent'ô foi Cisuadu. JOHEN AGNEW, Wsswa, Agent fer IWlsIaby, Osawa, Buvasaasnilie. sut iu~ri-ollnuesg counstry, S M A R S Il A L L' S OPPOSITE ROYAL IIOTEL, BROCK BTRE3ET, WHIITBY. O TYSTER8 eccieotitiuiy f om Tayior'm "iBaltimoe Oyoter Dopot, Toonîto. $gr0Oyitons sece i n uever>- stylo on short notiod. Ou lisuil, a - lsrko sxspply 0i Lobsterx, hardinessud antiteîue t. GEORGE MARSHALL, 0F *EW HA'VEN, O' S.N In-vésted'Çapita-L O .O 0 Trl eISd oetablisîletianti ioctgli yral.- 1 abile poy ussalsséssAecy tIl cai>,>ltsts.ve -u«ordiog fa- .lît rio anssni W r sancec'1, et Asis uda- necefoty of Companies on tisu tinai Insu- aatpin. - Fýarmscris bave ltihe seourity of tise Capital s taireof $1 or about onepetclit, salsacpresslin isoteusi miquinol. -JOHN Aeezwl 51 \Agent Gozolder ise «revu ailso ,wet qclora Thoreis a ,~ec oeaondp6tfttm 4 ua i r h l a , c o U am . l y e t to n l u i p e o s t v-u iD , a word, y > lsj .,, For a miote.li ot at ' as, es yuOf h ave îsirdy s's You'ro Marld(,-ns iow Isoè' off tti ite. ýe1Ul( 01eo Dwwith f .denu - e, AndJ>oiîîi'l teiotise politisai, seo6ac ssrprl.e Et o lie er cuawlfaij'dnty. Jsist te licar ailyour r ivsna ldt nsi und Huis a bore, taoo, s0metiuies< wlaess bo stops l ttowîsy 0f a victory won by veur bcauty. OBÂ1'IZBV.-MO'rBuoov. Yon'ye childrêu i Ah, weli I1.4p, theonf aly LUt t 'iisn play with tise nuruuerir- ablos ana Tlse'raasourceof auînoyance and lufinite cares, 'Yon'vo too iisy viàt t* ti pko a Ansd yoglthe tossaul 1j4ouuro frous. moruinig tili ove, Anid you've too nsnybuI,shviera youIldanco 1ana tiectIvo, - Ina spasrt t tisa ioodu his ohoAsls la the talc voli .nigh tolai? 11e, the eind coinse atiasit Y Wben tise piesaurco -and iuns of your 1lite are al pssit, And a scoinsthing la orcpliig yonr besant round »0 fisai, Tflal. vois gusp for a broatis 1 With itemn Cones I lio is li %trip off thse tinsel and gold, Auti your heurt mili cess asbistisg-yuur face wili grow culd, Assa tlîp usas] a-idthe datis1ioyonho rollod, And 1rc ILAWDON'S RAID. -CHAPTER 1. 13 THE LOOSE BOX* Tai; anoient ifsler cf tise "The Jocelin Arma"' led thse way'acrose tise iard frozen stable-yard te the loose - box in thse corner; the iro mon front the Court followed. 'Fyle have goeoeut,- Major,' old Spavin gruned ta the eider of tho psir; 'but, ho ssid 'twre.likely yoii'd bc 4owu «!to ethse mare; and go ha lefi the k ey w ith me.' 'Ail righa ' the Majornodded beîween twe little blunelcouda cof Cavendis. 'Yes; Ilve brought down Mr. Joceiy te boock atViser. Let Fyle knoirlFan bore irben hoe comas back, wil yen?7' ho adled vison the oId man bild, nlockod-tise crça'.ing door. Mr. Spavin îoola tho hini andl his dopar ture. 1lie Major and bis frieud, Dick Jocolyne asdjtetowl-warmed sud' littared loose-box. 'There sihe la, Dick ' th se mare'a owner, remarked irbon thse biîing breatis of tIsat bitter wintcr'a day hail boon shut out onco mure ; tisre bo lis 1Worth coming here ta look at, ain't aise ?' Dick Jocelyn, nuniliy a mac of fetv irords, wacggcd bis lidsoane beati affirma. tiveiy. The mare was rnbbing bero,'with a low wbinifiî of dfiight agsainst the Major's sisenîder. 'Ah 1 Lucia, mia brlla,' 4awdou Daring. bacs apostrophiaed bis pet, paîting ber glosey usak ; îyen'll show them tIe way te-night, wan't yen?' Luscia drcpped ber ears, ard whinnied agalus for assir. Thea Hupsar lookeil csaiugly lu bis companiùn'o face as lie whistled a bar cf *Young Lochinvar.' Dsck Jocelyn soameil te undorstand, andl reapoîsded wits an eloquent grin. Tiseis, frocstsiseer habit, tise twe foîl te diacnaaiug tho mare's points fur tise noît five minutas, effesing acrifice, as it vere, te the genina loci. For both irere thiok. ing sabouit % véry différent motter al the tinte. At lust tisey macla au end cf tisaI; andl mare sanssding, tise one leaning agrilut ihomanger lb. tiser leaing ~eeyrnoddel. The otiso,* 'ret OP.I te interfere, M ni siyberj ma I! me"u $0âncw for ail. Oaiy, as you samythse anai'wp'tfl~tl i ba» jsQt it ora of bI is~ to Tév*Disg Iwli'0n8-ber, Tiberu'ovnly ba. Wb, ýo do it, £nd'ia 'ml . DioI aIgniflod muent in bis <uvo*Mte ide,sud Lani'tliioà ha ha, conurel opj for a minute or tsro.,-ýTisen, relapmlng lîô bbsWontol iipassabtiry ô bol, -inquired,..- -- -u - 4TUat depecd, a,ot1eýr ýanmvred,'on 1 Fyle'à ieport, I'sn'hIm 0teW lt'bep Asisbridge Statiqo -to kuý0* iftîbyii MJ The àliSg lok00bearity botveçnMs- lýr1deîu âemi Dve-r;ibt s ib sylve 'beais vork (foithe 1,s'f1 sa-o dayé, *sd a erê 'tamà been no- wmui 4Wtgay- te 'ake a trahisdnifi, J4t If t*40d7 m-v aleits; iflb> doui, prtie reniisetstmai.'- 5You'rea j~e Fvec > i b nl, Py.,No1 Dc ns'L rosbtg ber 'bofore be tinté ý' poor -rfib-1;Madeanolue a' pislehén wso qit. anïdeotanl *'at isafmh$ sot te go,-'àa -1ii ae osai>-toc ýdeligbied te do %e, Tbho notion cf a tep t is von be hér £î'oasce." 'UooI gsrl tLat,1 observel Pjek lbates elI Jeif 11k. pbl#on, tooJ' - 'Mest wojine ~urilly do lnmî."ge -to bats Mr. Maonïnmoaeov,' tvddioursi pontaI. '11k. usmt Mewo ellW.iiàFanisou la al igit, andî wili aco bout tise baï- gogo. She'll jolnuas ati snýi4goë unionr Fyle'a escert, if tise basinass. is te b. doue te igist., .'nd. the may me araufgel boltif good:?' 'Barming accidents, or au>tinig unfora- ceeu 'in ]F'le'a report pveaeuiy-yas. Tisane'. soenee riding inte Ihe ys'rd novw. H'. cemne back 1I tare say; - Tise Major pised oen tise dor sud loltel out. 'tbatghi so, Dick, le saI. e. ie 15. 4 mani]iq a grontm'ounudres, with d'sol- tuerl' taunpcd upen biis tuanibtoikaly, vas awissglng . iiseif ôoff .bis herse, sud- ba*li-. 'lig-forM.Sai. 'gere, 8>le,' RawdonencaltaI mutise ancieut bastion cameo slsjyrissg aculsial,. liig eut cf tise Smatp ro o.sud ,t'o-ôk the Iluese's bnidle. Mr. , Fybe- turnot, matie bis appecrance in Imdiaý' boae"boô tise asxt Minute, and, anisoquessîl>, bis aotdier-like report. The 1iue voulti ho dlean eirngb cf n, tiseAsisbridge stationnsstcr bail bld hlm, b>- ani arl>- heur the ne;t mauing te, admit ofasi at-ý tempi, at ali evans, beiug- matie toi' get the long delayad Paris - Mail thretsg 1'ta Dorer, onppesing, of course, no freas fait look place aud ne ind came on te occa- sion a fres dnift. Tise Mail vau expectoti, lu sncb cas, et eacisAsbbnutge about four A. m., andl Mn. 8>le hasi - taken - upen isimsolf te socare a comparîntent for bis master. Beoe Ashisnidge tbe rails moee reporîeifroe; se u5atiftise train glt 'as fan as tisai station ilsere vas no iklibood ef ils being bloaket up again fumîbor ou. On this Mn. Fyle bâtd Certain endors. givon bhte; sud then Raindon Dnmgbaa, Major of 'Ours,' and' lias friend, Dick .Juctiyu tho e urtîman, vaikoti, tslking raisonem anesci>- ogether, ibreughIbois uîraggliug sîneot of. ibo ltte'Keuaisisvil- lage wbere tbh !lut nel raya c f the vintry aftennoen sun vare gloaming' au fresteil tvindem-pauos, anu, setbroggb the lamer lelge gales sud lb. leug avenuie ef snom- drapet clans bsok te Dan. Court. Ex-pnirate John Iiiyiti vatcheil theana briet visilo, stroking bis musace sho Lad sean bis master sînoke Lis. 'Ah Il ho thengis aleul, as ho' turaud Saa>; 'tbates tise Major]. blitile dame, la il? And a ver>- preity littie gaeinteeo.' OEULZ A SE1L, 'B9ilda I Yen bore hlm V 2", 'Oh I Helen.' Miss 4ocelyn's confession l 'tvo mwords, matie mts sucis a piteous iitthl aigis, sncb a tel tale.,iidiug et a bish-mse faceliu bem coufassor's lap f Tbe said confessas ilok eti grave, but mroidthItie peniaenî'a fair bain fautiby and fvrgiving>- enogi, uot- withslanding. but thse- ctber baduli,- appsreoti>-- tihe lseant, 10 belsmnl'viitiste criminal.'Ny ise bout oyaa' ber pet iom.r,,aud put -ber e.fiài n.,nn 'the.,,4mnlnsa .heek ma tises- Mr. Karulon 'ni. anitbiug ;, but Maçope "id crel.4biap'to ap austbie4 mae~s~ stnae paifptwa -, .ea ;4t *9b1sarca~r me ône,, :O Naît,- I tiscagit :Issil6a -bave diail ti apigit, uai-d -gp&.isye t ,hir~tq1 nFI seuî,ve, uo sil>perbap, We bam Dme. Iiist~ aiigi>1 - and jonisaàdn'f cerne ds*iséven' nn i ým~» aarrieèd -t Mn.e-mrdan in- tJâo ss$m.4 t wesrI gOe,~rsie-tl neAnd noir I,çan'î do it1 I wou*t -do it l poor Hu'is mobialcu. bandaeot. satnei.- " II beggin . -Iotisssn' yen - "s9ssr'l, Mig-, nonue,' ýHele ai An fju1 -umat 'yeu 8b401t, I Bui l time isear' tiseî nI c-f il. -~v-cmeMajor Dnnhaadm bliguonuo uniledt Ireugis ber te&;&. '.Dick breogisi hiss agaa ains &oaonsmiwrre me, lu bis quiet, ceoL fisin, ail ibrougs.ý 1 tisinisho anti Ravdpjs are, boucanCriends,' yen kne-un, like yen aud me; tisoy'!e -sa sects ofroea chiothori; sd-' - ý i ee' Helen noîded. 4'Anti,' Mome- oe;, Dick ileteas tiste Crnaus. 'Yes -1 qtuito iutionratat.' 'Anti you kupr,' Hila venton, 'Mam- annver quarrais miîbh lm, sontehour; and Dane Court realby hisbouis te hlm; -seo vison she founil RusIlon lu, theo lravIng-_ roonee day, jasi iseforo yen came baclt, drosseti fer diinur, anti, DIçk/ told . ber fiel brougb*î isýianufQr ttoe îooi;, - vi>, ase Lad te accepitisherassi a In. - y- se vraie off toMn. MaradaiI i i to ,cqopane eva oo, a fetnigisî sealtr tisais bail boue si-naugel. Anti botere em - S Mignonne matie a pause bore. Tise faim- ltlle face -palel andl flussiel; tise , golden bondi began ta tiroop again.- 'h vasu dean aeog4 te MisS cameur irisaibsadis appeuusd isfed ioff Mai-sen came. 'Ho apolto ta jyen? Y eot him mignonne' ' - - 'Lot biais i Doyou tisinlt I coubd step hlm , H elen'? 1,isadn't the ,povar-isor' tise i, perbaps.. Yos, ho diII spoak te' me ; lo ie d tait me ho loeaImol1 and I listenc t i e is. Siso lihiti bler iseail- p,' with a suldon, prendutile gpâtune, anti leekelhon ýquee- hersner fairly in the eyes. - I lisionedtiatehics,' ah. went on; is tenet tea ven>- mordthaat matie me tisiil', anai shiver, andi groweu fuait-taeoven>- 1ev passiessate merd ho epoke, as 700 vouit nover tbink bis voice conll spk.Ho tovedi Mmy emu t Hie ovu *îips mare telliug ame owIsvcoulil I net liston 7T- 1 vas bis, ho laid; n tiso n e-ropau's. Bis owun-uqa h t se?7 7Ah I ho hua no neeti teaalt. I asibsisî1I'zmbis;neit, ibis ciher man'&*s.11' .Passion iranafermal tise cbd's face; se thas there vas upon fi -,cmatiug of, my lady'a 'detorcsiued' lok viile #mis poke ibose hast verds. - -Yen never osa ise theotiser msa newnir Mignanne,' Helen said pressenti>-, isontise Major'. weoing hati been- ciscumsiantlally' tescribed, apa theeronanne anre queu, tiens te ho maket. 'Bot yon ýmas tell AunsiHope visai bas bippeasat.' 'Tel mamas'I dareu't, aelen. S ls' set bor hbeart on my marnying ber -Croesos. And, baes ise caa5It boar PÂwdons., ,-'- *For al lise;a if yewuln'tetlilier,. Bey don mutt. On 1. IBis net-afrail of hen.' 'Bait Ravdan sals she nustn'& - b. $obld yeî. 'Non Mr. Marales.' -> kYet i Have you forgetten, mhst ibis day (ernigisa as $ - ayo, heon?' -Mig- nonne gave a 1îitle shuition. 'Yn vusîId have boots Mis. Marsîen:b>- hIbi im""'e, poon subil! BHe îhinks yen are te b. éti. HEfës a righýta t ink 50, Butîla, -tili leu 411 ii bl you'vo cisangel yeur-suind. And jen mua tell hlm.' - Buta sisoolt bon beal.- 'Don maya ne Il aise epliel, tlfl, 'B 'ê.s"n~ lema1 tee slrong ag .ainsi us re-nt. - - - - -'iek '- l , p ssedthindipr, ifol1y'-;e Ae~ peern îelitog yen aili about tî?,Tbisonpi s5o.' A'ss'I op-,de't suppose l'm' going to lot lerin main>- liat grey -ntt icitilo, jetfr-m ra14 Moe- où'? ld1'ise -stappeul At aiile g agne et'faMy hadys m:t 3tif ld beuoas tti »pot. I1. aon ge:ug t o~p If tIWhat do ycu'mean? 71 - g-Going*#,telloityn. Yontro e n~eSihle girl, Ueen~i. antivotisthe :trouisle.. Sit ýdevisandlsn., - Miss Carew'soàt d vaw, and sddbistel,. Dick began te. ainfald a 'Ã"oipfràaéyWbeu Ise- dnesuing-ielleIhîng Mignoenne baîn'iý .corne baek, ani Diek as taikiug,ay -To becon3tinuel.- A (Girl Peascsmed el thse Devi. Mfise hé't. .Elizabeth Hospital, on o ie. VetS th. 8eet, luinibis sit>-, tbeme:is cenfiaes a-girl, abeut, ivelve yesase -cge, vbo !A ver>- aingulanI>- aRc'atet.ý For noar>-' meontis nov sse lias beau appareuil>- pou. SassaI of tise bell. Sbe is W~ reaident 'ài 'Jincinnüati,' anil aften snfflering for tisrée, weka ai.homo, requestel ;te o, bn ougist io-ispb < bospital, prebebl>' hiku tisai lise emon ef bis SatanS' Majesu>- iII Det extend aeutb of tisa Ohio River. Whean plael lu, a 0 rria'e for ,emoval eveny- tiiugweut qmneaubi>- acanugi nti1 ti herses reanzhei -tise- auspenaioa bridge, wbene tise>- iaitsîi, asud for a causidera4te languis of tine nefuse t i e ge u>- fuher. Fineli>- tise>- aliomedti tiseelves te be led acrosaibeé bridge,. and baring reaciseltis s;aide b>manifeatti ana sotrarnuass isutil tise*rived lal front ofi the hospital gale, vIsenjt vas tenudti te o nterl>- impossible te gat thea ta enler tisa Yard. 'The Igiri istoi a selifielýont 'of tise cam-isgo b>- mnain fente and5 canniédlojte tise b.usp itl. la v*as proposel teO take ber ioto fhe- cha-; pýo_ te ", if Praypans andtitha. sanuconn -woull have au>- influence aven ihe evil spirit. but onp 'eacing.tb étiop bse. b dr becmn rgia,sattue, andtihie coin- -binaI sîreugtb of aaverai men vas not tuf- fileuite force ber iu, alîbangis sha pro-, fçsed -perfec4 wilingneae, ant. meemqjl diainessati at bon inaeili tu. te owpIZ îuIý thoni suggasted that aise bh a e inIut he- secrt>- or vasi-yroom,, sud aftesi enai- erabile effort tiese-aisceeded in gettioD tsar un ihere anti frocs tiere iio isa chapel, misera - afier.sente of the spirius lissilbeau e:orcëiàet, sba iseemeil s§ocevbai- ta reco- ver seo;e e'bnself pessesu. -,Bat.,ze appeared ti uItote ntain cn aversion ta bol>- thiugq, Seing usuablétq icisde herpr'syej5 Wisen ma te prenouince- the r.ase o Christ sha vas unable -te niuaî,s uhmn she attemptel le wisle la tisaepenFit di opied fronti bon ,baund, sd-ie e-i- came penfect>- motioesi, but tee vio;q aund pronoisaçet vitheut diffieuly.b? word 'devil.' Whan tbb Sistars offeret eboel>- vater tais e icme vioeeuti>-agitstoh, and aimeut iront luto. cenulscass, wjsite j. glass of 'plain vwaien vas acaptedss by ber aa4 Imanltfroely. Upon oaneocciasion lister AiBelji:,&tiota hp'iris reïong, wearzng - a placeef, the tmue cross, mian tise -gir-l vas ibrevon violent>- acres. tise roem'by segc ntisiibhe ý(once, sud vaut iste cons - vtshsiens, isdremaineil se uni t ties bel!- reievs-taien'fi-oui tise reousm , heR 4ese agitation, eçpqapj iinesaitiaîy. The girl lias a <,ver>- amuýlable disýpositie nd tbesr sirauge affliction seeta ô r" à le 'ber la minI as mucis as la bed>- -q~i'e hlàeà that ,ba las centrolail bysaenue rnysiternl<s but" irrsisuiible power; ttis i ard 'foa'lb" ber io de evil. W. esaderitasst usaI under thep iuid,,aiatiolsof tise Sisters 'use'fi À G.omga RP! $iba$ laiel QCCneý appropuiats p4ce A couplesisss4gours mannisil b>-oneof spOcted Mtibodit inu the . i tft w ansm s-'gw ry i.Aisto b> ornBoe,, e. GALL, se., Brook 28- INGSL. ib hases on Glaigo g," 1it it vovk Ri s. 14-tf Idur, ai lkisl iprompl> ug's, itna 14 Cou, 1782j Agents toi 'Irr-le. ýCash!

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