Whitby Chronicle, 25 Mar 1869, p. 4

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gr CeumBd disposet of oni libe vauis Land! Land!1 lHZ0Oboenbei offtro tlb.followlfniHl; of' à, . wIhho il oiltast t>,FAIR VALUATIO'Nq,. B.Uq. $4,i .8la2nd* oouesion et eiob, 70 tos e ired.. 3.4 Wo. 10, laths érid conmslon « Euacb ms ioi cl-ared No. U. laulot1ihs*eonlo loif Darlington 0aoevs eluead. No. 8, la4eh oea., MaT, 1; nores elared. N. Mj., No. I7,iln Sud ooaos.Ion WhlLby, id tued. 1000 ares luaomrvllo-.500 acres ln a Del, »00. sinlu Lston-400 so la Belsont. appff pelongUy, or by letter, pot.Psd, te Rý . E.FERYI ENCOURAGEC Machine of the. Day! To the Ladies cf WItby-and Couuty of Ontariol1 Tii. New Dominion team Washing Machine!f Canl b.ised in <ny Boiler 1 Oly PeUx Dollars. 1118 sMAC JN$ operetes niuproI>. TsciOflittOprI ~les, Li e .tn u dipnssetirol ilUs labor sud the wear of . h(tîs.1lî nst'04ut atoam, by Lhe ac- tion or tire, aro sriven p ibro' , lCambers, 1,uurffi upon thoe lol m, and forced thronga tile fayrie wis ssioffim si ili rapidi >, cenialîîgg it perfoctly iitisout ubbiîîg. IL huas ben t.ogiy11 td u uoudanequaled 11s a ciothes - iiotr y, i e who bave used I. Alil fabrien, fr aInL.fl uCe laces 10 the hast 11,111, et, e au li wssed pf rectly. sud wih '-se 21 tàu tihe wssitbosrd. For lannels IL lh.nauai as, tie rnsbbtng, aolin sud pressing proetiss must r.ecoosarily fuif thern more or les». Itleh trsiiy a labor and clotises iavlng Invention. Washisg wiliI no longer be a hardslslp, and wasiing 1duy a terror and drad te 11onsewrives; rh invention eau b. sned lu Any bolier and the inw prico of tiie aàrticle, $4. rinces It iwtbln the rmach of euery faminly. T l, ia nsiîae lins beas. tried and tisorcighly testc»ti by difllrent parties, froin wisos tsstisoiinisisa ocreuived. TESTIMONIAL@* Yrm.*TL.IlIouck, Ms. Jas. Hamilton, Mrs. W. il, lliggitssa,blirs. H. J.. Medoneil, Mms... Il. UreeisoodI, lira. M, O'Donovus; Mr@. M. Il. (oehrine, lirà%. Jus. Byrne, lira. J. H. Ilerry ll, L . Yarbanks, birs. J. Agnew, Mrs. 9..Il.. Cchrane, Dira, M. arper, lire. D>r. Eastwood, lira. E. Csldweli, lira. CoulL-. bon. -CAUTION. Al moclitlaca made or aold lunLthe (ovnty of O>ntario sssd )îriîam ist have tise proprio- tojq %anmp, bvrig date et patent and hbis îsthila oit tihe bottons, as ets nid ever>. Su- friîîgeîuîssit wlli b. proaecutud to theraili ex lent ut Lise iaw. .U. PEDLAB, Oasawa, Solo Agent for tiie manufacture sud sle lu theo CoÏnt>. ofOntario and Durhnamn. Onhawa, Sept. 23, 1888. 89 AXOM'l1illWONDZRFII CURE for CONSUMPTON 1 1119CANADAL. lnesas.Yauxio & Cut~uaaa.îa-olre. 1 (el I laiy i owe le you, as weli as te tise publie. te isiess ),a~ it site mussai wslerfui cure utf consnmoptlo,. se- sOinssp&hesýin lsMuy porton, Iy te mise ts e lientas Sihtiueaie eesKedy smod Plla.. 1 eeghed a greas dai day aoidni sl<, expeLaetlisgilre quantties ct smater. and luse o grcamnabolsut lfisusu. i 1ud cs.id cils ears>.day, andai seree ughi swenis aveu>. igistand itweaa the rssksssg esug it us rea aweaslag, I1imnt almeideprsved ef leep ,l-sy uiase saîssresmai wel ss 1».the tluse efppetite. t was00se'e ilsicestliaiI1enid iardly sigaudsulatfse. i wrai susder thesa case-a prscuaisfor a letigth of gsem, bu flsdsg nue refler, 1i tigehretiu riipau. bat il wilbout an>. gees ir ctic tuire Petarsesi, cf Pals, recommuesdcd sun e usau tise Orraitlo.isuî,eeiHarnais>; 1 proureil ils,.,.bols ut ioncea waitie Pila; semou as m ci- snuecil timinsg lit 1egsun teges liesser, sud wSen I1husd Iiuiieird tis conplo-siseit. tise ceagli. expectorationi of uait« e «ns, .Ltise langse cl.iii.fewi sg, &C',.lofu nIleet Isdl coeesuuiuug sussua t» s 1feae taroass naa hlsis>. lula nsw ovrstee mentha s moce 1 quit tiso lieussedy, sud tisera hav e lcn nusesymptemno of the ilussueresurussug. anis I have blent, sud usa nowbhuai- obi.r assl beiSer glsasI[have ha.., fsr sssyyens..1 trust vois wilit usisis Si kwn te ihe pubis., tisailise> msay lie msade sware cfise pcclarvinsseaofls isuS>. we Inrftldimsa Rernedy,. PElTE'R C. V.I IiLLEII. liA=uasis, Co. cf Lensiui & Auldaugtiis, Oat. - ¶Tc ail ge irbo isealusa> cous,-Tsagosglecertif>. iisa 9Ible a lern acqunisisrd w1lsheisaboe sPeter C. V. Miltier. V e., fur usina yens. assd bave kais bis ala. stiasys tOe le Slver>,bloi eatreapeclity, iusd a veay casdd s sie rdîlleprauson; asWis9amns cortsa #but s cins el LWIeSofrtins iruthluft ualova ray tiar oamntent moea it.s le l. 11EV. W. P. 0. ILAR1'JR, Itecire a itsh LIVERYI1 T RE UNDEESIGNED DESIIIKZ TO liq- Tfenun li* freuCdoanad potrcua ibat b. s lias eain rosunncJbu aluoasaatlie où' WHITY LIVERY STAB3LES Lai>eccupeid by >Iero. ceulîbard sud W-lsrîung cucr.aood île numbaisud qulaýlit>.corLthe slnd, and aIse sdded thand im-. prcved thb. onveyances and volsiles oanLthe preamalsa5lie hopea I>bolng lus s poaltt Mact heti.YwntA c!entemers te merle a osr ofpuplie pstrrnoire. Ife CHARGES NIODERATE. - - N. Il.-iCivered Cenveynnoea for Tsm.ili to 4il eiders. Wwntby, Apru l, w 1.1 [Wbkb~, RETREDUUI'ION. 10 'EU CENT ISCOIJNT, AND SILVER AT PAR@ ~5oM.LÂNil 0. baise. eomm7esd, a vbole MOhair ertslv. tock o! Dry Goc.de ond-icadyMsduolotags 19,per osai dis- »0 boisa new layer M. K. v ai. Raisins. BhIs. i" Curranis, Drais"16 Fo Baga WaiguLs, Yile1 asud Almoends. Cases Brady, Glus, Champagne, iuit su ALDWELiL;s Cl*hratod AIslu psekqusoe!10, 15 sud 80 galiono Te U. NENIILlLAN JeCO, CHEAPI CHEAF RAVE JLUST RECELVED TWO CASES OP' GREY SÂTINETTS & CANADIAN TWEEDS, Which will be found very cheap, and sold at a small advance on1 1ost. * D RE-S S 000D8 SHAWLS, WOOLEN GOODSO FLNNJMLSBLANETS WINCEY09 CARPETS, BUPPALO ROBES, MEIQtTAXilr TIIE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Contains everything new and styliali in BONNETS, IIATS, JACKET S AND TRIMMLNGS. ,mbl -tlw 0W nd. Wbitby, March 9, 1868. w'rn. W C3E.1ali1 DIVISION-CGOURTS IN TRE C0 OUNTY 0-F O-NTARNO, FOR 1TE" ZR 6 " $Machotr4miie Albi:.;...24 20 28 ...7...6 ..gg "4,:-. 27rige.21 2, .8.. .4 u1 7, 8Isaet........ ...... ....I. ... 1.... 19..... .... ... 22.I. 7,tnre.............. ...... .... 3 .... 20..... .... 7. .2.i. Whiiby, January 1tb, 1869. Great Attrac tions!1 NEW YA1IJETY STORE,9 (NEXT DOOR EAST 0F' MR. CROSBYIS.) - - - - - - - 8 n9 JAMES BORLAND respectfally announces to the inliabitante of Whitby and surrounding country that he has opened a eneral BOOK & FÂNCY STORE in the above place, and will be happy at ail tirnes to supply the wants of ail thoése who may favor hixu with their patronage. *He lias on hand a supply of MORSE'S FOUNTAIN PEN, (whieh cannot be procurod at an>y other plae inltown,) antd is particularly aduptoti for the use of ail business mon. Aiso agent for the .Daily Globe aud fleeç>rapk, 10c. per week; sud the Daily Leader, De. per week. ORR'S DOMINION ACCOUNTANT, a work indispensable to ail tradesmen is only to be proeured aItihe above Establishment. lHe also keeps on baud a general supply ot SCHOOL BOOKS & STATIONERY, generally procured inlua llret-claasStationoryEstablishment. 61"PLAN- CHETTg" in great variety. IW' Your patronage solicited. SWbitby, Jan. 26ib, 1869. JAMES BORLAND.1 4 CUTTEIRS! CIUTTERS!e -o M. O'DONOVAN BEeS to inform is patrons and the public that le bas manu- factured this season a large number of The Tailoring Department.CU T C0lothing made to order by first-class workmen, and a good fit guaranteed.1 . iff' A full stock of Groceries, Hardware, Hydraulie Cernent, Salt, &C., &C. Oshnawa, Dec. 23, 1868. 51 1868. à'luA, 1868. DEIKIE I5SHIOWING A SPLENDID ASSOMTMENT OP CLOTFmHS &CLOTHIINIG SIJITABLE FOR TEE ROLI DAYSO Ladies' and -Gentlemen's Fors. 500 paine cf Ladie,,, Cbildren's anti Gontlemou's Feit Ovorsinoes & Rubbers. Tino biginet culf fannel lined Walking anti Skating Boots iu the market. A large stock of Fancy Goodus juitablo for Christmas Fresents' WILLIAM DICKIE. Gsani', Dec. 23, 1868. Re H.e JAHESON. e- Haddoc, Keg Oysters, Craneberrnes,- Lemons, Prun Li ng, Halibut, Crapes, Lobsers es, Oranges, DAVIS'S ALI Whitby, Feb. 17, 1869 R.H. JAMESON,- 0f very superior quality, style and. finish, whicli le is now disposing of at exceedingly low prices. Buggies, Sleighs, &c. Repairs as usual at the Old Carniage Factory, Brock Street, Whitby. Whitby, Dec. 21, 1868. 51 OFFICIAL ASSIONEE. ---o- GENERÂL AGENCY OFFICE! ¶THE andersfgnsd having receirsd the appointment of Official Aasigae for North Ontario, la prepared to give prompt attention te ail maltera iu Bankrupicy or Insolvncy. ~ Promissery Notez and Acceunla specdily coliccted and reanittances Ou good farm aecsrity at 8 per cent intercat. Spacial attention wilI bc given lu the nagociation of Loana, and borrowers eau rely uposi having thair applicatious atlcnded te promptly, sud aI amuail expense. W~ Aise, Lands, bothli mprovad sud nnitnproved constaatly Toir ale.Insurances effected in lhe Ontario Farmers Mutinai Jusranco Coipny. E. MAJOR, Officiai Assignee mua Vlusior, OIYICE-flîgelow's Block, neat door te Lb.e Byol'Canadiun Baula. Port Ferr, December 2, 1868. 49 VW4&95r" CHEPl GOODS!l THE subseniber would beg te intimate that li te 110vin re- ceipt Of bis Paui stock Of FRESZIFAÂMILY GRItOCERIES,, Complete in every depar tmeut Re would direct ýspecWa atten- tion tebIa large and complete asso4ipnlei o f UroÃ"-ceey, G ass Earthenwareë GawreIn seto mtcLmpm Cimneys, &c., all of wbiok Éeladetermnedtosll s ap iý ny]use n ict-bonnüd sot o-FLOUR AND-> FEED- AS TJSIJALO' Caê-al pai or =. i untityofgooýd Firkin ButteT. Whibyi Oc*ber Z, 1808, o~r i Wbktby & Mancester, Jan. 5th, 1869-1 BOOTS & Qf, the Rigkt Iit and IE to inform'bis reh,à uto rs that- lie las-re Fal ,.,& Winter Boots,,& Sho0es, 0F- THE BEST STYLE AND MAKE Also on hand a large Stock of HOME-MADE Boots and -Shoes which cannot be suxpased for quality or prices. AU Orders pucotually attended to. Repaira nieatly done. Rernember the place, nearly opposite the Bankof Montreal ]Brock Street, Whitby. Whitby, Septembor.32, 1868.3 Ifyou want to buy ýa First-class GO, TO 111-H. CO H 4 É~ Reatdym-Madc Clothing, AND CLOTHLING MADE, TO ORDERt At M. H. COCHRANE'S.. BOOTS &SHOEý,Sq- OVERSHOES, &c., cheap for cash, At M. H. COCHaRANE' .S' 1Whitby, December 9, 1868. 49-ly (JENTLEMEN'S TAILORING AND FURNISIIING HOIJSE- ALEXANDER PRINGL-E Takes-leave respectfully te inform bhis fiends and patrons that his Stock of W» WINTrER CLOTH S, Ol now very complte, and of the- very best qualiiy, aud ticho ýla preparedt t mako u- withp'4Wa pateb, and l ino latesI styles Gentlemen's Garment& . Ge*ntlemen's Furnishing Goods of every description, embreing-Shirts, Collars, Sockli, Braces, &c,, &é, W-NO FIT NO PAY! Ilrock st,* Whîtby, Sept. 16, 1868. M=b ZY 3 Zn Z C AirA,~RPRNGE MW~ C>r xC IRE MONTREBAL TEA COMPANY 6 3OspiTAz STREET, MONTREAiL. *0*- ise mutsevere tests b>. tie Seat unadienl onlhoiiiem an uidneTsbr:b OUI.OA&lbeqâe- f" roui ast>.rlifile at ing o0 oiuees improve liehecurts TisAEUNWIALE FS IENGTE AND FLÂVOITI. Tise> huve breu choe tir i ussiae ertS, heepiiug in iaid hts Tousdasgi ere !peiisa jiiukuîg duse.We aMUlfor tise samue.a pt140 .s i gi ,e, eeulnga sarnug lt e onmemo0(l5e. e t,.ue l es. aur sesput unpinu5, 12,15,21)sud 251hb. boxesamuarmcaraem ure s'ud f-IMM'geeuPOoc.0oeuttbsl. sisics. OsIers LWn t"r 815>.boxas, mcc 121b>. boxe*. creuse 20or 2511a, blux menScaage (res te se>. aill.> lis Finusu MS e 4r. r xpus. sc i ease 7reu ismse.ctslieedr hr OS o BLAICE TIRAI Tiauna>. 8.8888.;Youeg Bio&u. 65.88 Gand Ike4 Pim e. 2e.; Vay Fine 9i 1d SgehWslsn Choies $1, fusinsui>ie 8a BsaSuperSne do. *tl. ."W.An saesluleasid 'Tesceoli ta seat t Wde duste; ver>. g I f raoaesPenpDs'Ise Tisew âe mata oeaafrTeau homoa - Mmresl,50 osin no1am . pîe assa >. ,on a XoslrelTe ~MesSeu, pni 1983,-ro the Meutremi Tes Com- Gmnranu~TaT5fpieh5edOV55su ard IuY,4 H0ea SIatreet, M6r*d.-Wsettes cih hasuva set ailfatiusui us. f,,,.ste pegianie h age asunoua Tea iai -e bavrdSsu. _. 10, baveea qIsefis no. uos-crme lWù oe "daoosi~ daivain sume aMlr breakfst '48*nssye~*.wnsàs mnutediobb lShspur« i ofur8TAg an lmlcou. aoûidshielarge anoes Swaui e kv haw tùm cqmeý,boi oasiongaihrousmfave o - OREENB * 5iOB5BT# eu 5.3oa5len ,K isea Iio.traaiT*CeUtiol>.l -CE isledtka FRvzANC-rhsISox4u<NnloEraEhlndePgJeSTelm, emoa esie nIas. T.nnua SGi lniyob ees4aemoan1c, -s Mo mss EUS. Wbitby, Augusit AUCTIC 1 bg Ieoremtha2ks for the libtrni a ai âeleaooebestowed me dot nonnce Ibat 1 amnprepare e outg, sl _gî ein a- TOWN Ã"IRÇýO1NTY- AT ItEAW'>NABLE RATES. &im!rangements for sanes au bernad eiîher Ai the Csnaoxxnca.xOffee, -orant my oui O~Ee, Brook aireet, w hit by. Wlnitby, sept. 15, 1868. To lobbers- & Teamstein. duiag the eînsiling vintar, cf a quantity i aw ]ogo sud shingleboita. WFor paricalars apply to R. T. HARRION. Brooklin, Oct. 1,1868. 39.1i N-ew Bakery T.ONFE-TION Rit.1 III wiib proptude ail orders aud o t onfstinryUne. Fruit aIl other kinda ci Cake, Taris s Lb. beat (qUality. W- Fruit ofal kir.dstu Sma sicro, Sardines, Cocos NütaiG - ..McDO Baàker, Confoctiuer, Wbt itby, Julyl16 7. NEWLY< IMPOI P-A-PI HlANGIN cent atay ilu England, a lot o! 5ý PAPER IIAiN( seeted earetally by binmcf, i sale ai Vesr'BEeduced Pricei and Payer Raang, ggexaci asanlike and expcdkion meue A. C. Dundas1 Wlsitby, April816. NEW CARUIA&GE, Wggo n 6 ia pr.psrcd 1 mufacture ta of -'WAG.GONS The Lradoors ?AsmofU lhitby April U,. 867. PHRNIX FillEASSURKNI SsMAPTREET & CHAI GILLYSP1ZNOPFAT! à£0 cannada JAME8DVkaS M L'se AI itb efro la Lodos, April Srd,1886. Dy informa tl iy prepared t u ibe Bakus t, Sp-ongO aim sud Bisesulis0 sou. Alan Loi riger Beer, aec M -GALL, ri..k, Brook id 28 je- e, S. IL I ~OUKTYi J iiarîoBa altorma (lit sp' ef 01tar B AIUISTi ' Suce- 1O1ves pide. ro BIRRISTE I BY, ha nci Çaàry Public.t Curnpbeil., Y-ri tg ia removïd ig ONraeac BA-- el Whiîly, (U T 'ARIES 1'u C)slsswu; uns Town Dl, Il 'y - cery, of adjoilling Mi -tario. - nos_ 17. Rû RTED frcSrn CIIA "~ TT 0 N oni ,!Iaroc, G, S -4 uferanth Plb.b. , TfO1ncc & e.,wlitl.> rhich hoehmoa -Cisi theie ~st iJili Utel n a verk CtCIHil ý a s aa!. - ARRISTE WILSON. -sucers-n Street, Whitb ppmacr AL. 1t! Hall. ANS> Cent>Crowl 3hop Port Pers>, orders ail knnd coxnultati M... 5DR05 EGESEG EU Byron StI CE GO., j KING COO5Ni a wI.itby, A o., T '0,Agents feoi _____ AMnae.VI se 1oth 0 Ws LN GIESN I geaiut67 ---------- ZAC>«Vwd

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