Whitby Chronicle, 4 Mar 1869, p. 3

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T) t lsamnosannili cile te (oa J. P't sin simple fara.. uet, îsardlyoex. ion bu lofe the ola speuab lout dtigip luliou gave (lie a mans for bath e>' gelng ta qui. lad flot cake sair onsîllutin gave ni enle man was àtha (bet mi en4- ttnselves Ih iaie mien sense. Tino> lotier Plie>'pies.. nusigel as net onilit« 1 li vsî. n v'at liitgri h ai confenîed on îe final mon vue nt loénda systepi, re apparnt auITal ra eould ob nl tiro ycpri âge, Tls Govemne tpp Motter, lb.>' » thes Iterones o f shed te got a bel. rhall, let el t-liwbeth ley Io u1Wns ho inoin. îci$t session, ai JIU scraî1nl'ie.fer triAl. f0gît a wras li Ver y vel gnlnd. De11. . et 4i a pusb. bon (lie peope ne axe te grinut; wurds liiMIte>' rouuitoed tia.; Iao glven; but 1s nt d oue seen. at-jP (1oit prq. andl llpy couîd laid beennaaneti int fornnedîie l the las4nd eyer noduped a Ton ,ou the I.rinalp la 18 gone foroyer.l drtipppti, pmnos 'a new y iytom a Toriles lnSoçl 10 and than (boy n'eu "Lonseiva. wdite cnll L eus. lié" ilelOdown "f -oû1jý ui, !0ei bopun e- l' ut lo main. ive4 a 'Re!qrpnsr sd Gloerument -palla rsarisamsrnt: 1rim'tiftor agnioni. lis VWnsi MW,' ý tgl, * 0 lec 0aulim Thon the Govrument hid met Wlth a follov '1ho4 Ibcatie th 4 boi1.g&. fp goo4 deal of -opposition don tbe sayoct 0<$"'00 (ti tbA ts -um, él er.othng a bouge fer -lthe(3oyenr. Quei qulid k be~WO,~t e a p beea -Itb s iS pencer Wood. Olis' IIts lible 14tpay 0w MnII W-o Rideau Hall, bue Toronto liaspbogQpernu. l'disohsvged, an!dSDTI*J.lW- m w oul o r' 'toilletsoo.(Thoon,. gentleman would l'o gifn thon?s.- Thni"goà sai-. ilppkeRI, nosonnefegbon theOPPOSItion lso b l sdiscarp7d tmouned . fltin, lt.he de tauls cf wbicb w. e*b -W ssî.d. 1ta(b PrOvince, sud hobusinesi <adi len oui ipadboa) 'Tho Gaeranment' #ftn .patmoqtw~poicdodI calbon mos teconounnica. Compare bi o lis ifth r wa &. î jTii , iseo elxpouises wltb thoseof Quebee, - sud t, dlspoans04th te ro h sI'sr offici. weniid ho'-sen hwou'pîchbotter 'sud snd lun'coequonoo feirteonpea.ns bila chespor tbe legiflâadon o! QîntArl.Wailbonefludabsged wlicoh:,ouî4 -palpe theo beon masaoge& J, là.,botirois n4htwiib 1ontiro saing%Yin-the departm,,tir 000, x> f,0 kssow vI' ho Lad met anado a puroty -î,w aùnuî. itai 1r id ot W'ntl4ihd Ùkon poitT <Jovernissnut Hl ad ýbefeoex. spy ethel' subect iiiustlbéY*'Wied te plslinedhotvflthe 1eforai part> laed radim nsheur fr ir .- m ggf il t.¶>lM~ ou oucf hoir ranîlti, and retmsod ta msJk. À votse cf Itbaikt wa l n popied 19 blm thir leader. le dld hot vont te b le nochalnunan, -sud' tLe meîîog adbornéa thoir leader; ho would not he obon«ed dit Iaîfpast dive-eeolockr. iuitIt Up folowers. Witb thno expci- once lie bailcf Reformolera10Owcd (lins~ 'nsjno igrn - Chlu. I'atf was Abold assertion, but- h. couId jirovo ILl.'<bey diti not stick l'y - »ý hlm vwnen lie wu PJremier lis Quee. O w'Wa ie 3n.lot Tr #o Tino>' tuckl'Y tîenealyca antI golplie of. aglil thé filat sixbî. cf' tuat ,woadronni iosns.:Ho, himenoirwm a in ale !vision wlich fi mom e-plrnage froua' tihe îlànabors Iu tbpDominion, vlietîd Eugad1 e.Ihaesup uop.n beors twenty years lu Panliamomit, lied pot pon-luait>' of makling il;àa sludyo 'ndimday a% Aingle relation litnthen Goveruueut, sud coiîyiolion loi t If thon isàayîblnginno, lhe belicved; ho liad monc Poour relations îLe worM ilsicin defies at oe.dùc6 ito thon an>' othior mamtsino Domninion, lu. and alialyslsansd ib c 1t e , latib. ws on 0say. (Latrgbtor.) Il lid o castnf g làpd thbe, bepp sulieapk -gint tn I ora lder by taras ideàçg pary wilemaingthe!or troulithis ,poer, aubli;iity, it jse:pn.ssed iiu donid. o deiedeve hovng rorkd ilutcf I1w' sommer aspects. I haie 1i uanit Illie llformîi party. le wnt ou gszed mnîpop theo narvelensilîsioramu' <froui Mhat totinj uslte show tihe peupale lin wuatihe ra pideabohve te this wiripooll tîlreo noltinhe blic-eaut theo f/lobe had pain ted- miles beiew. I hbave lookod pp b;oi firemp hlm. lin., nt te iow- tuit e110 as a briesd ow ' efmesnd tlaoy belleve l mma.Sup-1h. rei ver, sd I do ave poahi ro- ih. po*iug ho litd formiti a Gý)verumenL of Trei oe.Ihv slo uh Ipui-ely Jtcl'orm unembens, sud tiad gene te highl, sud boisa dropched wiîh iii spray. tecountnry, lie lued, nu doubt, lte> I haro droanaed over Jil Iroungi tIse bot iveuld tiave a large uajorlty. But lie ivas a(lerneon1 sud have board iv thoadgr iu couvineed that Auachia Uovornipenî eould tho vateheso 1 ggb.O hts piot have accom plialied wliat hîut olready Ieadlauds, sud ou ail tino Islande,- * bi beau doule. If b.oInaulgono ta the Guyenin. soo eînaoepd 'pdni ievlb mont, only ono orgon mwonld havoesj,îkonaodetase p wpeig ji h fi tiienu. T1hoe lobe would have tpmen rost Lbas bromded, sddpdhIilo thé saut bai tat r aide, and ineconîno tinir inuounpioce, !hroasdod, sud vwisiiin tino iilsu brakon il WlpphQ tî(ey likeul >l ti aat Sppose unto raipbous. I 1bave seca il ileso>' ne theo Cloctlenna neere oer, sund the Consoe-mnt- tine susonsdllke; doepening iloto tino tiveos ere.crusincd, ltne Reformnera would brigbîesî eersld, dan-k &cd loadea as the sarcol, n'avesunug ine,% Onof tnitmmîn inmgrieuî November sky-baî' ilu161*ail ls sibomi le'niii în n le tIm r-moodi ihere fuiantruction, aolemtuitl, dp- grameofthno policy or thno new Govenu. meut- lie eoull il OU ign associates ta- ligia. -'Stable la ita porpetu-al i6sIt gethr nerd sn'k tnr fti aey i ad oderId£Lbmngelessin il&1hev.natu eag to l'opniniteul. le ouid go tao Mn. thiug tobehofpouidcred l inohe earlîn file Jirown sidnyd as>' '<is unot >rnordi- thse Zetelstiga by lino mneok Vin-gin oif old, mnary. - Ilerc la a Gon'enipennt linil ias niot, i: no pride lu tIhe brilliantl hues wirih Insd lime t (oy n'itsn If, sud yet yoia la>' are wovea in ils eteruiai bom ; vitin ni Aowu, il %et Of n-tlcs fon te guidamnce, Iut hain e t roltf puvlr Wuv oii nnafing ta say on(bis mnten." -. rl f t atr lie womnid say, -ip; not lt oun ply wnnh Do wearnues lits 4eiPouloa; il litignîtwou'î support >,Oi. i Omo p renoma i brugbIbo1h. eeal lears an oum. $romsPie Gln,&., nuuld .- idicatuo" snch baidlient of aine Puconscions power, a a GOueiumnmeint. Auifnde», n,î oniing ienylivel> insPiralieunQtf tbouibte antd potri, ili filo fic li'tuîe oflia loie, thne sud worabip-,_â a mguuleuî qpbcaîypp o Cousorvnîives u-OUInî n.iy, " lt, tinero lis God. 'u p)Oor S(igopild ; lie daneîm't slutlcdtpcunn- s. t'Q. io Gloe finnlis mInspte. lie '<lieauttor o! a noveijust ont, wislîiing niiere;, f uk hisown 'n.y. If tino 2e,- tea sy that lier Incnoiue-opncncd lier inoutb fornipîr; connînigel (Conservittives ta gonule thuu eXpresssbereoif ;-, 'Thle protty -oiers, tiscm, ivonîlulnet (bey Lue lubilsul ?cocraI doon-keepeof o!ier wordalSave .ia>', Weilliemd nolfIWOo tf the.leaders com uld a lgyv, poelplrng laugb n .Qjtp.tfrotsn xlver tle holine. Reformersau in e GOyV?(jip., ertiment, send wamunfnal îLt te sonneusu If fthe whola body badl enuie overJ Pot il At Gratg, lu Austria, (he body' of a Wi aid " file Conserîstlvmus lad _got of- wopnou mau recently borne te lhe grava by * lices." le îvuld Iite ta kupr wliy tho>' ber aix cons, sud the seîetnlh parforiped ,mhouldnmî gai lofficeg if fbey deservc Llino bunial service in bis oapaeply as prient, (hem,.l'h. Reformerns ve perfeetly de. A Weuten n ciitor aki "If a fellew le higlted vilbhu1111et (ho conin lccneuî. linvited to join a fanerai prolesisi o ugint 'lino>'snid lacironas strue bine IlBnt as b ord i oopd e geen aos atIchniihd ound lie Lail taken wo i ord i ooiooT (3onservaivelto thie Governreut en-Jî At Peoris5 Ill., reosaîl>', *qpouveationo Iinu, (boy cbnged thiotur an md saile lic ci grap eirou'ers t dovats areas n-as ne Reformeri. Lieu lais (hu1 e caisses u'iieh IrA wamhed dova k>'nativee vine <o Isoa ine Goierumeut, lia Il-opA 0ofnnsndfei22 apa. 'h.f fflea as cdean a ineet, e <n a inlitanng slie no 25 ape. hsf ,dialiouonale lu politiks vas ceucerueul, sa va 10tuwhat pu imprts ppol ino euan. Pmnln ubllie io ifalia Lad reftnsod facture Of ,4wneipasi wi»p will »co ita.b 01i ie ansd galîn ne-be»ho »-ams soai> ho- hoI veirmIuîmt Ao tampled; l'ut bis tuwenty yeana <of pubtlic Tfaîl i vl qerstimultoiatoeruy lif. vws ouileent fa savoutIisi wouldrais, sud >01 noeritxoesey.l nevei secepl au offico st the spcnifice of Pet> puis a b4âs aky over sen> yma-op býis prînciples. 'liecoucludod b>' thonk- Jsu Luiss ,r, tIlloskylapk, Pappluess, n lug glu Audience fer thein Simd snd doter. goci, sinssys siîging. t entlal attention ta lus Tnniankpansd ex. Shedrm e$200latyron înosedLais l'est riabes for tlnc(r wollara ciede nd 26OOlit1a n (Applanuso.)oflie lnt ofoigiennal engagemnuts. ilpI tii.lraPen mOireil (laI avoeofetfhsuks iat h Do noes aIU orfber incoope. b.tenderenl-tino J4091, bi. Mncdptiald for Aciainhifioîdl.viespo ths mloqntiso cun . le oeddceeu Of ibis next novel to tise building o! i '<ho flieyr. Mn ludge aahed- If the lionn.Je Synagogue for Ilobewiea Jou's *t 10ger. genlleln-a in l Inot, iluflus weste~rnatotr' SsiMdsr i iaus.e g i l apoenflu lavero f ic onservâtiva and en#ct an s orysso u -n-eu to arnit foJuatf>'Lnysef. 1- __- __._-14-Ad tanmu xplanallon if su>' shonlçbc ask.. sq, MTklmnîn, o F ane G. A. , 0 cd W«itiiregnard te tino $20,000, ina con- etdigbe fîb aeJoi.'wed. oidtred'lî!p-iself reapousibla te aà certain Esq--NO CARDa- extent for'tîpat votoï. '<beoid Goverunent - o! Canada. ow-ned aIlthîe Creiru Lands, - NEWÂADVERTIBEMENTS. boti1 lu UJpper sud Leyvcr Canada. '«let _____________ .- )(lonfedermoilon tocS plaep, isle .Crevu S Land4 dopirîmeut dividnnd belveeu 'Que-S PECIALJ NOTICE.@. becc sud Ontario, sud ln ceusqce etè of l liaailng a ianger tract O! viid lai? lin On. " 4D GB UEV ITI, tario, the. largor branoh cf thno depsltmout Tic râtopafltloowleVAnToraiin ndd vas~~~ ruee 0'reo.' OI~luiii-Faeuoili oprlied4ule oirngs u bhal ceI-dstbcen msny of thorn» enn 1ox5aîroe n11dy s nnqus esîloîno tî plo>yed fortli4>'ygrsaddeu'nwsnds. 10 spirà 9oeince.. Itrellcves ail"lunlu-- h oun (lie stQn tc, L.snge sud s redue. ta-rnmpmaysd rcnl;ice'slu$imniloP wit Fi tien nias acquirod. luntimes goti y anUnnuatnnbin mtion P #I dis. thon oersînnîîoe ait ouéoup eftset puceopl - <vve 4'ite, adi aciiîg ani-ia mmd nsuiei e anaof ROMP a l> eu'juatapncest, fuis>' eiivej peri. orf fine popt oistrnalmg eninliunte vInloIn h J' plons. Il ati becu statied' pu-a pmibhue nam utidarts a»jcolt.- riggbm Alsîsuter J» niepap3i Ibat tbey ireoglising eson ody te~~~~~ a. nuoe !usis po.fniu ei ,f EURIE, 4961114, WJltbl. net se@ howsud. an epinfipu eeuid lave (liilleIsn md !Is> ', lid Sot abrnd. île denied fIal a verd vas "~IIG'CUipA4TIVE'1 oer saidlti u h ouse sbçin glving Pen- Ila a uesud certaIn Tomdyre. wsbpiu sens;* on the ceunaJûFy, t *vus ilstinet 1 u 1 olngusl, no Mr'o pi btlsM sFtatoul Plat ne pensions s1ipýid bcetan' unn, solsude e o ni acd ! orÎ s;, W f ',Pien n-ie nuborof ensns ue a4paotîag, bialiugutictnamt. Solid l>' 01 pien Pnogral aî c otnihdsol l . H.OEUIE9gAtent, Whlt.li pipnloyj Uap(lorrniuut1 u4 ln. th.d0. LWsinv & Co., IHamiton, Ont, gauinsi 15 art.dDtîlIn oqploM - ~ vs fiS ~IjAj, D~1FIJ5j45 - -- atl o'oloolr, p~nn. Z 'n n - rnnstn. WILLOOX," ocr4nauy. - - - - - -, sr~tia~' îg~', - -- p Listes uholatgpsed Letaorsa'emj~Inîag an n Wimuaby P~ 0... Rat of1~srebu, 'OU. Anlannns,,,, LII, J, - ~nad~faunurî:uiani~ balla,', lilas Elizabetin _ IIrd*nu, E. '<bIna. Taylôr, Matllm -toiylor,, H. 'rnhiby 3b1às O 'wo>.t.uissc. 'mi bit.e, lino. %Vlgt~, Milazie Y'. KELLER, The ;ubenlbor lima received luatractioua front Mr. Ueo. »IILLA1OD, 1 o no1>5b On StraM ~ , 8P Trie Codar and ail otîner wood aud tim ber p ~'ortlîislflol'lt Nu. 18, lu Ille 41 Ileonouniqpor tlnp To*ns#1p oetJloJkppg, Ijp hooonty of rfe?;alp wiïl bo lnld s4tho reldoupe of1 Mr. Bs)l;-ii 'q t s'b liait #1.et ANo. 18, lu t1lî btIlpoil. pf J'ipkerlnng, snd u-l» cozpmeînee dit celopg4 noon, rrociseOy ' 3e 0é aprep %-/Il b. dlvlied hute tweuty pqa ortioinstof eve aeree oaci,,or there- ldiigilnd o ap u fprprt . pq*Ille lulgtonf n, ud ;ercel wl i e tjnî"I ýI<i said frt and tii, wgdth or ellob parcel abonqt tvyQ làd a ltai! cliallus, nor'ls sud »Outl, nigpr lio. 1. _____ 1f~.o.~ ._ _ _ 30. ~ No. 6 No. 14. No. 13. No. 16. No. 17. Tils lot counetts tiho onîlv, or naesnly tino ouiy Cedn- of orasi fcniiig vlue la tthé town- olîip of Pickerng, and the smle yull iford an excellent opportuuin< for fermesto el ri omta and rails, aud Psegood llrewood sud îdno, wlîblî n tree miles .1f tinse Front Bond. Each puran-her wili te aliowed two, years from stihe lotAprif, 1869, to,rannoto tiho wooulofoSloiislot, bot no lonîger, witlnoat soma speois; duremuentl for theos'n. Aller ti 9 s ai Lise (Cdar, wood, o&a., on LinO 1n-rtli Inaîf Of muid i.ot NO. 13 tieo181)(J yuli bis noed linnponreois ta osuit pureinssers%, ou machl ternis asonna,' b.o groed is istithé sale. ruer. lga mngooýd M1Ill siteon seid 100 acres, snd thia w»I b. otler-id togtiar wit.i authlcieut aiuA for tine wonkioig of the aiunnp The sRau' 1111.1 sud laînido nîcemsary sttsoiod neeSirr for tIne work.ing of tino saîno, simd ni, gnteons tIns s)utlo liait of lot No. 13oln lio0 ulanccoin., will Pt îLe Mme timonnesd place Le of- forcl un Iaosfu<r onne or Avé es yan, tas inusho roqultedl; 'f re Vili as1sliéb. mn.cnl4 itroin JIarnoter, a8 Ymnnînnig isl, d&0. TeNMS.-Tioe ln».chs4er ahnîll paysy orn o tho day 0o sll i J'unollans ;forryery Onne Ilundried Dýollars et bas pan-aim nes.nuuuoy, sudi tho immlnuîepo on ue 4 q o (letoiuor, 1S69, to Le megnirodl ly alnîrov il prouniniory oin, iîtîn- >111 lutceot, If pmld wlien dne, anil if not so P aid, wlîln lnnsrobt (n-gm tino dry of sole. îae,&c., 55and under, caoin, over tilst .ut. in,. urchae- wiillbos allowe ire till the lot Ilc. by .4"F fnlinnlsn uapprovgi uota. 7 rVI1Ainl1ÂNEý, jr., 4uCtioeen-. Dalt!d tIno 2ud FoL. A. 1). 1899. 10 IIOF. JI. POST, T E A 0Il lPIf1A NO-Y 0ILT E, &c. Ijsant'OTio?<s 01158 Te Prygià A-T Ç»imu ]LESIDENCE. 1 Tggpr.-Inrpitior.g on, piano, $10; t1oeor,' tf nualogl Coipoeitiots, o&c., titra, $6. W' An *ezprionnce of monre Mianis12 yenri eiuiabes l'rofctsa-or Poot tPo guarnuretiMo runînid %lvuinent uofpuipils piacen snudinr las tion., Wlnitby, Maorch lit, 16. 9-ly TWM4 JIOTRS AT INE-. ~ECIIANICS' HALL, WHITI3Y# TLUUILSDAY, 49àh hAICil. Laft Appernops prier te deparliino for Caltirinsa, KENNEDY'8 '5NG8,0F SCOTLAND! n addition (o a Oliltep o)eetîon or Spg, 1Mr, Or hou' te cannea sSooldiug Wl. 718nomFOlztea -Jules KENNEDY, pkpts ce elied nt tIno edor on ora epen et 7. Comane sai î al»>,, Fsb. i7lh, 1069. On- BIPAZi 9T ]RIES ýt loreo. 'rueSnuIlainueu. Oa@ of the;nIlu oi, l b. solo tog.tlaeror!sçpsrato# Rý" c Io~uraet tlu Olo, Tg bo pffered to te' po -ofW try, for ONe mi at thé TgE 3Ie CUNGS,Q I-IE] 8h1rlng~ Pan~i~Is ~Inkqs, lHosiery IN FAOT A GENERAL A81O7TXZ IT 0 DRY- GOODS. Cash Cuusomers W'iII find this a splendid-opportunityto save 4t lenst 50) per -celit..* &SIN Â05 Whltby, March 4, 1869. .JUJIN .5KINNER. JIATU. &I1IWTI1EU OPe Horse, Domocrat Wagon, and Hatnesa for. féale cheap, 1 R, p TRIIS WJVY FOR .CIIEAGOS The subscriber would beg to intimate 'thht 1x6 h u opene4 g ini the shop lately OCCny ied -by j. Uoweill where'will be found a roceries, ,and' Provisions!1 CON4SISTIlNO OF-Sm"oked l ams, Cheese, Sugar. ]Raisins, Ourrap,, a primoe lot of Teai;, Tobaceng, Oranges Lomons, Dates, bepah 00'] aolden Sup, (3harlton's Whbite Wino Vincgaiý, Oihgi8naps, "c,'a fW" (Su door Suuýb of Ezpre.gg Office, Brocfr Stréet, M'hitby. Mph4th, 1800,W . &NI. NÉiW FANCI, 'GOOI)S FRESiI ARRIVALS AYr TH E CENTRAL BOOK STORE, AND IANOY BAZAAR', 08114W4. J. P. W1LLOX bas much jîlaînre in apnounding to his patrons and the. pqblie a(eileruiy. tlinat imo ýILn, uJut rce-Iv n a rge ara aled nne'urtinennt of Bo#nS, FANCY GtnuL» & 'rt,3-g, anitablo for ina npp.r i allidnny à(aemoti, ylnIa i Ii ilàell iut ipneas tbatwilI aiee gsciilaei îto ndI. Wlite "ilcn.Il nai sd c4utu.ne thm stock wil li >prp àla tlrgo telectiun 0..) baund. T0 J1IOTEL ILEIfERS. A ]RARE CE{ANCE nleg1g nedtnrgmretire froua t,,.luepim, the lits nfimourutIUillenis, lia good wil of tIhOu ,LIloTi;L nil,,. Lina gond openinne f lor iii,>' Inrpoidetlronns of ou- cnarltnga go luin-4 ,,,,buninucos, tlie IZUyn.i' bu- lsng very i.anutfilly iitusinîc i) Liko CVqýhl. ching aind witlnlnu a uune;-'tlk fl Stea;pbom.t litiiuio. Tinore are gou<nJ ninl ftud mntliitng aUne îetl, atnd asi ;iintlyo hp-seiq1es uns Lebcunt ittheauiinuer Pooun. .À lMo, <for salo, lili, billiard Table, neariy mnw-§ lze- Apply personaliy, or If lny lutter (post-palil) t0 y. J. GItIBBIN, Y Box 66, Orillii P. 0. litusam OF 115 ROAL OOLLE0Sore <>1 i$55 Licenmiltof et DUBLIN LYlNO-lN IIOSPI'IAL. VOMEYIEMOiTi5 onOF tT OR uwco Il. esi4cnce oi'or jas. llyriela prug 'Mor, httby. rjniI61,AIUT WEEiýLY PàigtJN Tnps CmnvoecpnUum connes p? nia a 0sotoon page, 88S b>'40, wkyeni>lmmue. It lis double tInle tr&rof , Onnnrea- 'flor esgcdilîmino det-»(d b tlieunry Wrd Bcele Serissn-nonnm. Onu pange ,0n iliile nnaî, aid mnananouni o!ranm,. Il 91ie abolit double Itianti.eor oIleinLnt ne- ligonals [iep' ora nn-cextyîIlleo asmna Tnn It. . l ins mroîninomi ail pnenuiusns%, sud plimsihat hsngtioiti l)nm bc5tLetuiet lu lînpaýe yînlo w t il.. upS.n for n onya uluin IIENItY B, cimîu a ubUinu-t, . 11 Park How, N. Y.Lit> Dortgage Sale 1857 fn-mis.1,inea il .logg »sâd insWife t., Jatiiea Snîitî,, nliieli viii by irodueed nt t unie o! sale, le'ionl Ln, "lai b>' M LI3Lte AUC- '<1>1-, b>' JLEVI AIIA Kj. ctocr Pît INGLE'S HO TELJ,1 IN l)SIIAW4, ON THE Tweputieth dayr of March, 1869, AT TWELYE Q CJOCK, 11001-1 Thle foîro-wipng ncIelcordFai jing ils. J!orth 50 Acres of ise SentIh 100 Acres of Lot No. 23 an the 9tb Cencemson ofthPle TOWNSHIP 0F WHITBYý <inlas propeni>'la veli watereI. 'Tho souila' a nipi ona t»> ci j' o uItous. sud Fn-alue Baniaroecrcp;te rcenn. <Inerunb ia s goel Oncta anil inesegu.- The. Van» la jtant Ifna thp Village of Mynfl os-o i le; froint Brook-. lin Lo;at 4 mitcs, aujX fron Wlitby about »0 Tino puncinasor gaolI, at lb. tinteof tIn o le1 psy dovin tthe linoemdor ori iasollcitvrn, ons- tenîtInoSlaie puntine moue>', andi011ali pnyý the bmdmnntnoeoî l il luo».mouin <from thin day of Bais. The. purclaia 100laeac7mt tIhe Veudei'a, titIs andni% soniy te ép ntil ouIto-requiro tlino prod netion oftMins deadluntin@ Veuder's peas- Furnier 'partinlars sud eàOnnitilpp-pisalesi anar bho bd ont applicationn'te Jinto i t'ni, of osbau'a.tle Veuidor; S. 11.Falirbiklpmd the. Auetionoer. Dad h1 .d day o! Fob'y, A. D. 1969. GlVfr<G Up BUSINESS! -Stock for Sale AT COST PRICE 1 Pafntg, Cils, Dry White Lead, (600-Ibil.>, &e.,ý 2000 Roup Room Ppr Tâcin âtop and Ilons. oceaplefi by lit For sileor orte t, :W« Al pantics ilnninto to Mt 4 mmmiwnr b>' by toook accounul or note, nul plone ieaa(lIp ut nt one. W, i. il. iitn>, Fhnun-y 0t)Iî,1869. CROWWN ILANDS DEI'ARTMENT, Tprouto, lot Yobrpnnry «1869- p U BLUW NOTICE Io lncraby gitan. iliat theo ll»ro» s 0,d Stijl rior Damnd iunslaof 4inuos W eot (,rown Tinsnbr AguPay sit, To- rolitmn imrnwuaundar ylno. olpirgo of pi. B. NA'in S q.,hns% beenà io 4nl pd flst the blioi fpertalting to f t .Agauc 11iili l'an un-e ho coudincted b>- the Wooda feFoviitiq braigliof tliâ 1lcauuît 6i. lIC1l4ltD8, 0uyjp»luiomr O f Omionwanid0. 8n-d Fobnîîiany. 1869. i- flair,,flrSeDsg fand ShaVinig ..~ -ALOON. A=BZS1ONÇG'8 HOTEL, E.AllilTltO~lfGp roprlotur, la ltted mnp sdcoin ed fiint-clas I lotel, sud solialtiq tIeno tronag-o of the pniblo andl lits frIindni. Thne table pi bar snappllod witii ilp best' Uond rqpnywmAb- iJabni(lgo, Jau. 2#,31869. VALUAI3LE F-4ILM 7011 SALE 041 TO LET. r I ot-ai !LtNQ. 6i Pi (&As411î T coue.nicn of tIiTOwaiPfje coniy o! ontarlo Inuwu -t« DAVI13 PIILI'ElÏ111.Tinso tf Ibisfanai leaio tIi. best4nallty, and by a very salitoint. Ilsy $oion mpupmento, theoprrerwMYt'an>b. naide Oso < lit 4 b»!Si<rii jin eo aouty. The purebaffl- aS rrapp bis Owmnil P 1 0 par th. prliclpsal. 4 Io propg*. t lî o d »~for fia Smtero! 0 obcd tenaut. Tâis Eaat-l zîlfLo o. il lu theo drii souces. .,le»o b !M Telpnjp of Cmnvr lihtCo oy f propertey ï ib. sd oid ss.ap The soi( lp nq ra goed aMots of euldn'atlon, tioa ssré 1g0nid su1Dcon uildi on 'thé 11,0' t- '141' n ,anauy. ni-n Il . JA..Y....ON. o-- FI~EBj~ Haddoo, Keég Oysters, Cran bernies, Lemons,1 Pruni 1Whitbys Fe' Linge -Halibut, Orapepý, " os,.Orangs DA VI'S ALE. ~b. 17 1869Family Grocor, Dundoqs t. GJL{EÂT CLEÀ RING SALE, IST 0F FEBRUAIY 'TILL THE 1ST 0F 1CI WE OFFER TIIE REMAINDER 0F OUR, Winter Stock of Dry Goods AT A &REAT REDUOTION OF rPiQEB. Millin ery, MantIeti ÀND READYPMADE CLOTHuNC CLOTIIING MADEn-l'o ORDER, FAMILY GROCEILIES,. N.The highcst price paid lor Clover 8@eïd anf4 Qats. .0-1 ll&JiAMIJON &co, '.IRATBARUIINS FOR--ONE NONTR ONLY. selingO:ff at Cost, FOR CASH!l' NOW I8 THE TIME TO B-UY viIlEAP BOOTS &'sHOES,' GatesOyer$*hoe, But, Boots, Legjgings, &~,.&c~ y cting,~ h "Ceapest Mousein Towna" R. J. YARNOi4),1 A fovw Henry Rifle Cri'gsstill pn" ando The spbitonibonls agenitfor ali cd Dr. tyra at.penrit repsrations, A Attoroieyosmat.lm, ~,soliltaars in Chaà.t cery. annd Iumolvoncy, &.- Osmuz-emoilliinu' Bionk, Broc-st, wl M14linlur. Jamues lluldoilis 011..,,A'Lituy, -ofitrio. - li. W.14 . m . jq.i o.,u INSOLVENT AÇT 'OF 1884 w&ND, AMENDM>fNTS TTfl. S9de -Of Land. lu theo matter of JtUIIN IJODOSON, aun-la DtTUBLIC NOTI'E 1l% banaby giveu t bat f,~ J. Vfrma of the tnrwcr vented lu Trie, 1I mi day or fiuneli, A. D>. 18t19,.at Mue o'clond.k pM., alile lorht, titic, avninntcest et th iino mnl n- bsvce là thnîe followifig )nropurle-, iiaàely . Ail anad mitiular tu certain parcal or - miet --t laiid and Iprominses aituange, lyinnrsdl bon lia thet, twsinliil 1of ,Imeloj, lniltheCouuty ofl, Victoria, eonntufniirghy auîirenî'nnucnunîoun- qian-er of an uc-ru of hid, maoro or bas' bc-ini'd conllPpined of village, lot auîail'ej 24.-lu tlie Vil- lagaý of ambnay, uâis d onouis na plan if Mi te stubnlivistou ni h tin sai icîni of lo utýueubcr £gvo. l in hefirnsoei-onnxiol, or 1mid owun'hiln <4 Ypiieiinua, mande by Willl1=n IL De. ii,1rovitu-' ç#il Laid Surveyor, mna neg;t4nenlu Ia'14 Jtls ' itTy fAllectiidtInoConty ol Vïétori4, leii llL um,<e kii&wni ta eiIin c 01.' ts1501u dy of Desemiien, 1-08. i t-sri ]ROYAL IIOTrEL, WHITBY. an lhe lLoyal t ilon, leg. tcn')iolfuîIsni, ie-oin:n nain] tino pulie tîat the In.ltm» a iînmn ciii mi <mann bý!d cn-elois by linin ,.n sois )nrcnjnnienon, nnnnc tuasit, sié 1Iento fore,' 1ioliiinnng cil 14,le mft uclonn,. ou Iis ,?nn1 tnnîka c-cry tiLe srictorny bu tne gucate 0 hue ho> nI. Dcc. 23,18. P~hotogirap h s. 11UNDE16:STG Ni-f laies lae-ve respect- - ulto innfonm (ine niiiainitmiint,.of Wlnîtlue- sofcminn~ Mi.nJ. nt.Inma isnhmn leltr o! Mm.J. il iIcn _isAii tin IlHOTOGRAPSTE GERY, Label>' oecnaîuîed b>' limi-e e lieý1l lut-.ai- aym <oumiidprepunreil 10 take lkicbaI! k In dI& ,p hu o t g r p h , a r n m n p i . & . n l U iinn-iig muacle larnge additionai-i ii1îinjnrov-n w-li nlli ncccpm-y nrqiiiltca of tInoinn-vt, I <cals eot!.nicnttnt li m i-eu7.-i l III qrfnnuinl Wlnl(ly, Poc22, l.,1WILSON. In nieorciom to toîle 'ovee u t'Cnle-sgnnn-1mo ddn--ni to rcOIInnnuaîcc 11s10nccsar, ; l.! son, to loisn nnnnIinroanoo r6dl r tda i,., ni-m nl-iuI Ilna:Ila, mi Mn- rlaiunnemkaLu vill givi tInhne txstisato Conul>of 0111o TbLiIIIaukc Te 'vi'- I tnunt tino (Um un-t - Jaiz, 'ri- ing, Gytun' id remnuis.ran~ GemmieraIGuaol iic, rlb lndmnl:afn for the Counutjl ent iàlutI!fu . lu tIne Towi c iii' il in -Tuéâda'y' tApilatht 80 'An lino hnur c.12 o'CffinIý, lnon- ~ !nii lt'i *Çon-ouers, Jilsinn itia'ZI'c-ui tid aIl otu!i - E5KG. lELYNOMUS hîneniff, C. 0. lon B. Il. Tnnliesu)u.- 4jjf1rýOiic, 1111E IN-URANCE--Co031iI yN 0! NEWBI.IAVEN, COIN." In-ç'sted Capital- $1,OOOOOO& T 1118 cid v emîmnimid dtocguy-a taen aLe&omar, lisenuLIsei Ae ranîce ,p stock e 1 rclin eueo per THE CANA 1NSURAN, - 1 1 Whitby, feb, list, 1869, ý - 1,

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