Whitby Chronicle, 4 Mar 1869, p. 1

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Il. W. LC g di MACJ it M.0 OîsoN . OIrJ AD05~ pli it the O<c 0tise rin, Court locs;,- AIRISTEES, Attorneys, Salieltons £ei 1B orgiC-Western Asnirsnoo Bi11iiigs *COUJITYCOWN ATTOI14Ey F071 ON- tncBa.rrister aud Atorne ,elL5wSa llrsstPhitbv. 8 GEOLGE il. »AUMTNELIL, AERi8T£X,ATTUli7 y, CONVEYAN4 B* ser, Deptt>' Rgîsîrar, Master ilxtraondi tary, sud exaiminerin Ciîsicely <anr theCouns- AlCRITER & AT rOliN " ATLA Dffies- iver Ontario B ult jti lie .JARVIS, BAlgRISTE11-AT-.LAw Ax D 8SLICITOX T> ARMITER &IpToiti Jn-4T-LAW L>Sablir lu C;haur, Couve>'llltil, Ïc- zn5-Not doqn ta hue Stoeof . dJ . C.smpbeii, hrock 81., Whitliy, 01up. Wilhthy, Nov. 1, 1807. 4 5, JMJl RjAN89 stTAOshawaW, 2.. W. W.,Iut DILLJUG99 W' Ia icni vilS A., 1îatsaTO>ni llnoek Streel U e igi 919 ATTOIINEY AT LAW, SOLICITOURIN . (1.t>hancary.gbbaveyalctir, '!&c.,CtlIullg on,EBrook, C.W. __ z___ go__ J. JIAUMeR liEz uGo»l, A RN -T- SO 9LICiTOR 11 ,11.Chsî,aary, 1 artY Public ,Couveyat3oerl. .Witb>' V.W. 0,,t, Byronet steott ~Put*lo et o(c1e.. 48 A TTRNEY, T-LA fSOLICITOR 1IN .m Cianeert', ai.,9de. a puntias Sîreel. 'gr Tlinee doois West of lit, Pet Offic. 16 ]I1R1TJ178, ATTORINEYS, CONVET- ..aiers sud Uoales Public,,a&e., &C, FoavI'zr~0ncx-IiSelW'5Blooc. H 1. Cacaàos, LL. e,, IW.* K. Coauàx. ceunts>' yCrnwAtianîbsy. l.anl'rr, t1 tpcmbn,1865. si LY NLys s», L ï,po. T>AIRISTRIIAT LAW, Solicitlîa lu a- B 00q.o, Cauve>'ancee,ih&4. 9o. 40 ïas1. CAiïigoN d& LAW, cgutionoie-mtbiOt aOUT Whltby, -J cly $0, 1868. 2 PR. HANCOOK, VlitOKNOLÀNP ip &ojozw;;7.) PIRGEONO ACCOUCHIEUR9, &p. Ersinrsosh Onîs-aiMivr. Badge': spotaeeI. Il UGEON T 1ITHECOUflTYGAOI Skf N YV. -HA M, ]NOTAUX PUBLIC. Wliltb>', pnl is 51, 1868. ~OWN 01.51KdàTrEÂAsuuIRltW7WITB) VICTOJIJAc LOT51Itsp w WM. lioyntou'5.) 27 W l.1)0UyNTON begi ta ,uform'theiu- hslibltsuitor uf.h oisuy ot'Vieturinansd ourroudin Cuutles th b.ha as openet'! ti Ilotl onWiliam trce l eonied b~ doteI,and as h las bad ltitlîedind 4inlimL Pdniâstlovl QTwj nîevet'yonove- hieuttue >. W Lifqur sd(ganu of tha Aitttoti es l o1v in luattend suce.. COMMEROIAL HOTEL., BRUCE B T., WIIITBY. -a- T iiE oubscribcr bega ta:annunae tebis frieîtîs aund tto p ublie, titlis e lips re,- pume' osssio f eaboya lyceiI u it,. yurablyitnown lotel, vhieb i. nov SIte'!np i n a ésuparipr maquer, viti even>'conveul- ,onie.for zlite eieton of apsfp aîd-tie tn# relut pulicui. V lisat aceommodation, and Mppperefani vies iquors sud cigars. Good stabiugn vith nise~rs sud attentive Ostlers ai waysau le pr Miss.C fflges Maderate Wiltbvt Jsui.a4, 1308.2.1>' C. N. VAR8, DeufLîitoanisdlapflyopon iaaeielt'iîrdiooruorlh cfth o taila W' EXExnsS ÂGEN, d.., &Ibo Agent ccdt pd lilpdn nauscoet«e. 1 TUEEAL»ION H oTEL peraier of Breck Or IDunol f Mteeu UC 0. mHRoN, - opit. jM a'. a0 i JI<Union hIqhc, o"eymto Çlityl 0jslfornis, 4yhl? y J54»>1tP 8,Mf 4 Theitala>' tmnl thé, stages <t irrlgn Oara<alnast] dauce 2.. Tr TMBER MEEC}IANT, Oarpstr, And Li oler,Gron St, Wbltby. - A large quAu. tltyofs.11klndo aflunbeseonstsntly onpband. U NID E6TÀ K-JIN G. W' Jgoarito biolilbersterms. WhityPb. th,1862. - »rooklig )rug Store. D EALEK I-rgs aetMslclss fi Wln.s snd Llquorseftb, besiqusllîy for ,dleal parpoiges, Hors# IfCatileJf.didiesl2oa#onliaizd Brooklu, . W., 186P 2 1 1 W . 1 : ,1- (Orgaaïi  4h Saati' Cira, whUlbz.> 18 prpaird te gîvu Musto snd iîîglng les-. so,ea Allmlted nomber Of pupils. Appl$eat ion to b. made at the, 01e. of John Ii. W atle, Sunrgeon Dentiat, over James4 Byrne'. MpdicalUali, Brook St. Wheby. CROCK ER'OS ROrrIEli (LAT£ ?LATT'8,) NELSOaN 6T. TORONTO, NORTH 0F KING ST. BABSETT &KEEBLE, -PztornzTxois. u n w s nlir home, that 11w>' bave taker. the. aboepeh ) wh;c1î are ihi aer>'respect coiiveunhaitlv ana eont'ortably ftted up sur the accmmodationî Orgues,,& sud the traveliug publie. Theyvilii be r'ound lit constant ;.erionul attendauce, and will lesve uothing undone on theli part,to give satisfiationlte Ait who nia>ýfavor tbeuî wil4i s Cai. 86 YEOMA1!-GIBBON. &SJACd GENEBAL AGEN'T. Wlitby, Jan., loth 1860, 2 B. PLANK, -- - Proprietor. btages ta anid rom Whitbl oel dsiiy, Every stteutioii ptd ta guepts. Caratul sad aettn- tive pstlerp. 1868. 1.868.1 T-IE IVEIPQO)L AND LONDON Bas been lut existence thlrty-tw eansd duriug that poriod hpp paid 1oâeseCsrding tivo apd a 1i6million pounds sterling. The dsburscmntut c fio, enormous sunt ever a vide arcs, hues vîthout doubt, cuntri- butg 4 f0the etablisIam, ot bis institution, giflloT, hhiogttELuasu id buiness mon gei- trally, wieraer Itla1: eprescîte'!. Iu its firseaîz, 1836, the Fîre Premiums alone Amounted ho. ................£t,7 Inslu t h Ott>er, 148..........-47,73 dietîlt sar, 1*i'.......... 0' auth year, ;8... .. A7tt,832 one year aler, 1867......... Stcb Thc Fire Reserve Fond la nov &1,727,464 Tie i. Loi .oseyo Funf! la nov *0,282,468 The Coinpany' is epresetite'!througiicut On- tarie snd <,uecec, by i'illnpritial Agents, te iyhol» application for nuisrsue May b. trade. G. F. 0. SMITHi, Rspi Sxzer£aT, MeieîaxM. L. PAIBÂNK$,Ja., Aearar, WBrr'Y, 1Op Bosa ya Febnruarï 1711î, 186S. ONTARIO FARM~ERWI MUTUAL, INSUiANCI3 Ç-OMI?"Y. T al Company' la Dow <nil>' onganiz6d, sud 41laprepure'! vo acoopî rfls on iarm buildings, snd Iheir Contente, ('onîrY &'Itnoi lieuses, sud Churches. Txispa eing te lu- spre, sud tbersby support a Mominstuuranie. eL.iurpy. btie. ov an opportlunity of dofilig 00; gyapyn eit)e tIpr ph lies'! office, or tu Jagenle. Ulr rates vii be <onu' as 16W as Ibos 'of au>'reapensîble Kptuâl'lij- sursneeCon'ylu anada. lIEAI) OFFICE-The Old UlpgfWtyf0114m Building, Bnock Street, Whîiby. IIOTIEL & PJXEMISES FOR SALE.. T iUÂT ai'! eslabliblie'! anti WJJtpwnQp- CENTRAL BOUSE, E1'EfOXt Splendid roomy rt>bjig, sud driving ,b.d, tooher ifbne or îvo acres ef Iand! stfbg- eda ia'b desretl, sud a fiu yp bear- 5ug 0roliardj. Tiere are tvo v p-vI ood pu n udexcellent vs.en. &P The vitale vij I hosol'! ata angiti sud te one oaI le 'bot cianges lu tbp Peushaon Îan an active busiiess insu.,i W il b. excbauged o aion ~propent>'. for ternis, di., appi (il b>' letter, prerpsh'!) Ivtae lot D I1$]GE oirers orsale 'the ~acre% ci Ltu,, lh Con, of the Townbp e cf la., the land in two miles North etMsnebst.; on the Ç.ntre ý rod. oe. la some vullasblo -tMabrfor, Raiway For pitlgltiapply to W. if. UILLINCU, SaraoivOR, &o., Wh!ltblr. Wb ,Nzv. QSt,'86. tf-41. Qu_.y. WhY a l ttst tui1 lasue i s rua for pictures CLARK'$,GALLERY ,.v, It la becansa ho hatisihbat Oaller i u tii. County; and bas mcoTO patience with ciiljroiu 4hau sno llier Artist ln thi. couîity, and eau do quite so gaod wcrk sas sy othhr minu In the. Couuey. §W' Thot's wIat's tii. iatter, S90 don't b. backwsrd àbout tening forward. JJKOCK 8T, WZUTEY. Wblîby, wov. 12, 1807.,4a JCOHN CARTERY T HOUpbieg«ei. ici 'gtha e atrandsi fo -th ,L~cw a î a sva. ou bm ut o 4J0aasbet (romif &HfTmslain tacannection Grand rimk aw >ay HoteL AT WJIITIJT' TATION«. IM O'NEIL hsviagi parcbagedthe, batel sud preutises knovu as lii.0<rand ±uklotel, Whtitby station, baga to Iniform hls frien'!s sud th. traveling publie tit tl l> as tte'! up tbo. ansdmsabes Ilu firet- clia: style, and bry attention f0 ithe veufs of thas. Who favor hlm wib thélr pstromige 'trusqts tmenlt s oortiuuares c thelroenstoni. jar Parties tAking tiie train sud basilu horres vwili bave tiiem veli talton çptre 01 tir, thelf returu.' De F. BURKE, Family Grfter, Wlp.,A fSpirit dealer# 1oCE M)AU:az NE oouj2,rnasorBLCK ONTARIO, YORK & PFEL -o0- ur RESIDECE-Lot 89 sth cou* Nuarkhan.-Plt office-unioîtviiie.1 SALYS sttinded ou the slîortest notice, sud ou renspusble terras. Tartis catihabcna.ie aL.d bilisprlufed attiîeChronicie office <orU1r. Carter. 17 WELLINGTON 1MOTEL, MARKHAM. J. RUEBOTTOJI, --Plopniefor. 19 iy BUIIII UAMJICAS ASSURANCE CUOMPANY Capital, $400,000. '%Il]&udarsigned having 'beau apitited .agent for tha abova Comipany', is u.w rcprd te Insure property aaiutL)>ý BY Ï litE, o n 'ha most favorable ternis. 'Apply to, IEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr, 2-12mos. Agent Whitby FABEIWELL & JIcOEE, TAIM ES rUBLiC;. <irica --Ouaetoeor north ofthaelPost Office, OsIîawIS; sud Meeter's ltlock, oispouitce Tuwn hll, IJovuanlvil]O. JOHN L I. WATKIS* SÎUGEON DESINTOT, OMc.-Over j'As. BYIINE'8 modical Hall. Brock ilîrect, Wlitby. te» AUl vontwarrtiuted. Families attende'! at privale rettidenccs. TEETI! fl EXTRACTEI)1 I'WITHOUT PAIN, . B TRTE USE 0F OROOKERY & GLASS WABE A WELL SELECTEt) STOCK FUESU TEAâo sUGAIUS. GROCERIES, ie 0F ALL KIND8, SAs cheaji as sn u>'iue lu Canada. .I ]day 221h, 1867. 21 Ç. A. JONiqE Earrister, solcitor in Chaucer>', At- torncy, &c.,9d&c. ls ireuioved i: Office tW lot liber aver the ONavaîuo Biwx. Whitby, Oct. 7, 1868. 40 FOR SALE CHEAP FORL CASH 1 LOT 32 AND 8, 1:1 CONCESSION- OF scoIT. Appi> ta 1Nov. 4, 1808i llarristcr, gke., Wltitby. 44-tf FVNDS FOR Investment! T1 IETRVST AND) LOAN COMPA Il T hava tnuds for investmenf, t rusus raes ef interest, un the securi:>' of nimproved lical lrtate. Lona mode for illed perioda, ar neysyable b>' àtituai ip:mtpltn.euts. Furthber sud full information eau b. liad b>' lutter, addressxed tthie LCopniiowerâ ai Kigton, or frein L.PAIRBANKS, Jr., Recal Estate d& Ganerai Agent. gg&-rokltreet, WhiLiby, sept là, 1808. 3 COMMERCIAL HTL OSHAWA. NITRO1JS OXIDE LAUJIG OAS, AEI'JGE rpitr 1 JME TIGUE I NEWieor LOjCAL AN.4USTHETIC, AT DEIÇTAL 1100>1, DUNDAS STREET, WHITBYC l. W. IIOUMs.-Ovc' M. 1H. Cochrana':s tre. WlîItuy, Juna 26, 1867. 25 5110E TOOUS & FINDINGS. A complet. assortmget vrilite laiest paternunf shha 'r usio îd bMactue '1i.repd, Machbine SiUk Shoe t'egu, Shoe <tests, b0lo'In"Teek am assdToc Plates, gWIOLESALE AND U71TAJL. $IYAN & OLIVER, 12-ty 114 Yowaou ilvnraToîteo. TMC> P& ALZ .XL 93 AmericanLbeurn Tmai,àrNi aid Faintvf al sizes tlqpareu, curved letroinglt Iliàes 7toprt.e IrX? jtIîpî l*l AM itanelànCrayons, talleetteed- la,~es, iw», a,, ùcf itheest qualît> snd lit iowest 12.1v~ ~ o Imrtr' fitdware, Yeuge t.,Toronto, TO MACHINI8TSI steel Butes, Mbld$qusres, Centre Oages, yrien caiîpes, bIsrei Caiper Ruie&, Caliper Squares, A mes' ulniacnoal quares, belf[itegîsteni'g C ansd Di- videraç, ECls File$ Mid Tools, Pintatir, leel steei, &k., (gr all h gIyAN& riovEl i3,.l litvouge 05t., Tponet. TO CABINsET MAKER$ Tedis FlintaiPcr lue, ia r7:, utFevs, Case» rriýlopie., ate p, Amis Ca-Ver:'faie. L&E toimaIt p Auger li4 MSte, tadecn »fiUwEngî 5p., Ton ale aIi alnes RYÂN&OLVR IMPORTERS0OF BARDW,r 114 rONGE STIIEET, TOIEON'T), v~iaaivrso hsîd a55sTtUI~t Biildrgo. es- SHINGLES FOR SALE. Il 1EUNDEtS1GEDl) iasou baund, antI citera for sale clieap for cash açquan. hty of Sawe'! Shingles, llarnisoli's ia. W. RT Prp ItrJVhdlW 'Livel S&nblee. Whitby, Oct. 28, 1868. 43 Cash! T UEUNDEIISIGNED viii psy lie ligies cesitpriour Iony>'quanhit>' ot WHITE J3BANs, POT&TOEB, AND October 28, 1868. JOliN MEITH, 'Wgmrar. da Fire Insurance Co. or LONDO7I, ýESTAB]LIS-IED 1803. Capitaj, £lge,Ooo, sterling. Funds invefta'! lu Canada-$105$600. JN8PIÂNCFS againat as b>' Fine effeefed piavithont referene It b o<t iludon. IINTOUL BIZOTIIRR, Motreai, Cenra Agents farCainada. JOUIN AGNRW, Wuar, Agent fotr lWbjtb>', Oshavwa, 4lovmsvhlle sud surraunnJug countr>'. * làs> a nt oule with On or Wtf-otr the tes t 0 j'ourllRf, 4ud bevare of th.eolpedo. The Teiegram., Suor M mother 1in>' brothor, my friand!1' Whle h brolgepoints ho the noon of his Has hisun set in dsrka m î !saU atinsu esad Iitl is net, il caunot, itmust not b. truc i- 411 'pi read the.dire orde foi myseif, f 1 eau; Eoenviess, bard, cola, they ris. on ny i>'ew-3 The>' bliud-ime1 bow did you ssy iaIV hey, résd t sroond me boat: th i 4ning of birds And hbe ath of J une roses cmes lia # tie panal Notiuig-uathhng la changed by tiiose terribleà wordo,1 Tii.> aunof-be trne 1 lot rue se lieni again, (66 Àd died-,pufrd4a.1)- . '-I Deui! a lether. but yesterdsy tWîâ cf bis lové 1 Another to, mnrrow the. tale viii repeat4 Outistripped b>' hiîs tbunderboît ftuug <ram Scstliug t>'ylisait, Ms l failsat ruy' cet! ('Funeral to -morrow.") Oh terrible Telegraplâ 1 subi le osud Pchu!1 l3artilig tiîy liglîtulugs vith pitile st af. No kind varuhug hhunder-na îtormabodiîng But oua licrre d tlî 4iy an sd the. boart iheti vaste 1 lufasdtag IBauty. [Thtis btmtiful sonnset was vritteu over two buadroci yeurs gogo b>' Thoma" Carev, eue of th îgtlesîen o." tii. privy-celiamber of Charles 19ee hat loves a roeie eee, Ori corall p admiroe Or l'uni starlifçe cyca doth scako Fuali to maint, in lii:fi;es, As old turnes inakes h... deca>', s'is ain es muut Vwa.te away. Buta suoth an sd steadat mind, Getitle thongîtqa nd< calm deaires, lleirts witli equal love conîbized, Kit-din neyer dyiîîg lires; Wilara thos are net, I deapise Iovely clîcekeg, or lips. or eyes. J<utoc Gray. (Front Temple Bar,) the dlil strict; hov sicie T am of thase Frntcihavaws I I uhiuk I voold raîher Ilire luasaarret in Buglan'!, viîh the peu- bsw fog bsuging hhick an',and tie smab>' panas, Iban go on dsy b>' da>' draggiug ont mp vear>' existence ber.. I loked Ont ai tise white haosms ith their voaden sîntorssud Iscecanulas tili I ama sick of their unifarmit>'. I bave canle'! do- eu& of @toue carts on <tvO vielueech dravu by tva vhite bories, viii bine. frluged >rage. 1 have seau yards sud yards ai breas' go S>'ti large vicker baskets.- Tired se a1 of tise $razpp of vooden sabots ou tle rougi round stanes; tired of the dlean cappe'! vomen, tise old f<aiioucd clildrea-tired cf the auties of the- white paod!l île street -lire'! of valcbing the castomens aI île'-sbop opposite, sud af rcading aven for th. tionsaudth timet "Tlqopie Lefort, debitant Msnçisnd de Vins.",goS ara umveariiy, sud coma Ssci ta the round velvet chair b>' tise ire, slnd de'! witl brasa - nails, viii uncgmnfortabbs vooden amansdsabacb Ibai coni'! only fit samabo'!> vith a lump, su'! I sigl iicavily. >1>' goal yearua for the coal Arel of aI'! Englsud, wierein cf yore I resu picturesan au'ws faces-for the aid chini. ney-cornen vhen. T dresme'! dreatas, and stalle'! îa myscîf aven liappy cocils The logo are dsmp sud cheenleas, tise voo fine hurla my eyes. I taru au'! bobkai the steneotyped Frencis plates au tise val vbeee I>apaoliltuorporal' look& grnirf dovu, ah hie bit cf carpel viti big clae nases, aItishe velvet maotde piece, tise imi- tation bronze dlock viti a lackadaisica lady lu ieiese parsuit of bnaviedgeoau li top, at tle miel>' guItrame'! glaes, vitl gmaaeraci aud Sav ii *- lts quicissilver Au'! obhIj'on little Dresden shepiserd au sbeperdeas, eternali>' smiling upop escl cther viii Sanie'! lookus tbat neyer cbang, aud bonds perpetll>'pnesopting nufade, Oower--yonu lte <aise piehtre of <ait luves-boy I1base an'! sicbeu of YOD Mncbe ratier waul'! I gaze ail day longsa tiat time-waru priaI ibang iu yonder dit corner, lthongheit bias tasde, My' lea gobe mauy a lime viti ai'! ,memorias- tle pour boy bneeiiag aI bis mistresa'fée vith piteous enîreal>' in hiseoye, sud oh dilfi, baîf 7turn'!a ide, coucealluJ yavu. 01, bpthis long vear> - ftsruaatm viul h Steerndu1? Oi> het intespa fapr nov. Wonb u is e nuivensal panse they a",.I b.lieiP $,an'!d aI eau, va. rie tada>'. fY listicas fiagers refus, occupation, MY cbhnt eyes ae ul" <or-teans-tosrs, arr en teans', . as brinj nejj 1pso wlh 14 so;pe a0<as te, se ma one t te hll -ont tayaanoW ovtçwhi coul' '! nc1 aipe questions, uer SPeak ti me bof cul>' just gîve rpe oq», Içita veainese. TIenro re odareo ovbite lu the biii.>' eytell me %on, vere vonitota o b. oo1a pnoud af. I sii, ouI>' tweiityaight,1 tour -years Yoanger than yoW , wen *ytue. ýdied, sud yet 1loobaie 75vider' han 1hst 1 sveet platane of you; 1 alvsys- vear rond1 my neciTan ,Woold nualbib. o ho 11m you bad oui>' broagiit yaipi c$id into the worMd ta suifer and b. sa, dear, wvold, Ion?1 sud so I vii ll llon final of îhce glad dsya that vere so bnight, so fuil of dancing saushbinel, vien the vonld senied' mode 6cr'o», sud viien I eold Dtredlisa a - etter, Itappier vorld Ibas the oue, 1 live ;a. ;Th vas on ta>'sèe .euteent bibuh day, littie saothèr-the niatb of Jane, pou recollect-and 1 w'ent dakncing aven the lava toa meet papa Masiho pasrouinthe churchyan *d.,He used«iii go uer. cicr>' tuaning sud se>' bis propesb'yamur gravo, paon litti., mothor, and-heu Se vould corne aoravfully sud sbowby 6iiomesd nutmil 7I met bîinî aIthe gale< sud Iben bo. vuld &mile ah yann chbild,7sud bias ber fond>' sud atrobe ber hcad., Oh 1 motber, have you fonnd ont jet vii> some of cs poor toilers love sa foudl> sud fitfail' haoù, lires' emd, sud have th. deigi fcfar elos hakeli aan sd allers, vbo baye no heaéth or loive, oui>' thein ovn selfitili anity'tresd amooth, lover' pala, aud trampleonuthe devation, of true Icants. lh it veli? Must, ve say,1 'il la WeilI' Tbis niaIS of Joue, oleven peares aga, i rau across the lava ta tacet papa, sud ta csctb viiiglad ears .bis 'Kan>' neturus of- the day, lutIle one Il before I couîd, gel op to hlm. Aud tien b. put -on ta, figer & peari ring,, sayiog, $Wear fIat, dean-il was yauo urmteo ad hie voice sboob s iitîle, sud tsars spiang teo My,<ayez, more fan thm sake of bis maduiea. dean, tiiau for j'on whons I searce remembered. But ins moment 1 vas laagiiing &gain, as I bong ou bis snm, sud vo valked up togetser past the bnight flover harder ta tii. bouse, stopping nov sud tien ho pick s clesher of roses <rathe i. ire anches.. Tien vo vent mbt breakfast in the littie moruiqg room, loft aIl naahaiued aine 708vere thera i itb pour piece of unfiniobed vare, sud eyear <air' thinable sud goid seissans under s glasue u nthe'cornier. Ah, man' a . ime papa glanced at ubas sud aighed, aud rtIen 1 voald exert; myself mare tbsu cicr rta Se livel> sud ciseerfal, aud ta mate him Iaugb h tMy merry caneits. Do yen bnav, idean, I airenleard tbom the otb.r dal spetit- ging af me g as LIrpf Anglai se. ,1, vho v as the mrisi, iiappiest yonug girl la a il th ived. 4"Va. tujamais enwendu -rire 7" sid Leautine, tie honuemail te, s te concierge, sud theu iii. put up bei lufiger sud cnied "Ckpt J'yas Icame1i atbnougii tb. glass door. Boy I vauder eoff I Weil ou thaI irhday of mine, vs acame jeta breakfast, papa sud I Boy f e au see il ail nove îii latticed ha>' vindos e tbrovu vida open ho, bet in al lte Spnn rf saundsand scentstiihe red sud yellov rome ýqpearing luin th one pliave -the otlier, the te clattering of lb. mil! vbeel and ise sofi Ir rush of vaher lu the distance. Birds donli 1. siug -boenu France like tii.> did dovi le tiiere luth. mvan>' tiuted vodu cf aui (y old home, ai lamot, la does ual seit hi sh same ta me. Penhaps mly eans tare grov- es iug diml. ho aveet sotnds-maybe ulaey an J Se teneful ta blithe yong hearià. as anc thîeyw ers ta ne. Hov mytîionghus dvel id yeanuingly ou the aid home-thaI littId 0.nom aboie ail-ti. gream china bowvi1l id cd viii roses, the. suovy dsmask clati et île glittening silven service sud aId chiai i caps, (papa vouid alvayi have theta lie Ty cause you laed a <suc>' for everythinl Ty baudsospe iutai a>.) 01, 11111e 'poth i- en, îhink of that I ho baye yaur lest, taste ,s 4ud wishes aiiseved go fond!>', sud yai ýe dead so long, vii 1, StL alive, stil th young, am utteni>' <ergot b>' anc via lair S.ed, or? I shoald ay, seemed ta lare me 4 ad val aupe. ob 'I met tiie Squire Ibis morning, Katié, eo pia said]sas I panne'! ont bis toi), 'an ed viien ls board ih vas your birtîdla>', h ke Oai'!pon sboald go op thon. ta, tes, an il bave sîravberrie and cneamx.' et 'Au'! Çbmanlie iiascame bame-ie*au im afior pon 100.' eSa do 1,' userd esgeilyt toc Young ma te dissulplo tojbueal ulh #uhing fomil ml eyes su'! lips. 'Do yon, dhnling il eamli the quick nos.,~ Pans.. 'Thon vbstls té,binder nsugin , tbnaugb ail cour-lives togethenIl sud hb. tookmein bis anumaad4bislb4 sountil q ait theo hod !rosSe'! <ranmlmyheant, sud ho, ml brain reoeld no hat 1 oud-not astu' It vuasalsettled - lIai evening ibal T, Obarbie sud I shoul'! b. insnied, but Oh 1Iore nol for a long, long time; va didWt vialu i f, at le st I d i ' u a. lP a p s a '! I v a s 100 th Young, sud Mn. Callert- sgreed, ibongh 1Inu dc pot tbini Se vas dlupleséd athié ides va ai hias*Onwirryipg#, ie, lu$Pite of hisen~ beig-m ch'ichorn sd grn deri,ýb is ve. th, Ob, moîher. vhy di'! Il.>' utDoeiusaar- th, ry tien, via ve lovei! esuh cîlen soata ilean>"? If lha'! been'bis vif., I vauld an, baveý ie l.lae-ta his ever, viab, I Evoni'!. h ave Ie adevate'!itw ho mutl perfoncebave gone on loviug me. 1 need P bave no fais. ýpride thoeu 10tiep me frota 10, falliug on ml 'kucas sud Seseeching hMm to de give icr up for me.fo One day lu l,t vinter, as I vas indulg- oc ing s d sj' drogaaover the- ire lu îe t i- ligt. the door opene'! n'!Chalie ,uaop'. in. 'l sfirred thie ire lut. a. blaze, -*and'!fo dam. leaped uop,beaped uop asota>' eant ai hi sighh of bis handsome face spd atalvant < W <rame., ' aababore, >ljîtlp b4ittent' ho ssid, bkissa ;8 ig ne; veaii4îe visitors oomig ta 1h. d Hallueltveeb. TIc>' wéun'lhave mach of My>. compan>', thaugi g, sa tell 11cm.' é0 ' Charlie I visitons O, ý lit. Ur'i. Pelham and ber daugl.r, ma>' b égavliYO on enhe m- V: 'Not the girilsud Jbardly nrecolleci Urs. Polhsm, . e basbeau abrasA for eas. l Màsggie vas delightcd et lhe ide...' -shoaking Accident tein tatameitlu- N Yo kshie. 1 Froit fh. London ger,'!', Feb, 8, h The iiounds met ou Thanaday, moraing i ai eleven oa'c k, at Stainley- , niidvay ýý belveen EHanrgate an'! Ripon, lu YOrk- s sbire, an'! drcv a blank ; ihey <ou'et ah Monieton Whip, sud ha'! a capital<ua -ofW su h our creas the c untry tel he U e, cpe ' poulte MesS>'Hall, vlere thebo fx.an'! ho imd a o b th e river, v ic b vas uis svalen hrog thle asgains. A lorry' bat sat tue place crosse'!hieriver, vorbed c b>' aviudlasenab iui.,:Tbe finst npa ere Sir Çrles lngb, Sir George t Wambwel, Cap. V>ne, 1Mr. >- . Vy>e, Cp. Lloyd (Yor),UM. Rbinson (Tak, formenl>' cf Thorpe Green Hall, One-um ru, the innîsman Williama Onis, Lord Downe,-Lord JýsscelIes, Mfr. Wpz. Inlel>- iliple>' Caste), Mr., Dagbbrag,, lM. Bentreta, Mr. Roper, p >The ferryboat, manne'! b>' twî men faher ad so) name'! Janico Chinitopher Warrnier,,vas rea'!, an'! Smr'hles. V Slingsby, Captdain ds'!M . C. gir-, S Gea. Wombwtell, lir. IÀayd, 'Mn. Robin. so u a ud îe boanian, t va of aers <rram Tank, aun, ilàla uppose'!, ooce cheri,à onterçOe'! ielet, vuitheir herses au' commene'! ta cross tie river. , Mifen go. ig s l'ew yards tie ous e bogig to 1Sir Charles Siagsb>' cpmmenced'pluugiug sud biche'! thàat af Sir George Wombïvell. i T ise p 'adc loe oh e n h r es rssivea ns d b > ibat the>' vene swvevd ta aneaside sud ecapsizcuthîeboast, thrèving ils occupants' 1 îlt te vals. Soieral gentlemen an'! hanses vwers impniané! tder the -bcat;. 1vbicb reipaine'! boitomt upwsrds. Among -s tisnunder ti. boati vereSi8r Georgec eWomlveJl aud su oOicer frnm Yorb,0 bimaseDame 1 i aa n& i a ve> ad> icie.' >'1ithe -bouteswville - coder the boat. 0i1 Charies SlilgI>' vos ,eeu by l e spectaioru on the banir ta rstrike ont fcn tie opposite aukb ht aies uelsning lt-le fhrev unolhs ban4 s u'!tled >lai msen of bilmas ubis lody '!oatiug . d ava te river, ile his bea'! and! legs . n ud a n t ii. va j e r . -N o u e o f oil e- ll o s - ho lumpOair an>' eueui as asi good-, e a idei han th ic u bingo t1sf di ail, sud I bave evea beard yim Iisuatt id vaut. stili, ivear jike a trooper Il 'Ton"! Stter believo tiai yo've asî' it the true tliqg bout me i ai' the srrt, iueruptig the rail fox sud is ong taie. -I e au do al-tiai sud a g reat ti -more Il she a4ded, peking up ber esters, sud! loo>ing asproud as -a pea. &Bal, îl's ver>' iII tasneni>' ta inernpi gentlmnan )veu iees -peaking,'ai'! the oz it s a aed te loo k. ' T an u glil tq iAve lt mefiisbfore jon put in youn 'an'!, anyva>'; 'sud thpn, penhàps jeu iglt bamie sid sotuthiug viie, iuaeàd of ShovInir pour ilI Sreediug and *conceit. I id aot mean 10 praise j'on fon yqun <ool- W4ls ayiug, ou ma>' depen'! pon that;i because, lut. ithe enpt>' eciso.,thatlivO5 in lie Fop, oq an ounI>repet*wbnai yoîi have beard somebody else say, sud 'have na pa ver <tu55>' anysbig yurself, ud-tel1 as bowyjon likelto live lu jour -cage, on, ene 0e uing no simple a sang as tie iîibq liuaet singe iu the bedgerowl &And I telI you'l gai'!the Panarrt, 'that YOD an., a sancy, good-for-uathiug, -Old,- rcd fox toa 5so. Whbo canes fer Misa igtingale, sud ber fine siogiug? Net 1, indeed 1 1 oui, asked ber wbo isught her ta sip5, because I ante'thosba# bet towch b bttsr I canld tnili a lai than iii. a-tha-ail. 'Wisereapon tle. parrot Segan to imitate tIl-4> a he ois>', discordant, strecî sangs lhat muater> Bob, vIa live'! lu te parue base Witb, ber, bail îsugbt ber frota lime :0 lime; sud s hsorrible mess sise mode of il. Tii.-fox sqaatied dosa upoa hie re4 lisa, egan to langi until the. voode rsonded vIlsh bis minIs, pund au cI'! ovi came out of bhie elin a decayed -iree, sud-asked bita viteven vas or ceaI'! b. the tatter, itbat hle rs;seç&such qa iw l the stsrny ai. 'Mattan etiongi,' mai'! the fox- tHena Io a sil>' Parrot, tIsI is'dying cof envy because of tiseexqnieile aiuging af tileAihiua sud vants ta ýmalte us believ. il le uothing oi he ieort, sud tuatshoe au maint as -o.-d music as aur pet bird, vieroas sic la oul>' likeý dame IDodd's veapot, that eau oniy po0r oDe ofjt visai bas alraend>'becu pour. o'! 140 iW.Did jYOn bar, -jusi muas, bey aIe u>unered & Jin; çrov,' anti, sveet lwme,' making a nejue lhue a savuill, 1ha lau gai th e Cali_ içj 9d hecaliug ber acneepbiug sud graîjnu ipzi; svceter tu tle Bigiltingal e 7' - U'AIlsai!-the vise,- ai3 ovli paltiag a4 his spectacles, sud perciing iimseif on île eauup of a tree. 4Tbere*s noîijng a fo- liesh as euv>'. I hai e board bolS tle PannoI and! t4p pighingale 4o tbair -hast, visen tle>' di'! not lkuov thal anybo!>' vàs listen; iug ta tient. I vodaqI! vise-île pannaI ta 40 Con4tente! viii ber cage, 40n! 4 te ubyIPl WI~$#1!Y, Deut.~, i&jJA5L sBrovk a 28 rED il Ii a vor] Stret, V hta after,PAiL b ansd prpitl LNCE C0., -1- 17SÉs cash!

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