Whitby Chronicle, 25 Feb 1869, p. 3

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One Horse, Domocrat Wagon, NEW.ADVERTIBEMKNTS. 0F TRBR REFOTtU ELECTORI 0? SOIITR ONTÂ,RIO0: K E.N NEDYIU 9 ~IT, tihe uudeuslgned lIeoder.ef thsutis ýSONGS 0 SCOI srN At th RIinir cf tise CeunntofOn#ric, vise F à l (L'~aRt atParllansentaly iIcln aees LiV ..~.J VA.iJVVvotes; sud lut-r»t te soeur. tise rstunn et Jr. In %dà0f Sento.Mr CWilliamolecGlil as tisersiprUr ntsîlge bfOtisis Ke adll im ody lsl eito 1Cous)tltîsesscy l, tise Ontario I.eiîlsiature, have Keussdy ni! rocto"cen nitit surprise undt regret, iusinme suis- *j ~ ~ ~ Il criisc4 te a pnblisiied docuiment, viserein W115 . ~statemonta were iade Andprlnýeilem enunolAt.- Or ison teo uro a Scoldlug Wifc. ou it 801% asregards tis (s Constituoucv, ve - belewve te be ountrary te tact, snd lu oýpOsIl tius te tise well usdcrstood septiments of s NlSiO.Flt mea s 88KENNEDY. issajrity cf his issupporterst,1 I - - lieviug Cthat Our silence At tisis tîme re- I ~~MZSZON wc3NT. specioir thée matvrr ouid ho eonstrued as et. uïsb. sadat tse txs. Dorscpiss eseclug Instisecomraeofcur represeuts bc in, t hedor.DO OOutivevceconsgidcr tisat a gis-nxpfssou- ef <At 7. Commnence at 8. opisions of the IBefornicrac=l ltiis.g isulît whltby, Foh. ITtis, 1889. glu-T bc obtioe. ______________________________ We nonidtbterefore requeat Beifemors ýte SE.A ED T NDE Sattend a-PublIe Meeting to b. isld attise TOWNLED TENDERSIN' WILL 13F. FCIVED UP TO TWN I LBU KLN Thuroday, the 25th Instant, ,&ddressed te tise uuîlerolîrised ton theemotion Saturday, 2Tth FPeb'y, lint., n f 55 np5 .r f5 f jntio >'mi c th £'Canada Fresbyterlan Churcb, Separato Tenders wii hc reqsiired for ,&I leoe, Iilk Work &Piaterlng. £98 Carpeister asmd Joiser Work, PlanolAnsu pëecfliostions cOui bu sacos cil ap- plisatien tte Gego Blaske. Tise Cemssstter ivill i stt old tlîemselves bound teusccept flisc lowesst or sisy Tendser. Jt>IIN SINCLAIli, Ulsîsrmiau ofci'(omssttee GRO. BLAKE, Socretsry. Wiuty, yabrunry 17, 1889. 1 SPAN 01? MARES8' Net large. Truco lu llarsss'sg. ôOsocf tisen lu (cu.,WIlI be sold togetlier or separate, W 'Etîqulse nt titis oficen. Wlslitby, 17t1sFoi., 1880. 7 T 9II LAUGItST WEEIKLY PÂtitI IN TUE WURLD. *Tus Ctuacu UCrias couismte uo a51 sixteen page, 38 biy 46, weekly imsuc. It la double tise pilamf tise weokly quartas. It lissnstîsse pasges or Muieza. Gue pagsc osaisisusdovoted te Hlenry, Wàrd Beeclscr'ss Sermnons. oue. page <or, th isefrussr, asd a vsit assîossst cf aowi. lt ulvres about double tise matter cf tise basiC ro- Ilgi». ppera, for exiîetly \tiîe saune prie., S12.50. h lias dropped ail preustaiîus, sud sila tisît. builit ixt stbuts iîlisiby thsose Whso *sîst Il. Bonsd for a copy eneiosiisg 10cn lIto EN1IY R, CIIILD, Pubhiaiser, 41 I'ssrk Roc., X, Y, C1ity. TO ]MOTEL I&EEPERSD A RARE CHANCE: Being abouit te retire (rom isusinemq, tise un .dcrmlgsoel bga ta offeronu favoutlabie toms.m, *bis Oeocd Wil Of tile P.OYAL IlîcrsiL T16l C sa 8000 oposinig for aily perosidesirout, cil s.. ennii a lrot-elaa si ulset;», tise "Rîsysi" be. lus gvery beauifisly iy ititsstonOmsLake oucnisi. pliing ond -wltlissi a ussonso: t'a waik of tise ettaisulîr.t lislngs. Tise arc goed suîeds msi udtabllîsg attsscisd, and a lucrative butinsa oui bc donoliti tisa siuminer >usoîs. Aise for sals, hie ltliard Tablo, neariy ssw- azo- Apjuiy îrsouslly, or If by lettor'<post-pid) te P..GUIBBIIT, f Box606, Orlîlla1>,P. VALUABLE FA RM3 FOR SALE OR TO LET. T IF, south-..lalf ofLt No. 18,. lu the 4Lis ,Couiy of Ontario, kuowns sathi Et" RhUJIl 1)AVI8 I»I>OIERTY"t' ise soit cf tubs farus là citie bout qualiity, endu by.s very smuaileut- lay for us1praîeeus, tisa praj>crty msy be usade oune cf ise bost formesatu ftisa county. The Pslsssam"r Ueaantge llaOwnsUtise51psytise principail. Or tise preporty wIlll bertnev'Ï for ALBO ]FOR BALE CEP Tis e Riat-isuîlt tsf Lot No. i, isi tise4ttscenees- alois ottse j7owljmlllp of Ustwfçltt, consty Jssriss ti, kisoi-.as tise "EimoUS tu1- 'EutTy." T'£isia Iraprty will be soadoflAap. TVise anul lauisîdes a iweod stiste opci'cltlîatlo, tiser.sre josud s NtfloloiUt b»lIWIngiseoutise r r;tîeipltytlculara apply te ;hoc roprio Wllîbv, Oth Fois. 1869.81- G1V1NlG Up UU.~ Stock- for Sale AT OODST PRIOE; Paitt, 011 eDy White Lepid (800 1b0, p&c.9 2000 IoIIo - Z ,oom 'Paner. TJIse 040P at lieuse000Occupted by blas Jrtsale or te Lot, 'All parties indssbtcd teO Iihuster by 1 (bok naccut or notes, wlll P)046e statt ý 07U (01 Lu. IV AT ONE O'CLOCK, P. M. Dr. Mc11iool nay b îr%oiscdtngee lnlsrlv tlrotuee tate s mid doosmont, a eilius ta hi% generpi cour"e lu parliameut, at niioiMeetinsg Jr. MeGil! la rospcctfuliy iuvited te attend. Peter Taylor, R. S. Coisnrlcli, John sWil. Ausdrcsv Ausîs, Jclsn Dryden, T. P. White, U. Tiwslte, .lsspisMoukliouse, John Parker, Jàa is, ght, ThyloEstrck, Lorenu Brown, 1H. Fraser, 1. }Heward, Jameslildan, Johnu Yrgqosn, 0. M.Tlisospa. Aaron Camupbell, Willnm fhron, 'John litspbUmuRts.,. J.. 1u e J, Osnid, J. Iseukle, ô CROWWN LANDS DEPAReKENT9 Toropto, lot February. 1889. 'PUBLIC NOTICE Ila1erbqiven, ztiit thse Baron àsud suporlor as Peninsula of assâda West Crown Ticiber Agency nt To- rosto leretosdore under tihe chorizo of J. B. NA$ 1, Esq., hum beau abolhil, and that the, business sppertainiisg te tisal; Agency wilIlu future bc eorsdscted by tise Woodsa Forot brandi cf this Depatmetst.L B. RICHARD6, Commissionro.of Orown Lunds, Ord Febrissry. 1880. 4in-0 Ail parties lidbted te tho Estate cf thse late Mr. a et,), 09 LENG, Sour., are rqented te sattie tiie Rame witiiuo01 month trous tiis. da4e;1ud tisoe. inlg lainis spalst tise 0îheyo will plassa Roud titeir sauutm te thse undetoiguied Ezeeutord. THOMAS ANN AN, xcntrs WM. ANDEU.-4ON, 1 Pickering, rabs. lotis, 1869. *$ln-$ lx hancery., S*NDERSON, ET AL, ys, EOUG$ONmET AL. 1 UItOANT te a deece lài the Court .5. cf (hasio.ry mails lnstise tjii sude, beariug date tise 101hldoy of Decomber, A. D. 1868, tiser. wiliibe soid by Public Auotion, wits tise approbation- et"Groexe ua zxtDàm- Xffl, Ensq., naster cf tihe Court oft Chaucer, st Whltby, b7 Lxi:FIBNA Jr. nt hM, pfice, on Brook Street. lus the TO<VN O(F Wedcups4tiys 8rd day ofK8iirch tsext, nt 1 o'olock, lcou, thse iellowing valu ahi_ Pisd i d' Partis, boing te nrth hlaf cf Lot unm r 81.lit tise thsconcession of th" TOWN8111PI OFl'DAItLINGT9.$, inlise Cousity of Durisssps excetboitt4n#coand 160 0 pure feee t>rsuX là. recfàre uoIJbrtise Tih# aboya lande are sitosted xbont tour Miles froi» ti c villasge cf lHamptons, tenMile. (rom tise villaige of' Uulsawa are oelleut quaiity, aud iuswa erected tsereon two dwellng boumes sud gocd laren bulldlmsgs. There, la au excol lent orohard of graft.d ýfruit, sud ail edoil upeu tise promîmes i wblois oontalna 1seaits more or le%%, of w ilîabout 80 are ecarod, th. romiauder hala5i bardwood, Tise Conditions of Sale are tise stading os- ditiond of tise Court of (Jlaucery, wlth tige foi- losg varation»--.Tise parehasier sissl at tise timof iflauiey dcwn te the' Voeidor or hl& solioitor, one.teisth ai bl*-puroissim moue', sud sissli witin ufour week s tram thsedayof aie, psy fou r-eutilsthoreof, sud &hall stthtisamre time exécute snd dellvor a good aud suificiqut morige0 cf ths aid lands, mecarsg- tise' bal- ue or tise purohase issîsy wlth Juteront openi the Wlîcle unpald pusclîrme money nt tise rate cf six pêruAfflParanum, payablein flvoequal aungas t nhtalussutawlh lutas'at Quitise WisOle lnpid P lehmiouey !se tiserate Pt ahr par ir4ly snnu", paytable wpaltla th complylugwj*tisac totegclug condition& 1bc yull b. ess&lted t a uce smad bc 14luto ma u arnopt..~mmsd Ocudtîco s r041 us oh a ppllOatl(suteaS Faisr tas Vu orsblior; Lystsmu Rglisis, of Oms.Y0 rioAutcny audtise ussdormfgssed Master. Dated tisis secuud dAy of Febrary, 4.D., 180., £8go) 9one£~j A~EL Irnur ~ 4~ciee.gpdWhlitby, PFeb. 17, 1869 Per gaL' cash. Coal Oul, Axées, BrotIher' ".ý4OT]Ep" cheqp b'ouse 11&BROTHIER; isNoe lfer Chieap Gooa. m'ad Harness for sale cheap. me mLLÂRY, NOFa cTUisa RYAL OOLLEOU9 oz usoos of nntec he D UELîINYIyG-IN R0815ITAL,. Mr Resldence over Jus. Byrss' Drug. Store , Whitbr. TAKE 'NOTICE. k t ,-- f. ansd itt* Wisernlssg toobtaîn Licensce for Ise cooingyesr, uut appiy wikilsott dols y te Ni. BLev, as uderti.iwAd epelen arercled Nx. 1PL0W, inapeMtr of Lîpena. Wlsltby, Ord Feb., 1869. JOSEPH MACHIN E RAL. WORKS. È gTAaILUaIutfl1851. JosePh Hall Mlanufacturlng Comnpany FIIOPRIETORS, OSHAWA. ONTARIO. Legrel'. Celibrated Ameicz. Double Turbine IVater Wheels, LA. stwtpirfot and ecoamilual Wt.r Wbal M. Mu. W. aie tisa ouly manfactusrersvise can for- nisis tisegenuilue 11,5eir-IWhll' luCanada,us vIl!6e *soon by thec flcning certilficat.. OMSi'ritiLD, Oslo, boa. 251188,8 We tae plessure lis Iuformobsg thse Clhic of Canasda, th4 ne have seld andsît rsisised Mr. F. W. OLXX, Of UGabana, OtTerî, l'atorus;, Fnguners, Dranisigu, ossuges ra, joîtsu tier isecessary Information, te bîîild our celohrated Doublc 'asrbue 'W atnr Whli, Iuvesstod by Jàxssa Lxmau. sud kuown as tsse 'l Ufiol IVieel," Wa L5a. aIse blited curselvea te furnisi tise saine facilities for inauufuionrissg te DoochIer parties lu canaida. Wltisst lie linformatIOn Wvo hav1gMeInO M. GL5M, ssp eue; çait:succasafuliy tsuild Our Wiseôlt, asud vw» àdviss parielu inCanada te purelisiso oar feoitiones ar urpassud, aisd e feel suroý that h ise viai ld a W isel tisat viii gvesastis. action, We flscrofere o .Pined hlm te ths respects eual teou cwn. is .gssîd,) - M R8B LEPPEL & CO. WARRANTY. Our -wlmeoisare varrasted te wRorl Le eonsire satisfaction, If preeny put p, n, and t"o canre cf-sud tison f tisey do Dsot perform te tige #,qtlro s.tlsfstiou of tise purcisames, sftor' muncnugtisens 0day.', tiey umayretpru tisa vh.la te uO, s, u e IL! psy fTrebigis,, bots n ansd' ueaud Ail paymais*s.tssji.te" us tUsreen. Tii a ssmtoe nU1,lie a tnloty ad- bsnsed té. *- -W. «I "aai Alt<entioisto Our. superlor Gearlzsg-o! R alkide for atteoisîsr our wiseeis,, *nd lln isî d?apte oth isa hsîg ped at, whih fie -9hol rn' ,Wo ato punaisas- ew i-W& ismo uuf re affiPsd.% of sans sud Pleur MIII ifUoblbery, eladt 'g8tesm Miito a(slsund BoiiensXunlis andAuseriean Gsipga Ianît-ottissît elmf-settlnf Cîolar Bsav/gsUpr h t ad ÙocJTstng MUls> 55v Ela erlg iaftlug, Palliés and 'lBangoI%, Att, dca. AIse isîhngle Muaiîsansd -siant- ai, Leutiser 8 GtigMoile, uf rind- ars, Woln-'e échiacry, --Wusieon Baud- Prlntlng 1rsses, Gordon'& IPwe-Prest Tay, lorls Cylluder Pipeis, oadbles.Putent StOssm Qslacg0eceuitaisng full lnteurmatlcs rgpr- nlpised filée te AlApplicasita. 7W: GLEN, wsftadl7lfip, aswAv, Ont. 1ST 0F FEBRUARY TIL 11W 1ST O01?MÂRCU, We OFFER TRE REMAINJ3ER 0F OUR Winter Stock of Dry Goods AT A GREAT ZEDUOTION 0F PRIÇE9. liîllinrery, Ma nties AND READYnMADE C..OT.*HINC CLOTIIING MADE TÃ"O OIDER. FAMILY GROCERrES, SThe highest price paid tor Clover Seed and Oats. HFAMILTON & CO. Whitby, lob. Ist, 1869, GRE ilT BingAIN 1 I FOR ONE NRONTH ONLY, sel',ngO:ff at Cost, FOR, CAI-SH! ,NOW 18«THE TIME TO BUY CIIEAP BOOTS & SHO1ES, Gaiters, Overshoes, But. Boots,~ Leggings, &c,, &c,, by CdIllifg at the "Cheapest HouseinTown."1 R. el. YARNOLD, A few Hlenr'y Rifle Cartriges stili on hand. DIVISION COUTS 'l'N THýE CO-UNTY 0F-Ã"N TARIO,' 70R TM Y£AR 169. No., W iy................~ "2 1'bcter ..............;. e. . e. ., 2 8, Mauolseter& prince Alplsert 2.... t * ,. 8 8 C M, ( J m o te » ... . . . . . . . 2 1 2 9 - '. . . 88 6,Bssvrto...............~. il .... 8 6.... 21 . " ,Aferay...... ... .... ... J'a .... 2 ..... 7 ,:. 8 Whltby, tJauur lts 16.Jae ARX8TRONG'8 HOTEL, rri BVBSCRXIBER Ita ittad uap and cous £Lpetoi reuovatod $lse stev*c(Ad etabl.u- cd~ Aîi Htà te, and sPgicits tia patrossago" cf tisipubloauna Iiis teuds. TVie table asnd bar suppiied vîtis t4psbut, Go4yoeisuab- IP#dr Oppfe M, 'NOTIC. R OyâU fantia n Bank WbiM vT TUFoM« LATZLT oocCU=s y-qqan BEK K1X ûTIEA L tE ÀBION JH0g L, iÇovuewe of ,tk & 1pïpd£s §tments J. O McP~ERSN, -Proprietor. W W Laeett$Ui uon Rele«flrapute -6Aget forthe eu~eofU LOWEIS & POWELL WILL- SELLe GOODS TCýOST, FOR ONE> MýONTII. Cait andseçuyre. bainsat WÂRE ROOse W hitby , JÉLn.,,201 18 6 9.-,y I~I'and Clearing Sale i RU.&#J.CAMVPBELL Have just commenced to seli off the balance of tueir immiense DRY R0eady-IYIade Clothingo GROERIS, ROKERY, GLASSWABE,, The publie -are respectfully invited tb CALL, ANI-;EXAMINE'-"TIJEIR, STUCK As extraordiP47y bAri4on will be given for cash. WVhftby & Manchester, Jan. 5tb, 1869. NEW FAN( &J, CAMPBELL, FRESII ARRIVAIS1 AT THE CENTRAL BOOK STORE, AND FANCY BAZAAR, OSIIAWÂ. J . y . W " i I X l a s " i c s i e in s» s n u n c ls g taie p t r n s d t e b i hl!'ut s'ecolved a laràad uc oermn fBOS ANCJ GOD «esse ailull. asfa it or(beapph o a cbngfl deaso, wiilise will 8so1uatpuctst iibe en baud. Oisava, Dac. 22, 1808. -8 The wbéle of the newly assorted stock op enral Dry Goods ut rod ced pr n udfvo'per cent IoWed"cii 'l'4 cash purcbascu. Biiarýduë1Éigains wiII.I, given in, orde o r i ofthe lîoptr,ood» onor before thIst l Mrohk. Wanted; J10,000 bush. Whoat.! 1,0004iush. (lover S8çd, -,>0bush... Peas 500 lbnUSf. Beans. 10?ferIiisof Butter, 1,Ch( îtna ýAIl ansini -ut ]asd su ;Victoria, c quarter cf.j Ten U vili ho mado inc.wu _attis Oeof Datpd at Wîsitisy, tiia ltisday of Decemleri 1868. - if&5 RÃ"YAL HOTEL, lu tise Royal Jiotel, begs te inifm ta, trcis a sud» tiePpblsP tis4 tisa buissileas vil! isi fitule, bic cArri)o" b' is m -slo ropsiator, and tisatm asierîitoforo,,notlisiug vil! b, Ieft duidolife on bis ètart te malée eortin atlsfactcssy.t tisa gmucao f tise Royal. - TIIOMAS WALK"I. Dc. -,1868.-a Photogra-p h s. sud vlclnstytissite sax Ds urehamed lhe lutoreat f M r*J C Iaa u int hse PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY-, D,-UNDA9S TREET, Lustolycccnpled by hlm. vishera lue wiJl bit ai- vays fouusd prsuparad te take ikenet§tvs of ail iuda.-patograpis, 4snbrotypes -&c., lu. a aupersor munîser. sund with il.ile a cnracv. BAvisugruade large addition$ air usPoc meust'f sud *bcrwisei prcvied tise Gallery vitis al neot"ry requisultea cf tie art, l:a 'fues ceytIdenttisatisilkenesem wiîl ha fonULI ssnexceptlonsîble, sud . reapec-tfullY solicits a IR. Il WILSON. Wistby De. 2, C66. lu referonce te thse aboya thee ssdersigîsî i deaires te rocommend bis anceagor, Mr. Wil- son, te his manf patrons anmd frlessdsî, nascrissc tisos tist lusail 12r. 1Wiisou undertsî L eo u null givetise tsaattclo. J. C. HARRIS. Whuby;Flc. 2,1808. - -.- 'fr Counity offistarle, 8 RE1tEBY (dVEIN 7o vrr. ) thattise ,4. un et Assise, Niel Ptis, Oyer 4fi4 Termiser, and Geneal Gçî Dîtvey, "iJfho lilen lu UP4ý for tise Ccuuty of W~ri lu tise court ios lu tise Tenu of ..h Tu0day, April l3th, 1SE99 .At tis. lspr of 12 o'clotk noon, of violi 1sii cpTpuoi-s" Justices of the' l'eace, aôd du iionsr POp çda.ssdwlVtako unotice, àaid goygp iisaiu smlves <uuFdlssgly. ZiRL"ONlG.RYNOLDS. - £sheriff, C. 0. 1 er B. H.Topnl; SBheilf!s Office, Wistb)y1 Job. lOtis, 1849. 0-F NMEW HAVEN, CONN. [nvested Oajiital-$1,40,0OO. Hardware, Y. G. bav issaitr AIRsil, st tl n tise Visder or sa pumolise MOU Lieysst 10 Dite nsotslis(roi Th 'lh orclelsr lute aettiieVenor titi. sud la ouly to hoilitct <sUtreqin ieh ppfoductlon cf tise dsedm lu tise Vendcr'a poie- esn, sajýI 0f tise leistruir'a Abstract. "uipti5i r, ticiulArx i'l sutoucitloiss of msaJ tuha hohad it n ppliogtîts o Jamcs bnpltis, Of odeiaWa. the volsfor- , Falrbasskso, And tise Auctionen Dated tisis 20.J day of Fcb'y, A. D. 1849. élu-S Vesilor's Solicitor, OITWA ROMTEAT RI, AIE." MECHAIICS' ALL, WIIITBYY THIIURSJAY, 41b ARh 3LRs8 Appesrsusea prier to departuire 'for Cailforiis ).lo of a sou,,, istby. t. i 1 hAIR 1

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