Whitby Chronicle, 18 Feb 1869, p. 3

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Pr ted*rt SOKGS 0F SC0TLAND! "8adies te..à Ob -ti "rloSo ou*, Mr 1. y.netiidy il1 reclt* or bo fCy ,p# 4w "E Wl1e' unJ3J5 xgJ130r, mo'lo.Lo ogt 1» lid tbt'doo' Degra open ,Witbyl Yth, l7thlm?.62 in TIlfmday0 lthé $hInstunt, A4ddrung teuw odrol#ucâ for the traction 0! brdit lortheb.Congrgxp i oo ije lit WifiTuDY 1upa*teIta ndýowili b. roqelrad for ,&HID*Sto, IIsick Work A Vlitriuur, *1il1Carpemt a»4louger Work. Pliiis sd bp.clioatlonola eau "eon sapà. P.heation 10 (bof. Bake. Tlhe Cemittée. wll not isoi theinsalves bouud f.o #aept thé Iowot or-any'render. .iOlN S1ICLAIRI, Wbity, .brary17,1lm. - The und.rui<,'.d 'i sy 0o po pir for p sisjtombe r (lire u sclieg,' Isi lae Toronto. Toot,,1.17, ii,_ts' SPAN OPF MARES 3r > ML '* ÀLzj: e-Ino. True n lrs im. Ols, ie of tscm itu foutiî.b #illbaud touettier or sepâritd. <t' ](sîqulrea t titis î4le. Wlltby, l7tls Yob,1% TTLB WUiLD, Tut Vivoicit Usn cic>s ats i% s. ilteen pn«e, 88by 46,-wcs'klissu#.ene. L s.double tite m1lzeo -i'Uîweuskly quarto. -It imos.iice iugels ipf 94.rios. (<)gus jugeelws ouo dereted t 3Isry Wàrd 1%ero 11r's imeus, s.Oui, ploge fur tise faitier, su uKvit autsîcit or sews. It Ove %rs boutî dul l lcit uattesr or ftic bboit te liglous paliers, fur csaly theisa s.s pieur *'» It fins drolpjed ail lirtitimîssunîa sd xilitio flint littiesi<,tiIs t snapis il. us-ru iý7 thies. whss vauit i. Seind or 'Op ~y eneIuallng 10 coula, tu .7 41 Park Eow, N. Y. City. T 0 JOE LE'~ A ]RARE 0OHANCEC Beig aboutte retira ftown bnslutpu;, thea un g eralinesd tegs b o fer oit favouralel ternis, lios ood wiIi of thé IMorAL IloiliL Titis IA a opaiig r iiy persoit 'dupiroifme cuig allg rot-eiuss. uile#ii, thé '1L107aul" be- In yv.ry beauslîfuliy sutupted o011b..ýceCoui421. Clsiug sud vitiia niosuos L'a wallu Pethtis ot.suoemt lasduigi. Tisere are goodi s4ds snd ottbling ttaebied, sud a lucrative busqliebs gsu lie donc ln thié .uiinir soieasoîsAloso, for ccl,,is lilîllard Tablat, naariy suw-/4 ize- pocket». t Apiy porseusu,117 or If hy lutter (post-paîl) F.J. (ilIllhIN, Box 60, Orllla P. VALUÂBLE F A RM l'on SALE on T'O LET.r T HE South-balt of lLot No. 18.,M he Mit11 Caocoyioi of tihe Townshiip of Ik-ueh, ,oCcunsyof Ontas's' 4Pkiiown ait thl B. " iclWi J>AVS IJIOI.EWV."Tite sol t i 1114firm le oi theo stqul$ilty, a11(i be £ yar,&10411iiout- lity tor tsspqvemeteis, tIsa Jrpcrty nsny bo isohdao n@offlicse bait fdriiillis, e couut; Tihe argurthater eau arransge Mai.owil tua10o puy tihe ýtilnipsI.tOr tihe proparty wlliecrented for la ouiber o1 Yeats te a good toutàt. M&S B~ AIE CHEAP. Thiie B t.hatit 0fLet No e utblis conces- sion otlw Townsahipcof .rt*rtgzlt,Cousît y of Dariasrn1ktsown as tise "SIIYIOUR F110- i ZTiY.' 'Jeilia péoperti 301i. bc sold etesp, Tis soil lau uders good otate 4 f ulti<atot, tIer. gaegootid sdýuffict buildings osa ti F'or Ortber pattiojat pplyto :bo proprio 5wiutbu, oGlu Fai. 1860. JUMES nILDEN, VALUAIILE- PARU FOR SALE 1 'I HEWYSTaIIALF OPlLOT ]NUMBI(1 -..(à)ln tius nrehstis(1)> ueoou tinof' tise TOWNSHIp? OP REACE., or 16s2.Vise furtus la wel i arefl le unsulr cultlration, sud bap g1?od dwollIisg-bosls", ZW-TÊTM-aGO001, TE1IMS LIIIERÂL4M - 1er fotiier iuf'oruration i'ply tb- Wu, MOItTIBIEIICLARK, Yzsos' ouwsrwu, Toroto, ob. doh, MUSKngsa. Bust :foo. GIVRIN PBUIIB SiesaQJsz o o olu xu-s nunâÂvru u rTUiE lMzi onua aise tok f or Sal Talntt Ofla Dry whit. ;Àady %% vâ,P t nn"oc.upuu l'y hlm la r par i udettd to hinu ith .r by jb bok affltnete, wîî ias. aul ettlà (oeb. À few -Boxi P Wood, The ~, 1869 - - Coal 0 Ope liorgg, Dp!pi w, iu4im afor 4leq 4eap6 NEW ADVERTIS2INTMB x#z"y PUBLIC MeKrING. b Or TE UZ1FOBIK ELECTOU OP D UEBL N -LT1NG-T m H 0 [T A LI S 0UT IlI-ONTÂARIO I,, tihé undei %l ired !Iootôii.of the 0o #Ir~ nidcsg 9< tha Cuti et ibe lut Fvlmnay1ieogv trDo, bt Wvilliam iteelli lasftisa rcpresentatlvo aI Ibis Colttsucy Ilus aise Oltarl so tnrltbve saun withiurpni.sio Teu'St, li 11511 sub oerlbhe A e £publisidcu m ent, wlse'e statesieuîîwr uaesdprsoîls's eiuuus. adviics as rgard io hs -Conootltuelluscv w bllera te l'on eostrssl7 te I pt asud lu epoIî,!. 41im to tise weIl uiideratooâ scsitimnts. o! ciajrlty of flis asppoitens, #pectine the rsettr weîsld ho couîtrueah se(luseseisg lui tise course of 0iu'r rpreonta. tire, ve eosusi4r tais a peurui 0eIlrssislots of opiusisi i f th ita loomuru o! tise Usldlssg sîoulsi W. voffi4 tlsenfor, eus efrest attensd 'si.'ieieeMutitig tlmbise at tise TOWN 1AL ~OJLN $aturday, 27th Peb'y, met, 4T O r QPO'CK, Po. M. Psu olpp r or cfluarier snt-Il eplsnetion a% tsi tltç smd ouussset, us mcli sus tc olii.gessrsl catn.o us 'elit snasest wiich meetinig Pr. lecil la respeitulyIîrted ho sttctud, Peter ,Taylor, it. $1 ifamisiscil JolsuWliis J<itîliDrydesu, 'r. P'. Wut M. Titlt,s Euiçsi arker, 'rsss 4a ,k, louruisIBrown, D. yiomurd, J. M.Tlu'cwks. AjuGOUMaspie 4 mluî iî, ô CROWWNILANDS Toronto, lot t-bruary .1819' PU BI.I( NOTICE lit liereby given. tIfi tI1e iturots sossl Su oais.! 1>esî»aulai cf t asîaou ist (rom Tisior Ageuci -lit Te- rouste), iarethusforcsuuidur tise elissroo of .. . NAtl Eq., lias licouabolis'bded s tîsat tise bul.*nsi jprsissigtOtehsst Agenoy vili Inu <ture be ecdseted hy th. Wood* & Forci6ts lirsui cf tluis Dcpat*tmoseus 8. IIICllARtJ8, Comm ufûngro a own nLand#. N 0 TI1C E. AI; psrleop lpdabted te ite Essttcof tIs ate Mr, . Jlt, LiENG, Sesîr., îaré -rqtsusntod to mehule tise -puariewitissorssa sinti trouîs tîi dsstc; isîssitlislussxiiiiîug lissîs sgalisshés saiuisma wilI ph-usssd tlscir sueetaucts ho thse ussdcrasgsuuad Jxeutors. THON,48 ANNAN, i rp Piakerluiz, Pb. lotlI, 1889. S- lIn Ohancery.v $ANlIERSON, ET 4L. - HODUSON, ET AL. p UMIJAZIT &ae s decrco ls the Court cf'('lsat'eory msulo' lu tie ibis cause, hearlng date tue IlOtisdu y of December, A. 1). 18es, hiers, vii bo sld by lnulle Auction, wlitis heipproeou tou a iisonoz lirueur DAM- XXLI. Emq , Nuiser of tise cosat r ch'(.lanery, hh 1'tuty a l-ruFm ssisiuJr. litlis oinçce, pu rock Ircet. lu bst u«I< 0>1 O WIUIT1NUN Wednesday, erd dayif March nczh, At]$ w'clOq*, mon, theso lîlowlug vain 1 "ilie sud improveci Ysrus, belng thé. simili)glfI cf Ldstnumber $1. lu tise USseoisi3eesioi of tise TOWNLI OF DÂlLLINL4T'..N. in tho- Ltusuuy of Dairium,; exeeî)t hail au sera sund 1600 square fect tîxt.reusf Isrelefore moisi by tIs le ululas'l luisou . The above lansaoue steat#d about four tinles' fren tise village orf JHampton, ton mles rom, the village e! Us.iuawss; are o! oxeeleut quatity, auss lave cractes i tsereon two dweliing fussel auss gccd lsrm buildings. 'affire lanu xcl ount-oregsrd ot grafted fruit, aud s eod Wal uposu hb; promises; wlalelucouteas 00 s cresf, mlore or las.,cf isi e bojs80 Are clmo ith 1felpaindor b.iuag istdwood., ' "' Tise.Conditipsu of giloa eicthésotanding cou. silîlona of tise (louarI oor lsauecy, vîhif 155e foi. lowang rarlushos -,Tisapurchar ihali- astIse ime ot sala psy demistatehbsYeadr or bis liolielter, eue-tenst bIs, dpu-obaseanoesa, sd #baoi t ilu four meakalefrtm tise dit of agio, pugy lour.tosliths tierofsud eons lalJ*<$is tase lme xecoute sud &eller tg «oea! u sutIiseu mcrtgaga ef tishsi latidas, muriu-g Lisé bal- issea e0Ls putméie sousyWitsat ovet upoa tise mioleunptuietpuîcluase meuey aItise rate otsixpsmOeutpaýr anus, pyable mILIS uhl lUsaattof lcis. O ira', opurclsuml ooi yng 'wltJtiseIoeglng conditiouns he iii lu tihis a cousvepsuee sud b. lat lote flutber lmntIoulnssud oendlh. ose i ma u bh su'applIcatiou teS0; , , . ir>eqk, Vaudor.Soiitor 4 Lyuats BgIli, eI'Obliuswto tisa Aeetleu.er, alsltise unurluaed;Maéswer Dates i isecns &y'to<7eisrsr, AD.,iOO9. (6191144? (8101GB IL DAETE£ELL# rJa~NOTICE. ALli TAVEli-RESPERtS, GIOCEE8, ho eÀnir l= 1 , aot ula t are. fy lied Wiltby, $aa b., MACIJ1N E Iusppp4of e!Licenu. HALL WORKS. S . , a1ml1651,1851 Josep NàHa ll nfgtlngCopn OI4WA. ONTARIO. Leffoi'o fCebnttcd Ausricaus Double Tuirbîsse Water Wlseelu, Mdi moot pèfaf cead cuoeonial Wamr ihua inl 'a'. We aisa theoonly uisnuacunans Who eau fun. DsIAl the gessuine "i*Ltffl Wluoesl'l" Suasdauas wili be séea by the <llowlug cortifimste. omwirn=L, 1Orn e bth, lm,8 Wo eksaleie aluluforrsinç thse Pýbile of Cai*iashit me lusve nseisi sd Iuriis bd .Mu'. y. W. GLrS, of usawsi, oztero. Paternas, Former,, rawiugà, eauge* au 4ail osisar lsiceeariInforumioui, te buia Our Cole>'reted Doubloe i!urhIUse M aber Wlisee, lufrerted by JASIEs L..... ,sPd kuomus 'aaiuise '5UItssl fuirfsjli bise ime facil tiés for usanutsteuruig te néooth« oi rton lin canada. wI>iOný trisc Irdou'sston WCe have uisrp]tg Lxxs ;.0Oùce as eeilo UMO$àullîy sbula 'q' fWisesI,aail e asirue partioe nlu .i 4Aqds puq94a0eOur Whcela s o tIe isor sùuacurer. ilr t.*z.s edliiiwae uss u W , ur schleu,@ pommîeusi lui 'te'thse uubI1e0f~O Wit1h cuacesIl&,meedréel- fliiàg aura hali insswèu<aohurb£ l l~sail reasect»iaqussl te Ousr omus. (Slgnid,) JAMieS LEFFEL ucol0 Our wliaels iare irarsstcd e vrkte eetlre obtlfioln t! p'ropenly put ep, rmu, auditakais cure of-sud tisaie l<Lbey do Dot perforsu te Uhc esiira satlsfsia o t ise 6purcbae, aftcr reuning tisesu 0 , Zlsey sew otstIse vbsaîs to nos, sd v:0 fI I't WAvSI asdwfdaiein tu us lieras! te. 1W. col .ca 1 attestien te eur sujpartog ofenlgà!sUkinda for attacisinc Our wbceila, mhscoh tbe mIsis el;un. We caution purebs- en; ...us;t usina boauvy ohafiw ti su gmârn - Vei as1'p maisifsurea AI kine êfStia -ZugitwoeanaussiBoliers, ]fssglIxhand sud orican elwgs ,und-.sttlog asui $Ietlusg fCiroular. SvUpiX tsand 1(llâiits gMla wsw tue$. t'~ e r = 1mahue sstJoint- ;ira, Wooleu Çiaciisuer, wa.1lgton i- Pnlutlssg Prosfes. 9ordéau7er-Prce. Tir lon', cylinut r.em'5114s0'are ut ktlsu- jig ai imresa ýr a. ' Olabsys, Put. Os~samsIiu#» a., 1ST 0F FEBRUARY TIL[L TilE 1ST 0F IIÂIIOI WE OFFER TEE REMAINDER OF OU4 Winter Stock of Dry Goods ,&T A GRESATREUTNOPl. Milliriery, Mantles, AND. READY-MADECLOTHINO CLOTIING MAD)E TU ORDER. FAMILY GROCELIIES, The hîghest price paid kqr Cloveý Seed and Dats. .~ Whitby, Feb. lst, 1869. H~JILTON & ÇQ,. IIREAT BARQA iINS!! FOR ONE.1IIONTH ONLY, Selling O:ff at Oost, CASH 'NOW 18 THE TIME TO BUY CTII:&AP BOOTS & SHIOES, Gaiters, Overshnes, ý.Bof. Boots, Leggingp, &C., &C, by edlhng at the "Cheapest Kousein owi. R. J: YAIRNOLD, A Flew nry RifleCartri ~s stili on hand. ]XIION Cg'uRTS 11NTRIE COU 'NTY qF 0PNTARI<>, ...t.. ..... .htb ................. T 2 sig Mnoba.¶er u& prince Abert.: 2 " , lbridgae..................i'h di 7, Vltho ' ...... 1 wlilhby, alauuary 1811, 1$69. ARK8TRON~B ~îucî'~u ~ i n. i tes I ~ I ~ i 2....12 il.... Z. IIIYBMHÂI7. Jmnsox, ROUMI, WISL SDLLGOUDS AT 9. COZFR ONE MONTil F' 1, ý w e, lu whitby, jan.2,189 4L_ " Gý ra' 'd -'e «,r R, R.*cJ.CAMPBIELL Havye juat comxnenced ti "IP TP,lebleof hr mtec GROCERIEC0KRY GLASS WAD E, & Jhe publia pre..respectfuly invid- ±Q CÂLL >ANDJ EXAMINE -TIIEln 4s e~ap4~p~7 »rgains wil be give o ai - R &J, CAM ~T~JCK <P»ELL. N1EIW FANCI GOO0 FRESU1 IRLV1 A H CENTRAL B500KiSTORE, AN~D FeICY BAZAÂRý, OSLIAW. ,f. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s 7.WLQ uuul srj anunengto bis patrounsd ts 4qIe &-TOY8, nattabl0 fon(se a rmosl oliday ssosaoYU, whloh lhe wili saoi t priies.lbthaïvili rive satifseisu ta ait. 7 - uiiansd e athe, atock vitile there lu alargo Igeetiou [ou bond. Otil*waDaa.22, 608.50 T *e bcle of the neflyasorted ope of general1Dr7 Gooda9, at rd4@ed priceN , adA" t er ceanta1#ored ge iàU eslhpurebaffl Jaru B i wilb.gro uoee~ df~Wer àço ono'r bere tbe lot Mh Wagnted, 10,000 ýbus. V ift000 bush. ,1,000 bush.f 500 bush. 1B 100 ferkins Ei1over' Seed. W A ~T.TT(YI'1i' I sud the Publice . Iublues. il!lun future hd#icob liaa'bol# prpister, andi 1 ïws'bntob. ôii iÉvil b. ieft undone ,,the )MA$ W ALKEE P'uhotogrip h s. Itiocopie.by1ihm, wc]be b.wilb. ai- va> usui yrapredto aka.' iken.es Mof *J kilardbooxiXP4 Mfflpp "eqln 8 5~ Vf~ ,additions ansi lîurve sucut8 sud etberwlae prowlid th lb, y 19l ~l.ncuun reuiltes of th, art, Luc <Aitlàa 9iont thât big likmieaas IrlDb. round .. - 1% epl we, s, iwpfully aolieitc a B.l ILWMO. In rafçqS e t h. a belb derslgsed &asir rrta zpeo ai ).aeecasor Mr Wil- thsu tiat Mra , v. ilson usdertakcs lic 5Ili:1r tbô.u isst'a s 01a 0 0n. J. c. nÀElUS. Whulby, »ee. M ,166. tf-61 for wluieli b. bi publie, Ise masse.priueiplu dispaeis,; ItYb lu Rit operahis ltsai<by soie fail, beuce usa viorer ii1t bIouse; itla W latcudiug Pl Yr 'atrial er thasu vil b. as dl*peSe4 otgu tt~r. Cbpigze Fainily 4 handg« - jaardware, Paints aiQ MME spB S 1btiskftt) im :-t'ab E, 249KSEOG -m. rsultv FOR liy.isw butor., Ospot Bn.- The suai! Iow4 thu LO propenty. aadsal, J7îk lsieoret he 186a sed le 60c0b. Pif. -- 1 1 1

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