Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jan 1869, p. 4

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fi4'prioeetiwiII b. proseeat. to &b: fn # heliolhalw. lie PEULAR, sole Agentfor tIhe Manufacture Ad m i tihe Cuunt>v f Ontario snd Durham. sl (isba'a, ,sÎipt. 2,IS-8 TO FARMBRS6. ftliJr CANADA PAR19BROP -part. the lai! moubt of Jusorseco. be e a vlwtb by tIis L.cupsiy. nt, 28, 1809. 48 STOP AND SER]S fiImmemudsseeble 5Mets, s8c4î i lcon- &UFo5d Yssio~r fr ies lieil Jl1eî il thieorest, SEOIKONEES REmKED1)y 1 fgî Unisee or teTrmt 1, ve, igî't 0"r1 sKdaeyîka», ad Weh i Se1:<9m h arion u ,iuietue% Iau isd mil dimese i., iiig lins sm'ai hreOr ntia rnMariwuî Ihai fii Q u Siit; 1.. uU I,i4eiw nidNsmiln rIa flood iiveî COO ni~u. r thal ô( John ioey, or a M.ues, OIL, mcflunuaîim,who had Ual lsly ueen 01, crntichîs foryeîrs, lanalielu li Irei cî,euî haîreloAiîe, ,iil anow wolUI. Sîoe. ousncb cmasseiiigliîî hinis- fua hm btore sîpce. KM Oil ai the Dia' Birai angel a Ciî,Qalar of inîtuqnuslcle eerllhsaîeî cl the URL'Ari'Iot.. X1498I 55 BMEDY sud PILLS, sud satisfy roui- 1syluet o the Reiuody lu largo pluts $1, ,011 or gala b1 Il Dinggii.sud DcaSus lotMcdi- à4oi. Agetaiforv Whiîby, JÀs.Gar Orioe sudJuin.. WHOLERALE AGENTS s I.YMANX EiLLIOTIl<& Co., ~TORIONTO. .01J4 SVOIII ATUN, J.WSRR & Ce.. 114ULDROOK & STARKC, Tr. iD1toKLo #k BON. ..'NIIEL'roJ< & Co. Sepi., lse. 85.1 QUIRE 0F COON8UWPTIQ 1 J 1 CANADA. Inhluu. Yogue CAUil1.Sii l il A - <ihy 1IcwîIlayon, a U i lathle public, lu iliiu,îu. -voit of ih. mndou oderfial care ut consomptin,.n- Ï..tmptiotied isuîy perion, la' the- 0»une io h.Ormei #hica uuneui itemédy cul sFis. I coaglicd 6n gîc iiffldoy andcli, expesîoilig large iiilanîiog orc lmtran lagretal abosunt ny leftliait. 1 Lsd oclul eobilieevery day, and.cl -iet glîsweahç every ,Pigst andl Sauwe.u l%.he'aekin eoagh sud grest Pwmeing, 1 wuî aéimit depriv oloo aep; ly ihell nliuriiin asllhas by tieeoncfppeite ilas a - daceul thit 1 conuirhardi risand itue, I iriuider fliciire c"rithyîieaan 7. a leun'ii f Iuliaib iluiin Cî,lSSiI iudifieîaîîî îeuipes. but aiwilbuon y gjw',ed ibe.lquireIl'etersoîs, cf uhih, recommandide sois, Io a.shoetOcraiocseeslhedy;-,1 ricenred hisihlliei et once vils the Puihu;1 io accuas i romn- ïhe_ usnbg i9heguic lu agbotter, muid wiieiJitoad lîishul idgis.cosnple snitlios erngh, 'zpuctocaion cf -4w sumlli., usia =-aloiangs, ehihig à Isvaing, &0,..tllS Pl@ aisahuycoinnîng ht s#aie1 lecamaslitrons endS islhy t id low cviitwu o ntoisnonace1quit the geauudy, Sud #bore hure Ilunsnocsyunpuamit or h. J #1 asêetanis ud 9 hrvebeaiu.sud Sm slow heai- iluer and hoiler ihas 1 havi ooifr san . Ia 'ail ros i vu mille Ibis hui 11h o li',¶'? , tritnîhey euaylue iaul uwii lhe peniiervrtrîasii îhitrnly *neahId m emdy. 1'BTPR C. V. MILLIL hiýnusstows, loi cf Lensox k Addhsgtoîî, Oui. l'a ailge whom I luay comge.-Thlis s luo cotflhEtbhs 1 hava eboenaiuned, wlî it ouholPeterC.V bliliere>,g A*., metiuy yarsnd have bnunwn hlm ai 14wsy oues<l@he eYOM gtsetleirlhsuid a vert eiadgid andcredi a pe ionI enudIJsum confidentii duhtema mAily roueh tlri. tiuisio<lhe atone, crmsy niliaer iShsmurnlthuile iy hinî. LIVERYI1 t lm LuI e. 44 'e RJ. YARNOL D ~ ias jusL rcceived a 'very large and wcvll se lectod Sok of 0f the BEST QUALITY and latest stylo, foir Fal and -Winter Taadc, which will be.sold at prices that Cannot be beat Ci »-Kmns' calf, Kip, and Cowhide Boots. .<0 t> Womens'l Goàt, Xid, a.nd Calf!1Boots. -Cu b'Misses' &.Chldrens' Boots& Shoos. -<ig 0:?r GentIlem e,,s'.Eàglis h lace and Elas. ,rr Boots.' FELT OVERSHO0ES, ail sizes. Ladies' and Gents' Best Sewed and Peg- ged Work made to order by CASTLE FOX. Repairs neatly executede« Renienber the, sitand -next 'door Norfh of Royal L(Janadian Bank, McMilans Block, Brock-st.. Whitby. Hen.ry's- Rifle -Cartridges Or SALE, .MâtYCHAF.l ýWhitbjy, September. 2nd, 1868. BOOTS-& R. JYARNOLI 3 )9 SOES 0f tMie Rigkt Fit and .?Uake-, 13 0G.LS to nombsfiNTan cutmcrta i isrci cd a very large stock of Fali & -Winter Boots & Shoes,1 OF TUE J3EST STYLE AND MAKE. Also on hand a largo Stock of IIOME-MADE Boots and Shoc ýwhich cannot -la surpassed for *qîality. or prices. CW Ail Ordcrs punctually attended to. Repairs incatly donc. Rcmcmber the place, nearly opposite the Bank of Montreali Brook Strect, WlîiLby. Wbftbby, September 32, »~68. 3 THIE'OLD -STAND!1 ESTA-BliSHE lu ofeenc teanannouncement of dissolution of the copartncer- ahip lierotofore exitlng botween 1111j & B170., the undersigned deies to inforin bis friends andl nîmeroîîs patron gliat lie Mii! continu«o the biiiinc,-;fiextabliglhed by bis bote fathor, ln 1688, at the OIJD STAND, Nos. 8 and 4, 'PLI 18 BLOK, BROCK STRERT, tIIITBY, wbiert lho ewilibc always found ready te a1tten'd So the wanti of "ustcmerg. An critiro îsew stock of te bost inanufactured Furuti turc.. UI>IOLST1ERy AS USUAL. UNDERTAK!1NG AND FUNERALS Supplied as heretoforeî .WSome splendid épecimens of Picture Prames, and Gildiný, 1 Rememljer ie Old Stand. Wbitby, May 4,'1868. $, 15,0 KJcnxx.j.L. l8.ly PN PRESE NTS ,IIOYT'S NEW I>1OTOGRAMHGALLE RYN OSHIA WA CU9ORNRPF (KG kArIOE IO TREETII, FIlET FLOOR. -, SPrizes consist o! GolId and Silver Watches, Gold Chainis, Bzrocbes _I and Jowely ciil kinda; alio 8ewingMchnPiig, Albums, and a va, ;j tty of éeelent docks, 'See I rseconds, i 'JEJNLJ1iAU-~LIN U1 Ujf'"UUIj- TÙ,,:u,ýer'9edbaviog jcivcd tbo ppinment of Offlciai Assignee for North mi, W prepared tô gePrompat: n o ail matters in llankruptey or Pcrryn , Dcesuor 2, 1888. e -, otes andw cciý rit ip i y olc nd r i t t n e 10HE1AP THE subcribr would 'bg to intimate that ho is now in re- ceipt of lis Fal) Stock cf FRESI ILAILY GitOCERIES, Complote In everydpamet He would direct special atten- tion te islagea= complote assortment cf Crockery, GItiss & Eartheoware Glassware in sots te match, Launps, Cliimnoys,- &c, al >ofivhioi bo is deterînincd te sel! as ehesp as any bouse ini Sown ; finluuf-bouîud not te be uudera§old. Cali and sec. Cash-paid for atmy quantity of good Firkin Butt.,r.' Corner Býiron & Dundas.sts., opposite the Robmoll Ilouse. Vhitby, Oetobcr 28, 1868. v Enargeme4it INCREASE -ol STOCK,. of Premises, I IE Subscriber wopld respectfully announce to his old cu- tomersi, and the eublic gencrally, that. havirig enlarged hig tina seasou a bLOCIS swice as large as bu hbas ever oflered before of lieTCili e isî nad bçp te u MOhace t ie i srriae Box, Parlor & cookig Stoves., PoAinee'iPE,alot cf Dunib Stoves, Coal Stove Agrieultural Fui uaces, Oistern y >h*>irT~ Sletd ae nlyb>bselt; wL Pnînps, Bragss and 1Enamnellcd Preserve Ketties, Tinwýrc of cvery description, A LEX[AN D ER P RIIN GI E£ W ale a t r' edcg, rices Citildretîs' (Jarringes, &., &e., togetlier with the otlier Cooking Stoves, will LE nd Pa ang .a, Graisin; bc loîînd the CELEBRATED AflMSTflONG, aud the GENUINE MRON Takes lea've rcspeetlully to inf'orm bis friends and patrons that ili PandexpIuango"ang, DUKE STOVES, whiclî eau only bc purchftsed lani.his towu, at bis store. his Stock< of 1-0 WINTER CLOTHS, 4:0 is now eycmlte . - A. C. W, Eiivc-trougbing and Job Work promptly îttendcd to. Any ado h cybu uitadtsSlei rprdS make.-up iýith di una quaxîtity of good Cordwvoocl Lakcuu in excîtange. l)atclî, and iin the latest st yles Geitnctleneaa arbacnts, WhlSby, April , 188. Whitby, Sept. 22, 1868. description, unsin od f everyNWCA IAE cmbrcing-Slirts, Collars, Socki, Braces, '&C.,&C, VI agg-on 9 Extra Fine- Green atid Ilack El I, Rumch, Sol -th Vd If you wvant to buy'a Irirst-class VO A' Rcâdy-mMa(IC C loîhin AND CLO'IIING MADE- TO, ORI>-ER, mh At M. F1-. COCHRANE S. 'BOOTS & SHOES. 4jeol At M. -1. COCLIRAI) Whitby, Pocember 9, 1868., sdO rE'. tord,:i 1er> Pibi ïCampbuil, sOLTOIT Brook Strcf STTORN £ILane te., %iluiýh nXito %ei BÂRRIST PEWOE A- [ail. POaTPI'M K. nuiuvu Whitb~ I j i - GENTLEM4,EN 'S TAILO RING Brock s., WlîiLby, Sept. 16, 1868. Fu RNIuuR Would respeetfully call tttention té+heir large, Stock of Furni- ture and Cabinet WarcS; a11 of tlII newest stylos and design' An examination of thoi FfIRsT-CASS STOCK, will warrant themn in saying t-bat theré is none foi erior iii.theý Dominion. EU0IpiIQstering of 'aI1 kinds,' aj'd thé work guaran&oed to be e;'v*cuted int ouperior'manner. LÉzr Particulr'ar ýattent n is requested to ther NEW SPRNG MÀTTRASS- i'IIE MONTRE.AL (JUStiLca5.iader"lemo$t eyriluciis by hàictuit nu'utal uuhoiicé and juS.es. ai T ncne Jue quâlaP.ureaniS < trasruuuau, tl rgiAcualecuiuu owntou.n anuitalua itpiove the entour ci I lim. TiitSYARSE UhQtLE p ~~>gAND FL hlave il h, clîoseîî <ir low unsula .orh, keepiug in inits luallb, coray>, aund& high degit, dutintgthbeu, . il for teile st pasiblea piuu, ellbcttug ui aîiug telteCoiimuer of Jb.Ouaieuuropau p ini5, 12,10,20 sad26 ,laizLe0,04, id are wsainil u pan d fie ro stanes. riles Tc r itur1h.. boxes, two 121b., boxes,,croîaile o 251b. --box senl caninîgafile autllot n Cîjmtd. lTaù,wAlA lue Arwarujci loAnuadiaîely u rculpi t Ilef its ruhiy Inuit couuailuil uaony ciuitua ciictel ci dcivey b eplimil. titu, elaiesarc express uoffices. liassend thme aîupuluîofai10icn îlaveu ponse. itwittle boier 10ta ts lth.mouuay wmlthaleorder. WV wcali te. o nuahu'nr faniices ahluuîglosgelhiercould endtotr nSlb. or twc123h. boxas. la nu.addrulie ritage ipan sud uunîlt uah box tuiy, sa liibtul aab lt Set libair owm tus. he teuw . el tu gAv cadre iat bil'cllct. It l' >' aie >0 a cte ci' t,ýy e u o retauneu t ë 'nB1ACK T E A.-- igliét lhcalrlsii. Bloien l a,"sliuig Ta. 4ô, Sc.; Fie.Favotrul New essa do.- Z85 Boi3et Full Fiavouris dco. 71,Z onî.dOocnng, île.; Riait Fuavonicitdu.e.; eiy Vu isa - 9M oa., SO., rFluae WC., veîy -élue110e., Flnu i 18. vbichhle hm ou s. 1 1, -Glaxzmg, ALEXANDR PRINGLIE, Ya prepsr iIEA-(COMPANY DRS. 0. A. CAIIUoN, DR. SURGEON, BwRESIroxî Ejo Wwae ~WLitl>yApt TUI( T8OWN CLEI X -Office-Toi Yici g's>Da "~- An exeellant unixul ulo cf v.1400tlteila The Montreat Tes Clonu (Jawri-ýJt Io il!arl)yaîê ine 'nd amnpleuaeu te- esdîgi'ahap 'o' GRE Brion. 50. eo. OS î B or 7 TEA. Fie 40:7% p.r.beLe .?upnreljthe a a any 12i Whitby,J Match ,10 Co'* à-ý 1 i 1- 1 1 1 muni Ïs il il .-&à ; 1 8:r C",anad a Whiýbyj Dec. là, 1868, J&WX> 18,33 IIAMIUrON DS

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