Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jan 1869, p. 3

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vo uià;woon troce a a v; .*niuuj Ma Tihe LumboT andi Bautlirig to bc of a gool aoasduercliasatable qiiali$y, and to bu doliver- 04s Atlhe TowmIr 1, ou or beforia tho 1Mt day of 'Ma*", 1869. 1* tol, thut earnot lie bi.ckonlMt for pttlng on t a otrots wil!!beý ded nctud ftoni $loameunit. Tanderate bu midl oitla, ni te bu ad- drooped aTuere nfur Lumur," or" 'Loid'r T.',PIILP', Clalm, t'. &lin T ' ]RfANK Ol IOIKTU1ÂL beipit bout RIVeS fnotice thot ali dcpoumit balancee" dajo tu thepUnblic mtetbo 8101 cf Iieeealbar, 1888, wtil a baepuued lor by die UlTxlluo BAINE, oipocalte f the propêr vouchuers. Ail'Pr'mlo»ery neté* lielt'i ly 'theI3Ank cf )tontreul bave hÇen trhafod1 le Oltario Ilank f<r colleciut wheoe Jirties inay niako tmsyllent for tue saine. Tho laatsniu lo1ank wlll attendgenerally te *»y eutttanduaag Ibnceo's of the Bik of Mofreid. AU ()Mleer 01 thé t, iuk wIll] romain In towaa 'lor a fw day. to deliver ony rapr-tîiae pro-- jrtY oe- e0tesoindeut-tnat :rny bu caleod Shnk cI Mosntretil, Wblîby, Dec. 801h, 1888. NEWSPAPIER.-DIRECTQ--RY, ,4emaf.rÀbt, f all . Im upnpn a iPeri-. -adcaapuu7.din i» . Z,a11a4 &aeg andi da, and, 1t1;L(1,14 fl.2dri ' toeavmx WvT 4l Duertp ton of tutu Tvwng-nd OUitie. inwý4iel, NiEW YORt .GEO. P. IoiOII, & Ce., IWLUit&NuwsrÂ?aiîa A»vîuana,oAITS 40 t!sk Ruwq IANlOME OTAVO VOUME r300 VAdErs uu)PVnu IN ULOT11. FRICE -VIVE DOLLARS. Awork or green alu niuA la, Aalerr,, J'alolighers ana o-ra Wth'11 wflot ia'Ifirnî,îa,îLa. n1lt aa.aaaui tu aile Nuvn>ra>raad li'aradheul»utU rda lîiina viff fl l lItaairî1 d pa.r#saa alcaiag CUpill.ti lU u e Ioa), su-id iuirurdoag P. <IO r tt>WvE LL&c. 40 Palk JIew, Pliotog«ra p h-s. af Ma vii.ll sitlbiît' ha l.itbe i, nec PHOTOGRPI GALLE"", rUNDAS I4UELET, jâqte1y cctpli by liar, wlaere lie will bo a]i. *Iwîyafeîadprepard t takolikoccouas etail as pier antnier, and wilal~ .ies'aray ýIvl,îg mtnlrouatitiosilsla-jiîaaîrovo. sauîisa"dio laio rovialdle0aîr wihh il 1îîectestaary rcaquiriîescof til, art, lie fois o l. elleaîtbua I laoislkeolieueg .111 bu f'uad îaaexcpîlaaablu adi r4,->octttlly isolihta Ji. Il. W'ILON. Wliilby, lite. 22, P8 lireterena'e t h 1lO he hia l ormi ted desiren Io r*eoaaaaiov i lisucssa1W au,ettt telilsnu .pairotiatti irioad,i i ssari t 11g,60 it li il i rr. %lligtiîulaahtkt-s bui %viil glMi tiu m-ttist .tsaeii Wlily e. 22, 18,18. ~C I RI É TRAY IIEIFEjt, The1 1CALL AN) As extraordintu'y Whitby & Manchesterjan. Sth', 1869. -WAýRE Mandles, Dre'sMaking, to !f for cash. J.AMPRELL, GOLD& SILVER WATCflEI Brooches, Ear-Drops. .Colored andl brhrht.ChniAd Rings, &o., Wodding Ringst Spectacles, 8-Day & !O-lotir Cloe1ls in grent varitty. Rcepairing carefully attendcd JAMES JOHINSTON," Watchmakc-r &,-Jewellcr, Whitby, Stlî, 1869. DOMINION 100 wholaad alfb6arrels Labrador 'RJoi-rnugs, TUE LARGEST STOCK.0F, CQ2XSISTE POrt,ý Sherry, and Cape Wines 7 Ue'4#eÏsy'e, Martel',, i4d thr ptire ScIot'ch, Ilish, and Canid'~ hs keys. ln fl CALL AT 'TuE" tHEQUEREII STORE FOR t IITM[48 (CIIERfU." maW v*UW éêj AIMad VUVAIki, ING OF; R¶olland Gin. a diiiotis article of Cherl'y Wbiskey Aise ~ X Gunese' Ond XXX W h i t b , D e c 2 3 , 8 6 8 . R O M A S T V A W T j " COUNTRY MýERCHIÀNTS cau supply themselves with Goods at My Establisbhment fIly as'chcap as tbey cati ay thcm down fom Toronto. TIIOMAS LAWLER, 51 Agent for the sale -of MoIsonis and eoigrovees celebrated -Ales. C15 E IOCRE ;b Il. Tailoring&c.,$cc LOWES & POW-ELL Whitby, Dc.cember 30, 1868. 52 Special Inducements The whole of the rcwly assortcd stock of genceral Dry Goods at redcalîcua riceas, anad five paer cent allowed on all cash purelînses. Bargain wilI bac given i order but o the Wintcr Goods on or before the lot Marci Y. GIBSON. s. :o. y. I ) if f e i G ,AMI lto the iarctaaiaacs(ial he salaseI'iber&IJIJUU UIF~J. V 1IlCY L,~L T'ett fFo. 7, Bofl'rlirat, l'acleriaig, a . 1M00 bush. P as yt.crhiag Iliier, acti color, lys-o %,1144J spot. an iarelieaaj-bogh esetaoir qit oit. 'i eu avla â 500 hush. I3eans. rtqliosîed he pa> eliterýtes and tiîke han uwliyt oti,rwla, slae sel ie daliicl af il) duae ,course cf laaw t fa ettaii saune 1. 1601 Afteisof Butter. WM. L uAUSLANPl, P~ î, ~ lickerinîg IP . Cioice Feainily Groceries, coristantly on ROY L -b Et hand. Hardware, Paitits and Oili at reduced prices. WHYA i-jTB.1 T I Y. GII3SON. 11iiiloi-sfiaad Jaavlao- ptrchasral tise oi T téouat tflis alo pirtiter, 31r. Di. Koit Y G. having been appointed Agent C'or lai the l<ail Ilitol, begst ligaonin las. Inialil sit the pàuic huit ti l ,Iidiaaes wîîî ilsai etlae, the HIuVL>n Salt Company, lie is now preparcd to sdi the Goder- îlaa icare orc, aauîiitiaîag ibe litorLîaa~jli cSait ini any- quan tities (wholesale and retail) tît OId No. I. ()lIà a l iii ,aaat l e uahh tue r te et hi0 g a.râaig ofaithacSONr 'iMAWALKEXZ. YEO0MAN GI BeO Agent. Diusolution of Partiiersaip. Whitb.yDocomber 30, 1868. 52 tiiaisata. Aaai. .a.-1a.auVsuascu ay nntjual Ail ehowaJg theùlatte limaarc te b. lailti t0 Thiinats al J'y» waai4ilec cuutduwili bu l DOc. 23, 18OS. W 8E!.Sn-51 -INSOLVENT ACT 0IF 1861 $ale..of Lande ýxc 8h. mater Of JMOIN IXODOSON, au lu- OUBLIC NoTME ai.hceabyliven tiaat 1)7 vits cùf tile pýbwcr ve*o tlu j I 1.s.aî 4-p the Cli'W Iily, ou eilt. a h n.o2IIeu qA t mrch X ).jbq tInieI 014,4ta#)1 jeai tT91t lu aili naî* i h u , i Ailanligniher thwtig porty, nautmol>. - AU ~ an i uai- sscetainparougi or tt5et eladsd prodo ik% ylaig anud bolug lia 1h. toteaisîlla cf1len.,!un Ilu tho Ceunt, etr Vietonia, conîsîaaiaag- by aalanoaurement Qne qaWrer ftau aucre orf ta tn, licuor 16»» beln cenîpusoti et-village lot luibor 24, la teLie J luge of aaabruuy, eas laiil euoa s a-planert lit >ubdivisleaî ei the eusI panrt flot 'nil'ubar irluvola ofslaia siji !salti tewuâbilp ef Yeiioloil, matie b>.Willamn 11. DJian, rv- cls3 Lanti tlprsvoe, anti reglitgre. lnl h lie lou'js Offieo 0ethte Cennty ;f Vîctoris. lie ma14 e okupuwn At t1h.otte àt Ditat tWllby, tt»151h daiycfDeaer18. - BLOW TUE BELLOWNS HATCH & BROTHER hav e received a supl of Black- amiths' Becllow$ of s'perior .quaty; hey hIlase 0receivedtheir EallStock of Scotch Iron. Slepghi Shoe i& C(uttewr Steel, Ilorse Rasjus Files, Superior heorse Nails,&a. &o. Hlardware Department having been thoroughly' replenished, woulde alI attention teo, or large stock eofloger'» Table sud l'ocket- Cutiery, Plated Ferks anîd Spoons, whi we eau fuhl>' rccommeuud, aise othet makese of Cutlery of uperlor qnality. Price ver low, quehty oonsderd. Iron Duke, Queen City, 'Comuuonwealth,,. and other heavy Cookiuig, Parior, Box and Coit1 Steves very cheàp, wîth heavy copper beîtom Furniturec. Agrieultural Furnace, Sugar Kettieî, Store Plipes, Elbowo, Patent Dumb Sioves, <&e., &oe., always os, baud. a tons Of hlaY,3046Cerds eofliard Wood, U000O feot ofLumjber. 0:)- BY 1 l Sigs, Rng B i Mî Ropo liaiter, Trace and other Obsins, Vice, Plàtforsm & a0ie Scls ti Btiaag ross,-enî sud other Saws, Pantgs, -Palot. Oia, Varnishes Ja4 ,GasPîy &e. Axeswhoiesale, $8, 10,sud $iSps, boex. 1 :> .eneinbor the. Place,? N'o. 1, on- t1he Corner, CHRISTM[AS HOLIDAY-S. 1l have iiîade, extensive preparc-tioris to sur- ply my dustorners and the public with everythhing in seasoîî in the way of1 9ZriGrGccics, New Fruit, and Pur-e'Liquors, Suitable for the Ilolidays, or for auiy other occasion. As mere words could flot enumeraie my extensive and variedI stock, I rcspectfailly ask my patrons 1P cail and judge for them- WitC& lVhitby, R. FRANCIS, Dcc. 23, 1868. No. 1, on the corner. RIRSTMAS AND NET YEAR'S 000-DB. GRIEAT REDUC'1'ION. 10 lPER CENT DISCOUNT, AND SILVER AT PAR. 0cIL1N & Ct). hae c,*,, ea'l, ad uiaf itueir cxtuiasaive stock c« Day Joçds Àiad ltaeud>--Made cl-utiiiaig ut lu per-vut d, is- caaaaah eaiail cash sale.. Groceries, Liquors & Wines. 100 boxe$ aîcw 1laayer M. K. & quiRiis MMIlCurrutîata. Draumas a'I agau,4 rlaat4Wilîaat,l.jiberts and AlInods. (".4uits ltraaaadv i, n11a4gs, iial aa 5a-'4ll Wliskey. A-D W E ,L'S Coeibratad Ales, Ipl ickages et 10, 158su14 Tu R DXmoILLAN & Cou ,fROCERY -SF11111S'TORE, Te publie are respectf Iy informed that the subscriber hms 0ened business in the above p mises, ately ocîîid b>' Mr.- Farquhiarson. lic bas juat opened a. large nd superior Stock-espociaIIy suitedl for this setsou, eewprisngz New Rioiins &Carrants Try Supror B k, Green & Mixod/lreoh Toas, Drokozi Lo Crushod and fùooovado -Sugars. 9W' Ilis stock f GIOIO lS àJMî OVISIQ&S ivlibcho und eo' plote sd attlrctive. A large and fane stock of eh ce Wlnes, Brandie!i, Jamuaica Rin, Isay, Scotch, and Old Rye Wiky~hee ih Also superior Tobaeco in puo ~'C itl an d ex êsin e.. I R. 9. JÂMIESON9 Whtbyvt Déc 29ï 8o9, Wine &Spirit erçbjýn4 Dund" ~. - Gi SUITAB TiR~l1ùÀs Ladies',-and GentkneisFUIS. 500 -pairs, of Làd.ies1, Cbildren s and Gelit1émen's Pélt Oveshis& bbers. The highest cut flannél ined WaIkingad8 î~Bootài h ct A large Stock of F ancy Gooda quitable for Christmas Presenfa4 Oshawa, Dec. 23, 1868. »M M DIOXE. W1 00em FRESH ARRIVAIS, AT TIE J. P. WILLOX ams' much'pleasure in ntinouncing ta his patro1ýs and the publie zonernlly. thnaI in ha. mt received a larrn ard varied al4-ortnent of BOOKS5, FAWY GOODr3 m U~,initnoblu fortije approaching litiliday geauoit, *IiiéI -lie .*ilI abl ait pIcýel%'tlant *iII rive attacl toil. 3j7 1'I.u cul!arly and examanle c toekywjloetbere ib, a lurgoteleUton on laasad. Oàahawa. Doc. 22, 1868. 150 CHEAPS RCIEDT CSEAO HAVE JUST REOEIVED TWO CASES OP IWhich will be found very cheap, and -soild at- a small dnc on eost. - DRE-S'S G010-US8 SHAWLS, WOOL £N GCODS, TLINJfLS BILA2&KTS ]B'UPPÂO RODBES, MOIME ]mLANKTS, &o., THE MILLINE RY DPRMENT Contains everything new and stylish in BONNETS, IIATS, JA&CKETS The Tailoring -Department, Clothing made te -ord er by first-cliw -workru en, and a good fit 19»A full stock of Orocerjes, Sale, &c., &C. 08awpDee. 23, 1868. VIOTORIA SKATINfU RINK DUNDÂS SÉTREETÏ, WITY PROPRI F8I J!ES L-gTO MN IVICTORIA -SATING RINE Wîll hae peaieti, ti caion, as sou a acIhar. Faamnll? Ticeats, admittlog flie...5,00 )Otlhuto Ticketo,Indy attial uentleniaaî.8 1> binrie Tickets, genîlunian,. ...2 00 Siaagle Ticket», lady,....... ..... î rio Eliglo adniiiet,, 10 Ceants. THIOMAS DEVPItPLL, Whitls, Nev mbe80, 1 5 . '1j1l E Northi liitof Lie. Scitijýaal f cfte JýNiamber Twcnty, throe, lia thiNlitb con- cesion e! ,Whlîby, M 1maire,. -TIiene lsja gcd yehng Oachard on the lat andi a lino àstrunof viSer eressesi. ~'AIseLai xe.El 0 n al msnStreet, T orekinhi agpoil Frnie lieus. con-t, taitîng toi tedaWi touiloTt. Fr tasadpalclrempyt ,-, S. C E .L - - -Whitby. -- -- 49 oin "'Ir r --) Hardware, Hydraulie Cerne nt, PUBLIC NOTrICE. PnicrYjltiwayC1-paiuywihl, by orderof lite ~ ~ ý4 iiaî fIro-con aectors o!niaesuid PaýL7lnyia ï-tlhatevncf Wlaiby'ou Welduesday, tbia 271h <14el Jatuâlnah, ne ý th e heur or twolva * o'ecxpôon oùjIrthe purpose cf eleot- iiîg Diretcri etthe'su'Id (ieipaufy fer the thon - Iuutitiechvethday of! Dcc. 1888. JO$ENII BIGULOW, l'rea.ilùoutlîbe Ioàrtiof ]Proviàaonal, Uïercclors ofthe P. Y& PP. tailvar. ROSERT-Ja WILSON<, aecrotary. n5 MARSIIAL'Is Ù]PPOUITE ÉROYAÀL OTIEL, ilahlnon Oyhe LostenSriea or alnaest anly chier needful'tliiig, f clabi of usnbboaj seaud for copy, eeeigo~~ 41Park Bow, lla# York, P. .Sbciteareccived i t Itef INSLIRANCE CORtPS y ONEWýHAVENq, C0l11 T SCdestaba1% ind roroug 0a Com.pany:, ra i hsleoal# hty1 ib-« i4orlgz fa- clitios W farnoera orlalsisw ee,4#a. aidva- tagens rtoa 1-~lt~iâ~8 -. fpersede the aaecesity of Compià D uitthe auîat tInsu- rance plan. Faneri havea a i Bucâxxty' or lld capital Stock of 81 'O0,eu. - - Grdiary 'arm ra,'aka toki, eorâbont oeei cent, aaid noeiu no aeto~qnired.- 7 d Uuivreaally aeknowleapu AAcl pit*io Mgzneof Amenico devote&. - _t84,la SoiloxnSkatia'es, R H lold eimanch, coma cfrTlaonghit, Parsonal ana Ltencry 0ossiP, (iucludingapcal dep*tmeate on Pa~houa, lnînutioaja n lealthl, Hiýc Âmncaents, eto., by tule boâtatil'hdi, and profuse lystîatta-d wlth eostly engraviga, useful andi rell!able Patterti s, mbroideas,xact a constanteeatseson cf arash'tmia nevejties; wih h er pcl, andte oihotlnig Iliterature. No personfi f clniL, conomialïh m-ss. z wifeI orJ d off sec r S T o d - th tt th 3,o o nly ' fl!û codopie,1 te. tasled ro.Ilcrl,ÇS ith a valtiabje pro- an4ata; ts'eCopios, 65.50 , three epeqý t.60 fivo Clopie$, $12, anu1i aeti jrihIh Afor cluba t $8 eacb, wilhI:ul ýj,-lrt pratnilna sto each sibascraber. tira VPwBartiam & Fan- ton Sowlemachin fo-« »s bbKýr n f togthieatio Ofice- 3re dN~'Vr teeh r ia , lth hop fmun* weec. 50 Elalargeti. Il Ishias hbst lnvenlle s XR- a. pEvery Boy andi Girl thiat ses it says'Md4- ail ho Ircas sst>o; anti Parent, ancToaclas, coni7ut. IL o aot faiX te faecire aaeopy. gootiMcosoe wia Glas ylaor tg conifine living ojet t , a gocad tw-bladd,- pesai Focket-kuulfe, ild u large numbarC'f' allier desiib articles, gveaa t romijuzns te cach subacniber Xcarly- $1.50. Patbl[cagloni Tr tlnv neils pc~c ien.ie TFORBID a eroi ee mu Y Panaily J.or tll-m Utlier wliolt 'a wrfteaa order frona me., I situe cautieon ail paraeaaa totenul bsay anuylaln e!ofthé afercisaidpamrtiez, as ttay ,havie n-Uhoeiîyfronta c BIi W. PHERIJLL. Jrc-4jBoCAMPBELL,îl, 88. in - J~ Orersforsaleieg t t fia is O"fce,- Prrply aUtenidfd le, - Bac, Nov. 10 58 alIlraliy Mo.fo R0OMii mu Foe-s 'lu-' Christ 1 1 , il 1 Brock 'Street, Wiliti AND FANCY R, FRAINCESt No. 1, on the cýrner. Dec. 23, 1868. 1- jýCHE CIEIE, ÀP GREY SATINETTS

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