Whitby Chronicle, 31 Dec 1868, p. 1

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A ttornuey#, Uliotoro, &4. fsIsTu suaeBuiligi' opn,C. W. SS. - J. À. $&flPoM. Oî 19ATTOTto MpuON> liter' aSdtr5~*LWB OUTY X.ar i'uill. a- i~, re esIiiDna iii fJ5U151Ua-io ttee ,up esrou bouittn1 thé btetof style. Th# epromes igws auuUy s tus4 O&iýos 4. rotfs& i, 006 sud liit thé Mise glllsy Uslbusaealisbttt hie Uchl,*ud GEPORGE ROBSON. W ot fobitr s sluiatt4difuce L ITM»EM bIBCUIIT,'Ca2feuter, sud L urGreSWlitby. nioqua Wtity, e iaeofb 862, styubad BroNDEi DRu AStore, statitAT- InDru g0, Pient*t liedîcle 0118'aaf , eSaf oi o. G I1l ~hlOl D Wlcîs nd Liquosose b.bestquallty' ~U~S5 En ATO it.A'I!LLW orgMes4ill ea &4- Of B. J. Brookln, C. W., 16 el..41.5 door te fies tore J gelr, steos *et,, Wiitby, Oni. jeIToit NOTAiy PUBLIC", 8 prek.- ste give IMunie sud illiigles. ýhais,'C. W. m, -l--------u------jispil1 W. UnIl, LL1NqlgSApplication te oso de astishe Offce et Johu SQLlcTbM,~., dC. Ji.. Watki, s rgesitiDetiat. ovarJame., se ris (I» iocinlvCriesByrna'a Modiessl lall, Brook St. WWtLby. c uïARLES C. KELLER, V!ISUU< 11V À'!L&W, MULICiTOU IN 4 Brook,. .W- 0 ~ UÂMIIR G ENZWOODP 'ITOSN y.-ÀTLAW, SOLICITOR{ IN< ryioggtry Pl'ié Uavmep ltqut>lce, oisî Bruele 'tre-t 41 16 ~ O0IILAE& COMBIANII. , rMRlxEl, ATUI4, olivEy- ~j.aie.Sais ~oii'ciPublie, &o., &iC, SJoliAiLt.L, -9 %. U. CoesssA2aa. 'tli -- d- 40 Copmu1t*aflo et lsstienst4> rce eofsLibarge. ~ s.. s>., i *lsLà*, a. A., Mi. a., Wltby, July 20, lIbàs. 29 D. ANCOCK9 Sp11#»ION, ACCOUCHEUR, kA.,i IiasDiiOKA Oras-etlIse.M. budgus's< ÃŽ7il; J. 1121, À. D.. :stIgu -U , >VIE 1CUNTY ChÂLt 0.W #.IMJB 111Uhil. QJrvuea liosu-810 .t.u., ansi 5 te 8 10 jooep. a.1 J 0 Oi4N V'ý .HAMi UOTAJLY PUIILIC. Wlslttiy, Apimins l, 186.' TIIONAS IIUIST014, rTIOWN(jtLUK 9'iiS&lLlWIiTBY J.Offico-'fuwii al- lo- ur ste 1leulcele. VICTORIA flOrEiLe ' W Win. ioyitol'.) t 27 Id=* DreMiDg and ShaViDg- >ý SA.LOON, 'B1110CK ST,, WIIITy. Wiltby, Jan. 22, 'de.8 i. BOYNTON hes to 'uterii- thila ý.jW aitanite of leUiuty of 'Jctrnsasid -scrroaucilu iuLeiatleisa upenud thse Ilot l o Iliiait.roet latly ecoupleil ib "Iwetafgoailie bas hsd ltlltfed adtsnleils- ,ad la Irs style, vIitons illidlad evenycouva- nieese. W lsesLiquora sud Cigare eortIse - best qulty. 5"Au attentive eaflees alvsys la ittsud Lladoiy, Foh.1,84 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, BROOK ST., WiHITiIY. fUC ebnb begbis to auunouuee te lhis .Ltr#euéa saut tise Utble, tIsat ho lias re- tomid etsseîioueoft aboi. velI endi fa vorably kuevus Lofa, vhili tla pois' tttesi up ia a auporier miauîae,' wtlevny ciesun-1 ,bucé for tise reaeption et guestùtise tr'a- elîsifpblic. 5" ,,.t ,,eoomodâtIoe andu%%aeir viaceg, Ilquora sud cigares. «eu 'stabllusg vithop@losetl yard, si,tatote t mlers i- 'wiysou Ise preu"ee.' Chargeasjodenateu - Es Ma CÂLDWELL. W>stis,' Jau, 14, Ise. , 2-iy ' C.N. VARSP,> - ~ DlUiIYI10&Doutit, ôOhava p DoutaI ilouse, dretyppo-, d6»seseSrot ticrdàooriorth of the Ontarie W" Xp11558AGENT, dia.,' aiso Agent la eOdOlt 111 SsaSrdlusrauce cos. Il tiss itlli l'e tige.most.neoppatli1 esfos'hlsial TIIUROUGIILY UELTÂBLE, touts 'Pt "le .teuuty e;6fIstante, ' tlsatheai I# lcmeultiseaes'lemiseil lately eceaplodby, Am a ordt#thIel Cbfiit dotisruubot iecomsodyaie, ,tit 14 uis o~pblic. TrieBsn Asdselbop» tut tsv4'? euieLi' esi Aud r.iovoteds antio Le .pureant t CONNEL k OLTIO, ' tekad s'ils tige besit liciuors " ai cigreaild auittentîvaedotia lev*06a litutle. Nor.f,18.41îeiou BroollnApri, 166.1xi WL7 laIii that t11*:. lé suit s ru for pictures CLARK'S GALLERYf It la beca i e blise thoi t <Illery is the Coauty, sPd, baems upeîas6le wltb'ebllLroo tIssu sîîy otlser Aflst 'lu tIse Couy, suPd eau de quité,s geesi work as aul otlset insu litthe Cî" TbsL'us wbueathte mattere serlou't ln bekwardabout eouit!g orward.,. 1 1BROCIC ST.,WUITBY*,, Wlsltby, Nov. 2 86.4 LIOENSED AUOTIOMEI. ONTARIO, YORK k& PFEL., sa JlESIDENqCE-Lot a# st con+, $ALES attouded ou tIe shertesat notIpe,msu on réessouble ferme. Tariseu on bsuade stid bis priatesi stile Cbrossssle office for lIn. Carter. 17 lWELLINGTON IIOTEL,' CROCK ER'S HROTEitM m RKHAMi.; (LATE PULAT',> J. a1JF.BOTTOJK, --Lîpltr NELSO'N ST. TORONTO# P;4ETII 0FPIXING ST. IftSSETT & KEEBLE, .-1'soriigvbiuî Tto IIFtisiyann u n ces te the llir bs. i ciiiut &é<ltaisce, ce wcîî as ;ean home, thtisith lssavbe iskar. ch.abuve pncuiii'ca en)uist'ostally tittesi ut, or tIse accommoundations efguvssdit h t itisg psublic, TIacy wi14 b1osssicoU'*tant terseial attesidaice, aud #li1 loave nottolog uniloes on thei pattu ulve attuetac"ou t lvse uso ay (svon tIssuswltls a YEOMAN GIBBON. COMMISSION MER CHi1N INSeU bANIC£, & GIiNERAL AGENT Whitl.Y, Jabn., letig ~ItM. ' 2 REVERE HOUSEt ENiuTta, . W. B. PLANKI - - - - PropntéLer. Ot$tiialtîdoiesitby cuil daly. Every atlatonspail e isat- Canoful asd atten- ive y$ tlas. 9 1868. 186a. TIIE LVERPOOL AND LONDON àm*= 01L013M INSIJRANCE C031P'"NY. Ilua beîr lit axl'snsscc Iity-tvo yetrsf, sud elssiig tisat porndIeiliipsdi Leo .iaessding li. aud a Isu luMlliion poundasl terliag. Tise dlsbarmee,îursa tthi» sîsornous saii overawd auleara.,0, aitîseaf iubt. rsitil- isstite 11:5 Ài ,I.sîsîî iftiilusitatttiots, ursIsAU, Iu'auc aaa, a iissibseiasainca pis- ceii.y, iteovênit lxs ns'lnlsaiîed.1 luat lis rottyeun, flt, ch., ire l'memiuuss lone sionuted ta>----------------- E,rio la Ita lotis y#%?, 184d; ........----- 0 66 2t01 yc-u, ltfIA..... .. - £22,27v 1 66 utis yens, : ..î........... £79,82 Tise Fin. Rammre Fisusilnpou $4,727,464 Tisa LIfe Smrosan teiU f 'ov t9,282,468 Tite Ccspau e lsnseei's lrogliott Ou- tarie ussique cec, by iisllîîetiaAgent., iiib visonsapplication for himii'isîaeuay bc tMade. (;- . k.C, SHiiri, LFAIBAN4K$oJ5, Aeaa'r, Wusasssr, t)LLI R6«leuiii-ii Ort. Fetsruaany Iths, ItOS. -TIIE MUTIL INSURANCE ;COMP'Y. rulîluSCegusyay la ssow fualiy lrganlIzed, ansi JL la pne;îarel te ~attI, iskets F artsu Building», asi Us-ais'coutetist#, Coutny Sarool llouses, sud Chasilie. Tisop43 wwhbrg te in- sane, sud tisercby mr.1porr a hlom usuîrance Cusapan . ue 'osais olspoissuity of dolssg rnyrpIingsiLmî iesi k. -dl ifes, oente at tt ejoa .1im. (a r rates alîl b. (canai stle 'se t .ooas rl)' ibe m utuel lu- aur ucCaipauy l lu aîsdit. IIEAD OFFICE-Tht tîli ltegla5try (lira Building!. Brek strt, Whsitby. ROTEL & PIIEMISES -FOR_$ALE. T IIAT olti eifabllabedsud arel kasos'u He- tel, the VENTRAI HOITSE, EPEOM, S3ploibdîd nomy suatabliug, sud driving shaI, tégethor, wth neotoua nom eaclan d attaci- eyun ay in tri lrei, sudsa due I l gber- lug ()relisrd. Tisere are 1w. voia vwth ood paimpsansd excellent aar. - £"Tise viole vii hé soi0014 a brgalu, for au active bosifféea s uM Wtll be exehaugeS #or Url*,prOpetty.- Feor termesdieq îpply (I by ettoneps d te, wWlLIAU 1W(LTON, Cetobe ,42 Whiby, lut18076 éP ASSUIIAN«E COMUPANY Capital1, 8400,000. A Pntfr tii. Above Couspsnylns FillE ou isa mst aonab ter a ut Apply ce, LÉVI FAMBÀNKS, Jr., 2-12moo. Agenst Wiitby, B AtSTERSTG~B~ji TrARIEs PUBIC. Cimes-. ;-Os o i uorhttisaest office, Osçliasws; and i eFetter'.lo Blc, opposite Tuva hlall, Bowmirsvill's. J. E.YAAE*L 1.lCre JOHN L. WATKISt CltfriMa.Oscr JAS. BYILKE'S meditm al ll. Brnook Streuit, Witby. SAli wonk vanrasifeul. Famuilies atte-nsddst private rmiealaîces, TEEF1i Z" kT1IACTED lar WITHOUT PAIN9,AE BV TuE .USE op NLTRlOUS OXIDE LAJGIKa 0i AS, O9 TUE NEW ILOCAILAN.LESTHETýIO, W, E.dm. A >'B DENTAL BOOMS, DUNDAS STREETY WIIITDW',Co W. B0OO18.-Ovc' M. 1B. Cochrane,& store. Wituy, Jane 20, 1867. 25 8110E TOUS & FINDINGS. W~ WJOLESALEýAND lIETAIL. LRYAN & OLIvr, 12-17 11t4 Yeoz az avi Tonrearo. Amaesi Uh$a" uTïiins Md Polis otail msie #pasare, earvad IlRaie, 55,uiglsl B i mpreves! incisaottuglu.ssian as'airrtltls'leNord- IC0,4 ilipel Se., ail or theil'est qsaity ted as lcwéas piesa. L& &o irJ9 12-1,' Importera c(Baerdwarc, VosigaSi,Tuooo TO MACHINI8T'SI Steel Bates, Steel Sqiiirts, Cenira Gag., Version calipars, Steel Calij"iae5s, Calijien DSares, Mistm Uulvenaal Squames, Seif Iiegsmcuug Caliperasud 1Di. videra, tÉtaa files oui TouS,, Pient tislas,, Siea btcesi Ac., fornsale by UVIAN kO& VR tB-Iy114 Vos. 5t. Trofo. TO CABINET- MAKERS AND UPILOISTEER.11u TuFiciFIlaPpr Glueas1l'olSl Nee, Coula Tnimlng.,Uýssfatrs s!fsdus'id Ial _ ecra,- AMis Oivéi'sTs>ulsExenmlsin, p kugeriuaMa lesrea Isdwial*c.,fpsr sale ai .On ciuca,4 12-iy 114 isia Il"ooi. RYAN &0OLIVEReý IMfORTERS COPIIARDWARl,ý 114 YOýI.EIT ETgTazNO Rivaya wyms baud 'an »mticissuof Pallie rfn COWs luluet îîster'e snd Ugbotearra tiara. aecha-, nsue and sohan Tois,mJo*ph Rodgera' & écu'., aud cfiear Cute JeeNmsa iag Ha-Srdware; tpmgamasunislcus; asatg4 bBalla, Uaiau, Draduisg ssnd Fauuusg lis te lao,et iowaat ceuh picas. T«onau arl 54, issii Grand Trnk Eaft~%ay Ho$Ol, A T WIILTiJy TATION. sud preslius >0knwu a is haudil bis frieuâs sud tise traveling puiplie huit l lbu ottee op tise boutae sud niables lu lirts> Clas étyle, aud by a tteuiiois to 'e cslof tisose who fovon hm wllh their t jsaoss 'Parties, taing tIse ýtiuluansd, loti h'g houssa lli bave, thm swi l ak4po aireflUI, Wbisby, Sept., 1868. 8 A, MILLION, ÂND A, QUARTER MONEY TOLOAN. T UE Subsorlber lias neclvcd liumtnaeou frol eins autinWh arb a large ameust ef moueylisiveited ilis Eugliga ,uentolu e s- vent tIse noeofor hlm, nlufie ansi iujoluîng Countice, on gosi Far=i iropaity, er Dabosa- Lunes. 1 sf111 ccnfluuc te ri-p rasnt' thaeof thse largeat Mo)ot.ry IuitIttlIajý listishe Dourlusînu tl.,t iclodmoy ou the piset advanagaoaî terme. £5 Aloe s lange nuwber c e-f ai cultlvsfeel Fanais, aud aay quantut fu Wild lans, fer For <artisa rtlairappiy tb Olit'lal Assilgace, Moncy Broee, Commis- elouer, Neisryi'ulb!ic, d&a., ia. OFFICE.-Seeoud Floor, becMillau'. Bloek, Break Streat, W lîftby. .Augit 24th, 18. Grcbkebonglît asd oilI» a large BUCK EYE GRA'N DRILL@ WB EUstattiTO CALL ATON Tbg bOus BUCK, EYE GRAIN DRILL. WB WARRANT Y£ TO 80W WIiEAT,, RYFr, DABL£Ye OAT@b PlIAfS, & GASSSME, iD1TYZx aussi AIEs tiiEs su.MiAux. If la nov thladigDrPOlnsuthieuitadSstes, (4,CO10 tou iseaay-i cf Ilium living beau bilîtl, in ou.Establiotliueut la Qhio, for thîa #easorzs itel'.. qhiattlly ibivu regutd b, s 8crew inistoad oflGear Whee. Can hw cliangudia .îsmoment, sud just asmnualI or littlu diffenente. isiate la tise bowlnig, as May bc delainesi. gaV.'W.eauonîisip ot once,,uposa raeîlpt ef ordent. as'. August lbtis, l1h03 Osussas, ONT. sai Land! Lan'd!1 rIIE Rubecniben offiri tisé followriug lat etf .1 Iouhs., wiich lie wiJl sedi uto *J- FAIR VALUATION,48 S. 34', Ne. ", l 2nd coacesalou or Beach, 70 E. X, Né. 19, lu tise Sid cenuesion of Reatis 10 acies clecresi. Np. 29. ln tbe lOti' concaessn 'e Dsrliu)gtou, QO acres eleareil. No. t, lauéLis cou., Mari, 5Sacres ceanos. N.2.. lIeo. t2la n 2d concession Wiitby, al cceniss. 1000 acresInluSomneriie-500 omecilu Bexlay. 200 acrea lia Lszteu-400 acres in Bulusat. Appiy pcrsocasly, or by letter, pemt-pald, te R. B. PERRiYý Prof. J. Post. RAS Lhé houer of stinuouucg te bis maet el Mrende, la Wbltis, that bhala pre. partté rebellvepupila for utDe lo u h . living bidl tan yeta i tpeti~e»ité eei ýoutiau e lg iab le te proinot'. àIlai. 'ucmut tfpua, vire mabe placili auler Lia tuîilis. '. Intruction gîveu lu thereuiz u lBal- lie«ivens 10 hcAltivitleu ef tisevolée.. £1111 rIs trnc f s thtbePlais,$111, tbeony of M"1081 èl coestIem, &o., ektril $6, Witby, Septembr25,l187! AUCTION BUSINESS DTIESI AucTIONEEIL for the* Couuty Lj<ttns.darto m I t fuirus abis issit- sud f lie publie a t lIa raady anlisretptene fi ireecelve erdeni for sale ot stoek, Issus luspie' (tusans, st.,i ndtistalloi rdesi left at théo b LCltou ffce vîlI 15edùllyettea.led te. Dsys oe "ses appeattd sud tenus. mde kuowu ôu opplicatileaat tise Cfitoricz.a ofce or at, BulaekDbeeli *bmre hooka -Vi1tîs entris a»tre kept s uîuai, SARCL 0.Tii.Stone Dwlllgjlou»$ anpsosuery, wo*t, sud adjouiug tIse Lbre PARCEL 0-u cr nEokand' William etreets, lu towu 0< ,Wiltby, muar flic comfortaisle Dmeilug Ilume, witls104Od uf-, bpl jiussd oowvenuio" atteaà'D' Ub badat 1erio aud lonk toru, <or-psyiuhit., PARCEL ?.17-rone eps of mistelsé I ler. mes, Harns*.,and carnbae, one lunîber Wagu refcl, wliolïttceî sD .ieehyoke, ee par e boitîeloi;of t yIsressud euttins box. tI ,For particuiens sund tenusofet M ip- iesstieu ussy ho mile te Mieii sboerbert 'r lr. Itobas t J. Wlou, ble Spitor, JAMES ROIWE. Wlilby, Da., 2, 1868. 48, tf Da';Fe' BU RiEP Family Ocer, Wisse . spirit No. 29 MIOHAEL' LOK AWELL SELICTIED STOCKC FRESU TÉÂi, Mr. Ai cbé es &asDy hous. la Caunada. ..M glay 2th, 1867., 21 Dîriesoliciater la Claneery, A4. Irs$ iremoviLi fice00te lot floor ovor Lb. ONTRImO BAN%. Wblthy, net. 7, 1868. 40 ROYAL GANADIAN BelK 'our pE b bereby0-gi64ithataulvlseud e 4a7 bemu . al-td.sd tiont tis, came will Le palxeat tise Bck sud te Ageucies ou sud alLer Satuirduy, tiese econd dusy eof.auuary uest. lise tnauter books viii bc eloses itrous the lotis to tiseâluit Jetubei, betis slys lisclu- 131 order of tIse Bard. T.WOOD)SIDi, R o ulisu Bauk, 25Y13h Nov, 1866$. 28 CILEÂF FOR CASH! L2 MX 33, lit COuCfSioO F scorr.C. A.p ZONES. 1Nov. 4, 1864;" Barristes, dto latbY. 44-t T TIF, TRUST AND LOAN COMPANI réteA et intentat, uOs ths e Otity of iupruvad RWtasitte. Leaîs made, for Ilsesi jlei'oiIlor rapayoble by aunnuel iustaiîseuti. Familier andsI Ih ntonsuatieu cou be b.d by letter, addncmsed te fise Cmmiosiouns ef Kingstc', por <nus L. IAJIJDANKU, jr., edal Etate & Geibtral Agent. Orzrs.'-D-BrOck Strect, Wisitby, sapt 15, 1#88. 8 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, OSHAWA. lAmEs pRJinGt.E, àa roprsator. IMIROVED FARM To OSali, Lent, or lai on glanes. ----- F ~AILI'fta, li, rassI, on lot ou Shsre;-Wes;t hait lot 26, it conceasions of Uxbridge, 100 acres, 70 acres clii ana. -Appiy (if by latter, peaf-pail) te S. FULLER, Wi Par1. 0. kOTiCÈ.-Âil parties are forbisl irutlng or rmoving Lîmiser or weei of suy kinsi whst- ever, from tise above lot, sud amy pesn fn ud delug %0, aterthile date, ore frcmlpoi nsd yull bc trcates as suais, te tise aIL extesat ut tise lay,. Wilîltby, sept. 15, 1886. lt-s? SHINGLES FOR SALE. T US UNDEESIGNE» lhas ou baud. sud offms.fer sale champ freuh tamis su - Wilbte.2.1888. '48 ;Cash,,,,Oash! ý E UNDERS19SSD wli pay thse bîghist oTHcaispria, e r As utattty et IWNDA9 ITREET, WUITIY. DIE PROL'BIET014 DE8IBYA TO I- Wili beuedChi Miou, a cosa a sUa r plcet of Te le fro Famlly Tickets, sdmlttingfive....$0600 ,Double Ticketsd, Ady anseutleuzAn,P ý00' Single Tickets, entlMaal. ..$2 00 Sîige iket., lady......I TILOMA8 DEVEIL, Iraim and Village Property forSaecheap. T lI Noth"ialcf iseSeats-hli ef, [et TNumber Tivanly, isse, lu Lise «luth cous- youug orcasd on-,tise lut ssa liacs stresum et vlrcroassalI.,,k ~"Alto ot No.,Ffity eon Batdwlu styast, (litop'tile grevêt 'réss) ýs la thc vIllage et 'Breoklan. Tr.lit g eod Fraus ouecois- talnsig luton iso uali For U-rusa sud patlculani apply te MESO. CAMPB3ELL, Prlace AIbert, Dacembar 9, 18(8$. Wiîitby. 49 iélu REIMOYAL BE B tIIEn 4rgs ttorus"Isepb T lic tsat li lisarîuovýed (resu nir of Mfr. Wlksys anaeSisop te tise bouge, uortli er isOYecrsdesse et In. Mjor Harper, Perry Streect, Whltby. viscre lue wiliI swo)ol*, fiaud ressdy te psslul lisîsgieu, CuIteos, &e. in, tlic t'eut stlçl isn user tIssu- uy oe a pordn Iii a 16,, lu Leva. T. P. FREEAN Fenny-St., WViitby Dec. MIh, 1868. 4 flb the Ratepqyera of the Centre OZNTFM!iT;- I mi lstlusccd, ft tise ne- quert ef tutu> frlcsids, to citer mysicît an i canidate fur Couaci1lon, ut LIe cusulsîg rko- If electe osi hali ondtsiao. uas1Ibave ,lunthe pst, te net (sitifuily, hotiesstiy, and, lteyeir b et listeraus. lTnustiug fer a ooutinuuce ef your bon- Yosir oebeiloet isrvant, LEIS 1ALLIf. Witlby, !)ec. 8, 1868. 4. flothe .Ralepaî,ers of thée Centre Ward Tlown of Whitb, GENTLEMEN- Â real'iaiose autuber of tise Eleeten sin Issudsltai oter my servlces as Couicilier for tihe Ceatre Ward. DANIEL BETTB. Wiltby, Dec. 0869, 49 M A R S Il A LL' s, OPPOSITE LROYAL IIoTEt, BROCIC STREET# WHITBY. t'tSEISrceived Ù4iliy Irou Tsiyior'i Byàitlnore Oystar Depet, Terouite. W Oy*ters servesi up lu e ystyle on mlisentnotice. <Ois isousi, slîagesupply, et Lobst4eris, Sardineo,,sud cansseil Esiat. GEORGE àMÂRSIIALL. Wllby, Dec. 9, 1868.,40 tf MONEY TO LOAN., T> SPA-YABLE IN 0215 UM un BY J'yeurni îuatalmcats. Faim or Tovupro- periy, at loy ratus îof intencat. H.I. COCIANE3 Whitby, Nov. 25, îééé. 47 ONTARLO HOTEL,* (Lite C.NDswi.).. WHITI3Y, O14TAUIO. T BE iabbebr dessines te netumu lioauketet Xte thé publie for tise cary Useri patron' age isst*ed apositha wiul proileter et tis bt histel, ]rooklinu s t tise sein. ima faRci occaion tf0snouucc thAL hh b ais emi tie sbevo velIl siowa botl. tZrgei addition-* hanve beau rectly mude tw the preiom es eur- lug Moro commbosuà znu coodastlousud. eisereaslug -Lb. simbter of sleeploig roisse&t nuany pcla thon is u ..cly. A irmt- eluiBhi ard parler witis tlsretablas liasaaise beu dld zfeusalve aUdiîleus té the StallgBheds. les,,. Bores, &o., bave a180 beaumase. il cablug iseuiesgisd c ee eieoliFuis * sud 1n t hs p blIe pua wal WT5me f1 nd àV ¶Tt ne 1 u' eghbe-4 laàbut civil, LtoI. sIot yba ueus wlsy. I Woulsl youlke btÃ" kliew Maflcndu ul Mr. Brown& s atse 1 .Ad Iflieorcally doeW luteusi Wlth isWdeorss"uîtb te musoe1 Astla whérltaplred r o M101 Thist healu stitte uotover stnalflst, ue sîglit vasisl> <osisis 1f yulh 141wil tell 7011J t» betwacu u,osz sudà If clghor& e otatlwsys riglit,. t'. uot your buslucas wlsy. Andi lestfthora msy'be rnsy more Wise 0sasutxts ou'd leerns,'otn, litliyolah üt1YQusr vl A cIter and si îpiy vsaw. Tirt at bIb resu otyouv'e>c a0 blusi- T<ie beasn'wbicis fills h quit.. And i al arossud Ioyn oisa vîlIviaw lauDow alssl eiferest Ilgbt, Tises i scssld'ycu tsee a1lttlc usbte llasivury sure youllsiak with mnoi lei ut ot sur business why. An Act to amend the act 81 Vie., Cap. 41, i!ttituled * ÂAc~At te inusrPOrortethéý TWrnte àuUd .Yipiung lladwu CeOb 'Whereastise' Teronteànsd Nipéitsaiu Raiway Comupany have prayéd for certain' amenduseuta ei their charte, aud fur au extensîion of thse faroi onfe'red upou 'thaml tbeneby; 'Tlefore, Uer MssJety, by and wih the asivice sud conssentftise Legislative, AsisemlofetOutario, ensictsaua foilovaz 1. TbaitILU Bylaine paswd or <o-bepM t; éd by auy Municipauity for th is îrpeu U îiding thse said, Toronte. and, Nipiasing Billway Comupany , uder thse teuth sac- lieu et thse Act pasesi listii he a'ytec'01, lier luqestys ireigir, .cbapterad-41, and antities "Au Act te luicerporatte tise Té,, routô and N!pWisig RaIlwayCompany'., sud al debeut, es saiesi or tf0 Lu lasues uuder suci B-lwor By-la&ws, shah b. aud are iserec y clcared te bo legal nid îïld1 prelitlei oi iy, that sucis By-isw or, By-laws slàallalve bii enisib passed l>y a m of,< etralTqasyers, su- tilled te oté e t n symunuwpal cleetioi,' ,wlsoabali by vote ior shah vote therea 2. Provides'tfiat tci ft e Toi-onto siséliabvo a Director for tti i5', bsonus. efectrs in îuy portion of-ts territorial cezrf fe lymuicpity etiiositse Corortineh b'suty ltj e grant s onst aidsufâd 4assit tficsa sad CUas- pany, tinder tise tbtilit tîbti of tise saiI scaitesi Ad, and lnlusuds a pétition 1. Tiseameuntoetsucis Lonus. 2. r .tiCmu iithin whicliîtised&ben- Lares to e éisiasiLierefer arc e ho L e l Payable.'- 3. Tise territorial, citent and bLeasda4ý ii eft Lis section of tise uicipality- Le Le asasseiltirtlscfor, ot wiýs$asplion tsep.- ifioners tortusa njority outhLie munuicipail elactos. Tise said C(orpbration-4isaflpas aBy- las' in Lise flriti8 ofétu'ptiii- lirst. l'or raIsIn gtse sinsoant of'Lonus moved lu sucis petitTen'by Lise dehenureso et sis tise muicipality, Bceisdlg. Spccifyng tise Cime aitii auclu debesîtanes aisil be payable, sud the amoant for escis dabenu re. i hirdly. Fer assessing and levyiul upea *1l tise natcable proputy iyin11 Inifis lu thc acetissu as firasi by tise p etition and aunual epedial rate, safficient Le induisis a sinking fiudi, for tise paymcst oethLie de- banitares ktU tô beissues d fischintensesl tiscreont ibtil sucis dMontures sud inter. est are pli. And îccisCrponafion sisaîl tisefeapos issue sasch ebentiresaxastise 'tacbsnturefi et tise MahiclpaIlty, ansi Lie sainma hahb delivereti over sud delaît s'iLs lu tise.sai mannes a snaujdebeëntures lasued' undes tise' provisiens ot- tisesid recited Act, and shall Ié légal; tsald and bndinig Sil suet Uunicipal4tl titheut any ethler fort or£ proidirsg uolatessr. dceo h rs 4.Rêlts tCe tishesoicleetfsTrs tees.- -5.,.Tit notwitbstandiug anythi ig Lose asinecifed Att tnentiiled, thseMFre- viitiaI Dtrectorstishercin usmee are bore. hy empoweresi toe emméucé <liée oreetrse f4n j <liiaid Raitag, mandsuais coma maucemant shah hbo deemei sud taketi 'tu Les acommeutncet aritiith istri151 isisimeauiug eoftteeLiirtytisird section-o) tise saiS réiated Act. 6.'Braucis té LidsaÏ strack outis R a.il fsy Ç im ittee' fi Tise flleVringpVreÏt afalf piisUa bacter of tise proposaS susessimeuts T TORONTO AND NIPISSING RAIL - WAY COMPANY. cm10A5A 0 TE5 V TEr POOELO MDEmN5T or ce tue propertuj cwayi swuïws Whso Wîitbave te psfy tise terci.' By.-lsws to e e oted n b eaeayeni entitled La votéets OPe~ ."p!ts muincipal Iaw declav'es hat. ûîy "trec- lsOldèrsiý an'd itichIs laseboldee, thoAedifi tien oelviscis aeR net be lesÇhissu the~ perloo ltImo lu wbieh , tisedebt te Le' coutra.ted, or tise duouey ralsed amides Bac lBy la 5 mti a 0Pyable, sisal!l b ,utitlêdlovolc (ounsuàd gy4sa.' Se aicb sectionc 7 of section 196 Munuilipal Atte fifteen or twenty yea-s experienae lu tise Province, fit vas daclared by tise 7 Legisl ature lu 186 tst teunaits should ntveon -Iaýlwa te. creste sielts. Thsis arise provision uew îucorporated in fis sttte Isar etofiteland, l a tebu spadislliy abelliisd in faveur af'It'Eà?itivay Compauy.-sceking municipal' sut' ýThe' <armers of tise Townsip, eowning tisé hroad aesq, sand wii bavé 'te bear thsé brden' ot tie dssy, fis pavissg tares,' are-td - bcesemue devu aud -ostnuuberd'ýbythtdt amiali village tenants. Tise, taesant here. te'tiay'suid-sway te-merrear, âaseif or~ jusat sufficicut fo giva a miuicipal vote, ii' te 'rank aqual - anististe ftsim o f 900 acres, ansi viseaprepenfy il inade'liablo te e tweuty jyeanstas. ou tise ote-of thse tenant, but oigainit tise owncr's wlis. sud sll'tia'té ie donc lu order taencusisi a tlail*sy (!6ftttfy te 'latgaly tax. muni- cipalities agiiMàt Lise swlis andsi re cf a, mjeority o thse treiolticrs ofsud' mui-. gaL'cà euof et Tiissiug bili providea, ,That'A portion utsa muicipality may oe-- sist tise Ceuupany lu tise -'al of bonus by slmply patîtiuufiug tise Coul'.ei1 <r tit' piipoe. Ti petitien :15 merirly- te bo signed br isjority oet fisc musicipal e!ectdi-s. 'Âga!ïn tise freeh)olders' c'Xistili g rigis tCe eaboliased. Ne, pubieo vote - whatever. te Le taken, but- tisé visle. déht of tise freeboîdars, on'thse pétition of on- ani beiug mun icipl'% elaat.orsa; Ansi '<artisan, the dèhýenture ssall b. legal, ivahià ddntlbindingaupon tise wisolb of ssci *muutlpslity wîtisotit.auy ýoiséf fornor> pnocceding wataever." Tis asportion oetas towuship, apon a 'mire 1 f ten oants, witisbest a vote sueibindiuig tise visle suiirlt 'sexrtraordinai-ychai-acter oftLisciso pro- visions spe alkfortisemsel4s.' It us no t mtrrely"Cthe muuuicipauities' more insusdii. teiy'inferse4 lin tise Mipliiug Conlpany â ht ie affaaled lby aucis prepesed icgisla- tioc, -butrthLsee redit us ÉtL tug ofef vcry, rnatenially injureds isulti sucisa blI he- Coélw If eue townshsip reptssliates, lr ailu inauj wsy f0 mÃŽet its c'bg4sge- Imenti, tise <mandiaI standing of eveny townsip lunOntario is greatîy injusrI. e et 'rC'iso u ofVla Bill, wt ty to -tise Tonoto &Gejrand.l.race, 'repreacut-z' direct breacis of laith isvf tiste pusbliocie- ditoer, the.1boidar ot axistiug munsicipal secssiities; <for tise limitations anti protes. tatiens of Lb. Municipal Law' arc' ise otruc .seccanity aff«ried Ltemse fer tis*e stety of their investmenti', aud tise repsynseut 9 of tisais adiscan>à ,Mén' have lostuedtihoir' I-itnny out is statuteny asurance,' tiat' Imuuicipalitiea ahoulsi nef incas any debtes bejosultise equivpleis f etLwo cents ilutise dollr.Tis limitation heing removesi, thtie valise et existing sacuaitiaa is inatantly -impaired, sud tisas a gi-ose wrong la doue té tise crediter, -aisi al mnunicipal credit i accordluigly deefroyeti. * We hbave aui illustration of tise svil et. i at ,tgiving municipais ulmtt ,e power toeor cat. debts, inthtie bManièipl' n t.aLan ll'nd.ildosf Canad. Luiier that, Sroarei se cause rep day, i pi -tical Itan tien ofth n ued bn -tisé sister by muuit b Oawmwte , Iblilding'li - osi rai r ng Y,as Cevr y mu dit as te ince, te' tesc itici-ý I lui 3011K I - IT ,FcUA Scensteryr - "*4-6 a -t, 1782& Aigetsi 'er. or to *

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