j«W" Ok *!U"ou-dbion W5 JU5UYUi the ras nl. te AV, fot tronbed ian lu 1h.hue wsatvsNoJitber lm sth.re t-en Uic aapuu'e . hor u seaIn th. houa. dorii« be W14tim, Iam williIue, fire-. alIdavittot Ilsaboya et"te __'g W. A. MO<)BW. Whulby, lie. 2t, lIod. -61 ROYAL 1HOTEL, wm rtou, X. elt rond he PIIonl ibe un4 seIJ , n i< U11dte t b. eroiel adj by JulinJ oleroplatior, sud th# gata o ftliue oysle Dissolution ot rartn.rsbip. ~O±igIS erab gltetith ttiprtnor- ,udoJîs'i asp(Opri.tm rs i o RoyOl Ilotaoi, Wiitiy Iras. N'en dlrns.olv&lr hy lnutus'i mWaent. Ail <tblowlsitit. bte IrisBru tg is pid to Thsm'usWalker, iy wbou, Ilse.. a.supts il u. wiltibefaId vu 23, 184. ln-l JuYIlte the. pasmns *01the 1uberber, Lot o,I, sut 'on. 00,14ch, on the 1#39h luit,, tirce Aréansd twroil4iep, htii swr la Wqueatad ti>r Mnsd provoe l*Fo y sspà ioaue u faie besway. ie, I,1848.,5 INSOLVENT -aCT OF 1804 AND XtDVNITIIEU Sae of Laund.o a l.uat*? 7 or IN IIODOOOE, su In- )KB>TU leli l brsby glveutu Viron oft jiweor vooalsdIli F, ,1Ilà siý titi. of JW otb#Y.os# 'rlIYtls y i,20th of if Mar, A, 1). 1#19, lut mie 0 0(' lt Mi tliv rmîliti nsimi listoro*t of the i. ad 1il Iveit Iulise éti'ilswiîîg jrolory, tînsînely *- 1s. uun loylr tbat cesiin plrc..l or trilct loufd sa ;'rssujs.sitai.,, lylglu' uud Ibehîî% lb. tOWllol llg. of Yentloitnllis tib e lisîty or' torla, coietiislîluu' y ssueirnstouae sitr of-utatco-rs I etsus, mûre eor es J>ii.% r»psfficil or vlllius .it miler u4; lu sti- t or CsiulirOy, as lii<'mnt -ot a pîlusio<f-tel; w ptll i t.,n nu t ist rt o o i iiIr , Ill ti.Irlsc'sl oiilcll *iWisloliî ùf WOO5î iiasieby William IL. Demiu, I'rueiis- #yî, all Wuvyr sreglioîls l îlstry M i)tut hsoCosiîslyut Vlns. i... *Ut,.sà al ksuim-Ua he, <iai of' IJsut Wi11100y, Ual. 114h dey of Doceyribr, -18688, td.hu) NOTICE#- JIroiIiD glil pursotosoresltlng nyy Foiuily ortiirMà otrser vihisput a writicîs order « Iii. 1-idalo caution il psroo o i t ýy suitloiug of tis lteiulod partios, as tiieu VIne Dosetilorlty roina tleet-il Alet i. W. PIER! LL 15 Reward!1 lzabo"@ liewal ViII ho pat.4o uny per E11 iusiersigss-lor ai l# I l esd to the ttiosi .1 ti il J>sriy'rîrtlcs wl's Ilias lirr mai#y, '41m 1 c4rwua argo sizcd Iiti'(441, wllte roor 55,4 wax se tiwt %4iIi n u d aut ~iW r i 5id l rst s JAS.i. e-J>AVII)SON, 1188.Asiburu JP. 0. 14, lm. ilyK RIP'rSTOCK RI GOODS 'I' R AL E EX Y.TENDER. NER tItI aIunmucts en tii. $, addrtessaoj t tis îsroigtied sot hlus (SdI., MoMlt Blocki, IBrook fMrot, Wliitby, will buc Mday, the, 29th 'Inatant, 2 Ib. uarfl'M00 __barrels Salmon~ > 06;.Omr" lot' si- 00. ba ie u -e 15 U sm,,isiafor si00. --brrelsren Cod Pish. 20 b1»,1Rice t«, i- t00, *50 baJf-bsrrelâ wbiw. ieih, ryecd Greon Tca-(IIDas llavored) 50 balf4issrrels SlMMMn Trout. 50 cent& parlb. ym-na fs4di#-tbo riglit kiud. A large iptack cfprimo pFib UhOt Yag rmouthJ3lcMsture . ut hosbp' adecouihnor P'resh Baltimore iOytmr-full onS.- 100 whlelsud< half barrels Labrador 374 conta. cl>15capelb II.rrlngs. Smke S lun5Pr 1 THE LARGESTSTOCK O? iLIQIJORS IN TEE COUNTY, CONSISTINGOP0 Port, Sherry,-sud capo %Vnu.. hlennesay'., Martel5e, aud othcr pure .Brandies, Scot.Ch, Irish,, aud Canadian whig- 1.micaRum ; Adelicions article cf Cherry Whig Liqueurs, ko. - MAc Ghbbueses'XX qa m Baws.Ai. A lot of exellent Cbecec. GHE1UEEOSTOE FR C IIRISTMAS gliEgua" Whitby, Dec. 2s, 1868. TOA A LR COUNTRY MELCIIANTS eau supply thoeselves with Goods ut In,> Eesblishmnt iful> a c<eap as they eau la>' thom dowu lkcm Toronto.,- skey xx THIOMAS LAWLER,, Agent for the oale cf Moliongus ad Consove'î celebrated AIet. CHOICE OERE No. 1,011 the0Cornex CHRISTMAS -HOLIDAYl 1 have made extensive preparationq to gui Ply my customers and thfe public with e'verything in meason1 tile- way ofr 03MGrocerit.s, New Fruit, anîd Pure Liquorî Suitâble forth r Ilolidays,.pr for any otheroccasion. As mere words could flot enum erate my extensive and -varie stock, 1 respectftidly ask my patrons to caul aud judge for then selves. ~itby, unugiug te tihe Essuta o!« )I1isi Po BUTLER &Co., OEYMMEr-CLOTBN1x,- wtlu lisuttosuinlon hdr lsj.sed b l urtit us e at.IjtlJ a ,dars umt o4tJale e te sCf purchae,, lof.cais or 'Xtie-ttiï latter, tise amies d-i ccirity'. 1 bndun -puîa5si mu yexin 1, - tloo i o 1s ve ts $o L IIIIa y isste 'loroi 1 &.1 Whotso 1Cý,IpCw t itunuet te 1 lil§ 1Wii*vEkU aisa 1< et4oMe P D(s~ sa s STAX ÇÂTL.1A ite th&î rmise. et ati lot Nu. 91, etlJi noom mi, 19 rus'on v robe 11,b the ser Ilssl-y liit 0. ,TIM o*t55i eau ýrs litigliroîserty ;t-d Visle 1y be 041 l Dec. 231 1868. - R. FRANCIS, No.11, onthe corn CHIRISTMAS AND XEW YEÂkS8 CGOODS.ý GREAT REDUCT,".ION& 10 l'EU CENT DlICouNqp AND SILVER AT PAR. viiole or' tlicir eXtoslustr stock orf Dry Goulu tasud Jiendy-Mauisi loisiug jah 10 pur ceint s cousît aut ail caxui salsai. (*rocories, Liquors ê Winos. 200 en oxc lolyer M, K. & val. Balslusi J;lîbi. "CIl ait «P gaWoînuta,011l ibctsand À monsîs. Cass lriîîudy, Ginî, Oîiumpagiie, IIt and! Se"tli Wlulstîsy, .ALDW ELL'S Cclebratesi Aiea, lu pa&kages of 10, 15 asid T. H.l. MILLAN d o 1, n BI r&iturp'. x" oi Wonid repcful n ounetlhe inbabitanta of Whiîb an d vin»,thaklba ln omn obnis.p ial 4h.Store dircti>' "E'POST OFICE, ML)iqiJAq.ýZNIU bil-WIJIT'Iï li ssoibe an t reiGveJreand Wber.e wileonaaltmsed t"'u'rui, W 1J3 , I1,e oten frehGoere n 09 hMud will be tonda the I)aily Globe. Zea&jerý aud fdegrap)..neh orderu for ah>' MÀaaine, Ëookl, Or Paper Publlshcd, Vilimi c buva ide trtattention. SANTA CLAS having appoinhed him .Agent for thiu Oouuîy, hi. Toysa ill chuter- musu>'à alittle heart and ddupe! uaobotony romi nany-- ra ir»de for tlisr.'. A"ld ýw,aï? b.'nicius-.aps osi.- d"ddi" e.wuî;hcr Oila ,An' pMiJcçueaaçDjasu c, sud hosnnie 'upesin Pelfr Chaie. sd Ol, ilraeand ,c. m Msul sd ralrsu*y Cams, <Sur Bsoui rFlceuis aUlacep, cor Bquigrelo sud Iuckaau&a OarTeumpsvilii laoii iii as u the inie buuia ~u; Au,' il in oiia e n fa' werl, es.b sl2..lgiuuc L ....- oprbkdls iye flie wezaa.. sd happy nsay Ta ha. .Px 'nusy yech7r ibhe iu.le bide. su' trio yoar Chrisunus Tre; An' agad (reesde. wla'.asrlis-lue hueu fait lthes-aride aels chu, Mlay yen surf' ue bi.. uis, bail suluiter lad Ne* Yeu.. I bave a ful IYÈuuîpofv0, IJOOL BOOKS, BLATES.. NIK& STATIONERye- a'ta am> iatiaflcd hiah j Variet>' viii provo ver>' attractive, and ni>'prices im end ume t. a liberlal bare e1 your patron'sgo. - lVblby, liec. 23, 1808, PREPÂRE FOR OHRISTMÂS H.JMESON'S INALL'S BLOCKt DUNDAS STREET. -on (q vwisite, The public atm rcspectfîîlly informed that the *subscribbÉ, has iv laecned bhusine8m in tise above promises lately 5pedbFýr nha-" n0 1 U ehua just' opced a large sud ouspeior So1'mI~l, LL oezo,, eompriaing:é-u>ea New Nolaisins & Currante, OA Ora Inon& Citron PolÉpico,. 00 Suis V'êry SuPerior Black, Green & Mfixed 7resh Tas >r4w orBroken Loaf, Crushed "id guoioado Sugara. t'ardn i lis stock o Go Blljgg ESetpRVIONS W'iîîb. found com- leaplut. and attmaeUve. A large sud fine stock of choire Wine rnig ttad aIly Suesîoii sud Old Bye Whigkeys, Choeeo, 1sec Mc'ueio oac inf lugs. ç::>- -Cali amnd e±aniino. LIno >L JAM1B8O f td-O WLitl>yi Dee., iWueAiSirt969,1 61Dutdz~. IS SHOWING A SPLENDID ASSOMTMENT OP LLOTIIS &CLOTHVuINI Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fus.Cristmas Groeerie ' Fri And-ý adviaeg :tjs ,friends, wbci wan t t ejy Chrisimas-to give him a eau. YEOMANGIESON. WhityADcemer 1, 188.J l'ave Niâ'cw0Deas ooas, Shirtinga, in cesF'annels, Blanket.,Hay Overcoatingso, SiIk Mixtures, Bue ind Black l3esver end Pilot Overéoats, P>as Jacket, ]BOnnets, Rats,Fl er, eah s,'v Kzr New Mlantie Clotha, NMant1es,:-,Op-ea cloaka', DupR es, cmade to order in the latcs$ style of fashion. New Woolen Gooýdo, $ontags, Peleri, 10 pairs of Ladiei', Clildren'a snd GentlemeisFeit Overohoes & RIubbers. The highest out fianuel lined Walking sud Skatiug Boots in the masrket. A large stok'of Faucy Goods ouitable, for Christmnas Prmset4. WILLIAM DICEIL bava, Dec. 23, 1858. Djhristmas FRESII ARRIVALS AT'i THIE DPENTRAL BOOK STORE, AND- FANCY BAZAAR, OSIIÂWÂ, i. P. WILLOI has$ouehpleue Ian onlu cin huaa It'onPsd tii. pulblc crlytitie lias jus recls-^dsu urc rîl vared 8410=10î f y à >ICxFAJY Gu~ rY , .ltbcfor'Jxe a1ppr acllr liday seagon , vhloh lie wihlisoli ut e'lux that Viti tire 'dttlu teail ~ ' o a r l ry and mins be estock wl te à er la rg oeto Dpià iw4ac, 9.2, îUa. 50 N1 bHEA CHIEA? 1HAVE JUST RE CEIVED TWO CASES 0F REY SA'IJNETTS& CANADIAN TWEEDS îich *iIl be found'very cheap, ai on cost. DR Es sc [AWLS, WOOLEN OODS, TLANNJgLa 'BLAN Eux lE I/ILLINERY Contains overything ne! 1 .Lver as pamr. 1,18 - A LARGE. AND COMPLETE STOCK. 'I'wo Tons of [Prime Factory -Cheese for BLOW THE BELLO0WS. 1JATCH1 & BROTHER have received e s upplo f Blfck- sanuhe Bollw !spro naîy yhv l.o r0100 ed thi s tock of Scotch Iron. slelglli hqaoe & (iuttr Sce], Iléose aspm ?ies, Sueror Hardware Departmùent hà ving- been thorougbly replenished, -wouId eall attention to our lai-go atock of Rogerle Table and Pocket Cutleryq, Plated Forku and Spoons, which we eau fully reeolnuend,ý also other makos of Cutier>' of auperior quoaliy>. Vriee ver low, qualit>' eonsidered. Iron Duke, Queen City, Côtntnonwc'aith, atnd other heavy cookin!g, I'srlor, Boï ufid Goal. Stoves ver>' chcap, with heavy eopper bottom furniture. .Ageulturà l Furn scs, Sugar KeUtles, Stovo Pipes, Elbowo, Patent Dumb Stoves, &c,, &o., always oit band. 3 tons di Hay, 40 Corda of Iaurd.Wood, 50,090 feet cf Luwber. 0- Boy'o ielgithomre Bello, Wbipà , RPo Ifaltéri Tracé and di(bél Chaînacs', Plateorun& other Seales, 11111, J3utting, Cross-eut and other $an ,Paots, Paint Oilo, Varnishea Japan, Glus, Patty, " e.Axes, wbolcaale, $, $0 sud,$12 por boi. psRenaember the place, *I1ATCH & BROTHER, ONTARLO, HOTEL WHITBY., ONTARIOý me ALEXANidER - - iloPro-piltir.b TiJEenbscibne alr i aiO vm tiiak e v.sy lI lea al'ei thQ-bo'oWel noihl urbi. p orcte ett v 'Toelle.Ratepayer, of the .Noi'4 uc odat -a siftail ad-vane 'Fard Ofs'thé 'ozôn or 1Vktit- GLrUTLEMEN:- O 0 D 8 Tin8teOrf o yom lce " ayer raIresetatvc tie ov- .ncl My o! u1 fersuipportcus sud fýrieudi ta, te-eî"ectles,. [BTSh thîMA COntlnued mark o! veur aprval ET»4 s4Confidence bcfor, ma-for wlsicio Jthuuik1 YOD OiiCOrl-l fins! k uiy duty to gay t<bat CARPTShumnbuulle aOW are at ye.r dispeoia, sud1 'PAIO 10,1 - I baveuis e bhor te Le, *iciu -Gentlemnen, HOM, EANKTS 0., Tour ebedleuî and! 'altilusSrvant, i Thbon. E IEILN Z.uY Lu W. Wqliçy N v. 2",184s. 4- 7 DEPARMENTBLACKSMITH 8110F w tnd styligh in, i6 týtéTDÉý ,A'i,ÉM-' -l AND i T H.E> CRIE vlw.4thal bis «AsIte sud %i ed à %" .,aic hlm.ny voubti v Pam and O ,, Pkoperty for Saleé Olwap. q'n Noth-wrl(of tothe lUlt ojfOfje temon of WbltbY, ao fli, ri.tberlxa agood Young orehard on lt* W 1 sud aL f. s'tresun ci tanig enrooiu o 10, o Iror ter»ma u partlculurs Oapply t. 9. IL OOCIIRAIrE. Or 16r REMO VAL. 00of0 h rsdus of 11v. Maj-or IUrper, Ferry Strept, Whltby Wbere le ie viiiawoy* b- fouhdrhtlap4i 4oiè.,ttcrs, &c, in thse bMea t ml leà ~~4 hliihuy otitêt pcrsou ln iL.lino, ll oin' T. P. FREEXMAN, Dec. sth, 1860. ' Wdb To the Ratepaera of Mke centreu 4uENLKMn,--Tamiaý,ad fo LeraZ -r Trusting for sà otnai& of yonr con- fldemio, I Mn, gausliauseu, -Yonr eeiln am*ant, WLltby, De00. 8, isse. - 4 To the Ratepayer.of i Centrc Ward Town,f WkitLy,, ysrle sCouucllor for <ho <Ceutre Wajrd BANIEL »DEm. Whitby, lIe. , 18.4 MAR~SHAU S. OYS'fE-11 . . IFOI.JSE, OPPOSITE ROYAL IIÃ"TELî O YSTEEIRccic r. ingw bien effe AND) WRIMM-NGs. The'Tilrig--Departmg Clothing made to brder by'flrstc-lass wrkmen1 and a guara'nteed. if-À full Stock bf Gcy,ï6eries Jrwr1fjru JAMES P R AD 51-1>' - I t- iii F 1' I.- F 1'- j; t' 1 il 1 1 ai py 1 . 1 1 ý dAtL ..AT. TIM' ,.Wbitby, Deeember -.1-6, 1868., ,by, this. 10 1 ý Duver at par. ,.Q'l. WIIMAX shaira, Dec, 28, 1888. ri. l'bc ý -Oubsceiblelr,,bas just-réééi, a rge R MTNTTI eiwy ý QrrlDlrqwtl , lirrvirinttiir 1 a B-1 1 - 1 LOWES PO , WELU Gôods