Whitby Chronicle, 17 Dec 1868, p. 2

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¶lnisdyq UMsbiutS-Tbm.eUm§.r au- &ad @jeoro,, e »si syhsd - viii @ver, pray. A...h.~ A Uzbnlgs, UfDe..180. 4itbptiion Ur. à4 ipbF l ___________________a couple, orioota ONLT 8160 CENTS À TZAR Tb@, Joey(auIcouve" for ih. $%p poteys of tl]r. Wev(long@ l taie Io te %Mà DmW M vfeat1bWr by4laws; 'to maie tii.. lu Whitby,'f s~Yllecmbr17, se.se1ce viii Jav sud go baci teb Daagasoua ef»lt.,.. méiclese.galu. f <bey - ara sBot a&rald o* If thdeceptions tii.ban, pin.» ~the st1i.spi no* belug 0edlaiToron.-<ie ud d<ha mismrmealo.ey-bavs to to legailus. tii. Narva' Guae By lavo, m@dW# uinoder ,ie secursthein paaa pamd by certain .éuulcleiie, la Osétf bcretefore, <bis fa tiihetour"e f.ey vili the muet dsif.g suvautlus dangevoas ever taie; no< by ouaslded leýgilation seci <o ventr4 uDisaitto onsida dublehaeof titeit.k# Advatage eoflth. peope ; >mon .uuntry, by ci' potfacto lgislation, Mach ubogi mival ol ileucesewe.k todestro>' labor sud #%pou@ bas bees gene to in a <te cîedit of tb, ceuntr>'b>' distunblng lia pvsparinu carv uwnl.lp lAve. flair setled hava. Have iii., Ibis mmc P.. etskotahlo &aed am.dm.,t froum lime Io îroia-uana lb.>' is uueb (a!th llu lima bu baseu the vorliothe b.iseat iiond&s ubelufa1 Und buat Iufovmud in" lu the coenty. - Public alars 14.spreadlnt aitti. s Wag1 la deaint e i.poe'.u,6sd dettee$ofmau. lftempt W<olgillta -people oui ef! udr1 ulclpatl ula reat cava bau latteri>' beau igiite. But va do truaitihre lfa"soient tahas. n d vMisb tl*tasdubi. ts'e-!old publie nlru-l.fs la, <bir reprcenatires Porpoea of praventing mouilpalit a»s'te sisu d forvsrd ie the. cusa o! popularà hlug reelm.ly lt. de n sd provldiug vigilp e, u lrssdy amerd by lav, agaluat1 for tb. ample ueuril>' o! <boir oeaditora. ail eliquelom sud sceing iegislation t Lt wuevitii tus objeet tisttihi e o vasu t. burt auy mlnistr> (rom power ubat dureo atUdded, mimngltIlîlegal for munîcipsl. 10 favon Do great su outrage, s bt an- t -tcsob xoieed tic rat#oft o! nt elsnlu-lia dosaoured te bhoparpuîraled en the com-a- dollar lu su>'n@euera. -It vasa ilî he lia iv>b>' Ibis NsrrovGange gang. W. i M l vtitsncb furtben es!eogusvdo vire binaisfor tie vaut of outupoken ludepe. tutvodeeed loto our munieipal lave; sncb douce ou the part o! tise Toronto Daily io te neqeliiug lise provldlug a enufilientàau- Prom.. Frosn seaof our dail> cotons- P anal opccial rate sud iukiug fund te psy ponaries lu tbe capital oi Ontario Wvs]M Jutertot sud de'aî, vithin the lime meo.. coulesve did neît epeci mucha. Local tl tîouedltg nauncipSi ii>-laws, adrertiaîng patronage sud, eelfitreeî abapeil tisir the bylavs le proptr fonte, Le. Tet in, course. But tii. silence o! a journal lie ti thym. respeet#, sud lu uuauy-eîher#, £hoae tii. Glob -u journal .ist appesla 10, sud P garrov diuage U Ltte'ia al imeeî tise influsences tii. publie opiuion o!fubeeviiole pilit requirementa of ithe las' e! the land, Provnnes-on SUcCÉsuo ccsion, s sons- -And il ta seehalutruueui-suisopen, thi.5 va vere net pn.pared fornindeed. The bi palpable violstions of lav-îise logiéature occasion là one tbat umpittically.demande CI o! Onariu ouked te logaliz. I B&cird <bat it sbïould opeaik*om ia prend pooi- upsu tise> are b, Ifinisters cf tise Crovo, lIon lu0 defeuce o!fu&0 legisîstion e! tie - sud Toronto influsence, sud aidcd b>' the countr'>' pover oe!the Torouto prous, tbe Narrov w M"1 Quage managers May, aucceed. Bue vist ev; r PisoutLetue vIii be tise roeut? The settiugslde tb, On Tuesay erehing lait tii, pcople o! di esiabimbed lava cf tise country. The Wisitb> bid the. pnvileged oppontaity of 1Po trsmpljng on the aucredusas o! oun muni. beuring ibis dhsalngisbcd sud cloquent di clpai iuatitutetum.-Andl te croate diatraidivine lecture la tiseMetisodiat cisrci. es, lu tise atabihit> o! tise legislatio o! tie Tii. body o!fihe ourcii eud galleries vcr o f coutry. Tbisi. viiib.thb.naturel cilcet .rovded, lier. being upvarda o! six hun. ini of upîettiug tise statuts iav of îiie land dredt perseneof ait fonouisnieim, proent. th, et 'tise biddiug o! local influence, la order Mfr. Gibbm, M. P. ftek Souh Outarie, sôteil ha le foyor a Toronbo aoterie. The nmiscbief4 su ebairman on lise occasien, eud Ber.hfr. tlb thse setting tbe proccdont viii have la ut Siater, Rer. L . àlenau RBel 1Mr. Wbii on prosent incalculuble. What eau b. urged tiug of Bevuanviuie, R. Mr. BSandeisoo!flu lu lise (su. O! inch s precedeut &aintomi Ombaa, Ro,. Mr. Recd o! Prince Albert, lu1 legaliiing municipal Iylavs o! su>a' a d dBer. Mr. Rogers ocnupied -tsels o cr.ry description heroâfienBren lite thse iigbî and loft o!flise greai Meuiiodist etl btanding raies of the. Houte have to be set obolan sud lecturer. Rer. Mn. Pousion Pr! &aida to farnibia Nstrov Gouge !enle- wu. Itroducciltote audience b>'dmtIsem eues ad oie ales' heu ote eal &atecicisairmatù, lu loues o! higis ealegy, bo ou tise Mouse eud the. ceuntry'. Iu their sud auidsî applacuensd' aionce MC siotice or applicatiorn for ameudmients to teck hais stand aitithe readiug desk. W lbiu charte t ie>' fait Lustute vIsaitishoisTiie ubjeci of teleste.,upreielouagi auseedmieuta nght to ho. Tise standing aumouceil vus&$Wesley aud bis timses." to couaulticeoos private buils bar. bien ai- For s fuil boutr sud a bal! tie Rer. tee- Dn' *&Ys rat> strict lis vequiing coupliauce tuner fairi> kepî hala audience cutranei. 010 wIîi, the reiin u iis respect; sud limse Re!erting baci tote etate o! religions vis tud-agaiu privais bis hure been tirevu feeling lu Engîsud iien George thi e W ret 411t by thaïe, te lthe gteai deînineut cr coud aseeuded tii. tbrone, sud the charme.s îfrî purtlom coce.rued, oit ibis, sud aveu tens o!rlMeu e! tiie day, li. pictun.d tise moreto oeisulgreendo. fltl ut envrvailiiuîîry o! Weslcyl laitisersud aeoli. liarrow d66magcmangers Sud ltis# Portais plishod moiber, îhoir seffeingu, pensera.. Fa of'legisisîloun open btoldly sud videly rence sund coustane>' in virluep ilu afeeihg cei .unougis aetioia.tuie i.lauh;a;nsd îtât touses. Next, .Joieu WeIsl.y ari>' youîi Nc (allure <o coupl it itheiies ,.of the bis tniale, bis igi religions aepiruiouskc. rei Sbusa - Io no luspsdiiftunîto Iegialatiou in lHo va. mcst poetis lun bis decreiption o! liieuse, Agalu vae r ha e s pècta eGeerge Wiiitfleld, aud,vitis a master baud, -~~ secouffl b>' Ber. Mn. Maclnaun, iluaS fv ~ 'IPdkion f 4f ti ttd'flid .Tee-.vl hn cbuev nunea> LuioUâ' f tu 2ioWaAlp of ' ,rig, tnavdth er. leetvur na Mivielv humblyi lowahi: tnrd h elcer (e hsW Tiat oo taelhîii of Sept.'lud, as',votselia Duoioogi vu as egoand <b. bsndie. v iwsu t"ien lati Tosusiblp of Usiridga tien prouocuod b>' Bar. Mr. Maglenasu, Ti ou à by.I'le igrasbonuso!f$50,000 vica the largo audience acpanated. - te tb. Toronto sud Niplaalng Bulivu' Ti ece.*m<o h eei !t Company.TbScnew f«abeoto eti Tbou baforoua aiEdal -of pelllug, tl b hrg u a Wils, ss'datie ticket, vire loi opinion of zdvArd Bla*r, Bsq., -.,vsplae.d at 517 cents ueb1 ý a usdoa 4u 0 ebwalud su tote .alidit>' o! "aidly.lv, mua i ban.becaua~d wbleta opinion issUs as follovsA -Teaemo, sept. 1,1868. Cutanu a Grn.-Mr. Jobustou'assp.bai &4arL, adNij*ifosf. >ltzw. po aoesdatkaso! jeveir> aui liàa i Ss%-1 lare ooueid.rs* 'bis suitable ,for Cbrleîmis gifis, 19extensive, dh Sf.wyVjo.uap suuI1.à of 'Opla. unique sud buatiuuld p for tbemmiiport dd" lb.e leetions lm Brook. Raào.-Tb. cociut for t. Ea.eubtl *111. 60 Itiv«Usi m mise Gordoo a& Wdlg1tt. tMis. ILMajoresuMd 3 B Campi#l OW~,.b -coell.et mew) -are lb oui,' mauatsfor tii. opety sav.hlp, sud ýbota are lhkeil tob. refuned, Uxuawoa.Ballvuyf.el fgla uke>taf Ptroroa a eontesî lu Uzbridie. Tb@ perai plules appoara te bu, hovae, "bt Neaam, WheIer suA hsby will tas reurnud tte .ofuty Ceucidtl-if ubey Soom.-W. lian otblug cent *ttI regard te Scott-Mlr. Sinclair, ve negret t. stat.utibu becu iu failiug beahîii, mai- ing lt'doubttal viiether lie yul couac for- yard agalu., REsr Wuinir.-Mesum. ont s6dà iî "in lasil probability veum tILtie onaty Counei-novitstauuï,ng disexpreaaed veiifctafuee o! boîha te bar. sayîbing fer- ther tu do viii b.e coudhct o! municipal affaira. Wuivsv Tovvutir.-M. Biciaill, va are tol, luntenda retiriug. Mr, DrydEen aito vlsia. te liane the. otnoli, if ig frienda viii oml rpermis iiW 10 do so ; but Lia>' ecarcel>' viiido tiiet. Tb@.caoiii of meubera te the Counot>'Counclitvil, ln the event o! Mv. Bichrell's raîlrmeiu in ait prebability beha tc eusrs. Dr>'dont Spisrs sud Wihlis. Plzcgîora.-We caunot evcn reulure to epecaae o0e ls.eeuiug men for l'ickcrnug. Man>' marnes are mentioneti. Mch dep.uds apon viai Mr. MeCreigit, tsa presuât Beasy, dacides upon doiug. OssAvsi.-Tsere fi ne taik o! epposi. tion te liers. Palubouka sud Gis-lie preseut lucurnients. Occeu.-We have beand îluut Mr. Sex. ton la liikl>'te tacoppoied. He eau bold i. onthaougb, ve beliore, sgaiisail lie. IuMiLLà» Arn rUs Nosa uWàau. -Contrar>' toe easiexpeelation, veba, iee liai Mr. momilîa s t. ba"eoppesi ou la th e Nti Word. Wby it- la lifficulitle udermiaad. Mr. licbillen bas mr(enmed hala dniy fsiifeliy sud isesîl>', îriing bis tcomcfoffiice. Ie bas beeu Pott vrigilant ia loekiug aftav tIse iuteriutm FLithe tovu. Darng ail the. proes.diugs m referes et. tieflailva>' by lav-viwile vros'ng no imupedimentasini thé vsy-bs sa boauuts mot, vulifel te guard au lutenista ef tie letpa>'evs.Ail hais vIu inlenias lie te the WlVan sd in sony- g9 thon:lie mui ueceuur.il>' promoe teb âenests e!ftiie ard se es'e tIse viol. vu. . neuetened the. coneil, viii bhers, at a lime vicu tiat body>'s'esdu- 1usd o! lic axpenieuce ef mont cf tic olil sumbeve, sud even wvit i ua diadirauisgc 0 bsu on ail Occasions psoved imâe1f à uso effcient mauben allihe conueil boanrd. Va hais net beard e tittle o! a complaint gainât the course ho. bus punsucil. Andl sonm up viat wuinten in ig, vi, he le vw te met Oppoeition 10 bis ne-ý letien ve canns cmpr.bcnd, especlal>' iben, lusu>D'oieut, thic erlelnî'ofbis lava is placed beyond a deubt. Northfa sde . eu ae niquistail te state tbat Mr. Laui tîrtbeai'.,ju'.,ii sot, su repoid, b. a sudidul. for tic represesalation &I1the ri-tii Ward, lu tie room of Mr. Gcrrie, e uare auticriad, boeaer, 10 an- Dnce ths name o!f3Kr. M.,Bsay, vbe dthauyei> srrt he Wand dnnîng a former =9 u aansdidate, ~s~w~sv.Ws-egiusiltbesuiaution ont readrs t. tbe concert te b. lueld on 'nede>'eteffiug nets. nevheba uspices the tiaciem of St. Andnev's bchc *bbsti iooel. The m"mes o!Umure hlier sud Liebitai>' islmsîmmcnfai puv- >rins, sud o! Mus. Watkif.,nsa vocal- t, requlre ao comaalioit, Mr. Mc- rnf.ry, e! Bosunillc, vWho i. s0 greut s krurite vitu Whitby audiences, vwueno ld t2 sa>' vii igre bisgssssitance. Ome o! the names, altieugi na*, yul, ' are sure, b. receili i fuver. Il cxepeeted tisi Dr. Tucker yull muppl>' an e:cmsiug fesînfe luaith.eecrtaiumout, iy De o! bis obarmimg " Beadiugs." lmms Câgmtotl!s SciooL Zxamrwx, iisk toaplie" ou rsdsy lut, vus vit altandeti, sud vau a decided sutcese. p i I p prie«, vb" ve a noi eu4 ies ilie 1ioaupson's, Adrou' saA. sud L-Hovardi sffruîy, Boe.,ýie. asu he' lireedere.l qs !s fteaumi" ,svbud *btalu.d pries la tbolr respectrve *Imm S~ t car corai, azhibI4 t bise go- son, sud saue sa pecluacai dé eèdit te harda(vtvoni îlyadi6C- 7Tèrovo vilii noi vaut for Ceritgmasbec! cblii.Mr. Briston u mas e k on~uf Tii. dl eoftbeaBom busbeeu prisei-. palhy .ccpW deàrlng tii.put vcck vith tha iarwGuage Esilvay' bille, - wicli force tfroagi sai lbazarde, Tbe.liualces vers bromght dovu on Tas4a aglît, »au olered la Commit- fo, wl'en tbe coutniifes tOSê toait. again boai 46y; 'The.Miuing billv*se âugo coneidered in geommiteou Tutdlay nigbtg'wtiin îbc Ïommilsteoroue; ïepovtedprogr.ss sd Ob- taiacdlfteve ôoiti ugain. -0..-d- Wtt<uessvSins.-Mr. Jaueaou, (lut. of!te Iie umrs. -Csmpbeilos> and sa, funvouirubi>' Irovu t. mess o! oantovua people for bis pciite attention lniu sîna, le about opcnu n e* grocor>' store ia tie promises hI> elceupied by Ne.Forr quissusn. Tii. stove viilba opened' où -menda>' nazi, vitii a large stoek of goodi th"a cannot !el te ettraci -enstemens de. inugte la>' in a suppi>' o! Cioicesfresha groceries for lbhe hitiys. -oto g e .- i-ro. This eaociation met puraonail to notice in Garti'a Hallon Wedrisday ithe 9îhu iuut. at 1.30 p.u. Afier tic gènevai bitsiness, tise names o! uav ucubens sero enrolleil, sud cominittacs appeinteil to propane a programme consistiug of music, essaye, resdinga, &c, ferrfthe next useting,vhici viii be bol tainuuplace and înc, ou Weduesdsy tise 3Oîis inst. À good Iront us>' bc expecteil et next meeting. Sxg.raiv à?PLa.-ceurs. Loves 4 Powell are nov lairing .ilv.er at, par et the. Douinien Warenoognu-Ste their stirer- dasmen't o! Christmas grecerles. Town Councul, Wsitb>', Ifendu>", or'g. v jDecoruber 14, 1808.,j i Tihe counceil uet ai 8 e'eloek, tii. Mayor a lu the chair. blmiors preoeu,-lfessrs. Il Aluin, Canserent, Cochrane, Draptr, Ger- i lic, Llolticn, IfeMillan, Phulp sud Snov. ti Prou Johu Newseu, askiug te bc ne- phid certain taxes clectei fron ,hlm wrongly, lu 1862. S Prom George Cormack, euclesing se' g couni fer dmas':ng pions sud apec1flcntioua o! proposeti engin, houa. sud market buildiing. Mr. Cormack, etatedil lai the p agrecment vas te pysyohu $35 ; but tisi as ticeIsuilding itid net go on, iig.vwas E nov villiug e ake $0 l'rem IL. . ilsosecretmvy e! tIse Wiiby anti Port Perr>' Railwa>' Coins-il pan>', encleîing resciunions passetib>' the o Railva>' Board, te Lie eflocit hat the.ee Boartril tausm.ting on the. 11tIinst, y, hsall formul>' ceeteti tic bonus e! the i tovn, ou tie tenus set forth l in heby-.st - mv. Ashtiug the nikht o!fvu>'tirougi if certain streets, and te bc reohireul frein9t tIsai portion of lia bondl te i.tevumak- $1 ing $iie veigisi o! iron 65 Ibn. te <le yard, rg anti tiat the snue bu roducati te 60 Ibm. te 0 the. yard. s SeUVzrîI<sor ru02tAliKT-TuMAv VAS %rer BOUT,. 1- t Concil resumeti in cemmittae.of thseel vhole ou tIse report e!fitie finance coins.On mitec-fr. Camevoffinluthe. chair. f . Mr. Draper expîsincdti tit the clause tl uuidpr considersf.ion, wax that recommeuti' M ing the paynsent o! $7#0 te Mr. Macdionald,,Fi manager of-Cie 'Toronto Sarings Bank. The. amounst vas claimeti for Ivo mentis interesi on $2,500, vhichitil as riateti iti been keptinluthe. raults o! tue Bank during that perieti, te meci tie pnice eofticeunir-li ict debeuturcaot i.tevu wntuaL aMount, tu a sale o! vhici Issil ecru eficccti tirougi fe Mr. Joseph. Ticetiebeîuiures vee noveril delirereti, anti eousequîenfly ithe cinim nov matie. Mv. Draper fuviier expiait ecd thai tie neoeeatieus for saI of ti4Iiobar- turcs t.ek place tireugi Mr. Pe"r on tic pari e! tIse tovn nsd lMn. Joseph as thue broker, vIso claimeilis commissipuon!o i $12,50 on tIse transaction, sud tint Lie in latter iensbil beon aireati>'allovetinaies tiie lasi siîting of tsehe ui itTliore nma1i, tl ho moiti bu s queîtions;t# tii. legalii>' of. h Lthiesd-frou the fuet iliat 1MvPers>' f. hall net biscu appointet b>' by.iw ov ecarry tc on ths negecisuions. But 1fr. Perry actei tt on tic part ef tic corporation' in gootu faiLli, andthle tevu vu Morsilihble Wfou? tIse expensea ho incorrect. T he speaker it read s lette frou Mi -Joscpb te Mr. Peri7, t1 anti a Leter (rom Mr, Macdionaldi dmati- tl iog pulynetit à Tii. Mayer ithtat fis purpee in rising vas net te oppose myuent, o! Li lt ie.But i. peeteed ruti f ren l.ooepii'bi latter, vlsicii vms dusad 23rd Sept. 16008Oc <bat tIse verdsi Mi. W. il. Mcsln;ildCo bas agai requeutil me7 oodurved. This ai sieveci tust there muaitlse becu seme n( prier corveponetitcc on the subjeet, e- g9 iven4MvU. Jesephs sud Mr. Perry,snd Liai a tiers migii hanve lucc s Pondtiial sale.,la TIse cgesponcco as net comploe, râ The cunei ougit te bu made avari et vIsait tisrt vas, bc Mr. Draper re-i-cal Mv. JoapI'a lette ils te shev t she sal3 vas luncosiditionai, ý sudsaidt tisaI«vsail tic corresponticnce of fl is antis.- 1 Mr, Allin deelueti te sitMr. Draper On viaîluer -b.bal altel-Mr, Per> if tucre nc bail buts an>' moire eorrenpoodcnco -Ce 14t. flroper.-I-did net. -th Mrv. MeXlIsa oppesedtheCia ?ayuiuCof t the daim in toto. MvJoeephisbe «Id, oi vW" Do Iegal el" muÏon tue' corpNutien. fP baie. La to thba ak keeping thdr mou y laefr vlts t cod be o' uth bding, saringa batiks plâced their mnôn.y la otbcr baniasued, drew luteresu uru ,-tir.. -or four or ôtne per cent. ff entitted t. snàything it could oui>' b. the difforsncs.' oith iii ltercs,bh" goï, snd the savon per. cent tb.y bers, c'lsn.d To ýýpay tbis $8,beesuse tbcr. vas iat; vas ealied a moral obligation,.*vu $lm 1s s.of robbor>' of tiie rsa mi h sud b. a, b.l mid, amzdAi th, patiessuppor.lng psmnt of !hiiif i. lei Mayer, eouid maie no distinction as between a moral s i 1ealobligation. Boutsuppolsig Ibisvaseith e .thought IL botter--consdeWugi the great expensei slvesdy incuvved lu ibis matter-to pal it sud, avold, the . chaces a slsnit, 1Mr. AýIlan id tbst tiking eltiier the. le- gai or moral vlev of, iii maie?, tbo towu ver. equtly' able lo psy'for'th. market ltseif-nay more so-than tiey, *ere to psy tuis item. Mv. Ifoldea expres e iopinion that if Mr. Pevry hletvdisvto the negocla. Lion viii Josepih,, Joscph couid eollect (rom him,sAnd h. ,would 'not 'bave besu vigiu that Perry sbouid b. aiio.wcd 10 psy It. fie b.lened i ii Mv. Melfillan, sud tii. court of chaucery, had s0 decided il- tIsi lb. bank coutid oui>' recoer, lunano avent, the difference belveen tii. interest t vas receiving from another batik, sud tbat charged. As t. goin; into law to test It, the. question woold bc as to vii.- tiier the. corporation or Pcrry wshisblc, sud It vouid not b.cfMir ths ai .cry siiouid b. loft te psy IL 1fr. Allu contcnded tIsai If tise'negocis- tiens for the market site vere not good in lav, Mvr.,Porry's negociations could net bc. Why, ho aake should parties at a distance b. treated wiii, more lavor tise tiioîat othome?2 Mr. Mcli ilion concluiled the.discussion b>' asserting tbet i vas ne better than nonsense te a>'tiat tiier. vas s shsdow of a i.gsl aim eitiser oun1fr. Perry or the corporation, on the t'ote onehéî clausve 1r.,.Allin sud Mt'. IicMîlian. vre ithe ouI>'diasentients, no the report was repovted snd adopted vithout amcudment Lister in the .eveniugi qft otton of 1fr, Bidn, scconded bv M. ÛrsLper, te psy Mr. Cornaek's account ef $20 for plans, k-c.,n! the. msrket building, the discussion was rencwed b>' M. MeMillan protesting against the. paynient, on the. grounds aion by hum in the former cese. Mr. Phulp, and Mfr. Draper, sud 1Ut. Gerrie gare expisuatiena sieving that Mr. Corick iad been cmployed b>'the i council, sud that alt.iough ho vas entitled te $35, ho lasd, under the circumatances, reduccd tise amount of bis aim to $20. 1 A resolution for psyment passcd. 1 veva % RnoERzs. Mv. loldmn brought up this report, sud, on motion, the council went inte commit- tee thereen, M. Draper in the. chair. The. report recommended Paymeni cf vartous items for supplies, amounting in the. aggregste te $144,33; aise s balance of accouni of $64 te G. S. Couva>', ho iisning ssisi'ctorily completed bis con- tract, viitiithe eception o! the. cave trougiis vhich Hstch& Brother hsd given a bond te finish. Tii. report aisaesicd thuit s contîsef. bad been euîered into vîtht Mr, Wm. Barnes fur enciosing the. bel tovcr, for tii. sum o! $250, but that for seone unexplained reason h. isd faiied te goon vith the. von. Tii. report vas adopted witiiout ameud- muent, snd a resolution for payment of the parties usmed in it passed. 9 ExIUIE OTiiERT5 & IMPROVEMENT> Mtr, Philp brought up thia report vhich e vas considereti in committee of tue vhole, 'V Mv. Gerrie in the chair, sud sdopted with- c out aiheudment. Tiie report set forth the il expenditure on Brock street d'iring the & year tu bc $703,68, ont of an apprpraa ion of $750 ; the. expenditure on=Dnasi atreet $328, lhe apprepriation being $250; i th. Base-lino $190; North Ward $354..fil oi. 1ente Ward $191 ; Southi'%Yrd n $1J7 La the appropriations to Coch- P ranes, BIaiv's, the. Brd concession, and Ilt Csmeronsa aide uines had not bcen expend- h ed but vero placet t the crcdit of the. L Wards, sud that tihe over expenditure bilad bueo charged te the Wards, aud the n- b expended balances crediteti in nerf. y.ars a account. [A resoiutioîî te Ibis eficct vas ti sibscquauuiy Pasused,] sud concludeti vith A. the recoimendaiion of payment of ivo C smail items te John 1Bel and Tiuiothy tIl roi.>' for vork done b>' thoins. Il RaourY o r i' zo ritAlfWAl'. v Mr. Gervie, scconded b>' Mr. Cameltsn,Bi uorcd ln amendment tit theCompany' d i. reliened (rou tii. clause, prevideil the d coman>' agreed te gaccute a bond te ho-h este the irolà t ai, rvesi of Hickory Street; t lise thsi tIse>'bing dry vod nas pce notczcecding 8 centu a coud, peurumile," green vood Sai13k cnts pcv ton, p#«'-mile: ti and 100 Corda oetflroveod, .vcvy car, for th benefio! he O tbooraiilfit ususi Ticre vas conaiderable chaing orer rd bath resoîutions-it being insinusteJ. tuat al the efcctions ver.e t hssi,kc Mr. IUfp« epreumed hiedl! lu faior c o4 tIse lsrger cigb t o o-a" "een of Vr YO 1'ba. to the ysrd,- but suid iL vau beLler net ta bdànc liii autes' un Ibsoi #.t etuiug 011 ber. vas rn tisub 'cr1 55 W The unudcrtaadlîg arired st vwu" ttaey *ea L e chabrged Js noescidot On Motion Of!- 3Mr.-(1COCttuOaecOfld0 b>' 14Y. sw, a neselution puisel rquesi Mng fii1 cleri teo lIse atteetion o,!<the tevu consalbe te by-Isv Ko. 4-,bavin.g refevence. ote propercieining fo! nes Off <Se< idealks on the. principal tIse rougifarca. - lMv. MeMllan cuaàing à Isugi b>' equiring-*, Whiiei &torl' EEmsàIoNi'tO0F à(& 055555 fr. Gerve tendevd bis rcaignation as couneillor for the Soeuh W'svd for 1869. Anil, ou motion oe! Mv. (ý amc<lou, se couded b>' Mv. HSolden, the sam vas sme cepted. Ou Motion Of Mr, Draper, Secoaded by Un. Sov, thseimesuerer vu. dirccted le psy Mni.. loin Dumu tbaauu o! $10, sud aise #bat the amomi of ber tazea b. ne. mitted. On motion o! Mv. Draper, tie beuueii adjourucd for Ivo eecis TERIBLE OUTi7AGE.' The 1BerneBrohers asd Anderson (Prou th. Trorcuto Dlly Tclsniap.) lnAIA.rolI, Ian,,, Dcc. 12.-Ouse o tic mont desperate outrages erer entec< cd in the Stat, or lu (act, le Cie Union, vas perpeivated ti N ev Albany tissmorn, ing, ana tie Mont itntenscexcitemcni nDov veigne îiivouglsoui the couzntry, This oui- rage vas the hanglng, lu>'a uob o! 1' Reg- ulatene," efthtIe notorious express robior, the. Lirce Reno -brotiera yul Chasc. Auder. son. Ttislaont o! tho mosi cold-blooded deeis n record, anthie peoplc bore stand fairl>' ugiast viiih orrer as tiink et it. lu complisuce viii youv ilespaici asking for foul particular, 1 send-ynu aitt tis possible te colleci. Tii. excitement is so Î reat tIsati h lualuesi impossible te gather .uclo, yot viat foieve May'bc.nelicd on.- Ls thé gratExpress moibor>', elunthich tie Reno Brothers anti Anderson veve participants, uas beunthse subjeet of!judi-ý viol lnteltigitit ifijour country, <lhe facts tierce! are, neani>'as vehi kuovu Liiene as bore, Tet a le«' partidtilavu s>'a sot Se eut e! plice Ie th!$ connection. Tie robien>' ook place noir thse tevu oh Seymour, in Ibhis State, sevcral mentis ago, the. exact dut. I lerget, Wie ithe nrain vas standing ut thes ation a num- ber e! persons, vIse bail arftngrd the plut bcfoveband,quctl>' uneoupleth eticcpnss car anti locomotive -frein te Islatia of th, train; several et thongeL inte the express car, viîile otIserit moiuntedtihte cab o! th. locomotive, turueti a icar>' henti if steam ou, sud shoi napid>' uva>yenso the station. TIse vhoie huiug vas doue eo conupietel>' sud cxpcditious>', Luit tic locomotive anti car ver. almoat out o! sigit befere thse ruilva>' people vero avanc of the trick that isti beeu played ountiorn. Tie aîarm vas ai cnce given, but iL wus ioen tee lite te stop thcu-hey bail van- thod viiticth locomotive sud express car, laving thse pasoeuger cavsand efficers of i.e train ut lit station. Tic oui>' porsen, except tho robuera on the. bnggage ca, ras an express meuseuger, vie vas lu tic ca vieontheIsobeta tk possiession o! i Hc is supposcil te hare defentiet i n. ni! anthei preper>' in his charge as veil as he vas able. But he ves no match for tic gang. Tise>' overpevered him nd n trew iifrons tse car, vhile Lie>' vovo fying onerithe rond aitLIse raie o! thini>' milesan eour. Ou tIse feltoving day, the poov feliov vas (ounti on Lis aide e! tise track aitbut.- destrinmtLb.injuries i. hai vectieii, sud ils. affects ef exposu.rc. [le vas caricil te a farin houa. ibord by, in ercryîIsing possible vas donc for hitu, but vithout avail.îLie expireti i tev houra itierwarda, norer biing spoken froms-the tueo hc vis pieketi up ou thse resti aide, Alter tineving tia express-mac trou CIsc mvr. tie nolubers rau on s fev miles fuir- tier, vien tic>' stoppeil. Te>' tiien rillit Ire express car o! itsi contents, visici vas ve>'rahuabie, Tic>' breke open tIse sife, an toofthe moue>' tIercfrom,wvues lie> ditideti b eon tîjau,Lied iL up lu ages, ant isn struck forthe vooda, laning tic locomotive sud car standing >n ii. tvaek. Tii. rouer>'createti su in- teua. exciiemont aIl orer ths tite, anti sunds o!fuumeneeat once foruct t scour tie country' in seavel of tiens. Soe rere urresteti sud hyncheti b>'the nsobç,- lter ti.huti udmode confession o! their giillt,sund giron auci information as is- l!icated tietionparLies, susoug vions vere Simecu, Frank, antiWilliam RIeue, anti Obiarlea Andersocn. WilliamlReueovas rresltieue imaîe aftervards, anticoun- miteid eweAlhbau>' gâtlfor tiola, but unr a cousiderable Lunonetrace coultil be und .oflie otiers. Vinailt4y la>'van vncasteti luin indsor, Canada, te vic lace the. detectire lieatracedti Licu.An application fur their extradition vas-matie, and tljesuh va alengthiy exauia.ion, te (acta of vhich are, ne doubi, veli novew tô yeur vestieus, Thue sevu avniid tettitehigiiest courts, vhere f.the vision o! the usagistrates vas eoufirucd, and tihe mon vere ordeoil te bc extra - itedl A loise- veeis &go Lie onler vas !ariei out. fTue prisoera vore fermal>' aandeti er tte i.nited States sutheri. eg:, <sien soosLthe river te Detroit, sud àen brougii on.,te tuis State sud placeti sn Mev Albany' g ol ta-ue'ail trial.before se, nexi couvi o! competeut jurisietien. beva <h.>'y rcmsineil until ibis mining, 'he: tic>' ver. btutlly lynchaid by tIse Begulatena" as,siirai >tatedi1 us> emark thsai uhe>' vere9île inuphicatati in vexrsrobuery autMsvsbleld, lu Clii. tsllu My lstub.paticlsa o vici on coul vbom h ,-tris a the RtegTtty,apdbheld uniil the Crime vsdonc. (06Ibo luerfis efle e i Rcgulstôis Isail coiiplete pasuiou oi!fli. 8building, as thse iepers viere - net stvong eneugi te>copeviii such s igatig. TIsy placeil guards ai Lhe doeirs, sud Ch.e54n#. leaders Lieu ptoccçdd to. tIse Sb#IF s Wi neeu, wvitre7tia>' fonnd tise 'icysý, #fWoritabori seaveIs. Witb.ui furibar de- la>' tse>' vent about Cthe horrible iaIt taLiabd brougitteiie tbre. fhet Prro. ceeded te tIs eloli, forcinug one o! Cie. lecepeva te accompan> thoens, and point ont Lie Reno Brethersansd - Anderson. TIse> unlecired the olacciaidgtheseunfer- tunule tucu sud took tbem oui.,-Thse inses o! Cie victilua-*re Frank ltefio, simeon %0eu1,WilliamERe, sud .Obanta' Iederaon. Tii. moment CIsc Be#ulltem, uppitaredth Ie robbcis kiir e .obeci of thoInr iait, sud tise scene t 0Iflovei vas perfect>'av!ui. -Soclug desuh star- ing lhi-lutIse fade, thse wrctcies Waggdi Imploreil, sud pnayeti fer mete>'. On their - mecs Cie>',eried lu tIse m tspilcous tenus te b. mpsrci, pvouli -ing snytbing and ererytbfing if Cie gang rîi oul>' be ucreiful. But Cicir pvayc erstel.on ears tIsi mcv e ntIing ei moed>. The un- hasppy' vvetcIsesoseIod .Isat tia>'muai diesa sat once. To implove via uscles 'tIse> ail donte ticre te iag Cisu,- sud bing. ibem the>' muât. Finding - that mere>' oulti net be ahowu tiicmi, tue robbers became desperate sud modie au siful struggle for lire.TIse>', fougit stoutl>' sud vildi>', but ther efforts veno ail o! ne trai. TIse ucb onerpovereti aud drcv thcfn from""ýhe prison. Frank Reeue is sait] te have fought lîka a iger. Uc frethed at the mouthi i s fur>', anti riti the strcngtîî of a lion but leti tlvec Mfilie. Regulators te tihecrtii, vlen lie vas fial>' kuoced senscîcas. lu Iseati ras fcar!ulIy battercl, sud ithe blond andi bu sina streauctidovu hua face. Yet, lu thia conditinhe sud 'bis companiens vore hanged b>' thi. mob.. On tic outoae o! thse gmoi tîsere ha a slk or plaiform, supponteti b>'poisaa sconsidérable tiz- tance aboe.tic gnoan;l. To tua iste pni- sonera vere taken. They were pîsceti on chairs ; Ia rape va ijuatcd aveundthefii neci of! cc, îhrewn orer itheraiiing aboiec, sud mode fast. The chiss eve tIson puietiaa>'nsd the. men loft bang. ing. Frnk nisd Simeon Reno vere left hanging back te bock. Tise other brother, Wiliaim, vas hangeat La corner b>' iiu self# vii.Anderson vas Isaugei ut tIse iack o tIse juilin ticsame usuner. The Rugulators iwcve net satiffîl ii Isshr.g- ing tiscu, but leoketi on until fusl>' cet- tait ftaf the3r store ail desti, Tii.>'then quiotly. iecked up ils, priso0n sud ail ils occupants. in o etrte rcvcnt a apeail> aîarm. Tic>' tien lefti takiug tlie kj viithobnt but on their #ry irte the doe tho>' calieti on one of thc Cotinti.,Cou. misshoners, sud teok hum viti Lieu ter tic deoa. Wien all vas rend>'yii.>' goL on board, handetheuskeya et thée prison te the Commissioner, sud tiser. sartcd back te Sesmour. Tic alarm vas ai ence giren, but it vas tee- laie le aè;complish' anytiig. Tii. iclegnipi vires had %Il been cuit, se that neyeo! th. outrage coulti net bo sent orer thle country', sud the maraudera hati beca diapevaedl in Se>'- mor, before tiec'people lirard o!f.the crime. Tie coinsisner vic neceircd the kcys veut direct te the gsel, scoru- paniet b>' sencrateothers, sud foundth Ie robuiers inging ihere atone deuil. TIse oéutrage vas perpettsteti vithout noise ýo confusion, sheving liai tb. regulators Issd ai ticir plans veli, laid. The mort in- gctting higier crcvy' moment. TIs -es s apneadtng like viltifir.. The victinua prosentei tue mont giasti> sud- horrible spectacloerer vitneused in tiris state. Tii. feeling againsitih Regalators is ver>' stvong. 8 >mouv han long becu ruled b>' theso men, bu ti at IL S(htthCi.>-have gene toc far dtsi ie, sud eomuitted aun outrage tti st'dmulescf ne palliation. Bail as the. rouera voere, tiey ilid not doervé ac a horvitidcatb. Mm,. Frank Rleno anti Ifro.Andersnsarue both in tiecdit>' ai prescrit. BailMta.of Thauiga lu Spias. MvYouuu, Deccuber 1lI.-Tia 11Ber- ald! Mfadrid specialsays s-Tii, insurrec-, tion hsas assumed a sucré îlsrming choas. te Chouevataifirat veportel. Tii. Ctale. grains from C-ais anneuueing9tlii. surréni. tier o! the insturgcnte. prove erreiseons. Ou tIse firai day o! Lie revoit.e insun- voctionisis euccceilcd in takiug semne picces o! intier>', sud hare eccupied au irupoit.. onut positin. tea.Cas AmrodeRod&ai,a baving paid $35 for a tavera licéns. rot' Mr ikl iiored inasmendm.nt that tb. priyer of thé pétiiibr d 11.' Ltoflts't be not grsnted, -1 Yeus-Mr. Parker, Nays-lmesrs Mller, green snd Wixson, Tii, miglirat ntlioewas cmiedon thi folloving diïiàion, esô, Mess.m ile sud Green_. - lis, leâsrs Parker and-' Wixoà. ,The. reere roting witirtbe yess on >motion of 1Mr. Parieri a by law vw read tire e crrai timesansd passe; àp pointing retorning off'cdaoùd places foi holing the ennuir.g municipal efoctions. On motion o! 1fr.(Green, s by law vat read thre, times aud psssed, ýcbenjiî-ng the boundaries orochool sections No; ô and Di of tbis 'crption. Li olvn On motion o013r. Parker,th fÏwg amaonts were ordered to be, psîd, Fiz-, Thof& I. Palmer, for 5upplying -Geo. Ciiapmnu viti Provisions for 10 veek aka 80 ets. per.week, $l40,1]Donald 3Mc- Pheu, for'allowance to Mia. Lapp for sup.. port of a chitd, $86, goods pet Mis. Fuller' for chiid,$4goods pet 1Robi. Middieton, $6.25. Mfr. Parier gave notice that hoe viii ai- tii. next meeting of the. council- introduce' a b>' 1mw to asmetid by-law No. 164 or ibis ceorporation entitled a, by-law to prend.e for tise liceneing of taverns andabops, and defining tii. duties et Ingpecters Of liccun. les, On motion ef Ur. Parker the treasurer vas ordercd b opay âýoin Ge. $8.60, for a, aheep killed by doge as certîlled b>' John liaight and'Ia'Vii, Justices o! tii. 4r, Wixso-n moved for les-v. to intro- duc. a by-Iaw te alter the. boundavies o( school sections NOS, ô snd ô eut and ô West. The. by-law vas rend the. fivat-ime, Mr. Wixson inored tiat the bIylaw b. rend the. second time. Mr. Perier moyed iu amendment that the. by.law bc not nov read the, Second tume but ibat it be laid orer- until ibe next meeting of the. council, and bc smend- cd b>' ading the, foltewing clause: Tha ti oth quartera of lots 12 sud 13 acd the, Soutihaives o! lots 14, là and 10 in the Ord con, b. added toa chool section No, & west, and tbait the clerk gîve the Te- quisite notices..e Tiie council sdjouvned tili the-24thi mît. During à debate in ithe Prusan Cham- ber, Bismarck declared that ikèles. feara of war had paaaed avsy.- ithi rinsurrection in (Cuba seuh maintains itself. Thora bas beeaabarp skirmish betiveen the.Spaistroops sud -sailora sud the insurgeaIs at Maviello; Som,. Pf tihe lattervcer-kilied snd s good usD7 vounded4 Xi is ruuored in kev York that Coleb- Cushing bau genet10 Erlope ou 9 secret mission, w!bich, it is suppos.di bas- refer- oence cithêr to the "' AlabasoW daJiýms, or tho purebase o! Cabri WhItby Marketoi Wbuîby, Dec. 16tb, 1868. Spling do.........1,0 1,5 ea............ 1elte Tôets. Ry..... .......... o0cts Osis., ............ 47cts Io SOti. Gneee.......30ete to40êe, ........40cts to 50e pri Chiekes . ........200 ta 30e Pr. Cordvood,......... $3 to-$& prierdi- NEW ADVERTISERMENTou HOTEL AgRVALS. ROYAL IXOTEL. Weélnu Tronto J G. i'or do~J ran, Tev - l'et Ne inCbieeJ1 lreuesisil MNMLV SalE p UBLICi lt ntict Al sud sin"v S lad1 -,I.thejtoUis cotupused of , lige cf Casisi kubdivWmîou4 *Tre ini the fr -ls isuO o i'repert> kiîoi "Ëro#gh wi4h !K&of au bsljvii BOUMi e ~ ~sFuît W»ter and i sudr, w1i l i ocsly &olise.w Torfnalsp o sudembloi tore ha«. Pe Foer fuentIt-e athe bemr -Deemisr ltI 'ro b e,Ios -wtl.tno sjo Phine Ahbntc the lime 'eoep taeierg svsym Chu Agnsnla., Dec. 16, . CmIss»b Ie vlthe ts f tir &talYp chrge.ithe the Bcsthe -Psvi statieo J ban>',

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