Whitby Chronicle, 10 Dec 1868, p. 3

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BOOTS & OVERISHOEý4-11&c., a At M- e- -. I MEW AVUIEE< jparm and VWBage Proportir for Balet Choapo coeso f W Ilýb, 0Mron. Thort a tgond Young UrabiViidunthe lot end geo asutreoniof' sbilo «. risval rond, <ilathe, vilage ot lJroillelpn. -TIICTslusas Og: is rou Hamccomu- talgingito~tn iooins on Ibis lot. For termes andl particniars apply te P'rince Albert. Wbltby. Decomber ,18-ù,4%lnS finOLVIBNT ACT Or 1864, AND AKiCNDM-E14TS TIIUSLTO. In lthe motter of'JoffN momlAtli<31,nu la hau, 1808. nlt ti o'look p. th., fur the publie oxnaslnutloii of tip liel~ sa ud for, tih -Orderlug cof the Affsaraof %he Ftoto 'cnersi1y. batisî e Whly, toi D becetaher, l180. 40 LiIof ucomudLIe't9annan Ibo Wlstby P. 0. on lot Dec., 1808.e Ayo, OCa. Fitzpatrick John ii;î, r. Flaisnsan, yds., à fl'o î . A. Iliiobuital, ihso sila Mir Ot,.Joi lé. (2) 111ll, Misi Msrgsr0t 121 eïvf - 3r, 1iinnWni. clutersin. Tihas. Mdii, John (,ImnujuhplI, Aeusse ouiton, Jaim 1(2) Osniphs-i, iu i. limcr, Ue. <'umîteilJ',hn lisrtins James 4ýoelr#,ne, 1(ob:, Ç:icl 1100.s '1t'Ol, joutis 'nrkis, JIgr. J. lstsror.C'os 3<nossy, Jtllsn lYrli ros làr . RTiju ipiis. 31,,seselre. Elità Cs1liIJohn , itluralon. J0u. C',rawforfl iabe% I'e;iotn, ciddoy'Smith »err.k, Miss Coutra e WeiuiD. Dutnisier Weue, IlsEis Diavy. Ars. Anh Vnnsascus. . liesfanJemc llc<esszinIL.J. il'orties ollng for lise ubove willI pka,*q tsbk for advertisued luttera. P. EL E~ WIitby. Tie. R.1860. Vosttnotor. WA NTED- A TR<)NG ACTIVE LAD, of fair esituca doses unbolArpremlilu otise Prititilla mîiui.i tqulrealte 0 o ULk.o of l ai.pper. MONBY -TO LOAN. -D EPAABLE I14N OR UAI 09E 1 jbyeusly itaioluit. Vei r«Tcwn luo- î'enly, ut oa rates aulor . ~Viiby, Nov. 25, 1s88. 47 plastie $Siate FORL Eooftng and, Other- Purposes. W. O. BUCHANANs 7110 eisitencce af 0s gretpuibli veut la op- lriptioely tnmet by theOie hcovîs> l 1 lutic itrlo lr loflug sal othir purpeoe, tIseré sali' of 14 yeara oeiueutsg Mince 1854 It h»amoido repid progroe.lta rulilue svriti tii#lVaitttd OSIales, und le uov n trôaltceci- luto Cauudi4lteségd be>'aud aur c'citiautauioy-of crulti e-sbaislis e loliseut-siud'uioet durable roofisg ana- tond lyôul ilsecverd. laiîe ie oBouf la mode ftrm àmixture et BiaIs Tloans i sal IÇ.er1 upreai wiai o rwel or brutia up - a 'huio0fseteutuzeaFel.1 Jt slidifios' b>' solor bouat, anud beunies rosI s-ot taonwtfiult sus>' ebuge u l e sdinicua- Conditioun. hdieav-t uoels afo o'tla dl b ooke ta et- tuto is ,Il iseulir«iy fIru rm ip oaud thoatisor di.ugreeable eliaraetostetls lesdiag tise unso ý cul tise ouan rutob siid ararsi roof. ýý linprvoo*-ltltier 'sber rensou1 carn jeuotroto or dIosslve il. IIcui~Zliuisv*'lea nor ec. ic i nallor 110w ii,touse",àuu cosipoi l o xpanai or cou- trselaa j -4hOeeust ou linocylg-.Iaiesud mnaure sdlierfit 1. àepslraeleh-*,5A uttle more of-tho sasme sort auda sbrs.h or tsowelreio»oreo It trousacl paua auaraof, >'ou niay'igusîtlîCe tif sud lieura IL ofiî, but yoi uI>' pu"teif>the @tâte suad IL romsains liioc. Voçtacaiaclfgîllîoeuyll log oil sriuousce osmporteâ, tites o îl ulu; n to he heeoun old roof Ile48ro prootifî Ep *von î'lso SlW ussuso Mil 1M01 IMMilub>' ý4ielf sior thie OU brrua0ot u 1ttl)utaiF-61919 19i Close wot,,wt viuoI>er eessltitlle iolier glviut-olfi$IJWMCb1 îî:n tlilor oui>' otiier inawyhis l- . êjdill tiusasieuue loit>' ut ies hîsss' tiuuileiuukj'Jlha, 4de 59- iangeyiotettfj ttuiilsE ANE'S, 0 IiE'ATING.ý- 1A T TOH T1Chtt1tikg, !PtleI Slo ol coas, i>ntuhe REV. L, WARNÈWRS BSYSTEX 0OPJIEATJNG Publie and Private lBuildings, Th»,eh euot sud mocistofficient syoale nuown. meo Se ppIled ta any kinua of building. Nu- lutem'u locimuilsietso lits snpcuority oie. su>' atlu* >ietluod of heomlog are lu possesson. J hi.'e vhenu ipanteai agent for Irtroducin tise %ytuni. SCd forao ir6uitw...AModal .ssDI pnluîle u ëu oia sus>' bo xurftd'0aA p- i,1.u m0ifrlaiý% De.. 9,1668. Bail der,&e1 getWlily T.the'rtea9 rsofthMTw, a~ tby o heTol snuy Ilitentioi t te r t ô teMy lily, t he omiirelation.i Witi igooi awisies for the prosecuty of Our %6wn, eisd of yuuroels lddussty. 1 roussin. yout obDWieut servant. x. J. GbNN. Whltl.y, Des. 1, 1845.,4 MR. PUNSHON'S LECTURE!! A IICIE VIip is lIE DL1VIERED IN tuoits i tlurliî, Wissîiy. u Tuenday, December i 14,.18, REV. W. M.PUHONA ou 6"Weeley mmd fils Time."7 Adclnuimlon, ris cets. Tickets cati ho ch. tiiaind orf1'. Alliai, Y. Gibbon, N. Bow, Whbit, l'y * Ar. iepiaîsasaii. Brookîlma ; and oit tfis Vildioator <'flae, otlls,As aus l1lutcclim- ber et tickets& wili ha i.suod, un -etsly spipiicsa- tion lei roconimoussleal. Tihc lecture os prono'uuîced by disintercuted jida ta ub.caoneof chu urî'IiclivPed i>listait cisswi.uosrstor, and g1leos siLlsiling déli- lisea1tôts 0i thée orcot iterauy, pliiasst<ssiila allai relîgiuais mavensnos. W .Diantoreaponnet Y, p. mi. Lecture to ooc.auaenco i t.À, p! ls. Sacy'. for Truteci W. M. C. lVhitby, Dec. , i 8 lat Hlorse, -Wagon a Demorat ]FOR SA&&0 .U J>en.crsa-ciusp.Tertnu is inoutise. Appiy ta IIATCI! & BROTHES., Ircamouugcrs5 &c., Drocc-st Whltby, Dec, 2, 1868. as ONTARLO HOTIEL, (liste . Dawos'.) WHITBY, ONTJ.ARIO. A. ALEXANDERI - Proptrictor. T IILP bibicrlber cdesîros ta reora thsuikc ta to the public fur tise ver>' libérual puatron ago betowed u ).,usihm ahilapropiotorot tise Globe' "t"", lroakîti, sisi ut tu *satune tuei talisi î, iun 0onouise that hleslenea ime sibove weil i is walotel. 1*rge addition% lissavo bea ouoiscati> mA a otise irenseceseur- lmsg mxorsewumdinuos. ouiiotiolo s -ad ossrsaing tise nuisnher ni sicc'plis. roomfi ta niearlile ou.uf more Ilion foruneri>'. A f rt- close Mlliard l'orlor vitia tiareu tableslie alite bottin sddcd. Bxtetloive atedalatothe sabiug, tlIboal ssesBoreis, &o., haveaiMso hbitn mode. Ail enoblinig tihe cndersigaeds ta cIter t3 blisOId Finonda sud tise puîlie -gesse- rlly advenaýsgêsurpssed l iuticuofalier 'balai in t7a. placé. A4e wiim et alitaues holhappy ta weleomo lhie aid friands. Whitlsy, Dac. 2, 1858. -4-> SKATING RINK DUNDAW ITREET, WHITIAY. VICTORIA, SK1ATING RfXLK W Ili lie.opeuie& thfi os o», s.soon a o laar Ahuet ti lm là formed.- Feuil y ololeV*gs ...... cie. 850e Don bici -seudloi> aa gsteiouIu ' bmieTielaw, mi*a mt . 8 iogle Tiki, gldy.........ff8. Wl, INov.u 80, 1808 . 48ý J . sliPeL, 4Ua cea, Whitisi t F'R ,NER Aré now mnufaeturing, ;hi h éktteislïe scale, their Meebrated Piàa4s, for whîch they have obltain-é,d Prizes 'and Diplom as at-the-,various PîiUvib4ial E.xhibiti'ons d-ring.the last ten years, as followal Viz - -l859-Provincial EXhi*btisu~t ou, h-. *rIiste Piuzu i86i-provinoial Exhibition,. Loiidijh, È- - FID ýEZz AND I)IPLOMAO 1861-Toronto Elcetoral Division an&. TloftioM ilih*e' Iiistitute Union Exhibition, - - Fiq¶ glzzI ), tDiWoMA. 1866-Provincial Exhibition> Toronto. - -»P MA FSEILPRIE. 1847 - Provincial Exhibition, Xingston, iltiRS2oi, t zz Ala'»DipLoMA, FO Po iANo 0op EKI» 186$-Poývincial Exhibjition, Monîreali, --VIlTPiuzEc-- LV' 1MEDAL Ait!>DïpLoîkÀ. 1868-Provitic1alExhibition, Harnlton9 Fim ?PEMIE AxN» Dil'oMi' zPIA NO 01? ÂNE ID On latb of Septemnbuar, 1-8 ê', MIL R'uqt obt-ined a Patent for theo ELLIPTIQ PJA*0, irlith Ionm combixines eno la ous stroaglh, vils ieuuty aud oiegaile ofssupe, These beauîifsul instruents are fusaI supe 4difig îhè olal siyie ai' aluaroPlano; snd, wlîh bis receninventioan, tsy wbich, te sceeof hie Gralsd Pianù cen ho appflied tbu oqor foruise oi lb.ir.e§truuacnt, willi orn laite thée place of tihe Concert Granid, haviag al tle pa*eCl te latter, ils greater CO omca, beauty, streaglia andl choep Thse case of thse ELLIPTWÙ PIANO i., made of twealy Ivo or more quarter inch plete. glauca tageliser and, morulded utiadr ymiteneopressure. to thse propetr fanr, malingin faid a soisa arcli, iîapassible, instise sliigésî-deagVee,,to-e afucteal b>'tise stroin of th eatruaga This shape enabieg the corners ta be dis'pensed wius, ea. aso tise tiick pus40ofthoeounding b oard, andt iheur>'.y timbr wrk nceayar>t50gir. isttenglh to thse Square Piano, but wiich detrneta fuoni pau y ai one sudcci»ty of viîxston. Th rotsreghof lise ELLIPI PRAME erutibs ti is wi'uék akp*up la c<nnert pil ihli alissg or (reoent timing, while tise solidu:>', power, and ponit>' f loue and vibration sre vàstiý y mproved. -The isr4 eusenable it al rays to bear-equaul>', whetiter tise Ioor be level or mtt.Sud b>' Ibis meons tise tr&it s~train la preytrd, byd ta hiac i nstrumuensersting upon four toes are lab otubehoderanged. Whitisyt Norember 11, iS189. 45-tf -bthe .Rateiayere r)f tJte Towr At the ohaitation 'di niawy et Mtn. llow townsen, 1 arn induiecd to ofler myseif as a can- didate for the 3MAYOJIALTY, at thse cnèuiag Municipal Ce'lection, I bave the lionor to bc, lehtleffien, Youîr faitbfttlcvmut CEo« I. DRTNELL. Whitby, Nov. il, 1868. .43 To the 1?aepqyers of i/he Nortie W~dof Mhe Town of Iv'?d-ý bp. G ENTLEMEN t Thée torm o o sf aie sue youar repreutasîlve Isi tue Town 4,uîuîîcl. cairiine lais yeur, I haive hotus rqus-s'.ted by Inuy ofn'yformer supporteràa enaifricg;d» tlu cIter nysel f tsr re-ciectiosi. 'aili, lii,.Ccntilsticd sasant ufofuoir apprasa al oral sousfialecobefure stise-tsr whilîaii 1 aa ),uan miacrly-1 ludfiad îu)dut>' ta sey tisat un>' lsuuntle services ai at your dlAims, usai d tlisaI i agi sitlî a caladidsto foi ro -eciîun. 1 buvo tihouîatir t<s ho, Tasur obudllc'sîand sittissi Servent, Thson. IL. MoMILLAIV. Wuqlthy, Nov. 26, 19608. 47 TOfMhEB LIXIOJS 0F TuIE TO¶W~N 0F WIII-TTBY. OFFICIALMSSICNEE. GENERÂL AGEiCY OFFICE11 r.'%1JE andereigned hnvin-v recolveai the a oi(mentor Official Assigeaee for North Ontsario, las p;eptti-ed 10 give promnpt tltantian ta ail nuaters in Benkraptcy or Ingolvency. W Proanis6ry Nottes ansd AÇcountus pccdily collected and retuittancea pronuptly made. On good (atm oeot t a8Spet co-,nt interest.ï Speclal nttent fl iob hogiron to the iugochîlan an us, and torrowerac cua reif upois iî-aving tiseir applications atteadeti ga prnpltly, on atna al mîlexpeno. kp" Alec, Lands, bath Ieuprsuroa nd unisî"rored constatitly for &&a. lnsusrances effected ia t4 izo saio PFariers ualetai nsiratne otcmaany. ~ BXR Officisal Ansigisansud Vustor. OFFICE-Iligeiow's Blockl, ne?.t abat ta the 1layol (anaeiasn ilaask, luart Perry, Deccazsbe r 2, 1868. 48 WAVrE» IEDJATELY 100 Iuskels of V lhite B~n4 1,000 bufs-bels of Oois. 500 Good Dressed 1f[ogs. lFor which tthe higbest ca sh prie lviII lie païd, flavuuglccnirsanil [NJv W L A L I Ir,%J M11 y ealic.toc 5vlnauuyaf aurervcru ta becomea, euisudidssuo l'or the M AYa.IIALII', setliseeoest affilig uuuiîtiiasl eletl(lt a e, Dstraot *itaosut ie oftio hterdeciaietita e = ea aar VINTE.R 1>151 <OOBS reqtacst.fr l'riusps tr irnoferwuIs y1an ore mprtauJust received. frcheapness and quality un- sleau I ise 1iil iet tise lLs adaeis et0iPtrô(llb tiuasu ', ' equalled. fl xtrabrdinary bargains in Blankets, Shawls, Flannels, ta Ibas uses i' w ftiatsw.wubut, Iniwid c ~fTweeds, Cas'uîmers, Overcoatîngs, "loth&ang Made to order, and a thue iorlu huasse grarulai ta hlisIailwoy u' Ous- pau>, It i ie s06acaer>' 10unese thunos~t igood fit warranted. ousl iglstaetace tsa t i. po NewiosaDress MaterialiUser, at ai' tihe ligslwoy By-low etc fulli, cuîîi iiu e ovesIor, &a., and a nie lot of Velise eoupasny. And iIt wiu ho more bel, anc Uoolen G oods, a fe extra large Buff'alo Robes, at ever se"oaury te couuict tise bu luteea of tueNO Town wilutii.h greatext poosibie eoPulVoar '.OILD NO-1 Sliuld yenu huuour me wlOi >aur *eoitileiee,i I &hll cuidosvuar ta duoiserge lIhe dulicaesit tihe Office, la' tise'.and ail chier nespecîs, fuitLs <j'( oc an 9 ir~ ,is atN lîl fuli> esAnd onsiietilioiul ,. 0eC I- aniyGrt rep riua 1 Ain, Gentlemn, Teas and Christmas Fruits. C tIardware, Feints, Olis, &C., Com- JAMES R (EnRIE. Wbithy, loth Nav.1 eft. 46 GREATSA L E 0F VÂLUABLE PROIERTY 114 TUE TOWN,- 0FWiVUITDY. Farmers Produce of all kinds ttken in exchange for goods, 5 per cent discount for ail cash puréiss. Whiii.y, liovember 25, 1868,jE M N ISN (~OMJN(4 ES Â-f1(MIN! .1. heolls, 0usd o abtot t1cho isîs business odier for satlai i.>privote constrool, tie oli* iug vaimaiblo praposit>' llôit* ta ml uit Ésshà%. lu ,22' TONS 1I iIN wlsclu iseuesdo vill issui (ist ars3£1 AO x R.areceiving their oiocis cf Bar Iron, Sieiguh Shoe, rnud jus 11) s msa cssrablhe prave rebd1jeî terSteel, wviicifor qualil>' andi prie are 14e. A. 1i aie Herse Nai raspol files, - pitued wth abrulber>' sud uei scatal", ver>' 1ev. ittrees. A genta fo* GEORGE FLINT'S CLB BNTSUFF OUTTERS PARCEL 2,-fu uuwiddd one-tnird SLEIGIIS, &0. Sa Soid aI laie prie«. sarnsd icterlu tIi. srssaulepropor. oijsivea isteroal theNatiosnali ot3andare aerciigtsirsokola4aufroua IbebeotlIons«. preuse, sitsrate t tlisoWhiby io&rrsur, tei oTrode. Tfieir aiiizfor parchaing goodaoit machuelslter ratea thson potty praier:> cf amesItou. & 'ai.purchssors en*bIe, oseaute tell tiseir goo<le aIpricesysrlieh dof>' conspetition. 'mi«. on urôek4to ,lu theTonafCTTS. bse BOU ' 111 PKS(b aldb orw ,yope o04nusettIs lit .-Tuainis lîliolie ltlo re flovigoseSotier in rapid succession,- oui>' 22nowa lu - stock;- mor'e ciag i a terni o: >Oi.t5 ai tise lacît>mass for lise nexîl1 Aise otises'1ieuîvy metal Ooaking, Parier andBox PARCBL'-09-Tte $ton@ D*ehiiug flose Stores ver>' ow., jW AXES WlIOLESALB, AT MONIIAL PRICES. auvl rlaulia, fwot, sud tsdoilaug ltse llùnoa a. ]PARCEL *-se era' on Bsook sndý -Willias tos in tovu, of Wltby, neaor 'Ibo Miii Sauva; -Buttitig, Crous.Cuoùt, IPatent Toot bh, Haind, 'Rip, sud ether Sauve. W)wmartai:g.e-in sghisaer~Ml ooâ ..hree JAMES, Genuin-e snd other Pa7nts.1 Eugluh PaintaG, Ouiý, Varnishea,'Tar>- botamlwpi#udlo tritr;ýitpeatine,,Japals, Xixed Painta . tis &td ieap sise PARCUL L onepa etmaléed' Bor. Ct>'footWhito 0QOal uonly-35 eau. pergpilon. Terniscash, ieobs>is6 ceai er i;4î oe ssbor Wag, resue, whlD.streoe o neokyo o eeri R ATCJR .TH I, bobeleigtusç ietof hoor.y iue dosi-eaIig lard gaaitotxof tbisidop-asktt9~a, persons au-J&blt'l ,am ti bu e ade ta the sabsulbher, ordu * setux 4 a.i>',sonê ld Wilson, Id# deary M«erchitesste r.quaf l ' "ID oct OauqcaiisplIdb e1no 3>t 5a NoE ntr is > purlu ed a *to ke st Cisylr -is 1 utei.(e Wlsilby, Dee~, Lt 14& ti 41.t ' tt OLE M1 AND FJNS*NTOJk ALEXANID ER jINL rî Take leve espetfuly ~ inbrmbisfritinds and patrons that -Cous' his Stockof,, 9- W lTER CLOTHS, v8lO ry complete, and àf tise' very best tuaIitýni and tIWt le sPrepa ;e-d to make BP w i s- ii paîchldi dl thse lateastye ,enttiti4é (Garmeua,- * Gentlerne n's.F ib g Gonds of ever'y description, e mrcin-Shirt8, 0011'rs '9-sBaes c. 13 M-NO FIT- NO PAY I1 Brock at., Whitby, Sept. 16, 1868. uîlveuiî. ALEIAfi~EII pRD~TGLE, 56- 1' J JUST RitECJ3ÎIVED -À LARGE ADDITION TO OUR-STOCK 0F Trweeds, F lan nels, Blan kets, Furs, - BUffalo'-Robes, l *ýNEW MiLLINElIL Clothing Made ýto Order. EW%7 ix And Family &~oeries,. Whi-tby, Nov. 18, 1868 HJAMILTON& JJRJTJR la the course cf us t'ow dja>s witlwsait tupaau aur 'Cltf£i-Aos-tagbectiptli.s aai AcYrruae A&% It lethein Interion 10 publiia awotk j TFIoill-OtJGHILY RELIABLE.< tAnal a crodil ta the Cauifty 0% well to;0tiem-, 1 ath 1e hope tIluat tiluev uIl ceive thse * CONima & COLTSON, NOIta 10,kifs'6~ fTil E*Susrsicn .1' .e toinÀ uform hla J.olal cutamors aiiisYli pptlic tisaI tle abome IMilîs are raw fi GOQD RUNNING UDR nov preliarealtae xeete ail ondea<' GRISTING & 014OPPIN Tvery &Y'>'la the ivcek. Stiîlsfneîon ejellj t-i to aif lîo110 aor lla'-witletluoir wrr. Ar- r.ugemeaîts have..becn nmode ailla tse' pro- prietora of tise bu ol et, wheroby .ipres c6tnlng t4'tlise e-ae Mlii fttom thà.8auaîb, are exempt trou!lldate. JOHN TiflIPiON. M IAib>, No,. 17, 1809. * 1-6 SHINGLES FOR SKLIÉ. 1I9 UNDERSIGNED batso od, and! R.IAY# Wilitby, Qct. 28, 1869. - Cash!tl Cash! cama prie. foruy qu-autity aI WTEBEANS, ]POTATO, 1ANTD £LAX -SEED;iý -JO~HN MEuTEiF, - - Wamny. Uthr29, 1869. 48 TIH0ROLDx ONTa TlHa. LO K, Prie toro Ilua peblico eurahy. P3'ýTbo rer>' bet bt"ofe Wiues, Liqeun.id Caprstasv*Fç- n b luuu. ," lm.utaii d fromuitlt uai4i, lauctonu wis bUC lue..BJillard Tables aMdgood Luer>. swppl,)ao ujeI Boms for Mermue eArts. j NO. TILL Wtould reapectfnlly oeil attention to their l tr and Cabinet Ware,; al .of tbe, néwesl An examination of their FIRST-CLÂSS 81~ them-in sayirig-khàt thets la none-superlôr.i QJ7 IJpbolsteriing of alt-k ,work gnaran éeil-o,ý-e ez mutea in -e uperiu S ~ a iHé P ar tIni *4a.n,à 'eu :, -1o sept. 9, 1868. 'I - 1 nom ., L 1 ý 1

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